One Step After Fall - Achievement Walkthrough (1000G IN 13 MINUTES)

  • Опубликовано: 20 дек 2024

Комментарии • 121

  • @CheetahsGuides
    @CheetahsGuides  Год назад +3

    Intro 0:00
    The big fall 0:25
    Playthrough #1 Good Ending 1:10
    Steve's Letter #1 1:23
    Steve's Letter #2 1:50
    Steve's Letter #3 + Cabin Key 2:10
    Cameron's Photo 2:47
    Cameron's Letter 2:55
    Alive and kicking 3:05
    Steve's Letter #4 + Key 3:20
    Bob's Letter + Chest Key 4:20
    Steve's Letter #5 4:50
    That was easy 5:10
    John's Letter + She's Only a Ship, Mate 6:10
    Steve's Letter #6 + Self-Help Book 6:40
    Bad thoughts 7:05
    Carol's Letter 7:35
    Playthrough #2 False Ending

  • @maddiejoy77
    @maddiejoy77 Год назад +6

    just figured out how to complete the game for people having problems with the key. You don’t actually need to collect the key to unlock the chest in the shed. All you have to do it click on the lid of the chest 10 times and it will open without the key. For the bad playthrough this will save you about 2 minutes as well since you don’t need to go up the tower and can go straight to the shed.

  • @michaeljlatson
    @michaeljlatson Год назад +1

    There were a few guides available for this game. I always choose your guides over others. Great guide, thanks!

  • @RobsRemixes
    @RobsRemixes Год назад +2

    Finally got around to playing this and the guide was so precise, really appreciate it , thanks bro 👌🏻

    • @CheetahsGuides
      @CheetahsGuides  Год назад

      Thanks for watching! Glad it was helpful 😎👍

  • @cs4451
    @cs4451 Год назад +1

    We 💞 u too cheetah, please get better, take a break ,get your health back , u are important to us all.

    • @cs4451
      @cs4451 Год назад

      ​@Rœłįńçæż thanks I don't know why I get them confused all the time

  • @MrRustyNailz.
    @MrRustyNailz. Год назад +1

    As usual another perfect guide,thanks Cheetah.Hope you're feeling better soon dude.

    • @CheetahsGuides
      @CheetahsGuides  Год назад +1

      Glad the guide was perfect and thanks! I'm feeling much better 😎👍

  • @thenickp1278
    @thenickp1278 Год назад

    Great guide my man ! Thank you once again !

  • @alanbenson3104
    @alanbenson3104 Год назад

    Thank you, and hope you feel better soon!

    • @CheetahsGuides
      @CheetahsGuides  Год назад

      Thanks! You're welcome and cute dog 🐕😎

  • @SiegfriedX
    @SiegfriedX Год назад

    Thanks for the guide bro! Love your guide with the narration, so easy to follow!

    • @CheetahsGuides
      @CheetahsGuides  Год назад

      You're welcome buddy! Glad it was helpful 😎👍

  • @Villously
    @Villously Год назад

    Awesome guide as always! Hope you feel better!

  • @requiem7161
    @requiem7161 Год назад

    Great guide!

  • @PaulQuin
    @PaulQuin Год назад +2

    there's an issue with the windows version where it won't let you pick up the tower key. one solution, which worked for me, is to turn graphics settings down all the way and turn on windowed mode. then it let me pick up the key on windows

    • @JeremyVaillancourt
      @JeremyVaillancourt 6 месяцев назад

      im on xbox series s and i have the same issue 😢

  • @bgrahm
    @bgrahm Год назад

    Glad that you’re feeling better bro! As always…. Great Guide! We love you too! 😂😊

  • @7Isaacz
    @7Isaacz Год назад

    Perfect guide my friend! Thanks!!

  • @forzaracer1428
    @forzaracer1428 Год назад

    Thanks bro, hope you’re feeling better.

    • @CheetahsGuides
      @CheetahsGuides  Год назад

      You're welcome man! I'm already feeling better 😎👍

  • @joshimitsu96
    @joshimitsu96 Год назад

    Nice guide thanks

  • @kukoritsu
    @kukoritsu Год назад

    Sick guide bro as always, had no clue what the game was even about but another 1000GS up, next game...Hope you get well soon

  • @sebastianbader2654
    @sebastianbader2654 Год назад

    Thank you for your work even when you are sick. Great guide 👌🏼💚

    • @CheetahsGuides
      @CheetahsGuides  Год назад +1

      No problem buddy! Thanks for watching 😎👍

  • @StormChaserZ
    @StormChaserZ Год назад

    Super Easy! Awesome Guide Cheetah! Thank you!

  • @darrenmckiernan2987
    @darrenmckiernan2987 Год назад

    I always keep this video saved in my videos to go back on and watch because they keep bringing thus game out on different languages 🤣🤣

  • @Nemesisrooster
    @Nemesisrooster Год назад

    Thanks cheetah, hope you are feeling better.

  • @Jordan-rs8ks
    @Jordan-rs8ks Год назад

    Thanks brotha perfect guide!

    • @CheetahsGuides
      @CheetahsGuides  Год назад

      Glad it was helpful! Thanks for watching 😎👍

  • @robertescalante1154
    @robertescalante1154 Год назад

    Thanks for the guide. I hope you feel better soon. ^_^

  • @St0rmEWhether
    @St0rmEWhether Год назад

    Great guide ! Thanks!😚😂

  • @untilthen7418
    @untilthen7418 Год назад

    Where is the book Green Lights Under the Sky?

  • @andythomas7714
    @andythomas7714 Год назад

    Nice one. Thank you 👍😊👍

  • @soulreaver1983
    @soulreaver1983 4 месяца назад

    Thanks Cheetah

  • @johnferguson3417
    @johnferguson3417 Год назад

    Thanks knock all the stacks

  • @iiidarkmasterii7401
    @iiidarkmasterii7401 Год назад

    Thx for the Guide 💪🏼👌🏻🏆😎

  • @BROofMETAL1975
    @BROofMETAL1975 Год назад

    Thanks very much! 🤘🏼🇨🇭🤘🏼🇨🇭🤘🏼

  • @heresjohnny6185
    @heresjohnny6185 Год назад

    Blessed Cheetah Guides

  • @gregjones3001
    @gregjones3001 Год назад

    dont have the campos achievement for inspecting a bottle of wine?

  • @paulmik315
    @paulmik315 Год назад


  • @alexzen1
    @alexzen1 Год назад

    A great guide, thanks! At the end of the first good ending, it said the protagonist would return. Would love to play a follow up to this game. Did a third play through , cause I wanted to read everything, and pick up everything.

    • @CheetahsGuides
      @CheetahsGuides  Год назад +1

      Yeah I hope they make another one of these 🙂👍

    • @alexzen1
      @alexzen1 Год назад

      @@CheetahsGuides 💥👌

  • @BenLarky
    @BenLarky Месяц назад

    Only me having issues? Most of the notes that are in this video are not there for me and the key in the tower doesn’t let me pick it up

    • @CheetahsGuides
      @CheetahsGuides  Месяц назад

      @@BenLarky The way the notes work is they don't appear unless you collect them in order so you missed a note. You have to collect them in the exact order that I show them in order for the next one to appear

  • @je36youtube
    @je36youtube Год назад +1

    You cannot pick up the key in the watchtower on the windows 10 version basically making completing this game impossible

    • @CheetahsGuides
      @CheetahsGuides  Год назад

      I believe there's a solution on the TA forums. You have to turn your graphics/video resolution down or something and that fixes it

    • @je36youtube
      @je36youtube Год назад

      @@CheetahsGuides i tried it and sadly it doesn't work. The two ending achievement are impossible to get right now. Hopefully they fix it. Perfectly fine on all the xbox versions, just the w10 that doesnt work

    • @maddiejoy77
      @maddiejoy77 Год назад +1

      @@je36youtube just figured out how to complete the game for people having problems with the key. You don’t actually need to collect the key to unlock the chest in the shed. All you have to do it click on the lid of the chest 10 times and it will open without the key. For the bad playthrough this will save you about 2 minutes as well since you don’t need to go up the tower and can go straight to the shed.

    • @TaIIer
      @TaIIer 26 дней назад

      @@maddiejoy77life saver! Thank you

  • @BeeBeeMacGee
    @BeeBeeMacGee 4 месяца назад

    Thank you,

  • @michaeljlatson
    @michaeljlatson Год назад

    Not a huge thing, but I'm still missing 4 achievements. Everything popped as it did in the walkthrough. That's odd. I think they may have added a few achievements at some point. The total for the game is 2000 gamerscore on Xbox.

  • @purpincup
    @purpincup Год назад +2

    The notes seem to be in a different place now :/ after the first 3 I couldn't find any:(

    • @addyscimmy9906
      @addyscimmy9906 Год назад +1

      Same. The one at the top of the tower is missing

    • @purpincup
      @purpincup Год назад

      @@addyscimmy9906 I had 4 and 5 missing :/

    • @addyscimmy9906
      @addyscimmy9906 Год назад

      @@purpincup I ended up playing it on a different console and it worked. Maybe reinstalling will fix it?

    • @CheetahsGuides
      @CheetahsGuides  Год назад +1

      If you miss a note the next ones won't appear.

  • @PaulQuin
    @PaulQuin Год назад

    oh man, the notes won't spawn fully. looks like there are a few issues on the windows version

    • @CheetahsGuides
      @CheetahsGuides  Год назад +1

      If you missed a note the next note won't spawn.
      Maybe check back and make sure you got the other notes

    • @PaulQuin
      @PaulQuin Год назад

      @@CheetahsGuides yeah the full sequence matters. if you can't pick up the key in the tower, the note in the helmet won't spawn.

  • @charlottecorday8494
    @charlottecorday8494 Год назад

    We love you too, hope you're feeling better now!
    Was this game part of an ongoing series? I felt like we missed a LOT of story here, even after reading the notes.

    • @CheetahsGuides
      @CheetahsGuides  Год назад +1

      ❤️ Woke up feeling much better today! Not sure if it was part of an ongoing series or not. I think this was their first game on Xbox, maybe they have another on steam? 🤔

  • @xBlacklove
    @xBlacklove Год назад

    eh... what do we do if there is no note on the Mill door?

    • @CheetahsGuides
      @CheetahsGuides  Год назад

      Sorry for the late replay, if a note doesn't appear it's because you missed the previous note before it :)

  • @Eagle069vrGaming
    @Eagle069vrGaming Год назад +1


  • @DarthRaLLe
    @DarthRaLLe Год назад

    Thx bro!

  • @thenickp1278
    @thenickp1278 Год назад


  • @bgrahm
    @bgrahm Год назад +2

    It’s funny that they just came out with an Spanish version of this game with another 2000g! 😂 what’s next the French version?

    • @CheetahsGuides
      @CheetahsGuides  Год назад +2

      Haha probably! I wouldn't be surprised 😂

    • @user-fy4il6ce8f
      @user-fy4il6ce8f Год назад +3

      Well a German version just got confirmed 😂

    • @tracycottrill1886
      @tracycottrill1886 Год назад +1

      Make sure you tell the developers to make it in more languages so we can get some easy GS😂😂😂

    • @user-fy4il6ce8f
      @user-fy4il6ce8f Год назад +1

      @@tracycottrill1886 there’s now another new windows 10 Spanish stack coming out in April m

    • @tracycottrill1886
      @tracycottrill1886 Год назад

      @@user-fy4il6ce8f That's what's up lol I need a version of every language in the world😂😂😂. What PC could be best recommended for Windows 10 version?

  • @thenickp1278
    @thenickp1278 Год назад


  • @ivan3584
    @ivan3584 Год назад +1

    Guys at 8:05 if u go in the left door u find a qr code, scan it.. im dead lmao

  • @1Obearz
    @1Obearz Год назад

    Wow that was dark 🥺

  • @lzleal9343
    @lzleal9343 Год назад +1

    Tmj. Hasta BR😎😎😎

  • @frankschroeter2534
    @frankschroeter2534 Год назад

    danke top Guide

  • @MasterEvc
    @MasterEvc Год назад

    Im playing this after the GS update, the note on the table and the previous one on the door where you get the key are not there

    • @CheetahsGuides
      @CheetahsGuides  Год назад +1

      That's because you missed the previous notes

    • @CheetahsGuides
      @CheetahsGuides  Год назад +1

      The next notes don't spawn unless you picked up the previous one. You have to collect them in order

    • @MasterEvc
      @MasterEvc Год назад

      I picked up the first at the beginning then the one on next to the locked door then when I go get the key that note is never there

    • @MasterEvc
      @MasterEvc Год назад +1

      Ahh I see. I got the note next to the door and not the one on the window. I was not watching I was listening as the video played so I could hopefully follow that way. My bad 🤦🏻‍♂️

  • @kawtharali4120
    @kawtharali4120 Год назад

    The notes are not in their places after the update!!!

    • @CheetahsGuides
      @CheetahsGuides  Год назад

      If you missed a note the next one won't appear. Make sure you collected the previous note before trying to collect the next one.

  • @Blizz_xD
    @Blizz_xD Год назад

    I love you too 😘

    @HELIXGHOST 2 месяца назад

    This guide is for 5000G

    • @CheetahsGuides
      @CheetahsGuides  2 месяца назад

      @@HELIXGHOST no this video was made before the game was 5000G but I made title update videos showing you how to do each update 👍

  • @ApexAssassinYT
    @ApexAssassinYT Год назад


  • @nikunonioi1494
    @nikunonioi1494 Год назад

    hi my mom doesn't let me use the computer this late please don't tell her but im a big fan

    • @CheetahsGuides
      @CheetahsGuides  Год назад +1

      hi gamer. I hope your mom doesn't find out

  • @robertscott5092
    @robertscott5092 Год назад +2

    People still buy games for achievements?! I thought that died with games as a service. The more you know.

    • @Grimlock987
      @Grimlock987 Год назад +1

      What’s your gamer score?

  • @robert461
    @robert461 Год назад

    Another 1000 Gamerscore, thank you so much💚💚💚

  • @longslim9374
    @longslim9374 Год назад

    Whats the g mean?

  • @1DesMac
    @1DesMac Год назад

    Why was it banned