Postmodernism and Cultural Marxism | Jordan B Peterson

  • Опубликовано: 5 июл 2017
  • Jordan Peterson, Canadian clinical psychologist and professor of psychology at the University of Toronto, speaks with The Epoch Times about Postmodernism and Cultural Marxism.
    Communism is estimated to have killed at least 100 million people, yet its crimes have not been fully compiled and its ideology still persists. The Epoch Times seeks to expose the history and beliefs of this movement, which has been a source of tyranny and destruction since it emerged. Read the whole series at
    / epochtimesdigital

Комментарии • 4 тыс.

  • @araci88
    @araci88 5 лет назад +744

    I did my master in social work at Boston University, and all they taught me was postmodernism. They never said they were indoctrinating me in that, but they only analyzed social issues from that perspective and any other perspective was not allowed or put as morally wrong. Graduated as a social justice warrior in 2016, elevated by my professors for my skills as a SJW, treated social issues and even my patients under those lenses, and then after one year, I moved back to my home country, Peru. In Peru social issues are often addressed from the leftist perspective, we have single payers health care and education, we have minimum wage, and an acceptance for big powerful government as the savior for all social problems. I got to see how it did NOT work and created tyranny in which the most affected ones were the poor and vulnerable, the same people SJW claimed to advocate for. I couldn’t understand it, how come they implemented the social policies my professors said would create equity and instead created more social problems? I started questioning everything I was taught and I started seeing and living the injustices of the so called “social justice”. One year later of exposure to the “social justice” approach and I left the left and became a libertarian. Now I believe in the power of the individual to advance in life, I believe big governments are destined to be inefficient, and I believe dividing society in groups harms the country and the human spirit. I really hope the U.S and Canada can get their universities back from this ideology before is too late, I wouldn’t want them to become developing countries like mine that get to live the injustice of the so called "social justice".

    • @davideig4281
      @davideig4281 5 лет назад +22

      A legal doctrine is something like a virus, it has something like a life. If you let it go into a living system it propagates. It has effects and the effects are a consequence of the philosophy embedded in the law. If you really want to know about this you should read Alexandr Solzhenitsyn's "Gulag Archipelago" because what he does in that book is tell you how the hypothetically humane doctrines that were embedded in radical Marxism at the end of the 1800's unfolded into Soviet Society and demolished it.

    • @anthonylodico649
      @anthonylodico649 5 лет назад

      It all comes down to using visual right side of your brain 1st! Then left logical balanced. Lmfao

    • @Weeki5
      @Weeki5 5 лет назад +12

      After thorough review of political outcomes, which includes my experience as a member of a political tribe for some years and seeing some of what goes on behind the scenes, it all reveals one core principle... "Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely." Thus, power should be distributed and diffused as much as possible.

    • @TheDionysianFields
      @TheDionysianFields 5 лет назад +3

      @@Weeki5 So which method is better for diffusing power, Marxism or capitalism? (or something else)

    • @elijahrusso5403
      @elijahrusso5403 5 лет назад +13

      Paul The Legend
      Capitalism and Marxism are economic theories, not forms of government.
      Typically, a Republic system of government seems to spread the power the most. The USA has different governments that attempt keep each other in check.

  • @ellisakim3169
    @ellisakim3169 3 года назад +145

    I was a women’s studies major at UCLA and this is absolutely spot on.

    • @trickbaby8441
      @trickbaby8441 3 года назад +3

      Imagine being as dumb as Ellisa 😂

    • @lacanian1500
      @lacanian1500 3 года назад +7

      what happened there? is learning about the history of women and feminism somehow...bad?

    • @LoneCloudHopper
      @LoneCloudHopper 3 года назад +10

      @@trickbaby8441 Has it ever occurred to you that you've been lied to?

    • @trickbaby8441
      @trickbaby8441 3 года назад +2

      @@LoneCloudHopper by?

    • @LoneCloudHopper
      @LoneCloudHopper 3 года назад +4

      @@trickbaby8441 By wherever you get your information from, unless you just like assuming things.

  • @b.snipes
    @b.snipes 4 года назад +212

    Wow. This is extremely relevant in 2020!

    • @BRAUSA
      @BRAUSA 3 года назад +6

      Peterson has been prophetic on so many levels

    • @michaelciolek8367
      @michaelciolek8367 3 года назад +6

      Postmodernism has finally really left the campu this year, and is being integrated into mainstream American society.

    • @greatgouda4792
      @greatgouda4792 3 года назад +2

      @@BRAUSA Not prophetic but predictive. Cause and effect is something very few except the sharpest minds take note of in any meaningful detail. Jordan being one who has taken note of it to the Nth degree. If you sufficiently understood human beings and the various philosophies we have then you would have arrived at the same conclusions Jordan did before just perhaps not from the same position, his position being a well educated and respected Psychiatrist and scientist, we the rest of us being the average person.
      People can arrive at the same location from many different roads.

    • @MegaBanne
      @MegaBanne 3 года назад +3

      Ahahahaha, he doesn't even know what postmodernism is lol. Hes a lazy idiot sheep, just like the rest of his fans.

    • @fun_ghoul
      @fun_ghoul 3 года назад +3

      @@MegaBanne You'd have more credibility if you weren't perpetuating McCarthyism against China, dunce.

  • @p.s8972
    @p.s8972 5 лет назад +170

    I am a graduate of OISE, the University of Toronto school of education. I can confirm that all that Dr. Peterson says is true. It was a real struggle to finished my BEd degree because I'm not a social justice warrior, but my professors and most of my colleagues were. Critical thinking---real critical thinking-- was discouraged. We either fell in line with the ideals of diversity, equity, and so on, molded in the postmodern view, or we were not fit to be teachers. I worry about the most recent graduates after Bill C-16. Thank you Dr. Peterson. You are speaking up about something important.

    • @pietzaken2220
      @pietzaken2220 5 лет назад +2

      the elite want this for there agenda's of total control. Ofcourse these brainwashed leftish people dont see this, until them self would live in a communist world. Then they are truly a slave, but cant do much about it

    • @bwprag123
      @bwprag123 5 лет назад +1

      Yeah. Absolutely. Teachers should not believe that equity or diversity are worthy aims. They should instead teach that inequity is built into the human genome, and then leaps from there into the social order. They should simply look at the diversity of the cultural and biological spheres and say, "you don't exist." Because clearly, there is no diversity; and it's much better to not acknowledge that diversity - as in psychological or cultural or social difference - exists. Blinders are good, and especially resentment of the different is good. Never acknowledge that anything that is unlike oneself exists. Live only for yourself. Know only about yourself, or about an idea of yourself that is like Robinson Crusoe: alone, self-made, having no cultural or social inheritance, no dependence on all that historically and culturally and socially has been accumulated.

    • @sh2939
      @sh2939 5 лет назад +4

      I'm from India and it's true for most of the world, the humanities dept has become a left liberal fortress and if you don't parrot their agenda they'd make sure you don't get your degree.

    • @pietzaken2220
      @pietzaken2220 5 лет назад +3

      @@sh2939 Indeed, you wont be killed, but if you dont act a certain way, you cannot get a job or money to provide for your self and family. Some call it facists or communists. I believe the un is behind things like this

    • @myheroforever90
      @myheroforever90 4 года назад +2

      P. S I have a similar experience.In my writing class at uni in the states, I did writing project about "refugees". I took the stance against refugees and just wrote the fact how the society was fooled by muslims, and the fake refugees, and the teacher advised me to edit my draft cause it sounded like racist. I didn't get it and still don't get it at all. I'm okay with diversity, and it seems like muslims want monoculturalism? And Europe doesn't look like Europe, and not just in Europe, anywhere I go, because of muslims, they all lost their own heritage somehow in the name of multiculturalism and this only happens where muslims are majority. Stop saying they are minority anymore. They are not. I remember this guy said to a black guy you're majority, especially in London, and I agreed with him ( never said this outloud though) and the black guy was staring the white guy making thr atmosphere awkward so the white guy corrected himself. Why did he have to correct himself when he said nothing wrong?
      In addition, I'm an artist myself, and it feels like in this industry, to be successful, you must produce something related to the issues that please leftists, and I'm not so much into that kind of stuff at all, and feel fearful to express my view which is quite opposite to the leftists and sometimes what I want to write has nothing to do with politics so I'm worried if my work will be underestimated get much attention because it's not interest if theirs.

  • @stormwarning9182
    @stormwarning9182 7 лет назад +767

    Professor Peterson is exactly right about Education degrees. Mine was poisoned by post modern ideology. I always wondered why my lecturers scolded me and penalised my grades when I suggested that early childhood education needed a greater male presence to balance the role models young children have, and to acknowledge the value of what children can learn from women AND men. Missed out on graduating with honours thanks to my 'unacceptable' vision for early childhood teaching. But I dodged a bullet by not being indoctrinated.

    • @rainbowtrout75
      @rainbowtrout75 7 лет назад +20

      well that's interesting you say this as I'm doing my degree in Early Childhood education and its 'the poor menz' narrative and hero worshiping all over the place, and I too and being fed post modernist garbage- that men by virtue of maleness being discriminated in our sector need affirmative action to bridge their so called disadvantage. Too bad we couldn't have swapped universities. Liberalism is a mental disease whichever angle they play opression olympics..

    • @stormwarning9182
      @stormwarning9182 7 лет назад +15

      Minty Moo sounds like you're having an interesting experience as well. Should be more about educating children than playing the victim game. Wishing you all the best for the rest of your degree :)

    • @myyt7245
      @myyt7245 7 лет назад +1

      Storm Warning

    • @Textra1
      @Textra1 7 лет назад +13

      Makes me glad I did STEM.

    • @emperortrumplordofplanetea9132
      @emperortrumplordofplanetea9132 7 лет назад +15

      Storm Warning
      what ive noticed is that anyone that goes through the schooling system and praises it, is clearly unable to think critically and ask questions. When i went to school, i hated it, no one had explanations for my questions. No one knew why a central banking system was a bad idea, no one knew where money came from or what happened to the ressources of Canada... and then I realized the fraud and I was called crazy and everyone attempted to put me in jail or drug me because i was outspoken against the fact that we, as a people, are getting ripped off daily by our own system. We trade irreplaceable ressources for monopoly money that is worthless.We manufacture research to suit the political agenda, we manufacture teachers to pursue the political agenda and when you point out the fallacies, everyone turns against you because they fear the idea of themselves being duped... They refuse to accept that they have been stupid and uncritical.
      "We are Canada's central bank. We work to preserve the value of money by keeping inflation low and stable."
      Isnt that one of the main tenets of marxism? communism?
      I once went to the website to see how they got paid... Its a crown corporation, it gets paid in precious metals at the value of the stock market. Since ive pointed that out, their entire website has been revamped and turned into a suburb of dead ends. We are being raped everyday and no one seems to notice.... Bitcoin is going to destroy everything... especially the poor if they dont wake up to the technological revolution that is about to take place, that is why they set up ethereum and have been on the assault for 7 years with fake news and fear campaigns against bitcoin. Do youself a favor and ditch fiat or suffer the consequences.

  • @AronAroniteOnlineTV
    @AronAroniteOnlineTV 6 лет назад +194

    My sister is a canadian citizen. My brother is Australian citizen. Iam still an Indian. I have persuaded them to side with Conservatives.Peterson is bang on when he warns immigrants- 'the libs are not your friends"!

    • @cruzwindu777deffsff4
      @cruzwindu777deffsff4 5 лет назад +3

      '' I have persuaded them to side with Conservatives''
      That's not necessarily good as conservatives also have been infected with cultural marxism.

    • @malokk5773
      @malokk5773 5 лет назад +4

      I find most immigrants once they get settled in Canada tend to figure that out.

    • @fathers4fairness
      @fathers4fairness 5 лет назад

      thank-you. And clearly your family has benefited from Globalist policy.

    • @AngelRaivan8579-xh4fr
      @AngelRaivan8579-xh4fr 5 лет назад +1

      Give this man some bob and vegene...... I'm sorry, but that meme is hilarious and I have to suffer 'G'day mate throw another shrimp on the barbie and ride a kangeroo cobber" so you can suffer the bob and vegene thing.

    • @anthonylodico649
      @anthonylodico649 5 лет назад

      Lmfao. No they're not

  • @meearo
    @meearo 5 лет назад +82

    "If you were a positive Stalin, one of the negative Stalins would have come along and killed you real quick" - brilliant and true

    • @peacedog315
      @peacedog315 3 года назад +6

      Very true I am reading the Gulag Archipelago and actually had to put it down 187 pages in and the killing has not stopped. Equity, utopia? Do the math.

    • @drooskie9525
      @drooskie9525 2 года назад

      @dato gegeshidze if you were in Stalins position, and you have a good heart unlike Stalin, it wouldn't matter because the cold sociopath right behind you will backstab you and usurp your position.

  • @kingdomfirst6195
    @kingdomfirst6195 4 года назад +41

    JP your your wisdom and intelligence are truly light in a very dark moment in history.

    • @kantraxoikol6914
      @kantraxoikol6914 3 месяца назад

      WW1 and WW2 were sort of worse. the plague era was arguably worse. the middle ages were bad was vietnam....wait so was...and...and...please tell me how this is a "very dark moment" ???????????? some small noisy people are waving placards and screaming. ignore them. that's not a "dark moment" that's laughable compared to real history. read more.

  • @missnomer5800
    @missnomer5800 6 лет назад +77

    Yuri Bezmenov was right.

    • @sh2939
      @sh2939 5 лет назад +7

      His is a more detailed working of communists/marxists.

    • @fredrikchristmansson3700
      @fredrikchristmansson3700 4 года назад +8

      Because he was one of the minds deliberately working to destroy countries with their doctrines before he defected and got assassinated for it.

  • @garethschatynski1179
    @garethschatynski1179 7 лет назад +1003

    I had to go to a party full of these leftist ideologues, the whole time they talked about race, splitting everyone into groups and camps. One dude went as far as to say "I hate straight white people" (He was a gay white male), I honestly couldn't make this up. My generation the millennials are beyond help at this point. We under perform at work because my fellow generation see the peak of the mountain not the climb. We constantly get offended at everything which has driven me to be a conservative. I didn't have it easy but that doesn't make me oppressed. Having to work through barriers makes you stronger and a better person. This whole victim culture needs to stop, it's not healthy for society. It is making things worse.

    • @Yesica1993
      @Yesica1993 7 лет назад +51

      @ Gareth Schatynski
      I am glad you've found your way to sanity! Honestly, I am in my 40s and I would not want to be a young person today. The world's always been crazy but I swear, the past 10 years or so, it feels like the craziness has been put on fast forward!

    • @Freedom001
      @Freedom001 6 лет назад +24

      Gareth Schatynski yep the victim culture is making me crazy. I'm this evil oppressor even I haven't done anything wrong like that. I will never forget or forgive the Democrats for doing this to our country. Racism isn't ok against whites either!

    • @richardsneed9042
      @richardsneed9042 6 лет назад +13

      They are a generation of mocking birds, feeding themselves to the wolves. It is hard to imagine anything besides drastic measures turning the Marxist tide that is now drowning out western civilization.

    • @GregQchi
      @GregQchi 6 лет назад +3

      Some barriers can be worked through, some barriers are more difficult.

    • @lotstolearn5350
      @lotstolearn5350 6 лет назад +5

      David Gwin : Boomers are, by definition, born between 1946-64 & thus are mostly retired for a few years now. Generation X is born between 1965-'84 & together with the youngest Boomers, the elder Gen.Xers are in charge now.

  • @zippy_uk1046
    @zippy_uk1046 5 лет назад +125

    "Equity trumps everything" - yeah, we will all be equal as slaves...

    • @sirrathersplendid4825
      @sirrathersplendid4825 5 лет назад +3

      Zippy_UK - Yeah, but some people are more equal than others, those who get to “share” everything out. One scoop for you, one for you .... aaannd, all the rest for me.

    • @claudefox2882
      @claudefox2882 4 года назад +5

      In death we're all equal, that's why the equity makers love genocide. (as seen in the last century)

    • @kavolis
      @kavolis 4 года назад +1

      @@sirrathersplendid4825 in capitalist system is "I produced 10 scoops so these are for me, you have made only 1, so this is for you". In socialist system the share would be like 25 for one, 25 for the second one and 50 for government. The natural difference between people with their abilities on inabilities to create and make stuff is ignored. Socialism is a perfect system for people who lack of intelligence, who are timid. The bad thing with capitalism that in the end the owners of capital will have everything if they won't f***p up at some point, the good thing is that you can make t to the top with proper strategies and decisions in your life. The bad thing with socialism is that it takes away motivation to work, to invent - why to struggle if you'll get your share just because you exist... oh, and the ones in power will live as the richest ones (the ones that are more equal than others) in capitalist system and they will rule you not with the power of money, but with brute force of interventionalism - you will end up in jail if you won't give away at least half of what you have made.

    • @DavianLicanius
      @DavianLicanius 3 года назад

      @@kavolis Except there is a lack of incentive to innovate in a capitalist environment because the company will steal your work saying you made it because of their resources, furthermore the people on top actively work to prevent newcomers from rising up. The 1% is almost all old money besides those who came into it from new markets such as computers which by now is also already dominated by a wealthy elite.

    • @kavolis
      @kavolis 3 года назад

      @@DavianLicanius Oh, OK. Interesting point of view and interesting logic (I don't agree, though), but I feel that you won't apply same logic, say, to people of non-left wing. Let me be a devils advocate here :) Did you know, that Trump was the "newcomer" (the one who gained power and tools to go against them) and pain in the ass to the richest ones (and I mean, THE RICHEST ones), international bankers and global business companies (such as Apple, Google, J.P. Morgan, Rockefeller, Rothschild and so on), thus the isteria in the media when Trump decided to go against expansion of Chinese influence. Trumps wealth is a joke compared to the money these guys dispose.

  • @Dimera09
    @Dimera09 4 года назад +59

    I am not religious in the slightest, but THANK GOD for Jordan Peterson!!!

    • @sabertooth160
      @sabertooth160 4 года назад +2


    • @luminousdarkness169
      @luminousdarkness169 3 года назад +1

      The fact that you felt the urge to preface your comment by immediately denying religious association is ironically a product of postmodernist influence. The objective morality and certainty of the devout are seen as shameful within the new societal structure, and you made certain to distance yourself from them. The archetypal "I'm not religious but I support X" comment is a very commonly aggrandized statement across the internet, specifically because it resonates with this new disgust for religion that many internalize. You don't want to be falsely labeled as some sort of shameful superstitious person or zealous Biblical literalist protestant. But your comment only serves to further disparage religion, and you're indirectly working against those who fight for meaning and objectivity, including Mr. Peterson himself. Ironic.

    • @sabertooth160
      @sabertooth160 3 года назад +2

      Luminous Darkness calm down. Jordan Peterson has helped me and probably many others come closer to religion. Your dissection of someone thanking god for Jordan Peterson even though they aren’t religious is the reason a lot of people get pushed away. He’s appreciating Jordan Peterson. You are ruining good work. It’s not that complicated.

  • @snuffsan
    @snuffsan 6 лет назад +111

    After going through school in Sweden we are not tought shit about communism and its horrific past. I had to educate myself as an adult to the horrors that was/is communism

    • @carolk6002
      @carolk6002 6 лет назад +6

      jo hu ...that's unbelievable that you were not taught that.

    • @eternalPOTATOE
      @eternalPOTATOE 5 лет назад +11

      Hi, I'm a swedish 19 year old, meaning last year I finished gymnasiet, and honestly I don't feel any of the schools I've studied at has shown communism to be positive in any sense. In fact it has always been made very clear what a negative effect it has on countries and populations. Maye that's because of the schools I've been to, or the teachers I've had, I don't know for sure. But just maybe You could have listened to what your teachers and study material said, and possibly even analyzed it. Sorry om det lät ojust haha

    • @juanmccoy3066
      @juanmccoy3066 5 лет назад +4

      I had to do that too and im from America. Ive been to some fairly good schools too.
      I didnt really know what communism was until i got curious after killing russian communists in a fucking video game. Then i googled it.
      I learned more about communism being a libertarian and educating myself than i have from being in school.
      And what i discovered is that school doesent teach you about communism because they ARE teaching you to BE a communist.

    • @tracehorrocks2473
      @tracehorrocks2473 4 года назад +1

      Yeah maybe you just sucked at school.

    • @kavolis
      @kavolis 4 года назад

      well, they have to teach about history, not about evil deeds of one particular ideology in history. I guess it's more like teacher's personal preference to put emphasis on one thing and undermine the other one. When I'm listening to what young people in USA are saying I really have an impression that they were well educated on fascism and holocaust but were barely introduced with evil deeds of Communists. But I really hope that it's not like that in Sweden

  • @BradPitbull
    @BradPitbull 7 лет назад +105

    peterson is my nigga

    • @jondoe8275
      @jondoe8275 7 лет назад +1

      DimensionZombie Same.

    • @BJoinedBReality
      @BJoinedBReality 7 лет назад +6

      he's also radfems' trigga

    • @kantraxoikol6914
      @kantraxoikol6914 5 месяцев назад

      as soon as a white person gets to say that i'll accept that as a valid word. until then, all you spouted was ignorant gibberish.

  • @stvkomer
    @stvkomer 5 лет назад +64

    It's worse now 2019 than anyone could have imagined in 2017

    • @grahamdugan
      @grahamdugan 4 года назад +3

      I just started my 5th semester in college, I managed to make it to the honors program, and now the honors Interpretation class (an English credit) that I just started this past week is centered around Critical Theory!!! I asked the professor, how am I supposed to write 10 page papers about critical theory? Literally critical lesbian dance theory and post modernism are her "suggestions" for our first paper.. are you kidding me>? is this a literal joke? I am paying $1700 for this class? seriously?

    • @JAG8691
      @JAG8691 4 года назад

      @@grahamdugan Dystopian.

    • @fun_ghoul
      @fun_ghoul 4 года назад +1

      @@JAG8691 "1984" was written by a communist, dummy.

    • @AllAroundBang
      @AllAroundBang 4 года назад

      @T.L. Watkinson Lol drink the Koolaid, just not THAT Koolaid

    • @quickjumpingfoxes
      @quickjumpingfoxes 4 года назад +2

      @T.L. Watkinson Yes, either look to STEM if you have the interest for it, or drop out, attend a community college for two years, learn a trade, and finish your education with the internet and ....... Life Experience (the best teacher of all). And you won't be in debt!!!

  • @gregbrowne3216
    @gregbrowne3216 5 лет назад +66

    I'm an old educator. Read unabridged Gulag Archipelig in 84. By the way, required reading in contemporary Russian High School. U.S. kids have no idea. This stuff is real & scary as hell..! Good God.

    • @fun_ghoul
      @fun_ghoul 4 года назад +1

      Solzhenitsyn's own wife called him a prolific liar about being in a GULAG camp, anything more convincing? Lol

    • @MacMan2152
      @MacMan2152 4 года назад +2

      It is not required. We read another book by the same author in high school though. What we have read was "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich". It is also about a soviet camp.

    • @ajathashatru1
      @ajathashatru1 3 года назад +2

      @@fun_ghoul It's okay to believe capitalist tyrannical substructures exist even if you can't see it. But when it comes to Gulags, his wife said he was a liar! 😂 Dude, do better than that!

    • @fun_ghoul
      @fun_ghoul 3 года назад +1

      @@ajathashatru1 _" It's okay to believe capitalist tyrannical substructures exist even if you can't see it."_
      You...can't see it? That's on you, dummy.

    • @fun_ghoul
      @fun_ghoul 3 года назад

      @T.L. Watkinson Ah yes, it must be the wife's fault that she divorced him. And the second wife's fault, too!

  • @Menmatters
    @Menmatters 7 лет назад +42

    "Small minority who are pushing these things." The same happened with Mao. He only had a small band, but they were able to control 100s of millions of people.

    • @emperortrumplordofplanetea9132
      @emperortrumplordofplanetea9132 7 лет назад +2

      they had no guns to fight back.... and when they did, they were crushed, look at the murders of all the student protests

    • @Menmatters
      @Menmatters 7 лет назад +3

      In the UK, I have generally been happy not to have guns (US is different and I support guns there), but fairly recently, the British police have been raiding people that have been labelled 'Far Righ't even when these people are not and have not hurt anyone. Police have started acting like political thugs and it is deeply worrying. I write to MPs and get no response or, if I'm lucky, meaningless platitudes.

    • @Menmatters
      @Menmatters 7 лет назад +1

      Matt Westbrook; There's a 1962 book called "Escape From Red China". It was written by a man who was a business man at the time Mao came to power. He described how things became increasingly oppressive. He was not so much judgmental, but more of a chronicler of events. He eventually escaped to Hong Kong and the book ended just before the Mao induced famine that killed millions.
      Under Mao, logic went out the window. Instead of putting (or allowing to continue) competent managers in charge of factories or farmers who knew how to farm in charge of food production, it was a case of political chronysm where people who hadn't a clue were the ones to take over. The constant changing of policies and the threat of sanctions against potential dissident voices kept most of the population in a state of fear. It was the uncertainty of what will happen to you and your family when you are already in a meager state that subdued the masses and all with just a small group of Yesmen that acted as Mao's henchmen and go-doers.
      The Nazis carried out a similar tactic on an individual scale when they herded people off trains and into the death camps. They knew that if the people shuffling to their deaths all attacked them on mass, they would have been overwhelmed, so they would not let them stop. They kept them moving (creating constant change in their immediate circumstances) and by doing so were able to march the inmates to their own doom on their own feet.

    • @Menmatters
      @Menmatters 7 лет назад +1

      I have not adverse things happen to me with the police yet because I am not as physically active as some due to work commitments and I am not a high enough profile in the writing world, but friends of mine who are more into things have had a few interactions. I joined some of them in a small demo last year and the police were called by some people inside the building we outside of. They had been told that we were harassing or some such thing. Two police officers turned up just to monitor things and one of them asked me how long the demo was expected to last for. There was only about a dozen of us, but at one point a police helicopter passed slowly overhead.

    • @serosona2322
      @serosona2322 7 лет назад +3

      Menmatters never forget the Tiananmen Square massacre.

  • @paullalonde592
    @paullalonde592 6 лет назад +69

    I can't believe I just caught up with this now, and the publication date was July 2017? That means that Jordan Peterson almost precisely predicted the Lindsay Shepherd scandal. Wow. Good work.

    • @giork2828
      @giork2828 5 лет назад +3

      Caught up with this yet almost another year later, April '19

    • @afrosheenix
      @afrosheenix 5 лет назад +5

      He's been fighting RUclips limited state algorithms. I just got this suggested today and have been subscribed for at least a year.

    • @kantraxoikol6914
      @kantraxoikol6914 3 месяца назад

      actually the scandal was totally random...anything would "predict" what was coming's not like Lindsay is even KNOWN. we wouldn't even know her name if it weren't for this man.... so the the whole Lindsay incident was just ammunition, but no one's ever HEARD of her or cared one whit what happened to her. . they're far too busy waving placards to care about one person who fell along the way

  • @ludwigmack
    @ludwigmack 4 года назад +165

    When he speaks, I feel like he's speaking about my home coutry, Argentina. All these things have gone far too deep.

    • @PatrickGalbraith
      @PatrickGalbraith 4 года назад +5

      And yet, a manifestly, mostly-successful example of what system would solve these issues is to the west, in Chile, yet they don't learn.

    • @guilherme2322
      @guilherme2322 4 года назад +8

      Feel bad for my brothers in Argentina. Un abrazo desde Brasil.

    • @elgeneral5279
      @elgeneral5279 4 года назад +4

      Oh, it's a global issue. This isn't just affecting the west. Its affecting south America to. You think when western culture is destroyed that they'll be satisfied? No. They'll move on to other cultures, and they'll destroy them to, they're already trying to push their agenda onto Japan and the Japanese people, so the cultural Colonisation of asia has just begun. It's about global control, until all dissent ideas, people, or nations are eliminated.

    • @a.f9578
      @a.f9578 4 года назад

      @@elgeneral5279 At a certain point it will go from multi-culturealism to non-culturalism sadly .

    • @frootkreem2579
      @frootkreem2579 4 года назад +3

      Haha you guys are crazy. Rivers running red during US installed military dictatorships which illegally overthrew democratically elected governments; the streets in Chile full of people who can't afford basic education or even the bus; Chile one of the worst affected by the 2008 crash: you guys live in a fucking weird ideological tower where reality doesn't exist, only right wing economic theory. You fucking crazy and evidentially incorrect.

  • @golkeeper8517
    @golkeeper8517 5 лет назад +19

    I never get tired of his words of wisdom

  • @RaleighJ
    @RaleighJ 7 лет назад +641

    Damn man. If you havent been red-pilled yet this video will do it.

    • @maggie19441
      @maggie19441 6 лет назад +33

      too late mate the evidence is before our eyes. from the ridiculous elevation of minority concerns, the gender elimination, mass immigration curtailing free speech, antifa, white hate, Its all there for us to see with are own eyes. Now is the time to kick out these lefty charlatans.

    • @Yurothehotot
      @Yurothehotot 6 лет назад +25

      jeep23862 Antifa is what they call themselfs you living under a rock? They are an anarcho communist group who regularly participate in political violence. Even a cursory ammount of research would reveal this to you.

    • @Yurothehotot
      @Yurothehotot 6 лет назад +11

      jeep23862 I would argue that they are anti facist in name only or rather their definition of facist is anyone who disagrees with their Marxist ideology so that they can justify committing political violence against them. I'm anti facist in that I disagree with facisim (bit of an understament) their allusion to being anarco communists is notable in the red and black flags in their emblem and the fact that many of them openly declare themselves to be so. Now I find facisim and communisim to be equally messed up and murderous ideologys but I think they both have a right to spew their nonsense when it comes to political violence though it is always unacceptable.

    • @FortyTwo6x7
      @FortyTwo6x7 6 лет назад +8

      Is this guy what passes for a professor ? He may have some correct conclusions but a broken clock is right twice a day. Cultural Marxism was the product of the Frankfurt School (a think tank in Frankfurt Germany). They fled Germany when Hitler was coming to power and went to America. They recognised pitting the working class against the rich did not work as WW1 had proved the people will rally to their country, not their class. They recognised the only way to create the reveloution was to have the country tear its self apart, and they needed all underclasses to oppose their direct oppressor. There they influenced Academia and culture. In the 60's it began with black rights (who had genuine grievances) and spread to women (feminism) who had all their genuine issues sorted by the Equal Pay Act 1964. yet they persist. The other victim groups were in place and active long before the 70's

    • @bobcrunch
      @bobcrunch 6 лет назад +6

      Churchill said that in the future, fascists will call themselves anti-fascists.

  • @hughoxford8845
    @hughoxford8845 7 лет назад +194

    Thank God for Jordan Peterson. I mean that quite literally.

    • @bernoinferno4389
      @bernoinferno4389 6 лет назад +5

      Zeus hears you

    • @stephenpowstinger733
      @stephenpowstinger733 5 лет назад

      He uses exclamations like “Jesus” “damn”, and “bloody” though. He seems to focus strictly on Canada - not the U.S.

  • @mozelb16
    @mozelb16 4 года назад +48

    I can’t state how much I love this man. It’s very hard to find someone IN THE MEDIA who is smart and speaks the truth without hesitation. One of my wishes is to meet this man and look him in the eye and say thank you. Good job man.

    • @ziggystardust3432
      @ziggystardust3432 3 года назад +1

      What is Marxism?

    • @just_a_turtle_chad
      @just_a_turtle_chad 3 года назад +5

      This man is wrong about everything

    • @trickbaby8441
      @trickbaby8441 3 года назад

      Crypto-Fascist tend to love him, yes.

    • @garryfitzgerald6233
      @garryfitzgerald6233 3 года назад

      He is after all the intellectual you deserve:

    • @dannysze8183
      @dannysze8183 3 года назад

      @@just_a_turtle_chad so wrong about everything he said.

  • @kingneptune8937
    @kingneptune8937 6 лет назад +47

    Genius , breath of fresh listening to this man.

    • @georgetsoukalas1409
      @georgetsoukalas1409 3 года назад +1

      listening to him feels refreshing but somewhat painfull too. He is honest, knowledgeable and articulate, but he also exposes your inner insecurities and some horrifying aspects of human nature. Listening to him is exciting and enlightening, and in order to be enlightened you first need to be exposed to a little darkness.

  • @aadamy
    @aadamy 6 лет назад +79

    He has the gift of Courage. A virtue that is not very common I'm afraid

    • @Thalanox
      @Thalanox 6 лет назад +2

      He's responded to this before. It's less courage to speak and more that he knows what the consequences of not speaking are, and he's more afraid of that.

    • @kantraxoikol6914
      @kantraxoikol6914 3 месяца назад

      common sense. not courage. you fight the dragon before it lands in your town....that's being farsighted , doesnt take courage to realize hell is down one road and to avoid it. that's more like cowardice than courage

  • @joshuacarrico9180
    @joshuacarrico9180 7 лет назад +530

    I'm actually surprised Peterson is not mysteriously dead.

    • @joshuacarrico9180
      @joshuacarrico9180 7 лет назад +36

      Craig MacGillicutty I shouldn't but the conspiracy theory part of brain takes over with all the angry lefties around. He makes too much sense.

    • @chadlynch1551
      @chadlynch1551 7 лет назад +26

      Huge Jones , The number of people killed and attacked by Bernie Bros over the last 6 months would seem to prove you wrong.

    • @frankguan5044
      @frankguan5044 7 лет назад +4

      He had already stated that in the video, that the post-modernists are not a united, organized group like the communists in Russia that started the October Revolution, they are more like a bunch of scattered individuals, that probably why they are not the same as, let's say, the Illuminati.

    • @joeliverman8461
      @joeliverman8461 7 лет назад +23

      Google tried to shut him down a month ago, but there was a massive upcry.

    • @RatatRatR
      @RatatRatR 7 лет назад +10

      Why? He rails against college-aged activists, not against actual political power centers.

  • @musesaid
    @musesaid 4 года назад +22

    You should listen Yuri Bezmanov. This what he was talked about 40 years ago.

    • @kantraxoikol6914
      @kantraxoikol6914 3 месяца назад

      well he didn't do crap for 40 years then. why listen to him if he was INEFFECTUAL?

  • @jacknunez9688
    @jacknunez9688 5 лет назад +16

    I love how he physically pushes his previous line of thinking to the side with his gestures

  • @vino2450
    @vino2450 7 лет назад +191

    The shift from proletariats vs bourgeoisies to oppressor vs oppressed is remarkable

    • @robertlee5456
      @robertlee5456 6 лет назад +11

      And infinitely extendable to any "have .. have not" pairing of subgroups within any society. You have more wealth than I? You have more social status than I? You're more physically attractive than I? You must be oppressing or victimizing me in some way; or you're aiding and abetting social constructs that *indirectly* result in my being a victim.

    • @blueinfiniti22
      @blueinfiniti22 6 лет назад +1

      It's basically the same as magneto in X-Men , but the left won't ever acknowledge that either.

    • @zabzec1500
      @zabzec1500 6 лет назад +4

      the best types of traitors are not Race Traitors, But Class Traitors!
      the filthiest porn on the internet is watching poor whites apologize for Donal Trump and his inept empire of waste

    • @paramanicireland8199
      @paramanicireland8199 6 лет назад

      Well it's alarming, to say the least, but it's hardly remarkable, it's the next logical step, to make an analogy, when vinal records stopped selling, music shops started selling CDs instead.

    • @benjaminchartier6458
      @benjaminchartier6458 5 лет назад +3

      @@robertlee5456 this creates the conditions for perpetual conflict,based entirely on envy!

  • @OrdoStorm
    @OrdoStorm 7 лет назад +53

    We just become a society of cowards. We afraid to speak the truth publicly. We have our values, but courage is what we need now.

    • @Aivottaja
      @Aivottaja 6 лет назад +3

      Indeed. It's a depressing, chilling thing to talk to young university students in anonymous chats and hear them say they disagree with the post-modern leftist radicalism sold as tolerance, anti-patriotism, demonization of conservatism and blatant racism, but fearing the social backlash starting from their left-leaning friends, they stay silent and invisible. And then they grow up and watch the same thing happen in society at large. And they stay silent and invisible, because they fear for their jobs. Time goes by and the decay worsens.
      It's too much to ask a couple of individuals to stand up, stand your ground and make your stand. No one or two individuals can fix this. No matter how courageous and full of energy, it calls for collective effort.
      The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing. And evil is not in entities; it's a collaboration.

    • @pauld9561
      @pauld9561 5 лет назад

      And weapons. Lots ofem

    • @kantraxoikol6914
      @kantraxoikol6914 3 месяца назад

      common sense. we always had courage....until we change your gender and call you sally anyway

  • @tonedawg1983
    @tonedawg1983 4 года назад +13

    This is one of the most important videos on RUclips!

    • @Richard_is_cool
      @Richard_is_cool 4 года назад +1

  • @hromanowsky
    @hromanowsky 4 года назад +21

    My family fled the USSR in the 50’s during the Cold War. They do not teach about Stalin in school, Mao, and Pol Pot. What’s happening in America is one of my worst fears. We are so divided with the sensationalized, bit-sized media not helping and the inability to have civil discourse that it feels we are headed towards a civil war at times. There is pressure not to be patriotic. Free speech is being threatened due to immense social pressure otherwise you will be bullied, shamed, even cut off by friends and family if you disagree with any aspect of the pushed ideology. My millennial peers have little to no critical thinking skills. They want to fit in so they echo what’s trendy and what will get them to be socially accepted. Study Yuri Bezmenov.

    • @hv4285
      @hv4285 3 года назад +2

      Exactly! I graduated HS in 2014 and the furthest we touched on the Soviet was Animal Farm (which is no direct fault of my English teacher at that time but the willful blindness of the naive individuals in the educational system). My grandparents and parents fled Vietnam and had dark stories to tell about the communists. While i attend universities to see woke students running around deconstructing America, and proudly wear the hammer and sickle banner under the guise of virtues. And they can climb ranks in their department for being such compassionate people and speaking on behalf of the oppressed while they sit in the lap a well protected neighborhood, state, and country and virtue signal on social media

    • @RobertMJohnson
      @RobertMJohnson 3 года назад

      if not headed toward civil war we are headed towards organized violence more and more for sure

    • @johnwinchester6934
      @johnwinchester6934 3 года назад

      @@hv4285 were doomed for sure

    • @merrick8000
      @merrick8000 Год назад

      Ideological subversion,
      Cheers Anna

  • @pfezziwig
    @pfezziwig 6 лет назад +200

    A Canadian treasure.

    • @gordonm7038
      @gordonm7038 6 лет назад

      p f
      Marshall McLuhan foresaw this shit hole culture...

    • @phpn99
      @phpn99 6 лет назад +3

      a canadian excrement

    • @tripps1620
      @tripps1620 5 лет назад +1

      A western treasure

    • @dewfanatic8753
      @dewfanatic8753 5 лет назад +3

      A human treasure

    • @roman14032
      @roman14032 5 лет назад

      @howto's with sam jordan, Jordan Bernt Petersen Phd.

  • @555Trout
    @555Trout 6 лет назад +600

    I've been waiting my entire life for someone to be able to articulate so brilliantly what I have not been able to.
    Dr. Peterson's bravery and ideas gives me so much hope. It's late in the game, for certain, however, the Fat Lady hasn't sung yet. Oops, did I "trigger" someone?

    • @555Trout
      @555Trout 6 лет назад +2

      Shawnee. Right on! Love to see more women listen to Dr. P!

    • @antidepressant11
      @antidepressant11 6 лет назад +4

      I'm surprised he isn't Christian.

    • @jonathanhenly99
      @jonathanhenly99 6 лет назад +11

      No you didn't trigger anyone.
      It would be best if you didn't try and create straw men all the time.

    • @555Trout
      @555Trout 6 лет назад +11

      Do you have anything better to do than bring up the oh so tired notion of "straw men"?
      That's like 8th grade debate class material. It gets so old.
      And I actually "triggered" you! LOL

    • @jonathanhenly99
      @jonathanhenly99 6 лет назад +9

      No you didn't trigger anyone.
      There's nothing 8th grade about pointing out the fallacy in your argument. The 8th grade standard comes from the fact your argument had such a fallacy in the first place.
      Don't you have anything better to say?

  • @mrscripp7091
    @mrscripp7091 5 лет назад +43

    The number of interviews Dr. Peterson does astounds me. I've been watching him for months now and still find new videos. Major respect.

    • @paulelago9453
      @paulelago9453 3 года назад

      There's more

    • @jonunangst9187
      @jonunangst9187 2 года назад

      Haha keep looking theres more buried deep within youtube

    • @coltonnixon1046
      @coltonnixon1046 2 года назад

      Man he's one of our leading minds of today keep might not agree with everything but he knows his stuff

  • @joseppebatman
    @joseppebatman 5 лет назад +46

    Peterson must be protected

  • @connord2166
    @connord2166 7 лет назад +179

    this mans a genius. I could listen to him all day...

    • @ChristianRThomas
      @ChristianRThomas 6 лет назад +2

      Not a genius. Just intelligent and fully in command of his subject. Most people in academia used to be like this. Sadly no longer - presumably as equal opportunities took its toll and the standards fell.

    • @ChristianRThomas
      @ChristianRThomas 6 лет назад +1


    • @SonoftheAllfather
      @SonoftheAllfather 6 лет назад +3

      What he is saying is completely correct. I am a graduate student in education, and it is complete indoctrination. They present no educational philosophy except social reconstructionism and its various Marxist suborders. Eventually, it will get to the point where schools will be segregated again by gender, race, and sexual identity. One school for heterosexual Black girls. One school for gay White boys. etc. It is sick, and will not end well.

    • @expatphotographer8745
      @expatphotographer8745 6 лет назад +3

      Genius? No. Damn good psychologists, certainly. His take on many philosophical issues are problematic. As a lay person, which he is, he has quite solid insights. As a philosopher, well, he just isn't. He conflates a lot of elements, such as the Frankfurt School and postmodernism. He frequently constructs invalid, and incorrect arguments, in pursuit of his complaints regarding contemporary states of affairs.
      His 'end state' complaints are focused well: his focus of identity politics, SJW's, language control, and thought control are well structured.
      People should, in my opinion, remind themselves that he's not a philosopher with an education in the field, but instead a lay person who had went back into schools of thoughts, garnered at best an introductory level understanding, then picked elements that would best buttress his arguments.

    • @SonoftheAllfather
      @SonoftheAllfather 6 лет назад

      Alpha Omega
      Is his IQ really that high? I didn't know, but I'm not surprised.

  • @suesmith2183
    @suesmith2183 6 лет назад +109

    He's the thinking person's academic; brave, furiously intelligent, handsome and absolutely RIGHT. Jordan YOU ARE A GAME-CHANGER.

    • @craig567
      @craig567 6 лет назад +4

      Sue Smith you may be the first to label him handsome :) love jbp

    • @MagnumOpusYT
      @MagnumOpusYT 6 лет назад +2

      Hypergamy right here

    • @jaradrichardsC137
      @jaradrichardsC137 5 лет назад +3

      What has Jordan Peterson ever said that is racist?

    • @j_freed
      @j_freed 5 лет назад +4

      Jarad - Jelle doesn't want proof or discussions, doesn't care - only wants to prove 'racism' is everywhere.
      That's the nature of cult-like indoctrination, since we are talking about Social Justice types and Group Identity Politics that are meant to supplant discussion and reason.

    • @AngelRaivan8579-xh4fr
      @AngelRaivan8579-xh4fr 5 лет назад

      I would've preffered the word "Correct" rather then "right" because 'They' made that word not mean what that word used to mean... it's not a direction or another word for correct anymore.... now it's a slur against someone.

  • @fd6260
    @fd6260 5 лет назад +97

    Watching Jordan Peterson educate about post modernism is like watching Messi playing soccer and pulling off an insane move

    • @MegaBanne
      @MegaBanne 4 года назад +14

      Lol nah, more like watching Zecharia Sitchin translating Sumerian writings.
      Jordan Peterson is a fucking joke. The only way to take this fuck nut seriously is to have absolutely no clue about the idea and cultural history of the last 200 years.
      It is not that Jordan is simply wrong about somethings. He has absolutely no idea about what he is talking about. He just happens to sound certain about his BS.

    • @ajathashatru1
      @ajathashatru1 3 года назад +9

      @@MegaBanne To actually believe what you've just said one have to have an incredibly, incredibly low probabilistic intersection of being moronic and dumb and uneducated and cocky at the same time. But here you are!😂😂

    • @davidap257
      @davidap257 3 года назад +2

      @@MegaBanne you sound bitter.

    • @MegaBanne
      @MegaBanne 3 года назад +1

      With so many idiots and sheep it is hard to no be bitter.

    • @ph8077
      @ph8077 3 года назад +4

      @@MegaBanne Don't be angry....your mom thinks you're very clever!
      EDIT: ..& still pins your shit paintings on the fridge, I hear?!

  • @giovannibarranca2595
    @giovannibarranca2595 5 лет назад +62

    I wish I had this man as my History teacher when I was at High School!

    • @minhocho5487
      @minhocho5487 4 года назад +13

      Well he is really bad at history so good luck.

    • @MegaBanne
      @MegaBanne 4 года назад +4

      Haha, this guy is as incompetent at history as any high school drop out. He knows jack shit about history.
      He just tries to find ways to make parts of history support his BS.

    • @philipgates988
      @philipgates988 4 года назад

      Electro-Cute you’re quite the troll.

    • @MegaBanne
      @MegaBanne 4 года назад +1

      Well sure, doesn't make me wrong though. Peter Jordanson is still shit for brains.

    • @robertandersen6387
      @robertandersen6387 4 года назад +2

      The social justice warrior trolls without jobs and reading communist tracs are alive and well. They can’t even define or understand the words, let alone the topic. Emotional appeals with four letter words are preferred over actual textbook material that requires thought and work. I teach school and the shallow thinking is not allowed in my classes! They are required to work, something the Social Justice warriors haven’t learned to do!

  • @sjjcws
    @sjjcws 7 лет назад +116

    He, seemingly, does not waste a word. Brilliant!

    • @gordonm7038
      @gordonm7038 6 лет назад

      ron a.
      Accurate language.

    • @eddobson741
      @eddobson741 6 лет назад

      Agreed. I've watched him be interviewed and I laugh when they try to paraphrase him with less words. It obviously would take many more words to make what he is saying understandable for a larger and less intelligent audience.

    • @eh3253
      @eh3253 6 лет назад

      ron a. That’s how people on his level operate. My father in law is much the same. Just badasses.

    • @jriffin6331
      @jriffin6331 6 лет назад +3

      Accept everything he says is just rhetoric. He actually doesn't trace or engage with the ideas he's supposedly critical of at all he just repeats straw mans like "identity politics", "communitarian ideals", "postmodern ideas".. He's no better than a conspiracy theorist, and appeals to his butt hurt audience in the same way. I bet he's never read much of Derrida, postmodernism isn't even a philosophy, it's more a historical moment analysed in late capitalism by many thinkers.

    • @john_clevername
      @john_clevername 6 лет назад +1

      lmao 0.36 could could could bruh stuttering and the video didt even start

  • @aaronenix6418
    @aaronenix6418 7 лет назад +319

    I love this man.

    • @veramartinski5981
      @veramartinski5981 6 лет назад +4

      me too

    • @Siel-bm7gx
      @Siel-bm7gx 6 лет назад +5

      He is a voice of reason.

    • @gordonm7038
      @gordonm7038 6 лет назад


    • @timrscott
      @timrscott 6 лет назад

      Peterson can kiss my ass. He is riding a wave of scared white Christian men who are playing the role of victim and pretending some veil of persecution has settled over them and their noble dreams. Go away and study some actual sociology rather than spewing your made up nonsense Peterson!

    • @dustash1578
      @dustash1578 6 лет назад

      the cultural Marxism conspiracy is just a continuation in a different name of the Judaeo-bolshevik conspiracy invented by the nazis. hes a crypto-fascists, why cant people see this?

  • @Jenkdog14
    @Jenkdog14 6 лет назад +41

    He absolutely killed it in this interview. Definitely one of the most potent, concise interviews i have seen of him.

  • @LM1234Life
    @LM1234Life 6 лет назад +27 where was this video when I was doing my MA at the University of Alberta??? This would have helped me so much in my marxist indoctrination classes! Sadly I seemed to be the only one who disagreed with all the ridiculous "cultural theory", that I didn't dare speak out too much.

    • @dannysze8183
      @dannysze8183 3 года назад +1

      you cannot think critically.

    • @cchandler6405
      @cchandler6405 2 года назад

      @Je suis Achmed All the usual texts read in a critical theory or modern languages and culture studies class. We studied deconstuctionism, post-colonialism, feminism, post-modernism, structuralism, post-structuralism, psychoanalysis, semiotics, queer theory.....

    • @kantraxoikol6914
      @kantraxoikol6914 5 месяцев назад

      and now we have this problem, people won't speak...and here we are. ...continue being afraid...that'll help!!! NOT

    • @kantraxoikol6914
      @kantraxoikol6914 3 месяца назад

      and since you didn't speak we are. you let the crazies win. shrug. you deserve this much more than the rest of us. good luck with your pronouns and children

  • @mariliaioannou4499
    @mariliaioannou4499 7 лет назад +36

    i think this is the first time i've actually understood Peterson's point when he talks about post modernism :p

    • @yrobtsvt
      @yrobtsvt 7 лет назад +7

      unfortunately this video reveals Peterson to be a total pseud. he may or may not have read the original texts he's talking about, but he clearly misunderstands them. it appears that he's never talked with a self-declared postmodernist himself.
      SJWs are not actually postmodernists, they're opportunists. Derrida's goal was to SAVE the west and the humanities from being taken over by hypocrites. Derrida is not significantly different from Heidegger in his attitude towards the western tradition, he simply has different things he wants to save. Peterson is also trying to save the west, and similar to Derrida, he does NOT want to save the neoplatonic/christian tradition!! Amazing!!! Derrida and Peterson are very similar, stop the presses!! But Derrida is trying to fix actual philosophy, while Peterson wants to replace philosophy with a jungian/campbellian hero's journey, which is not the western tradition at all. he is selling snake oil, narcissistic masturbation, made possible by fleeting psychological myths that work best on white guys who wanna stay the heroes of the civilizational story even as civilization collapses (no wonder the alt right loves this guy). as i said, Peterson is a pseud, he may be right on transgenderism or whatever, but he completely ignores world-problems

    • @GlendaBlumenthal
      @GlendaBlumenthal 7 лет назад +5

      Iam sorry, but you failed to provide any arguments for you accusations. As it stands you might just as well be a narcissistic weeabu with a hard on for boring. but destructive ideas and a hate for everything good who can't stand the idea of his pet topic being bad mouthed by some old dude on the internet. I mean sure, I have nothing to back this up, but there exactly lies the problems: you do not either. Well on the other hand you have a degenerate cartoon character for an avatar and a moon rune user name, and your post smells of self importance. ... so who knows?

    • @GlendaBlumenthal
      @GlendaBlumenthal 7 лет назад +5

      No man, you did not. You just put up some allegations without giving any proof. You're right, like most of petersons followers I haven't read any book by Derrida. I am preoccupied with cleaning up my room. Thereafter I'm going to sort myself out, but in the mean time you might be interested in at least posting some examples where you see statements like "Peterson wants to replace philosophy with a jungian/campbellian hero's journey" reflected, or cite some quotation that in fact proof that both Peterson and Derrida are indeed alike . I mean that's probably easy, given how much of an expert you seem to be. But if you can't, and baseless accusations are the rules of the game, I too have some to make.
      I actually am surprised that you believed you provided any argument, and not just a set of unfounded thesis's. (And I really hope I am misunderstanding the word reading, but if for any reason my non-fluent-english-understanding is right, than the statement that you having allegedly read derrida being an actual argument, is so borderline retarded, that I might be at awe how you manage to not forget breathing.)
      Edit: Just in case, I do not demand any actual citation, as much as I want an answer to 'why you think that is' to your statements, because without clarifying that question you're not having any argument.

    • @yrobtsvt
      @yrobtsvt 7 лет назад

      fyi, this is youtube comments not a f_____ing masters thesis. i offered a thesis that is indeed "founded", it is based on my personal reading of campbell, jung, derrida, and peterson. i don't know why you consider that "retarded". philosophy is not maths, dude, it's a big conversation. if i were to say something like "i believe plato's ideal republic resembles nazi germany" (not my actual belief!!!!), that would be a big generalization, but it's not an "unfounded thesis" nor is it "bullshit". if i were writing a masters' thesis on that i would need citations, but for a youtube comment, it's not "bullshit" to offer just a general thesis on peterson without citations, in the same way that saying "anita sarkeesian is a whiny twit" doesn't need citations
      while I would be interested in you trying to disprove what I wrote using quotations and citations of your own, i'm not gonna pull books off my shelf for a youtube argument... if you think what i wrote is absurd on its face, I'm not going to claim to understand your position, but I'm content to leave you ro it.

    • @yrobtsvt
      @yrobtsvt 6 лет назад

      @Takiado "he is doing his damnest to rescue its foundations and essence for his students and the world."
      The "essence of christianity," you say? Look up Feuerbach. What you're talking about was already proved pointless about 150 years ago. Remember Marx's reply to him?
      You're talking about something different from me. when I say "christian tradition" i mean the divine reality of the soul. you're talking about Peterson's jungian crap, which goes down a well-trodden road he doesn't even realize exists.

  • @bamor223
    @bamor223 6 лет назад +62

    We are seeing a great mind mature in our time. Holy crap he is making universal multidisciplinary connections and unraveling political cultural motives..... BRILLIANT!

    • @nuggert
      @nuggert 6 лет назад

      Frez ** You are a joke

    • @RichardBoone_RydwithRiq
      @RichardBoone_RydwithRiq 5 лет назад +1

      @Frez ** which ones? I think this guy is great, but if you have a reasonable argument to what he has to say, I'd love to hear your ideas.

    • @inigomontoya8943
      @inigomontoya8943 5 лет назад

      Frez ** he says to clean your damn room, meaning take care of your own problems before you try to solve the worlds ills because in doing so you are doing your small part. If we all fixed our little parts then the whole would be the better. Second he seems very humble in my humble opinion, he’s cried numerous times on stage thinking of the suffering of others and he IS brilliant, if one is a master of psychology then they would easily have a strong grasp of those other disciplines. When you study psy. You begin to see patterns in everything and everyone. Biology and the natural world is very much like that.

    • @inigomontoya8943
      @inigomontoya8943 5 лет назад

      Frez ** That’s the mark f genius and what brilliant minds can do, they simplify complex problems and develop simple actionable solutions.

    • @Lori-xt2lf
      @Lori-xt2lf 5 лет назад

      Frez ** he acknowledges that in another talk and makes attempts to link the two another way. I can’t remember how exactly.

  • @citizen_or_civilian
    @citizen_or_civilian 5 лет назад +31

    *There's a storm brewing on the horizon....*

  • @rickochet5609
    @rickochet5609 5 лет назад +17

    At times like these we live in,Important voices emerge to hopefully be heard-Jordan Petersen is one such man.

    • @MegaBanne
      @MegaBanne 4 года назад

      Lol, he's a fucking joke who knows jack shit about the topic.

    • @bettyboo8214
      @bettyboo8214 4 года назад

      @@MegaBanne you say that because you can't understand a thing he is saying.way over your head.

    • @MegaBanne
      @MegaBanne 4 года назад

      @@bettyboo8214 JP doesn't even know what post modernism is, yet he argues it like some self proclaimed expert.
      But that is the smaller of his problems. He makes claims about how psychology relates to biology with out even showing a proper model for it.
      There is no way to test his claims because they make no proper predictions. That is one of the definitions of pseudoscience.

  • @ummagumma00
    @ummagumma00 6 лет назад +41

    Finally a man who isn't afraid to tell it like it is, even with Women's Studies!

    • @helenegan1079
      @helenegan1079 5 лет назад +1

      Under Marxism he would be the first to disappear, thats what happened under Stalinism.

    • @mag-wp6yt
      @mag-wp6yt 5 лет назад

      @@helenegan1079 Indeed. He would be wasting away in a labour camp.

  • @joannebutzerin6448
    @joannebutzerin6448 6 лет назад +26

    Fantastic and CRITICAL interview. Every American should watch this to understand not only what is happening to our country, but HOW it is happening.

  • @rpgthunderthudd2827
    @rpgthunderthudd2827 5 лет назад +3

    how many thumbs up can I give??? this is totally cathartic.... this is ground shaking.... awesome!!!

  • @mintberrycrunch4333
    @mintberrycrunch4333 6 лет назад +57

    How many millions did Starbucks waste in unconscious bias training,?

    • @joejohn1492
      @joejohn1492 4 года назад +4

      mintberry crunch from my reading of the episode there was nothing unconscious about the behavior of that barista. I have been in many Starbucks and found people waiting for another with NO Starbucks drink or food in hand and nary was there a problem. I ALSO have been in Starbucks and while I waited NOT purchased anything. And nary a problem. It seems to me that Starbucks has a company open door policy that invites people in on the assumption that they will eventually make a purchase during that visit. Why that particular barista took that particular action? Only the gods know, but it sure cost Starbucks a pretty penny.

    • @sableann4255
      @sableann4255 4 года назад +2

      I refuse to buy anything at Starbucks because of this.

  • @user-ci8kw8ny3c
    @user-ci8kw8ny3c 6 лет назад +18

    What a brilliant bloke - outstanding!

  • @ZeusKnocksYouOut
    @ZeusKnocksYouOut 6 лет назад +43

    Update on my English class... my teacher said we should start teaching Spanglish in schools as the primary language because English is oppressive and disenfranchises minorities... and he said hes teaching us this because he knows a lot of this class CALLED "STRATEGIES FOR ACADEMIC WRITING" are going into education... this is the opposite of what we should be learning in a class with this title

    • @antoineralic01
      @antoineralic01 5 лет назад +3

      Well you just found a Post modernists as a teacher

    • @BigChungusthe3rd
      @BigChungusthe3rd 5 лет назад +5

      Your teacher is a piece of shit

    • @kimlersue
      @kimlersue 5 лет назад +1

      Teaching kids to speak this way..sets them up for long term failures!
      That IS child abuse.

    • @grandmalovesmebest
      @grandmalovesmebest 5 лет назад

      I had to smile when you said that about your teacher's reason for converting to Spanglish. Years ago in Miami, when the argument of the day was naming Dade County "" officially " a dual language county (English/Spanish), the trend of the day among black Americans was to convert from Christianity to Islam--for the same reason!

    • @kimlersue
      @kimlersue 5 лет назад +1

      It's alright with me if you don't speak english. It's up to you how well you want to do in life. Ignorance is and always will's own reward. I Spain I speak spanish, in France, french, and in Germany, german. Get a brain and use it!

  • @Bloatlord101
    @Bloatlord101 5 лет назад +17

    When a man has a straight 30 minute monolog, you know his talking from the hearth

  • @istvantoth7431
    @istvantoth7431 5 лет назад +9

    Jordan P - immovable object of common sense facing an unstoppable force! 👊🙏

  • @justinwatkins438
    @justinwatkins438 6 лет назад +154

    Dammit where's the super like button!

    • @fun_ghoul
      @fun_ghoul 5 лет назад +2

      It's in your brain. You have to press it with a FMJ slug. Go on now, Jim-Bob. Show Peteyboy how much you wuv him...

    • @yevgenitiger
      @yevgenitiger 5 лет назад +1

      @@fun_ghoul Wow, that was such a deep comment. So intellectually pristine. Keep it up. This is so persuasive. End sarcasm tag.

    • @fun_ghoul
      @fun_ghoul 5 лет назад +1

      @@yevgenitiger You assume I give a fuck. Oops! Nah, bitch. Trying to explain this shit to you would be like trying to teach a goldfish to read. You simply haven't the capacity.

    • @megmartel6005
      @megmartel6005 4 года назад

      Paesan -Your obnoxious behaviour is deleterious. Please reconsider your online demeanour. Thank you in anticipation

    • @fun_ghoul
      @fun_ghoul 4 года назад

      @@megmartel6005 Using big words where they don't belong indicates a lack elsewhere, O King Compensator! LOL FOH

  • @voodoowhiskey2958
    @voodoowhiskey2958 7 лет назад +17

    If we were in a galaxy far, far, away, Jordan Peterson would be like Obi Wan and Yoda at the same time!

    • @paulcoddington664
      @paulcoddington664 6 лет назад +1

      He reminds me a lot of Peter Capaldi's Doctor. He would not look out of place turning up to work in a TARDIS and carrying a sonic screwdriver.

  • @wildwood847
    @wildwood847 5 лет назад +6

    It is truly amazing that it takes one of this era's best minds to unpack what should be common sense. But I thank God for Jordan Peterson and his focus and energy. He is a prime example of what it means to dedicate your life betterment of humanity. We are in the midst of a giant. The likes of which come, but once in a millennium.

  • @timevampire83
    @timevampire83 6 лет назад +6

    Dr. Peterson is our yoda! A great teacher for our time!

  • @roxanne4820
    @roxanne4820 6 лет назад +18

    "Empathy, as a problem solving mechanism has very little utility" spot on.

  • @thebergbok8279
    @thebergbok8279 6 лет назад +20

    @ 4.20/ Power. The accrual of power. This applies to Islam as well. I love this mans analytical mind.

    • @antoineralic01
      @antoineralic01 5 лет назад

      But it's getting to the point of being OVER-POWERED, and that means it needs to BLOW UP LIKE A BOMB in it's LIES so people can see the truth.

  • @neilw259
    @neilw259 5 лет назад +4

    I remember being bombarded with it whilst studying a law degree at the University of Bristol during the early 1990s when it was known as CRITICAL LEGAL STUDIES.

  • @scottanderson8167
    @scottanderson8167 3 года назад +4

    Recall this interview happened before Twitter YT and Facebook started to destroy ideological opponents.

  • @sgtpepper91
    @sgtpepper91 7 лет назад +47

    9:16 he even sneaked an "eh"
    what a guy.

  • @mariancannova1379
    @mariancannova1379 7 лет назад +16

    Courageous man.

    • @josephgrenier2471
      @josephgrenier2471 6 лет назад

      I am a fan Mr. Pederson. I have listened to you since your beginnings on you tube via your problems at the university of Toronto on gender pronouns and have since followed you committedly. I am Union Electrician in local 120 in London Ontario and would like to have a discussion with you on the left leaning theft of liberties that I once held dear as a union member. I see this as a stride for you to connect with the Union Member and how this an assault on freedoms for a big populous of people who were once left leaning and who are now dismayed. Please consider giving some of your precious time to a big contributor of the libs, in this last election to help them put some propaganda with the union member... the worker... in context with your core beliefs in mind. Id like a half hour or so on camera with questions specific to the lie of the left of cohesiveness with our members while selling our country out. I would like to offer you $2000. and accommodations for your time for this discussion and hope that's enough as it's from my own personal account... I just want an insightful view that I know only you can provide on this serious matter for the working middle class today that I can give my brothers and sisters that can give them hope and might take away unions from left ideology! I don't see it that way!
      Thanks for your consideration... Joseph Grenier L.U 120 London Ontario

  • @j_freed
    @j_freed 5 лет назад +9

    2:10 - I was outraged to find out how little we were taught. The gulags, the holodomor. The insanity of Soviet Marxist reasoning,

    • @cornpop44
      @cornpop44 5 лет назад

      Exactly. And when you read about history " actual history" ( not watered down) it make you think your a tinfoil hats nut

  • @5hdavid
    @5hdavid 4 года назад +1

    I am a professor of marriage and family therapy. What he is saying about Universities is 100 percent correct. He has every right to be outraged! I feel empowered listening to your message to do better at standing up and saying something.

  • @DucatiQueen
    @DucatiQueen 6 лет назад +7

    Absolutely admire this Handsome specimen of a natural born MAN absolutely stunning individual ,inside and out 👍🏼

  • @nyahhbinghi
    @nyahhbinghi 6 лет назад +12

    IMO the best introduction to JBP

  • @wandersonmartins5597
    @wandersonmartins5597 5 лет назад +12

    [1] Know also this, that, in the last days, shall come dangerous times. [2] Men shall be lovers of themselves, covetous, haughty, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, wicked, [3] Without affection, without peace, slanderers, incontinent, unmerciful, without kindness, [4] Traitors, stubborn, puffed up, and lovers of pleasures more than of God: [5] Having an appearance indeed of godliness, but denying the power thereof. Now these avoid.
    -- 2 Tim. 3-1:5

    • @kantraxoikol6914
      @kantraxoikol6914 5 месяцев назад +1

      {know this} fantasy isn't reality. [2] quoting from a comic book doesn't make me smart..[3] quote after me "i am a fanatic"

    • @user-g38fib48
      @user-g38fib48 Месяц назад


  • @rainmaker6261
    @rainmaker6261 4 года назад +12

    He tried to warn us, and now it might be too late.

  • @OleVinny
    @OleVinny 7 лет назад +17

    It's mind blowing how JBP has this subject down. He can off the top of his head talk about this subject that if you would write it down you'd have a perfectly structured piece of text

    • @maggie19441
      @maggie19441 6 лет назад +4

      and this proves his detailed and long research which indicates his words can be trusted.

    • @ntodd4110
      @ntodd4110 5 лет назад

      It's not too hard to talk for a long time when you're just making stuff up.

    • @RobertMJohnson
      @RobertMJohnson 3 года назад

      @@ntodd4110 another jealous, glib, uninformed fool. good lord, man. be a man instead of an envious, malevolent coward.

  • @jazzybree4239
    @jazzybree4239 7 лет назад +39

    If Peterson can't turn this ship around, no one can...

    • @ex-muslimlibertarianatheis9008
      @ex-muslimlibertarianatheis9008 6 лет назад +6

      Jazzy Bree he's just one man. The truth is 90% of Canadians and Americans are brainwashed to do anything about this. They think they're heading the right way. Oh boy, are they gonna find out the hard way...

    • @tonyiommi2380
      @tonyiommi2380 5 лет назад +2

      There is a Brazilian philosopher called Olavo de Carvalho that has been saying what Jordan says since the 80s. He lives in the us now and has a lot of material in English. He is a gem

  • @GreenGrenouille
    @GreenGrenouille 6 лет назад +9

    He is spot on. The education system in BC is frightening as well. Thank you Mr. Peterson for your voice of reason.

  • @thisisnuts0022
    @thisisnuts0022 5 лет назад +68

    Welcome to 1930's Germany

    • @fuckhollywood5218
      @fuckhollywood5218 5 лет назад +8

      Have you seen footage of 1933 Germany? Looks amazing.

    • @MegaBanne
      @MegaBanne 5 лет назад +2

      1930's was still the age of modernism (the opposite to post modernism).

    • @MegaBanne
      @MegaBanne 5 лет назад +1

      What the fuck are you talking about? I have an unfinished education in electrical engineering. But idea- and cultural history is just an interest of me. Not something to be twisted to suite any ideology.
      If you need to fake history to suite your own ideologies then your ideologies are some serious piles of shit. They should hold up on their own merits.

    • @jeffrutt5292
      @jeffrutt5292 4 года назад

      @@fuckhollywood5218 no it was not nice in 1933. By 1937 Germany was a beautiful nation. America will come to the same conclusion. Let's learn from the mistakes of the past, and this time seal the deal for all time sake.

    • @lassekristensen385
      @lassekristensen385 4 года назад +2

      Welcome to 2019 Zionist TROLL ...

  • @BlackCanuckTO1970
    @BlackCanuckTO1970 7 лет назад +21

    Bless you Professor Peterson! Bless you!

  • @keymaker2112
    @keymaker2112 6 лет назад +15

    Education, my profession, is drenched in Marxist thought straight through. The worst part is that most educators aren't even aware they're indoctrinated, with resistance to seeing that fact being a built in part of he indoctrination. Combating a memetic force designed to annihilate everything our ancestors produced is difficult as it is, doing so in an overtly clandestine manner is impossible which is why I recommend Catholic Schools or Home Schooling for children as one has exhibited a strong track-record of resisting, at least any fundamental changes Marxist thought and post-modernism could affect while the other rebalances the entire equation.
    Public Schooling is presently an exercise in eroding what is good in a person. 35:28 and THERE IT IS.

  • @davidkrausguitarist
    @davidkrausguitarist 6 лет назад

    Great talk! I think the best I've heard from Dr. Peterson because he wasn't debating or in discussion with another colleague, or being interviewed, or in a classroom where he laying stuff out for his students. All great to watch and learn from. But this is the first time he has put out his thoughts and feelings about a dangerous situation, and his deep concerns and fears about it. This man is so knowledgeable and is fantastic at articulating it all so clearly.

  • @tezzo55
    @tezzo55 5 лет назад

    :-B Sometimes I like to put on the old professor, turn the sound down, and just watch his lovely face making those expressions of happiness (for which he is famous), and it always improves my day.

  • @tehbakedpotato
    @tehbakedpotato 6 лет назад +22

    I've been following JBP for about a year now, and I think this must be his most important criticism on today's western society to date.

    • @Zenshirokojima
      @Zenshirokojima Год назад

      It’s probably worth reading the work of these philosophers. A lot of what he says is not the most accurate representation of post modern philosophy.

  • @peterarnt
    @peterarnt 6 лет назад +5

    Wow. Great stuff. I recommend watching this video in its entirety.

  • @lhenderson3285
    @lhenderson3285 4 года назад +2

    This is a prophetic interview.... stunning! Thank you Jordan Peterson for your honest words.... you have a brilliant mind.

  • @Trumpindad
    @Trumpindad 3 года назад

    I’ve been following Dr Jordan B Peterson for over 4 years today 3-13-21 this interview is by far top 3 thanks Dr keep it up

  • @esprit-critique
    @esprit-critique 6 лет назад +14

    Absolutely enlightening! Here the link between Marxism and Postmodernism is brilliantly demonstrated.

  • @polekat4682
    @polekat4682 7 лет назад +64

    'GULAG: A History' by Anne Applebaum is a good read. As an American of Polish descent I am disgusted and dismayed to see my family embrace this postmodernism in Progressivism which tenents reflect the communism that my grandparents fled. I listen attentively to Dr. Peterson in order to hone my sense of situational awareness. Dr. Peterson used the word 'talent' once. Before that I was thinking that God given talent describes each one of us as individuals. How many talents do you have? At what ages will you discover and/or pursue development of that or those talents which will be SHARED with other INDIVIDUALS who contribute their own set of gifts? What human freak of nature has the malevolent talent to KILL this Providential human interaction? Good vs Evil. As the Poles chanted, "We want God!". PRAY.

    • @petehorsburgh4584
      @petehorsburgh4584 7 лет назад +2

      KAT Beautiful observation, eloquently expressed.

    • @polekat4682
      @polekat4682 7 лет назад +1

      Thank you.

    • @cebruthius
      @cebruthius 7 лет назад

      you mean 'tenets'

    • @polekat4682
      @polekat4682 7 лет назад +3

      The Poles today are acting to protect their culture against Jihadist invasion as they did in 1601. "Deus vincit."

    • @polekat4682
      @polekat4682 7 лет назад +1

      Correct. Corrected.

  • @plesniartlaboratorij5174
    @plesniartlaboratorij5174 5 лет назад +4

    I am from ex Yugoslavia - finnaly somone see it properly -thank you JP
    communisam , socialisam it is very bad

  • @kurtharaldheitmann4112
    @kurtharaldheitmann4112 5 лет назад +5

    Jordan, You are the 21st century Prophet ! Thank You so much!

  • @chloroxbleach4142
    @chloroxbleach4142 7 лет назад +10

    Lordy lordy here comes Jordy.

  • @imawildman
    @imawildman 7 лет назад +19

    Amazing interview! Everyone please take the time and watch this you will learn SO much.

  • @ClayAsbury122
    @ClayAsbury122 5 лет назад +7

    “Facts are whatever the current power hierarchy uses to justify its acquisition of power.”

  • @ngt84
    @ngt84 3 года назад +4

    Wow. This is extremely relevant in 2021 !

  • @ChristophRehage
    @ChristophRehage 6 лет назад +28

    02:14 "One of the things that's quite interesting is that the full breadth of that catastrophe [Communism] is not something that students are well taught in our current educational system, which has always made me very suspicious. For example, the students I teach usually know nothing about what happened in the Soviet Union under Stalin between, say, 19... Stalin and Lenin between 1919 and 1959." Stalin 1878-1953

    • @ntodd4110
      @ntodd4110 5 лет назад +1

      Typical. There are lots more in this video.

    • @moesiatestecles1975
      @moesiatestecles1975 3 года назад +1

      Stalinism is not communism. Marx would turn over in his grave if he saw what the Soviet Union turned into as soon as Lenin took reigns.
      You know, the Soviet Union also called themselves a democracy. So by your token it is also a story about the failure of democracy.

    • @chongxina8288
      @chongxina8288 3 года назад

      @@moesiatestecles1975 Just because they said they were a democracy doesn’t mean A they were or B they even believed that. You can’t attribute the Soviet Union as a failure of democracy, that absolutely goes without saying for most people.

    • @moesiatestecles1975
      @moesiatestecles1975 3 года назад +3

      @@chongxina8288 That's the point I'm making, only with communism.

    • @chongxina8288
      @chongxina8288 3 года назад

      @@moesiatestecles1975 Ah I see. Clearly you’re clued up but you never know in this day and age. As I’m sure you’re fully aware.

  • @ArkhonXIX
    @ArkhonXIX 7 лет назад +5

    Wow. The enlightenment is real. Thank you Dr. Peterson

  • @snobrewer2515
    @snobrewer2515 5 лет назад +1

    Great to hear someone who sees it as it is, especially in our education systems which seem intent on destroying the concept of family as well as the individual. It is happening unbelievably fast here in Australia.

  • @grahamsouthern5583
    @grahamsouthern5583 4 года назад +2

    Everything that has happened in the three years since this was recorded has vindicated what Peterson says. This REALLY needs to be seen by everyone.

  • @PAXperMortem
    @PAXperMortem 6 лет назад +4

    This is precisely what has infested my university!

  • @davidjames5919
    @davidjames5919 7 лет назад +9

    Clean your room! :) Universities are broken, overpriced and unfortunate.

  • @integinteg9222
    @integinteg9222 5 лет назад +1

    Wonderful lecture! Should be compulsory viewing on every channel. Bravo and thank you.

    • @MegaBanne
      @MegaBanne 5 лет назад

      Yeah, because that wouldn't be a violation of the freedom of speech.

  • @jeansant94
    @jeansant94 4 года назад

    What a breath of fresh air it is to find unwatched content by Mr. Peterson!