I stated this to another person who has a comment similar to yours on another of my StarCraft videos and I will state it again. The video is the way it is for two reasons; One, is because when you extract the music track from the actual MPQ file off the disc, the track is this way by default. Second, is because if someone wanted to hear the next song, they wouldn't have to go anywhere and just remain on this video, instead of clicking on another video/track.
I feel like this theme perfectly reflects on the United Earth Directorate’s mission. The first 30 seconds are waking up in an alien environment. The next with the drums is conquest and patriotism - defeating the Zerg and overthrowing Mengsk. Then it becomes sadder - symbolises Stukov and his demise. Then the drums come out. Has a slightly sad yet a dramatic war themed tune. You may have lost Stukov, but he told you of the psi disrupters potential to neutralise the Zerg and your mission is now clear - capture the Psi disrupted and take control of the Zerg. Now you enter into a final battle with the Zerg to enslave the overmind and you’re more determined than ever and win. Then uncertainty at the end.
The beginning of this song captures perfectly the gritty and visceral atmosphere of Starcraft. It invokes an image of dust-caked marines on some godless desert planet.
엄옹: 이 맵에서 저그가 테란 이기기 힘들다고 많이들 이야기 하는데, 이 맵에서 저그 대 테란 전적을 보면 5:10으로 저그가 뒤지고 있어요. 그런데, 테란이 이긴 10을 보면, 그 중 4판은 최연성이 이겼고, 4판은 이윤열이 있고, 나머지 2판은 서지훈 임요환이 각각 1판씩 이겼단 말이죠. 요즘 제~~~~~~~~~일 잘 나가는 테란이 누구냐? 라고 했을 때 이 최연성하고 이윤열 아닙니까? 그렇다면 반대로 말해서 어지간한 테란들이랑 하면 이 맵에선 다 저그가 이긴단 말이에요. 임요환 선수가 평범한 선수는 아니지만, 임요환 선수는 이 맵에서 한 판밖에 이긴 적이 없으니까 사실은 저그가 이 맵에서 임요환 선수랑 붙었다면 할만 한 겁니다. 그것도 보통 저그가 아니고 홍진호라면 말이죠~~!
Edmund Duke: Well now, I don' t know which militia you all are from, but I advise you all to back down now! I' m General Edmund Duke of the Dominion Armada. And in the name of Emperor Mengsk, I order you to surrender your forces immediately and unconditionally. Alexei Stukov: Ah, General Duke. I had expected your forces to arrive sooner. You must know that we do not represent one of your rag-tag peasant militias, but the combined might of the United Earth Directorate. Edmund Duke: Earth Directorate!? Er... You mean to tell me that you came all the way out here from Earth? Alexei Stukov: That is correct, General. We have been sent here to take control of this sector for the betterment of mankind. Edmund Duke: Over my dead body... I don't care where you're from, son, no one pushes around the Terran Dominion on my watch! All units, fire at will!
***** Well, he is one bad@ss general, though he is quite repulsive, and good at it. And the voice actor is top-notch. Well, every Blizzard voice actors are great, anyway.
남산 업힐용 타임라인 2:48 초반헤어핀에 힘 꺾일 즈음 변주되면서 맘을 다잡습니다 3:56 이제 속도계판 마주치기 전후 입니다 중간까지 왔고 음악도 템포도 다시 시작입니다 4:31 전망대 전후로 쳐지지 말고 힘내기 5:36 이 부분 나왔으면 이미 5분대는 조진겁니다… 6분대를 목표로 합니다 7:01 기타 디링디링대는 순간부터 7분입니다 이미 나의 6분대는 물건너 갔음을 인지하고 라이딩 ㄱㄱ 7:57 따라라랏-따--- 하는 순간 이제 7분대도 끝 이제 남은 노래가 끝나기 전에만 도착하면 8분대구나 하면 됩니다.
처음부터 끝까지 듣다보면 인류가 이만큼 성장하고 이만큼 올라온 이 상태에서 저 우주에 미지의 존재들을 상대하기위해 슬슬 준비하다가 미지의 존재들의 위협을 몸소 느끼고 더 크게 발전하며 앞으로 나아가야 한다는 느낌이 들지않나요 이렇게까지 살아온 우리 인류가 아무 의미없이 어떠한 존재에 의해 희미해져 갈 수는 없다는 듯.. 특히 3:00 정도부터
Seen that image a hundred times and never thought of it before, but it's really not recommended to have their helmets open when standing on a moon with no atmosphere. :O
They're MARINES! Why should they worry about something as mundane as atmosphere? These fellows are much more knowledgeable about which color crayons are the tastiest.
God, it captures being isolated in deep space, surrounded by things that want to kill you yet you're on a mission. I love hearing this music when I just start a new base, knowing that I need to build fast, otherwise I die to the unforgiving AI.
english = UED United Earth Directorate italiano = DTU Direttorato della Terra Unita Anche la versione italiana ha un grandissimo fascino! Put here other languages! :D
Starcraft 64 was the first Starcraft version I played and I had no idea what I was doing lol for a while I thought zerglings were raptors 😂 come to think of it I wonder why the hell they ported the game to the n64 of all systems, when they could’ve easily ported it to PlayStation with better specs? Still wish they had ports for newer consoles to download in their respective online stores
The first half is the recovery music, you've beaten off an assault on your base, destroyed an enemy base/ army, or rebuilding after a failed attack. SCV's scramble to repair war machines that are more scrap then vehicle, while Barracks, Factories and Starports hum with the sound of units finishing construction. You use your ComSat Scanner Sweep over the enemies base, seeing them do the equivalent for the race they picked.
It's a shame what they did with the Remastered one, all they had to do was to bring more clarity to the sounds with better quality but they butchered the instruments there. The Og Terran Theme 4 is epic as hell, thanks for sharing :´)
5:00 me typing "power overwhelming" into the chat because the campaign was too hard for my little brain to handle. 7:00 when I rush the enemy base with my scv's because it takes too long to build an army.
MENGSK: This is Emperor Mengsk of the Terran Dominion. I wish to parlay with your Executive Officer at once! DUGALLE: So, the elusive Arcturus Mengsk at last. I was hoping to speak with you before we finished our business here. I am Admiral Gerard DuGalle, and I must commend you, Sir, for holding back our advance for as long as you have. You are indeed a worthy opponent. MENGSK: My thanks to you, Sir. But you must know that your victory here means little to me. It might have taken me awhile, but I did overthrow the Confederacy. I'll overthrow your rule as well. DUGALLE: That seems unlikely, Sir, seeing as how you'll be publicly executed along with the rest of your ranking officers. MENGSK: You wouldn't dare! DUGALLE: Hah! The man who crowns himself 'Emperor' speaks to me of daring? You have far outlived your reputation, 'citizen' Mengsk. Captain, prepare to take the Emperor into custody... RAYNOR: You'll have to postpone those plans, gentlemen...
+rlujanmx And now the game changed a lot. :/ Rest in peace Zeratul, we will not see you again in the futur Starcraft games... ;'( The good old time like always...
rlujanmx ADJUTANT Sir, the rebel command ship, Hyperion, has just entered our sensor range. It is accompanied by a small Protoss fleet. DUGALLE What? Who are these intruders! MENGSK Jim Raynor... What the hell are you doing here?! RAYNOR I'm pullin' your ass out've the fire, Arcturus. So shut up and sit tight. Make no mistake about it; we've got us a serious score to settle, but right now a mutual acquaintance of ours wants you alive. Prepare you ships for dimensional recall. DUGALLE This is intolerable! They're escaping right out from under us! Track them! Track them!
"Emperor Arcturus Mengsk, this is Admiral DuGalle! You have but one last chance to surrender your rule over the Dominion to the full sovereignty of the United Earth Directorate! Should you fail to comply, we will unleash our full might upon your precious capital of Augustgrad!" "Well waddaya say, your highness?" (Birds of War)"Alpha Squadron, engage and destroy the UED's staging point!" (Ground Zero)"Fire the damn warheads... We'll watch the UED's staging point glow..."
I loved how Blizzard paid homage to Russia and her contributions to science and space exploration, with the introduction of Stukov and the Admiral (UED). I remember the first terran level, snowy and no gas, was tough. Felt like Siberia lol.
new marine: you want a piece of me, boy?! Me: no, I want you to get in to the bunker I just made. Later... Computers's marines: awwwwwwww, yeah! Computers's medics: *gos up up to the bunkers* computers's Marines: argh!
I stated this to another person who has a comment similar to yours on another of my StarCraft videos and I will state it again.
The video is the way it is for two reasons; One, is because when you extract the music track from the actual MPQ file off the disc, the track is this way by default. Second, is because if someone wanted to hear the next song, they wouldn't have to go anywhere and just remain on this video, instead of clicking on another video/track.
출근할때 틀면 비장하고 퇴근할때 프로토스 노래틀면 몇십년만에 고향가는거같음 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
처음에는 테란 1이 가장 좋았는데 듣다보면 이 노래가 진짜 테란 종족에 잘맞는 명곡인 거 같음, 전쟁과 생존 앞에 인간의 비장함이 느껴지는!
테란2도 좋아요
가서 영어 배우기, 한국인
@@giannilyanicks1718 외국산 찐이노... 게이게이야...
ㄹㅇ 어느 행성 전선군에서 행방불명되거나 패잔병 노릇하고 있는 불쌍한 병사들 우주 함대가 포착하고 찾아와서 행성 전선 재건하는 모습이 상상되는 OST.
I feel like this theme perfectly reflects on the United Earth Directorate’s mission. The first 30 seconds are waking up in an alien environment. The next with the drums is conquest and patriotism - defeating the Zerg and overthrowing Mengsk. Then it becomes sadder - symbolises Stukov and his demise. Then the drums come out. Has a slightly sad yet a dramatic war themed tune. You may have lost Stukov, but he told you of the psi disrupters potential to neutralise the Zerg and your mission is now clear - capture the Psi disrupted and take control of the Zerg. Now you enter into a final battle with the Zerg to enslave the overmind and you’re more determined than ever and win. Then uncertainty at the end.
You did it justice, friend. On behalf of the memories you stirred in those who read it, thank you.
I killed him. My pride killed him.
Oh, Thats right Bro
The best terran theme imo, especially the first two minutes.
If you dont think the drop around 30s in the Terran Theme 1 is the best youre lying to yourself.
The beginning of this song captures perfectly the gritty and visceral atmosphere of Starcraft. It invokes an image of dust-caked marines on some godless desert planet.
yeah and creeping through the landscape recently infested by zerg, knowing the enemy lurks, but progress must be made...
Lets get it!
For me is mostly like an Ice planet, that's just me.
엄옹: 이 맵에서 저그가 테란 이기기 힘들다고 많이들 이야기 하는데, 이 맵에서 저그 대 테란 전적을 보면 5:10으로 저그가 뒤지고 있어요. 그런데, 테란이 이긴 10을 보면, 그 중 4판은 최연성이 이겼고, 4판은 이윤열이 있고, 나머지 2판은 서지훈 임요환이 각각 1판씩 이겼단 말이죠. 요즘 제~~~~~~~~~일 잘 나가는 테란이 누구냐? 라고 했을 때 이 최연성하고 이윤열 아닙니까?
그렇다면 반대로 말해서 어지간한 테란들이랑 하면 이 맵에선 다 저그가 이긴단 말이에요. 임요환 선수가 평범한 선수는 아니지만, 임요환 선수는 이 맵에서 한 판밖에 이긴 적이 없으니까 사실은 저그가 이 맵에서 임요환 선수랑 붙었다면 할만 한 겁니다. 그것도 보통 저그가 아니고 홍진호라면 말이죠~~!
ㅋㅋㅋ 음성지원
음성지원 지렷다ㅋㅋㅋ
다 들린다 들려
성대모사 하면서 읽어봤다...
From my 13 yo (I'm 40 now) I've been loving those Terran musics.
You have to rush your opponent when this plays regardless if you are ready or not.
When this song played, I was always ready.
the true
Orders Sir???
your right
Go! Go! GO!!
불리한 상황에서도 굴하지않는 비장함을 가지고 진군하는 테란 대군단의 강력한 의지와 웅장함이 느껴지는 최애bgm
내 기억속엔 임요환이 소수의 바이오닉 병력을 이끌고 기가멕힌 진출 타이밍에 적을 압살하는 최애 bgm
"This is the United Earth Directorate, (UED) and we have come to end your long-overstayed reign, Emperor Mengsk. " -- Admiral DuGalle/ UED Flagship
Edmund Duke: Well now, I don' t know which militia you all are from, but I advise you all to back down now! I' m General Edmund Duke of the Dominion Armada. And in the name of Emperor Mengsk, I order you to surrender your forces immediately and unconditionally.
Alexei Stukov: Ah, General Duke. I had expected your forces to arrive sooner. You must know that we do not represent one of your rag-tag peasant militias, but the combined might of the United Earth Directorate.
Edmund Duke: Earth Directorate!? Er... You mean to tell me that you came all the way out here from Earth?
Alexei Stukov: That is correct, General. We have been sent here to take control of this sector for the betterment of mankind.
Edmund Duke: Over my dead body... I don't care where you're from, son, no one pushes around the Terran Dominion on my watch! All units, fire at will!
***** Well, he is one bad@ss general, though he is quite repulsive, and good at it. And the voice actor is top-notch. Well, every Blizzard voice actors are great, anyway.
dukes a dumbass
Man, I can hear their voices when I read through this badass moment!
Duke reminds me of Barron Harkonnen from David Lynch's DUNE
We need the UED back, of course if there's a SC3 in a near future.
Always gotta come back to this gem.
남산 업힐용 타임라인
초반헤어핀에 힘 꺾일 즈음 변주되면서 맘을 다잡습니다
이제 속도계판 마주치기 전후 입니다
중간까지 왔고 음악도 템포도 다시 시작입니다
전망대 전후로 쳐지지 말고 힘내기
이 부분 나왔으면 이미 5분대는 조진겁니다…
6분대를 목표로 합니다
기타 디링디링대는 순간부터 7분입니다
이미 나의 6분대는 물건너 갔음을 인지하고 라이딩 ㄱㄱ
따라라랏-따--- 하는 순간 이제 7분대도 끝
이제 남은 노래가 끝나기 전에만 도착하면 8분대구나
하면 됩니다.
가서 영어 배우기, 한국인
@@giannilyanicks1718 Go back to ur barrack, sergeant. :)
내가 처음 스타할때 테란 잡게 해준 노래
아직도 초딩때 피씨방에서 scv 뽑을때 생각나네
손이 못 따라가는 줄도 모른채
이젠 테란 밖에 못하는 몸이 됬지만
I like this a lot, there is a fantastic tale of challenges, hard work, overcoming adversity all playing out in my mind!
처음부터 끝까지 듣다보면 인류가 이만큼 성장하고 이만큼 올라온 이 상태에서 저 우주에 미지의 존재들을 상대하기위해 슬슬 준비하다가 미지의 존재들의 위협을 몸소 느끼고 더 크게 발전하며 앞으로 나아가야 한다는 느낌이 들지않나요 이렇게까지 살아온 우리 인류가 아무 의미없이 어떠한 존재에 의해 희미해져 갈 수는 없다는 듯..
특히 3:00 정도부터
내 이등병때 내리갈굼부터 시작한 수많은 부조리 앞에서 좌절하지만 마지막 남은 정신으로 버텨왔던 내 모습이 떠올랐음.. 그리고 전역 1년후 결국 임병장과 윤일병의 희생으로 모든것이 끝난느낌이 들었지. 하지만 그것에는 아쉬움과 슬픔밖에는 표현할 길이 달리 없었다...
오지는 해석입니다
테란은 범죄자 출신임
인류는 ued
이새끼 프사 알다리스
이 음악이 지구 UED테마곡인데 님 말씀대로 UED는 인류의 번영만을 위해 문화, 민족, 종교 모든 것을 버려왔음. 스타3가 나온다면 지구는 또다시 빌런으로 등장할것임.
Ive been looking for this for awhile. Nice to have finally found it
Seen that image a hundred times and never thought of it before, but it's really not recommended to have their helmets open when standing on a moon with no atmosphere. :O
ConradTheCoinhunter seeing the flag flapping, there probably is an atmoshpere. So they should be fine, unless it's a poisonous atmosphere :s
they can becouse its an old Sci fi game
@@taeyeonlover I think all flags just look like they are flapping when there is no wind.
They're MARINES! Why should they worry about something as mundane as atmosphere? These fellows are much more knowledgeable about which color crayons are the tastiest.
@@kotori87 they're smart enough to use a nuke case as a beer fridge
Clearly their understanding is far beyond ours
God, it captures being isolated in deep space, surrounded by things that want to kill you yet you're on a mission. I love hearing this music when I just start a new base, knowing that I need to build fast, otherwise I die to the unforgiving AI.
MechWarrior894 I love the human imagination
MechWarrior894 I love the human imagination
Cactus Golem hey! Don't you love robot imagination too?!
다른 나라들에 비해 어렸을 때부터 스타크래프트를 많이 접해서 그런지 확실히 댓글에 한국인들이 많이 보이네 ㅋㅋ 한국인이 게임강국이기도 하고 게임은 진짜 잘함 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
I loved hearing this music while dominating the Dominion as the UED.
Fantasic sound track
This and castlevania were my first games that I played great memories playing this at a young age 😁
My favorite of the four Terran themes!
브금부터 사기네
Flashbacks to the happiest and simplest days of my life :)
english = UED United Earth Directorate
italiano = DTU Direttorato della Terra Unita
Anche la versione italiana ha un grandissimo fascino! Put here other languages! :D
Español = DUT Directorio de la Unión Terrestre
Jinx Abarda Come on people! Put here other languages :D
Swedish = FJD, Förenta Jordens Direktorat.
Romanian = DUT Directoratul Uniunii Terestre
Alex Negroiu dorankrot Jinx Abarda Well done people! Don't stop! :)
저그에 둘러쌓인 테란의 모습이 떠오른다..암울하고 비장한 브금이네
테란에 한이있으신가 ㅋㅋㅋ 영상마다 테란은 뒤지기직전 상황이네 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
비장한건 맞는데 암울한건 아닌듯? 오히려 웅장한데
정면 마인밭 + 3벙커 + 108터렛 + 시즈탱크 한부대 반으로 수비가능
@@김세영-q2i2z 저그감수성떨어지네 ㅡㅡ 저그 캔 두애니띵해언냐
보로로로로롱 앙 초월체띠
피시방 초창기시절 뒤에서 스타 구경할때 그 피시방 특유의 냄새와 제일 잘어울리는 브금이다
2:47 테란브금은 여기여 여기~
Valkyrie prepared.
Dr Wolfenstein Who's your mommy?
Mutas beware!
Need something destroyed?
dude, why Valkyries? Just use wraiths
@Renzo Alarcón or those too
The music of humanity gearing up and facing the fact that perhaps they were never the top of the hierarchy to begin with.
One of my favorite songs.
진짜 테란하면 이브금이죠..해설,캐스터분들의 열연과 숨막히는 경기중에 이브금나오면 온몸에 전율이..ㅠ 특히 2:47 이부분에 압권임..
여기서 드론이 미네랄캐는 소리 들리면 될듯
ㄴㄴ 탱크 시즈모드박는 소리
이분이 내랑 생각비슷하네 이 브금이 최고인거같아요 긴장감 고조시키는거같고
탱크 전진하면서 삼룡이먹으면서 벌처 돌아다니면서 마인박고 프로브견제
StarCraft 64 FTW with the looped version of this track and Terran theme 3.
Starcraft 64 was the first Starcraft version I played and I had no idea what I was doing lol for a while I thought zerglings were raptors 😂 come to think of it I wonder why the hell they ported the game to the n64 of all systems, when they could’ve easily ported it to PlayStation with better specs? Still wish they had ports for newer consoles to download in their respective online stores
지구의 생존을 위협하는 우주 너머의 존재들에게 우리 인류의 비장한 느낌.
선비질좀하자면 지구는 UED고 테란연합은 UED랑 엄밀히 다른세력임
After all those years, I can hear the terran troops disembarking from the dropship over this track 😎
I love the song. So iconic
The first half is the recovery music, you've beaten off an assault on your base, destroyed an enemy base/ army, or rebuilding after a failed attack. SCV's scramble to repair war machines that are more scrap then vehicle, while Barracks, Factories and Starports hum with the sound of units finishing construction. You use your ComSat Scanner Sweep over the enemies base, seeing them do the equivalent for the race they picked.
It's a shame what they did with the Remastered one, all they had to do was to bring more clarity to the sounds with better quality but they butchered the instruments there. The Og Terran Theme 4 is epic as hell, thanks for sharing :´)
1:22,2:47부터 진정한 웅장함이 무엇인지 말하고 이것이 테란이다라고 말하는 부분인듯
그 어떤 게임 OST도 이만큼 내 가슴을 뛰게 만드는 곡은 없다
this is my favourite terran theme...
5:00 me typing "power overwhelming" into the chat because the campaign was too hard for my little brain to handle.
7:00 when I rush the enemy base with my scv's because it takes too long to build an army.
I love how the main theme get slightly out of tune at the end, sounds so apocalyptical
I hate how this isn't the theme for brushfire
this is the human race main theme....... as in real life.
+Erick Briceño Chávez and its just that easy.
I believe Black Betty by Ram Jam is humanity's main theme
both glorious and sad, true
@@reallyhightemplar4013 That sounds about right
"SCV good to go, sir!"
no it feels like a proper UED song.
the UED was originally supposed to be the "4th" race.
More relevant than ever. Remaster pls
이 음악 들으니 저그를 개발살내러가기전 출병식 거행하는 테란연합군이 떠오름
박비비빅 뭐랄까,여지껏 살아오고 여기까지 올라온 우리 인류가 저 우주에 미지의것들에게 인류라는 존재가 무의미하게 희미해져갈수는 없다는듯 느껴지지 않나요 앞으로 더더 올라가야 한다는듯
전 개인적으로 전반부는 UED원정군, 후반부는 레이너 특공대가 떠오르네요.
뭔가 유닛 존나 뽑아야 할 거 같다
스타 브금중 이게 제일 좋음
ㅇㅇ 인정함
베틀크루저 오퍼레이셔널. 인더킹. 메이크잇 슬로우. 메이크잇 해픈.
cannot believe that this game was made 20 years ago. even first one is better than the second
Still can remember the first time I heard this theme 13 years ago, fucking hell TIME GOES FAST!
마지막 희망에 사기를 얻어 마지막 전투를 하는 군단.. 이런느낌
For me 1:05 is THE Terran theme. It's walling off with an e-bay, it's wrrraith awaiting launch orders, it's nuclear launch detected.
So underrated. Even the first minute before it too. It gives me chills man. Just you and someone else locked in. No excuses
MENGSK: This is Emperor Mengsk of the Terran Dominion. I wish to parlay with your Executive Officer at once!
DUGALLE: So, the elusive Arcturus Mengsk at last. I was hoping to speak with you before we finished our business here. I am Admiral Gerard DuGalle, and I must commend you, Sir, for holding back our advance for as long as you have. You are indeed a worthy opponent.
MENGSK: My thanks to you, Sir. But you must know that your victory here means little to me. It might have taken me awhile, but I did overthrow the Confederacy. I'll overthrow your rule as well.
DUGALLE: That seems unlikely, Sir, seeing as how you'll be publicly executed along with the rest of your ranking officers.
MENGSK: You wouldn't dare!
DUGALLE: Hah! The man who crowns himself 'Emperor' speaks to me of daring? You have far outlived your reputation, 'citizen' Mengsk. Captain, prepare to take the Emperor into custody...
RAYNOR: You'll have to postpone those plans, gentlemen...
+rlujanmx And now the game changed a lot. :/
Rest in peace Zeratul, we will not see you again in the futur Starcraft games... ;'(
The good old time like always...
+March Malow 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 whyyyy blizzard?????? 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
rlujanmx ADJUTANT
Sir, the rebel command ship, Hyperion, has just entered our
sensor range. It is accompanied by a small Protoss fleet.
What? Who are these intruders!
Jim Raynor... What the hell are you doing here?!
I'm pullin' your ass out've the fire, Arcturus. So shut up and sit
tight. Make no mistake about it; we've got us a serious score to
settle, but right now a mutual acquaintance of ours wants you
alive. Prepare you ships for dimensional recall.
This is intolerable! They're escaping right out from under us! Track them! Track them!
들으면 강해지는 브금이다
1:55 Diablo main melody
Oh wow, good catch.
2:47 love this part
Goosbumbs all over
Aureji it's 15 years old, but still the best game ever made...
***** Brood war was 98, N64 was 2000...Starcraft basically skipped 99 completely xD
It did. Seeing Nova stealing past siege tanks and zealots would have been amazing.
1-black sheep wall
2-show me the money x10
3-Operation cwal
4-Build 10 barracks
5-Spam marines to the enemy base
lol...or the cheap way There is no Cow Level
딱 게임 시작하고 서로 미네랄 캐기 시작할 때 나오는 브금, 미네랄 캐는 효과음과 같이 들리는게 국룰임 ㅋㅋ
오케스트라에서 자주 연주되지는 않으나 나의 최애 곡 4번째 테마
man i'm so used to it as a sc1 lover and as a korean
"Base is under attack!"
terran forever! :D
I suck at useing Zerg or protoss
Не знаю, почему, но самые красивые треки у Терранов получились.
메카닉 대부대가 갖춰져서 진출하기 시작할 때 가장 어울리는 브금...
3:55 is the Terran 1 theme.
"Emperor Arcturus Mengsk, this is Admiral DuGalle! You have but one last chance to surrender your rule over the Dominion to the full sovereignty of the United Earth Directorate! Should you fail to comply, we will unleash our full might upon your precious capital of Augustgrad!"
"Well waddaya say, your highness?"
(Birds of War)"Alpha Squadron, engage and destroy the UED's staging point!"
(Ground Zero)"Fire the damn warheads... We'll watch the UED's staging point glow..."
"Checked up and good to go"
yes , sir? Yes, sir? Reporting for duty. Yes, sir?... you ain't from around here, are you?
Rock n roll
Serve the Directorate! Serve Humanity!
of course, admiral.
I don't know the game, but this is a masterpiece!
자 경기시작 됐습니다 임요환 선수 1시방향 파란색 테란
6시에 개발팀
내가 고자라니!!!!
Makes me think of a long and desperate defense before you get a fleet of Battlecruisers.
"Jacked up and good to go."
I loved how Blizzard paid homage to Russia and her contributions to science and space exploration, with the introduction of Stukov and the Admiral (UED). I remember the first terran level, snowy and no gas, was tough. Felt like Siberia lol.
Dugalle is a Frenchman,
이브금 나올땐 배틀나와줘야된다 ㄹㅇ
바툴 쿠르저 바톨레이션
배틀 탱크 최강의 조합이라 생각함 ㅋㅋ
대한민국 전군병력 테마송으로 정해서 훈련할때 틀어주면 사기 넘사벽으로 오를듯
I can't get this song out of my head.
난 브금중에 이 부분이 젤 좋더라 먼가 긴장되고
테란의 마지막 브금다운 테란4... 구 지구연합 UED
new marine: you want a piece of me, boy?!
Me: no, I want you to get in to the bunker I just made.
Later... Computers's marines: awwwwwwww, yeah!
Computers's medics: *gos up up to the bunkers*
computers's Marines: argh!
이노래를드리면 이영호가 생각나네..
Power Overwhelming
operation cwal
show me the money
+Mifa7 nice.
Black Sheep Wall
Food for thought
For all human and for the UED!
전반부 브금은 나루드(듀란)색기한테 스투코프가 모함받아 죽는걸 연상시키는 음악입니다.
UED, the most powerful army in the galaxy.
Also the most dickish
"SCV good to go, sir."
This was posted almost 14 years ago. Still 500 views from the million, a shame.
다시 올만에 들으니 웅장한 테란브금같군 솔직히 테란브금은 이게최고다
terran theme 4 is thebest
i love this music
네 경기 시작됐습니다. 1시방향 빨간색테란 이영호선수 그리고 11시방향 노락색 프로토스 김택용선수
그만해 이자식아
그만하라고 이자식아
2:50 파란젤리 샤워어어어어어어ㅓ어어아아아아아아아아아아아ㅏ아아아아아아아아아ㅏ!!!!!!!!!!
마린들이 저그 기지 습격해서 러커 죽이는 소리가 들린다
All Hail the UED ! Mankind above all the rest !
This is the theme I think of when someone says "broodwar"