  • Опубликовано: 9 сен 2024
  • 1982-1994 Sanos S115 (solo) & S200 (articulated / zglobni)
    MB OM 427h (240 hp) + FAMOS (ZF) 6MS-80 + FAP 192789
    OM407 (OM427h replacement / zamena); "Mercedes O 307, oder DB 19-533 (2)" by Sebastian Schießler • Mercedes O 307, oder D...
    6MS-80: "SETRA SG180S - BREGENZ" by David Citaro • SETRA SG180S - BREGENZ
    FAP 192789:
    1. "Škoda 200Tr Sanos | Pardubice | PSHŽD | Domov mládeže - Dukla, náměstí " by Honza • Škoda 200Tr Sanos | Pa...
    2.Škoda - Sanos S 200 ev.č. 329 - PSHŽD, o.s. (Pardubice)" by ZbyndaUL • Škoda - Sanos S 200 ev...
    PHOTO / FOTO: FAP FAMOS prospects, taken from / FAP FAMOS prospekti, preuzeto sa: www.autobusi.n...
    ENG: Sanos S115 and S200 were city buses made by FAS 11 Oktomvri - Sanos in Skopje, today's North Macedonia. These models were based on the bus previously assembled in the same factory by license - the Mercedes O317. Interestingly enough, Sanos was one of a few factories that made the articulated O317G. That experience helped them when they were projecting the S200, the first Yugoslavian-made articulated bus with an 18m length. The bus could carry up to 200 passengers. It had a non-steering rear axle. While, on one hand, the length sometimes affected its sales negatively (in Belgrade, for example, due to narrow streets at the time), on the other - the capacity was its advantage. However, the S115 was oftenly bought even by GSP Beograd.
    The engines (under the floor) changed over the years. At first, there was the OM346 (210 hp), then the OM427h (240 hp), and finally - the OM447h (250 hp), which was probably fitted in later series. I read online that there was a so called "Belgrade specification" of the S115, with MB axles and (maybe) a ZF gearbox. By what I've read, those units were so fast that some of them had a blocked 6th gear, because they could go over 70 km/h in 5th. But sadly, I couldn't find more detailed data on those vehicles.
    These vehicles also had their trolleybus versions, made in cooperation with Škoda. While the S115Tr remained only a prototype, and was used in Sarajevo until 2005, some of Škoda Sanos S200Tr are preserved in Czech Republic and Slovakia and still drive on nostalgic routes to this day.
    Sadly, the same can't be said for buses - even GSP Beograd's S115 #228, which was, allegedly, supposed to be preserved, was just left standing in the depot . If I'm not wrong, it was recently taken out of the depot, but, no one knows where, so its probably scrapped. The only S115 I know that still drives is owned by the factory "Prva petoletka - armature" in Aleksandrovac, Serbia. But, sadly, I doubt it will be preserved. As for the S200 bus - none of them are saved from the scrapyard.
    SRB: Sanos S115 i S200 bili su gradski autobusi proizvođača FAS 11 Oktomvri - Sanos iz Skoplja, u današnjoj Severnoj Makedoniji. Ovi autobusi zasnovani su na modelu prethodno sklapanom po licenci u istoj fabrici - Mercedesu O317. Zanimljivo je da je Sanos bio jedna od nekoliko fabrika koje su pravile zglobni O317G. To iskustvo im je pomoglo pri projektovanju S200, prvog jugoslovenskog zglobnog autobusa od 18m dužine. Mogao je poneti do 200 putnika i imao je neupravljivu zadnju osovinu. Dok je, sa jedne strane, dužina ponekad negativno uticala na njegovu prodaju (na primer u Beogradu, zbog tadašnjih uskih ulica), kapacitet mu je, sa druge strane, bio prednost. Međutim, S115 je često kupovao čak i GSP Beograd.
    Motori su se, kroz godine, menjali: prvo je tu bio OM346 (210 KS), zatim OM427h (240 KS) i na kraju - OM447h (250 KS), koji je verovatno ugrađivan u kasnije serije. Na Internetu sam čitao da je postojala tzv. "beogradska specifikacija" za S115, sa MB osovinama i (možda) ZF menjačem. Po onome što sam pročitao, ti autobusi su bili toliko brzi da su pojedini primerci imali blokiranu 6-tu brzinu, jer su u petoj mogli da idu preko 70 km/h.
    Ova vozila imala su i svoje trolejbuske varijante, rađene u saradnji sa Škodom. Dok je S115Tr ostao samo prototip i korišćen je u Sarajevu do 2005. godine, pojedini primerci S200Tr i danas voze na nostalgičnim linijama u Češkoj i Slovačkoj.
    Na žalost, isto se ne može reći za autobuse - čak je i S115 #228 beogradskog GSP-a, koji je trebalo da bude sačuvan, od stajanja propao, a, ako ne grešim, nedavno je i odvezen na nepoznatu lokaciju (što verovatno znači da je konačno rashodovan). Jedini S115 za koji znam da još radi je u vlasništvu fabrike "Prva petoletka - armature" iz Aleksandrovca (Srbija), ali, sumnjam da će ga sačuvati. A što se tiče autobusa S200 - nijedan nije spašen otpada.

Комментарии • 20