Quantum, quantum quantum everything - going to the quantum well too many times for the quantum bucket to handle. May result in a quantum tear in the bucket and a tear in quantum theory. Can anyone give me a definition of quantum?? I think my quantum remote control is going into quantum runaway! Enough,.... please!!;! My brain is developing a quantum headache and my quantum chemist isn't open. My quantum dog might make things better if if I give him quantum belly rubs. I'm going to my quantum bed to have quantum dreams about what I'm going to do with my quantum Life 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Less than 2 minutes in, and here comes a Chen. . Why so many members of the Chen family here. It's like Kim in Korea or Smith in English speaking areas.
i feel like this videos should be more popular, they are honestly hilarious to listen to while writting
This is not approved protocol, this was never approved protocol the fact it worked is besides the point 😂😂😂😂
I found it very funny.
Jack O'Neill? Where are Daniel, Sam, and Tealc?
Quantum, quantum quantum everything - going to the quantum well too many times for the quantum bucket to handle. May result in a quantum tear in the bucket and a tear in quantum theory. Can anyone give me a definition of quantum?? I think my quantum remote control is going into quantum runaway! Enough,.... please!!;! My brain is developing a quantum headache and my quantum chemist isn't open. My quantum dog might make things better if if I give him quantum belly rubs. I'm going to my quantum bed to have quantum dreams about what I'm going to do with my quantum Life 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Less than 2 minutes in, and here comes a Chen. . Why so many members of the Chen family here. It's like Kim in Korea or Smith in English speaking areas.