info yang berguna utk baru nak berjinak jinak. Saya pun BOT alza manual. Alhamdulillah dekat 8 tahun baru turbo nak kong. janji kaki jgan nak tekan sangat. ;0
konsep bolt on applies to all engines so resipi atau setup lebih kurang bang unless nak power yg lagi gigit jari itu dah kene bukak bab baru hehe basically apa yg saya terangkan dlm vid and boleh refer jgk dkt pinned comment benda2 yg saya terlepas pandang.
Wasalam bro. KL not so sure bro not familiar with that area. If you're ever in sunway area though I would highly recommend GT Auto. Kalau Taman Medan PJ boleh pergi 18Garage. Dua ni worksmanship as far as i heard and sendiri pernah hantar memang no complaints.
Kalau polis mmg xde hal tapi kalau jpj ni kdg risau sikit tp sebenarnya xde kesalahan pon setahu saya sbb xde kacau displacement asal enjin cuma tambah turbo. Pasal bajet tu bergantung hehe pakai kereta apa bro?
@@fadliharis83 hmmmm kalau dapat cr brng2 second inshaaAllah lepas kot bajet 5k bro. Saya xberapa pasti harga semasa berapa lama sgt dah tinggalkan scene kete ni haha
Aku rasa lah kan, CamPro non CPS atau CPS nak masuk turbo ni agak senang pakai parts dari CFE. Parts turbocharger, intake manifold ni ada jual kat kedai sparepart. Lagipun CamPro ni engine modular
boleh tu boleh boss tp nak cr tuner yg pandai main dgn carb utk bolt on agak susah. Saya sarankan tukar system intake dulu. And mcm saya ckp dalam video, kalau internal standard, jgn kerah sgt nnt jd masalah yg memeningkan kepala and merabakkan poket haha
Info dan penerangan yg baik bos 👍🏻 cuma sy tertnya2 juga if campro 1.6 BOT 1) brapa inch size piping intercooler utk turbo tf035 ya? 2) Dan injector apa yg sesuai utk digunakan? Management pula, boleh sy pkai hnya SAFC1? Harap tuan dpt bantu sy bg peneeangan bab ni.. terima kasih bos
Thank you bos. Kalau bab ni 1) piping intercooler jgn besar sgt sbb nnt kete rasa sebu maybe 2inch pon okay dh nak kene refer tuner utk exact size yg sesuai 2) Injector upsize dr original (saya xpasti size yg tepat) nak lg ngam fuel pump pon tukar ke high flow. Management seeloknya kalau campro pakai standalone (sekarang kalau nak budget brand Wings pon ramai geng campro pakai) 3) Intercooler pakai saja yg standard size dh cukup utk daily drive sbb kalau besar2 buang duit nnt lag makin terasa and kete jd lemau
@@MDALEGACY okay terima 👌🏻👍🏻 drpd apa yg sy faham.. mcm sy pkai turbo tf035 drpd subaru forester, bermaksud sy perlu pkai intercooler subaru forester juga betul tak? Klau kita pkai fuelrail campro biasa injector apa yg perlu pkai? Mksud sy injector campro sama pkai dgn kereta apa ya? Cth mcm perodua byk yg updrge akn pkai injector drpd model toyota.. fuelpump pula sy pkai walbro tp xtahu brapa size dia
@@syaqiershamsudin5920 intercooler pakai yg ngam dgn cc engine kete bos sbb forester cc besar die mampu tampung kalau pakai i/c besar even standard. Injector pulak saya xsure selalunya drng amek dr kete mana mungkin dr engine 4g but ada jgk yg oem. Kalau fuel pump dah tukar ke walbro okay dah rasanya tu bos.
standard turbo td04 tdo5 ngam dah buat geli2 bang. Untuk bolt on xde kacau wiring cumanya kalau boleh tu masuk sekurangnya piggyback ecu supaya senang tuner nak tune perangai baru engine.
Waalaikumussalam boss. Boleh jgk kalau nak masuk turbo tapi kene rujuk mcm yg saya cakap dalam video ya. Semua kena jaga dan maintain, jangan overboost, jangan kuat melenjan sebabnya semua bahagian engine campro tu dibuat khas untuk NA. Bila masuk barang turbo, ketahanan dia dah jadi lain. Secara ringkasnya, nak masuk turbo boleh tapi menekan berpada-pada hehe good luck boss!
Waalaikumussalam bro. Brg2 standard mcm turbo td04, injector amek yrv punya, fuel pump msk high flow, exhaust system depan sampai belakang kasi besar sikit untuk bg kereta 'bernafas' dgn lebih lancar, piggyback management dah memadai dsb.
kemungkinan besar itu masalah dia bang mmg kene tukar high flow fuel pump baru minyak lancar and jgn lupa jgk tukar injector ya br sedap and berbaloi buat bolt on turbo :)
@@Adamjzg fuel pump 340lph eh? Kalau itu mmg ngam dh high flow. Hehe kalau pakai NA ada hose cabut/koyak pon boleh rasa inikan turbo. Mencicit angin keluor XD tapi xpe asalkan dapat cr punca okay ah haha
stock turbo kit dan stock internal dah cukup kalau nak main low boost. Kalau dh rasa bosan main low nak up boost kena upgrade jgk internal utk pastikan komponen semua tahan utk handle extra boost pressure.
Ya Allah sorry2 bang saya dok check2 rupanya byk comment yg terlepas pandang 😭 honda city nak bolt on okay je cuma walaupun jenis menekan kdg2 pon engine akan stress sbb not made for turbo. Boleh tu boleh but kena ready2 duit utk cover kos maintenance dan repair.
boss boleh search dalam playlist channel saya ada playlist nama 'Car Talk'. Dalam tu saya ada share mods yg saya sendiri buat dari stage 1 sampai stage 3 masa pakai campro dlu hehe
Kalau internal waja walaupon ada perbezaan size yg sangat sikit dkt piston tp still low comp so kalau nak kekalkan boss punya internal tu and nak bolt on utk safety low boost sahaja selalunya tuner akan rekomen 0.5-0.7 gitu. Lebih2 nnt takut pecah sana lubang sini bengkok sana sini nangissss hehe
assalamualaikum bang dan selamat menyambut hari yg muliaa..boleh saya mintak satu permintaan x..bukan satu , tpi lebih..mcm nih !!! turbo kp39 proton preve punya tu boleh x kacuk dngan turbo lain..klau boleh , turbo apa yg boleh kacuk yek ??? boleh bt satu video x untuk satu permintaan saya nih .. 😟😭💔
waalaikumussalam bang. Bab tubo preve ni saya kena tanya pomen saya dulu nnt saya update sini ya. Sebab dulu member ada nak tukar turbo dkt preve die jgk tp pomen die kata leceh sikit. nanti saya update sini ya bang
boleh je bang ramai yg buat tapi mcm saya ckp dlm vid blok engine and internals kalau engine yg NA xberapa tahahn kalau kaki ringan. Kalau nak lg selamat masa bolt on tu tukar sekali brg dalam blok. Crankshaft, conrod, injector pon mesti tukar dah. Kalau dh tukar semua tu inshaaAllah engine akan lg selamat.
xde specific model rasenye boss sbb yg berbezanya dekat piping. Kalau bahagian lain mcm turbo dsb boleh kacuk2. Bolt on part yg nak kena bg perhatian is piping intercooler semua nak bg ngam. Sebab tu selalunya yg nak bolt on ni utk senang keje drng cr kit yg dr engine sama so senang xyah nak pikir macam2
bro..nak tanya sikit...based on your experience, kalau nak BOT Wira 1.5 SE...just small turbo and standard boost...agak2, cost itu berapa ye? and do you recommend any workshop around klang valley?
Hi bro. Kalau nak small turbo like td04 usually and main low boost no problem for daily drive cuma akan jd problem kalau selalu lenjan sebab come on, dh ada turbo mesti kaki gatal kan haha other than that no prob cuma check all internals before proceed nak bolt on to make sure semua parts still good for forced induction. Bab kos im not sure sekarang org jual berapa parts dia but if nak tahu about the prices i can recommend one of my friend's workshop in Taman Medan, PJ. 18 Garage. Boleh call direct utk set appointment and sembang2 pasal kos hehe 013-3366022.
Assalam..tuan, out of topic skit, bleh tuan bg pndapat dgn engine campro ni, kita dah tkar crankshaft cfe, forge conrod, highcomp, tp main bearing kita lopek.. camne ketahanan bearing kuat x untuk high rpm?? ap yg sye taw, main bearing untuk campro bkn ade brand king and so on..
Brand main bearing ni ada Taiho, ACL, King. Kalau dah tukar internals forged etc, baik tukar race series punya. Ada pakai standalone/piggyback ECU tak?
nak kata xboleh x jgk boss tp risiko die lebih sbb gearbox kalau dibiarkan xbuat ada kemungkinan dia akan overheat atau pecah. Kalau jenis bawak slow manjang xpe tp saya rasa mesti gian nak menekan punya haha
Saya ni pon kira takuk terawal lg dlm bab belajar benda2 ni haha ecu sewajarnya tukar bang supaya senang nak tune engine bila dh masuk turbo. Ada je yg bolt on tp xmsk standalone/piggyback tp output power susah sikit nak kasi ngam.
Hii bro sy penguna saga flx..barang dalam engine sy pakai after market conrod piston...crankshaft sy guna 1.6 nk bolt on turbo bosst sy guna 1.2bar selamat tak atas engine sy...mohon pencerahan tuan...
1.2 bar kira quite high jgk boss better set at 0.5-0.7 bar for daily use. Plus, crankshaft standard lg tak sesuai utk boost tinggi. Maybe xcepat kong but sooner or later crank xtahan heavy load and eventually patah.
Akagiemperor Akagiemperor boleh try masuk crank cfe if plan nak turbocharge. Kene custom sikit but it’ll hold sebab material die lain and lg kuat berbanding dgn s4ph. Kalau aftermarket saya kurang pasti brand apa yg available utk campro
auto xde masalah nak bolt on bro tp ecu tu kalau boleh pakai piggyback sekurangnya sebab bila dh masuk turbo ni mcm2 jgk nak kene tune utk kasi engine ngam. ECU standard xleh nak godek2 hehe
Sesuai ke for daily drive. Bawak pun slow je at least 5km everyday pegi balik keja. Time long distance (4++ km) baru lenjan kadang². Boleh bertahan ke bot ni.
@@textmissing4013 Kalau bot, akan ada probability engine nak blow sebab blok asal dan internal bukan dibuat utk tahan lenjan yg frequent. Tapi kalau mcm bos ckp sekali sekalai, xde masalah. Cumanya kemungkinan tu akan ada. Tukar ke 1.8, lg selamat TAPI xdapek nak rasa penangan turbo walaupon low boost hehe kos kesuluruhan, bot lg murah, bergantung kpd barang2 yg bos nak masuk, kalau brg aftermarket yg baru, akan jd lg mahal. Kalau used, murah sikit.
Ada yg berjaya bolt on engine pakai sistem carb tp seeloknya yg pakai sistem injection. Boleh masuk management, senang untuk monitor dan tune dkt mana yg perlu. Kurang pening boss
berbaloi tu mmg berbaloi bos tapi kalau mcm inspira nak kena jaga2 bab gearbox jgn selalu layan nafsu haha bab kos saya kurang pasti sebab xpernah lg cari brg2 turbo untuk 4b11. Maintenance pulak tak akan jd masalah cuma mcm saya cakap td, kalau kaki tak berat, panjang jangka hayat. Kalau selalu menekan kos nak maintain jd agak tinggi. Saya syorkan masuk bolt on turbo kit and kekalkan standard mcm tu saja pon dah cukup sedap. Kalau nak up ini up itu, sediakan duit lebih untuk tukar isi perut engine hehe
SharkBoyz no problem boss maintain 110-120 sepanjang jalan. Skali skala tekan utk memotong. Die yg jd nazak tu bila gian sgt jalan kosong 180-200 all the way haa itu mmg akan dtg masalah haha
No problem bang kalau auto nak bolt on ramai dah skrng pakai. Senang nak bawak daily hehe tapi apa2 pon mcm saya mention, bila bolt on and parts lain masih kekal standard (crankshaft, piston, conrod dsb) boost jgn kuat sgt. Santai2 layan low boost
Wasalam boss. Nak kene tgk spec mcm mana nak tapi tu pon saya susah nak anggarkan sbb harga market skrng saya kurang pasti. Kalau nak discuss2 harga boleh direct tnye spagh 18 garage. 013-3366022. Ckp dpt nmbor dari mda legacy 👍
Salam bang.. saya biasa bolt on turbo auto.. n skrg dh buang turbo keta mcm lemau skit ada x info skit untk bagi ok balik kereta skrg n skrg dh guna manual agak lemau jga.. haha ada skit info utk bagi sdp balik x hehe
Khairul Nazreen kalau nak tgk saya punya mods masa pakai gen2 dlu boleh try tgk playlist ‘Car Talk’ dalam channel saya boss. Dkt situ saya ada explain apa saya buat stage by stage ikut pemahaman saya.
Khairul Nazreen kalau highcam nak lg sedap dh siap ada cam pulley and management senang nak tune utk kasi up full potential. Utk daily use amek cam yg spec/degree x tinggi. Kalau tinggi sgt nnt timing xngam utk bawak harian.
sama saja bang cumanya dia dinamakan bolt on sebab kita amek parts2 utk turbocharge ni then kita masuk dekat engine yg naturally aspirated. Maka terhasillah bolt on turbo hehe bab ketahanan je la yg lain
@@vinznes7792 sama konsep saja hehe cumanya kalau kete yg dh sedia ada turbo ni block, internals semua dh mmg built utk turbo. Sbb tu ketahanan engine lg padu
Hey man, is it possible to twin turbo any 1.5/1.6 engines in a sense where can workshops actually do that? And since we're in the topic of adding turbos and all, is it possible to twin charge (turbo + supercharger) any engines as well specifically in Malaysia? Been dying to know about all this as I've been really thinking hard about twin turbo set up including twin charge set up.
hey bro. Based on your question i assume its not going to be a daily driven car so it could be a fun (and expensive) project. If its a daily driven car then that's a whole different level of nuisance and budget wise, not gonna be great. As for the twin turbo, single turbo itself will inflict a great amount of stress to your engine. Twin turbo will add another source of forced induction which brings me to my first question. Will your 1.5/1.6 engine have the proper engine internals and a solid engine block for it to withstand the stress generated? Because adding an induction system to a n/a engine is not that practical in terms of engine lifespan (depends on how you drive) which is why I assume this would be a project car. If you're adding a single turbo system, it should be fine as long as you're driving it not like you stole it. Other thing is, imo people usually have twin turbo systems because they need one turbo for low rpm while the other turbo is spooling so they can maximize performance from low to high rpm. So your engine will be dealing with forced induction all the way which is why having a strong block and engine internals are crucial. Then there is a matter of cooling system, You're gonna need a far better cooling system in order for your engine to be running as smooth as it can with a twin turbo setup. If it's just stock intercoolers, stock pipings, it's going to be a problem as a twin turbo system needs big coolers and pipings to make sure the air flow is not restricted. Imagine both your nostrils are turbos and you're having a cold. It's hard for you to breathe and that can be an example to what's gonna happen to your engine. It can't 'breathe' well. Although twin turbo setup is costly, twin charge is going to cost you even more. The cost of a new supercharger is just so expensive. If you manage to find a used set, which is still expensive, sometimes you may need to refurbish. I dont have much knowledge about twin charge setups but to me, a twin charge setup is reliable for daily use and track use, depends on your tuning. Cons is the way it is setup can be hassle and you might want to try to find a way for it to fit in the engine bay. Other con is this setup requires to have a tuner that actually has experience and not just the type of "im not sure how but i can do this" kinda 'tuner'. Basically to me both setups are about the same, to have low to high rpm power, to decrease turbo lag as much as possible. But of course, if you want fast and somehow reliable, its going to cost you a bomb. Like I said, if this is a project car, something that is originally n/a, go for it! Take the Nissan March superturbo for example, it comes originally with twin charge and can be used as a daily because the engine compartments are made to withstand the stress developed by the induction system. When you use an n/a engine, it's not actually going to last long but that could be a fun and informative r&d for you to test out on. Choosing the right parts, testing it out, trying to squeeze the best ever results on the dyno. It is going to be a challenge but it may be done. Sorry if I didn't answer your question correctly but if you have any other questions just hit me up here aite bro.
@@MDALEGACY Bruv thank you so so so so so much man for this info. You really made my day with this answer and don't worry man, you did answer my question in a whole dude. You're right man, the setups are gonna cost a bomb that's for sure and yes dude I've been thinking a lot for a project car that's why I've been having these crazy ideas but I just didn't know whether it'll be possible or not, especially in Malaysia. But anyways dude, you really answered my questions really full and thoroughly and I'm satisfied man. Thank you so much bruv and yes definitely will ask more questions when I can dude. Thank you for being the best automotive RUclipsr dude in our country man. I'm really glad to know we have a dude like you helping us out in the car scene, be it a normal kancil to a big conti vehicle, you have no limits. Keep it going with your channel bro, you got support behind you all the way. God bless you man!
@@thaneeshrs9727 Glad I could help bro. Always remember that project cars are expensive but you could do it a bit at a time and when it's ready to run and when you finally get to drive it on the track, the experience will be mind blowing. Malaysia has many talented tuners just ready to get on with your project i'm sure of it bro. Thank you so much for the kind words and support bro. Much appreciated! 🙏🙏🙏
@@MDALEGACY Thank you for the advice man and I do appreciate that so much dude. Thank you for that dude and yeah man can't wait to get that project going, even though it could be a slow progree but it will be a done deal for sure. Thank you so much again man. Do you know any workshops with good tuners that are able to do fittings of a turbo and supercharger around Klang Valley man?
@@thaneeshrs9727 No worries bro i'm glad I could help. And yeah the progress might be a bit slow but slow progress is better than no progress right? I have a couple recommendations for you. There's Nazrin Performance Shop at Seksyen 27, 18 Garage at Taman Medan, PJ and if you have an even bigger budget you could try asking GT Auto located at PJ.
uish tudiaa mg xboleh rasenya tu kalau boleh cr jalan utk custom pon nak endorse mmg jauh di mata haha kalau nak up power saya rekomen upstroke ke 1.6 dlu boss
Faris Hakim kalau nak paling tepat jawapan boleh tanya pakar boss. Boleh whatsapp kawan saya Spagh dari 18garage. 013-3366022. Ckp dpt nombor dari mda legacy ☺️☺️
boleh saja boss tapi kene sentiasa ingat internal standard skali skala nak menekan boleh tapi jgn terlalu melenjan nnt lg pening kepala hehe rpm tahap 2-3 tu mcm mana ya boss?
BRANSON SAM ohhhh okay2 paham2 sbb gb tu tp mmg xde masalah boss itu biasa. No problem nak bolt on tp mcm saya cakap kena sentiasa beringat ya bab lenjan2 ni haha
BRANSON SAM kalau semua beli baru harga boleh jd keras sikit. Nak cun try tnye2 pomen boss kot ada kenal member2 yg nak jual used kit dalam 2-3k mungkin harga skrng. Tgk jgk pada brg yg org nak jual.
4g14 bro? If anything kalau nak bolt on turbo, masuk terus bolt on turbo kit dh okay tapi lifespan xboleh nak guarantee sbb bile dh masuk turbo confirm la nak menekan haha isi perut die tukar. Crank shaft, conrod dsb tukar ke parts yg meant to perform well under heavy pressure. Injectors pon perlu tukar jgk.
boleh boss tp prinsip tetap sama. Dengan stock internal, boost kena rendah and kene kawal nafsu untuk menekan sbb isi perut xberapa kukuh untuk handle power increase mcmtu.
Basically perkara yg sama boss sbb dlm ni saya cakap mainly pasal campro lagi2 bab crankshaft. Kalau boleh campro nak bot sekurangnya pakai crankshaft dr engine cfe. Ada duit lg tambah pakai forged conrod. Kasi kukuh kaki2 yg nak handle power extra tu.
masuk terus pon on saja boss cuma mcm saya ckp perlu berhati-hati sebab internal engine tu not made for forced induction so kalau pelan2 bawak xpe kalau melenjan akan ada effect
@@christopercheludi7929 0.3-0.5 ngam tapi dia still forced induction die paksa lebih daripada ketahanan asal komponen dalaman engine so kalau xberjaga-jaga pening kepala hehe
mantap penerangan bro. berguna untuk yang nak berjinak-jinak bolt on turbo
terima kasih bro :) harap bermanfaat. Saya pon masih lagi dalam proses pembelajaran bab2 ni hehe
Great content bro. All the info presented loud and clear. Keep up the good work dude. 🤘🏻🤘🏻
Thank you for the support bro! Much appreciated!
Padu punya penerangan. 💪
Thank you boss! Semoga bermanfaat hehe
info yang berguna utk baru nak berjinak jinak. Saya pun BOT alza manual. Alhamdulillah dekat 8 tahun baru turbo nak kong. janji kaki jgan nak tekan sangat. ;0
nampak kalau dapat kawal nafsu mesti dpt tahan punya hehe thank you support boss!
Auto subscribe abg hrnsem ni
aishh segan titew haha thank you support bro!
Btl² 👍👍👍
Info yg sangat baik Tuan.. 😎😎👍👍
Terima kasih tuan 🙏🙏
Hi bro. Good advice. Thank you
Thank you for the support bro. Much appreciated!🙏
Bro nak resepi bolt on engine ck4 1.6
konsep bolt on applies to all engines so resipi atau setup lebih kurang bang unless nak power yg lagi gigit jari itu dah kene bukak bab baru hehe basically apa yg saya terangkan dlm vid and boleh refer jgk dkt pinned comment benda2 yg saya terlepas pandang.
Hell yeah brother
hellzz yeahhhh!
Salam bro, just wondering kat area KL
Ada suggestion kat mne leh buat bot? Workman mantap punya
Wasalam bro. KL not so sure bro not familiar with that area. If you're ever in sunway area though I would highly recommend GT Auto. Kalau Taman Medan PJ boleh pergi 18Garage. Dua ni worksmanship as far as i heard and sendiri pernah hantar memang no complaints.
@@MDALEGACY terbaik. Thanks for the info
And the best explanation about bot so far.
@@elmylee9062 Thank you so much bro appreciate it :)
seri kembangan ada bang...jaspark workshop...taip kat tiktok...dia buat banyak bolt on kat lancer/inspira
Sy nk tnya 2 soalan je.klu bolt on ni jpj kacau ke?n lg 1 rm5k bajet lepas ke.😅😅haha.xda member yg mai kereta.xda tmpt nk bertanya
Kalau polis mmg xde hal tapi kalau jpj ni kdg risau sikit tp sebenarnya xde kesalahan pon setahu saya sbb xde kacau displacement asal enjin cuma tambah turbo. Pasal bajet tu bergantung hehe pakai kereta apa bro?
@@MDALEGACY saga fl.igt biar je bolt on campro tu dulu.lenjan sampai puas baru upgrade enjen
@@fadliharis83 hmmmm kalau dapat cr brng2 second inshaaAllah lepas kot bajet 5k bro. Saya xberapa pasti harga semasa berapa lama sgt dah tinggalkan scene kete ni haha
Aku rasa lah kan, CamPro non CPS atau CPS nak masuk turbo ni agak senang pakai parts dari CFE. Parts turbocharger, intake manifold ni ada jual kat kedai sparepart. Lagipun CamPro ni engine modular
betul. Ada jgk yg recommend just cari kalau ada yg nak jual turbo kit dari cfe and just slap it in hehe
crankshaft macam tak sama je cfe dgn cps, boleh pakai ke?
tuan...tumpang tanya..klo bot kt enjin persona 1st model.. agak2 boleh tahan lama x walaupon dh tuka internal enjin dan boost bwh 1 bar?
kalau layan low boost, internal dah tukar dan xmelenjan selalu inshaaAllah boleh tahan.
Teringin nak pakai turbo...dapat pakai turbo standart exora pon jadi la
Lain mcm teringin die tu haha kalau bold nak kata terasa sgt xla tp nak rasa lg preve or suprima. Semoga dpt pakai satu hari nanti boss!
boss...4g13 carb boleh bolt on turbo ka?nak pakai buat panjat genting je..
boleh tu boleh boss tp nak cr tuner yg pandai main dgn carb utk bolt on agak susah. Saya sarankan tukar system intake dulu. And mcm saya ckp dalam video, kalau internal standard, jgn kerah sgt nnt jd masalah yg memeningkan kepala and merabakkan poket haha
@@MDALEGACY tq boss bg cadangan...mantappp
@@lets_do_it49 no problem boss pape roger saja hehe
Hi bro. Semoga sihat selalu:)
Hi bro. Alhamdulillah sentiasa sihat hehe
Info dan penerangan yg baik bos 👍🏻 cuma sy tertnya2 juga if campro 1.6 BOT 1) brapa inch size piping intercooler utk turbo tf035 ya? 2) Dan injector apa yg sesuai utk digunakan? Management pula, boleh sy pkai hnya SAFC1? Harap tuan dpt bantu sy bg peneeangan bab ni.. terima kasih bos
3) brapa size intercooler yg sesuai
Thank you bos. Kalau bab ni 1) piping intercooler jgn besar sgt sbb nnt kete rasa sebu maybe 2inch pon okay dh nak kene refer tuner utk exact size yg sesuai 2) Injector upsize dr original (saya xpasti size yg tepat) nak lg ngam fuel pump pon tukar ke high flow. Management seeloknya kalau campro pakai standalone (sekarang kalau nak budget brand Wings pon ramai geng campro pakai) 3) Intercooler pakai saja yg standard size dh cukup utk daily drive sbb kalau besar2 buang duit nnt lag makin terasa and kete jd lemau
@@MDALEGACY okay terima 👌🏻👍🏻 drpd apa yg sy faham.. mcm sy pkai turbo tf035 drpd subaru forester, bermaksud sy perlu pkai intercooler subaru forester juga betul tak? Klau kita pkai fuelrail campro biasa injector apa yg perlu pkai? Mksud sy injector campro sama pkai dgn kereta apa ya? Cth mcm perodua byk yg updrge akn pkai injector drpd model toyota.. fuelpump pula sy pkai walbro tp xtahu brapa size dia
@@syaqiershamsudin5920 intercooler pakai yg ngam dgn cc engine kete bos sbb forester cc besar die mampu tampung kalau pakai i/c besar even standard. Injector pulak saya xsure selalunya drng amek dr kete mana mungkin dr engine 4g but ada jgk yg oem. Kalau fuel pump dah tukar ke walbro okay dah rasanya tu bos.
@@MDALEGACY okay faham.. maknanya just pkai intercooler campro cfe jela klau mcmtu kan.. okay baik bos, terima 👌🏻 terima kasih bantu tunjuk ajar n penerangan 🫱🏻🫲🏼
Klau preve cfe turbo.maximum turbo apa yg boleh tukar?
Guna gbox cvt tahun 2016 ☺️
pernah ada member tanya dulu about tukar turbo tp not as simple as tukar turbine saja perlu tukar i/c, i/c piping and so on kalau x nnt dia akan choke
@@MDALEGACY klau tukar turbin apa sesuai tuk upgrade dan paiping?
kalau pakai block cfe dan crank shaft, boleh pnp ke kt enjin campro non cps?
Xsilap saya kene modi sikit tu nak kasi ngam
Engine 4g93 DOHC na boleh guna saiz turbo apa ,wairing kena tukar ke
standard turbo td04 tdo5 ngam dah buat geli2 bang. Untuk bolt on xde kacau wiring cumanya kalau boleh tu masuk sekurangnya piggyback ecu supaya senang tuner nak tune perangai baru engine.
Assalamualaikum bos. Nak tanya pesona 2008 sikit enjin 1.6 standard. Boleh pakai turbo ka..
Waalaikumussalam boss. Boleh jgk kalau nak masuk turbo tapi kene rujuk mcm yg saya cakap dalam video ya. Semua kena jaga dan maintain, jangan overboost, jangan kuat melenjan sebabnya semua bahagian engine campro tu dibuat khas untuk NA. Bila masuk barang turbo, ketahanan dia dah jadi lain. Secara ringkasnya, nak masuk turbo boleh tapi menekan berpada-pada hehe good luck boss!
2021 ni ade lagi tak BOT carb contoh 4g13 carb
Setup carb turbo sgt rumit and ada segelintir saja yg boleh buat. Leceh sikit sbb xleh msk management boss. Skrng kalau tnye cnfirm tuner mintak tukar ke injection dulu hehe
Bang kalau sy nak bolt on turbo dekat perdana td05 boleh tak?
Boleh bang asalkan setup ngam dgn spec engine
Boss, wira sya 4g93 sohc 1.8, turbo ape yg sesuai, throttle body smua kena tukar ke boss
kalau nak daily santai2 td04, td05 main low boost pon okay sgt dah boss buat geli2 kalau nak menekan hehe besides benda2 wajib mcm intercooler and injector, kalau rasa mcm nak lg selamat try cr aftermarket crankshaft, connecting rod, better valve springs so that xdela risau sgt bila nak belanja boosting haha
bro, ecu pun nak kena tukar kan kalau bolt on turbo ni, untuk waja campro auto sama ke ecu dengan manual
Betul bang seeloknya ecu tukar at least piggyback sbb system dh berlainan dr yg asal. Ecu manual dan auto berbeza xsilap saya
@@MDALEGACY okay bangg tq for fast respond. boleh bagi basic part untuk bolt on ?
@@affiqfuentes1810 no problem bang. Yg mana saya perasan saya reply terus hehe brg basic turbocharger, intercooler, injector, fuel pump kalau boleh, management.
sesuai tak e-Manage blue pakai untuk untuk proton gen2 bolt on?
Kalau campro saya sarankan pakai standalone terus sbb piggyback leceh dgn campro ni
campro gear auto kalau bolt on, standalone apa yg paling sesuai, mohon info MDA
Assalamualaikum bro, nak tanya, apa bolt on turbo standard yg sesuai utk alza auto 2015 ?... Tqvm...
Waalaikumussalam bro. Brg2 standard mcm turbo td04, injector amek yrv punya, fuel pump msk high flow, exhaust system depan sampai belakang kasi besar sikit untuk bg kereta 'bernafas' dgn lebih lancar, piggyback management dah memadai dsb.
Nak tanya,kalau bolt on ni salah ke dari segi undang²..?kalau roadblock lepas ke kalau polis atau jpj check..?
kalau ikutkan no problem untuk roadblock. Tapi jpj ni tau2 la sampai angin xelok dia mcm2 dia cr point.
Saya tgh bolt on wira 1.6 ori...kereta semput ...adakah fuel pump ori tak support minyak sbb tu kereta jadi semput
kemungkinan besar itu masalah dia bang mmg kene tukar high flow fuel pump baru minyak lancar and jgn lupa jgk tukar injector ya br sedap and berbaloi buat bolt on turbo :)
@@MDALEGACY terima kasih bang...skg tgh plan tukar fuel pump nanti Saya bagi respon
@@Adamjzg wokay bang beresss
Punca semput hose airflow Dari tobo terlepas...lepas pandang ..fuel pump dah tukar pakai 340lb memang berbeza Dari pump ori rasa nya
@@Adamjzg fuel pump 340lph eh? Kalau itu mmg ngam dh high flow. Hehe kalau pakai NA ada hose cabut/koyak pon boleh rasa inikan turbo. Mencicit angin keluor XD tapi xpe asalkan dapat cr punca okay ah haha
NA untuk yang kuat tahan nafsu je. Yang tak kuat akan mudah terpesona dengan turbo punya perfomance......ha..ha..ha...
Hahaha dpt pulak try bawak kete member yg baru bolt on. Mana mau tahan gelora jiwaaa haha
Kalau bmw e46 nk bolt on turbo tu kira mcm mana pulak ye memang stock turbo kit tu dh cukup ke?? Mohon pencerahan
stock turbo kit dan stock internal dah cukup kalau nak main low boost. Kalau dh rasa bosan main low nak up boost kena upgrade jgk internal utk pastikan komponen semua tahan utk handle extra boost pressure.
@@MDALEGACY thankyou bang sbb teringin nk naik turbo tak mampu bolt on je la btw thanks
@@azharozamanmatnoor5809 no problem bang. Boost safely hehe
Boss, honda city 2018 klau bolt on turbo okay tak? Maksud saya dri ketahanan engine dan sebagainya..
Ya Allah sorry2 bang saya dok check2 rupanya byk comment yg terlepas pandang 😭 honda city nak bolt on okay je cuma walaupun jenis menekan kdg2 pon engine akan stress sbb not made for turbo. Boleh tu boleh but kena ready2 duit utk cover kos maintenance dan repair.
Ada masa tolong share tips Perfomance untuk campro 1.3🙇🏻
boss boleh search dalam playlist channel saya ada playlist nama 'Car Talk'. Dalam tu saya ada share mods yg saya sendiri buat dari stage 1 sampai stage 3 masa pakai campro dlu hehe
Saga 2020 pkai campro 1.3 kan?
Bang wira 4g15 dalaman full waja ssuai dpt bosst tggi berapa ?
Kalau internal waja walaupon ada perbezaan size yg sangat sikit dkt piston tp still low comp so kalau nak kekalkan boss punya internal tu and nak bolt on utk safety low boost sahaja selalunya tuner akan rekomen 0.5-0.7 gitu. Lebih2 nnt takut pecah sana lubang sini bengkok sana sini nangissss hehe
@@MDALEGACY ohhh klo main boost 1bar mmg risiko ke cmner ke atau tgok pd tuner juga ???
Reezal Reena risiko jgk boss walaupon kdg2 xselalu lenjan. Kalau jarang2 tekan chances untuk blow xtinggi tp still internal xtahan extra load. Sbb tu kalau internal semua stock saya cuma rekomen low boost sbb nak jaga lifespan engine
@@MDALEGACY ok baik phm boss terima kasih penjelasan tu 👍🏽
Reezal Reena sama2 boss 👍
assalamualaikum bang dan selamat menyambut hari yg muliaa..boleh saya mintak satu permintaan x..bukan satu , tpi lebih..mcm nih !!! turbo kp39 proton preve punya tu boleh x kacuk dngan turbo lain..klau boleh , turbo apa yg boleh kacuk yek ??? boleh bt satu video x untuk satu permintaan saya nih .. 😟😭💔
waalaikumussalam bang. Bab tubo preve ni saya kena tanya pomen saya dulu nnt saya update sini ya. Sebab dulu member ada nak tukar turbo dkt preve die jgk tp pomen die kata leceh sikit. nanti saya update sini ya bang
Content dh ok, klau boleh kasi sekali contoh gambar masa penerangan. baru x bosan mendengar.
InshaaAllah lepasni saya cuba untuk masukkan gambar2 sekali boss. Thank you boss bg feedback dan cadangan! 🙏🙏
Do we need to change ECU after bolt-on turbo?
preferably yes bro to get a much more fine tune for the new bolt on setup. I've seen some people who don't but im not sure what the downside is.
boss kalau engine 4g13 boleh ke bold on turbo and turbo apa yg sesuai
boleh je bang ramai yg buat tapi mcm saya ckp dlm vid blok engine and internals kalau engine yg NA xberapa tahahn kalau kaki ringan. Kalau nak lg selamat masa bolt on tu tukar sekali brg dalam blok. Crankshaft, conrod, injector pon mesti tukar dah. Kalau dh tukar semua tu inshaaAllah engine akan lg selamat.
Bezza 1,0 boleh bagi bolt on turbo
Boleh tapi macam saya terangkan dalam video, part2 engine sedia ada memang untuk NA so bila dah masuk turbo kena beringat sikit ;)
Kenapa Hilux 2008 turbo lag ketara sgt eh
Beli second atau new bang dulu?
Kalau 1.8 soch nk bot mahal ke and banyak ke kena tukar?
brg2 bolt on basic mcm turbo, i/c, piping i/c, injector dsb boleh dpt murah kalau pandai cari sbb mostly brg2 secondhand
Bosku magma 4g15 turbo injektor brpa cc bole pkai?
try pakai 305cc pon ngam boss tapi bab injector ni tgk la jgk nak main low boost ke high boost ke.
Ok tq information
Salam pagi...
untuk Perodua Kenari engine standard, normally bolt-on-turbo kit pakai apa punya?
xde specific model rasenye boss sbb yg berbezanya dekat piping. Kalau bahagian lain mcm turbo dsb boleh kacuk2. Bolt on part yg nak kena bg perhatian is piping intercooler semua nak bg ngam. Sebab tu selalunya yg nak bolt on ni utk senang keje drng cr kit yg dr engine sama so senang xyah nak pikir macam2
Klu bolt on turbo ni JPJ blh lepas?
Jpj no problem kalau bolt on turbo. On terus bang hehe
Kos buat ni biasanya berapa klu yg auto
@@dinschannel9428 tgk pada brg yg dibeli. Basic siap pasang mungkin cecah 3-4k kalau ambil piggyback ecu. kalau standalone boleh cecah 7-8k. Kena rajin cari brg2 dkt marketplace.
@@MDALEGACYtq bos infonya
@@dinschannel9428 no problem boss. All the best 👍
bro..nak tanya sikit...based on your experience, kalau nak BOT Wira 1.5 SE...just small turbo and standard boost...agak2, cost itu berapa ye? and do you recommend any workshop around klang valley?
Hi bro. Kalau nak small turbo like td04 usually and main low boost no problem for daily drive cuma akan jd problem kalau selalu lenjan sebab come on, dh ada turbo mesti kaki gatal kan haha other than that no prob cuma check all internals before proceed nak bolt on to make sure semua parts still good for forced induction. Bab kos im not sure sekarang org jual berapa parts dia but if nak tahu about the prices i can recommend one of my friend's workshop in Taman Medan, PJ. 18 Garage. Boleh call direct utk set appointment and sembang2 pasal kos hehe 013-3366022.
@@MDALEGACY Well noted bro..i will try to call them and make an appointment well..
Assalam..tuan, out of topic skit, bleh tuan bg pndapat dgn engine campro ni, kita dah tkar crankshaft cfe, forge conrod, highcomp, tp main bearing kita lopek.. camne ketahanan bearing kuat x untuk high rpm?? ap yg sye taw, main bearing untuk campro bkn ade brand king and so on..
Wasalam tuan. Alamak bearing eh. Nnt saya try tnye spagh tgk apa kata dia nnt saya reply dkt sini balik ya
@@MDALEGACY alright trima kasih tuan.. 👍👍👍
Brand main bearing ni ada Taiho, ACL, King. Kalau dah tukar internals forged etc, baik tukar race series punya. Ada pakai standalone/piggyback ECU tak?
@@MrDragonfly btul tuan.. cuma yg mnjd persoalan untuk campro klau xsilap main bearing xde yg race series pnye.. tu yg mnjd prsoalan..
@@ahmadhafizh7514 adakah persoalannya, dari engine mana yang kita boleh pakai untuk campro?
Tak boleh ke bolt on tebo kat kereta auto?
nak kata xboleh x jgk boss tp risiko die lebih sbb gearbox kalau dibiarkan xbuat ada kemungkinan dia akan overheat atau pecah. Kalau jenis bawak slow manjang xpe tp saya rasa mesti gian nak menekan punya haha
@@MDALEGACY nice advice
Enjin 1.0 bolt turbo kena dyno?
Seeloknya kalau bolt on msk management and of course perlu msk dyno utk tune utk dpt full potential bolt on di samping menjaga kesihatan engine 😊
bang ,,kalau engine 1000cc standard turbo ape yg sesuai ye??
engine apa bang? kelisa? axia?
@@MDALEGACY myvi 1.0
@@juniorjulias5619 specific turbo apa saya xpasti tp utk bolt on kit layan low boost turbo kecik pon okay dah. Boleh cari myvi bolt on turbo kit selalunya dh lengkap brg cuma yg xde brg2 internal
kalau turbo L5 tu kcik jga kan
@@juniorjulias5619 yes tu kecik jgk bang
Yeah first
Laju! Haha
@@MDALEGACY biasalah bro....
ECU kena tukar ke ,maaf baru belajar tentang turbo😂
Saya ni pon kira takuk terawal lg dlm bab belajar benda2 ni haha ecu sewajarnya tukar bang supaya senang nak tune engine bila dh masuk turbo. Ada je yg bolt on tp xmsk standalone/piggyback tp output power susah sikit nak kasi ngam.
Hii bro sy penguna saga flx..barang dalam engine sy pakai after market conrod piston...crankshaft sy guna 1.6 nk bolt on turbo bosst sy guna 1.2bar selamat tak atas engine sy...mohon pencerahan tuan...
1.2 bar kira quite high jgk boss better set at 0.5-0.7 bar for daily use. Plus, crankshaft standard lg tak sesuai utk boost tinggi. Maybe xcepat kong but sooner or later crank xtahan heavy load and eventually patah.
Terima kasih tuan...atas pencerahan...crankshaft ape yg sesuai untuk save masalah engine kita..terima kasih...
Akagiemperor Akagiemperor boleh try masuk crank cfe if plan nak turbocharge. Kene custom sikit but it’ll hold sebab material die lain and lg kuat berbanding dgn s4ph. Kalau aftermarket saya kurang pasti brand apa yg available utk campro
Terima kasih sangat2 tuan...semoga sentiasa dimurahkan rezeki...tuan...
Akagiemperor Akagiemperor sama2 tuan. Aminnnn😊😊
Bro boleh tanya. Standard kenari auto boleh bolt on turbo ker. Dan boleh guna ecu standard ker?
auto xde masalah nak bolt on bro tp ecu tu kalau boleh pakai piggyback sekurangnya sebab bila dh masuk turbo ni mcm2 jgk nak kene tune utk kasi engine ngam. ECU standard xleh nak godek2 hehe
Sesuai ke for daily drive. Bawak pun slow je at least 5km everyday pegi balik keja. Time long distance (4++ km) baru lenjan kadang². Boleh bertahan ke bot ni.
Kalau dgn cara boss cakap ni mmg sesuai and tahan for daily drive sbb bawak mcm manusia hehe
@@MDALEGACY ok lagi 1. Mana yg lebih baik dr segi penjagaan enjin n kos keseluruhan. Tukar enjin 1.5 ke 1.8 atau 1.5 bot.
@@textmissing4013 Kalau bot, akan ada probability engine nak blow sebab blok asal dan internal bukan dibuat utk tahan lenjan yg frequent. Tapi kalau mcm bos ckp sekali sekalai, xde masalah. Cumanya kemungkinan tu akan ada. Tukar ke 1.8, lg selamat TAPI xdapek nak rasa penangan turbo walaupon low boost hehe kos kesuluruhan, bot lg murah, bergantung kpd barang2 yg bos nak masuk, kalau brg aftermarket yg baru, akan jd lg mahal. Kalau used, murah sikit.
@@MDALEGACY ok bos tq atas info yg berguna.👍
Saga 1.5 carb boleh x bolt on
Ada yg berjaya bolt on engine pakai sistem carb tp seeloknya yg pakai sistem injection. Boleh masuk management, senang untuk monitor dan tune dkt mana yg perlu. Kurang pening boss
Kalau guna enjin 4G91 turbo apa yg sesuai kalau nk bolt on bang
Nak layan2 saja guna td04 or td05 ngam dh utk low boost boss. Kalau pakai besau2 lemau nnt xupgrade tang lain hehe
pakdinasty welcome boss 👍👍
Bos, klo buat mcm nie baik beli GSRT CK atau msk Evo😅
Betul bro i agree tp ramai i tgk yg suka bolt on so alang2 tu just bg a bit of guidance hehe
boss..nak tnya..inspira 2.0 pasang turbo berbaloi tak? agak2 brpa kos? maintanence mcm mna?
berbaloi tu mmg berbaloi bos tapi kalau mcm inspira nak kena jaga2 bab gearbox jgn selalu layan nafsu haha bab kos saya kurang pasti sebab xpernah lg cari brg2 turbo untuk 4b11. Maintenance pulak tak akan jd masalah cuma mcm saya cakap td, kalau kaki tak berat, panjang jangka hayat. Kalau selalu menekan kos nak maintain jd agak tinggi. Saya syorkan masuk bolt on turbo kit and kekalkan standard mcm tu saja pon dah cukup sedap. Kalau nak up ini up itu, sediakan duit lebih untuk tukar isi perut engine hehe
@@MDALEGACY klu keta pasang turbo ok ke guna long distance?
SharkBoyz no problem boss maintain 110-120 sepanjang jalan. Skali skala tekan utk memotong. Die yg jd nazak tu bila gian sgt jalan kosong 180-200 all the way haa itu mmg akan dtg masalah haha
Auto boleh tak bang
No problem bang kalau auto nak bolt on ramai dah skrng pakai. Senang nak bawak daily hehe tapi apa2 pon mcm saya mention, bila bolt on and parts lain masih kekal standard (crankshaft, piston, conrod dsb) boost jgn kuat sgt. Santai2 layan low boost
Salam bos sy gune preve excutiv manual yg xde turbo klw sy nk upgred enjin campro tu untk buat sesedp jlan brpe agak2 kos nye bos
Wasalam boss. Nak kene tgk spec mcm mana nak tapi tu pon saya susah nak anggarkan sbb harga market skrng saya kurang pasti. Kalau nak discuss2 harga boleh direct tnye spagh 18 garage. 013-3366022. Ckp dpt nmbor dari mda legacy 👍
Salam bang.. saya biasa bolt on turbo auto.. n skrg dh buang turbo keta mcm lemau skit ada x info skit untk bagi ok balik kereta skrg n skrg dh guna manual agak lemau jga.. haha ada skit info utk bagi sdp balik x hehe
Wasalam bang. Kalau dh msk turbo tp makin lemau mesti ada sebab tu hehe tp xpe turbo pon dh buang kan. Skrng pakai engine apa tu bro?
@@MDALEGACY masih guna enjin campro jga
Khairul Nazreen kalau nak tgk saya punya mods masa pakai gen2 dlu boleh try tgk playlist ‘Car Talk’ dalam channel saya boss. Dkt situ saya ada explain apa saya buat stage by stage ikut pemahaman saya.
@@MDALEGACY terbaik bang..highcam membantu x utk na atau adj cam plley dah ok dh..nnt sya usha yg bos ckp tu terbaik info
Khairul Nazreen kalau highcam nak lg sedap dh siap ada cam pulley and management senang nak tune utk kasi up full potential. Utk daily use amek cam yg spec/degree x tinggi. Kalau tinggi sgt nnt timing xngam utk bawak harian.
Kalau campro cfe yang dah ada turbo standard, ada ke alternatif untuk upgrade turbo?
Xdisarankan sbb nnt stress dkt gb boss. Saya pernah tnye dulu kalau takat nak upsize sikit turbo pon nnt akan kacau jgk
@@MDALEGACY gearbox pula masalah. Tq2.
Sir Ash Studio yes boss kalau boleh cr gb manual yg boleh kacuk
Bolt on ni sama ke dgn turbo biasa atau apa ?
sama saja bang cumanya dia dinamakan bolt on sebab kita amek parts2 utk turbocharge ni then kita masuk dekat engine yg naturally aspirated. Maka terhasillah bolt on turbo hehe bab ketahanan je la yg lain
@@MDALEGACY oh hahaha,Ingt bolt on ni lain dgn Turbo
@@vinznes7792 sama konsep saja hehe cumanya kalau kete yg dh sedia ada turbo ni block, internals semua dh mmg built utk turbo. Sbb tu ketahanan engine lg padu
bang, apa maksud 1 bar , 1.2 bar boosting ?
yang itu menunjukkan berapa banyak pressure yg masuk ke engine atau boleh jugak kira pakai PSI. lagi tinggi bar@psi lagi tinggi boost maknanya.
@MDALEGACY tambahkan compression psi/bar dekat head block.
Hey man, is it possible to twin turbo any 1.5/1.6 engines in a sense where can workshops actually do that? And since we're in the topic of adding turbos and all, is it possible to twin charge (turbo + supercharger) any engines as well specifically in Malaysia? Been dying to know about all this as I've been really thinking hard about twin turbo set up including twin charge set up.
hey bro. Based on your question i assume its not going to be a daily driven car so it could be a fun (and expensive) project. If its a daily driven car then that's a whole different level of nuisance and budget wise, not gonna be great. As for the twin turbo, single turbo itself will inflict a great amount of stress to your engine. Twin turbo will add another source of forced induction which brings me to my first question. Will your 1.5/1.6 engine have the proper engine internals and a solid engine block for it to withstand the stress generated? Because adding an induction system to a n/a engine is not that practical in terms of engine lifespan (depends on how you drive) which is why I assume this would be a project car. If you're adding a single turbo system, it should be fine as long as you're driving it not like you stole it. Other thing is, imo people usually have twin turbo systems because they need one turbo for low rpm while the other turbo is spooling so they can maximize performance from low to high rpm. So your engine will be dealing with forced induction all the way which is why having a strong block and engine internals are crucial. Then there is a matter of cooling system, You're gonna need a far better cooling system in order for your engine to be running as smooth as it can with a twin turbo setup. If it's just stock intercoolers, stock pipings, it's going to be a problem as a twin turbo system needs big coolers and pipings to make sure the air flow is not restricted. Imagine both your nostrils are turbos and you're having a cold. It's hard for you to breathe and that can be an example to what's gonna happen to your engine. It can't 'breathe' well. Although twin turbo setup is costly, twin charge is going to cost you even more. The cost of a new supercharger is just so expensive. If you manage to find a used set, which is still expensive, sometimes you may need to refurbish. I dont have much knowledge about twin charge setups but to me, a twin charge setup is reliable for daily use and track use, depends on your tuning. Cons is the way it is setup can be hassle and you might want to try to find a way for it to fit in the engine bay. Other con is this setup requires to have a tuner that actually has experience and not just the type of "im not sure how but i can do this" kinda 'tuner'. Basically to me both setups are about the same, to have low to high rpm power, to decrease turbo lag as much as possible. But of course, if you want fast and somehow reliable, its going to cost you a bomb. Like I said, if this is a project car, something that is originally n/a, go for it! Take the Nissan March superturbo for example, it comes originally with twin charge and can be used as a daily because the engine compartments are made to withstand the stress developed by the induction system. When you use an n/a engine, it's not actually going to last long but that could be a fun and informative r&d for you to test out on. Choosing the right parts, testing it out, trying to squeeze the best ever results on the dyno. It is going to be a challenge but it may be done.
Sorry if I didn't answer your question correctly but if you have any other questions just hit me up here aite bro.
@@MDALEGACY Bruv thank you so so so so so much man for this info. You really made my day with this answer and don't worry man, you did answer my question in a whole dude. You're right man, the setups are gonna cost a bomb that's for sure and yes dude I've been thinking a lot for a project car that's why I've been having these crazy ideas but I just didn't know whether it'll be possible or not, especially in Malaysia. But anyways dude, you really answered my questions really full and thoroughly and I'm satisfied man. Thank you so much bruv and yes definitely will ask more questions when I can dude. Thank you for being the best automotive RUclipsr dude in our country man. I'm really glad to know we have a dude like you helping us out in the car scene, be it a normal kancil to a big conti vehicle, you have no limits. Keep it going with your channel bro, you got support behind you all the way. God bless you man!
@@thaneeshrs9727 Glad I could help bro. Always remember that project cars are expensive but you could do it a bit at a time and when it's ready to run and when you finally get to drive it on the track, the experience will be mind blowing. Malaysia has many talented tuners just ready to get on with your project i'm sure of it bro. Thank you so much for the kind words and support bro. Much appreciated! 🙏🙏🙏
@@MDALEGACY Thank you for the advice man and I do appreciate that so much dude. Thank you for that dude and yeah man can't wait to get that project going, even though it could be a slow progree but it will be a done deal for sure. Thank you so much again man. Do you know any workshops with good tuners that are able to do fittings of a turbo and supercharger around Klang Valley man?
@@thaneeshrs9727 No worries bro i'm glad I could help. And yeah the progress might be a bit slow but slow progress is better than no progress right? I have a couple recommendations for you. There's Nazrin Performance Shop at Seksyen 27, 18 Garage at Taman Medan, PJ and if you have an even bigger budget you could try asking GT Auto located at PJ.
Boss..soalan random, boleh ke kalau nk upgrade engine saga 1.3 ke engin x50?
uish tudiaa mg xboleh rasenya tu kalau boleh cr jalan utk custom pon nak endorse mmg jauh di mata haha kalau nak up power saya rekomen upstroke ke 1.6 dlu boss
@@MDALEGACY slalunya bape harga and kat mana nak cari ye ? Dh google tapi x tau keyword
Faris Hakim kalau nak paling tepat jawapan boleh tanya pakar boss. Boleh whatsapp kawan saya Spagh dari 18garage. 013-3366022. Ckp dpt nombor dari mda legacy ☺️☺️
Jawapan random juga ni bro... Kompom bolehhh😎👍
zoRo aRzo kasi mask semangat thailand marii hehe kalau jd meh sini nak review huhu
boss yang ni start dari 0 sampai turbo car ge
from NA and masuk bolt on turbo kit boss.
boleh saja boss tapi kene sentiasa ingat internal standard skali skala nak menekan boleh tapi jgn terlalu melenjan nnt lg pening kepala hehe rpm tahap 2-3 tu mcm mana ya boss?
BRANSON SAM ohhhh okay2 paham2 sbb gb tu tp mmg xde masalah boss itu biasa. No problem nak bolt on tp mcm saya cakap kena sentiasa beringat ya bab lenjan2 ni haha
BRANSON SAM kalau semua beli baru harga boleh jd keras sikit. Nak cun try tnye2 pomen boss kot ada kenal member2 yg nak jual used kit dalam 2-3k mungkin harga skrng. Tgk jgk pada brg yg org nak jual.
Nak pesan... Nak pakai turbo biar eco. Jangan pakai besar. Turbo untuk jimat minyak. Pakai memuat untuk enjin. Nice saja dah. Laju2 rosak enjin. Okay stay safe.
Betul tu boss. Kdg tu ikut hati sgt smpaikan setup yg dh xngam dgn engine habis kaputtt huhu
Dari awal sampai habis video bercakap je. Baik abg upload audio je dkt spotify.
betul jgk tu bang. okay2 nnt saya try upload dlm spotify nak cr mic padu dulu
Hello boss.. nak tanya.. klau saga enjin 4g14 boleh bolt on tak? Klau boleh apa yg perlu tukar? 🙏🏻
4g14 bro? If anything kalau nak bolt on turbo, masuk terus bolt on turbo kit dh okay tapi lifespan xboleh nak guarantee sbb bile dh masuk turbo confirm la nak menekan haha isi perut die tukar. Crank shaft, conrod dsb tukar ke parts yg meant to perform well under heavy pressure. Injectors pon perlu tukar jgk.
enjin 1.3 mmc boleh bolt on turbo ke?
boleh boss tp prinsip tetap sama. Dengan stock internal, boost kena rendah and kene kawal nafsu untuk menekan sbb isi perut xberapa kukuh untuk handle power increase mcmtu.
-turbo td04
-throttle body
-injector (besaq 🤏)
-fuel regulator
-intercooler (kecik)
-piping intercooler (kecik)
-piping exhaust
-ecu (tune)
@@abdulfaiz296 ngammmmm
boleh buat tak information pendapat bolt on turbo di campro
Basically perkara yg sama boss sbb dlm ni saya cakap mainly pasal campro lagi2 bab crankshaft. Kalau boleh campro nak bot sekurangnya pakai crankshaft dr engine cfe. Ada duit lg tambah pakai forged conrod. Kasi kukuh kaki2 yg nak handle power extra tu.
Kalau engine std saga flx 1.3 N/A dapat tak on turbo
masuk terus pon on saja boss cuma mcm saya ckp perlu berhati-hati sebab internal engine tu not made for forced induction so kalau pelan2 bawak xpe kalau melenjan akan ada effect
Kalau tukar engine ..suggest engine ape boss
Kalau boost 0.3 ok tak
@@christopercheludi7929 mivec ck/rs, 1.8 sohc. Kalau bajet melambung, sarung terus engine evo 4-7 hehe
@@christopercheludi7929 0.3-0.5 ngam tapi dia still forced induction die paksa lebih daripada ketahanan asal komponen dalaman engine so kalau xberjaga-jaga pening kepala hehe