I don’t ever want to hear a politician - or anyone - say that America is the greatest country in the world. A measure of a country’s greatness is how they care for the most vulnerable citizens and America is failing.
Many states are now telling poor women they have to carry an unplanned pregnancy against her will, when abortion used to be available and safe. So now we will hear even more horror stories in the news about women not getting the vital healthcare they need during a pregnancy. Stories about miscarried fetuses abandoned in the gutters of America by homeless people. At least access to a safe abortion would have been more humane for both the woman and the fetus. And why are there any homeless poor families with children, who were born alive, living in cars at rest stops and parking lots where their families beg for gas and grocery money with cardboard signs? Why no decent housing provided by the states that are currently banning access to an abortion for these down and out women and families? There is truly a disturbing disconnect in our society.....or is our "everyone for himself/ survival of the fittest" culture to blame for this disgrace?
Most Americans live paycheck-to-paycheck. Why should they be forced to take care of these people who made poor life choices. That "man" isn't handicapped. If he's able to collect pallets, he's sure as heck able to work 40 hours a week to care for the child HE created.
That does not mean supporting their drug "addictions", criminal behavior or entering the US illegally. If a woman has breast cancer and goes to jail, her disease will not go away. However, put a drug addict in jail and miraculously the *disease* of addiction goes away. It is not a disease but their choice.
@@ksmith2852 - You’re wrong. The disease of addiction does not go away - it’s just in forced remission. Unless the addicted person gets treatment, they will most likely do anything they can to try and get high while incarcerated. And, more likely than not, they will use within the first week after being released. The bottom line is every life has value. No one in this country should be living on the street and/or going hungry while billionaires hoard more and more wealth.
I was born and raised here and I raised my kids here. After I divorced we had a 2bd/2ba 2-story rental in the late 90s that cost around $600/month. It wasn't the best neighborhood but it wasn't terrible either. That same rental would be close to $2K per month now. So rents have more than tripled but wages have been stagnant for 10 years or more and some have even gone backward depending on what field you work in. My highest paying job was just over 40K per year and even that wouldn't allow me to rent that same apartment in today's market. Employers know they can lowball wages here and get away with it so even folks with F/T jobs are living in their cars. This is not the same country my parents raised us in.
To be fair the issue revolves more around the economy, border security and how long and difficult the process is when it comes to building new homes and our politicians constantly sending our tax dollars over seas. That’s the biggest reasoning for the rising housing cost. Arizona never had a lot of high paying jobs. Even today 80% of the jobs are low skill jobs. With the rapid expansion and the flow of companies started pouring into the state it’s unfortunate that most of the high paying jobs are given to transplants or rather already taken by someone out of state being transferred here to a new location. Though as someone who grew up here it does suck being pushed out of the housing market wondering if you will ever be able to save anything.
True breaks my heart to see my grandbabies work so hard pay high rents for dumps, they worry about me living in this old trailer, when they can they fix the floors the leaks some rooms just close off, but this old trailer would be better than a retirement facility , our young people dont stand a chance .
lolol intentional just like evolution. JSYK homeless rates are lower than during the time of Jesus, kings, and Pharaoh's... I for one would rather be homeless circa 2020s VS being forced to dona lifetime of free labour 😂😅
@@christophermiller3031 And you probably don't think that pouring $110 BILLION into weapons for nazis in Ukraine rather than into the well-being of a country's people is intentional either. It just "evolved" that way. Right?
Rent control still allows the landlord to raise the rent, since the city says the landlord can raise the rent by X amount per year, it actually encourages the landlord to raise the rent every year because the city approved them to raise the rent under rent control. Logically, it must be good if it's pre-approved by the city. While when there is no rent control, the landlord might not raise the rent for years😁
There is no housing crisis, this is propaganda from the Democrats. If there was a need for more houses, investors would build right away because there's money to be made. These people are smarter than the average person and they're always searching for ways to make money. They didn't get where they are by being stupid.
In 1997/98 .....I with my 2 children (from prior marriage) fled domestic violence from my second husband. I went from Kentucky to Arizona. I had a few thousand dollars and thought that would give me enough to get a place and time to find a job. Nope..... That money ran out fast even back then. I was so lucky and found a shelter in Mesa. They gave us a little motel room turned studio apartment for 3 months. This was a shelter for families. What a blessing that was and all the staff were the most caring people I have ever met. I so wish we had more places like this because as we see from your video and many others...... It is desperately needed. Shame on the mayor for taking funds from the one organization. They should be giving more...... Not take. I'm sure they have many area's in the budget they could take 10,000 from and most would never be noticed. Bless you all for what your doing. I will always have a deep love for Arizona/Maricopa county 💖
I have been travelling for a month through California ( awful place, never coming again), the majority of these homeless people seems not well in the head and quite violent. They do not need free housing, they should be put in looney bin behind bars
@@bambinaforever1402 it's the drugs. Their is a culture of drug use among ye homeless. It's how they cope with being homeless. Imagine being looked at with disgust all the time... It hurts more than you think.
Mary..what about the blokes that abandon their own kids in addition to the women ! You must be a mean ol btch church goer. Shame on you !! Hypocrite..Get back in that church and ask the Lord for forgiveness and common sense..and maybe a new pastor.. shame on him !
I have no answer. Here it is: Cut spending and don't fool with the politics. How is this accomplished? What about disaster or tragedy like 1929 or WW2. Or you can just do it yourself before circumstances force you to. Do what? Become rigidly conservative. Even religious. Everyone including myself has gone too far.
I would love to make the world a better place but where do you start?? I try to help anyone that I come across that is in need but beyond that I don’t know what else to do…. 😔
@@serenacabell8255 You can help make the world a better place by buying a house and letting the renters/squatters live in there rent free and you help with the matience.
These people won't "pull" anything together. Is that a man? Get a job and support your freaking family. That's what MEN do. My parents raised nine. They worked non stop. Get a job.
New Zealand is the same. homelessness has escalated massively over the last few years. A large number of motels are leased out by the govt to house homeless people but they’re often not well managed and drugs/alcohol allowed. It’s a world wide issue and getting much worse.
I've stayed at a shelter where drug use was allowed & it was disgustingly dirty & very violent. Obviously drug addicts need somewhere to go even if I personally think they don't deserve it; it's bad for society to have them out in the open...but there need to be shelters specifically for drug addicts to also keep them away from other homeless people who are not drug addicts. Such as myself; I was homeless due to being disabled & social security in the US doesn't allow you to afford to live anywhere...so I had to wait to get into an emergency version of our housing program but I was not on drugs & did not deserve to be around violent junkie psychopaths while I was going through this situation the govt. put me & many other people in including people who work but still can't afford anywhere to live....
@Jayjoe1006f not free, they just bill you. If you don’t pay, It just goes to collections. If you have no address and find out later, you can just dispute it and it will be removed from your credit report or wait 7 years and it’s automatically removed and discharged. If she had no income or low income, it’s paid by the government aka free. In her case, most likely free.
Yes, this is so unfair. This homeless man is getting laid and making babies, yet I have a job and a two bedroom apartment but I don't get any action and am always alone.
If you would flood the market with affordable places to live. Too many of us are on SS only. We MUST have more new, clean, small places to live. Bigger paychecks isn't the answer it's making sure you have good places for people to live that match the paychecks your people get
This saddens me that WE as the "wealthiest" country in America chooses to help other countries before addressing what is really happening in the United States of America!!! DISGRACEFUL!!!!
You think the US selflessly helps other countries? War is business, corporate America benefits, the profits of companies like Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, Boeing, Exxon Mobil are through the roof. The reason nobody helps the homeless is that there's no money in it.
Lots of huge empty buildings could be taken over by the state and turned into housing with social services available. The old, empty FRYS ELECTRONICS store in Tempe is a good example. Turn it into a high rise housing complex.
Why would anyone do that? In the ideal world thats a great idea in the real world who would want to spend money to fix up an old building with absolutely zero return money wise.
@@vc7417 government. This is where u re paying taxes for. Well, we pay in Europe for - free medical care and social help for less fortunate. Government builds apartment buildings for less fortunate and takes care of it
@@bambinaforever1402 yes but we are talking about the US where free or low cost medical insurance almost non existent. People had to use animal insulin (much cheaper) or use smaller dose each day to stretch what they have on hand 😣
Wow this was a really great piece of journalism, I commend the people who made this. A good deep look at a population of our unhoused who are not usually the focus. It was very sad to see the women going through such uncertainty and no options.
We can do better...yes we can...our babies deserve better...we can build back up these people's self respect with proper jobs and responsibilities within our communities....so now you all smart ones get together ,put you heads together, and figure it out...there are hundreds of ways...just nobody is bothering to do it...ask elon musk, I bet he has ideas...I got hundreds of ideas
I fear this will be me in the future. I have a job but I don't make 3 times my Salary to afford an apartment. the best I can do is rent a room or sleep in my car
I did security for circle the city about five years ago as a side contractor they are STRICT once you are dropped off or come asking them for help they will help you but there are TONS OF RULES to be followed and if they aren't met you will be asked to leave or kicked out , so I can see why most pregnant women don't come back!
The rules are necessary for everyone’s safety for one. And for two, you are living with many different personalities and mental issues so rules are essential. We need more affordable housing instead of all these brownstones and mega apt bldgs going up That cost 2000$ monthly or more just To gentrify a town or city that our town/city officials allow for revenue and no other reason. They are given many incentives and subsidies to allow them in and They push out people who’ve lived in those communities all their lives. It’s criminal and sickening.
I met a Spanish lady when I was At skid row handing out clothes to homeless people All homles people are not on drugs this poor woman with 70 don't do drugs or drink or smoke ,. The only thing that she asked me 😰 would I please open her water bottle 😢her hands hurt too bad, heartbreaking that broke my heart
This video is showing how bad it is here in Phoenix, Arizona. I am homeless but to be a homeless pregnant mother is heart breaking. Something needs to change. I do not understand how these politicians are trying to take away funding from a group that is directly impacting the homeless in a positive way. We are almost done with 2023 but we are not done with homelessness.
You should take better care of your mother, your father, your children, your siblings, aunt, uncle or cousins. The church needs to tend more to the orphans, widows and poor.
Citizens aren't their priority. Gov/churches are focused on giving the countless illegals, free housing/medical/food/clothing. Our poor citizens can go pound salt.
shocking news just in , accidents happen, look up the failure rate of birth control, it not common but its more common than you think . i did not intend to be a father again at 45 but it happened there's no question hes my boy and no question i was using birth control when it happened . i have since tied it in a knot ,but in other news, that can fail to . also i believe abortion is Stickley between dr and patient ,but for us abortion was never an option to the point where my wife risked a higher chance of death and serious long term medical problems to carry him .
If the couple have other children or are married, (like they've been together for a long time) then the man should've had a vasectomy. But all these "smart" people would rather spend 250k for another child for 18 years and put themselves into poverty than spend a meager $500-1000 for a vasectomy. Rather buy cigarettes, beer, clothes, weed, vapes, electronics, scratch tickets and whatever other junk they don't need. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Don't be like most people, plan ahead and perform risk management for your future.
Things need to change. The non profits take 90% of the money for their own paycheck and only 10% go to the homeless. If they fixed homeless then these non profits wouldn’t make any money. So they don’t want the problem fixed. Non profits should not be paid and all the funds should be used to help the homeless. PROBLEM SOLVED.
There are weak nurses with a case of narcissism who would love to turn homeless families into CPS just for the power trip. As a retired nurse, I’ve seen the weakest take workplace mobbing and bullying out on their patients. Those were the ones I documented and reported because this not part of a nurse’s training or employment policy. When I sign up for a job, it doesn’t include making friends or tolerate the harmful conduct of co workers.
That's an ignorant idea. I say no to more shelters (adult daycare centers). Responsible tax paying citizens should not have to support lazy people. I have been working for 30 years. I hate it, but I have to do it.
All of these experts bemoan the problem but due nothing to solve homelessness. Yeah, anyone on the street can say there isn't enough help and a lot of people without a home. All they do is count and track and complain about the problem, but with all the money they get, no one fixes it. If they help one out of hundreds they are happy? They seem full of themselves. If all these people had SNAP, social security, rental assistance and the Medicare, they would be okay with a place that would accept them to live. The problem is there is no housing that takes random people at low cost anymore. Those pregnant women know their babies will be taken away almost guaranteed. These services are not geared to helping but managing a population that is left permanently outside the system. They city knows there is a problem but builds no housing for them, like they don't deserve it. If they don't deserve it, doesn't everyone else deserve a nice place to live without people dying in piles of trash all over the area? It is a win win for everyone, but people are too greedy and self-centered to really fix this problem. I don't like seeing it nor hearing their struggles. There is money to help them. Use it correctly.
@@ChatBloom maybe they should've used birth control but guess their completely irresponsible and never grew up. What happened to pro choice, a woman's right to choose abortion.
I truly don't understand why America is allowing our people to have to live like this .There are thousands upon thousands of vacant buildings . Open them up for the homeless it's way better then nothing.Put families together in one building and single men in one and so on come on America we can do much better than this STOP TAKING CARE OF OTHERS AND TAKE CARE OF OUR OWN ....
If anything happens on their property, they will be liable. They would have to have insurance for those people. If there's crime, they would be liable. There has to be all the necessities, utilities otherwise it's uninhabitable. They would constantly need vector control because these are dirty people that attract these pests including beg bugs. That can eat away the flesh. This is property that someone earned through hard work, not your hard work.why don't you take them to your house you hypocrite.
@Drmidnight-dd6tw ah yes, because trust fund and investment firm really "worked hard" to get there More like they made you work hard for them, i don't think have trillions, litterally more than half of the gdp from half the existing country is something that a normal human should have so much power, or something that was view positively even before, and here i tought american were so much for separation of power and not one man to get too much of it, money is power if you didnt realize yet😮
and knowone cares at all , I am 50 yrs old & been homeless for 6 years trying to get my ID valid so I can work & support myself and knowone wants to help me because I am not a alcoholic or drug addict and this is a huge problem in this country today
I was homeless for 10 years. It doesn't last forever. Sooner or later, things will get better. Just put on your big boy pants and deal with whatever comes along as well as you can.
I just don't understand why it has to be so many regulations I have been homeless and had to stay in my van WHY because the rent is not affordable and you can't even get a good job to afford it so this is really heartbreaking because it should be easier than this and I am now helping homeless people and they wanna over tax you for doing that like wow why can't people get the help they need omgosh!!!!!!! So unfair it is not alwys the persons fault they are quick to blame the person I known women that have been raped in shelters that why a lot of women don't do shelters it's complicated she's right
Homeless people in phoenix Arizona has been a problem for many many years back in 1998 the waiting list was 3 to 4 years with kids no such thing as emergency housing in phoenix Arizona and if you don't have a car there then you might as well give NO government help 0 plan and simple shelters only let you stay 2 or 3 days and you have to go, NO help for child care 0 Arizona sucks at taking care of their people
A lot of these women don’t have pregnancies by choice. These women are raped because they fall asleep, can’t stay awake to protect themselves, as one of the women stated. So many women, including the interviewee, was sexually assaulted. Those monsters don’t use condoms and they don’t want the woman to take birth control before either. And plan B is about 40-70 dollars depending on where you are. These vulnerable women don’t have that kind of money to drop every time some evil psycho decides to take advantage of them.
The more prosperous the local or regional economy, the higher the cost of living. That's part of the reason we see homeless people panhandling in front of a business with a "help wanted" sign.
200,000 is nothing. I can't believe they would take this. I am pregnant at 35 and work almost 100 hours a week and can hardly provide for my growing self and my family. It's terrible outhere
@@kevinperry3197not everyone live the fairytale live you're lived dear, some people had problem and trauma, wich sometime lead to poor decision, i just wonder why your mom didnt close her legs too seeing what type of person you became, she should have followed your own advice
Remove the kids if parents neglecting them. In my city of 300,000 every store has a help wanted sign from 15-20 dollars an hour and noone wants to work, just want free apartments and a free check for drugs. Dont have kids for a check, ample free birth control out there.
Get a sleeping bag it's not that hard. I lived on the streets for 10 years, never even imagined owning a vehicle let alone the luxury of living out of one. Also maybe if you can't afford kids don't have them? Pretty easy concept.
Where are all the pro-life people that want to help and have people to have babies they only care about the baby being born but what's it born, they don't care...
That's absolutely true. They'll turn themselves into pretzels to get you to birth your baby, but as soon as it takes its first breath they could care less about you or it.
Im sorry but why the hell would you allow yourself to become pregnant while homeless? I dont mean to sound uncaring but isnt it obvious that their irresponsibility is how they wound up homeless in the first place? And at the age of 43 is doubly sad.
Red/flyover states are particularly brutal but even where I am, in "Silicon Valley" we have children growing up in parking lots and culverts, not going to school, born into homelessness as a caste they'll be trapped in.
I am hoping that Phoenix comes up with a way to help the homeless who want help. Its pitiful that some of homeless have no intention of moving forward.
21:00 "Pregnancy services that are inclusive of all options and support personal choice" just means they support abortions, which a place like "Maggie's Place" (and most pregnancy outreaches mostly funded by religious organizations) most likely does not. It's ALL political and religious bias based.
Personal responsibility. Unmarried. Why aren't they working? If it is too expensive in Phoenix, drive somewhere cheaper. Very tired of leeches sucking up foodstamps, begging in every corner, etc. Some people are homeless through no fault of their own but most have consistently made bad decisions. People must live below their means and avoid spending money. We eat the cheapest foods like beans, rice, tap water, bananas, potatoes, etc. We wear used clothes. We rinse with water (no toilet paper, no paper towels, no paper napkins or tissues. Use cut up old T-shirts and wash). We go to our multiple jobs then to home. We don't do activities that cost money. Birthdays/Christmas= 1 gift and only for children, no cable, pay as you go cell phones reserved for emergency use only, home haircuts, no tattoos, no mani/pedi, no makeup, bar soap/Alberto Vo5 shampoo for $1.25/toothpaste, use the library for entertainment, etc. I work very hard in and outside of my home. I wouldn't be with a man who doesn't work. Sex= pregnancy possibility. No sex outside of marriage. Living consistently below our means allows us to build up savings. It is hard and goes against the rampant consumerism our culture "preaches". Storms of life will come. I'm a cancer survivor, etc. Frugal habits and never going into debt consistently followed create wealth.
I don't know how people could handle being homeless, I only lasted 4 months before moving to Mexico & now pay $75/month for one of those mass produced apartment/house unit that all look the same. Besides idiot women constantly asking why I live here, everything else is great.
Paid off all debt, Saved 19K for a house resisting consumerism for 2 years and no decent housing in sight. Ended up signing a lease for a 1600 1 br appartment . If a 1BR apt was this difficult for me, I can not fathom the struggle for people in lower poverty levels to break free from that when it is even hard for me to find a decent job with a bachelors degree and prior work experience that pays more than 20 /hr. I can understand why so many people have given up because of how hard it is to just live simply
All the empty hi rise buildings that are no longer occupied need to be used for these people. Please you people who own these old buildings please come on board.. Please help!!!!!
A man in Italy runs a very successful rehab operation, and, after all drug and/or alcohol addiction are the main reasons for homelessness. Another big one is mental illness. Meanwhile, most states have closed their mental health facilities. There are other reasons, but these are the big three. This man has addicts working in a farm like environment in fresh air where there are no drugs or alcohol allowed. The residents have access to all kinds of programs. I think a lot of its success is due to the fact that the man running it recognizes that addicts are never really "cured." The addictions are managed. Those living there do quite well and are content to continue to stay on in order to stay healthy. I forget the rest of the details, but it works, and this model may be well worth looking into.
How are they hidden? You can see and smell them in the parks, beaches, sidewalks and public spaces. They have no shame. In fact they demand that others pay for them and do not want to have any rules or restrictions.
How many pro-baby pregnancy centers have been fire-bombed and destroyed by the pro-abortion-gang(nationwide) in the past 2 years? Hundreds. How many arrests? TWO. Poor, women are being endangered & punished for wanting & keeping their babies. Seven ads in 2 minutes stopped me from watching this entire video.
I really appreciate someone doing this segment it shines a light in a dark place that’s needed
I don’t ever want to hear a politician - or anyone - say that America is the greatest country in the world. A measure of a country’s greatness is how they care for the most vulnerable citizens and America is failing.
Many states are now telling poor women they have to carry an unplanned pregnancy against her will, when abortion used to be available and safe. So now we will hear even more horror stories in the news about women not getting the vital healthcare they need during a pregnancy. Stories about miscarried fetuses abandoned in the gutters of America by homeless people. At least access to a safe abortion would have been more humane for both the woman and the fetus. And why are there any homeless poor families with children, who were born alive, living in cars at rest stops and parking lots where their families beg for gas and grocery money with cardboard signs? Why no decent housing provided by the states that are currently banning access to an abortion for these down and out women and families? There is truly a disturbing disconnect in our society.....or is our "everyone for himself/ survival of the fittest" culture to blame for this disgrace?
Most Americans live paycheck-to-paycheck. Why should they be forced to take care of these people who made poor life choices. That "man" isn't handicapped. If he's able to collect pallets, he's sure as heck able to work 40 hours a week to care for the child HE created.
That does not mean supporting their drug "addictions", criminal behavior or entering the US illegally. If a woman has breast cancer and goes to jail, her disease will not go away. However, put a drug addict in jail and miraculously the *disease* of addiction goes away. It is not a disease but their choice.
@@ksmith2852 - You’re wrong. The disease of addiction does not go away - it’s just in forced remission. Unless the addicted person gets treatment, they will most likely do anything they can to try and get high while incarcerated. And, more likely than not, they will use within the first week after being released.
The bottom line is every life has value. No one in this country should be living on the street and/or going hungry while billionaires hoard more and more wealth.
No more money. We sent it all to Ukraine.
Our taxes have never been this high, and where is it going?
Ukraine and blue cities?
Ukraine and illegal aliens.
@@KTF.4.EVER1961 get woke. California is the 5th highest economy's in the WORLD. The blue states are the richest. The red states are killing us.
Too many politicians on the payroll!! For starting, too many making 180,000 a year for life.
Ukraine, refugees, immigrant benefits. Mostly to Bull 💩
I was born and raised here and I raised my kids here. After I divorced we had a 2bd/2ba 2-story rental in the late 90s that cost around $600/month. It wasn't the best neighborhood but it wasn't terrible either. That same rental would be close to $2K per month now. So rents have more than tripled but wages have been stagnant for 10 years or more and some have even gone backward depending on what field you work in. My highest paying job was just over 40K per year and even that wouldn't allow me to rent that same apartment in today's market. Employers know they can lowball wages here and get away with it so even folks with F/T jobs are living in their cars. This is not the same country my parents raised us in.
To be fair the issue revolves more around the economy, border security and how long and difficult the process is when it comes to building new homes and our politicians constantly sending our tax dollars over seas. That’s the biggest reasoning for the rising housing cost. Arizona never had a lot of high paying jobs. Even today 80% of the jobs are low skill jobs. With the rapid expansion and the flow of companies started pouring into the state it’s unfortunate that most of the high paying jobs are given to transplants or rather already taken by someone out of state being transferred here to a new location. Though as someone who grew up here it does suck being pushed out of the housing market wondering if you will ever be able to save anything.
True breaks my heart to see my grandbabies work so hard pay high rents for dumps, they worry about me living in this old trailer, when they can they fix the floors the leaks some rooms just close off, but this old trailer would be better than a retirement facility , our young people dont stand a chance .
At least you made a home for your kids. Good job!!
Given the longevity, magnitude and pervasiveness of the problem…it almost seems intentional.
lolol intentional just like evolution. JSYK homeless rates are lower than during the time of Jesus, kings, and Pharaoh's... I for one would rather be homeless circa 2020s VS being forced to dona lifetime of free labour 😂😅
@@christophermiller3031 And you probably don't think that pouring $110 BILLION into weapons for nazis in Ukraine rather than into the well-being of a country's people is intentional either. It just "evolved" that way. Right?
Housing crisis is hitting so many. It's not right that there is no rent control anywhere it seems anymore.
Rent control still allows the landlord to raise the rent, since the city says the landlord can raise the rent by X amount per year, it actually encourages the landlord to raise the rent every year because the city approved them to raise the rent under rent control. Logically, it must be good if it's pre-approved by the city.
While when there is no rent control, the landlord might not raise the rent for years😁
There is no housing crisis, this is propaganda from the Democrats. If there was a need for more houses, investors would build right away because there's money to be made.
These people are smarter than the average person and they're always searching for ways to make money. They didn't get where they are by being stupid.
In 1997/98 .....I with my 2 children (from prior marriage) fled domestic violence from my second husband. I went from Kentucky to Arizona. I had a few thousand dollars and thought that would give me enough to get a place and time to find a job. Nope..... That money ran out fast even back then. I was so lucky and found a shelter in Mesa. They gave us a little motel room turned studio apartment for 3 months. This was a shelter for families. What a blessing that was and all the staff were the most caring people I have ever met. I so wish we had more places like this because as we see from your video and many others...... It is desperately needed. Shame on the mayor for taking funds from the one organization. They should be giving more...... Not take. I'm sure they have many area's in the budget they could take 10,000 from and most would never be noticed. Bless you all for what your doing. I will always have a deep love for Arizona/Maricopa county 💖
I live in Phoenix. Been here since 1999. The homelessness has EXPLODED in the last 3 years.... heart shattering.
I have been travelling for a month through California ( awful place, never coming again), the majority of these homeless people seems not well in the head and quite violent. They do not need free housing, they should be put in looney bin behind bars
@@bambinaforever1402 Yikes! I bet you seen some things in California.
@@bambinaforever1402 What an utterly judgemental and ignorant comment!! 🙄🤮
@@bambinaforever1402 it's the drugs. Their is a culture of drug use among ye homeless. It's how they cope with being homeless. Imagine being looked at with disgust all the time... It hurts more than you think.
@@JosedeJezeus all I hear is excuses
How about providing them with contraception!!!
This breaks my heart!!! Being homeless is bad enough, but to be pregnant also, would be unimaginable.
I am pregnant homeless, there is no help
@@aishadelva1623 nobody owes you anything.
Women can be so cold hearted and cruel.
And so are the men who get a woman pregnant then abandon them. Dunno why you decided to make this a gender issue, that street goes both ways.
Mary..what about the blokes that abandon their own kids in addition to the women ! You must be a mean ol btch church goer. Shame on you !! Hypocrite..Get back in that church and ask the Lord for forgiveness and common sense..and maybe a new pastor.. shame on him !
If everyone pulls together we can make the world a better place for everyone it takes a village not one or two everyone
I have no answer. Here it is: Cut spending and don't fool with the politics. How is this accomplished? What about disaster or tragedy like 1929 or WW2. Or you can just do it yourself before circumstances force you to. Do what? Become rigidly conservative. Even religious. Everyone including myself has gone too far.
I would love to make the world a better place but where do you start?? I try to help anyone that I come across that is in need but beyond that I don’t know what else to do…. 😔
It's not our responsibility. It's the governments and themselves!
@@serenacabell8255 You can help make the world a better place by buying a house and letting the renters/squatters live in there rent free and you help with the matience.
These people won't "pull" anything together. Is that a man? Get a job and support your freaking family. That's what MEN do. My parents raised nine. They worked non stop. Get a job.
It’s only going to get worse everywhere, so sad
The awful heat they are exposed to with no relief is a health emergency on its own...
New Zealand is the same. homelessness has escalated massively over the last few years. A large number of motels are leased out by the govt to house homeless people but they’re often not well managed and drugs/alcohol allowed. It’s a world wide issue and getting much worse.
I've stayed at a shelter where drug use was allowed & it was disgustingly dirty & very violent. Obviously drug addicts need somewhere to go even if I personally think they don't deserve it; it's bad for society to have them out in the open...but there need to be shelters specifically for drug addicts to also keep them away from other homeless people who are not drug addicts. Such as myself; I was homeless due to being disabled & social security in the US doesn't allow you to afford to live anywhere...so I had to wait to get into an emergency version of our housing program but I was not on drugs & did not deserve to be around violent junkie psychopaths while I was going through this situation the govt. put me & many other people in including people who work but still can't afford anywhere to live....
The woman who miscarried couldn't afford the emergency room bill, that's why she didn't go.
They often do more harm than good anymore, anyway...sadly.
@Jayjoe1006f not free, they just bill you. If you don’t pay, It just goes to collections. If you have no address and find out later, you can just dispute it and it will be removed from your credit report or wait 7 years and it’s automatically removed and discharged. If she had no income or low income, it’s paid by the government aka free. In her case, most likely free.
She would qualify for Medicaid. It would be free 😏
Nah it was definitely drugs
What was she thinking Where are the rest of their kids she said something about not having more kids were the other kids
Yes, this is so unfair. This homeless man is getting laid and making babies, yet I have a job and a two bedroom apartment but I don't get any action and am always alone.
If you would flood the market with affordable places to live. Too many of us are on SS only. We MUST have more new, clean, small places to live. Bigger paychecks isn't the answer it's making sure you have good places for people to live that match the paychecks your people get
There’s nothing hidden about it. It’s quite obvious whenever someone’s living in their car, van etc. they’re everywhere.
This saddens me that WE as the "wealthiest" country in America chooses to help other countries before addressing what is really happening in the United States of America!!! DISGRACEFUL!!!!
People are still voting for it.
@@ChatBloom yes. "NIMBY"s who are controlling zoning requirements reducing the amount of high-density housing out there.
@@ChatBloom Are we ?
because "helping" other countries help politicians gain popularity whereas helping own poor people only "waste" money 😢
You think the US selflessly helps other countries? War is business, corporate America benefits, the profits of companies like Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, Boeing, Exxon Mobil are through the roof. The reason nobody helps the homeless is that there's no money in it.
Lots of huge empty buildings could be taken over by the state and turned into housing with social services available. The old, empty
FRYS ELECTRONICS store in Tempe is a good example. Turn it into a high rise housing complex.
Who own those buidings ??
Why would anyone do that? In the ideal world thats a great idea in the real world who would want to spend money to fix up an old building with absolutely zero return money wise.
@@vc7417 a moron
@@vc7417 government. This is where u re paying taxes for. Well, we pay in Europe for - free medical care and social help for less fortunate. Government builds apartment buildings for less fortunate and takes care of it
@@bambinaforever1402 yes but we are talking about the US where free or low cost medical insurance almost non existent. People had to use animal insulin (much cheaper) or use smaller dose each day to stretch what they have on hand 😣
Wow this was a really great piece of journalism, I commend the people who made this. A good deep look at a population of our unhoused who are not usually the focus. It was very sad to see the women going through such uncertainty and no options.
We can do better...yes we can...our babies deserve better...we can build back up these people's self respect with proper jobs and responsibilities within our communities....so now you all smart ones get together ,put you heads together, and figure it out...there are hundreds of ways...just nobody is bothering to do it...ask elon musk, I bet he has ideas...I got hundreds of ideas
@@judiechamblee9581 it's not my problem. You can make somebody else's problem your problem if you want
Government needs to pay politicians less and invest in rehabbing all the abandon homes.
I fear this will be me in the future. I have a job but I don't make 3 times my Salary to afford an apartment. the best I can do is rent a room or sleep in my car
Use birth control.
@@YA-qj8fx right cuz thats 100 percent effective!😳
@@lisastinyvanbigliving5261 Abstinence is 100% effective.
And if she gets assaulted? God why are m*n so dumb 🥱
Try to work two jobs, shop thrift stores, and buy bargain foods. It's hard, but how I make it. I definitely can't afford to bring a child in the mix.
Lost in Phoenix has done interviews with pregnant woman on the street. They are very interesting to watch.
The dude spent all their money on his stupid tattoos.
Anyone notice the dude sitting there watching his partner beg? Poor excuse of a man.
I did security for circle the city about five years ago as a side contractor they are STRICT once you are dropped off or come asking them for help they will help you but there are TONS OF RULES to be followed and if they aren't met you will be asked to leave or kicked out , so I can see why most pregnant women don't come back!
OOooohhhh...those icky rules.
The rules are necessary for everyone’s safety for one. And for two, you are living with many different personalities and mental issues so rules are essential. We need more affordable housing instead of all these brownstones and mega apt bldgs going up That cost 2000$ monthly or more just To gentrify a town or city that our town/city officials allow for revenue and no other reason. They are given many incentives and subsidies to allow them in and They push out people who’ve lived in those communities all their lives. It’s criminal and sickening.
Sounds right to me. If you're expecting a handout then you need to follow the rules
No drugs, no alcohol, no weapons and a curfew is too hard to follow?
@@larryc1616 lol right 😂🤣
Why would homeless people bring children into their suffering? Should be a law against people having children who cannot support themselves.
I met a Spanish lady when I was At skid row handing out clothes to homeless people All homles people are not on drugs this poor woman with 70 don't do drugs or drink or smoke ,. The only thing that she asked me 😰 would I please open her water bottle 😢her hands hurt too bad, heartbreaking that broke my heart
17 billion dollar budget, Katie and her staff couldn't find another place to cut the budget from? Those $200,000 were barely enough, what a shame.
This video is showing how bad it is here in Phoenix, Arizona. I am homeless but to be a homeless pregnant mother is heart breaking. Something needs to change. I do not understand how these politicians are trying to take away funding from a group that is directly impacting the homeless in a positive way. We are almost done with 2023 but we are not done with homelessness.
Those are alot of kids who grew up in foster care. Also known as Hell for alot of young people.
This is heartbreaking
You should take better care of your mother, your father, your children, your siblings, aunt, uncle or cousins. The church needs to tend more to the orphans, widows and poor.
Some churches are burned out from helping migrants as well
Citizens aren't their priority. Gov/churches are focused on giving the countless illegals, free housing/medical/food/clothing. Our poor citizens can go pound salt.
And yet, the megachurches in the suburbs will probably spend thousands on a Christmas or Easter production.
@@alexandrabug19 The lack of faithful Christians is sad, but the govt is on his shoulders.
Unfortunately mega churches don't care only about money and politics. They breed trumptard Evilgelicals 😈
If you cannot take care of a child, where are you having a child? Birth control is free.
shocking news just in , accidents happen, look up the failure rate of birth control, it not common but its more common than you think .
i did not intend to be a father again at 45 but it happened there's no question hes my boy and no question i was using birth control when it happened .
i have since tied it in a knot ,but in other news, that can fail to .
also i believe abortion is Stickley between dr and patient ,but for us abortion was never an option to the point where my wife risked a higher chance of death and serious long term medical problems to carry him .
These homeless women should not get pregnant because of the lack of resources!
yeah! shame on some homeless women for getting raped and then ending up pregnant. THEY SHOULD BE MORE CAREFUL!!
If the couple have other children or are married, (like they've been together for a long time) then the man should've had a vasectomy. But all these "smart" people would rather spend 250k for another child for 18 years and put themselves into poverty than spend a meager $500-1000 for a vasectomy. Rather buy cigarettes, beer, clothes, weed, vapes, electronics, scratch tickets and whatever other junk they don't need.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Don't be like most people, plan ahead and perform risk management for your future.
homelessness is growing here in canada i live in alberta and see more and more every day.
Things need to change. The non profits take 90% of the money for their own paycheck and only 10% go to the homeless. If they fixed homeless then these non profits wouldn’t make any money. So they don’t want the problem fixed. Non profits should not be paid and all the funds should be used to help the homeless. PROBLEM SOLVED.
Not here to fix anybody's problem, here to make some money.
Go fund me.
Yep, a lot of money to be made on this industry
There are weak nurses with a case of narcissism who would love to turn homeless families into CPS just for the power trip. As a retired nurse, I’ve seen the weakest take workplace mobbing and bullying out on their patients. Those were the ones I documented and reported because this not part of a nurse’s training or employment policy. When I sign up for a job, it doesn’t include making friends or tolerate the harmful conduct of co workers.
The court system is brutal they don’t see you as a human being and don’t treat you as a human being. Its always profit over people.
😢wow 😮 i am crying. This should stop. They need to put more more shelters an programs. This has to stop
❤ Thank you
That's an ignorant idea. I say no to more shelters (adult daycare centers). Responsible tax paying citizens should not have to support lazy people. I have been working for 30 years. I hate it, but I have to do it.
Very sad. Please don't have babies when you r homelessness
All of these experts bemoan the problem but due nothing to solve homelessness. Yeah, anyone on the street can say there isn't enough help and a lot of people without a home. All they do is count and track and complain about the problem, but with all the money they get, no one fixes it. If they help one out of hundreds they are happy? They seem full of themselves.
If all these people had SNAP, social security, rental assistance and the Medicare, they would be okay with a place that would accept them to live. The problem is there is no housing that takes random people at low cost anymore. Those pregnant women know their babies will be taken away almost guaranteed. These services are not geared to helping but managing a population that is left permanently outside the system.
They city knows there is a problem but builds no housing for them, like they don't deserve it. If they don't deserve it, doesn't everyone else deserve a nice place to live without people dying in piles of trash all over the area? It is a win win for everyone, but people are too greedy and self-centered to really fix this problem. I don't like seeing it nor hearing their struggles. There is money to help them. Use it correctly.
Take care of yourselves before help other countries.
These pregnant women should protest at the governor’s mansion and her office maybe they can receive some help from her.
Maybe this woman give live in their for free too!
@@ChatBloom that’s a good idea!
@@ChatBloom maybe they should've used birth control but guess their completely irresponsible and never grew up.
What happened to pro choice, a woman's right to choose abortion.
Too many times in today's world people throw away people they do not care if people are homeless the system not working for the homeless.
I truly don't understand why America is allowing our people to have to live like this .There are thousands upon thousands of vacant buildings . Open them up for the homeless it's way better then nothing.Put families together in one building and single men in one and so on come on America we can do much better than this STOP TAKING CARE OF OTHERS AND TAKE CARE OF OUR OWN ....
If anything happens on their property, they will be liable.
They would have to have insurance for those people.
If there's crime, they would be liable.
There has to be all the necessities, utilities otherwise it's uninhabitable.
They would constantly need vector control because these are dirty people that attract these pests including beg bugs. That can eat away the flesh.
This is property that someone earned through hard work, not your hard work.why don't you take them to your house you hypocrite.
@Drmidnight-dd6tw ah yes, because trust fund and investment firm really "worked hard" to get there
More like they made you work hard for them, i don't think have trillions, litterally more than half of the gdp from half the existing country is something that a normal human should have so much power, or something that was view positively even before, and here i tought american were so much for separation of power and not one man to get too much of it, money is power if you didnt realize yet😮
this is insane
Great report!
and knowone cares at all , I am 50 yrs old & been homeless for 6 years trying to get my ID valid so I can work & support myself and knowone wants to help
me because I am not a alcoholic or drug addict and this is a huge problem in this country today
Yes there are going to be those who will try to take advantage of the system. There are those who are seriously in trouble. We need to help those.!!!!
@diannadima7082, go fund me.
I was homeless for 10 years. It doesn't last forever. Sooner or later, things will get better. Just put on your big boy pants and deal with whatever comes along as well as you can.
It shouldn’t be that hard to get off the streets.
@@joeburly some people never grow up
To clarify - our society shouldn’t make it so hard for people to get off the streets.
@@joeburly it's a hard world.
@@Drmidnight-dd6twi think someome wich wouldnzt grow would simply die off, not even surviving the streets
Every month, more people are priced out of a home. This is due to corporate greed.
The first generation born into homelessness I didn't even think about that but you're right. It will fail we just have to be patient
reality!!! homelessness can happen any time and any day... it is a sad situation growing and a pandemic in the USA.
I just don't understand why it has to be so many regulations I have been homeless and had to stay in my van WHY because the rent is not affordable and you can't even get a good job to afford it so this is really heartbreaking because it should be easier than this and I am now helping homeless people and they wanna over tax you for doing that like wow why can't people get the help they need omgosh!!!!!!! So unfair it is not alwys the persons fault they are quick to blame the person I known women that have been raped in shelters that why a lot of women don't do shelters it's complicated she's right
Homeless people in phoenix Arizona has been a problem for many many years back in 1998 the waiting list was 3 to 4 years with kids no such thing as emergency housing in phoenix Arizona and if you don't have a car there then you might as well give NO government help 0 plan and simple shelters only let you stay 2 or 3 days and you have to go, NO help for child care 0 Arizona sucks at taking care of their people
To much talk and nothing! How much "well-doers" making from this mess?
We're homeless and really struggling. Let's bring a child into this sick, expensive, and greedy World. 😂 Excellent idea
So irresponsible but nobody is mentioning that
USA banned abortion ..
It's kinda understandable how the lady who was 43 didn't think she'd get pregnant. The odds are low for that age group.
A lot of these women don’t have pregnancies by choice. These women are raped because they fall asleep, can’t stay awake to protect themselves, as one of the women stated. So many women, including the interviewee, was sexually assaulted. Those monsters don’t use condoms and they don’t want the woman to take birth control before either. And plan B is about 40-70 dollars depending on where you are. These vulnerable women don’t have that kind of money to drop every time some evil psycho decides to take advantage of them.
*warn the woman to take bc either
Why is this happening all over this planet
Why didnt he wear a comdom and she should have been on birth control they bettet hope they have a place by then or the state will take there baby
It’s crazy that the shelters don’t allow couples in together… I understand the risk of rape but if they’re couples im confused of the probability risk
Because of hidden pimps. Thats the biggest threat.
Domestic violence
I can’t understand why this couple isn’t migrating to another state that has a prosperous economy; and start a new life?
The more prosperous the local or regional economy, the higher the cost of living. That's part of the reason we see homeless people panhandling in front of a business with a "help wanted" sign.
There's a few family shelters for pregnant women and families you have to call weekly
200,000 is nothing. I can't believe they would take this. I am pregnant at 35 and work almost 100 hours a week and can hardly provide for my growing self and my family. It's terrible outhere
Heard of contraception luv??? Or close ya legs? Or the word No?
Indy I pray🙏🙏 every thing works out for you and your family 🙂
Praying for you and your family. Please make sure you get rest as much as you can.
@Joe lol if you say so..
@@kevinperry3197not everyone live the fairytale live you're lived dear, some people had problem and trauma, wich sometime lead to poor decision, i just wonder why your mom didnt close her legs too seeing what type of person you became, she should have followed your own advice
Don't bring babies into the world when you're in these situations. Very irresponsible of these people.
Yea! Cuz u can go get an abortion in any state!!! OH WAIT, NOT ANYMORE!😳
Sex becomes a drug when you depressed
@AT100Life use birth control. It's generally free. I wish people wouldn't bring innocent babies into horrible situations. 😢
You are right! America doesn't need any kids.Just more grumpy old "f..cks" who got born .
He needs to step his game up
Why do people or generations need to be tracked???
Remove the kids if parents neglecting them. In my city of 300,000 every store has a help wanted sign from 15-20 dollars an hour and noone wants to work, just want free apartments and a free check for drugs. Dont have kids for a check, ample free birth control out there.
I believe it is all over the entire nation
Get a sleeping bag it's not that hard. I lived on the streets for 10 years, never even imagined owning a vehicle let alone the luxury of living out of one. Also maybe if you can't afford kids don't have them? Pretty easy concept.
that baby has a bright future
A future so bright, he'll have to wear shades...
We'll know how the baby will turn out.
Where are all the pro-life people that want to help and have people to have babies they only care about the baby being born but what's it born, they don't care...
@@GhostTapeNo.9yup, fetenlyn junkies should not be getting pregnant.
Pro life crowd are hypocrites.
Fentanyl is destroying our society slowly but surely.
That's absolutely true. They'll turn themselves into pretzels to get you to birth your baby, but as soon as it takes its first breath they could care less about you or it.
That's messed I miss the humanity that's the side of pro life i hold no matter what other people say
Feminism splitting familys makes messed up people. Climate focus raises cost of everything.
Wow.. 43 years old the female body is beautiful🌍
Im sorry but why the hell would you allow yourself to become pregnant while homeless?
I dont mean to sound uncaring but isnt it obvious that their irresponsibility is how they wound up homeless in the first place?
And at the age of 43 is doubly sad.
Why does she have a muzzle on her face?
No house live in the car,and have a baby? What it’s she thinking? ☹️
Section 8 voucher+EBT. So she and that LAZY MALE can get a place+food for pennies paid for by the tax payers.
No one should be born into homelessness.
There was never a similar study made of children who lost their fathers in WW II...
43 years old!..having a baby!..and homeless!... there's more to this story than we know?
Red/flyover states are particularly brutal but even where I am, in "Silicon Valley" we have children growing up in parking lots and culverts, not going to school, born into homelessness as a caste they'll be trapped in.
How come no one has ever mentioned Maggie’s place on lost on phoenix? He interviews ALOT of homeless pregnant drug addicts…
Yeah but I don't trust him as a trumtard and huge Qtard Ricky lake fan. Beware....
...Are we not going to talk about the fact that alot of them have kids specifically for benefits???
I am hoping that Phoenix comes up with a way to help the homeless who want help. Its pitiful that some of homeless have no intention of moving forward.
Drugs is the real reason… no? Drug testing and a lie detector is the only way you will convince me.
You are lost. 3% of the population has more money than the 99% put together.
No no no lost jobs mostly low paying jobs women who are abused
No it’s not drugs. The non profits take 90% of funds for their own personal gain. Only 10% goes to the homeless. 🤔
Why not look up where all the homeless money goes? You’ll be surprised.
There is so many homeless in our country ! The richest country in the world !!
21:00 "Pregnancy services that are inclusive of all options and support personal choice" just means they support abortions, which a place like "Maggie's Place" (and most pregnancy outreaches mostly funded by religious organizations) most likely does not. It's ALL political and religious bias based.
Personal responsibility. Unmarried. Why aren't they working? If it is too expensive in Phoenix, drive somewhere cheaper. Very tired of leeches sucking up foodstamps, begging in every corner, etc. Some people are homeless through no fault of their own but most have consistently made bad decisions. People must live below their means and avoid spending money. We eat the cheapest foods like beans, rice, tap water, bananas, potatoes, etc. We wear used clothes. We rinse with water (no toilet paper, no paper towels, no paper napkins or tissues. Use cut up old T-shirts and wash). We go to our multiple jobs then to home. We don't do activities that cost money. Birthdays/Christmas= 1 gift and only for children, no cable, pay as you go cell phones reserved for emergency use only, home haircuts, no tattoos, no mani/pedi, no makeup, bar soap/Alberto Vo5 shampoo for $1.25/toothpaste, use the library for entertainment, etc. I work very hard in and outside of my home. I wouldn't be with a man who doesn't work. Sex= pregnancy possibility. No sex outside of marriage. Living consistently below our means allows us to build up savings. It is hard and goes against the rampant consumerism our culture "preaches". Storms of life will come. I'm a cancer survivor, etc. Frugal habits and never going into debt consistently followed create wealth.
It's a hard way to live exhausting & our government isn't helping their sending money & helping other countries
I don't know how people could handle being homeless, I only lasted 4 months before moving to Mexico & now pay $75/month for one of those mass produced apartment/house unit that all look the same. Besides idiot women constantly asking why I live here, everything else is great.
"...one of those mass produced apartment/house unit that all look the same."
Mexico's Daly City.
This is kinda the result when this country lets chinese buy property, then double and triple rents.
Paid off all debt, Saved 19K for a house resisting consumerism for 2 years and no decent housing in sight. Ended up signing a lease for a 1600 1 br appartment . If a 1BR apt was this difficult for me, I can not fathom the struggle for people in lower poverty levels to break free from that when it is even hard for me to find a decent job with a bachelors degree and prior work experience that pays more than 20 /hr. I can understand why so many people have given up because of how hard it is to just live simply
All the empty hi rise buildings that are no longer occupied need to be used for these people. Please you people who own these old buildings please come on board.. Please help!!!!!
Capable man can work but chooses not to. Sorry but no they don’t deserve help. They need to get a job..
A man in Italy runs a very successful rehab operation, and, after all drug and/or alcohol addiction are the main reasons for homelessness. Another big one is mental illness. Meanwhile, most states have closed their mental health facilities. There are other reasons, but these are the big three. This man has addicts working in a farm like environment in fresh air where there are no drugs or alcohol allowed. The residents have access to all kinds of programs. I think a lot of its success is due to the fact that the man running it recognizes that addicts are never really "cured." The addictions are managed. Those living there do quite well and are content to continue to stay on in order to stay healthy. I forget the rest of the details, but it works, and this model may be well worth looking into.
How are they hidden? You can see and smell them in the parks, beaches, sidewalks and public spaces. They have no shame. In fact they demand that others pay for them and do not want to have any rules or restrictions.
And what is the bare minimum financial cost of giving birth in the USA? Add in the threat of losing your child? Heartbreaking
The problem is not the lack housing space, it is the cost of rent that needs to be reduced. there are hundreds of empty houses in your own city.
How many pro-baby pregnancy centers have been fire-bombed and destroyed by the pro-abortion-gang(nationwide) in the past 2 years? Hundreds. How many arrests? TWO. Poor, women are being endangered & punished for wanting & keeping their babies. Seven ads in 2 minutes stopped me from watching this entire video.