I'm sorry but my husband is Chinese and I'm an American and I like the fact that he takes care of me. He pays for me, worries about me when I am sick, holds the door for me, zips up my coat for me. I even turn around and do sajiao with him haha~ I am pretty conservative and very traditional and the way Chinese guys date is my style of dating too. And both my husband and I prefer courtship.. Where you don't date so casually and date to marry. Chinese men usually study abroad in universities and live in bigger cities in America, and watch Hollywood movies so they probably have the image that Americans are more liberal, date casually, split the bill and all that stuff. This is true for many places, and I know that Kat is at NYU so for Chinese guys going to big cities like NYC or states like California then yes, take Kat's advice and try to be more casual, and maybe more open minded and try the American style of dating because people are more liberal there. But at least 50% of America is pretty Conservative (which doesn't always mean xenophobic), and if you come down to Texas where I'm from or the South... If you do things like a traditional Chinese man would and pay for girls and take care of them (I don't mean being rich though) while also being confident.. Trust me, girls will LOVE it! Some girls are more traditional and some aren't. I would do some research on the country, and also the specific area that you are in (Like I said, girls here in Texas are more old-fashioned than girls from NYC and will actually respond well to more traditional gender role things) but also treat the girl as an individual. Haha, good luck I guess? Lol!
看到这个真的无限感慨。我觉得我和我女朋友就是队友的关系,两个人并肩作战。我第一次见到她的时候,她看起来很高冷,气场非常的强大,甚至德国男生都不敢上前。到后来接触了之后才发现,这个人真的非常的活泼,非常的有趣。她第一次问我也是有关于前面视频中讲的,在加拿大的中国男生为什么一身名牌,明明衣服穿起来如此的不适合他们。哈哈哈,现在才发现,原来这是一个梗。我们之后聊了很多,各种话题无所不聊,越聊越发现我们虽然有不同的文化背景,但是在很多话题上都有共同点,然后我们再由此展开。其实我不怎么会说情话,在此之前我甚至对男女关系挺悲观的,觉得我这样的条件应该永远都找不到女朋友。但是我女朋友给了我希望,原来还有这样的女生,可以去鼓励我去做自己想做的事,因为5这个数字在德国文化里有特殊的意义,她和我说了五遍,"Das schaffst du !"你可以做的到,最终我在一年事件内从什么法语都不会的人,到B2考出,成功去斯特拉斯堡交换。和她在一起之后,发现整个人生都充满了价值,无限的可能性,我的人生因为她而改变了,我因此做回了自己。有个人愿意陪你一起去成长,我觉得这样的经历,真的是无价的。她的一句话我至今还记得,她说,我不是肤浅的人,我不在乎男生多有钱,家境多好,我已经工作了,我能够自己养活自己,但是我希望自己的男朋友是一个有才华的人。这句话我至今难忘,我一生都会记得,我始终因此而受到鼓舞。我之前一直很怕公开我和她的恋情,因为我觉得,西方社会对亚裔男性的贬低,应该会对我们产生不好的影响。但是,当我决定公开的时候,我的德国朋友也好,教授也罢,还有INS上的网友都来祝贺我们,很庆幸我能找到这样一个人,真的感慨万千。真的很感谢你们的视频,让我能够回顾我们一路相伴的历程。祝你们幸福!!
@@aisingioroalex 我认为这里的原因很多,就不一一细论了,最关键的是 Learning by doing. 首先还是要找到一个合适的partner. 在接触中慢慢的调整,当然提高 interracial dating 的数量是最重要的,因为中国人在欧洲,在美国,在加拿大等等都要找到合适的 boyfriend or girlfriend,然后才能生存下来。
haha interesting topic, im a 26yo Chnese student studying in Canada. I have dated quite a few white girls here in Canada. Most of time i'm their first Asian. Let me tell you why, i admit in the west, Asian guys have many disadvantges due to the media, people would have some assumptions about you before knowing you, most of time its negative images. But it doen't mean you have no chances. You have to demonstrate high value of yourself, to prove them wrong. I am a very good example, even yesterday a white girl told me she has never been into someone from away, untill she met me. I am not bragging , because i demonstrate very high value and confidence. She and i both agree that it's my charisma to attract girls even though sometimes girls might not like me at first sight, but once they get to know me, actually they turn to be more interested in me than others. So my point here is , no matter chinese girls or white girls, as long as you are a fun, confident, humourous and outgoing male, you can attract any girls in the world, except some super racist girls, who are just small portion. Also, English proficiency is a must, unless you look like Godfrey Gao, i bet most of people are NOT, you have to master that languge to communicate with non Chinese or non Asian girls. Anyway good luck everyone, cheers!
Love your video! We in the same boat as you guys. I'm from Shanghai and she is Jewish American. We met on campus with no intention dating a person base on skin color.We just get along with each other. 加油很好的视频!
我很喜欢这个节目,支持支持,你们如果再多搞一些搞笑的节目就更吸粉。 Those ideas are the most helpful ideas that I ever seen. Please make more videos ! And the advice for you guys is making more comedy videos.
When you talked about the first advice not being so serious at the beginning, the first thing in my thought is Ted!!!!!! And you put the video clip in!!!!!!? Love himym so much.
Someone first will have more tolerance on this relationship. It is difficult and not easier as you find someone who have same cultural background. However, you guys are doing pretty good! Coz you have fond the most truest word among hymnal being, " the common interest"
I know there are some culture differences which hard to explain, but I found this video is very helpful for me to understand these relationship things. Thank you, you guys are cute
Oh, I spent hours to check most of your videos, I like you guys so much, you are so cute! Welcome to China, Kat! And Sid, you are so lucky! Me and my girl are graduating, too. However, we don't know where should we go after graduation. Neither of us are from English speaking counties. And we are not planning to stay in the US. It really is a big problem now. Bless you guys!
Very interesting topic and I can feel the huge culture difference between China and US. The Eye contact part reminds me a joke in China describing men from north east and west east China. Two men has an eye contact on the street, one guy asks "what are you looking at?", another guy answer "so? What do you want" , then a fight ... In north part we call it 对眼. You may find it ridiculous, but unfortunately I did involve some cases like this when I was teenager. But I agree that eye contact in US is crucial when you talk to people.
Its really true. Although Im just 13 yrs old and im watching this video, I learned something useful, Im an Asian that speak Chinese and English. The reason I watch this video is because my dream is to fly to US one day and have more friends.
Americans or Asians both are great people depends on mutual understanding with each other, however--- Really American girls are so attractive, so lovely like YOU .
ok Done !!!thank you both of you guys to shared some experience and advice I would to shared about me I made American girl at Grand Canyon, she so beautiful and kindness person on that time, we had dated and after that we are partner'life but something happed I have to go back to my country for army and that's the being of the end :( 😭😭😭😭 now, I came back to the US and hopped will see and meet someone again thank,
Event Com Right, in fact Sid felt a little weird about how we should deal with it early on but we're here in the US and it made more sense for us to share expenses.
speaking of which, do mind giving us some advice or suggestions about using dating apps in America? and what about some specific advice in talking to girls and asking for their numbers since these things do not exist in china, I'm pretty conversant in English and I'm comfortable using it, but regardless of these I'm still the kind of guy that girls don't notice 😂
There is an opinion in China these days that is how do you differentiate your partner with your best friends if you just treat your partner as your best friend? Does this is a problem for couples in the USA?
Good video. I am not good at "eye contact". I am from China and I feel it so hard to see others' eyes when I am talking. How can I improve my confidence with more "eye contact"?
I'm sorry but my husband is Chinese and I'm an American and I like the fact that he takes care of me. He pays for me, worries about me when I am sick, holds the door for me, zips up my coat for me. I even turn around and do sajiao with him haha~ I am pretty conservative and very traditional and the way Chinese guys date is my style of dating too. And both my husband and I prefer courtship.. Where you don't date so casually and date to marry. Chinese men usually study abroad in universities and live in bigger cities in America, and watch Hollywood movies so they probably have the image that Americans are more liberal, date casually, split the bill and all that stuff. This is true for many places, and I know that Kat is at NYU so for Chinese guys going to big cities like NYC or states like California then yes, take Kat's advice and try to be more casual, and maybe more open minded and try the American style of dating because people are more liberal there. But at least 50% of America is pretty Conservative (which doesn't always mean xenophobic), and if you come down to Texas where I'm from or the South... If you do things like a traditional Chinese man would and pay for girls and take care of them (I don't mean being rich though) while also being confident.. Trust me, girls will LOVE it! Some girls are more traditional and some aren't. I would do some research on the country, and also the specific area that you are in (Like I said, girls here in Texas are more old-fashioned than girls from NYC and will actually respond well to more traditional gender role things) but also treat the girl as an individual. Haha, good luck I guess? Lol!
You have a nice husband though. Congrats!
I agree with you about some of the traditional Americans.
thanks for your advice!
LOL is the point,hahah
看到这个真的无限感慨。我觉得我和我女朋友就是队友的关系,两个人并肩作战。我第一次见到她的时候,她看起来很高冷,气场非常的强大,甚至德国男生都不敢上前。到后来接触了之后才发现,这个人真的非常的活泼,非常的有趣。她第一次问我也是有关于前面视频中讲的,在加拿大的中国男生为什么一身名牌,明明衣服穿起来如此的不适合他们。哈哈哈,现在才发现,原来这是一个梗。我们之后聊了很多,各种话题无所不聊,越聊越发现我们虽然有不同的文化背景,但是在很多话题上都有共同点,然后我们再由此展开。其实我不怎么会说情话,在此之前我甚至对男女关系挺悲观的,觉得我这样的条件应该永远都找不到女朋友。但是我女朋友给了我希望,原来还有这样的女生,可以去鼓励我去做自己想做的事,因为5这个数字在德国文化里有特殊的意义,她和我说了五遍,"Das schaffst du !"你可以做的到,最终我在一年事件内从什么法语都不会的人,到B2考出,成功去斯特拉斯堡交换。和她在一起之后,发现整个人生都充满了价值,无限的可能性,我的人生因为她而改变了,我因此做回了自己。有个人愿意陪你一起去成长,我觉得这样的经历,真的是无价的。她的一句话我至今还记得,她说,我不是肤浅的人,我不在乎男生多有钱,家境多好,我已经工作了,我能够自己养活自己,但是我希望自己的男朋友是一个有才华的人。这句话我至今难忘,我一生都会记得,我始终因此而受到鼓舞。我之前一直很怕公开我和她的恋情,因为我觉得,西方社会对亚裔男性的贬低,应该会对我们产生不好的影响。但是,当我决定公开的时候,我的德国朋友也好,教授也罢,还有INS上的网友都来祝贺我们,很庆幸我能找到这样一个人,真的感慨万千。真的很感谢你们的视频,让我能够回顾我们一路相伴的历程。祝你们幸福!!
Chentao Ma 真是难得在这种异国恋视频下面看到一个理智又有礼貌的男性评论 还是因为经历过吧 同样也祝你和你女朋友幸福❤️
@@zhilinzhou6565 西方社会对亚裔男性的贬低 他的这句评论才是关键 中国部分女性双标才是不理智评论多的原因 多的不说了 异国恋大多是什么形式的组合我们心里都有数
@@aisingioroalex 我认为这里的原因很多,就不一一细论了,最关键的是 Learning by doing. 首先还是要找到一个合适的partner. 在接触中慢慢的调整,当然提高 interracial dating 的数量是最重要的,因为中国人在欧洲,在美国,在加拿大等等都要找到合适的 boyfriend or girlfriend,然后才能生存下来。
总体来说同样的教育水平下白人女生真的比国女思想境界高太多了,各方面的见解,view of the world,很多国女读了PhD本质上还是巨婴。
I am German and I never heared that the number 5 has a special meaning 😂
will leon
haha interesting topic, im a 26yo Chnese student studying in Canada. I have dated quite a few white girls here in Canada. Most of time i'm their first Asian. Let me tell you why, i admit in the west, Asian guys have many disadvantges due to the media, people would have some assumptions about you before knowing you, most of time its negative images. But it doen't mean you have no chances. You have to demonstrate high value of yourself, to prove them wrong. I am a very good example, even yesterday a white girl told me she has never been into someone from away, untill she met me. I am not bragging , because i demonstrate very high value and confidence. She and i both agree that it's my charisma to attract girls even though sometimes girls might not like me at first sight, but once they get to know me, actually they turn to be more interested in me than others. So my point here is , no matter chinese girls or white girls, as long as you are a fun, confident, humourous and outgoing male, you can attract any girls in the world, except some super racist girls, who are just small portion. Also, English proficiency is a must, unless you look like Godfrey Gao, i bet most of people are NOT, you have to master that languge to communicate with non Chinese or non Asian girls. Anyway good luck everyone, cheers!
Intercultural Nomad 说的太棒了兄弟
maybe I don't have your height
说来说去还是自信问题。老是把失败归结为其他外界因素。你说的这个身高问题也再次体现了你的不自信。我在国内看有个泡妞论坛,那个男的身高不到170, 把了超级多的人漂亮国女。你是不是又会说因为都是中国人,人家长得帅?我看了那个男的照片,长得很一般。说白了,泡妞,自信这点很关键。自信可以装,但自然的自信是常年累积的,长期的竞争,生活中积累的信心,不是一两天的问题。如果你老是要把失败,归结为一些外在因素的话,很难成功。照你那说,我182,但是我长得也很一般,也不是特别壮,你怎么说????
中国男人一般都没有自信, 对待外国人也比较尴尬
Love your video! We in the same boat as you guys. I'm from Shanghai and she is Jewish American. We met on campus with no intention dating a person base on skin color.We just get along with each other. 加油很好的视频!
kat 和sid有夫臉,眼睛 蠻像的。
merry christmas kat and Sid. love u guys sooo much
Thanks,kat and sid! 我以后会去美国读书,对我很有帮助,谢谢你们的视频!
Don’t you feel so wired?She’s accent sounds like recite from memories when her speaking
Those ideas are the most helpful ideas that I ever seen. Please make more videos ! And the advice for you guys is making more comedy videos.
B战刚看完,赶快过来订阅~做的很棒~加油~圣诞快乐!祝福你们!!!Great video and Merry Christmas~subscribed!
强烈支持这个RUclips Channel!!! I highly support your RUclips Channel!!!
Thanks! I really like this video, even though I am not in America. Talking about confidence, it's really the shortage of Chinese guys.
When you talked about the first advice not being so serious at the beginning, the first thing in my thought is Ted!!!!!! And you put the video clip in!!!!!!? Love himym so much.
Someone first will have more tolerance on this relationship. It is difficult and not easier as you find someone who have same cultural background. However, you guys are doing pretty good! Coz you have fond the most truest word among hymnal being, " the common interest"
I know there are some culture differences which hard to explain, but I found this video is very helpful for me to understand these relationship things. Thank you, you guys are cute
Oh, I spent hours to check most of your videos, I like you guys so much, you are so cute! Welcome to China, Kat! And Sid, you are so lucky! Me and my girl are graduating, too. However, we don't know where should we go after graduation. Neither of us are from English speaking counties. And we are not planning to stay in the US. It really is a big problem now. Bless you guys!
Kat三观好正,长得也很正,Sid幸运哦~ 祝你们幸福!
Very interesting topic and I can feel the huge culture difference between China and US. The Eye contact part reminds me a joke in China describing men from north east and west east China. Two men has an eye contact on the street, one guy asks "what are you looking at?", another guy answer "so? What do you want" , then a fight ... In north part we call it 对眼. You may find it ridiculous, but unfortunately I did involve some cases like this when I was teenager. But I agree that eye contact in US is crucial when you talk to people.
Its really true. Although Im just 13 yrs old and im watching this video, I learned something useful, Im an Asian that speak Chinese and English. The reason I watch this video is because my dream is to fly to US one day and have more friends.
Americans or Asians both are great people depends on mutual understanding with each other, however---
Really American girls are so attractive, so lovely like YOU .
There's so much value in this video. Thank you Sid and Kat!
big big shine eyes!!so beautiful!kat
I really think this video helpful! Thanks Sid&Kat!
如果make eye contact,别人问我“你瞅啥”,我该怎么办
毕然 你回他瞅你咋地
well... I can see, Kat is really has a lot of body language... haha and that's cool
the way sid stare at the monitor when kat is speaking is like a dork LOL
不要只是因為對方的膚色和種族就再一起 這點說得很好 之前沒有意識的我有這個問題
im from indonesia, thats true, indonesia are most many muslims. thank you for sharing
You two are so good!
you guys looked so cute bad then, still are though. Keep up the team work guys!
*back then... LOL
看完这个视频后 我只剩下唉叹
a lot of very good points!
左边的男水友可以领饭盒回家了,下次Kat来就好了,I like you, Kat!
sid has great personality! Indeed different from usual American :) very cute couple!
Can you guys make a video about signs of a girl into you? And how Asian guys should react appropriately.
ok Done !!!thank you both of you guys to shared some experience and advice
I would to shared about me
I made American girl at Grand Canyon, she so beautiful and kindness person
on that time, we had dated and after that we are partner'life
but something happed I have to go back to my country for army
and that's the being of the end :( 😭😭😭😭
now, I came back to the US
and hopped will see and meet someone again
guanran zhao 性福
thx for your tiips! i really appreciated it.
Your babies will have beautiful eyes!!
good suggestions for all chinese guy want to have US girlfriend
You guys should tell us how did you guys meet each other
我很高兴21世界的高度全球化和网络, 让人文与讨论交流有提高。
In most Asian countries, this doesn't works. If a guy doesn't foot the bill, he is a loser or not being a gentleman.
Did you realize they are in US xD.
Eric W Of course. Just saying.
Event Com Right, in fact Sid felt a little weird about how we should deal with it early on but we're here in the US and it made more sense for us to share expenses.
Kat & Sid Yeah I guess so since Sid is an Asian guy and experiencing different culture. He is a lucky guy!
有用 好喜欢你们看剧的那些反应
Kat真的好可爱好美丽!!!! 我要是男的,也会喜欢她!
以后你们视频有机会我都会看 女主很美 男生很帅 尽管国家是有文化差异 但是我都会去尊重它
升旗的那个小视频 插入太喜感了哈哈哈
speaking of which, do mind giving us some advice or suggestions about using dating apps in America? and what about some specific advice in talking to girls and asking for their numbers since these things do not exist in china, I'm pretty conversant in English and I'm comfortable using it, but regardless of these I'm still the kind of guy that girls don't notice 😂
其实你们理论上说的对,但是我认为我们还是要看数据和成功概率大小来判断。在欧洲我没有看到很多的中国男生跟欧洲女生谈恋爱,不是没有,而是这个数量太小了。我认为我们喜欢或者对一个人不感兴趣很大程度上是由于长相,身材,文化,性格,教育,历史,个人经历等等各个方面综合决定的,所以很难或者说不太可能改变对方对于我们的看法,也没有必要改变。就是说她们喜欢你,就是喜欢你,不喜欢你,就是不喜欢你,不需要理由,如果不喜欢,那就不要强求,只要忽略就好。问题是我们每个人的时间,经历和生命都是有限的,我们如何创造机会,把握机会,在有限的时间找到合适的partner, 这个是非常难的,所以我建议还是要根据国家和地区来找比较合适,哪些地区的人比较开放,中立,不带有强烈的民族固化思维,对于亚洲人比较可以接受,那你找到的概率就大。比如德国就不是一个好地方,瑞典也不是。
+Liz Liang 多伦多哥哥飘过~
多伦多路过 同被错认为韩国人过 这样有点尴尬 但是中国人确实比较好认(不注重外表)
I like your video!
Sid and Kat 有想法哦! 支持你们
It's only me or someone else noticed that the cute girl smiles like a cute fox? :-))
There is an opinion in China these days that is how do you differentiate your partner with your best friends if you just treat your partner as your best friend? Does this is a problem for couples in the USA?
OMG, after watching this video, i think i am falling in love with Kat for real.
哈哈哈 那个美剧的引用很有意思 这是哪部剧?
One of my favorite episodes ~
Sid 很耿直啊,给留学生的建议都很实在。做reaction这么大实话的不多,希望以后也保持这种真诚和客观。
Kat & Sid! Aren't you get the names from Gravity Rush?
Hope you can put English subtitle on your video. Helps for learning English.
片尾BGM是happy tree friends!
Good video. I am not good at "eye contact". I am from China and I feel it so hard to see others' eyes when I am talking. How can I improve my confidence with more "eye contact"?
李旋国 來welcome
@@李旋国 哈哈 我大学就在湛江读的 唯一的遗憾是没吃化州牛杂
David tom Cai 请看他们最新基因检测视频
快速发展中的社会 一般都是金钱至上啦