Hello, I have a question regarding the SVC segment for an 835 file. NCPDP states the SVC segment is optional but required for pharmacy services with SVC01-01 code of N4 and SVC01-02 as the NDC. Does this mean every 2100 loop should have svc segment and it should look like this? SVC*N4:65162035803*98.04000*23.65350*3.00000~
Hello, I have a question regarding the SVC segment for an 835 file. NCPDP states the SVC segment is optional but required for pharmacy services with SVC01-01 code of N4 and SVC01-02 as the NDC. Does this mean every 2100 loop should have svc segment and it should look like this? SVC*N4:65162035803*98.04000*23.65350*3.00000~
Hello, what does HL *XX mean?
The first element aft HL Hierarchical segment is a rolling counter: 1,2,3,4,5,etc. So, ""XX" is just a placeholder or symbol for a number.