Video from youth baseball game captures sound of gunfire coming from Auburn park

  • Опубликовано: 19 май 2024
  • Two people were shot at Isaac Evans Park the night of May 19, just a few miles from a ball field where youth teams were playing.

Комментарии • 3

  • @tuckerboatman8211
    @tuckerboatman8211 22 дня назад

    This is why every family needs to plan. Have a "word" that you all know means get out now, both parents have keys to the car you arrived in, an exit strategy in public gathering type of areas, and conceal carry if you are comfortable doing so.

  • @pinealgasm
    @pinealgasm 23 дня назад

    Once upon a bizarre time, in a peculiar land known as Amalgamated Amusement Park (formerly known as the United States of America), a curious decree was issued by the mischievous Queen Prankalot: all guns were to be replaced with rubber chickens.
    The announcement was made during a lavishly absurd parade where Queen Prankalot, draped in a gown made of gummy bears and candy floss, declared the start of the "Chicken Revolution." Firearms everywhere were instantly transformed into squawking rubber chickens, leading to a cacophony of flapping wings and rubbery squeals.
    **Chapter 1: The Great Chicken Coup**
    In the heart of Clucktown, the local sheriff, Sheriff Beakman, was struggling to adjust. His once menacing revolver was now a floppy, squeaking chicken. The townsfolk, known for their sharp-shooting skills, found themselves in a rather perplexing predicament.
    Sheriff Beakman: "Alright, folks, we've got a bank robbery in progress at the Golden Egg Bank. How do we plan to stop them with... these?"
    Deputy Feathers: "I reckon we could cluck 'em to death, Sheriff!"
    **Trivia Time:** Did you know that rubber chickens originated in the 1800s and were once used as a comedic prop by jesters to mock the monarchy?
    As the robbers, clad in feathered disguises, burst into the bank, the tellers couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity. The robbers' guns had also turned into rubber chickens, making their threats sound more like a bizarre poultry opera.
    **Chapter 2: The Feathered Resistance**
    Meanwhile, in the posh, neon-lit city of Poultronia, the elite anti-chicken resistance group, The Clucksters, hatched a plot. Led by the enigmatic Madame Eggstra, a former opera singer turned spy, they sought to reclaim their beloved firearms.
    Madame Eggstra: "We must infiltrate the Queen's palace and retrieve the mystical Feather Duster of Truth. Legend says it can reverse any poultry spell."
    Her team consisted of:
    - **Eggbert:** A clumsy yet lovable inventor who always had an egg up his sleeve.
    - **Pecksy:** A master of disguise who could impersonate any bird.
    - **Scramble:** The muscle of the group, known for his egg-cracking strength.
    **Riddle Break:** "What has wings but cannot fly, lays eggs but doesn't try?" (Answer: A rubber chicken!)
    **Chapter 3: A Hilariously Fowl Adventure**
    The Clucksters embarked on a wild adventure filled with narrow escapes and feather-brained plans. They navigated through the Whisker Woods, where the trees had beards and told terrible dad jokes.
    Tree: "Why did the chicken cross the road? To avoid the poultry-geist!"
    Upon reaching the palace, they encountered the Queen's guards, armed with their rubbery arsenal. A slapstick battle ensued, with chickens flying everywhere. The guards were no match for The Clucksters' wits and absurd tactics.
    **Quiz Interlude:** What was the color of Eggbert's favorite egg-spionage gadget?
    A) Golden
    B) Turquoise
    C) Polka-dotted
    D) Invisible (Answer: C, Polka-dotted)
    **Chapter 4: The Fowl Climax**
    Inside the palace, they found the Feather Duster of Truth. Just as Madame Eggstra raised it to reverse the spell, the Queen appeared, cackling.
    Queen Prankalot: "Did you really think it would be that easy? Prepare for the ultimate poultry puzzle!"
    **Puzzle Challenge:** Unscramble the following word to reveal the key to the Feather Duster's power: "NIKCHECU"
    After solving the riddle (Answer: CHICKEN), the Feather Duster glowed, and with a dramatic sweep, the spell was lifted. Firearms were restored to their former glory.
    **Chapter 5: The Morbidly Twisted Epilogue**
    But in a dark twist, it turned out that the guns had developed minds of their own. They rebelled against their owners, leading to a chaotic battle of humans vs. sentient firearms.
    Sheriff Beakman: "Great clucking heavens! They're revolting... literally!"
    The Queen, realizing the error of her ways, reversed the spell once more. This time, all weapons turned into peace-promoting items like feather quills, poetry books, and bubble blowers.
    **Final Joke:** What did the rubber chicken say to the angry gun? "Why so trigger-happy? Let's just wing it!"
    And so, Amalgamated Amusement Park found peace through the most unconventional means: a world where conflicts were resolved with laughter, creativity, and an abundance of fun.
    **The End.**

  • @antihipsterboho
    @antihipsterboho 23 дня назад +6
