I think the brown dress needs to be a bit more form fit and shorter, but the orange combo is spectacular. The lime green checkers plus white pants is great. The coloured stripes shirt will be good for the beach.
1) Many of the pieces are not wearable for the upcoming HKG weather. 2) Many of the pieces look better on the website models. 3) It's 'Asos', not suppose to spell out the letters. 4) Sarah is way too skinny no meat hence why a lot of these pieces don't look good on her. 5) Overall are nice looking pieces but not for Sarah's body and frame. 6) What's the point of spraying the disinfectant on the packaging when you handle the garments right away.
thx for all the queries☺ quickly answering ALL the 6 points: 1) totally wearable! 2) models!!!! 3) either or la 4) female models are usually 5'8... the main reason 5) same as above 6) it goes over your face when you put it on
I was once a subscriber but have just unsubscribed. It is disappointing that as an influencer, you have repeatedly inferred that you are unhappy with your body shape and that you would have to 'skip a few meals' to fit into the dress(es). In the current society where social media has an enormous influence on youngsters, these mindless comments do nothing but amplify one's feelings of self doubt and negativity toward one's body image.
I would never tell anyone to skip meals, it was only tongue in cheek, like a joke. Even Jason has insecurities, it's natural and human. Furthermore these comments in an objective way are supposed to explain how these outfit are designed to look. All models are 5'8 or above, and being 5'4 do I never buy clothes? Having purchased to outfit, I need to understand why some things don't look nice on me... simply 'cos I short. Don't misunderstand, I don't dislike my height, it's just how it is. Deal with it, keep it and have it adjusted, or return it. Chinese kids will soon realise they're shorter, a different shape, and you can't pretend there's no difference. You have to learn to keep it lighthearted, have a laugh and put it aside. I'm 5'4 and I'm a happy 5'4, don't have to be proud, "ooooh 5'4 is amazing..." just be happy with what you have! thx Gabrielle for the chance to clarify on the comments I made
多謝你支持!~我會勤力D shopping開箱🤣
headband is super gorgeous 😍 your stylist did a great job upon most pieces that she ordered for you
Thank you, I think I need it in my stash, just incase!~
the headband is really nice! very elegant!
yeah its actually very versatile and looks quite chic, will ask my hairstylist what I can do with it!~
Love the orange outfit!!!
Love the orange set
YES!~me tooooo
The last piece is nice!!! 😍
oh thank you...its quite princess-y and girly....good for work....!~ thanks houean
係呀!~我都超鐘意 😍
awww 都真係唔錯!~
I think the brown dress needs to be a bit more form fit and shorter, but the orange combo is spectacular. The lime green checkers plus white pants is great. The coloured stripes shirt will be good for the beach.
YES!~ couldn't agree more
Good price and colorful.
yeah very affordable items to jazz my boring collection these days!~
thx Cheryl, thx Edmond😆
你身型仲好fit 呀Sarah👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻,其實你著sharp colours 都靚、好精神同後生啲,可以多啲新嘗試,而earth tone 就可以留返秋冬丫😆😆
提議都唔錯wor,thx linda🥰
thank you!~ 可惜桃紅色果件太大了~~
thx FY😍
有無拼色oversize恤衫link?thank you
love it too🤩
Yay ! Oh hello Cheryl!
Cheryl says HI BACK!~
hello鍾意睇你網購開箱!:D 有時候都會同我地一樣撞板hahaaa
請問你著緊件牛仔短身褸係咩牌子? 好好睇! thank you(:(: 出多d新片!
短牛仔褸係Remain by Birger Christensen. Thank you for watching 😍
@@sarahjasonchan 謝謝回覆呀Sarah!😍🙏🏻🙏🏻 請問可唔可以問埋你身高同你着緊既碼?唔該晒!🙏🏻🙌🏻
換咗個stylist 佢啦🤣 今年最興果d cut out 一件都唔買俾你,啱哂你身形著。或者泡泡袖。
件青色連身裙好唔掂..隻色好暗.. d連身裙UK4 著到好似UK6-8 咁睇落大1-2碼…又熱..
最肉酸係果件mum style shirt😖😖 著咗即刻變路人….
個stylist 仲好意思話相片入面Model着嘅效果點點點….作為stylist 唔係正常會知道咩cutting 唔同人着適唔適合咩😝 如果model 着成點就點,仲使唔使搵你揀呀🤣
不如我send d link 俾你吖
model示範都要考慮既,如果外國大品牌會搵d 5‘4 5’5 既model咁可能會易睇d,但係親衫真係要match下
湊仔辛苦,運動力好大 🤣其實係因為要做運動,冇得懶😇
橙個套十分好,唔係個個 carry 到。即刻去 搵下條褲先。
剩係睇你兩位既打扮, 真係唔敢相信你個friend 係stylist. 你着衫個proportion 好好多,條褲係Capri, 個cut 同個length 都perfect. 著得你好fit, 好好睇。髮型simple但elegant.
反而你個friend,條褲長唔長短唔短咁,個shape好怪,仲要夾硬tug嗰件咁寬鬆既top入條褲度,著到條腰同成個hip位好肥. 加上嗰對老土鞋,同埋師奶到唔師奶嘅髮夾, 90年代既髮型,佢好似trap 左喺90年代咁,好老土!
至於D衫,都係麻麻(只係我個人意見)首先D貼身裙太長,由頭包到落腳,唔多sexy. 套橙色衫褲好似你啱啱响監獄偷走出嚟咁。 件間條衫好難睇,好似做左阿媽,跟住已經完全放棄左自己咁。件peach色長裙完全唔啱你既body shape… 對白色拖鞋,不提也罷⋯⋯
唯一我覺得好睇值得keep既,係件青綠色外套,好classy, 仲有個頭箍,真心好睇!對銀色波鞋一D都唔難襯,就你依家咁,白褲加牛仔外套,襯銀波鞋比白波鞋更sharp, 更有時代感,因為白波鞋已經興左太耐,太boring. 其實如果你着全黑,銀波鞋都會好睇。
多謝EL你留言!可能鏡頭問題都會影響到我Stylist套衫既效果。其實我當日拍攝套衫,stylist有分揀 😂😂😂。有時網購就係咁, 買反來D衫同網上照片效果好唔同,特別外國網購,對於我來講好多時都太長或太大,我都習慣了。所以開箱時我會覺得好刺激,因為充滿驚喜!~多謝你入來睇我地D片啊!~
Good taste
she knows what I like toooo well!~
No 1
thank you ❤
估唔到橙色幾型 應該要keep 冇咁悶
1) Many of the pieces are not wearable for the upcoming HKG weather.
2) Many of the pieces look better on the website models.
3) It's 'Asos', not suppose to spell out the letters.
4) Sarah is way too skinny no meat hence why a lot of these pieces don't look good on her.
5) Overall are nice looking pieces but not for Sarah's body and frame.
6) What's the point of spraying the disinfectant on the packaging when you handle the garments right away.
thx for all the queries☺
quickly answering ALL the 6 points:
1) totally wearable!
2) models!!!!
3) either or la
4) female models are usually 5'8... the main reason
5) same as above
6) it goes over your face when you put it on
I was once a subscriber but have just unsubscribed. It is disappointing that as an influencer, you have repeatedly inferred that you are unhappy with your body shape and that you would have to 'skip a few meals' to fit into the dress(es). In the current society where social media has an enormous influence on youngsters, these mindless comments do nothing but amplify one's feelings of self doubt and negativity toward one's body image.
I would never tell anyone to skip meals, it was only tongue in cheek, like a joke.
Even Jason has insecurities, it's natural and human.
Furthermore these comments in an objective way are supposed to explain how these outfit are designed to look. All models are 5'8 or above, and being 5'4 do I never buy clothes? Having purchased to outfit, I need to understand why some things don't look nice on me... simply 'cos I short. Don't misunderstand, I don't dislike my height, it's just how it is. Deal with it, keep it and have it adjusted, or return it.
Chinese kids will soon realise they're shorter, a different shape, and you can't pretend there's no difference.
You have to learn to keep it lighthearted, have a laugh and put it aside.
I'm 5'4 and I'm a happy 5'4, don't have to be proud, "ooooh 5'4 is amazing..." just be happy with what you have!
thx Gabrielle for the chance to clarify on the comments I made
😂 你咁講又係喔!~可能accessorise 下會好D!~
係呀,Netflix 有套drama, 叫 Orange is the new black, 個個就係着到咁㗎啦!
Fast fashion gives me anxiety. This is slightly out of touch for someone who can do good, especially with her impressive following.
I want to say is you better change to another stylist
hahaha, would you have any recommendations?
呢十套衫 唔知點形容😅