Since I started watching this kind of content on youtube I've wondered a lot about why people act like that when they're just delaying the inevitable and I honestly think it's a subconscious way to wrestle some amount of control from the officer. I don't think it's a "strategy" so much as a tantrum, the same way babies learn to cry to get what they want. Probably if these people had been forced to grow up and learn that some things in life are both inevitable and have consequences they'd probably have better coping mechanisms for getting through these situations, but instead they just complicate the officers jobs and their own lives by lashing out.
What a rude, ignorant, loud, obnoxious, and vile person! To wish death on him???!!! She was upset because she knew there was a warrant for her arrest!!! Just pathetic!!!
And she PRAYS that he DIES!!!! I mean, I don't think God will be very happy she is praying for that. I'd be so afraid to say something like that. Often when we wish bad upon somebody else, it happens to us or to someone we love. She better ask forgiveness for that from the officer and God.
@@moondancer6488i was in an abusive relationship and tried and tried to get away but he wouldn't leave me alone. I prayed he died but felt bad about it of course. 2018 i got a restraining order and got away finally. Bout 5 years laterhe had been clean about 3 years and i talked to him and told him i forgive him for all the bad he ever did to me and I hope he has a happy and healthy life. I asked God and him to forgive me.❤
I'm a black American. 62 years old. Retired Army. I grew up in the projects in Richmond VA. I have never seen such ratchetness in my entire life. She most likely called the person who is most responsible for her entire persona. A total lost.
I'm a white American. 40 years old. Thank you for your service and I agree with you on that. I don't know why parents won't teach their children how to act around police. When my son gets to the age where he can drive, I'm gonna have that talk with him.
Retired 73 yo, Army artillery CSM. Thanks for your service brother! This isn't limited to blacks. I see more 'ratchetness' in young whites than young blacks. It seems to be more of a privileged and I'm special thing.
The cops said they stopped her because of a seatbelt infraction during the first 30 seconds of the video-Police were posted up looking for a reason to pull someone, anyone over. They're revenue generators for the state much of the time and Statists like you cheer on our loss of freedoms. Good job 🙄
Black man here, i got pulled over for a busted taillight on the way to work, it literally took like 5 minutes for the officer to send me on my way. Why do people do this?
She'll be at Toyota, smiling and trying to sell you a car. Or she'll be at the restaurant, the one who says, 'of course!'..when you ask her to bring you extra ranch dressing..(check the dressing for anything that looks like snot).
You are so dramatic lol, you don't even know her, how can you say she's a horrible person? That term should be reserved for pedophiles or something lol
And then these officers treat these people like saints because they know the media will crucify them otherwise. The fact that she was able to have a hug from her mom is laughable she just basically gave a death threat to an officer like bro what
Imagine having a suspended license, drugs in the car, a plate registered to someone else, a vehicle not in your name and thinking… Let’s argue with the police, and not comply with what they’re asking for! That will go over well! If I’m loud enough, they’ll just drive away!
And she’ll raise her children to be just as ignorant as her self, and her children will teach their kids the same stupid behavior. Its like putting your hand into scalding water and burning yourself, knowing that if you do it again your going to get burned again but you do it anyway?
Yeah, tell that to the teacher who took away a 14 yr old’s cellphone in the classroom. He went into her desk and yanked it back after he poked her and pushed her. That’s unwanted. 2 day suspension. Wtheck? Ooooh, give him a mini-vacay. That’s punishment for assault? Taking a cellphone is like lopping off an arm these days😵💫😵💫😵💫😵💫😵💫 14 and heading for a DOC #
No, no, no. Entitled young people have the constitutional RIGHT to be comfortable every second of everyday without life interfering with that right 🤣. Did you not get the memo? ☺
The police officers are so patient with the hideous foul mouthed harridan. I admire police officers for keeping their patience when being sworn at loudly by a hysterical irrational person who refuses to comply with police requests.
Certain Cultures identify an event with LEO as an opportunity for a law suit payout. Subsequently the suspect becomes very dramatic 🎭 like a child in Third Grade.
I'd like to know where all these rules came from. "You can't follow me to the gas station. You can't park on my block. You can't run my tags without telling me. You can't stop me at the gas station. You can't talk to me. You can't touch me." Madam, I don't think you have a clue what a sworn officer can and cannot do.
Debra…… it’s just part of the playbook 101. I can’t breathe -A You’re hurting me-A I’m pregnant Don’t touch me-A I dinna do nuffin-A When you’re screaming, you ARE breathing!!!
All human beings are Feral, and we all behave this way to some degree. She is being extreme, but it didn't help her, just made everything worse for her.
@@whitewolf7664 No, we don't. Normal people understand that cops will ask you for your license, and normal people will give them to the cop when asked without yelling like a chimpanzee.
@@whitewolf7664 Yeah no BS. Not a single person I have ever associated with, has acted this way. Even when the cops were in the wrong. They just went with what the police said. No it's strictly just in the Black Community side of America that acts like this 9/10 times. For every 1 goofy person acting like this. You have like 10 black people acting as bad if not worse. And before you try some stupid race card. No I'm not white.
If anything’s says she knows she’s wanted, it’s that even when the calm sergeant asked her for her ID, she kept giving excuses as to why she wasn’t giving it up or telling them who she was.
And is if they werent going to find out. She is being arrested anyway and all they gotta do is run her prints. Ill never understand why people lie about their identity like this made up person they created is just going to show up in the systsm with their photo so atleast she didn’t play that game. She just kept going on and on about them being to ruff to avoid giving hsr nams
got so much joy seeing her cry. That was her WHOLE reason for yelling when he asked for license and then again when the other officer was asking her name. Simply a way to avoid the question. She is truly dumb enough to think that was going to work smfh
@@jillianamoroso8877exactly. Just take the L, put your hands behind your back, and go peacefully. It’ll go a long way when you’re in front of the judge.
It’s almost as if blacks want to be manhandled. They push the officer to the limit and then as soon as the cop goes hand on it’s All yes sir no sir , I’ll give you what you what. Strange behaviour. I think they are hardwired to enjoy the squabbling.
@@moondancer6488they think that resisting arrest ONLY means running away or punching officers. Stiffening up or pulling away also counts as resisting. But, you can’t explain that to morons like this.
My uncle is ready to retired from the police force this year. If you act like a child, he would speak to you that way because he's a no nonsense cop when he tells them that he's not gonna tell them again.
got so much joy seeing her cry. That was her WHOLE reason for yelling when he asked for license and then again when the other officer was asking her name. Simply a way to avoid the question. She is truly dumb enough to think that was going to work smfh
I love how it's the second they go in to arrest people thats when they are willing to give their license, but they never wanted to acknowledge the question the last 30 minutes of freaking out 😂😂
Why was Momma hugging her? Momma should have told her on the phone to shut up and accept the consequences of her behavior. Why do people like her threaten to call their parents and a lawyer? None of them can help you in a traffic stop.
@@blackgarmentbag7482 And why on earth would a parent drive down to a traffic stop?? you cant tell me ol mama did not know that girl had two warrants, "medical marijuana" and revoked license...smh.
I would not want this person working in my business in any capacity whatsoever. Just think of the harm she could do to you, your employees and your customers.
She was obviously lying, she has a blanket on cozily and has her thong high up to her waist. Unless she works on the streets that's not how people who head to work look like.
This x100000000000 I remember exactly 10 years ago (summer of 2014) I got pulled over and the reason was I had a headlight out... I was totally confused because I had just put the new bulb in and fixed it that day lol.. so I tell the Officer that and had the pack of bulbs right there in my passenger seat. He asked me to pop the hood, so I did. Two seconds later he gave a thud to the headlight that was out and BAM! it turned on~! I was super nice and polite - just like the Officer and he sent me on my way.. I don't understand why it's so difficult for people to grasp this lol
Same, I was speeding once and was pulled over, I was polite as well and he gave me the choice of a speeding ticket or a fixit ticket for a missing front license plate which was only $25. These people just can't grasp any situation where being polite will help them. They always have to turn a minor ordeal into felony charges.
She seems to not understand pulling yourself around from left to right and spinning around while having cuffs places on your wrists IS resisting arrest. Apparently a suspended driving licence means you just carry on driving...
Blatant sexism to assume any female is a good person, and the men there were bad. Why is it so few consider the quality of one’s character over their gender/race/etc
She's been felt up by the whole neighborhood already. They just say that to delay and harass the officers. It's like calling a supervisor or demanding names and badge numbers.
My daughter was 16 got pulled over for speeding. She called me before the officer got to the car. I told her where the registration and insurance were. Told her to be respectful to the officer, and i hung up. I didn't say anymore to her when she got home. She got a fine and learned a good lesson.
I asked myself the same question. She looks terrible. And she do. Everyone in the comment section knows it. I thought she was was gonna say she worked at the players club
Oooohhh she had a warrant, drugs, no license. That’s why she was so upset about getting pulled over right after pulling out. She thought she was going to get away with it all.
Why do… these types always make it worse for themselves acting like police have it out for them when they could just cooperate and be on their way 90% of the time. Cycle of stupidity.
I've been stopped 4-5 times, I've been given ONE ticket. Never cuffed, never pepper sprayed, never arrested, never jailed. Also never acted like a feral donkey.
I got pulled over by a Texas cop on highway 10 for no seatbelt on a hot day with my sunroof open years ago when the law was new. I gave a flimsy excuse and got a ticket. Then went on my way. This girl would have told me not to ID myself and ask for a different cop.
This chick is faking everything.This officer was not aggressive or inappropriate at all. In fact he let her act foolish a lot longer than I would have.
Despicable in the worst possible way! So many people in the civil rights movement have fought to give her the chance to excel in life! She should be ashamed!
She forgot the golden rule... If you're riding dirty then you should be driving like a damn saint and your ride itself better be legal. Also, playing the crying victim doesn't work on most cops anymore. Just shut the hell up and fight it in court.
Exactly, it’s the idiots who smoke in their car, expired tags, no insurance, who get pulled over and create a scene. Keep your car clean, light window tint and dress nice. 😉
Calling my mom in this situation would result in "What? Give him your information and quit whining. I'm busy." in other words, calling my mom would not be an option that crosses my mind. I don't understand these people.
Im so confused about how she learned to treat law enforcement like this. Never in my life could i have the audacity to behave like this if i was guilty or not. I hope she never has kids.
I counted, and he asked her 6 times for her license & insurance prior to arresting her. Each time, she wouldn't comply. As soon as he places the cuffs on her, she's ready to provide her documents. If she had followed the rules of a simple traffic stop, none of this would have happened.
Right. I figure everyone should get ONE for misunderstanding, being nervous, whatever. But once they ask again and make it CLEAR, that's IT. You need to comply. If you want to argue the rules, etc, that's what COURT is for. Or (shock) if you just COOPERATE and are POLITE, good things can happen. I've had tickets reduced, for example, just because the cop said he appreciated my honesty and complete cooperation.
Si no habia delito no tenia xq pedirle NADA. COMO SE DEJAN MALTRATAR LOS YANKYS , hoy es ella Otro dia serán los q aquí comentan y disfrutan del maltrato e injusticia.
@@gloriabowie5629 Private Seller, she said the guy gave her the title and she hadn't signed it yet. (Assuming that's true, she wouldn't need her license)
These people and their hate and rage is disgusting. It's no surprise that she has a warrant, was driving on a suspended/revoked driver's license and was in possession of cannabis. Some people shouldn't be allowed in public and she's one of them.
@@ataridc Suspended license? Better drive around speeding with fictitious tags, broken taillights, tinted windows, and a backseat full of drugs plainly visible. Oh, and better take my kids with me.
“I’ve never been assaulted by a police officer” (inferring that these police assaulted her) yeah lady and you still haven’t. They didn’t even come close to using any real force on you. They lightly held your arm
Oh my god, the cops followed me while breaking the law, let me call my mom real quick and see if I can wiggle my way out of this like I have done my entire life. Nope. Not this time.
She knew she was riding dirty.. suspended license.. she had warrants.... And drugs Good job Mom you raised a loud mouth Entitled Criminal .,. Awful being
OH my God I was thinking the same thing! I was like, "Where is the standard script "I can't breathe! I can't breathe!" Look you can't get that lawsuit money if you don't say, "I can't breathe" at least 40x.
If I rang my Mum with this crap like this, she'd yell at me to pull my head in and wake up to myself before hanging up on me. No way in hell would she bail me out. Then I'd catch all kinds of hell when I got home for being disrespectful and making a fool of myself.
If MY mom showed up, the cops would form a protective ring around me to shield me from her. Im 60 yrs old---and surprise sursprise, never been arrested.
Oh no, she feels “uncomfortable”. Oh, how terrible. Newsflash Keisha, no one feels comfortable getting detained by the police. What makes you think you’re so special?
Seriously tho, she wasn't a danger to the public. Annoying and obnoxious, yes. Cops should have better things to due than harass people headed to work over a "seatbelt infraction" get a clue 😮
@@JohnLocke1776that's not harassment lol. When you're breaking the law the police have every right to do THEIR JOB. It doesn't matter if you don't agree with the law, that doesn't give you the right to ignore it. She had a warrant,and they scan plates. Not hard to figure out. don't break the law, learn to take accountability, things all adults should be capable of doing. If I had a warrant, I'd make sure everything is immaculate. I guarantee you I wouldn't be acting belligerent or ignoring lawful orders from police. That's just senseless. Perpetually excusing behavior like this is why it continues.
What's more annoying is everyone thinks by saying "don't touch me, you don't have my consent" it's an automatic pardon or something. You're under arrest, you're gonna be touched. Time to be an adult and learn how to deal with grown up situations if you want to break laws, however insignificant you FEEL they are.
A common theme in these videos is they always refuse to do what the officers ask until they are in cuffs. Then, they always say something like "okay, fine! I'll do what you want!"
Why do they instantly call their mom? What on earth does that achieve? It’s because these sorry excuses of a “mom” pander and put up with their nonsense! Maybe try discipling your child instead of hugging them…
@@gstar3569exactly, did you know that upwards of 70% of a certain demographic are born into homes that have no father figure present? I couldn't believe that number but it's the truth, probably low.
Has a warrant, has drugs, no license - act a fool and maybe they let me go.
And so many do this, it never works.
"When did it become your block?" 😂
whannnnnnnnnaaa whannnnnnaaaa whannnnnnnnnaaa whannnnnnaaaa whannnnnnnnnaaa whannnnnnaaaa is all I am hearing from this suspect
Since I started watching this kind of content on youtube I've wondered a lot about why people act like that when they're just delaying the inevitable and I honestly think it's a subconscious way to wrestle some amount of control from the officer. I don't think it's a "strategy" so much as a tantrum, the same way babies learn to cry to get what they want. Probably if these people had been forced to grow up and learn that some things in life are both inevitable and have consequences they'd probably have better coping mechanisms for getting through these situations, but instead they just complicate the officers jobs and their own lives by lashing out.
Why do black guys wanna hook up with white chicks again?
"I just left my crib"
Well that explains why you're acting like a toddler....
Wrapped in a blanket. Wearing baby clothes. Calling her mommy.
😂 good one.
You are funny, credit to you. She's a typical INWARD..
What a rude, ignorant, loud, obnoxious, and vile person! To wish death on him???!!! She was upset because she knew there was a warrant for her arrest!!! Just pathetic!!!
And she PRAYS that he DIES!!!! I mean, I don't think God will be very happy she is praying for that. I'd be so afraid to say something like that. Often when we wish bad upon somebody else, it happens to us or to someone we love. She better ask forgiveness for that from the officer and God.
@@moondancer6488fear is an excellent control mechanism. Ask yourself when any god gave anyone so much as a hangnail.
She get on my nerves
@@moondancer6488i was in an abusive relationship and tried and tried to get away but he wouldn't leave me alone. I prayed he died but felt bad about it of course. 2018 i got a restraining order and got away finally. Bout 5 years laterhe had been clean about 3 years and i talked to him and told him i forgive him for all the bad he ever did to me and I hope he has a happy and healthy life. I asked God and him to forgive me.❤
@@moondancer6488 And she's gonna cast a ROOT on him. That's some bad sh*t there. She is An-gry!!! That's gonna come back on her, I hope you know.
I'm a black American. 62 years old. Retired Army. I grew up in the projects in Richmond VA. I have never seen such ratchetness in my entire life. She most likely called the person who is most responsible for her entire persona. A total lost.
why does it matter if you're black?
I'm a white American. 40 years old. Thank you for your service and I agree with you on that. I don't know why parents won't teach their children how to act around police. When my son gets to the age where he can drive, I'm gonna have that talk with him.
Retired 73 yo, Army artillery CSM. Thanks for your service brother! This isn't limited to blacks. I see more 'ratchetness' in young whites than young blacks. It seems to be more of a privileged and I'm special thing.
The mother was the polar opposite of her though. Calm, collected and told her not to disrespect the officers. Sometimes a kid just turns out rotten.
@@Lord_Raptori dont think she have a father 😅
If She was offered $100 to shut the F up for 60 seconds, you would leave with the $100.
She has the right to remain silent, she doesn’t have the ability.
she would not....
@@nipperdog7777 lmao
Lady, they have license plate readers; they knew you were revoked and had a warrant. Give it up.
She's not quite up to speed with modern policing.
Innocent people with no brain damage never act like this indeed. 😊
The cops said they stopped her because of a seatbelt infraction during the first 30 seconds of the video-Police were posted up looking for a reason to pull someone, anyone over. They're revenue generators for the state much of the time and Statists like you cheer on our loss of freedoms. Good job 🙄
underwear hanging out, beer guy. classy.
There was no tag for them to read. It had a temporary tag. She was argumentative because she knew she had NO license!
Black man here, i got pulled over for a busted taillight on the way to work, it literally took like 5 minutes for the officer to send me on my way.
Why do people do this?
Because she's used to using her attitude and willingness to get loud to bully people into doing what she wants.
@@BiggieTrismegistus AND THEN gets a hug from her Mother???? If that was my kid there would be no me.
Thank you for this comment .
Nobody GAF that you're black.
You have nothing to prove, brother
Why are these people never charged with disturbing the peace? I mean the yelling and the screaming is outrageous! What a blight on society
they often do get disorderly conduct
Girl YOU were aggressive before he even said more than a word to you!
It’s called projection.
@@RichardJoeLeonn It's called stupidity and ignorance and getting what you deserved!
@@RichardJoeLeonnnaw this is just straight up lying.
What an absolutely horrible person she is.
She'll be at Toyota, smiling and trying to sell you a car. Or she'll be at the restaurant, the one who says, 'of course!'..when you ask her to bring you extra ranch dressing..(check the dressing for anything that looks like snot).
That's you!
Joe Biden sees his next press secretary here. ;)
Way too many of these people around.
wrong. she minding her own business getting harassed. none of the governments business if someone wears a seatbelt.
You are so dramatic lol, you don't even know her, how can you say she's a horrible person? That term should be reserved for pedophiles or something lol
Imagine doing something illegal and then wishing death on those that hold you accountable. Truly disgusting behavior.
The maturity of an apathetic toddler who refuses to learn their lesson because the punishments are never real.
Seriously. How vile.
Basketball Americans.
And then these officers treat these people like saints because they know the media will crucify them otherwise. The fact that she was able to have a hug from her mom is laughable she just basically gave a death threat to an officer like bro what
Its the typical psychos attitude. Pure evil I believe
Imagine having a suspended license, drugs in the car, a plate registered to someone else, a vehicle not in your name and thinking… Let’s argue with the police, and not comply with what they’re asking for! That will go over well! If I’m loud enough, they’ll just drive away!
👍 🎯
The problem is she's not thinking, she's just reacting.
This is how she will spend the rest of her life. She’ll never change.
All these comments about never changing mean less coming from a bunch of fat guys who have been sitting in basements since the 90s
The media and WOKE Society tell her it's everyone else's fault but her own.
That's extremely sad but true.
at east she already has the right outfit
And she’ll raise her children to be just as ignorant as her self, and her children will teach their kids the same stupid behavior. Its like putting your hand into scalding water and burning yourself, knowing that if you do it again your going to get burned again but you do it anyway?
Calling someone while an officer is talking to you is a clear sign of stupidity.
Acting a fool while an officer is talking to you is a clear sign of stupidity.
Black privilege. Calling mom and lawyer.
Oh, please. Plenty of videos of other races doing the same shit. @@jamesfields2916
And the fact the mom actually came over shows where that stupidity came from, lol.
A clear sign of having no control over yourself & your own responsibilities. It's sad what's happening to some of our younger generation. imho
That was a difficult watch! She is nuts! Officers did really well.
why is she so loud and shouting at someone standing right next to her? Someone needs to learn to use their quiet inside voice.
She isn't nuts she's just being herself.
@@auaiao9 No! She is bonkers! 🤪
How hard was it
She's uncomfortable with consequences 😂
She has an Accountability Disorder.
"I've never been assaulted by a police officer before!"
Good. And you still haven't. Thank goodness for body cameras
By definition, it is still assault "unwanted touch"... its just not illegal for the cop to do it in that case.
Yeah, tell that to the teacher who took away a 14 yr old’s cellphone in the classroom.
He went into her desk and yanked it back after he poked her and pushed her.
That’s unwanted. 2 day suspension. Wtheck?
Ooooh, give him a mini-vacay. That’s punishment for assault?
Taking a cellphone is like lopping off an arm these days😵💫😵💫😵💫😵💫😵💫
14 and heading for a DOC #
Yo was coming to comment this 😅
She escalates until she's in tears. I guarantee she leaves this situation thinking it was their fault.
I heard her crying but I didn't see any tears, but when the crying didn't work she went right back to being loud and abusive.
"I'm uncomfortable." You're under arrest, get over it.
Right? It's not their job to make you comfortable, it's their job to enforce traffic laws.
No, no, no. Entitled young people have the constitutional RIGHT to be comfortable every second of everyday without life interfering with that right 🤣. Did you not get the memo? ☺
“I’m uncomfortable.” That means you are guilty of your ill-fated actions.
I have been arrested before I don't recall it being a comfortable relaxing experience.
Who failed to say "NO" to this grown child???😢
Whoever hired her needs to rethink his/her life choices
If that wasn't a lie as well...
She ain't got no jobs
Agreed. She wasn’t going to a job at all. An excuse … a lie.
Definitely "Employee of the Month!"
She will probably end up being UNEMPLOYABLE after potential establishments see this video!!!
Everyone is tired of these people that want to lie, argue and cause a scene. Just comply with a lawful order. Great job officers!
The police officers are so patient with the hideous foul mouthed harridan.
I admire police officers for keeping their patience when being sworn at loudly by a hysterical irrational person who refuses to comply with police requests.
Certain Cultures identify an event with LEO as an opportunity for a law suit payout. Subsequently the suspect becomes very dramatic 🎭 like a child in Third Grade.
"I've never been assaulted by the police before!"
Take heart, ma'am. You still haven't been.
Some people just need to learn to keep their mouth shut!
Kinda makes you think this isn't her first rodeo.
Exactly what I was thinking….you STILL have not ever been assaulted by the police.
She's dressed for prison
She dressed for her job as the hamburglar
That outfit is a arrest able offense along with her disgusting behavior 🤮
But with less taste.
Hamburglar has better taste in clothing than her
I'd like to know where all these rules came from. "You can't follow me to the gas station. You can't park on my block. You can't run my tags without telling me. You can't stop me at the gas station. You can't talk to me. You can't touch me." Madam, I don't think you have a clue what a sworn officer can and cannot do.
It’s in the monthly newsletter!
But she knows her rights!! 😄
The 3 most common expressions used these days are “I can’t breathe” “Don’t touch me” and “I feel uncomfortable”. Good God! These people!
@@DebraHarter clearly I can't breathe is vital for people to live during an arrest
Debra…… it’s just part of the playbook 101.
I can’t breathe -A
You’re hurting me-A
I’m pregnant
Don’t touch me-A
I dinna do nuffin-A
When you’re screaming, you ARE breathing!!!
You forgot Bro said a million times.
@@lyndawhite5171the "A" at the end of every sentence was hilarious!!!
you forgot i know the law/know my rights
So embarrassing to society
Very embarrassing
How do people grow up this clueless? The average four year old is smarter than this.
She's been taught to hate cops and whites. And/or been taught throwing a tantrum will let her get away with anything she does.
How else? Second-rate parenting
One useless parent 😮
It's genetic.
Daily privilege and unlimited tax dollars.
"he was aggressive before you came" - was literally the least aggressive officer I've ever seen
It's like she literally has less perception than a normal 3 year old.
You know they have a warrant, or no license when they start with this kind of garbage
They act like clowns then are shocked by the outcome they created.
She feels uncomfortable being held accountable. Feral folks are feral.
All human beings are Feral, and we all behave this way to some degree. She is being extreme, but it didn't help her, just made everything worse for her.
@@whitewolf7664 No, we don't. Normal people understand that cops will ask you for your license, and normal people will give them to the cop when asked without yelling like a chimpanzee.
@@whitewolf7664 Yeah no BS. Not a single person I have ever associated with, has acted this way. Even when the cops were in the wrong. They just went with what the police said. No it's strictly just in the Black Community side of America that acts like this 9/10 times. For every 1 goofy person acting like this. You have like 10 black people acting as bad if not worse.
And before you try some stupid race card. No I'm not white.
@@whitewolf7664weird, im white and i have never acted this way towards the police. Guess "certain people" are just naturally more feral. Lol.
@@Around_blax_dont_relaxcitizens who don’t follow the law
Body cams turned out to be an endless source of entertainment.
for real, i live in a state where there are zero black folks. i can't even begin to imagine how white folks who live in the city have it.
While confirming everything we suspected.
One of the most recent best uses of our tax money.
@@mrsleep0000 yuuuuuuup
@@mrsleep0000 You bet. In ALL colours, right? RIGHT?
If anything’s says she knows she’s wanted, it’s that even when the calm sergeant asked her for her ID, she kept giving excuses as to why she wasn’t giving it up or telling them who she was.
No tenia xq darlo si no estaba siendo informada d ser acusada d ningun delito
@@bahiazaphire197 dices tonterías
And is if they werent going to find out. She is being arrested anyway and all they gotta do is run her prints. Ill never understand why people lie about their identity like this made up person they created is just going to show up in the systsm with their photo so atleast she didn’t play that game. She just kept going on and on about them being to ruff to avoid giving hsr nams
got so much joy seeing her cry. That was her WHOLE reason for yelling when he asked for license and then again when the other officer was asking her name. Simply a way to avoid the question. She is truly dumb enough to think that was going to work smfh
@@jillianamoroso8877exactly. Just take the L, put your hands behind your back, and go peacefully. It’ll go a long way when you’re in front of the judge.
I love happy endings. Great job Officer. Thank you for your invaluable Service.
Ashamed of nothing, entitled to everything, responsible for nothing and offended by everything.
found the racist
Professional victims.
Fuck, that’s my baby momma. 😭
@@chuco915C You best run to the clinic, homey, and get yo-self CHECKED!
There was a white woman in this video???
"I can't deal with her." Bro, NOBODY can...
Typical Victim.
She's going to go the rest of her life proclaiming that she was assaulted by the police.
All her life.
It’s almost as if blacks want to be manhandled. They push the officer to the limit and then as soon as the cop goes hand on it’s All yes sir no sir , I’ll give you what you what. Strange behaviour. I think they are hardwired to enjoy the squabbling.
"you feel entitled, I know"
the irony
Its crazy how people think saying "im not resisting arrest" changes the fact that their resisting arrest
I know. I can't figure this one out.
@@moondancer6488they think that resisting arrest ONLY means running away or punching officers. Stiffening up or pulling away also counts as resisting. But, you can’t explain that to morons like this.
My uncle is ready to retired from the police force this year. If you act like a child, he would speak to you that way because he's a no nonsense cop when he tells them that he's not gonna tell them again.
Right 😂
This girl has some major aggressive/ anger issues. She went from zero to 100 in the first minute.
Poor dear, she has an Accountability Disorder.
got so much joy seeing her cry. That was her WHOLE reason for yelling when he asked for license and then again when the other officer was asking her name. Simply a way to avoid the question. She is truly dumb enough to think that was going to work smfh
It's beyond annoying when these entitled brats start putting 'ah' at the end of their sentences. "Stop touching me - ah! Stop touch me - ah!"
I hate that!
That shit is so damn annoying!
It’s exactly like a child. That’s how toddlers talk when they don’t get what they want
I thought I was the only one that noticed that crap. It is annoying.
“Entitled brats”
I love how it's the second they go in to arrest people thats when they are willing to give their license, but they never wanted to acknowledge the question the last 30 minutes of freaking out 😂😂
The more they talk, the more guilty they are. She must inhale through her ears because she never took a breath to stop yapping.
exactly ,no way she could try that ,i cant breathe mantra
Why was Momma hugging her? Momma should have told her on the phone to shut up and accept the consequences of her behavior.
Why do people like her threaten to call their parents and a lawyer? None of them can help you in a traffic stop.
Mom enables her behavior. Her little darling is being picked on…
Because in her culture they have been told they can do what they want and society complies.
@@blackgarmentbag7482 And why on earth would a parent drive down to a traffic stop?? you cant tell me ol mama did not know that girl had two warrants, "medical marijuana" and revoked license...smh.
@@ktcarl because mommmo knooos she’s on camera , nommm sayin 🦧🦧🦍🦍
I would not want this person working in my business in any capacity whatsoever. Just think of the harm she could do to you, your employees and your customers.
She was obviously lying, she has a blanket on cozily and has her thong high up to her waist. Unless she works on the streets that's not how people who head to work look like.
The good news is we don’t have to hire, rent to, or live near them. Scott Adams 101
The first time you would say something she would not like you'd have a lawsuit slapped against you
@@TheLeadSled Ben Crump at your service!
I don't think she works in customer relations.
These cops don’t make enough
I got pulled over for speeding and no seatbelt. I was respectful and polite to the officer. I only got a $10 seatbelt ticket!! Act accordingly.
Same here.
This x100000000000 I remember exactly 10 years ago (summer of 2014) I got pulled over and the reason was I had a headlight out... I was totally confused because I had just put the new bulb in and fixed it that day lol.. so I tell the Officer that and had the pack of bulbs right there in my passenger seat. He asked me to pop the hood, so I did. Two seconds later he gave a thud to the headlight that was out and BAM! it turned on~! I was super nice and polite - just like the Officer and he sent me on my way.. I don't understand why it's so difficult for people to grasp this lol
Same, I was speeding once and was pulled over, I was polite as well and he gave me the choice of a speeding ticket or a fixit ticket for a missing front license plate which was only $25. These people just can't grasp any situation where being polite will help them. They always have to turn a minor ordeal into felony charges.
yeah i mean treat them with respect and just be nice and you get the minimum of a ticket if any
@@bdawg4231 some people are the eternal victim....
How does she actually believe she wasn’t resisting.. what a victim
She seems to not understand pulling yourself around from left to right and spinning around while having cuffs places on your wrists IS resisting arrest.
Apparently a suspended driving licence means you just carry on driving...
No, a suspended license means you can’t drive at all. It’s like you are not allowed to carry a license at the time.
Not suspended, revoked. They bypassed the “you can’t drive for a while “ stage and went to the “you aren’t driving anymore “ stage.
@@marthamitchell9452 and then stood there and lied about it saying "I don't have it on me" when asked if she had a license....
Why do they always call mommy 😡
If there isn’t a female officer available, TOO BAD. You are under arrest.
Not like a male cop can't pat u down anyways lol
How did those cops hold their sanity. She could drive anyone insane.
Blatant sexism to assume any female is a good person, and the men there were bad. Why is it so few consider the quality of one’s character over their gender/race/etc
She's been felt up by the whole neighborhood already. They just say that to delay and harass the officers. It's like calling a supervisor or demanding names and badge numbers.
My daughter was 16 got pulled over for speeding. She called me before the officer got to the car. I told her where the registration and insurance were. Told her to be respectful to the officer, and i hung up. I didn't say anymore to her when she got home. She got a fine and learned a good lesson.
Way to go!
Saaame. I told my kid where my paperwork was in the car and off she went. She already knows to cooperate.
How in the world is anyone able to employ her
She was lying's what they do
Who hire her?? 🙄
Pimps will take just about anyone willing to do the job.
and what employer allows their staff to dress like that on the job? Maybe she works at McDonald's since she is dressed like the Hamburglar.
I asked myself the same question. She looks terrible. And she do. Everyone in the comment section knows it. I thought she was was gonna say she worked at the players club
Oooohhh she had a warrant, drugs, no license. That’s why she was so upset about getting pulled over right after pulling out. She thought she was going to get away with it all.
She seems like a professional victim
Always resisting
Always combative
Always mouthy
Always playing the victim
Always playing the race card
Never complying
Offended by everything. Ashamed of nothing.
I can't breath, I'm pregnant or on their period, if female.
always taking and never contributing except to corporations for Mcdonalds, Newport, Swisher and Nike.
Always on the phone.
Can’t breev.
Never did nuthin’
Never takes accountability.
Why do… these types always make it worse for themselves acting like police have it out for them when they could just cooperate and be on their way 90% of the time. Cycle of stupidity.
The most common statement I hear in videos like this. "They just pulled me over for no reason."
She has a warrant. What a shocker! 😂😂
Probably a professional victim…never her fault
And she was “scared too” poor baby
Ohhhhh ok
I've been stopped 4-5 times, I've been given ONE ticket. Never cuffed, never pepper sprayed, never arrested, never jailed. Also never acted like a feral donkey.
Don't insult donkeys, most of them have better sense.
feral donkey...😂
😄 Now, now, let's not bring sweet little donkeys into this. Feral donkey -😄
I've been " " " 7X, act as you suggested, 0 tckts 🎟 .
I got pulled over by a Texas cop on highway 10 for no seatbelt on a hot day with my sunroof open years ago when the law was new.
I gave a flimsy excuse and got a ticket. Then went on my way. This girl would have told me not to ID myself and ask for a different cop.
Him at the start “maam can you please have a seat in your car”
Must be heavy to carry an entire stereotype on your back
Perfect example of someone that belongs in the wild, not a city
Can you please adopt her?
@@shanedm3396 in the wild also animals have rules
This chick is faking everything.This officer was not aggressive or inappropriate at all. In fact he let her act foolish a lot longer than I would have.
“I’ve never been assaulted by an officer before! WAHH!! 😭😭”
Yeah, and you still haven’t.
The pride of the community right there!
Despicable in the worst possible way! So many people in the civil rights movement have fought to give her the chance to excel in life! She should be ashamed!
She forgot the golden rule... If you're riding dirty then you should be driving like a damn saint and your ride itself better be legal. Also, playing the crying victim doesn't work on most cops anymore. Just shut the hell up and fight it in court.
Exactly, it’s the idiots who smoke in their car, expired tags, no insurance, who get pulled over and create a scene.
Keep your car clean, light window tint and dress nice.
@enlighten2seven605 the smartest criminals are some of the best citizens out there.
@@ECHOknight44 Yes sir 🍻 The plan always works.
Calling my mom in this situation would result in "What? Give him your information and quit whining. I'm busy." in other words, calling my mom would not be an option that crosses my mind. I don't understand these people.
I'm an adult, calling my mother if I got pulled over for not wearing a seatbelt, is a laughable thought.
Im so confused about how she learned to treat law enforcement like this. Never in my life could i have the audacity to behave like this if i was guilty or not. I hope she never has kids.
I counted, and he asked her 6 times for her license & insurance prior to arresting her. Each time, she wouldn't comply.
As soon as he places the cuffs on her, she's ready to provide her documents.
If she had followed the rules of a simple traffic stop, none of this would have happened.
Right. I figure everyone should get ONE for misunderstanding, being nervous, whatever. But once they ask again and make it CLEAR, that's IT. You need to comply. If you want to argue the rules, etc, that's what COURT is for.
Or (shock) if you just COOPERATE and are POLITE, good things can happen. I've had tickets reduced, for example, just because the cop said he appreciated my honesty and complete cooperation.
Can’t use logic with some people. 😞
How did she buy a car with a suspended license
Si no habia delito no tenia xq pedirle NADA. COMO SE DEJAN MALTRATAR LOS YANKYS , hoy es ella Otro dia serán los q aquí comentan y disfrutan del maltrato e injusticia.
@@gloriabowie5629 Private Seller, she said the guy gave her the title and she hadn't signed it yet. (Assuming that's true, she wouldn't need her license)
These people and their hate and rage is disgusting. It's no surprise that she has a warrant, was driving on a suspended/revoked driver's license and was in possession of cannabis. Some people shouldn't be allowed in public and she's one of them.
they are always driving in the most illegal way possible 😅 well at least this one wasn't drunk, I guess..
@@ataridc Suspended license? Better drive around speeding with fictitious tags, broken taillights, tinted windows, and a backseat full of drugs plainly visible. Oh, and better take my kids with me.
You're projecting your ass off with the "full of hate and shouldn't go out in public." Show us your incel face 😂
She calls her mom and just cannot shut up at all. It's fascinating that a 3 minute interaction turns into this.
“I’ve never been assaulted by a police officer” (inferring that these police assaulted her) yeah lady and you still haven’t. They didn’t even come close to using any real force on you. They lightly held your arm
Going to work? With your gut hanging out? Lies
Selling ass on the block duhh
she works at the gut store so jokes on you
@@potat0-c7q She must also have a part time job at the white cotton thong store.
She means going to go pick up her welfare check.
Ms. Gut here actually said she works at Toyota and was going to register the car there. She really, really seem to be a person you'd trust, so....
Oh my god, the cops followed me while breaking the law, let me call my mom real quick and see if I can wiggle my way out of this like I have done my entire life.
Nope. Not this time.
Calling your mom, its the one weird trick police hate!
Mwawmwa is be lyk de final bawsss, n sheeit
A whole generation of ignorance & incompetence. Imagine this country in 30 years, when they're actually running things.
@@1w598🤓 the generation war dorks
A perfect example of why an IQ test should be required before a driver's license can be issued.
Even before. IQ test from birth 😵💫😵💫😵💫
Maybe an IQ before allowed to procreate??
Voter registraron as well
Boy would the buses be full.
I can tell you right now that it's these type of individuals that scream "STOP POLICE BRUTALITY!!!" on social media.
Her voice, speech, wardrobe and behavior is very attractive said no one ever
She knew she was riding dirty.. suspended license.. she had warrants.... And drugs Good job Mom you raised a loud mouth Entitled Criminal .,. Awful being
She did the heavy breathing and crying, but forgot to claim that she couldn't breathe - which is unforgivable
She pushed out her belly and forgot to claim, *_"I'm pregnant!!!"_*
OH my God I was thinking the same thing! I was like, "Where is the standard script "I can't breathe! I can't breathe!" Look you can't get that lawsuit money if you don't say, "I can't breathe" at least 40x.
She was trying to hyperventilate.❌
Girl, don't try so hard next time, just scream "I can't breeve".✅ 💯✅
Yeah, she acted a fool for sure , but 90% of these people getting arrested , are having
*flight or fight*
So much in a hurry she rather stay and argue
She didn’t watch Chris Rock’s tips when you get pulled over by the police.
Had No White Friend on the passenger Seat. 😁
She missed the step: "Shut the fuck up!"
I love that video. Haha
This poor Lady was so late for work she got up and put her little sisters clothes on.
Bro, you win the internet for today. That’s fuggin hilarious.
She's yelling about having a blanket on because she's not wearing clothes... But is headed to work? Where, the corner?
Don't BE the Stereotype and then complain they're treating you in a Stereotypical way.
What stereotype? Scroll down this channel. Plenty of people who look like just like you acting just as bad if not worse
@@DocNininithey know that they purposely watch the black people ones because they’ hate black people.. it’s like this weird obsession they have with
If I rang my Mum with this crap like this, she'd yell at me to pull my head in and wake up to myself before hanging up on me. No way in hell would she bail me out. Then I'd catch all kinds of hell when I got home for being disrespectful and making a fool of myself.
Sounds like u were rised right - u probably will never deal with this.
If my kid acted like this I’d tell the officer to arrest her.
whaaat, your mom would not drive down there and give you a hug before they stuck you in the paddy wagon??? hahahaha
@@chrisfry436 Hahahaha, Mum would help the coppas chuck me in the back of the Divvy Van. 😂
If MY mom showed up, the cops would form a protective ring around me to shield me from her. Im 60 yrs old---and surprise sursprise, never been arrested.
So aggressive. And then they complain they’re being victimised. She can’t even be quiet long enough to hear why she’s been stopped.
That's how the get things. Being loud and aggressive to scare people.
I guarantee that the ones that say they don't know why they got pulled over know all too well why they got pulled over.
Oh no, she feels “uncomfortable”. Oh, how terrible. Newsflash Keisha, no one feels comfortable getting detained by the police. What makes you think you’re so special?
Cause she’s black. They all think they’re special.
Seriously tho, she wasn't a danger to the public. Annoying and obnoxious, yes. Cops should have better things to due than harass people headed to work over a "seatbelt infraction" get a clue 😮
@@JohnLocke1776 Act like animals, get treated like animals.
@@JohnLocke1776that's not harassment lol. When you're breaking the law the police have every right to do THEIR JOB. It doesn't matter if you don't agree with the law, that doesn't give you the right to ignore it. She had a warrant,and they scan plates. Not hard to figure out. don't break the law, learn to take accountability, things all adults should be capable of doing. If I had a warrant, I'd make sure everything is immaculate. I guarantee you I wouldn't be acting belligerent or ignoring lawful orders from police. That's just senseless.
Perpetually excusing behavior like this is why it continues.
What's more annoying is everyone thinks by saying "don't touch me, you don't have my consent" it's an automatic pardon or something. You're under arrest, you're gonna be touched. Time to be an adult and learn how to deal with grown up situations if you want to break laws, however insignificant you FEEL they are.
These suspects often have so much energy but waste time doing ghetto bullshit and arguing. Imagine if they channeled it into positive things.
A common theme in these videos is they always refuse to do what the officers ask until they are in cuffs. Then, they always say something like "okay, fine! I'll do what you want!"
Note to self: be sure to scream in unintelligible language. That always helps.
And shout that you're uncomfortable. Every police department has a secret quota and if you say it enough times, they have to let you go. 😂
Why do they instantly call their mom? What on earth does that achieve? It’s because these sorry excuses of a “mom” pander and put up with their nonsense! Maybe try discipling your child instead of hugging them…
It's just stalling, like they refuse to give their information by acting like they don't hear the officers.
WHY do the cops allow them to call Mommy??
Bring them to the jail and let them call from there.
If I called my mom after acting like that, she would "tan my hide"
My mom told me to never call her from jail lol. I think that's where some of their moms failed.
@brosephbroman7564 that, and to many people feel being in jail/prison is a badge of honor
Why didn't he stop talking to her? She was calling her momma.
For not feeling comfortable, she sure is comfortable arguing
Fun Fact! If you scream "I am not resisting" while yanking, pulling, twisting, it is still Resisting
This is what happens when parents don't teach children to take responsibility.
You mean parent, no father around I bet
Mom, not parents plural.
@@gstar3569exactly, did you know that upwards of 70% of a certain demographic are born into homes that have no father figure present? I couldn't believe that number but it's the truth, probably low.
The amount of “adults” I’ve seen in these videos ask to call mommy and daddy is insane.
@@donniev8181probably grandma….
Another citizen wearing the cheaper 3T sized clothing.
She has the emotional maturity of a 13 year old.
They will probably make her Mayor or DA one day she checks all the boxes.
That’s insulting to middle schoolers
Her temper tantrum and complete lack of emotional control is more typical of a 2 year old...max.
And the wardrobe of one. Where tf does she work wearing that outfit???
If you say “finna” you’ve already lost.
Been with the officer for 30 seconds, says, "Imma finna call my mom," like she's been trying for hours.
"Finna" means "fixing to", or "getting ready to".
Source: Ebonics 101.
@@davidharrison7014 wrong, the level is 99. The meaning is correct though!
@@rodman0088 Ebonics 99?!