The Steppe Ferret (Putorius eversmannii), also known as the steppe polecat is a small carnivoran native to Asia, it is the largest of the three ferret species and the largest living species in the family Mustelidae, it is one of the two extant species of the genus Putorius (Old World Ferrets/Polecats), the other being the Common Ferret (Putorius putorius (cladistically including the Domestic Ferret (Putorius putorius furo))).
The Steppe Ferret (Putorius eversmannii), also known as the steppe polecat is a small carnivoran native to Asia, it is the largest of the three ferret species and the largest living species in the family Mustelidae, it is one of the two extant species of the genus Putorius (Old World Ferrets/Polecats), the other being the Common Ferret (Putorius putorius (cladistically including the Domestic Ferret (Putorius putorius furo))).
Thank you for the great info! Yes we were not prepared and a little shocked by how carnivorous it was when we compared its look, size and demeanor. 😅
Wow! Excellent video and also rare to see one of these little guys with their prey. Prey that is even bigger than him!
Its little belly was heaving with the effort of dragging it all the way to the burrow 😅