Since recording, I've been using the Thermal a bit more and it's actually a bit useful in specific cases - not to spot anyone if you didn't know they were there already, but can help if someone disappears into bushes/trees or you have audio cues but no visual! Worth 30k? Not sure, but no-one takes these guns so you tend to get them back ALOT
The Thermal is great if you bring smokes with you indoors or factory ( I smoke the factory tunnels or office with this on night factory). smoke the hall from cover then tight peek and kill the other guy. As well if you really want a blind fire gun put a Torey pines reflex thermal for 100k on any guns receiver mount and you can reliably blind fire a corner, just aim at the red pixel and dump the ammo with a canted red dot for normal shooting. Side note, if you smoke many of the common sight lines for gun fights like forklift on factory or the bunker on reserve or resort it really screws with the opponents strategy cause it is usually a first for them and they either hold an angle and stare at the smoke forever waiting on it to disappear, or they push blindly at it.
The trick with the thermal is to run 3 high power flashlights. You make 70-80% of your enemies screen a white blob, the flashlights also blind you, but the thermal fixes that.
I found good use for the Thermal in Interchange just by being a thermal. Yea using it to shoot is janky but with how randomly dark parts are right next to bright AF lights so trying to use NVG's is just suffering in there, so having the little thermal screen to do a quick sweep is extremely useful. Don't even really have to use it to aim, just to ID that there is a target there to quickly and get rounds at them. It's probably one of the cheaper ways to have a little detection thermal, and it at least has better view then that holo sight.
I found if you alt peak on right angles so your gun is on the other side of the wall the thermal is pretty useful without exposing yourself that much, and you can actually see it lol
I've never played Tarkov (FPS games make me motion sick) but love watching it on YT. This has to be one of the best review videos I've seen, thank you!
I like to keep the long barrel ont he mp 153 cause it makes the weapon way to long for most people to pick up, plus if I run ap slugs the MoA is trash on the shorter barrels.
The MOA of the shotguns was ruined on this wipe 😥. I used to play shotgun long range a lot the previous wipes and now even the fastest and most accurate slugs don't hit as well as they used to. I laughed a lot when I saw that a good long barrel shotgun mod had an close MOA than the double barrel unmodded added this wipe. I hope one day they will reverse and make them accurate beyond 50m again.
@@Stf1903 I mean it's all smoothbore, irl you'd have a rifled barrel or a rifled choke. But yeah I wish they'd add rifled chokes for shotguns or even rifled barrels but make it so that they burn more durability with like buckshot.
@@Stf1903 Shotgun MOA is unchanged. What changed was an accuracy nerf added to AP-20 slugs. You can still snipe with very good accuracy if you use the .50 BMG slugs.
I just finished setup for the first time and I’m not sure why I never thought to use the ultima. The setup I ended up enjoying most was a silenced MP-153 with the long barrel and a 3x sight, effectively sniping with AP-20. It was very fun!
I love the 153 over all over shotgun precisely because of the long barrels you can put on it and really stretch the range on shotguns because of it. I have bodied guys at irresponsible ranges because of it. Before I built up a supply of AP20 and Flechettes, I was using the CSP and Superformance slugs because of the insane accuracy boost. Really lets you reach out and touch people.
Ran a thermal 155 with 3 lasers, Vulcan night scope and a reflex sight on interchange. The only death I had was a head-jaws from a scav named "Erin Jesus' while helping my duo finish his M.U.G.A. quest.
Good comparison, much appreciated! 4:05 I wonder why there's no conflict of parts here, given that suppressors literally clip through the extended magazine. 4:33 If this was a Saiga 12, that would be a different matter, but with a tube magazine you may want to avoid close encounters for fear of running out of ammo; thus a silencer here is of greater importance even besides the quest requirements.
Hmm that's true, I fear running out of ammo with these guns big time - someone shared a speedloader video in the discord yesterday, didn't realise those existed with modded shotties. Cool stuff!
Regarding your 4:05 comment, last wipe you actually couldn't use the 8 round magazine with the Salvo suppressor for that very reason. I wonder if that's a bug that you can use them together now or intentional.
@@Gigabeef Ah yes, those things, I've forgotten about them, thanks for reminding. Yeah, these things would be an interesting addition to the game, alongside chargers for quicker magazine loading.
I found EXACTLY this gun on a guy I killed exit camping on factory tonight. Good slugs out of a shitty shotty beat flechettes out of a Maserati tonight. GG whoever you were
The one good use for the thermal sight is for that one quest where you have to kill people in the office area of factory, so you can just chuck down smokes and watch.
I feel like the main selling point of the 155 is the Thermal, its not great but can be used for like you said the sun on your gun builds and target acquisition
@@Gigabeef yeah, the amount of times I lose someone in a bush after seeing them only to spot a white spec on the thermal and shooting them In the chest is a good few, also keep up the good work on the video man
Gigabeef…you are totally understandable even listening at 2x speed😂 I just zoomed over the parts that I didn’t care about at 2x and I could actually follow you just fine.
@gigabeef Just for the record, 'MOA is 1" at 100 *YARDS* ', not meters.. which is about 10 meters off. Just FYI. Great video, learned alot about tarkov mechanics from you yet again. Keep em coming.
Yeah I'm definitely a "three cm for 100m" guy, but here in the UK we measure speeds in mph and the weight of people typically in stone. We got halfway and gave up 😂
Correct me if I’m wrong, but it looks like you just confirmed that recoil stat affects reset times on a weapon. This may have already been known, but to me this could be a game changer with certain guns that have innately low reset times and potential for budget recoil reduction.
I figured it was the contrary, that the reset time is almost totally independent of the vertical recoil - v recoil kinda compensates for it a bit but a 200 recoil shotty and 120 recoil reset at the same speed, just from different 'max displacements' so to speak. Within the same weapon ofc - no matter what you do the 133 resets faster but yeah you can lessen the impact with lower recoil on the 155 on semi given the better sight picture that comes with it. If that makes sense... Bit of a ramble 😂
As always great video, thank you. you know I was thinking about this, and it would be really great if you could make a video about the headsets in Tarkov. I believe you are the one that can actually be up to the task 👌
I would check out the videos by veritas on headsets, he has a recent one which is very detailed! Not sure if I could do a better job to be honest with his background in sound :)
I personally make it highest ergo build because i like fast ADS and fire rate with the recoil is fine and fast hitting, ppl cant fire back if stunned by the first shot
so ive notcied that the sight you have on the gun actually has some added ergo timings even if statistically they are the same example i haver the pk06 on and it feels a little slower then if i have the fast fire burris red dot on and it feels even slower when using the eo tech holo
I've used both shotguns a good bit as I pretty much use barely anything else, the mp 153 in my opinion is a far better choice as it is cheaper, more accurate and just a simpler gun if that makes sense. there is a barter for it at skier that is one folding car key, one Zav key and one yoyota key, at the right time I can get this for 15k and they are common spawns anyway. So mad durability gun for 15k. Hard to justify the mp155 for double the price and no real difference between them. I've used the mp 155 thermal a bit and idk it's just too janky to be viable it's fun to use now and again but not something super useful that you'd need. Would rather buy a scope for 35k. Or just two mp 153s
I was a big fan of shotguns the last wipe and this in all the versatile versions, short range with buckshots or long range with slugs but this wipe they ruined slugs accuracy, no matter the weapon, mod or even cartridge slug, shotguns are only accurate below 50m. Beyond that, it's a miracle if you hit a toe while aiming for the head. Sad what happened for sniping but always a pleasure to cut in half peoples in close range 😈
Im new so sorry if question is dumb, when i use workbench to mod weapons, and when i click find parts button it shows me only items that i can buy from traders and not from flee. I need to manualy go to flee to buy parts to asamble it after. I want it to be like in video, to show there items that not buyable from traders as well
You can change the filter and save it as a default - this is just for the "find parts" and doesn't affect your normal flea market settings either which is good
I'm still mad about how bad MOA on guns is in tarkov and the fact that it is measured in radius, which is wrong. for some reason I see a lot of people tend to think of it as an imperial measurement when it's not, it just funny enough happens to be about 1 inch at 100yards which is why a lot of people tend to say that
Since recording, I've been using the Thermal a bit more and it's actually a bit useful in specific cases - not to spot anyone if you didn't know they were there already, but can help if someone disappears into bushes/trees or you have audio cues but no visual! Worth 30k? Not sure, but no-one takes these guns so you tend to get them back ALOT
Video was uploaded an hour ago. Comment from 2 days ago....hmmmmm
@@mattk2446 Timetravel is real, don't you know that?
The Thermal is great if you bring smokes with you indoors or factory ( I smoke the factory tunnels or office with this on night factory). smoke the hall from cover then tight peek and kill the other guy. As well if you really want a blind fire gun put a Torey pines reflex thermal for 100k on any guns receiver mount and you can reliably blind fire a corner, just aim at the red pixel and dump the ammo with a canted red dot for normal shooting. Side note, if you smoke many of the common sight lines for gun fights like forklift on factory or the bunker on reserve or resort it really screws with the opponents strategy cause it is usually a first for them and they either hold an angle and stare at the smoke forever waiting on it to disappear, or they push blindly at it.
The trick with the thermal is to run 3 high power flashlights. You make 70-80% of your enemies screen a white blob, the flashlights also blind you, but the thermal fixes that.
@@1bobharvey a fellow smoker 👋🏼 I'm taking notes dude 📝
I found good use for the Thermal in Interchange just by being a thermal. Yea using it to shoot is janky but with how randomly dark parts are right next to bright AF lights so trying to use NVG's is just suffering in there, so having the little thermal screen to do a quick sweep is extremely useful. Don't even really have to use it to aim, just to ID that there is a target there to quickly and get rounds at them.
It's probably one of the cheaper ways to have a little detection thermal, and it at least has better view then that holo sight.
Nice! I've been using it a bit more and it's come in clutch a few times actually... Worst case it does nothing for 30k
What about canted 12w scope>?
@@ok_fb I do that with a ton of 20mm flashlights
I've caught killa hiding in a corner once with it and a couple scavs, so totally worth it.
I found if you alt peak on right angles so your gun is on the other side of the wall the thermal is pretty useful without exposing yourself that much, and you can actually see it lol
oooo nice
I've never played Tarkov (FPS games make me motion sick) but love watching it on YT. This has to be one of the best review videos I've seen, thank you!
Love the content. Before I quit playing this is how I looked at everything in the game. I appreciate these vids. Help me a lot.
I like to keep the long barrel ont he mp 153 cause it makes the weapon way to long for most people to pick up, plus if I run ap slugs the MoA is trash on the shorter barrels.
That’s called the OF DeadlySlob Fraud Cannon my amigo!
Yep agreed!
The MOA of the shotguns was ruined on this wipe 😥. I used to play shotgun long range a lot the previous wipes and now even the fastest and most accurate slugs don't hit as well as they used to. I laughed a lot when I saw that a good long barrel shotgun mod had an close MOA than the double barrel unmodded added this wipe. I hope one day they will reverse and make them accurate beyond 50m again.
@@Stf1903 I mean it's all smoothbore, irl you'd have a rifled barrel or a rifled choke. But yeah I wish they'd add rifled chokes for shotguns or even rifled barrels but make it so that they burn more durability with like buckshot.
@@Stf1903 Shotgun MOA is unchanged. What changed was an accuracy nerf added to AP-20 slugs. You can still snipe with very good accuracy if you use the .50 BMG slugs.
Having an optional thermal saved me from an exit camper. When I build this I always spring for it.
slap a bunch of ultrafires on the front of your ultima and experience immortality on factory
@@jadonlimoges1830needs. More. Flashlights.
Hey, really like your videos. Very very informative - atleast for new player like me. Please, keep them coming!
No problem, many thanks!
I just finished setup for the first time and I’m not sure why I never thought to use the ultima. The setup I ended up enjoying most was a silenced MP-153 with the long barrel and a 3x sight, effectively sniping with AP-20. It was very fun!
I love the ol' ap20 sniper to be fair haha, just gotta watch out for the zeroing issues!
I love the 153 over all over shotgun precisely because of the long barrels you can put on it and really stretch the range on shotguns because of it. I have bodied guys at irresponsible ranges because of it. Before I built up a supply of AP20 and Flechettes, I was using the CSP and Superformance slugs because of the insane accuracy boost. Really lets you reach out and touch people.
Ran a thermal 155 with 3 lasers, Vulcan night scope and a reflex sight on interchange. The only death I had was a head-jaws from a scav named "Erin Jesus' while helping my duo finish his M.U.G.A. quest.
Haha nice
Good comparison, much appreciated!
4:05 I wonder why there's no conflict of parts here, given that suppressors literally clip through the extended magazine.
4:33 If this was a Saiga 12, that would be a different matter, but with a tube magazine you may want to avoid close encounters for fear of running out of ammo; thus a silencer here is of greater importance even besides the quest requirements.
Hmm that's true, I fear running out of ammo with these guns big time - someone shared a speedloader video in the discord yesterday, didn't realise those existed with modded shotties. Cool stuff!
@@Gigabeef Speedloader - as in a sort of shell hoder of the side of the gun?
Like a kind of tube device to load 4 shells at once into the bottom of the weapon!
Regarding your 4:05 comment, last wipe you actually couldn't use the 8 round magazine with the Salvo suppressor for that very reason. I wonder if that's a bug that you can use them together now or intentional.
@@Gigabeef Ah yes, those things, I've forgotten about them, thanks for reminding. Yeah, these things would be an interesting addition to the game, alongside chargers for quicker magazine loading.
I found EXACTLY this gun on a guy I killed exit camping on factory tonight. Good slugs out of a shitty shotty beat flechettes out of a Maserati tonight. GG whoever you were
When it comes to the thermal I apply the philosophy of, if you're building the ultima you go all the way.
The one good use for the thermal sight is for that one quest where you have to kill people in the office area of factory, so you can just chuck down smokes and watch.
I feel like the main selling point of the 155 is the Thermal, its not great but can be used for like you said the sun on your gun builds and target acquisition
Yeah was using it a bit more after and it's good sometimes to spot someone you lose sight of
@@Gigabeef yeah, the amount of times I lose someone in a bush after seeing them only to spot a white spec on the thermal and shooting them In the chest is a good few, also keep up the good work on the video man
Going to try this right now
Lemme know how it goes! Just was using all four builds on stream and honestly with ap20 they all slap this wipe
Gigabeef…you are totally understandable even listening at 2x speed😂 I just zoomed over the parts that I didn’t care about at 2x and I could actually follow you just fine.
@gigabeef Just for the record, 'MOA is 1" at 100 *YARDS* ', not meters.. which is about 10 meters off. Just FYI. Great video, learned alot about tarkov mechanics from you yet again. Keep em coming.
Ya agree, right ballpark :) Cheers!
@@Gigabeef MOA works great.. but if im honest, i wish we used the metric system overall. Base 10 is way easier to learn from the getgo. Lol.
Yeah I'm definitely a "three cm for 100m" guy, but here in the UK we measure speeds in mph and the weight of people typically in stone. We got halfway and gave up 😂
Correct me if I’m wrong, but it looks like you just confirmed that recoil stat affects reset times on a weapon. This may have already been known, but to me this could be a game changer with certain guns that have innately low reset times and potential for budget recoil reduction.
I figured it was the contrary, that the reset time is almost totally independent of the vertical recoil - v recoil kinda compensates for it a bit but a 200 recoil shotty and 120 recoil reset at the same speed, just from different 'max displacements' so to speak. Within the same weapon ofc - no matter what you do the 133 resets faster but yeah you can lessen the impact with lower recoil on the 155 on semi given the better sight picture that comes with it. If that makes sense... Bit of a ramble 😂
As always great video, thank you.
you know I was thinking about this, and it would be really great if you could make a video about the headsets in Tarkov.
I believe you are the one that can actually be up to the task 👌
I would check out the videos by veritas on headsets, he has a recent one which is very detailed! Not sure if I could do a better job to be honest with his background in sound :)
Awesome I will, thanks.
Keep up the good work!
I personally make it highest ergo build because i like fast ADS and fire rate with the recoil is fine and fast hitting, ppl cant fire back if stunned by the first shot
so ive notcied that the sight you have on the gun actually has some added ergo timings even if statistically they are the same example i haver the pk06 on and it feels a little slower then if i have the fast fire burris red dot on and it feels even slower when using the eo tech holo
thanks for the vids
You can add Salvo or HEX silencer and 8 round mag. It some sort of bug.
I use the thermal camera to sniff out players and scavs in the dark. Bushes become alot more dangerous to fight in.
Been using it a bit more this week and it can really come in handy if you lose sight of someone in bushy areas I agree!
saiga 12 here is ultimate gun because it costs cheaper, but has it's advantages. only mags are the problem
what you didnt mention (or i didnt hear) meta and budget version: the sight is farther away, which means a smaller sight for meta!
Indeed, this is true
I've used both shotguns a good bit as I pretty much use barely anything else, the mp 153 in my opinion is a far better choice as it is cheaper, more accurate and just a simpler gun if that makes sense. there is a barter for it at skier that is one folding car key, one Zav key and one yoyota key, at the right time I can get this for 15k and they are common spawns anyway. So mad durability gun for 15k. Hard to justify the mp155 for double the price and no real difference between them. I've used the mp 155 thermal a bit and idk it's just too janky to be viable it's fun to use now and again but not something super useful that you'd need. Would rather buy a scope for 35k. Or just two mp 153s
A fair analysis :)
You can run the 7 shell mag with the silencer
My preferred backup
I was a big fan of shotguns the last wipe and this in all the versatile versions, short range with buckshots or long range with slugs but this wipe they ruined slugs accuracy, no matter the weapon, mod or even cartridge slug, shotguns are only accurate below 50m. Beyond that, it's a miracle if you hit a toe while aiming for the head. Sad what happened for sniping but always a pleasure to cut in half peoples in close range 😈
Im new so sorry if question is dumb, when i use workbench to mod weapons, and when i click find parts button it shows me only items that i can buy from traders and not from flee. I need to manualy go to flee to buy parts to asamble it after. I want it to be like in video, to show there items that not buyable from traders as well
You can change the filter and save it as a default - this is just for the "find parts" and doesn't affect your normal flea market settings either which is good
I've never seen the "purchase all" button on the bottom there... 😳
Learn something new every day!
I'm still mad about how bad MOA on guns is in tarkov and the fact that it is measured in radius, which is wrong. for some reason I see a lot of people tend to think of it as an imperial measurement when it's not, it just funny enough happens to be about 1 inch at 100yards which is why a lot of people tend to say that
Random question, any plans to upload stuff to VOD chanel?
I had to stop when I moved because my new Internet won't take it!
Excuse me but can't you actually mount anything to the Ultima mount?
I have a build of this shotgun that’s really cheap and i usually run flechette with it and it’s fuckig busted lmao
Usually use this gun as a sniper with ap 20 rounds. It destroys
ALLO everyone!
if you dont point fire with 2 lasers you're NGMI
Doesn't seem worth it. Just going to run an unmodded mp-153 or mp-155 to either use on factory or rat it up on a larger map.
Noti gang!
Appreciate ya!
@@Gigabeef welcome loved the stream vibes today!
Dude, for real had a super good time! In a great mood post stream :)
I’d buy a Brunelli still… this is just typical bluff type weaponry… the AK-12 is a better shotty then this piece of **** lol…
L + no bitches