For the benefit of those of us who are listening and not watching, could you please identify what vehicles you are talking about by their name in the future? Just saying " this thing" is really not useful. You did it a couple of times.
@@alainsterckx9154I think you’re right but it plays so much different than the lion. Lion can play hull down and brawl Progetto really needs to play a vision game at this point.
The only thing the OG 268 can give you vs the Grille and 268 v4 is its heat pen decent bloom and surprisingly goated Camo rating where when decked out it can almost reach strv 103b lvls
I love my Rino but I know it's awful haha That's why it's fun to play, I like having decent game in bad tanks, way more rewading than having decent games in op tanks !
I have 56% win rate and 3200 average dmg on it.. so all these streams are subjective. I hate 60 tp and lots of tanks that are rated high on this video. Rino is Great
Could you please actually name tanks rather than saying "this thing"? Not all of us recognize all the icons. Esp. the medium tanks and casemate TDs all look the same. P. S. Noticed that the video has time stamps with tank names, that is very much appreciated!
Happy Birthday Max and thanks for all the content. Over the last year I have learnt so much from your guidance, approach and explanations. Hoping you have great success in 2024. You deserve it. Have a great Christmas and a happy new year. Cheers. Alex.,
Lol. UDES 15/16 poo? That is not and objective judgment lol. That's personal animosity haha. It's freaking awesome. Has like second highest camo, great armor if you use angles. Lovely alpha. It's a really nice tank. Spotting secondary equipment and I've gotten 9k spotting in games with no lights.
@@JS-mp7fyhating the siege mode mechanic is not objective actually. It's kinda BS cuz the best example of an annoying siege mode is the Type 63. STB-1 is already better and UDES is quite smooth for the most part. Also the part where gold ammo easily kills UDES is a joke. the armor is godlike compared STB-1 and all meds apart 430U. UDES can be played like an extra heavy tank on ur team. There are only a few other meds and TDs who can do the same. If u die to gold ammo in UDES, it's a skill issue garenteed. There are plenty better unicums, streamers and YT channels (no offense) and all agree that UDES is straight up A/S-tier. Skill4ltu, Daki, Kajzoo, Iyouxin and others. This should not need convincing Max even hated on the gun ffs. Lol thats so crazy. It's is without a doubt one of the best med tank guns in the game. it's shell velocity isnt great but balance wise is right on spot. It is one of the only weaknesses of the UDES so yeah. For its alpha it has great gun handling and insane DPM. Alpha dmg is huge as well, especially in todays meta. Top 5 med tank guns (taking into account gun depression) would probably look something like Leo 1, Centurion AX, 121B or M60, UDES 15/16, K-91 or 121. It says enough
@@JS-mp7fy Objective arguments like "they are gonna hit the cupola" and "the gun is bad"? Cupola isn't that big. Gun isn't actually bad. I would say gun is good. Alpha is good. Camo is awesome. Armor works in hull down. It's pretty mobile.
He did admit that it's mostly just he hated (auto) siege mode. No idea why he hated it that much compared to STB though, because STB gun is way worse to me.
@@latjolajban81Only proper critique for the Udes 15/16 would be sometimes trollish gun, and that it likes to burn or blow up. But it is still at least B tier, if not A.
E4 cant hit shit... the grille is the best accurate tank in the game... I have it at 1.9 acc... wich is legendary... Some might argue the strv is more accurate... potentially yes... but when choosing the field mods 90% of people go for dpm on strv rather then inproving acc... so the strv actually gets 2.1 acc... where as the grille, you defenetly go for acc rather then dpm, and if you use improved equipment you can actually lower the acc beneath 2.0... keep in mind, even 3.0 acc is considered amaizing... 2.0 is godlike... and 1.9 is basicly you hit the obj 279e cupola from 500 away... that kind of acc... Not to mention the grille is waaaaay faster then the E4... the E4 has armor, but its not that great, and often you find yourself penned from all angles... and the gun is so trollish... you miss more then half your shoots and when the reload is above 15s you feel every shoot you miss... In conclusion, the grille is waay better then the E4... He put the grille mid tier... but if you master it, and like he said, use all field mods correctly, you will find that the grille can even be S tier...
@@bogdanferu1160 if you like to sit in the bush obv Grille is better, but if we are talking about performance, winrate and damage per game, E4 is leagues better, because you can actually influence games in E4
Jagdpanzer just feels so good Btw Minotauro does have a cupola, when facing him on the left side there is a 2nd cupola behind the frontal one, it is sitting in the middle but is low profile so if its a hulldown city map u gonna be able to hit it because Mino is quite low profile compared to other heavies. Just pray Mino doesnt get a ridgeline 💀
Nice video explaining clearly the pros and cons of each tank. I always play the AMX50 B with the mediums in Blitz and usually get very good results. Thus, I am quite happy to see it in the A category. I would very much appreciate seeing a follow up video once update 1.26 comes out especially with the crew rework.
It's a pretty good list honestly, though it became more a gun tier list for some of them. Amx 13 105 and tvp t 50/51 i would bump up to A tier for sure. 13 105 in my opinion is the perfect light behind ebr, it gets 50% camo when setup and overall fits in better on most maps compared to other lights since it can flex into a medium. The tvp with bond vents, vstab and bounty rotation mechanism is godlike. 1.73s aim time, 0.30 dispersion, 0.10 moving dispersion, 0.11 tank traverse dispersion and 0.06 turret traverse dispersion. The manticore is placed too high if all other maps are taken into the equation, terrible dpm and gun elevation. Suffering from the elc even 90 one trick isn't a good thing most of the time.
K-91 is my favorite tank now. It has insane camo and an epic gun. I play as a creepy sniper so I don’t need armor. The only thing bad about this tank is that it struggles to reach its top speed
60tp bcs it is a fast well armored assault heavy, and the gun is underrated. And e3 is s tier for sure. Panzerwagen, I really like it, but it is not that high tbh, t100lt can do everything this tank do+ scouting. Should say thanks for the nice job!
Just IMO, but things I would change from your list: A-- Udes15/16, STB, Mino, Leo1, TVP, AMX13 105, B-- T57 HEAT, 50B, Obj140, Obj268, Prog65, T110E4, JgPzE100 C-- Grille, Rino, M-V-Y Poo-- Pz7
while i wouldn't put the 268 at S tier, i think a lot of people miss the fact that the tank itself is not really bad at anything. The firepower is basically the same as the WZ 113 (although its more accurate and it has 303 standart pen which is really good), it has good mobility, the armour isnt amazing but you can actually sidescrape with it ( since its basically a T-10 with big fing gun), and it has surprising camo values. I really believe that the obj 268 is probably the best begginer tier 10 TD, since there is nothing bad about this tank.
Just one comment - EBRs should not exist in this game. Not even Rally race cars move that way, ffs, let alone an armoured vehicle. They need, at minimum, a massive nerf.
This rating is entirely different from what I would've done. But this obviously is a rather opinion/in game experience based kind of rating, that is heavily biased by play style, rather than on statistics, such as average win rate, damage, combined damage or WN8 UDES 15/16 is in Poo tier of this list despite having the highest win rate of all vehicles mentioned in this video, which usually means it must have something good for it going. Just like the WZ-113G FT has the highest average WN8. I understand this is just your opinion, but this rating is not really going to help new players out to synthetically judge, which vehicles are the best for them. We now know, which tanks you like but we didnt gain any information, which tanks are objectively good and which are objectively bad, because you put one of the best Tier X vehicles (it must be one of the best, if it has such high WR) into Poo and its not April 1st.
People watched this for your opinions, so they can base their expectations on something. If people don't agree, then when they get to your level they can stick their neck out and make their own list for others to criticise, but by that time their opinions are likely to have changed. We all have "crap" tanks that we somehow do well in, but that says more about the player than the tank
IS4 and 50M are my first tier Xs in the game where 50M has the higher win rate in random but my IS4 has the rarety factor that throws off a lot of players. It suffers with its weight a lot more than its speed. Slower than an IS7 and lighter too??? Makes no sense since it has better armor. Im working for the super conqueror currently for its ridgeline ability and ease of attaining vs other heavies with good gun depression. Great vid, thank you for the info.
well depends how you look at it, idk about WZ, but TVP is very overrated, it sucks at every stat except popularity, it has cool gameplay, people like it, but performance wise its in the bottom.
tvp has a high skill cap, but so has leopard 1 which is S tier.ask daki what he thinks about tier 9 skoda. and udes 15/16 Poo? cmon. udes is a monster,and to put it 4 tiers below chinese turetless td,which is btw crap,is blasphemy. yes i have every tank in the tech tree.but like i said its his video.
Mostly agree with this tier list but how is the udes in the poo tier? Its only downside is the shell velocity (at least to me). If you play it right you're pretty much impenetrable.
Progetto 65 They nerfed it because it was too popular ON THE RUSSIAN SERVER There's no Russian server anymore So why's it still nerfed into oblivion..? Baffling
I watch your video on a mobile phone on landscape mode and when you mention a tank but when you talk about it if i haven't heard its name i do not know who you're talking about. It would help us to have the name of the tank somewhere in the upper left or right in bold capital letters. Thank you. S Conq deserve lower place.
Your stats are decent, but overall total misjudge on E4 and Udes. E4 doesn't need any buff. You should play more battles, than 25 battles to judge it. Tank is really good.
thanks for another great video, max! But,Uhm, isnt the Foch B missing? I am however going to make an educated guess. If i remember correctly you hate the Foch 155, so Foch B is in same class. Great clip potential, descent speed, great pen, but the reload time... and reverse speed, and the massive coupolas and aweful armor...... C-tier..? :D
Obj 268 has, same gun but little more penetration, better dispersion, better camo, better mobility and slighty worse armor and it's worse than wZ? I don't understand..
Valid list, only one i disagree aith is the obj 140, got it yesterday as was holding out for ages, kept the t54 yada yada. Might be new tank syndroke, But over 20 games i got 3.2k dmg and 1200 assisting, not sure if its the playstyle or what just loads of fun and really dependable. The gun on its evil, can fire it 3 times in 10 seconds so a crossing heavy will loose basically 1k hp. Used to love the udes but its been trolling tf out of me lately, love the tvp but its kind of team and situation based, with christmas MM its got a bit of dust on it atm. Need to buy my leo 1 but the pta is so strong for tier 9 i dont see the same tank a tier up with up scaled stats being a must buy. I know its good, but 6 mill plus equipment etc to play in full tier 10 games 90 percent of the time and only get to bully tier 8s instead of 7s when you get top tier doesnt seem like a great deal. Saying that was a similiar thought process when buying my 140 so will probably buy it soon, might wait for the christmas 20 percent discount reward.
First off, this is a great list, cheers. Personally UDES is a surprise ofc but if the siege mode mechanic is such a pain for u, I see why. But then STB 1 should be even worse cuz UDES is literally better at everything STB 1 does. Chinese TD being A-tier is also puzzling. The line was always considered garbage by the entire wot community and the buffs made it go from being garbage to being playable. So there is nothing that justifies S-tier Imo. It is a way better 268. It could be in between A and B at best.
udes is much less flexible than stb. also you get very good ammo with 330 heat, mobility, udes is so small you cant even use the turret on something like himmel or erlenberg cuz u cant look over any cover. there is alot of reasons why like stb over udes
@@galax12370 skill issue and personal taste . Most unicums say the exact opposite aka UDES is superior. It is actually a better hulldown tank. If it's too "small" it simply means u cannot play hulldown with it. Funny fact, STB is so much easier to pen hulldown. It's naive to blame the tank. Max is a great player but certainly not a super unicum. Dakillzor, Skill4ltu, Kajzoo, Iyouxin and others can give u a good idea what UDES is capable of. If u hate it, then simply admit u cannot make it work. UDES is without a doubt one of the best meds in the game and overall one of the best tanks. In the right hands, its straight up S tier
@@sir_vikingbeard5842 I never said the tank is superior. I just said there are reasons to prefer stb and stop forming your opinions based of what others say its absolutely usless towards the conversation.
@@sir_vikingbeard5842 I dont even have stb and I love my udes and I can acknowledge that the tank has alot of flaws and I fully admit I cant make it work fully just like any other tank. Its very one trick pony if you will. once enemies break your hulldown there isnt much you can do stb can atleast run or outdpm
Rinoceronte is a great tank, but you can´t play it like you did. It needs experimental turbo, vert. stabs and bond vents. Then it needs to be played as a semi-sniper.
then it still suck :D I mean, I kinda like it to play it sometimes, but the DPM is so rubbish, it simply too low in the current meta And the armor layout is "meh", it cant reliable play hulldown
@@Phx_888 DPM could be better, but it is a great fast and accurate tank and I had no problems dealing around 6 k damage in many games. And I am not the best player.
Instead of saying 121 you should say the whole name because this video is for people that don't already know. If we already know what the 121 is we don't need to watch your video. You don't even say the country. You never give the actual names of any of the tanks. This is not helpful.
Man this is a wacky list. I have to say I very much disagree with you on this one, but I respect your opinions. I love the Rinoceronte, It's a funny preference, but my goodness I can pull 5k dpg in it and it's got great armor and it's also fast and manuverable. I would put it in A. Just one of my favorites that didn't get some love :(.
705A has a better turret than 60TP. lt may be worse positioned, as in rear facing, okay sure. But physically speaking, armor of 705A turret is dramatically superior to 60TP turret.
tbh looks a bit BIAS as a review..Mino lower than Jp 100 / WZ113? ok, lol, no way (even post recent nerf) Tomatogg I think disagree with you.. Udes "poo" tier, I mean, c'mon.. Also, it's no clear if it's an absolute rating, in which case you should take into account the current "heavium" meta, so almost every TD would be penalized by that, or it's an absolute rating INSIDE the same category (light with light and so on), which would have more sense to me.
I think concept 5 is the worst tank in the game, and the Saracen is the 2nd worst, followed by the Staghound, its a shame, as I think there was potential for them to be really fun, and mobile vehicles.
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I dont see Foch B. Is it low rated right?
My man forgot the Foch B
Literally clicked on this video just to see where Foch B was at.
And Grille 15
@@PUARockstar Grille 15 was one of the first he rated, how did you miss that
For the benefit of those of us who are listening and not watching, could you please identify what vehicles you are talking about by their name in the future? Just saying " this thing" is really not useful. You did it a couple of times.
No one has a tier 9 tier list.
Looking forward to your opinion on toer 9's
max woke up today and chose violence with that udes poo tier
💀this tier list is wild
Fr fr
Most hilarious part of that "too popular" argument for the Progetto nerf is that it was top of the tree so it was played way more than normal
People was able to make a profit at Prog65 this is a main Nerf reason
i think they just nerfed it to push people to get the Lion
@@alainsterckx9154 The second nerf, for sure. You know what else was popular and didn't get ANY nerfs? The Progetto 46, and we all know why.
@@alainsterckx9154I think you’re right but it plays so much different than the lion. Lion can play hull down and brawl Progetto really needs to play a vision game at this point.
The only thing the OG 268 can give you vs the Grille and 268 v4 is its heat pen decent bloom and surprisingly goated Camo rating where when decked out it can almost reach strv 103b lvls
I love my Rino but I know it's awful haha
That's why it's fun to play, I like having decent game in bad tanks, way more rewading than having decent games in op tanks !
Rino never been awful. What's so bad about Rino in your opinion?
I have 56% win rate and 3200 average dmg on it.. so all these streams are subjective. I hate 60 tp and lots of tanks that are rated high on this video. Rino is Great
I sometimes don't know what tank you're talking about: "This thing!"
I think it was just one time at the start.
Still another good video
Could you please actually name tanks rather than saying "this thing"? Not all of us recognize all the icons. Esp. the medium tanks and casemate TDs all look the same.
P. S. Noticed that the video has time stamps with tank names, that is very much appreciated!
Happy Birthday Max and thanks for all the content. Over the last year I have learnt so much from your guidance, approach and explanations. Hoping you have great success in 2024. You deserve it. Have a great Christmas and a happy new year. Cheers. Alex.,
Lol. UDES 15/16 poo? That is not and objective judgment lol. That's personal animosity haha. It's freaking awesome. Has like second highest camo, great armor if you use angles. Lovely alpha. It's a really nice tank. Spotting secondary equipment and I've gotten 9k spotting in games with no lights.
When you didn't listen to the objective arguments in the video....
@@JS-mp7fyhating the siege mode mechanic is not objective actually. It's kinda BS cuz the best example of an annoying siege mode is the Type 63. STB-1 is already better and UDES is quite smooth for the most part.
Also the part where gold ammo easily kills UDES is a joke. the armor is godlike compared STB-1 and all meds apart 430U. UDES can be played like an extra heavy tank on ur team. There are only a few other meds and TDs who can do the same.
If u die to gold ammo in UDES, it's a skill issue garenteed. There are plenty better unicums, streamers and YT channels (no offense) and all agree that UDES is straight up A/S-tier. Skill4ltu, Daki, Kajzoo, Iyouxin and others. This should not need convincing
Max even hated on the gun ffs. Lol thats so crazy. It's is without a doubt one of the best med tank guns in the game. it's shell velocity isnt great but balance wise is right on spot. It is one of the only weaknesses of the UDES so yeah. For its alpha it has great gun handling and insane DPM. Alpha dmg is huge as well, especially in todays meta. Top 5 med tank guns (taking into account gun depression) would probably look something like Leo 1, Centurion AX, 121B or M60, UDES 15/16, K-91 or 121. It says enough
@@JS-mp7fy Objective arguments like "they are gonna hit the cupola" and "the gun is bad"? Cupola isn't that big. Gun isn't actually bad. I would say gun is good. Alpha is good. Camo is awesome. Armor works in hull down. It's pretty mobile.
He did admit that it's mostly just he hated (auto) siege mode. No idea why he hated it that much compared to STB though, because STB gun is way worse to me.
@@latjolajban81Only proper critique for the Udes 15/16 would be sometimes trollish gun, and that it likes to burn or blow up. But it is still at least B tier, if not A.
nice list, except how can anyone put grille 2 tiers higher than E4....
E4 cant hit shit... the grille is the best accurate tank in the game... I have it at 1.9 acc... wich is legendary...
Some might argue the strv is more accurate... potentially yes... but when choosing the field mods 90% of people go for dpm on strv rather then inproving acc... so the strv actually gets 2.1 acc... where as the grille, you defenetly go for acc rather then dpm, and if you use improved equipment you can actually lower the acc beneath 2.0... keep in mind, even 3.0 acc is considered amaizing... 2.0 is godlike... and 1.9 is basicly you hit the obj 279e cupola from 500 away... that kind of acc...
Not to mention the grille is waaaaay faster then the E4... the E4 has armor, but its not that great, and often you find yourself penned from all angles... and the gun is so trollish... you miss more then half your shoots and when the reload is above 15s you feel every shoot you miss...
In conclusion, the grille is waay better then the E4...
He put the grille mid tier... but if you master it, and like he said, use all field mods correctly, you will find that the grille can even be S tier...
@@bogdanferu1160 if you like to sit in the bush obv Grille is better, but if we are talking about performance, winrate and damage per game, E4 is leagues better, because you can actually influence games in E4
Jagdpanzer just feels so good
Btw Minotauro does have a cupola, when facing him on the left side there is a 2nd cupola behind the frontal one, it is sitting in the middle but is low profile so if its a hulldown city map u gonna be able to hit it because Mino is quite low profile compared to other heavies. Just pray Mino doesnt get a ridgeline 💀
happy birthday Max. you also forgot the Foch B
Thanks a lot for updating the tanks in the meta. Rating all the other tiers X tanks would be great too.
The worst part of 121 is the grind to get there especially on the t9 -3 gun dep feels like u cant see your PP
Nice video explaining clearly the pros and cons of each tank. I always play the AMX50 B with the mediums in Blitz and usually get very good results. Thus, I am quite happy to see it in the A category. I would very much appreciate seeing a follow up video once update 1.26 comes out especially with the crew rework.
It's a pretty good list honestly, though it became more a gun tier list for some of them.
Amx 13 105 and tvp t 50/51 i would bump up to A tier for sure.
13 105 in my opinion is the perfect light behind ebr, it gets 50% camo when setup and overall fits in better on most maps compared to other lights since it can flex into a medium.
The tvp with bond vents, vstab and bounty rotation mechanism is godlike. 1.73s aim time, 0.30 dispersion, 0.10 moving dispersion, 0.11 tank traverse dispersion and 0.06 turret traverse dispersion.
The manticore is placed too high if all other maps are taken into the equation, terrible dpm and gun elevation. Suffering from the elc even 90 one trick isn't a good thing most of the time.
Its not a good list when tanks like Udes and Rino are in pop category.
K-91 is my favorite tank now. It has insane camo and an epic gun. I play as a creepy sniper so I don’t need armor. The only thing bad about this tank is that it struggles to reach its top speed
60tp bcs it is a fast well armored assault heavy, and the gun is underrated. And e3 is s tier for sure. Panzerwagen, I really like it, but it is not that high tbh, t100lt can do everything this tank do+ scouting. Should say thanks for the nice job!
You can't compare the guns. The Lt is a much better scour but it doesn't come close when it comes to the gun, especially shells and accuracy.
Hi, February here, where new - "which line should I start grinding first" video is coming out
4:48 50B isnt in timelaps
31:51 ST-II isnt in timelaps
34:11 Ojb. 140. isnt in timelaps
Just IMO, but things I would change from your list:
A-- Udes15/16, STB, Mino, Leo1, TVP, AMX13 105,
B-- T57 HEAT, 50B, Obj140, Obj268, Prog65, T110E4, JgPzE100
C-- Grille, Rino, M-V-Y
Poo-- Pz7
Jagdpanzer E100 has never been buffed, yet still holding up. 1050/420 magic
Chadpanzer E 100*
Years ago, 420 was overkill (who need that many pen?). Turned out it was investing for the future, stonks.
And armor is better than the Maus 😂
while i wouldn't put the 268 at S tier, i think a lot of people miss the fact that the tank itself is not really bad at anything. The firepower is basically the same as the WZ 113 (although its more accurate and it has 303 standart pen which is really good), it has good mobility, the armour isnt amazing but you can actually sidescrape with it ( since its basically a T-10 with big fing gun), and it has surprising camo values. I really believe that the obj 268 is probably the best begginer tier 10 TD, since there is nothing bad about this tank.
No stick for the lis did enjoy it, happy birthday to you and as I’ve already mentioned have a great holiday 🎄🎅🎂
Just one comment - EBRs should not exist in this game. Not even Rally race cars move that way, ffs, let alone an armoured vehicle. They need, at minimum, a massive nerf.
pretty much yes
This rating is entirely different from what I would've done. But this obviously is a rather opinion/in game experience based kind of rating, that is heavily biased by play style, rather than on statistics, such as average win rate, damage, combined damage or WN8
UDES 15/16 is in Poo tier of this list despite having the highest win rate of all vehicles mentioned in this video, which usually means it must have something good for it going. Just like the WZ-113G FT has the highest average WN8.
I understand this is just your opinion, but this rating is not really going to help new players out to synthetically judge, which vehicles are the best for them. We now know, which tanks you like but we didnt gain any information, which tanks are objectively good and which are objectively bad, because you put one of the best Tier X vehicles (it must be one of the best, if it has such high WR) into Poo and its not April 1st.
Thanks Video... Another set of Interesting Choices :) Thanks
People watched this for your opinions, so they can base their expectations on something. If people don't agree, then when they get to your level they can stick their neck out and make their own list for others to criticise, but by that time their opinions are likely to have changed. We all have "crap" tanks that we somehow do well in, but that says more about the player than the tank
Happy birthday & thanks for the videos
Udes aint poo💀💀
I did 7k on my first battle, he must really hate the udes lol
@carlhvs9437 yeah that thing is a beast i think he might be trolling
because it is lol. And Max didn't even mention that the thing gets set on fire all the time, so you have to run config on it
@TheRealMerl idk it doesnt burn often for me i think its op
Can't see the T92 anywhere in the list.
Happy Birthday, Max
And Happy Christmas!
IS4 and 50M are my first tier Xs in the game where 50M has the higher win rate in random but my IS4 has the rarety factor that throws off a lot of players. It suffers with its weight a lot more than its speed. Slower than an IS7 and lighter too??? Makes no sense since it has better armor. Im working for the super conqueror currently for its ridgeline ability and ease of attaining vs other heavies with good gun depression. Great vid, thank you for the info.
I like this video format, but is it possible to have a visual of the vehicles in the garage or something?
The 3rd tank U listed you didn't give its name ,it looks like a td what was it?
stopped watchin when you put chinese td S tier and tvp as B tier. but its your video, cheers.
well depends how you look at it, idk about WZ, but TVP is very overrated, it sucks at every stat except popularity, it has cool gameplay, people like it, but performance wise its in the bottom.
yeah TVP didnt deserve that 😓😓
tvp has a high skill cap, but so has leopard 1 which is S tier.ask daki what he thinks about tier 9 skoda.
and udes 15/16 Poo? cmon. udes is a monster,and to put it 4 tiers below chinese turetless td,which is btw crap,is blasphemy. yes i have every tank in the tech tree.but like i said its his video.
Big fan. This is my most valued video of the year. Cheers and Happy Birthday from Virginia USA
Happy Bday Max!
We need WG to make you a commander/crew!
hahahah love your unapologetic turd analogy about the Rino. Appreciate your content Max, keep it up
All the best! 🎂{time mark 23:30 about "Fridger" got wrong digits; not FV4202, it is FV4005 Stage II}. We know why 😋Happy Birthday!
Where would you put the T10 Collectors' Vehicles?
Great review 👏
Happy Birthday mate!
Didn't knew Manuel Neuer playing tanks!
Mostly agree with this tier list but how is the udes in the poo tier? Its only downside is the shell velocity (at least to me). If you play it right you're pretty much impenetrable.
Happy birthday, Max!
Happy Birthday dude, you're amazing
Progetto is not poo. Its my fav T10 medium tank with TVP and E50M
E50M > Leo. You can't change my mind
Happy B-day Max!!
Well happy birthday to you Max
Max Happy Birthday from the California desert my friend!
Happy birthday !
FeelsBirthdayMan now for my daily routine 😂
Happy birthday mate
Progetto 65
They nerfed it because it was too popular ON THE RUSSIAN SERVER
There's no Russian server anymore
So why's it still nerfed into oblivion..?
Can you make a video on t110e4?
I have the 121 and cent AX and they are great, the IS-7 is not bad either
I watch your video on a mobile phone on landscape mode and when you mention a tank but when you talk about it if i haven't heard its name i do not know who you're talking about.
It would help us to have the name of the tank somewhere in the upper left or right in bold capital letters.
Thank you.
S Conq deserve lower place.
Bro put udes last💀
udes 16 A tier
udes 15/16 F tier imo
@@fv4202x Sry bro but that’s sounds like a skillissue. Tier x udes can farm such high dmg if you know how to play. And i have 67% winrate as we speak.
Your stats are decent, but overall total misjudge on E4 and Udes. E4 doesn't need any buff. You should play more battles, than 25 battles to judge it. Tank is really good.
Putting the UDES 15/16 down with the most dogshit tanks in the game is an actual crime and you know that lol
Happy Birthday Max
thanks for another great video, max! But,Uhm, isnt the Foch B missing? I am however going to make an educated guess. If i remember correctly you hate the Foch 155, so Foch B is in same class. Great clip potential, descent speed, great pen, but the reload time... and reverse speed, and the massive coupolas and aweful armor...... C-tier..? :D
Happy bday G
I played a game last night in my Obj 752 on Westfield, our friendly FV 4005 hit a Maus for 2002 damage.... that seemed dumb....
Funniest thing is that only took away 60% of the Maus' hp lmao
Fv shouldn't be in the game. Brainless RNG tank
Happy birthday and christmas. You are magnificent.
I See unfair things here, WZ TD is in practice a obk. 268, but is better?
Sheridan is fairly like WZ, but is B and wz poo?
Obj 268 has, same gun but little more penetration, better dispersion, better camo, better mobility and slighty worse armor and it's worse than wZ? I don't understand..
Valid list, only one i disagree aith is the obj 140, got it yesterday as was holding out for ages, kept the t54 yada yada. Might be new tank syndroke, But over 20 games i got 3.2k dmg and 1200 assisting, not sure if its the playstyle or what just loads of fun and really dependable. The gun on its evil, can fire it 3 times in 10 seconds so a crossing heavy will loose basically 1k hp.
Used to love the udes but its been trolling tf out of me lately, love the tvp but its kind of team and situation based, with christmas MM its got a bit of dust on it atm. Need to buy my leo 1 but the pta is so strong for tier 9 i dont see the same tank a tier up with up scaled stats being a must buy. I know its good, but 6 mill plus equipment etc to play in full tier 10 games 90 percent of the time and only get to bully tier 8s instead of 7s when you get top tier doesnt seem like a great deal. Saying that was a similiar thought process when buying my 140 so will probably buy it soon, might wait for the christmas 20 percent discount reward.
First off, this is a great list, cheers.
Personally UDES is a surprise ofc but if the siege mode mechanic is such a pain for u, I see why. But then STB 1 should be even worse cuz UDES is literally better at everything STB 1 does.
Chinese TD being A-tier is also puzzling. The line was always considered garbage by the entire wot community and the buffs made it go from being garbage to being playable. So there is nothing that justifies S-tier Imo. It is a way better 268. It could be in between A and B at best.
udes is much less flexible than stb. also you get very good ammo with 330 heat, mobility, udes is so small you cant even use the turret on something like himmel or erlenberg cuz u cant look over any cover. there is alot of reasons why like stb over udes
@@galax12370 skill issue and personal taste . Most unicums say the exact opposite aka UDES is superior. It is actually a better hulldown tank. If it's too "small" it simply means u cannot play hulldown with it. Funny fact, STB is so much easier to pen hulldown. It's naive to blame the tank. Max is a great player but certainly not a super unicum. Dakillzor, Skill4ltu, Kajzoo, Iyouxin and others can give u a good idea what UDES is capable of. If u hate it, then simply admit u cannot make it work. UDES is without a doubt one of the best meds in the game and overall one of the best tanks. In the right hands, its straight up S tier
@@sir_vikingbeard5842 I never said the tank is superior. I just said there are reasons to prefer stb and stop forming your opinions based of what others say its absolutely usless towards the conversation.
@@sir_vikingbeard5842it also has some of the highest 3 mark requirements if I remember correctly.
@@sir_vikingbeard5842 I dont even have stb and I love my udes and I can acknowledge that the tank has alot of flaws and I fully admit I cant make it work fully just like any other tank. Its very one trick pony if you will. once enemies break your hulldown there isnt much you can do stb can atleast run or outdpm
Happy bufdy dude. 🎉
Where is OBJ140? :c
Loved the chill vid !
From now, until the end of human civilization, every tier list must contain a poo teir.
The udes is a clear a or s tier objectively
I think the bat chat is decent actually, it just seems to work for me. That being said, gun is troll and it’s clip is worse than something like a tvp.
Happy birthday max
ive been forgotten
Happy birthday! 😄😄🎊🎊
Rinoceronte is a great tank, but you can´t play it like you did. It needs experimental turbo, vert. stabs and bond vents. Then it needs to be played as a semi-sniper.
then it still suck :D
I mean, I kinda like it to play it sometimes, but the DPM is so rubbish, it simply too low in the current meta
And the armor layout is "meh", it cant reliable play hulldown
@@Phx_888 DPM could be better, but it is a great fast and accurate tank and I had no problems dealing around 6 k damage in many games. And I am not the best player.
agree with everything but TVP 50, it should be at least amazing tier
Instead of saying 121 you should say the whole name because this video is for people that don't already know. If we already know what the 121 is we don't need to watch your video. You don't even say the country.
You never give the actual names of any of the tanks. This is not helpful.
Udes in poo tier is wild 😂😂😂 the tank is soooo good
Yeah... the amount of times I screamed when playing the udes shows how dumb it actually performs vs on paper. It is such a bad good tank.
bro forgot k-91 and foch b ;-;
K91, is in there. I did, however, forget the Foch B. It would probably be in B section. Really nasty clip but has lots of downsides.
Happy Birthday Max! Thanks for the video.
Man this is a wacky list. I have to say I very much disagree with you on this one, but I respect your opinions. I love the Rinoceronte, It's a funny preference, but my goodness I can pull 5k dpg in it and it's got great armor and it's also fast and manuverable. I would put it in A. Just one of my favorites that didn't get some love :(.
I wish u included reward and assembly tanks
Happy Birthday!
705A has a better turret than 60TP. lt may be worse positioned, as in rear facing, okay sure. But physically speaking, armor of 705A turret is dramatically superior to 60TP turret.
You forgot the ST II
u forgot about 113 t62a foch b and 30b.overall nice video most of the ratings i agree with
Those are collector vehicles, not tech tree
@@ezekieltripp2790 True, except Foch B is a tech tree tank.
foch b?
tbh looks a bit BIAS as a review..Mino lower than Jp 100 / WZ113? ok, lol, no way (even post recent nerf)
Tomatogg I think disagree with you..
Udes "poo" tier, I mean, c'mon..
Also, it's no clear if it's an absolute rating, in which case you should take into account the current "heavium" meta, so almost every TD would be penalized by that, or it's an absolute rating INSIDE the same category (light with light and so on), which would have more sense to me.
What about all the reward vehicles?😅😅
140 is certainly not C tier, its pure A. If u know what u are doing, its nearly impossible to have bad game with it
I think concept 5 is the worst tank in the game, and the Saracen is the 2nd worst, followed by the Staghound, its a shame, as I think there was potential for them to be really fun, and mobile vehicles.