  • Опубликовано: 13 сен 2024

Комментарии • 20 тыс.

  • @thesunnahguy
    @thesunnahguy  Год назад +1376

    If you would like to join us on our next trip to the history of Islamic Spain, please message me on instagram as spaces are getting filled up quick.

    • @master5136
      @master5136 Год назад +150

      I'm curious on your opinion on the Hagia Sophia?

    • @mdpahme5210
      @mdpahme5210 Год назад +1

      They did not distroy the masjid, time will come Islam will take over spain again n very much easy Muslim to continue maintain the masjid soon .... Aameeen Ya Allah

    • @smashb3766
      @smashb3766 Год назад +5

      What spaces

    • @falsosprofetashunter4182
      @falsosprofetashunter4182 Год назад

      Jesus is part of Alah and God of Torah...
      God is no God of Confusion ...
      Jesus and God are in One ..
      As the Branch of A Tree belongs to the Tree ...
      The Branch of God coming from the Clouds of Heaven announced on the Torah is Jesus Christ..
      The Messiah coming from the Clouds of Heaven announced on the Quran is Jesus Christ..
      The Saviour and Son of God coming from the Clouds of Heaven announced on the Bible is Jesus Christ..
      Father , Son and the Holy Spirit are not Human to Lie ..
      Because they are not my words ..
      Words of God written on the Holy Book's..
      “At that time people will see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory. And he will send his angels and gather his elect from the four winds,y from the ends of the earth to the ends of the heavens. Truly I tell you, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened. Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away. “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. Be on guard! Be alert! You do not know when that time will come.
      Mark 13:26‭-‬27‭, ‬30‭-‬33
      and from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead, and the ruler of the kings of the earth. To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood, and has made us to be a kingdom and priests to serve his God and Father-to him be glory and power for ever and ever! Amen. “Look, he is coming with the clouds,” and “every eye will see him, even those who pierced him”; and all peoples on earth “will mourn because of him.” So shall it be! Amen. “I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.”
      Revelation 1:5‭-‬8
      Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!” He said, “Go and tell this people: “ ‘Be ever hearing, but never understanding; be ever seeing, but never perceiving.’
      Isaiah 6:8‭-‬9
      A shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse; from his roots a Branch will bear fruit. The Spirit of the Lord will rest on him- the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding, the Spirit of counsel and of might, the Spirit of the knowledge and fear of the Lord- and he will delight in the fear of the Lord. He will not judge by what he sees with his eyes, or decide by what he hears with his ears;
      Isaiah 11:1‭-‬3
      “In my vision at night I looked, and there before me was one like a son of man, coming with the clouds of heaven. He approached the Ancient of Days and was led into his presence. He was given authority, glory and sovereign power; all nations and peoples of every language worshiped him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion that will not pass away, and his kingdom is one that will never be destroyed.
      Daniel 7:13‭-‬14
      [Quran Chapter 3]
      54. They planned, and God planned; but God is the Best of planners.
      55. God said, "O Jesus, I am terminating your life, and raising you to Me, and clearing you of those who disbelieve. And I will make those who follow you superior to those who disbelieve, until the Day of Resurrection. Then to Me is your return; then I will judge between you regarding what you were disputing.
      56. As for those who disbelieve, I will punish them with a severe punishment, in this world and the next, and they will have no helpers.
      [[Quran Chapter 7]
      186. Whomever God misguides has no guide. And He leaves them blundering in their transgression.
      187. They ask you about the Hour, "When will it come?" Say, "Knowledge of it rests with my Lord. None can reveal its coming except He. It weighs heavily on the heavens and the earth. It will not come upon you except suddenly." They ask you as if you are responsible for it. Say, "Knowledge of it rests with God," but most people do not know.
      No One can Deny my friend ..
      No One ..

    • @abumowahid605
      @abumowahid605 Год назад +44

      why you crying for

  • @priniz
    @priniz Год назад +1276

    Fun fact: The Hagia Sophia, a building that inspired Islamic architecture a lot, was originally a Christian Church.

    • @ordinarymodder905
      @ordinarymodder905 Год назад +140

      Hagia Sofia was constructed initially in 360AD, before the modern building being completed in 537AD. Or around 33 years before Muhammad was born. It has no Islamic architecture because it was built before Islam was a thing.

    • @priniz
      @priniz Год назад +131

      @@ordinarymodder905 exactly. Like I said, it inspired Islamic Architecture

    • @ordinarymodder905
      @ordinarymodder905 Год назад +34

      @@priniz I read it as "was inspired by Islamic architecture" oops 💀

    • @mustafa.bakes.
      @mustafa.bakes. 11 месяцев назад

      Islamic architecture is the work of Arabs, the earliest example of islamic architecture is the dome of the rock in jerusalem
      Before Muslims entered Constantinople

    • @yaznhanfi9090
      @yaznhanfi9090 11 месяцев назад +20

      Yeah we know. A lot of mosques were inspired by church design. Especially in Levant. But we mostly refer to them as arabic Architecture.

  • @yeetus_reetus_deeleetus
    @yeetus_reetus_deeleetus 10 месяцев назад +309

    That is beautiful!! VIVA CRISTO REY!!!

  • @misterbacyon3508
    @misterbacyon3508 10 месяцев назад +476

    Are you forgetting the Haiga sophia was a cathedral turned into a mosque using Byzantine/ Christian architecture

    • @oro7114
      @oro7114 9 месяцев назад +17

      @@GS-rv2drno it wasn’t “after the Fall of Constantinople to the Ottoman Empire in 1453, it was converted to a mosque by Mehmed the Conqueror and became the principal mosque of Istanbul until the 1616 construction of the Sultan Ahmed Mosque.”

    • @hamzaahmed2247
      @hamzaahmed2247 8 месяцев назад +3

      @@GS-rv2drI am curios can you give me any reference

    • @murmur3970
      @murmur3970 8 месяцев назад

      They bought the land & Mustafa Kamala returned it, which was a right move. The trend in Europe &America to sell chapel lands for mosque is wrong, Muslims should be more intelligent then this , long down the road there are blames & suspicions. It has been advised against in their religion.

    • @murmur3970
      @murmur3970 8 месяцев назад

      They bought the land & Mustafa Kamala returned it, which was a right move. The trend in Europe &America to sell chapel lands for mosque is wrong, Muslims should be more intelligent then this , long down the road there are blames & suspicions. It has been advised against in their religion.

    • @meminhofuny
      @meminhofuny 8 месяцев назад

      @@GS-rv2dr It was acquired through conquest! Stop spreading lies!

  • @moe3005
    @moe3005 Год назад +292

    As a Muslim, who’s been to Spain plenty of times. There’s 1000 churches that were mosques and churches flipped over 10 times a piece depending on who was in power, this guys nuts.

    • @ANDREW-bq4du
      @ANDREW-bq4du 8 месяцев назад


    • @punishedgloyperstormtroope8098
      @punishedgloyperstormtroope8098 8 месяцев назад +9

      The Turks also destroyed many churches in Byzantium

    • @lastword8783
      @lastword8783 7 месяцев назад

      ​@@punishedgloyperstormtroope8098 yet Christians still live in Turkey to this day while the Christians in Iberia wiped out the Muslims and forced everyone to convert or leave or die. Even the language was banned. They even expelled the descendants of those who converted to Christianity and accused them of being crypto-Muslims.

    • @tcbbctagain572
      @tcbbctagain572 7 месяцев назад

      @@lastword8783 christians in Turkey are literally non existent nowadays. They all went to surrounding christian countries, more specifically Greece. To this day the Turkish government literally closes churches, monasteries and other Christian institutions. And Christianity is older in that land than Islam is.
      Muslims invaded Iberia and forced everyone to convert. It was only right to ban Islam after the reconquest was over.

    • @rg1924
      @rg1924 6 месяцев назад

      Ahah. Lots of Muslims like this. Keep it up and Christian’s will unite out you all in GAZA and send you back to Allah 🇪🇸🇵🇪🇮🇹🇬🇧🇨🇴🇦🇷🇦🇺🇳🇿🇨🇦🇵🇱🇩🇪🇫🇷

  • @danielfernandezpeinado6294
    @danielfernandezpeinado6294 Год назад +187

    My brother, the Mosque-Cathedral of Córdoba was the Visigoth Basilica of Saint Vincent the Martyr before it was turned into a Mosque. There is archaeological proof.

    • @hamzahaidar2084
      @hamzahaidar2084 9 месяцев назад +2

      There are documentation evidence that abdur rahman of cordoba bought this land from visigoths

    • @rabbiforrskeincoinblatt3052
      @rabbiforrskeincoinblatt3052 7 месяцев назад

      @@hamzahaidar2084 It's easy to "buy" land when you kill the original occupants, and then threaten to kill anyone who objects. Abd al-Rahman was a murderous, torturing rapist who started centuries of oppression. If anyone forces Muslims to live under the same rules Muslims force others to live under, then they call it genocidal oppression.

    • @aymaneajana5506
      @aymaneajana5506 6 месяцев назад

      True but the moors made it 74 times bigger

    • @mobilusinmobili8321
      @mobilusinmobili8321 3 месяца назад +5

      And lost.

    • @ant_the_rant
      @ant_the_rant 3 месяца назад

      You can tell by his words that he doesn't want to be your brother. He's a mindless brainwashed weeping fool. He would sack your city if he had the strength.

  • @mohammadaw9138
    @mohammadaw9138 9 месяцев назад +370

    He is upset about turning a church back into a church

    • @Stargazer-px7fw
      @Stargazer-px7fw 8 месяцев назад +22

      What church? There was never a church there before.

    • @Discoveri_a
      @Discoveri_a 8 месяцев назад +49

      ​@@Stargazer-px7fwilliterate 😂😂

    • @Stargazer-px7fw
      @Stargazer-px7fw 8 месяцев назад +7

      @@Discoveri_a Well, enlighten me wise guy 😅

    • @Discoveri_a
      @Discoveri_a 8 месяцев назад +22

      @@Stargazer-px7fw you will enlighten when you stop study history from WhatsApp University 😂🤣

    • @Stargazer-px7fw
      @Stargazer-px7fw 8 месяцев назад +8

      @@Discoveri_a lol. That’s what I love about the internet. People get offended and triggered by anything and never educate. They just attack you and don’t tell you why. It’s just because they don’t have a clue about what’s they’re talking about or assume you should know better. Anyways, if you don’t answer my question or don’t want to or (high probably) can’t so just getta hell out a here 😘.

  • @OnyxTiger
    @OnyxTiger Год назад +563

    Muslims have converted way more Churches to Mosques than Christians have. Hagia Sophia is one example. No, it was not purchased. It was conquered and people were killed inside of it. The same happened in Syria.
    This Church was originally dedicated to St Stephen and was torn and a Mosque was built, along with other Mosques in the same site as Churches were. When the Spanish reconquered their land, they converted those Mosques into Churches.
    Why is it only wrong when Christians do it, but celebrated when Muslims do it? Don't be a hypocrite.

    • @amineaitblal4398
      @amineaitblal4398 Год назад +4

      It's not about hypocrisy it's about we believe that christians worship other than the one true god so what they're doing is wrong that what we see from the religious perspective

    • @kimrebo1800
      @kimrebo1800 Год назад +66

      ​@@amineaitblal4398problem right there is "YOU BELIEVE WE WORSHIP MORE THAN ONE GOD...." how come we don't BELIEVE in what you believe??? Problem you are taught something stupid about Christianity and now you believe. CHRISTIANS worship one GOD and we understand this but now you will come with taught theory of 1 + 1 + 1 = 3 mathematical formula

    • @nodermark8922
      @nodermark8922 Год назад +3

      ​@@kimrebo1800 From what I have seen Christians worship only 1 god but that god is the prophet Jesus PBH. The concept of the Trinity is not something they actually live by. All they care about is Jesus while the father and the holy spirit are just after thoughts to them.

    • @Uncle_Ruckus_
      @Uncle_Ruckus_ Год назад +27

      ​@@nodermark8922Jesus is god incarnate on earth. Jesus, the father, and the holy Spirit are one. Not separate gods.

    • @kimrebo1800
      @kimrebo1800 Год назад +12

      @@nodermark8922 that is where muslims understanding falls short..... Dominion and authority was given to JESUS..... there is nothing about PBUH thingy you guys like using on JESUS. Why? for starters HE is Alive and not dead and secondly, HE owns PEACE so how do you wish someone what HE owns.... Anyway, back to your narrative.
      The HOLY SPIRIT is our guide, teacher who searches the thoughts and ways of the FATHER and shares and teaches us what GOD wills and decree for us.
      Now JESUS and HOLY SPIRIT are one in GOD but their functions are different.
      Let me ask muslims a question, where does you being come from??? Or do you think you go through a factory of production and then deposited to earth through human intercourse???? Let me know....

  • @gintoki2643
    @gintoki2643 Год назад +303

    Dude you are from Pakistan. This isn't your legacy 😭😭😭

    • @Asaz12345
      @Asaz12345 9 месяцев назад +35

      If he's a Muslim it is his legacy.

    • @DominikVesna
      @DominikVesna 9 месяцев назад +1

      ​@@Asaz12345ma daj......nemo zaebavat

    • @kk7420
      @kk7420 9 месяцев назад +12

      ​@@DominikVesnathe muslim occupiers civilized the spanish people.

    • @ragsrare3771
      @ragsrare3771 9 месяцев назад

      @@Asaz12345 you mean Arab cosplayers, non Arab Muslim has no culture or diginity

    • @yoshi-4p
      @yoshi-4p 8 месяцев назад +17

      ​@@kk7420So stop using colonial possessions? Hypocritical

  • @CrusaderOfChristt
    @CrusaderOfChristt Год назад +397

    My respect for spain 📈📈📈

  • @nairaashraf3180
    @nairaashraf3180 Год назад +75

    It's their own country and do what they want

    • @Shanksz
      @Shanksz 10 месяцев назад +1

      This is how you become a Muslim
      To convert to Islam you must declare the shahada
      (Say this to become a Muslim)
      (I testify that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah)
      Saying this will make you feel happy

    • @MiguelMC-Yt
      @MiguelMC-Yt 4 месяца назад

      ​@@ShankszTestify my balls gentleman VIVA CRISTO REY

  • @Anish-IITP
    @Anish-IITP Год назад +834

    Muslims when they take over other worship and build it into a mosque : 😃👍
    Muslims when someone takes over their mosque and build something else : 😭🤲

    • @ibnuroslan6475
      @ibnuroslan6475 Год назад +142

      India when cow in the middle of the road : 🐄🗿

    • @J040PL7
      @J040PL7 Год назад +53

      Hypocrisy 😂

    • @Kim_jong_un_the_devil
      @Kim_jong_un_the_devil Год назад

      ​@@ibnuroslan6475 Qurand buring in Sweden and Denmark pedophile Muhammed cartoon in France 😂

    • @sahsah1038
      @sahsah1038 Год назад +19

      How about Saint Sophia

    • @Toobad_XD
      @Toobad_XD Год назад +6

      ​@@sahsah1038bro need to meet this guy his name is M O N G O L

  • @aosman7155
    @aosman7155 Год назад +363

    'The day we seek honour and glory in anything other than this deen, we will be disgraced' umar ibn khattab

    • @abdulmunim318
      @abdulmunim318 Год назад +3

      Very well said.

    • @aosman7155
      @aosman7155 Год назад +15

      @@jamaalshaikh122 keep talking whilst he is in one of the gardens of jannah so called sheikh kmt

    • @somedude6334
      @somedude6334 Год назад +2

      @@jamaalshaikh122 You’re less than filth for the evil that you wrote about the great Sahabah Umar Ibn Khattab (may Allah Azawajal be pleased with him). The longer your comment is visible the more sins you’re incurring for yourself. Delete your comment so you can safeguard yourself against the wrath of Allah Azawajal for daring to disrespect one of the His slaves that sacrificed everything for the Deen of Allah Azawajal and His Messenger salalahu alayhi wasallam.

    • @abidkhan2457
      @abidkhan2457 Год назад

      yeah it is out fault.

    • @excelsior31107
      @excelsior31107 Год назад +2

      Take a note that Umar, the 2nd Caliph also committed what seems to be rape of a female slave. From Ibn Sa'd, volume 2, Page 438 Umar said: "A slave girl passed by me who attracted me, and I cohabited with her while I was fasting".
      While fasting, Umar saw an attractive female slave and used her sexually. There is no mention of her as his "wife" or it is mentioned that Umar ever "married" her. The slave girl looked fine, and he led her to bed. I have learned that having sexual intercourse with a female slave in Islam is permissible but not while fasting and it is prohibited. For me personally, having sexual intercourse with slaves is bad enough already and has been categorized as rape and should be condemned. But not in Islam. It neither ignores nor condemns slavery. In fact, it is a large part of Islam and dedicated to the practice and is still being done to this day.

  • @yusufiq
    @yusufiq Год назад +287

    Muslims when they invade a land and enforce their culture on it: 😃
    Muslims when that land gets taken back by its native people: 😭

    • @ProudChristianCrusade
      @ProudChristianCrusade 9 месяцев назад +19

      fr tho

    • @il-vxrmntz-li
      @il-vxrmntz-li 8 месяцев назад +49

      WaAaAaAa We mUsLiMs ArE tHe OnLy OnE wHo ArE aLlOwEd To Do ThAt waaaaaaaa😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

    • @ProudChristianCrusade
      @ProudChristianCrusade 8 месяцев назад +15

      @@il-vxrmntz-li the muslims be like:

    • @colinhollenbeck5682
      @colinhollenbeck5682 7 месяцев назад

      @@ProudChristianCrusadei have to say as a fellow European and former hard core Christian we weren’t any better then the muslims conquers of old at least pre Siege of Vienna. We lied raped stole and slaughtered are we through both Europe and Syria Palestine during the Crusades we even burned down Constantinople during the 4th Crusade because the Easterner Roman Emperor was refusing to pay the Western Mercs because they keep lotting the country side and attacking citizens. Constantinople the home of Eastern Orthodox Christians sacked not by Muslims or The Seljuk Turks or the Sultanate of Rum but by invading Christian armies.

    • @colinhollenbeck5682
      @colinhollenbeck5682 7 месяцев назад

      @@ProudChristianCrusadelol as a fellow European and former Christian you have no idea how much of the European population viewed the Crusades as a affront to God. You know after a certain Peter the Hermit of France leas the first Crusade not through Palestine nor Anatolia or Jerusalem but through the streets of Paris attacking unarmed civilians and burning down government buildings only for his lose band of followers the “Peoples Crusade” to run amuck through Western Europe lotting towns and cities until they made they’re way to the Sultanate of Rums borders which they ran into a massive Seljuk army and immediately got crushed only for Peter to survive and run all the way back to Europe making up stories about how evil the Muslims were. Of course few believed him because just after the first crusade all the rest would be fought not by Christians from Western Europe but by Venicancan mercenary groups

  • @Docpowel
    @Docpowel Год назад +917

    The definition of hypocrisy:

    • @A.R.C.publicspeaker
      @A.R.C.publicspeaker Год назад +12

      True, we do boast about the fact we switch churches into mosques in America.

    • @juandiegoparales9379
      @juandiegoparales9379 Год назад +22

      ​@@A.R.C.publicspeaker what would Skanderbeg say of you?

    • @clintonbaird5465
      @clintonbaird5465 Год назад +20

      I get it but the reason it makes us upset is because they have tarnished the mosque with idolatry and the worship of men. On the other hand when we turn a church into a masjid we purify it for the worship of the One True God Alone

    • @juandiegoparales9379
      @juandiegoparales9379 Год назад +27

      @@clintonbaird5465 cry

    • @aragon533
      @aragon533 Год назад

      Then we are both hypocrites it seems. I have seen Christians cry about hagia sophia and then do this to mosques in spain. The Christians slaughtered the muslims in spain during the reconquista

  • @DivinityHades
    @DivinityHades Год назад +128

    Yo bro stop embarrassing us muslims. Stop this is so cringe

    • @Nuss-j4s
      @Nuss-j4s 7 месяцев назад +3

      thank you

    • @turnip5359
      @turnip5359 7 месяцев назад +4

      So cringe it's haraam

    • @yodukenukem
      @yodukenukem 3 месяца назад +1

      Finally someone that isn’t being influenced by this tiktok fool trying to make everything seem so plausible whilst it is straight BS

    • @taopanda98
      @taopanda98 2 месяца назад +3

      @DivinityHades it is really cringe. Like he said " THEY TOOK US" . Yallah, this is cringe. Hagia Sofia was also taken from Eastern Christian Orthodox lol. This guy just picks and chooses.

    • @thelordofgifts5343
      @thelordofgifts5343 2 месяца назад +1

      We own you Christ is King

  • @imb5128
    @imb5128 Год назад +500

    It’s not your heritage, it’s my heritage🇪🇸

    • @docholiday708
      @docholiday708 Год назад +68

      Tbh most of spains history is them being ruled by muslims so it kinda makes sense to say that spains heritage was muslim

    • @jay-awesome
      @jay-awesome Год назад +42

      ​@@docholiday708bro respawned from 6 AD😂

    • @siddhant__41
      @siddhant__41 Год назад


    • @docholiday708
      @docholiday708 Год назад +6

      @@jay-awesome me and queen elizabeth go way back before that i remember watching them silly ass fish walked on land

    • @jay-awesome
      @jay-awesome Год назад +1

      @@docholiday708 That's evolution 🧬

  • @strombreaker3446
    @strombreaker3446 Год назад +18

    Tasting the same medicine 😂😂😂
    Stop with hypocrisy man.

  • @gapeyanpereira3756
    @gapeyanpereira3756 10 месяцев назад +39

    Only Jesus ✝️❤
    Hagia sophaia ? We don't forget thth thth was a church

    • @SonoftheFortunate
      @SonoftheFortunate 8 месяцев назад +2

      Okay don’t pretend like you guys even go to church

    • @SonoftheFortunate
      @SonoftheFortunate 8 месяцев назад +2

      Muslims aren’t allowed to mock or insult you, as Allāh said:
      “And do not argue with the People of the Scripture except in a way that is best, except for those who commit injustice among them, and say, "We believe in that which has been revealed to us and revealed to you. And our God and your God is one; and we are Muslims [in submission] to Him."

    • @SonoftheFortunate
      @SonoftheFortunate 8 месяцев назад +2

      When you go to Church to whom do you worship?

    • @SonoftheFortunate
      @SonoftheFortunate 8 месяцев назад +2

      Is that why Arab Christians before the time of the Prophet used to call God by the name Allāh?
      Did you know in the language of Jesus, Aramaic, the one way to say God is Alah.
      Go look it up, we worship The one true God.
      Who do you worship in a church, is it some idol, or is it only the Creator above. Who is nothing like this creation?

    • @SonoftheFortunate
      @SonoftheFortunate 8 месяцев назад

      Clearly you don’t because Allāh is the word which describes THE God in Arabic. It is definite.
      Yahweh is not Arabic.
      Even JEWS who lived in Yemen or Mecca and Madinah called upon Allāh. Which is also written as Alah in Aramaic or Eloh.
      And Jesus when he was killed - according to Christians said: “Eloih Eloih,”
      “My God, My God”
      Not Yahweh, Yahweh.
      You are an Arab Christian who uses a different language to call upon God. The equivalence of the name “Allāh to Alah” is not argued by Jews.
      And they believe we worship the same God.
      In fact, Jesus peace be upon him was a Jew himself, he didn’t speak English or Arabic.

  • @thatguy088
    @thatguy088 10 месяцев назад +150

    Ahh yes, the muslims who are so accepting that they took the holiest site in judaism (the temple mount) and built 2 islamic structures on it. They took the holiest site in Christianity (the Church of the Holy Sepulchre) and demolished it. Then they took the most important church in eastern Europe (the Hagia Sophia) and changed it to a mosque... what a loving group of folks 😂😂😂

    • @AbdirahmanFarasle
      @AbdirahmanFarasle 7 месяцев назад

      ur a liar the muslims never destroyed the holy sepulchre unlike christians who when they took jerusalem from muslims for 89 years with the crusaders they turned mosque al aqsa to the office of the templars and they killed every jew and most muslims when they took the city but saladin took it back after 89 years and we didn't massacre christians like they did to us and we didn't convert ur church instead saladin gave safe passage to christians and he showed christians the true meaning of compassion after they slaughtered and massacred muslims and also the temple mount was destroyed by christians and when muslims tok jerusalem in 636 there was no temple mount because the christians had destroyed it already and the christians are the ones who destroyed and burned the temple 3 times the first of those two were during the first jewish revoult during roman times and the 2nd was roman empire was christian and the jews revoulted and christians massacred them and destroyed the temple again and turned it into a dumpster site

    • @Antonioelpro96
      @Antonioelpro96 6 месяцев назад +2


    • @Antonioelpro96
      @Antonioelpro96 6 месяцев назад


    • @aaa-ot9ct
      @aaa-ot9ct 5 месяцев назад +2

      We destroyed temple mount? 😂
      Bro go and study something. Learn about what Umar r.a did when he visited Jerusalem

    • @thatguy088
      @thatguy088 5 месяцев назад +15

      ​@@aaa-ot9ct Didn't say the temple mount was destroyed, said it was desecrated which is factually accurate.

  • @diogenes8272
    @diogenes8272 Год назад +392

    "You" built it on THEIR land. They took it back.

    • @diogenes8272
      @diogenes8272 Год назад

      @@logfungus1134lmfao Arabs are not indigenous to southern Spain. Plenty of people were there first. The Gauls were there before the Arabs, the Romans were there before the Arabs, Greeks w're there before Arabs, Phoenicians were there before Arabs, Germanic people were there before the Arabs. Open up a history book. Human history in southern Spain dates back thousands of years before Islam even existed and before Muslim Arabs invaded those lands.

    • @RichardEdwards40
      @RichardEdwards40 Год назад +32

      ​@@logfungus1134 lies

    • @jayvee-xe7vz
      @jayvee-xe7vz Год назад

      ​@@logfungus1134 lol Spain is already a christian country when your kind invaded it 😂

    • @eugeneman1845
      @eugeneman1845 Год назад +10

      ​@@RichardEdwards40 if that's a lie then what are you? Christ?

    • @kaiserinvictoria8085
      @kaiserinvictoria8085 Год назад +57

      @@eugeneman1845Christian Visigoths(ancestors of Spaniards) were in charge of whole iberia before umayads and whole Iberia was christian. Disclaimer i am not Iberian am Mongol.

  • @AseeF
    @AseeF Год назад +224

    The tears in his voice as he sniffles. This man was going through the emotions and I was going through it hearing him.
    May Allah reunite the Muslim Ummah and watch us rise once again. Amen

    • @cap1913
      @cap1913 Год назад +1

      He’s justifying the ottoman takeover of Spain by radical Muslims. Pitiful

    • @dorly39
      @dorly39 Год назад +5

      The tear in his voice like he was about to explode emotionally💀

    • @dorly39
      @dorly39 Год назад

      I'm joking bro i'm muslim too

    • @a.s2205
      @a.s2205 Год назад +2

      Don't reunite and commit genocide again please

    • @aadithya7139
      @aadithya7139 Год назад

      Oh boo hoo fellah

  • @StringaBell17
    @StringaBell17 Год назад +213

    This dude needs to be on a watchlist

    • @nobleworkk
      @nobleworkk Год назад +6

      Why what the hell

    • @rrsp7148
      @rrsp7148 Год назад +3

      Copy , copy

    • @meannn417
      @meannn417 Год назад +1

      Why racist

    • @PA-1000
      @PA-1000 Год назад

      ​@@meannn417he is a radical serving a god who could give two fucks about him 😂😂

    • @Skizz-iy7ou
      @Skizz-iy7ou Год назад +7

      And u need to be on restraining order from schools 😂😂

  • @CumBrianFries
    @CumBrianFries Год назад +1063

    The Ottoman Turks literally converted the biggest church in all of Christendom at one time into a mosque and that very mosque (the Hagia Sophia) is now the most famous landmark of Istanbul. But yeah, keep on asking "How dare they?" like you Muslims would never do such a thing.

    • @samsudinjackson
      @samsudinjackson Год назад +224

      The called Hypocrite man that's what they are 👌

    • @hopeful_dude
      @hopeful_dude Год назад

      ​@@samsudinjackson listen puffy nipples , hagia was bought from greedy Christians 🤷🏼‍♂️, turned into a mosque then a museum ( by a dictator) then a mosque again so the true hypocrits Mr puffy vag is those Christians who sold it ( not all Christians btw I don't go aiming at a whole religion like some people)

    • @samsudinjackson
      @samsudinjackson Год назад +5


    • @creativethinkers3214
      @creativethinkers3214 Год назад +168

      @@samsudinjackson man you should come to india they built 2 million mosques destroying all our ancient temples now we got nothing left

    • @gozzy_gozzy4447
      @gozzy_gozzy4447 Год назад +1

      It's just an intolerant set of mindset. I hear free Palestine all the time but the temple mount in Palestine was wholly Jewish b4.
      Now they converted it to a mosque and Isreali cant pray inside it.
      HOW DARE THEY ?????

  • @hellrazor117
    @hellrazor117 Год назад +239

    How dare they?
    You took Alexandria, Jerusalem and Constantinople. Almost got Malta and Vienna as well, you cheeky gits.

    • @SheikhZedoo
      @SheikhZedoo 10 месяцев назад

      Jerusalem was always for Muslims , Dunno about the others

    • @ShinjiHigashi
      @ShinjiHigashi 10 месяцев назад +3

      Fr bro

    • @HatterTobias
      @HatterTobias 10 месяцев назад +18

      They also got half of Cyprus

    • @abdulazizalenezi6749
      @abdulazizalenezi6749 9 месяцев назад

      Jerusalem was originally shared land not for only Jews nor christians nor Muslims but Muslims are the only ones who ruled it and made justice

    • @enes1864
      @enes1864 9 месяцев назад +13

      @@HatterTobiasIt was ours already the Ottomans was merciful to non Muslims until your so civil “gentleman” (!) take it for political support to Sultan against the Russian invasion of Balkans

  • @RManLazarus
    @RManLazarus Год назад +346

    The Sofia Church in Constantinople is a prime example...it was taken by Muslims and made into a mosque so the Christian in Constantinople couldn't use that church they build to worship. It was later converted into a museum and recently back in a Mosque. 😮

    • @MaSa-bp5qe
      @MaSa-bp5qe Год назад +24

      It was actually bought not taken. The bill of sale and stuff is still available.

    • @MaSa-bp5qe
      @MaSa-bp5qe Год назад

      @@erdemdaldal4202 What’s not in Istanbul?

    • @MaSa-bp5qe
      @MaSa-bp5qe Год назад +1

      @@erdemdaldal4202 Oh yeah, where is it located?

    • @MaSa-bp5qe
      @MaSa-bp5qe Год назад +1

      @@erdemdaldal4202 It’s in Istanbul, I’ve visited it before.

    • @jaytheotaku3996
      @jaytheotaku3996 Год назад +14

      ​@@MaSa-bp5qeBuilt in 537 A.D., the Hagia Sophia stood as the premier cathedral of the Byzantine Empire until 1453, when Ottoman forces under Sultan Mehmed II conquered Constantinople and turned the cathedral into a mosque. It was not bought. It was plundered in the Ottomans invaded. I'm not saying that reflects Muslim culture obviously but If you're a man of faith, you shouldn't lie and spread misinformation. Christianity had its biggest church and what are the seven wonders of the world stolen by Muslim conquerors It's as simple as that So there's no reason to cry about this last former mosque

  • @Unreal_Plan
    @Unreal_Plan Год назад +2387

    “How dare they”? Someone tell him about Hagia Sofia. 😂

    • @calob3927
      @calob3927 Год назад +12

      Does he know we pay millions of pounds to build them mosques in a Christian England ? If we tried that in Islamic nations we would be beheaded.

    • @rayely66
      @rayely66 Год назад +13

      Its a disco

    • @danyelahtabaat4808
      @danyelahtabaat4808 Год назад +25

      Know u wouldn't isis doesn't represent
      All muslims we respect Christians because we worship the father 2

    • @MIMMassi
      @MIMMassi Год назад +178

      Hagia Sofia was bought by sultan mohd Al fateh, Christian's sold it.
      Then it was turned to a museum illegally by attaturk the BB.
      It's only natural to convert it back to a mosque.
      Get your facts right before commenting.

    • @RS3796
      @RS3796 Год назад +202

      ​@@MIMMassi its like put a gun on head of someones to buy his house 😅

  • @djremix1881
    @djremix1881 Год назад +396

    They did this to our churches in the Middle East to, Sofia in turkey for example. Climbing up the church and broke down the cross on the top with an axe turning it into a mosque.

    • @zxxij7669
      @zxxij7669 Год назад +26

      There are hundreds of churches and turkey doesn’t really count as a middle eastern country but the other countries in the Middle East have alot of churches and none of them is broken actually the country itself pays from its own wallet to keep them and build them

    • @Ahmed75951
      @Ahmed75951 Год назад +10

      @@zxxij7669 don’t mind this this guy talking rubbish, we see those all the time.

    • @RonaldoGoat874
      @RonaldoGoat874 Год назад +5

      bullshit... many churches are closed in my country.. permission to build churches was refused by the Muslim community and the police... even if they worship in private homes in groups their worship will be disbanded by the Muslims

    • @IbtissamTrabelsi
      @IbtissamTrabelsi Год назад +12

      don't spread lies

    • @zxxij7669
      @zxxij7669 Год назад +14

      @@IbtissamTrabelsi im not when you live in dubai with me then you can say that im lying

  • @ProudChristianCrusade
    @ProudChristianCrusade 9 месяцев назад +34

    I would Love to Pray there! ❤❤❤❤❤

  • @charansai2476
    @charansai2476 Год назад +41

    Whoever did it well done 👍

    • @Mrr324
      @Mrr324 Год назад +3

      Meanwhile many temples are converted into mosques 😂😂

    • @charansai2476
      @charansai2476 Год назад

      @@Mrr324 Really? 🤣😂🤣😂 BJP is in power idiot

    • @basedkaiser5352
      @basedkaiser5352 Год назад

      ​@@Mrr324vile dog muhammad

    • @stevieliyaz1058
      @stevieliyaz1058 Год назад +1

      astaghfirullah WTF BRO

    • @15yroldmuslim
      @15yroldmuslim 4 месяца назад


  • @eimankhan630
    @eimankhan630 Год назад +271

    As a Muslim this made no complete sense when we literally take abandoned churches and turn them into masjids so the same can be said about us. This happens on a daily basis, that's just life and history for you so there's nothing to cry about. It's a shame that you're painting a negative light and acting like this is some heinous act when in reality it's just a building. What's more important is that we respect one another as human beings and respect each other's beliefs - living in harmony.

    • @Raneem.Elmuhddiy
      @Raneem.Elmuhddiy Год назад

      Yeah we take ABANDONED CHURCHES not churches that people go to and kill the people to turn it into a mesjid. This mesjid was stolen from the Spanish Muslims and they were murdered all for being Muslim.

    • @olilais92
      @olilais92 Год назад +8

      Difference is islam is the true religion where as Christianity isn't

    • @olilais92
      @olilais92 Год назад +5

      @@Collective-Consciousness what an absolutely ridiculous thing to say, may Allah guide you

    • @JustaRandomCatholic
      @JustaRandomCatholic Год назад


    • @VinodSingh-ig8zj
      @VinodSingh-ig8zj Год назад +29

      That's what you think.
      Others think only their religion to be true.
      whats the difference?

  • @sblong07
    @sblong07 Год назад +105

    Don’t cry brother. Those are just walls. They stay in Dunya!!! Carry your Emaan in your heart.

    • @joebloggs8951
      @joebloggs8951 Год назад +8

      Im not a Muslim. But i fully agree with you!

    • @Easy_Now_Star
      @Easy_Now_Star Год назад +5

      You're missing the point of why he's in tears!

    • @saimuddin5312
      @saimuddin5312 Год назад +3

      Your missing the brothers point...😭and the greater meaning... my allah help the ummah

    • @saimuddin5312
      @saimuddin5312 Год назад +1

      @Khan Khan can you elaborate on that mate, what do you mean?

    • @mdhossen7788
      @mdhossen7788 Год назад +2

      But it’s happening everywhere because we Muslims are very weak of EMMAN.

  • @robertnegru4622
    @robertnegru4622 9 месяцев назад +63

    Do greeks cry this much when they enter Hagia Sophia?

    • @Ardacan1998
      @Ardacan1998 7 месяцев назад +2


    • @TheMister_144
      @TheMister_144 4 месяца назад +2

      @@Ardacan1998What a disgusting pfp, may allah guide you again

    • @allahuakbar965
      @allahuakbar965 4 месяца назад

      This shows which people believe in their religion more.

    • @Ohsoheil
      @Ohsoheil Месяц назад +1

      @@allahuakbar965 say on skibidi aakbar

  • @piccadilly171
    @piccadilly171 Год назад +173

    I visited Cordoba with my parents when I was a baby and always looked back in awe at the amazing photographs. Even as a young girl, yes the resemblance to masjid an Nabi was astounding.
    May Allah SWT accept your beautiful dua’a. May Allah SWT comfort your heart.

    • @prophet0019
      @prophet0019 Год назад +2

      Hahaha cope jihadan

    • @DJ-hl4xd
      @DJ-hl4xd Год назад +18

      So think in India' there are like thousands of temples were destroyed and using that base they made mosque.....any views?

    • @1ma4ighter
      @1ma4ighter Год назад +7

      @@DJ-hl4xd bro, my view is I can't just take your word for it. We're not allowed to do things like that. In Jerusalem the Muslims hold they keys to the Churches and it's still used for Christians to attend and pray.
      Destroying places of worship is not a commandment or a purpose of our religion. We're taught to be tollerant and live with other religions in peace, as long as they don't stop us from practising ours

    • @bobzul5434
      @bobzul5434 Год назад

      @@DJ-hl4xd which temples that Muslim destroy?🙄😅😅,,we Muslim don't do that kind of thing and infact we are not allowed to destroy any of others religion stuff, that's what our prophet teach us and MATTER OF FACT we probably are the only religion who don't destroy other religions stuff...make a research bro,you are lack of knowledge,which country that have the oldest church? MUSLIM COUNTRY!!

    • @DJ-hl4xd
      @DJ-hl4xd Год назад +8

      @@bobzul5434 Bro.....u are just a infant before me......i did my enough research to say that muslim destroyed thousand of temples in India.....
      Then u said that Muslim are not allowed to destroy other religion stuff......
      What will u do ...if i show you ... prophet Muhammad itself order to destroy idols who were worshiping there...from your own Sahi hadith.....?

  • @thedandywarhol.5560
    @thedandywarhol.5560 Год назад +758

    our own hands have wrought this forward...the day we put the dunya over our heads...May Allah SWT help us all

    • @sumairagul5297
      @sumairagul5297 Год назад +2

      I wanted to say this.

    • @Viper4ever05
      @Viper4ever05 Год назад +8

      Well said and the majority of wealthy and affluent Muslims still put the Dunya over their deen.

    • @gaspardi2096
      @gaspardi2096 Год назад +1

      The zionists are laughing at us because they mind control us with all the media and movies..

    • @Viper4ever05
      @Viper4ever05 Год назад

      @@gaspardi2096 they only control the foolish

    • @thedandywarhol.5560
      @thedandywarhol.5560 Год назад

      @@gaspardi2096 I don't have any Facebook since 2015, no insta for the past 2 years, no nothing...so am trying...

  • @SG-wx8zm
    @SG-wx8zm Год назад +279

    This video has made me so angry. The arrogance and the sense of entitlement to visit another country and behave this way. Explains a lot about why the U.K. is such a mess.

    • @lkix8010
      @lkix8010 Год назад

      Oh just read the comments and you will not notice rhat his reaction is his reaction. Not shared by the Muslims so you can already stop with the generalisation.
      He is ridiculous but not due to his beliefs. He is just an idiot

    • @NuclearMissile-i8h
      @NuclearMissile-i8h Год назад

      I'm from UK it's because of these African immigrants and indian who ruin everything! They want their religion to be spread Why can't they understand that UK is A christian country they even Destroying Sculptures and historical artifacts because they want revenge! They protest on Anti Monarchy DONT THEY HAVE ANY SHAME?

    • @brunonominato4478
      @brunonominato4478 Год назад +23


    • @shaikwahid6117
      @shaikwahid6117 Год назад +1

      ​@@brunonominato4478Iam the warner warning you accept islam it is the straight path to paradise or ignore it you will dragged on hell fire on your knees!

    • @Instead2
      @Instead2 Год назад +24

      @@brunonominato4478yes my brother let’s stay Christian they will not change our religion and culture in our own country period!!!!

  • @tcbbctagain572
    @tcbbctagain572 4 месяца назад +11

    "How dare they?? How dare they take back their land and their church?! 😭😭 When we the cube worshippers invade you you're not supposed to fight back subhanallah 😭😭"

    • @IMBLESSED-oe6dl
      @IMBLESSED-oe6dl 4 дня назад

      They till this day doing same in india. After 500 yrs indian hindus claimed back one mandir after legal battles where they say majority hindus. Place is like a pilgim to hinuds and history or their country. Muslims have destroyed thousands of ancient Indian temples and burned ancient universities, which were helpful to humanity. Only Indian scriptures don't talk about any religion in their ancient books because there was only sanatan at that time. Everything is foe betterment of humanity and peace.

  • @danielacevedo647
    @danielacevedo647 Год назад +838

    We Invaded and conquered lands that were never ours, and we complain and moan that due to our own corruption, they took it back. We can't blame "them". We can only blame "us".

    • @janniesneed4511
      @janniesneed4511 Год назад +164

      @Anonymous If you invade my property and build a house on it, then yes, I have a right to take it away from you.

    • @janniesneed4511
      @janniesneed4511 Год назад +5

      @Anonymous Yeah, that's what you muslims do, invade and play the victim card

    • @jakemzekarias1133
      @jakemzekarias1133 Год назад +144

      @Anonymous the logic of a muslim...🙄

    • @danielacevedo647
      @danielacevedo647 Год назад +4

      @Anonymous ?

    • @danielacevedo647
      @danielacevedo647 Год назад +52

      @@jakemzekarias1133 I am a muslim. Obviously not all Muslims think that way.

  • @NisarAli-lp7xm
    @NisarAli-lp7xm Год назад +550

    “Do not cry as a woman for what you could not defend as a man.”
    Emir of Granada

    • @MuhammadZubair-jc7or
      @MuhammadZubair-jc7or Год назад +26

      Wrong time bro

    • @aisha._-
      @aisha._- Год назад +3


    • @Atherion8
      @Atherion8 Год назад +37

      Actually it was the Emir’s mother who said this to him when she saw him crying as he was leaving Granada for the last time

    • @blessmeachoomarkmadcity6773
      @blessmeachoomarkmadcity6773 Год назад +5

      @NisarAli-lp7xm nah man in this case he could cry all he wants

    • @foreignwarren7361
      @foreignwarren7361 Год назад +1


  • @ieshankashyap4585
    @ieshankashyap4585 Год назад +45

    I can really feel your pain brother, this is exactly how we hindus feel when we go to places like mathura and see the barbarian Muslim invaders corrupted our holy lands and holy architectures by destroying the temples and erecting their own so called places of worship, destroyed the libraries and places of knowledge where anyone from any place can come and learn. Anyways, peace be upon you brother, i hope you learn to accept that what goes around comes around

    • @seekthetruth4160
      @seekthetruth4160 Год назад

      Barbarian Muslims which built your culture

    • @user-lh8ku9ro7j
      @user-lh8ku9ro7j Год назад

      That's the different between world and Muslims, when they have no power they are crying but when they have power, they do worse than changis khan and Hitler together!

    • @user-uf5bv9gb6f
      @user-uf5bv9gb6f Год назад

      imao what knowledge india saw a golden age under mughal rule

    • @jay-awesome
      @jay-awesome Год назад

      ​@@user-uf5bv9gb6fonly conversion and conquests against the Kafirs😂

    • @spade5070
      @spade5070 Год назад +7

      ​@@user-uf5bv9gb6fgolden age for Muslims not for native religions

  • @haris.19
    @haris.19 9 месяцев назад +43

    I'm a muslim, spain belongs to spain, arab belongs to arab. "How dare they?" what do you mean? its their land 😅
    Now imagine some european come to saudi, they change a mosque into a church, what you gonna do? It's your land, they don't have right to change it, so logically you would change it back to a mosque.

    • @Mohammad_faizan_rajputh
      @Mohammad_faizan_rajputh 7 месяцев назад +4

      Glad I was looking for thus as well as a muslim myself😂😂

    • @SpaceGuitar_
      @SpaceGuitar_ 6 месяцев назад

      @@Mohammad_faizan_rajputhfor real like I’m a Muslim too, the Turks turned Hagia Sophia into mosque , why is it a problem if the Christian change mosque into church

      @KILLER.KNIGHT 4 месяца назад +1

      You’re a treacherous puppet! You’re what’s wrong with the Ummah!

  • @theresheblows
    @theresheblows Год назад +370

    I understand your pain brother. But tbf , we did that too with hagia sofia

    • @FeelTheGloryIslamicProduction
      @FeelTheGloryIslamicProduction Год назад +20

      What are you talking about ??
      Hagia sophia conquered by war not treaty, also Mohammad AlFatih bought it ... but here they took the city in peace and they stole the mosque.

    • @theresheblows
      @theresheblows Год назад +10

      @@FeelTheGloryIslamicProduction we are on the same side here so chill . Having your religious edifice converted to another religion stings, probably even moreso when its done forcefully. Either way its sad but it happens.

    • @FeelTheGloryIslamicProduction
      @FeelTheGloryIslamicProduction Год назад +9

      @smoothsailor Dont say we in the same side then talk opposite of it 🤣...
      You said " tbf we did that too to Hagia Sophia" and I explained to you that what happened is not the same ... there is no fair in mentioning Hagia Sophia here.
      One of the conditions of the treaty before surrender in Andalus is that mosques are not converted into churches... But the Spaniards broke the covenant.

    • @theresheblows
      @theresheblows Год назад +9

      ​@@FeelTheGloryIslamicProduction wait. Do you agree both mosques were conquered or reconquered by another religion? If yes then you must only accept it as a part of war

    • @shayalynn
      @shayalynn Год назад

      ​​⁠ I mean there is a mosque on top of the Temple Mount which is truly not even fair or right so I don’t understand any of your complaints. Christians and Jews are not even allowed to pray up there or they will immediately get arrested. It’s so wrong.

  • @amethysttwelfth5618
    @amethysttwelfth5618 Год назад +81

    Glory be to Jesus my Lord and my Saviour ✝️👑, I shall praise his name even unto death.

    • @OfflineMafia
      @OfflineMafia Год назад +11

      You are a child of God, amen

    • @amethysttwelfth5618
      @amethysttwelfth5618 Год назад +11

      @@OfflineMafia thanks brother, 👍 you too, Amen.

    • @Abdulrehman-xb2ms
      @Abdulrehman-xb2ms Год назад +1

      and stole our mosquee whyyyyy?

    • @jonathanjoseph4814
      @jonathanjoseph4814 Год назад

      ​@@Abdulrehman-xb2ms stfu!!! Hagia Sophia laughing in the corner

    • @DimitrisXalk
      @DimitrisXalk Год назад +6

      ​@@Abdulrehman-xb2ms They didn't steal nothing

  • @kindafatkindastrong5683
    @kindafatkindastrong5683 Год назад +499

    Put this man on a watch list if this is his reaction to something like this lol

    • @soheibadel4205
      @soheibadel4205 Год назад +17

      I get that he’s exaggerating, but it is sad to think of the massacres that took place , the knowledge that was gone and the architecture that got destroyed

    • @kindafatkindastrong5683
      @kindafatkindastrong5683 Год назад +106

      @@soheibadel4205 ok but this has happend almost everywhere in the world. A reaction like this gives off "im becoming or am an extremist" vibe

    • @joedirt9300
      @joedirt9300 Год назад

      Yes this is the type of guy to blow himself up if you know what I mean

    • @rayely66
      @rayely66 Год назад


    • @romeforeverr
      @romeforeverr Год назад

      @@soheibadel4205 ruclips.net/video/c7y2LRcf4kc/видео.html

  • @FlorianFlaxman
    @FlorianFlaxman 9 месяцев назад +27

    ¿¿Cómo se atreven?? 😢😭🤬 ¿Cómo se atreven a recuperar lo que les quitaron los ocupantes musulmanes? 😭😭🤬😤 sólo nosotros podemos tomar sus lugares sagrados y convertirlos en mezquitas 😥😢😡”
    Llora más. Si es al revés lo celebras. La reconquista fue algo bueno y necesario para los cristianos. ¡Santiago y cierra, España! 🇪🇸 ✝️

    • @Red_Cupp
      @Red_Cupp 8 месяцев назад +1

      Sí, la Reconquista fue algo muy importante.
      Mostró quiénes eran los verdaderos cristianos.
      Si los musulmanes no se convertían al cristianismo, eran torturados.
      Además, ¿tu forma de hablar es un ejemplo de "algo bueno" que pasó?

    • @FlorianFlaxman
      @FlorianFlaxman 8 месяцев назад +1

      Musulmanes forzadas 🤯🤯🤯!
      En serio, en el mundo antiguo las cosas parecían fuera de lo común, solo conquistar y conquistar tierras, ¡eso era!

    • @tcbbctagain572
      @tcbbctagain572 7 месяцев назад

      ​@@Red_CuppTodo lo que quedaba por decir es que antes de eso, los cristianos eran torturados para convertirse a la religión invasiva que es el Islam.

    • @trashcantacos
      @trashcantacos 2 месяца назад

      Soy Mexicano descendido de Españoles y tengo que decirte mi hermano, lo que dices es verdad. ¡Viva Cristo Rey! 🇲🇽🇪🇸✝️

  • @cmd7930
    @cmd7930 Год назад +54

    Glory to my ancestors
    Viva la reconquista 🇪🇸✝️

    • @dagane-wj7dd
      @dagane-wj7dd Год назад +1

      ​@Ayaan wow bro pushing around a minor country and nearly loosing

    • @constantinopleisGreek
      @constantinopleisGreek Год назад +1

      ICXC NIKA glory to Jesus Christ from an Orthodox

    • @emk1254
      @emk1254 Год назад +3

      i dont think your ancestors were happy seeing Constantinople being conquered and islam established ;)

    • @grimble4564
      @grimble4564 Год назад

      I've seen some strange copes online but this is a different level of stupid.
      If that's really what you believe, go to a mosque or synagogue and say that to the face of a real human. If you feel no shame doing that, then you have no business with God.

    • @yassineelkhaldi2335
      @yassineelkhaldi2335 Год назад

      Greatness To my Lord Almighty ALLAH , that no one is worthy of worship other than Him , And Glory to the Ottomans who captured Constantinople , to caliphates who fought against Wicked and Unholy Roman Christian people that used to kill everyone with no mercy ( kids , women and Innocent Men)

  • @connerfondo2020
    @connerfondo2020 Год назад +615

    He’s pissed about a church in Spain, but when the Hagia Sophia comes into the equation, he stays quiet

    • @eugeneman1845
      @eugeneman1845 Год назад +22


    • @socialawareness1643
      @socialawareness1643 Год назад +7

      Absolutely right 👍

    • @adelalmohtaseb5261
      @adelalmohtaseb5261 Год назад +8

      Their is still jesus picures in the mosque they didn't remove anything.

    • @zandz7784
      @zandz7784 Год назад +12

      Different religious people mourn differently, bro just let him cope.

    • @zandz7784
      @zandz7784 Год назад

      @@adelalmohtaseb5261 no there is no picture of Jesus, Muslims can’t represent prophets by pictures

  • @123jac
    @123jac Год назад +43


    • @ss-cw6he
      @ss-cw6he Год назад

      Islam is cancer bich

    • @sydanisyed9031
      @sydanisyed9031 Год назад


    • @seven7upndown241
      @seven7upndown241 Год назад +1

      The body of a man is the church not the walls. This world will burn but if the spirit of a man is forgiven of his sins by the word of God-Jesus Christ there is no need of any brick temple.

    • @Someone_KhabibbeatsJonesEASILY
      @Someone_KhabibbeatsJonesEASILY Год назад

      Imagine worshipping a man 🤣🤦‍♂️. Jesus created his own mother according to u? He worships himself? LOL

    • @Bobbatea-75
      @Bobbatea-75 Год назад

      So where is your proof that he is god? How come god can die? How come god can be in the womb for 9 months reeling off his mother to take care of “god” until he can become a grown man? When you wake up from your dream you will realize that you have spent a whole expensive life on some lies that can’t be backed up. Jesus as is a beloved and respected messenger. That’s all he is. He’s not god nor an angel, he’s a human being that Allah gave power and knowledge to. Without Allah no one of the prophets or messengers would have any power.

  • @GoToLiturgy
    @GoToLiturgy Год назад +48

    Turned from Satan worship to the worship of the 1 true living God.

    • @AbdirahmanFarasle
      @AbdirahmanFarasle 7 месяцев назад

      u guys always say "the living god" like is ur god dead why do u guys always have to state and say "the one true living god" is it because ur god was killed by a bunch of jews and romans and stripped naked and humiliated and whipped.

    • @frozen_snip3r
      @frozen_snip3r 5 месяцев назад

      Since when does Islam's related to Satan?

    • @jawad7225
      @jawad7225 3 месяца назад +2

      You guys believe in 3 gods
      Muslims believes in one single god🗿☝️

    • @user-hr6th8vx7e
      @user-hr6th8vx7e 3 месяца назад +3

      ​@@jawad7225 the moon god that is

    • @jawad7225
      @jawad7225 3 месяца назад +1

      Moon is not the symbol of Islam
      Its a symbol of pagans

  • @blu.e5253
    @blu.e5253 Год назад +73

    I've seen hundreds of Christian Churches vandalised. I hope we all can respect each others Religion more.

    • @rosmawatiramli
      @rosmawatiramli Год назад

      Western nowadays dont go church they want human rights pope suppprt LBGT, gender at young age, rights in abortion. No matrimony blessing but sex n f first which result to abortion.

    • @blu.e5253
      @blu.e5253 Год назад +3

      @@rosmawatiramli What does that have to with vandalised churches?

    • @KoolAiidKilla928
      @KoolAiidKilla928 Год назад

      Vandalism and completely changing the religion implemented in a mosque are two completely different forms of disrespect. This is too deep for you to digest.

    • @samsudinjackson
      @samsudinjackson Год назад +12

      ​@@KoolAiidKilla928 how about you learn more about hagia sofia church 👌

    • @KoolAiidKilla928
      @KoolAiidKilla928 Год назад

      @@samsudinjackson I didn't know about Hagia until now. Thanks for sharing.

  • @zamzamahmed8139
    @zamzamahmed8139 Год назад +109

    Brother is their land. We have been occupied in our lands and after the conquerors left we turned palaces back to what they werr before. We should not hypocrites

    • @tripx3033
      @tripx3033 Год назад +7

      They did the Same in Mexico probably a bit worse

    • @isaak6375
      @isaak6375 Год назад +4

      Well spoken brother

    • @oualidbdf
      @oualidbdf Год назад +1

      AL-Andalus is not their land

    • @amineironheart1276
      @amineironheart1276 Год назад +4

      It is it's not ours that's a fact

    • @fabde187
      @fabde187 Год назад

      @@oualidbdf ya wisikh

  • @saadsalman9459
    @saadsalman9459 Год назад +1177

    This cry is the cry of eman subhanallah

    • @user-lj8qk6gw2l
      @user-lj8qk6gw2l Год назад +75

      I also cry for Hagia Sophia.

    • @user-lj8qk6gw2l
      @user-lj8qk6gw2l Год назад +4

      @Ess Ess I'm all against that. But I have seen videos it's also happening to your countries. There are more and more gay people and they're not hiding anymore.

    • @cockerel6253
      @cockerel6253 Год назад +14

      49:12 "O believers! Avoid many suspicions, ˹for˺ indeed, some suspicions are sinful."

    • @BeatBall
      @BeatBall Год назад

      @@ayyubvernon1557 We’re not you to act, We’re not blind hearted My guy, We have emotions, Sympathy towards our previous generations and achievements.

    • @BeatBall
      @BeatBall Год назад +4

      @@user-lj8qk6gw2l Don’t act innocent, Reconquista Started this when they kicked out the moors in Cordoba, Seville, Zaragoza
      You started it and you expect us to just watch?

  • @grandpatzer
    @grandpatzer 10 месяцев назад +50

    Viva España 🇪🇸🇪🇸🇪🇸

    • @kk7420
      @kk7420 9 месяцев назад +5

      the muslim occupiers civilized the spanish people.

    • @hauuah3000
      @hauuah3000 8 месяцев назад +9

      ​@@kk7420no tf they didn't 😂

    • @meminhofuny
      @meminhofuny 8 месяцев назад +1

      @@kk7420 Nope

    • @AntiFurryJihad
      @AntiFurryJihad 8 месяцев назад

      ​@hauuah3000 yes they did.

    • @hauuah3000
      @hauuah3000 8 месяцев назад

      @@AntiFurryJihad no they didn't... Hispania was literally one of the richest provinces throughout the Roman Empire.

  • @SovereignHyena
    @SovereignHyena Год назад +139

    How dare you invading a christian country, force your religion onto people and then a few centuries later complain, that they didn't took your bs ?

    • @thearyamehrrf6886
      @thearyamehrrf6886 11 месяцев назад

      Damn right! Now the Jews are doing the same

    • @Beyondme488
      @Beyondme488 10 месяцев назад +7

      Wait a sec , u need some history lessons the population of iberian peninsula welcomed Muslims as liberators at that time also we would hav enforced the religion then why most of the population wasn't muslim even back then

    • @Beyondme488
      @Beyondme488 10 месяцев назад

      Btw they took our knowledge and many of them did accepted islam by their own will but they were massacared just like jews and other minority groups there, go learn some history

    • @thearyamehrrf6886
      @thearyamehrrf6886 10 месяцев назад

      @@Beyondme488 no they weren’t hahaha you Muslim LIAR

    • @acxtreme
      @acxtreme 10 месяцев назад

      @@Beyondme488 The whole population of Iberia didn't welcome the Muslims as liberators. Only one side of that Visigothic civil war welcomed the Muslims, and it was to help fight against the other side, not to conquer it. There is a reason why a revolt happened in Northern Spain after the Muslims expanded throughout the majority of the peninsula.

  • @Ahmad-up9og
    @Ahmad-up9og Год назад +88

    We did the same thing to the Christians with the Hagia Sophia.

    • @morbidangel5768
      @morbidangel5768 Год назад +11

      ​@DL yes it was but since 1453 its our Great Mosque Elhamdulillah ☪️

    • @jonsonsjohnson9095
      @jonsonsjohnson9095 Год назад +21

      @@morbidangel5768 and since 2022 this shit is ours😃✝️

    • @dave_sic1365
      @dave_sic1365 Год назад +9

      ​@DL yes its the City church of Konstantinopel and the biggest church in the eastern Roman empire.
      Sultan Mustafa attacked Byzanz during the middle ages and killed all Christians in this church.
      BTW some viking left a grafitty in the church on one of the balconys. It says halvdan was here.

    • @thelaymenmuslim4603
      @thelaymenmuslim4603 Год назад +1

      ​@@dave_sic1365LIES!! when constatinople fall.. there is no sack on the cities!

    • @morbidangel5768
      @morbidangel5768 Год назад

      @@jonsonsjohnson9095 good morning idiot, dream is over 🥰

  • @davidwarren4414
    @davidwarren4414 Год назад +25

    Amen! Jesus is Lord, and every knee shall bow before Him! ❤

    • @abdullahyousef6308
      @abdullahyousef6308 Год назад +2

      Not Muslim knees Hamdulilah . We only bow to god and not to humans

    • @calebwright5721
      @calebwright5721 Год назад +4

      David Warren. Amen brother he's is coming with all his glory and angels🙏

  • @markdowding5737
    @markdowding5737 4 месяца назад +11

    Dear Muslims, you can have that mosque back if you return to us the Hagia Sophia and other churches turned mosques in Istanbul, what do you think?

    • @MrSockenloch
      @MrSockenloch 2 месяца назад

      Don’t forget Cyprus.

    • @markdowding5737
      @markdowding5737 2 месяца назад

      @@MrSockenloch Cyprus shouldn't even be a point of discussion. The northern territories are part of an ongoing illegal occupation by an illegal external force.

    • @askarsepoi
      @askarsepoi 2 месяца назад

      do you know how many victim of genocide during this? won and lose battle may accepted as rule of war. But not genocide

    • @Sumschmuck
      @Sumschmuck Месяц назад +1

      Don't forget the whole of Constantinople

  • @ann._494
    @ann._494 Год назад +76

    We went to visit this beautiful place 10 years ago , our hearts broke to pieces 💔💔💔

    • @adibasiddiqui4387
      @adibasiddiqui4387 Год назад +3

      what's this place.

    • @know-islam8270
      @know-islam8270 Год назад +11

      @@adibasiddiqui4387 Cordoba mosque.

    • @SamirSiraj8542
      @SamirSiraj8542 Год назад +2

      ​@@know-islam8270 why is it important akhi?

    • @know-islam8270
      @know-islam8270 Год назад +6

      @@SamirSiraj8542 -A brief history of it:
      The great mosque of Cordoba was constructed on the orders of Abd ar-Rahman I in 785 CE when Córdoba was the capital of the Muslim region of Al-Andalus.
      Christians (The Christian forces of Castile) converted The mosque to a cathedral in 1236 when they took over Córdoba.
      -Why is it famous?
      It represents a unique artistic achievement due to its size. It is an irreplaceable testimony of the Caliphate of Cordoba, and it is the most emblematic monument of Islamic religious architecture. It was the second biggest in surface area, after the Holy Mosque in Mecca, and was a very unusual type of mosque that bears witness to the presence of Islam in the West.
      - it's a reminder of what happens when you get distracted by this life's temptations. We lost Andalusia because people left the religion behind their backs and got distracted by money, woman, and authority (Every one of the kings of sects wanted to be the leader, and they betrayed each other, some of them allied with Christians against their own brothers). May Allah guide and unite our ummah. Sorry for making it long. May Allah bless you.

    • @SamirSiraj8542
      @SamirSiraj8542 Год назад +6

      @@know-islam8270 thanks for the information. We will take it back when Imam Mahdi will come, Inshallah.

  • @dampguy5869
    @dampguy5869 Год назад +19

    *Hagia Sophia has left the chat*

  • @strg4291
    @strg4291 Год назад +61

    Im so proud that the west is Christian

    • @anitathakur9340
      @anitathakur9340 Год назад +3

      would have been better if it was still pagan.

    • @strg4291
      @strg4291 Год назад +14

      @@anitathakur9340 No. All the problems in the west are coming because the people leave the Christian God

    • @anitathakur9340
      @anitathakur9340 Год назад +1

      @@strg4291 not really

    • @lionzhaven
      @lionzhaven Год назад

      The west is actually jewish-controlled now.

    • @Xpistos510
      @Xpistos510 Год назад +1

      @@anitathakur9340 Pagan? As a Christian, I’d rather the West be Muslim than that.

  • @Mexican_Loko
    @Mexican_Loko 7 месяцев назад +5

    The way he feels about us infidels that’s the way I feel about y’all Muslims.

  • @B_lack_
    @B_lack_ Год назад +368

    “How dare they” words like this are the sparks that starts infernos

    • @lalboimanlun1230
      @lalboimanlun1230 Год назад +6


    • @bukansiapasiapa6018
      @bukansiapasiapa6018 Год назад


    • @yeshuasage3724
      @yeshuasage3724 Год назад +2

      Absolutely ridiculous
      Im muslim myself and realize this is delusion which is dangerous
      Spain was taken by FORCE by muslims under tariq ibn ziyad, everyone was forced to islamize completely and were also arabized
      After 780 yrs, the Christians took it back and the muslims got kicked out unceremoniously

    • @yowfx-offline3396
      @yowfx-offline3396 Год назад +7


    • @boombadaboom3077
      @boombadaboom3077 Год назад +41

      Olso shows how double standard are them, since hagia is olso formerly a church

  • @MrBandaman
    @MrBandaman Год назад +261

    Hey Mohammed...you should also make.a video of the Hagia Sofia in Istanbul.....

    • @Raggyham
      @Raggyham Год назад +6


    • @castronator29
      @castronator29 Год назад +31


    • @BOEIEplayZ
      @BOEIEplayZ Год назад +3

      ​@@castronator29 1922 🏊‍♂️🏊‍♂️

    • @BOEIEplayZ
      @BOEIEplayZ Год назад +4

      ​@@castronator29 remember 1453

    • @arolemaprarath6615
      @arolemaprarath6615 Год назад +1

      ​@@BOEIEplayZ we will reconquer anatolia back to Europe you Mongolian Arabs

    @PEACEANDLOVER Год назад +229

    Don't cry my brother ALLAH sees everything ❤❤❤

    • @mpd7878
      @mpd7878 Год назад +12

      Does he see the bone cancer in the 2 year old boy ? Does he see him suffer and just watch it?

    • @wrednax8594
      @wrednax8594 Год назад +13

      "Allah" does not exist.
      REPENT and turn to the one true God!✝️☦️

      @PEACEANDLOVER Год назад +3

      @@wrednax8594 which god 😂😂😂

    • @yendevus1747
      @yendevus1747 Год назад +1

      Same is going to happen to all Mosques all around the world

    • @vassiliss8506
      @vassiliss8506 Год назад

      If God sees everything, give us Hagia Sophia back. But it seems God told you STFU already.

  • @Siuuu-y2e
    @Siuuu-y2e 6 месяцев назад +4

    I love you Jesus and Christianity ✝️🕊️⛪️❤️‍🔥🕊️they did the right thing ❤

  • @muhammadomer4674
    @muhammadomer4674 Год назад +80

    This sisi boy needs to be on a list

    • @lipcolorpink
      @lipcolorpink Год назад +3


    • @ren.8137
      @ren.8137 Год назад +1

      Best joke you got? Try again that was lame ash 💀

    • @stoopidSheesh
      @stoopidSheesh Год назад +3

      fax this a real sisi

    • @Dragoloov
      @Dragoloov Год назад

      انت لست مسلم انت مرتد

    • @Frankie._.164
      @Frankie._.164 Год назад +3

      @@ren.8137 Go cry more sisi boy 😂

  • @zemariamoutinho9727
    @zemariamoutinho9727 Год назад +491

    Two words: Hagia Sophia

    • @eymenvannoord4841
      @eymenvannoord4841 Год назад +40

      Its origins before romans was islam, the spot where hagia sophia is was muslim prayers. They got evicted and they came back. Just because your history books tells you it isnt true. Why dont you see any christian or orthodox architecture remaining in hagia?

    • @zagreb1
      @zagreb1 Год назад +5


    • @zemariamoutinho9727
      @zemariamoutinho9727 Год назад +3


    • @_d3fault_371
      @_d3fault_371 Год назад +138

      @@eymenvannoord4841 the Hagia Sophia was built about 33 years before the prophet Muhammad was estimated to have been born, so no. The Hagia Sophia is a Christian church turned mosque

    • @makisvabo
      @makisvabo Год назад +59

      @@eymenvannoord4841 The opposite is the truth. Hagia Sophia was built under Emperor Justinian from 532 to 537. When the Ottomans conquered Constantinople more than 900 years later in 1453, they removed all Christian insignias, the interior and the bells from the Church and turned it into the main mosque of the Ottoman empire. The Ottomans took the Hagia Sophia as the first example how to build their mosques from that moment. So the Muslims build in Eastern Roman style after that.

  • @ravivandersalm4586
    @ravivandersalm4586 Год назад +58

    My man actually crying XD

    • @xshurikxn2438
      @xshurikxn2438 Год назад +3

      May Allah guide you

    • @Affy309
      @Affy309 Год назад

      Spicy wings

    • @Lord_Submissive
      @Lord_Submissive Год назад +8

      😂music to my eyes

    • @aman-yd4dw
      @aman-yd4dw 11 месяцев назад +1

      ​@@Lord_Submissivebro said eyes

    • @Shanksz
      @Shanksz 10 месяцев назад

      This is how you become a Muslim
      To convert to Islam you must declare the shahada
      (Say this to become a Muslim)
      (I testify that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah)
      Saying this will make you feel happy

  • @namesurname1763
    @namesurname1763 Год назад +36

    Well done Spain ❤️ love from Azerbaijan

    • @andredesi4583
      @andredesi4583 11 месяцев назад

      Are you even a Christian ✝️

    • @namesurname1763
      @namesurname1763 8 месяцев назад

      @adammamdani3501 who me ? what a fuck are you talking about?

    • @ARMANsoran-rz4ce
      @ARMANsoran-rz4ce 6 месяцев назад

      you serious?💀

    • @15yroldmuslim
      @15yroldmuslim 4 месяца назад

      You arent from azerbaijan.

    • @Ohsoheil
      @Ohsoheil Месяц назад

      @@15yroldmuslim yes he's

  • @rayely66
    @rayely66 Год назад +415

    Hagia sophia is all i need to say

    • @Chris7Gaming
      @Chris7Gaming Год назад +72

      They don’t cry for Agia Sofia. This is hypocrites and Pharisee.

    • @GreekOrthodox7
      @GreekOrthodox7 Год назад +88

      The True God will give us back our Hagia Sophia Greek Orthodox Church ☝🏼☝🏼☝🏼☦️☦️☦️🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷

    • @yoyotheplayer9403
      @yoyotheplayer9403 Год назад +34

      There is one god and one god only and it will forever be jesus christ
      Inchallah HagiaSophia will soon return to orthodoxy

    • @zay_kash
      @zay_kash Год назад +11

      ​@@GreekOrthodox7 keep thinking that for the past 400 years

    • @intjlifter9347
      @intjlifter9347 Год назад +8

      That wasn't conquered it was bought

  • @triggerffs4003
    @triggerffs4003 Год назад +25

    Imagine getting that emotional over a bit of brick and mortar

    • @jordyhauhnar8906
      @jordyhauhnar8906 Год назад


    • @ChrisMcloviification
      @ChrisMcloviification Год назад

      This is the problem with theese lunatics

    • @rickroll4629
      @rickroll4629 Год назад +2

      If someone smashed your phone right now you'd probably be the exact same way

    • @mathiasgajardo9729
      @mathiasgajardo9729 Год назад


    • @samsudinjackson
      @samsudinjackson Год назад

      @@rickroll4629 how about you crack or smashing somebody phone too ? Do u feel the same thing? Just like my hagia sophia church phone 👌 do u remember this brand ? C'mon pick some lines mate 👌

  • @goonzsquad1
    @goonzsquad1 Год назад +13

    The muslims did this to them selves, this should stand as a reminder

    • @exbg_5205
      @exbg_5205 Год назад +1

      By doing what??

    • @goonzsquad1
      @goonzsquad1 Год назад +2

      @@exbg_5205 I would look and see history as to what happened, but to sum it up, when the Muslims fight for Allah they were rewarded, when they fought for other than Allah, in particular desiring the spoils of this world then they would get embarrassed.

    • @savapavlovic3956
      @savapavlovic3956 Год назад

      @@goonzsquad1 nicely written

    • @wipemeoff8388
      @wipemeoff8388 Год назад +1

      @@exbg_5205 Colonizing Spain. How you think that Mosque got there in the first place?

    • @goonzsquad1
      @goonzsquad1 Год назад

      @@wipemeoff8388 the Muslims were invited to Spain by the locals who were being oppressed by the Visigoths. The Roman Empire was there long before the Muslims weren’t they? As far as I know the empire went all the way from Britain, Africa, and the Middle East. I wonder who invited them to those places. 🤔

  • @Tyronius_Maximus
    @Tyronius_Maximus 7 месяцев назад +9

    They kicked out Muslim colonizers, whats the issue?

  • @Donna-Marie1
    @Donna-Marie1 Год назад +26

    You Are My Brother And I feel so sad this generation is so callous they surely lack understanding of what they have done

    • @javizar1557
      @javizar1557 Год назад +1

      Before a Mosque this building was church. And then Islam attack and conquere Spain and turned it become a mosque

    • @mrdr1ggy
      @mrdr1ggy Год назад

      these buildings are Christian Tartarian design - Muslims could never create art and constructs like this without architects from the Tartarian Christians. FACTS. the muslim man crying is deceived like ALL muslims who follow ped0phile muhammad

    • @vincentvalentine5724
      @vincentvalentine5724 Год назад

      They turned to the only way to live, Living King Jesus Christ

  • @imranealmardi8796
    @imranealmardi8796 Год назад +118

    That is state of our umma , we have been warned ! Don't cry my brother it only gives them joy. Don't forget it's not over ! May Allah protect us .

    • @lawtraf8008
      @lawtraf8008 Год назад +12

      I Feel the brother's sadness but I mean it's the past, let's move on. We can't be hypocrite, we did the same. We turned their most important church Hagia Sophia into a mosque so we can't complain.

    • @joaocarimo
      @joaocarimo Год назад +3

      Al-Lah could not protect Mumu, what makes you think it will protect you, Abdul?

    • @eyessmile6173
      @eyessmile6173 Год назад +6

      ​@@lawtraf8008 honestly its true. We shouldnt have double standards

    • @isananabhai8964
      @isananabhai8964 Год назад

      @@lawtraf8008 the ottomans gave the pope of the church money for us to make it into a mosque

    • @es-rh8oo
      @es-rh8oo Год назад +3

      ​@@lawtraf8008at least you admitted that

  • @hamzaahmed2247
    @hamzaahmed2247 8 месяцев назад +4

    I’m a Muslim I am thinking that why aren’t people talking about Hagia Sophia , that was a church converted into a mosque

  • @MoistNuggeteer
    @MoistNuggeteer Год назад +258

    If anything, keeping the architecture intact shows respect for the ones who built it.

    • @resorband
      @resorband Год назад +19

      Respect for the people that attacked Spain lol

    • @siamgliv8519
      @siamgliv8519 Год назад +8

      Worshiping Idol with out Worship The One, The Almighty God This Is The Gratest Sin Ever...
      Masjid al-Nababi, where our Prophet Muhammad, ( May Allah Bless Him and Grant Him Peace) , lies in his grave is more precious to us than our lives. And the architecture of that holy mosque has been hurt in our hearts by placing these idols of worship,...
      May God Grant Us Guidenes... - Amin

    • @resorband
      @resorband Год назад

      @siam gliv Muslims came to Spain, killed people, and then got retaliated by the Spanish Christians years later. They can do whatever they want with it. It's their country

    • @lana_354
      @lana_354 Год назад +7

      Without us u wouldn't have had any history
      The Spanish language is mixed with Arabic and even guitar is inspired by an Arab ancient instrument
      And probably so many Spanish ppl have some Arab DNA
      We made ur history

    • @resorband
      @resorband Год назад +2

      @°ˡᵃⁿᵃ° all history wouldn't have existed without certain events. Ww2 is needed to create the current history and even the black plague was needed to get us where we are. Interesting to think about

  • @Raggyham
    @Raggyham Год назад +756

    Someone tell him about Hagia Sophia lmao

    • @mrgg3547
      @mrgg3547 Год назад +4

      they are always right..

    • @rayely66
      @rayely66 Год назад +6

      @@mrgg3547right .....my arse

    • @target-tk6vb
      @target-tk6vb Год назад +30

      it was a church before they turned it into a mosque and now it became a museum ?

    • @daondawson8961
      @daondawson8961 Год назад +22

      @@target-tk6vb it’s a mosque now

    • @Uchiha...Itachi
      @Uchiha...Itachi Год назад +2

      ​@@daondawson8961 they keep changing it?

  • @Edp445-lerix
    @Edp445-lerix Год назад +26


  • @german.christian
    @german.christian 4 месяца назад +3

    Now you know how it feels like to got the Hagia sophia stolen

  • @pranav9764
    @pranav9764 Год назад +71

    mugals and other muslim rulers did same with hindu temples........this is called karma......

    • @target-tk6vb
      @target-tk6vb Год назад +6

      atleast they didn't destroy it like Mughals did

    • @Mrx-lc5qp
      @Mrx-lc5qp Год назад

      ​@@target-tk6vb of course many Temples were destroyed

    • @saltycomments318
      @saltycomments318 Год назад

      We don't want Islam with the primitive ways.. this is a happy video

    • @samsudinjackson
      @samsudinjackson Год назад +1

      Yes and islam always playing victim,they turned hagia sophia church too into a mosque 👌

    • @valentin_marin
      @valentin_marin Год назад

      Muslime are just savages

  • @rudrajeet814
    @rudrajeet814 Год назад +89

    Now imagine how Christians feel when they visit ummayad mosque ( st John's church)
    And hagia Sophia
    Or how the hindus feel when you desecrated somnath temple
    You get what you pay for..

    • @Speed_editz.
      @Speed_editz. Год назад +10

      History will repeat itself, we will get back where we were inshaAllah

    • @rudrajeet814
      @rudrajeet814 Год назад +34

      @@Speed_editz. you're welcome then don't cry Islamophobia 😂

    • @mintz347
      @mintz347 Год назад +3

      ​@@Speed_editz. stil his profile picture is Christian hahahahaha

    • @nein236
      @nein236 Год назад +10

      ​@@rudrajeet814 I have faith in India and its Hindus. Please dont crumble under Islam, my Brother.

    • @Sina.575
      @Sina.575 Год назад +9

      ​@@Speed_editz. bruh. you guys can't even take Israel which is smaller than the state of Ohio now you want Europe ? 💀🤣

  • @winnikvinni
    @winnikvinni Год назад +6

    Now you know how we feel about Hagia Sophia! ❤❤
    Those "mosques" used to be visigothic churches until you guys destroyed it. Viva Christo Rey! I will pray for you.

    • @MrSophire
      @MrSophire 10 месяцев назад +1

      They didn’t destroyed them, they distorted them to be theirs. When the the Spanish kicked them out, those beautiful buildings were turned back to Churches.

  • @eriks9105
    @eriks9105 Год назад +130

    Have you ever heard of the Hagia Sophia? 😂

    • @hanifey.8090
      @hanifey.8090 Год назад +7

      Hagia Sophia (Ayasofya) camiye dönüştürülmeden önce siz camileri çoktan kiliseye çevirmiştiniz. Siz batıdakiler ikiyüzlü insanlarsınız.

    • @deeznuts9368
      @deeznuts9368 Год назад

      Mate atleast we didnt butcher the civilians near hagia sophia you lads butchered every kids, woman and old ppl when you entered the city of cordoba

    • @ChickenShawarma-bx6ev
      @ChickenShawarma-bx6ev Год назад

      hagia sophia was bought by sultan they even have offical papers

    • @Dr.RamiAbuZir
      @Dr.RamiAbuZir Год назад

      Well you say that , but what about the contract the Catholic Church signed that’s will allow Muslims believe what they want free-belief and betrayed the covenants after that , Higa Sofia was taken by war so we can do what ever we would want with it , so f*ck off , and read the history well before you writing here , save your face’s water better or you , don’t embarrass your self in front Muslims and others !

    • @rayanchenafa8346
      @rayanchenafa8346 Год назад +3

      Hagia Sophia was only turned into a mosque three years ago
      This mosque in Spain was turned into a church for 400 years.

  • @g1e30
    @g1e30 Год назад +48

    Dont cry my brother.. Even we lost countless of mosques, our iman to Allah will become greater and greater. Believe it

    • @IMasterSkeptic
      @IMasterSkeptic Год назад +1

      😂🤓🤓 islamicomedy Shame on yoy

    • @g1e30
      @g1e30 Год назад +1

      @@IMasterSkeptic Done? Anything else?

    • @IMasterSkeptic
      @IMasterSkeptic Год назад +1

      @@g1e30 Yeah, Go treat your piles asap

    • @g1e30
      @g1e30 Год назад +1

      @@IMasterSkeptic anything else?

    • @servant-of-the-federation
      @servant-of-the-federation Год назад


  • @rickyricardo4972
    @rickyricardo4972 Год назад +39

    Praise Jesus for this 🖤🙏💯. There is only one way to heaven. 📿 ✞

    • @wilhelmusgodefridus8195
      @wilhelmusgodefridus8195 Год назад +7

      John 14:6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me

    • @CelestialSapien703
      @CelestialSapien703 Год назад

      The religion of Paul 🧐

    • @msol3270
      @msol3270 Год назад


    • @Abu98
      @Abu98 Год назад

      The one and only way is Islam

  • @candidob8683
    @candidob8683 10 месяцев назад +5

    This was originally a Church that was dedicated to Saint Stephen and was converted into a Mosque, along with other Mosques in the same site as Churches were. When the Spanish reconquered their land, they reconverted those Mosques back into the original Churches they were. Good for them.

  • @seeuinheaven6875
    @seeuinheaven6875 Год назад +94

    I also cry in the same manner for Hagia Sophia...

    • @syedasadullah7462
      @syedasadullah7462 Год назад +3

      Oh really...

    • @vegan_because_we_care
      @vegan_because_we_care Год назад

      ​​@@syedasadullah7462 Hypocrite.
      Return constantinople

    • @Zazaki.68
      @Zazaki.68 Год назад


    • @stelios5314
      @stelios5314 Год назад +21

      ​@@syedasadullah7462 Yes, really dear hypocrite

    • @popcop5356
      @popcop5356 Год назад +3

      @@stelios5314 cry indian

  • @renatocerrato616
    @renatocerrato616 Год назад +16

    Yeah. If we have to talk about that, the middle east is full of curches builtby Romans that nowadays have been converted in mosques.
    Just to give an example, the umayyad mosque in damascus, which is the top 3 most important mosques, was a church until the umayyad caliphate (i think) conquered that territory

    • @vanpeters9751
      @vanpeters9751 Год назад

      The ottoman empire that had Palestine since 1299 ad

    • @renatocerrato616
      @renatocerrato616 Год назад

      @@vanpeters9751 yeah thats what i'm saying, before that date that building was a church

    • @Aksarallah
      @Aksarallah Год назад

      The oldest churches in the world are located in middle east and protected by muslims.
      Unlike christians who barely go to churches and sell it to pubs and clubs

    • @Jarvis_923
      @Jarvis_923 8 месяцев назад

      @@renatocerrato616 It was the Umayyad caliphate my man, not the Ottoman Empire. You’re about 700 to 800 years to early before the ottomans.

    • @renatocerrato616
      @renatocerrato616 8 месяцев назад

      @Jarvis_923 yeah sorry then I also checked that now I change the comment

  • @zed6899
    @zed6899 Год назад +6

    Jesus Christ is king of kings and Lord of Lords!
    And every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord ☝️❤✝️

  • @JRJH-cw4pz
    @JRJH-cw4pz Год назад +54

    One of my issues with Islam is it seems to struggle to respect other people’s faiths. Spain changed a mosque to a church. But Islam has also done that with churches.

    • @xiteed4388
      @xiteed4388 Год назад +4

      We definitely do respect people. We have Muslim pride tho and will always hate anything that goes against Islam. If someone turns a mosque into a church our Muslim pride will make us hate it. Remember, he who tolerates everything also falls for everything.

    • @OneBSS
      @OneBSS Год назад +4

      ​@@xiteed4388 you ve missed the last part of that phrase.

    • @xiteed4388
      @xiteed4388 Год назад +1

      @@OneBSS I didn’t miss the last part. My comment still stands valid.

    • @xiteed4388
      @xiteed4388 Год назад +3

      @@OneBSS I won’t have a problem with churches turning into mosques, but I will have a problem if a mosque turns into a church. Why? Because I’m muslim. If you don’t stand for something, you fall for everything. That doesn’t mean I won’t respect the humans that follow different religions tho. Allah ﷻ forbids us from cursing other gods even if they’re fake.

    • @OneBSS
      @OneBSS Год назад

      @@xiteed4388 then you re more a muslim than a human being, and i will treat you as it from an atheist pov. as nothing. instead of being more human, you chose a religion and divide us as humans because you re ignorant. i will always support a church being a mosque and viceversa because of hypocrisy. don't be one. but again, we let religions divide us as humans.

  • @iamdieddead9597
    @iamdieddead9597 Год назад +38

    My brother don’t cry. Soon insaallah we rise just matter of time❤️

  • @emiliemayer366
    @emiliemayer366 Год назад +39

    God's grace saves us through the finished work of Jesus Christ. Amen

    • @creative27feb
      @creative27feb Год назад +4


    • @Bittertruth86
      @Bittertruth86 Год назад +2

      Amen 🙏

    • @rqerqwreqw
      @rqerqwreqw Год назад +1


    • @mohammadfarooqi6255
      @mohammadfarooqi6255 Год назад

      And what is the finished work

    • @emiliemayer366
      @emiliemayer366 Год назад +2

      @@mohammadfarooqi6255 God sent His only begotten Son Jesus ( God made flesh, God with us.) To take the worlds sin and the penalty of God's wrath upon Himself. He was crucified, buried and rose again on the third day. Jesus now sits at the right hand of God the Father making intercession for those that believe in Him. God tells us in His living word the only way one can be reunited to Him and saved from the punishment we deserve for sinning against a Holy, just God ❤️

  • @ericwong191
    @ericwong191 4 месяца назад +1

    Hagia Sophia was an orthodox church that the turks converted into a mosque. So the daring goes both ways

    • @SmilingHelmet-iy5qg
      @SmilingHelmet-iy5qg 4 месяца назад +2

      Cordoba masjid turned into church in 1236 and hagia sophia in 1453🥱

  • @khaleelshaik5750
    @khaleelshaik5750 Год назад +28

    Alhamdulilah brother there r many Church's that changed to Maajids..
    Don't worry

    • @aadamkhan9499
      @aadamkhan9499 Год назад

      Exactly we took over the the biggest church in the world in Constantnople alhamduillh

    • @flopbarbie
      @flopbarbie Год назад +1

      @Khan Khan make me a beef sandwich

    • @CTI649
      @CTI649 Год назад +1

      @@flopbarbie Make me a sandwich with prosciutto please

    • @ashtondmello1968
      @ashtondmello1968 Год назад

      ​@@flopbarbie I'll give you pig 🐷🐖

    • @spidylov3382
      @spidylov3382 Год назад +9

      ​@@flopbarbie and pork fry too

  • @strg4291
    @strg4291 Год назад +57

    Double standards from muslims 🤦🏼‍♂️

    • @StIstvanKingofHungary
      @StIstvanKingofHungary Год назад +6

      Fr they still try to claim Hagia Sofia after having thrown on a couple minarets and hanging some spaghetti writing over the beautiful mosaics

    • @abdullahimahamudbile
      @abdullahimahamudbile Год назад +9

      ​@@StIstvanKingofHungary Hagia Sophia is Mine even though you built it,
      And this Mosque is mine even though it's your Land Now!!!
      And the Revival of Islam is coming so, Don't be sorry that day!!!

    • @servant-of-the-federation
      @servant-of-the-federation Год назад +2

      ​@@abdullahimahamudbile Good answer.👍

    • @user-fu3gf1ks8k
      @user-fu3gf1ks8k Год назад +1

      You just don’t understand bro may allah guide you

    • @ricolam02
      @ricolam02 Год назад +1

      @@abdullahimahamudbile I feel really scared by this statement, because in Quran 22:40 it says Allah protects Christian monasteries, Churches,Jewish synagogue and masjid are to be respected. Why aren’t you follow the teachings of your holy book?

  • @lemon11227
    @lemon11227 Год назад +457

    How dare they?
    Meanwhile at the hagia sophia

    • @prathameshkadam3335
      @prathameshkadam3335 Год назад

      Ask this guy to visit india 🤣🤣 he will get many hindu temples turns into mosque

    • @salahali2710
      @salahali2710 Год назад +31

      No you don’t get it’s not about the building it’s about the place…here used to be a place to worship the one true god but now people worship the Trinity that’s basically what he is saying …it’s good to go from wrong to right but it’s bad to go from right to wrong

    • @askinnakklevaar0405
      @askinnakklevaar0405 Год назад +96

      ​@@salahali2710 how dare u even say it like that.
      be careful what u call wrong or right u have no rights to say other religions are wrong and bad and yours is right and good.
      disgusting mindset be ashamed & shame on your family for letting you spreading this behaviour out in the world

    • @zombievikinggaming4258
      @zombievikinggaming4258 Год назад

      ​@@salahali2710 You're going to hell. Catholicism is the way

    • @makisvabo
      @makisvabo Год назад +78

      @@askinnakklevaar0405 That's the Muslim way to treat others. Because they don't know anything about Christianity and don't want to understand anything. They just heard it somewhere...

  • @frankly.speaking
    @frankly.speaking 9 месяцев назад +20

    Don't make allah cry, he too was helpless when this happened. 😂

  • @-sussusamogus-7013
    @-sussusamogus-7013 Год назад +8


    • @Horned_Banana
      @Horned_Banana Год назад

      Will not gonna happen tbh. There is more christians convert to become muslim right now in this world. For sure more church will become a mosque.

  • @shukrih1404
    @shukrih1404 Год назад +43

    Indeed it’s painful to see idols and shirk in the house of Allaah SWT, but we brought this dishonour with our own actions, and the disobedience of Allaah SWT.

    • @boritico25
      @boritico25 Год назад +1

      Painful for you, very pleasant for Christians..

    • @southpaw9041
      @southpaw9041 Год назад +3

      @@boritico25 you're right, it's very pleasant because they do indeed worship idols instead of one creator.

    • @boritico25
      @boritico25 Год назад

      @S M yeah, all that name calling really makes me feel bad..God bless you sir, have a good life.....

    • @s.hayles8032
      @s.hayles8032 Год назад

      @@boritico25 It's not very Christian to thrive and experience pleasure off from the pain of others...

    • @boritico25
      @boritico25 Год назад

      @@s.hayles8032 i agree, my comment was more a response to the hypocrisy of the video, crying over something Muslims have done (conquering then replacing an existing civilization). In this case the Spanish didn't even conquered, they re-conquered taking a space that was rightfully theirs, but you're right, Christians shouldn't glee over the pain of others, even if it's a hypocritical misplaced pain, for that I apologize....