+Visa Productions maybe something like different SOS cards unobtainable in the VP? I've always liked the idea of a damage boost SOS, and the higher number of stars, the bigger damage boost. These kinds of cards are the only SOS card in a field office that can have 5 stars, but 5 stars are extremely rare
I think The Big Cheese would be the cog for bossbot field offices because it goes Mover & Shaker (level 5), Money Bags (level 6), and Legal Eagle (level 7) The Big Cheese is the level 8 bossbot, which follows the pattern, it would also move up from the cog that you fight the boss of, sell, cash, law, boss.
I was quite surprised to hear my name in this video! I'm The Funnybunny, I used to send all sorts of trivia emails to Disney. Probably made the customer support team laugh their bottoms off. In fact, around the tenth anniversary, they send me a gift bag full of all sorts of Toontown goodies. Anyway, great video, I was curious about the glove colors, though I agree, white gloves are the best for Toons!
Toontown Mysteries: SOS Toons Why do the SAME NPC Toons keep returning to Sellbot Headquarters, and why are they captured every time? Is there something in Sellbot Headquarters that they are looking for? (Scrooge? Slappy? Gyro [but really Surlee]?) (And if you want to throw in "Why don't SOS Toons leave their shop when summoned?")
I have a theory on who would run the bossbot and cashbot Office Cashbot: I am thinking that Money Bags because they have literal money bags (which he mentioned). Bossbot: I am thinking it would be the Big Cheeses since they were having a meeting when they were invaded by toons, and you also go golfing, which only a few Cogs actually do, like the Big Cheese. And finally, all of the cogs are relativity high ranks, so the final executive office would most likely be the the hardest.
Had Cashbot Field offices been added, It would've been a huge help. It honestly could've helped people train for the CFO and the craning round without having to CFO with zero idea of what to do. Great video!
Big Cheese for Bossbot if you follow the pattern. it starts with mover and shaker which is a tier 5 cog then goes to money bags which is tier 6 then legal eagle which is tier 7. So it makes since that Bossbot would be tier 8 which in the big cheese
I finished the video, and I have some ideas for Toontown Mystery videos. 1. The Manholes (if not already done) 2. The mysterious closed off entrance in Chip and Dale's. I know in TTR they used it for an event area, but what would it have been uses for in TTO? Cog Nation? Funny Farm? Or what? Keep up the good work Loopy, I look up to you :D (Btw if you do one of these topics credit me lol)
Couldn't have been Funny Farms, that was in a different part of the classic map. If anything, I think it was just a joke/reference to the Construction Zone, since on the classic map it was there in place of Chip 'n Dales. The sign that blocks it says 'Under Construction.'
I'm on a binge of your videos and you're teaching me so much but YOU FORGOT SOMETHING IN THIS ONE! :O There was some glitch towards the end of TTO where the Mover and Shaker posters in the field offices would turn into Money Bags posters under some odd circumstances (I think it had to do with cog invasions) so... it further cements the idea that the cashbot field office was going to be dedicated to Money Bags. Also, if that is the case, Bossbot would have likely been dedicated to the Big Cheese because Sellbot = 5th order cog (Mover and Shaker) Casbhot = 6th order cog (Money Bags) Lawbot = 7th order cog (Legal Eagles) Bossbot = 8th order cog (Big cheese)
I kind of liked the SOS cards in Field Offices. Al Capella can replace a trunk if you happen to run out, same with Otto Toon and Bud Erfingerz. Gigglemesh, while doing only 30, is really good with solos. A weaker, male, grizzly Madam Chuckle if you will. And J.S. Bark can also replace a Foghorn. That 50 damage don't lie. Plus, you gotta give them a break, they don't even have a shop to call home.
I loved the little FO guys. Al Capella was so danged useful for Factory speed runs. My TT best friend and I used to duo them in less than 10 minutes (which is about how long a River invasion lasted on average) just by alternating between trunk and Al Capella in places with level 6 cogs.
So with TTR popular as it is, why will they add the new field offices for law, cash and boss inside the phase files? Come on, I saw all the custom stuff they made in the party; so wouldn't be hard to finish what was left, that and schell can give them feedback! Plus is would be some cool new content!
Well, considering that the Lawbot Field Offices were practically complete, it's not hard to imagine them taking the code and polishing it a bit, maybe add a few more things, fixing a few bugs, etc. Knowing TTR, they'll probably end up tweaking the Field Offices just a bit, making them different and slightly better than what TTO had, but still keep the spirit of them intact. I sure hope so, I'd love to see that.
Mr. Fluffy What would be cool is those sos rewards, people didn't like them? So why not have a rare chance to give you a cog costume for your toon. No not one of those, more like a a cosmetic you could walk around as a dummy cog or one that's being made fun of. Cog suit shirt, trousers, shoes, backpack with gags coming out and some funny heads. Maybe the pencil pusher one will be blown up or a mingler with pen drawins all over it; small rare costumes mailed to you by rare chance. I don't know about you but having a yesman head with the words "no" printed in its forehead would be funny. Although slightly more pale to not be confused with real ones :)
I remember going around Donald's Dreamland way back when I played TTO, I never went in then because I didn't want to die and I thought they were like cog buildings but worse, or because I never got above level 3 throw and squirt
Ok, so I play Tootown Operation Dessert Storm (Dessert as in, cupcakes) and the server actually has Sellbot and Lawbot field offecies. So a message to ODS: MAKE CASHBOT AND BOSSBOT FIELD OFFICES!!
I hope so! TTR has a good history so far of fixing things that TTO could have but never did, such as TT Tweaks that happened a while ago. So, it's possible (and I'm really hoping so) for TTR to tweak the Sellbot ones to make them more appealing to people and not rot away on streets because no one cared about them. I found them so underrated back in TTO, they were quite fun to do and some of the rewards were pretty decent.
I think TTR already has the issue where's nothing really changed. I think Toontown shouldn't be in a state of stasis where just nothing happens. When field offices were released on the original toontown it was nice to see one breaking up the monotony of just the streets. Toon building, cog building, and HQ. It was odd way of making the cog buildings more colorful. I think the introductions of field offices for the cog types and finally the chairman HQ, if they're going that far. Will be the nicest way of completing the ToonTown Online experience without going Corporate Clash levels of off the rails development.
Awesome video :) I am not sure why they didn't release the lawbot field offices if they were pretty much done though... Although I remember seeing a clip from them in the TTR OMG Con stream so I think they are being added into TTR.
i think the bossbot field office would go to the big cheese. because it was set in a way sellbot->cashbot->lawbot->bossbot rank 5 (mover and shaker) -> rank 6 (money bags) -> rank 7 (legal eagle) -> rank 8 (the big cheese)
The Cashbot field office would have been a great idea, as it would of been an area in the game to allow toons to learn the crane mechanic outside of the actual CFO battle. If only...
I have a funny story when I was in tto I saw a field office where there was a legal eagle on it, I as a little kid thought little of it and just went in I believe either by myself or with one other i don't remember, it was in dd so I think I may have soloed it. I went in and it was a normal Sellbot beginning with mover and shakers so I was confused as I thought maybe it was going to be cooler, that's why I didn't think much of it when I saw the mover and shaker thing. If I saw it when I was a little older I would have called it a glitch, so any way I finished the move and shaker part and upstairs was lawbot cogs, this is where I got surprised as it was just odd to be mixed by lawbots and sellbots, but could this have Been a test or a glitch you decided
Believe it or not, there is another Toontown server called "Toontown Relived" and they actually have field offices. I'm not joking, I saw 2 field offices in TTC alone.
The SpeedChat+ Dictionary (why are there words such as "beriths27th", "phantom4722" (EDIT: Phantom4722 is one of the TTR staff), "scrap-metal-recovery-talent", and "silver943"?) TTO Dictionary: drive.google.com/file/d/0B4JNs3PZA5YmTUUyRzRqaU9XZ1U/view?usp=sharing TTR Dictionary: drive.google.com/file/d/0B4JNs3PZA5YmZS13ZE9xZmZSamM/view?usp=sharing
Loopy, do you think the field offices will ever be implemented in TTR? If so, do you think they'll add not only the Sellbots one, but rather the other ones mentioned?
Hey Loopy, I got an interesting idea for a Toontown Mysteries video: How about a video on the original Cog HQ? I find the original idea for the Cog HQs to be sort of confusing. Was there supposed to be one giant HQ for all cogs, or were there always supposed to be 4 different HQs like in the original map that was made during development? Would Bossbots get their HQ released first with that arm factory image floating around? It's a concept that has confused me for the longest time ever and some explanation would be nice.
Hey Loopy! Do you think you could cover how each gag track was created, or chosen to be about of Toontown? (If that makes any sense) And if Disney ever had a plan to make any more tracks? Thanks!
I think the owner of boss bot Felid office owner might of been big cheese is because there the one bossbot that uses a golf attack so that could be the owner
I wish the lawbot field office would give you a cog summon and the cj should only give summon a building and an invasion. It sucks doing a cj and only getting summon a pencil pusher
I feel like they should return, it is a cool feature cause its completly optional, you are just doing it for a reward, which is why the feature should have more platforming so that way its like another gamemode and isnt mistaken with normal cog bldgs
Cashbot and Bossbot Field Offices strangely didn't exist, but it either was because it was hard for the TTO team to make, it would charge Disney more money to run Toontown, or because Field Offices weren't a fad. I did even think a weird version of a Bossbot Field Office where you would need a Bossbot suit (hmm; that would be problematic) and show how "Bossy" you are compared to a Big Cheese cog by choosing government policies that tend to favor the cogs more (yes Bossbots are rulers in the Cog world). When you would have won, you would fight Bossbots and then get a Pink Slip. Now I know this is dumb, that might also be a reason why Bossbot Field Offices never appeared, along with Cashbot. However I did think of Cashbot Field Offices to have Money Bags as well and with cash. XD
Field Office? Cog Dillennium/Millennium? (Whatever) Where are those in Toontown Rewritten?? Not only that, I have YET to see those in Toontown Fellowship, maybe cause I'm too low. Well, anyways, where did those two VERY important Cog Buildings disappear off to? I mean, the Resistance Rangers MUST be very devote on keeping Toontown safe, we've only seen regular Cog Buildings, the 4 main Cog Boss Lobbies/Battlegrounds, The Factory, DA Offices, Mints, and Golf Courses, each tying to their specific Cog category! But what we haven't seen for a long time, are the Cog Field Offices and Cog Dillenniums. Specifically, I think it's because Joey hasn't put those in yet, why not just use ALL the codes from Disney's Toontown Online, Joey? I mean, where are Doodles? Where are Parties? So much has yet to come in Toontown Rewritten. Keep playing, Toons! And Joey, please keep working!
Spoilers: TTR Wiki states that Lawbot, Cashbot, and Bossbot Field Offices will be added, and as we see in this video, the Lawbot Field Offices are in Toontown Offline, and were in Toontown Infinite during its final week.
Hey LGG, have you done a video about those teleport Toons back in TTO? Y'know, the ones that would pop up if you said "Meet here" in certain places of the Playground? What were those about? Anyway, awesome video! I hope the Field Offices return in TTR some day.
Well, assuming tonight's patch goes okay, looks like TTR has the Sellbot offices covered. The main catch is that they are designed as endgame content, so they may end up being more of an inconvenience for new toons than anything useful... especially since they are supposed to take over STREET HQS!
Mystery: Why are there so many Jimmies? Why is Jimmy an ingredient? Why is Jimmy a Jimmy? Jimmy is a Jimmy? What's the point of Jimmy? Is Jimmy REALLY a Jimmy? Jimmy is just another Jimmy of the Jimmy Jimmy? Jimmy Jimmy Jimmy is Jimmy? Red Jimmy is a Jimmy? JIMMY?!?!?!
I feel as the rewards were a cop out for disney by taking something that was already a thing (VP SOS card) and just downscaled it. The field offices were cool, but disney was lazy.
I don't understand why Disney put their energy creating all of these field offices and concepts instead of developing another boss. The game would probably still be up and running if they had more than 4 boss battles in the entire game.
So I guess the reason for no field offices in ttr yet is because... no doodles? Also if only bossbot field offices existed because me and my friend like to play golf a lot and I think it would be funny to do it in a field office.
wait loopy do you think ttr will ever bring back sellbot field offices and also add cash law and boss im the mixture too bc if they did that would be neet. #stevenarmy
Field offices were cool, but they needed a part in the story where they were required for tasks, and also of course, better rewards.
If they had better rewards, no one would VP and it would be basically worthless
+Visa Productions Maybe very rare 3 and 4 star SOS cards? Though 5 stars are only in the VP.
You in an alternate universe That's reasonable, but field offices really should have a unique reward
+Visa Productions maybe something like different SOS cards unobtainable in the VP? I've always liked the idea of a damage boost SOS, and the higher number of stars, the bigger damage boost. These kinds of cards are the only SOS card in a field office that can have 5 stars, but 5 stars are extremely rare
this aged nicely
I think The Big Cheese would be the cog for bossbot field offices because it goes Mover & Shaker (level 5), Money Bags (level 6), and Legal Eagle (level 7) The Big Cheese is the level 8 bossbot, which follows the pattern, it would also move up from the cog that you fight the boss of, sell, cash, law, boss.
...nice job Disney, scrapping the only way someone can practice craning outside of the C.F.O
-toontown offline-
I actually thought field offices were a TTR original. Interested to see if TTR expands to add the unfinished field offices 👀
I was quite surprised to hear my name in this video! I'm The Funnybunny, I used to send all sorts of trivia emails to Disney. Probably made the customer support team laugh their bottoms off. In fact, around the tenth anniversary, they send me a gift bag full of all sorts of Toontown goodies. Anyway, great video, I was curious about the glove colors, though I agree, white gloves are the best for Toons!
Fun Fact: I chose the legal eagle because of all the talk on law bot field offices.
+Gina Allen great idea
"this is illeagle you know."
- Jacob, Laff 75, Maxxed Throw, 2016
Oh kewl
LegalEagleLawbot of course, you chose yourself
Toontown Mysteries: SOS Toons
Why do the SAME NPC Toons keep returning to Sellbot Headquarters, and why are they captured every time? Is there something in Sellbot Headquarters that they are looking for? (Scrooge? Slappy? Gyro [but really Surlee]?)
(And if you want to throw in "Why don't SOS Toons leave their shop when summoned?")
I have a theory on who would run the bossbot and cashbot Office
Cashbot: I am thinking that Money Bags because they have literal money bags (which he mentioned).
Bossbot: I am thinking it would be the Big Cheeses since they were having a meeting when they were invaded by toons, and you also go golfing, which only a few Cogs actually do, like the Big Cheese. And finally, all of the cogs are relativity high ranks, so the final executive office would most likely be the the hardest.
Had Cashbot Field offices been added, It would've been a huge help. It honestly could've helped people train for the CFO and the craning round without having to CFO with zero idea of what to do. Great video!
Big Cheese for Bossbot if you follow the pattern. it starts with mover and shaker which is a tier 5 cog then goes to money bags which is tier 6 then legal eagle which is tier 7. So it makes since that Bossbot would be tier 8 which in the big cheese
We only lose the reward by 6 toons :(
too be fair, some move and shakers stole the joke, which gave us the edge if we didn't steal those jokes, you might of gotten the reward
and were gonna reck the chairman like a boss!
+Move and shaker
I'm a cog...
So... How does the VP work and what is the most secret plan you would like to share?
Name Dropper Same with us and the lawbot field offices. Except we were 4 off. :(
I finished the video, and I have some ideas for Toontown Mystery videos.
1. The Manholes (if not already done)
2. The mysterious closed off entrance in Chip and Dale's. I know in TTR they used it for an event area, but what would it have been uses for in TTO? Cog Nation? Funny Farm? Or what?
Keep up the good work Loopy, I look up to you :D
(Btw if you do one of these topics credit me lol)
Couldn't have been Funny Farms, that was in a different part of the classic map. If anything, I think it was just a joke/reference to the Construction Zone, since on the classic map it was there in place of Chip 'n Dales. The sign that blocks it says 'Under Construction.'
The manholes are revealed to be mini playgrounds of each headquarters, this will be released in the field office update
I'm on a binge of your videos and you're teaching me so much but YOU FORGOT SOMETHING IN THIS ONE! :O There was some glitch towards the end of TTO where the Mover and Shaker posters in the field offices would turn into Money Bags posters under some odd circumstances (I think it had to do with cog invasions) so... it further cements the idea that the cashbot field office was going to be dedicated to Money Bags. Also, if that is the case, Bossbot would have likely been dedicated to the Big Cheese because
Sellbot = 5th order cog (Mover and Shaker)
Casbhot = 6th order cog (Money Bags)
Lawbot = 7th order cog (Legal Eagles)
Bossbot = 8th order cog (Big cheese)
I kind of liked the SOS cards in Field Offices.
Al Capella can replace a trunk if you happen to run out, same with Otto Toon and Bud Erfingerz.
Gigglemesh, while doing only 30, is really good with solos. A weaker, male, grizzly Madam Chuckle if you will.
And J.S. Bark can also replace a Foghorn. That 50 damage don't lie.
Plus, you gotta give them a break, they don't even have a shop to call home.
I loved the little FO guys. Al Capella was so danged useful for Factory speed runs. My TT best friend and I used to duo them in less than 10 minutes (which is about how long a River invasion lasted on average) just by alternating between trunk and Al Capella in places with level 6 cogs.
So with TTR popular as it is, why will they add the new field offices for law, cash and boss inside the phase files?
Come on, I saw all the custom stuff they made in the party; so wouldn't be hard to finish what was left, that and schell can give them feedback! Plus is would be some cool new content!
Well, considering that the Lawbot Field Offices were practically complete, it's not hard to imagine them taking the code and polishing it a bit, maybe add a few more things, fixing a few bugs, etc. Knowing TTR, they'll probably end up tweaking the Field Offices just a bit, making them different and slightly better than what TTO had, but still keep the spirit of them intact. I sure hope so, I'd love to see that.
Mr. Fluffy
What would be cool is those sos rewards, people didn't like them? So why not have a rare chance to give you a cog costume for your toon.
No not one of those, more like a a cosmetic you could walk around as a dummy cog or one that's being made fun of. Cog suit shirt, trousers, shoes, backpack with gags coming out and some funny heads.
Maybe the pencil pusher one will be blown up or a mingler with pen drawins all over it; small rare costumes mailed to you by rare chance.
I don't know about you but having a yesman head with the words "no" printed in its forehead would be funny. Although slightly more pale to not be confused with real ones :)
I believe that last year the said that all for field offices would come out.
What they said and what they do are very different things but I hope they're working on it :D
Lol sorry
I actually played the Lawbot Field Offices over on Toontown Offline. Honestly, I think they’re more enjoyable.
It's awesome to see some of these concepts actually coming back in ttr
indeed. The video aged nicely
So many memories going to sellbot field office back in tto ;)
I remember going around Donald's Dreamland way back when I played TTO, I never went in then because I didn't want to die and I thought they were like cog buildings but worse, or because I never got above level 3 throw and squirt
Ok, so I play Tootown Operation Dessert Storm (Dessert as in, cupcakes) and the server actually has Sellbot and Lawbot field offecies. So a message to ODS:
I wonder if ttr would bring these back. I remember when I stopped playing tto around the time these we're announced, and I was curious about them
I hope so! TTR has a good history so far of fixing things that TTO could have but never did, such as TT Tweaks that happened a while ago. So, it's possible (and I'm really hoping so) for TTR to tweak the Sellbot ones to make them more appealing to people and not rot away on streets because no one cared about them. I found them so underrated back in TTO, they were quite fun to do and some of the rewards were pretty decent.
I think TTR already has the issue where's nothing really changed. I think Toontown shouldn't be in a state of stasis where just nothing happens. When field offices were released on the original toontown it was nice to see one breaking up the monotony of just the streets. Toon building, cog building, and HQ. It was odd way of making the cog buildings more colorful.
I think the introductions of field offices for the cog types and finally the chairman HQ, if they're going that far. Will be the nicest way of completing the ToonTown Online experience without going Corporate Clash levels of off the rails development.
they will. but it will take some time.
nah, never gonna happen
@@mrsqueaksrules clearly
Awesome video :) I am not sure why they didn't release the lawbot field offices if they were pretty much done though... Although I remember seeing a clip from them in the TTR OMG Con stream so I think they are being added into TTR.
i think the bossbot field office would go to the big cheese.
because it was set in a way
rank 5 (mover and shaker) -> rank 6 (money bags) -> rank 7 (legal eagle) -> rank 8 (the big cheese)
The Cashbot field office would have been a great idea, as it would of been an area in the game to allow toons to learn the crane mechanic outside of the actual CFO battle. If only...
Jeez 2011, it felt like it was released yesterday.
hey loopy! Love the video btw
I have a funny story when I was in tto I saw a field office where there was a legal eagle on it, I as a little kid thought little of it and just went in I believe either by myself or with one other i don't remember, it was in dd so I think I may have soloed it. I went in and it was a normal Sellbot beginning with mover and shakers so I was confused as I thought maybe it was going to be cooler, that's why I didn't think much of it when I saw the mover and shaker thing. If I saw it when I was a little older I would have called it a glitch, so any way I finished the move and shaker part and upstairs was lawbot cogs, this is where I got surprised as it was just odd to be mixed by lawbots and sellbots, but could this have Been a test or a glitch you decided
Believe it or not, there is another Toontown server called "Toontown Relived" and they actually have field offices. I'm not joking, I saw 2 field offices in TTC alone.
The SpeedChat+ Dictionary (why are there words such as "beriths27th", "phantom4722" (EDIT: Phantom4722 is one of the TTR staff), "scrap-metal-recovery-talent", and "silver943"?)
TTO Dictionary: drive.google.com/file/d/0B4JNs3PZA5YmTUUyRzRqaU9XZ1U/view?usp=sharing
TTR Dictionary: drive.google.com/file/d/0B4JNs3PZA5YmZS13ZE9xZmZSamM/view?usp=sharing
Nice video! Keep it up! I love these theories!
A picture from my video? I feel so honored!
Loopy, do you think the field offices will ever be implemented in TTR? If so, do you think they'll add not only the Sellbots one, but rather the other ones mentioned?
I believe cashbot is coming first, all we know for sure is that they are coming to TTR mid or late 2018 or early 2019.
The storm sellbot thing is one of the only story parts from TTO I remember. :')
Did you check out Felipe's page with all the concept art on it? :o I'm fairly sure there's some loan Shark stuff mentioned.
Never got a chance to enter but the design looked cool
Hey Loopy, I got an interesting idea for a Toontown Mysteries video:
How about a video on the original Cog HQ? I find the original idea for the Cog HQs to be sort of confusing. Was there supposed to be one giant HQ for all cogs, or were there always supposed to be 4 different HQs like in the original map that was made during development? Would Bossbots get their HQ released first with that arm factory image floating around? It's a concept that has confused me for the longest time ever and some explanation would be nice.
nice video bro. also fild offices look fun
okay then
heres something i NEED answered-
how do you take care of doodles?
no seriously how
Sellbots did this
Sellbots were a mistake
sellbots did nothing wrong
even though they tried to make us sad
they're still sinnamon rolls
no it was the doodles
Hey Loopy!
Do you think you could cover how each gag track was created, or chosen to be about of Toontown? (If that makes any sense) And if Disney ever had a plan to make any more tracks? Thanks!
Huh. Those look really fun! I hope the TTR team implements them.
I think the owner of boss bot Felid office owner might of been big cheese is because there the one bossbot that uses a golf attack so that could be the owner
But Yesmen use it too. And so do Corporate Raiders.
+Onslaught yeah but I think it would be a big cheese one
Yesman uses a golf attack.
Eddie McAllister I just said that.
Onslaught I didn't see your comment until now.
:D loopy it's me camren1012 from twitch so this is the fog video you were talking too
1:01 Btw, that doodle chewing the cables is fucking dead.
Toontown Mysteries: Slappy Quackintosh
I wish the lawbot field office would give you a cog summon and the cj should only give summon a building and an invasion. It sucks doing a cj and only getting summon a pencil pusher
Woot another mystery video! Thanks!
my favorite series
I feel like they should return, it is a cool feature cause its completly optional, you are just doing it for a reward, which is why the feature should have more platforming so that way its like another gamemode and isnt mistaken with normal cog bldgs
Cashbot and Bossbot Field Offices strangely didn't exist, but it either was because it was hard for the TTO team to make, it would charge Disney more money to run Toontown, or because Field Offices weren't a fad. I did even think a weird version of a Bossbot Field Office where you would need a Bossbot suit (hmm; that would be problematic) and show how "Bossy" you are compared to a Big Cheese cog by choosing government policies that tend to favor the cogs more (yes Bossbots are rulers in the Cog world). When you would have won, you would fight Bossbots and then get a Pink Slip. Now I know this is dumb, that might also be a reason why Bossbot Field Offices never appeared, along with Cashbot. However I did think of Cashbot Field Offices to have Money Bags as well and with cash. XD
there was the bossbot field office music. It sounded like pirate music...
Field Office? Cog Dillennium/Millennium? (Whatever) Where are those in Toontown Rewritten?? Not only that, I have YET to see those in Toontown Fellowship, maybe cause I'm too low. Well, anyways, where did those two VERY important Cog Buildings disappear off to? I mean, the Resistance Rangers MUST be very devote on keeping Toontown safe, we've only seen regular Cog Buildings, the 4 main Cog Boss Lobbies/Battlegrounds, The Factory, DA Offices, Mints, and Golf Courses, each tying to their specific Cog category! But what we haven't seen for a long time, are the Cog Field Offices and Cog Dillenniums. Specifically, I think it's because Joey hasn't put those in yet, why not just use ALL the codes from Disney's Toontown Online, Joey? I mean, where are Doodles? Where are Parties? So much has yet to come in Toontown Rewritten. Keep playing, Toons! And Joey, please keep working!
"It almost seems.... unfinished"
I really like your videos. Keep up the good work!
you know why you're here.
Spoilers: TTR Wiki states that Lawbot, Cashbot, and Bossbot Field Offices will be added, and as we see in this video, the Lawbot Field Offices are in Toontown Offline, and were in Toontown Infinite during its final week.
Hey LGG, have you done a video about those teleport Toons back in TTO? Y'know, the ones that would pop up if you said "Meet here" in certain places of the Playground? What were those about? Anyway, awesome video! I hope the Field Offices return in TTR some day.
Not yet but I will
I think that the cog for the boss offices would have been Big Cheeses.
Very well could've been!
probs, but you got to ask next q&a!
I think bossbot field offices would be big cheese field offices
3:20 hope Toontown corporate clash or rewritten remaster Field offices to what there formal glory should have been.
Well, assuming tonight's patch goes okay, looks like TTR has the Sellbot offices covered. The main catch is that they are designed as endgame content, so they may end up being more of an inconvenience for new toons than anything useful... especially since they are supposed to take over STREET HQS!
You earned yourself the 4,185th subscriber.
i loved beating the field offices, even if they weren't completed, i had max laff so i played it with all my other friends owo
ToonTown Mysteries: Loopys Balls....
I wish I could find some field offices in ttr i personally really likes em
i found a picture of a cashbot field office and its a loan shark field office
It's fanmade
Toontown Mysteries: The Chairman or the Executive Office Tower
ive been in a lawbot field office seirously
Why are there so many Jimmies?
Why is Jimmy an ingredient?
Why is Jimmy a Jimmy?
Jimmy is a Jimmy?
What's the point of Jimmy?
Is Jimmy REALLY a Jimmy?
Jimmy is just another Jimmy of the Jimmy Jimmy?
Jimmy Jimmy Jimmy is Jimmy?
Red Jimmy is a Jimmy?
Could u do a video about the hidden bossbot building that you can find by glitching out of the front 3? I always found it interesting
What might be in the Executive Office Tower? ToonTown Theory???
+Paul Creenis Interesting
gaff Most of us toons already know about that letter!
OneElementalFox Lol we all know
Maybe a new boss, or could it be the chairman?
Nice video, I wish I could do field offices again
I was wondering why there where only sellbot field offices and not cash law or boss
I feel as the rewards were a cop out for disney by taking something that was already a thing (VP SOS card) and just downscaled it. The field offices were cool, but disney was lazy.
So when are they going to put in field offices?
Make a theory on what happened to Scrooge Mc Duck
Can you do a Toontown Mysteries on the safe that's on Silly Street?
Make another mystery video on the 7th, that's my birthday and these are the best :p
The executive tower!
4:52 T-pose
Hi loopy I had a tweet that u favorited thanks much respect keep up the great work
Loopy could you make a Toontown Mysteries video on the one cloud below cbhq?
Fresh new loopy vid I see! :)
can you do a cog nation myth and rumor
I don't understand why Disney put their energy creating all of these field offices and concepts instead of developing another boss. The game would probably still be up and running if they had more than 4 boss battles in the entire game.
Make one about the final boss of toontown
Will the cashbot field office has a fusicilteee fur sharts
So I guess the reason for no field offices in ttr yet is because... no doodles?
Also if only bossbot field offices existed because me and my friend like to play golf a lot and I think it would be funny to do it in a field office.
Well, operation storm sellbot still happened without doodles so I'm not sure
Good point!
Why can't toons hold all gag tracks?
Im always going to hate disney for shutting down toontown in favor of club penguin, especially when toontown is clearly the better game
wait loopy do you think ttr will ever bring back sellbot field offices and also add cash law and boss im the mixture too bc if they did that would be neet. #stevenarmy
They plan to :)
they do? yay ty loopy!!
3:59 Omg, how do you find this information?
he bribes disney with meatballs
+smell me I like the way you think....
Nah he bribes Silly Peppy Macspeed with Meatballs
Why isn't there field offices in ttr
-insert "last time I was this early" joke here-
Last time I was this early, TTO didn't close down :')
Last time I was this early Toontown 2.0 was a concept :')
Now this may be hard, but, can you do a mystery on why Toontown Online closed?
Michaela Young Money issues, loss of staff and club penguin
Loopy, Are you streaming anytime soon?
Can you do a TTM mysteries on operation "Duck Hunt" just a theory
What's the background sound/music called?
It's a mix of the Bossbot HQ music, ceo fights and courses music
Sounds great and spooky haha is there a download for it? Great vids by the way.
disney closed toontown online because they are focusing on club penguin thats all i know :3
yup yup
Well now they lost a club penguin player
SteveGuyCP You were PLAYING that game that, oh I don't know, KILLED TOONTOWN ONLINE?!?!!????!??!
+ Michael Young calm down! I never knew toontown was a thing until late 2017 when I found a ttr video. I only played Club Penguin until then