Just ran this dungeon last night as a duo and got absolutely walled by the final boss. In the end it was a 6 phase affair, and I was completely numb by number 3 and just wanted it to be over. Huge respect for doing this solo, as well as doing it an HOUR faster than us.
So this sounds weird but Rime-Coat is actually a method for pushing a three phase on the first boss, along with speeding up the pace of everything else in the process. Use the Neomuna wave frame GL, Lost Signal, on Prismatic with FTV and Bleak Watcher. Use the massive Shatter AoE fragment. Before picking up Suppressor to pop into DPs, throw a bleak watcher up on the back behind the boss (past the stairs), then cast arcane needle to pop an orb for surge mods from the shank and one more to proc unravel on the boss. Pop song of flame, suppress, lost signal for weaken and then lay into the boss with the GL. The servitors chain freeze rapidly during the damage phase which drastically boosts your output, makes it a smooth three phase with something like Riskrunner for the in-between sections. Use triple surge, heavy handed, and one mod on your class item to extend the surge timer. You can also trivialize the Machine Priests by stacking bleak watchers in mid. The crystals will stack up and shatter when the priest is in mid, which will do crazy damage to him and kill him almost immediately.
Funny, I use the exact same setup on raneiks, except I use nova bomb. Rime fortresses destroy the machine priests and also slow the exploding shanks upstairs. Would you say song of Flame is better in this encounter?
@@habrosguitar I valued the 25% damage boost to my weapons via Radiant since I was using a wave frame GL. My experience with Nova was middling, even with Star-Eaters.
People kept telling me to finish on the right room for this reason, but I always found the left one to be faster since you can just avoid all the enemies
finally got my solo flaw on titan today, but final boss decided to make me do an extra phase at like 2% hp left, bro took "I can do this all day" too seriously lmao
GG! Glad you got it done, and props on keeping you nerve with such little health left, the thought of having to do it all again when you are so close would have been insane!
just wanted to comment the guy talking ab weapon-class-aligned element surges at 41:27 in twitch chat is an absolute brick who should never speak to a game dev "i wonder why bungie hasn't..." proceeds to describe the most roundabout solution to a problem that STILL fails to address the core issue AND confuses everyone in the chat clearly an uber poggers idea holy shit he stunlocked me man i cantttttttttt 🤣🤣🤣
its taken like 14minutes of reading this chat to figure out he just wants to remove every elemental mod and restrict buildcrafting further, even tho surges and loaders/dex are the literal bottom of the barrel and most uninspired part this game has to offer in the way of "buildcrafting" if u actually want expressive and more rewarding buildcrafting, you need to go the opposite direction, lean into elemental stuff more. why they gutted and removed/nerfed most of the elemental mods from witch queen THE SAME TIME they removed elements from armor is BEYOND me. 90% of my armor modding is the same uninspired slop pattern ive been forced to use since the great mod vaulting of lightfall. siphon, ability orb gen / reloader, resists, surge this has been pretty much the expected loadout since lightfall and favors loadout swapping mid encounter (which is another one of the worst parts about this game). surges are absolutely terrible but necessary at the same time its an illusion of choice, especially on contest difficulties where damage matters most. lmk when you've seen someone on contest or a soloflaw use anything besides the mods i listed above. id do a backflip if ONE video of these was using shit like grenade kickstart. im not saying you cant clear content with kickstarts, but really why would you, especially when they just immediately turn off your surges and gut you of +10% weapon dmg output minimum
but from 41:27 I agree saying "I wonder why" is poor phrasing, but the idea from that is awesome. It doesn't change the game or fix anything, but it great QoL for having to change your legs surges all the time when 99% of the time you match it to your heavy
Why the swap from Khvostov to Imminence in Puppeteer on the way from 2nd nuke to DPS? EDIT: Also, the Sanguine Alchemy swap with 0 Solar weapons is confusing me
When you are in a rift/well with sanguine, you mark targets you shoot and deal 10% more to them. The element match is only for x4 surges on the matching element to your subclass
As chris said, the sanguine is not for the surges, it's for the mark - if this damage phase wasnt so chaotic I would run nova bomb, but song of flame damage reduction is too good to pass up.
To be completely honest I'm not really sure, the only mod that matters at all (and it is pretty important) is concussive reload, which applies a 15% weaken debuff for 25 seconds when you hit a boss with a grenade launcher. It's also apparently bugged right now because destiny, so yeah there's that.
I’ve solo’d this dungeon (solo flawless is driving me mad) but I’m taking 5 phases for the first boss. What exactly is your damage approach? Spam melee, incandescent sidearm, and auto-loading holster for parasite?
The best way to do the first boss on warlock is simply use the rain of fire exotic boots with song of flame and icarus dash to spam wardcliff coil. If you search you should be able to find solo 2 phases on warlock - the reason I didn't use wardcliff is because it was on the disable list for contest I assumed it was doing bugged damage and didn't want to be accused of cheesing, also the chain ignitions were funny :)
have people come up with a better strat for raneiks knowing the stacking ignition nerf that Bungie finally acknowledged today? I haven't even started to try solo flawless yet, the boss is walking me as i've been trying to just roll with prismatic and even when i survive DPS i'm just tripping up on being chased by radiation clones.
@@BogOnMyDog I was wondering about this. How are you keeping the envious stacks after you swap to your surge loadout? From what I know, swapping any loaout, even if its just armour mods that are changing, will reset it back to the base mag size.
@@rigmaroll if you never pull the weapon out then the stacks don't reset - you can try this yourself! Make two different loadouts and try stacking up envious, swapping to the gun and then swapping loadouts - the mag should reset to base. Now do the same thing but after stacking envious, don't actually pull out the weapon until after you swap the loadouts - you should see the stacks remain!
Conpletely agree on thoughts on solo damage/timing. Solo dungeons are more of a chore than a challenge. Committing two hours to a successful attempt, let alone the failures is a massive time sink and is less about "this requires intensive skill checks and creativity" and more about "can i keep concentrating for x amount of time." Unfortunately destiny for solo players is a very underdeveloped and ignored part of the game
They definitely can get a little tedious, especially the later dungeons - It's what got me into soloing raid encounters, wanting more of a challenge rather than an endurance test!
I politely disagree with scaling for solos. 1.5x harder is 50% harder than doing it normally. Having to carve through that extra health is part of the prestige of a SF, and you’re only pushing to do it once. It’s a voluntary challenge you personally take on to get a cosmetic item, I think adding solo lessens the prestige of earning it with no real actual value-as the only people who’re gonna solo the dungeon are going to do it for prestige anyway. My run was an hour and 22 minutes in total, with a few breaks. Three phases the first boss, and six phased the final boss. I could’ve chosen a better damage rotation for the final boss, but I was intent on generally learning what was good on my own and eventually defaulted to Anarchy
I think there is a world where we can have scaling and maintain difficulty. Imo, this is the absolute perfect solo flawless difficulty and I agree that it shouldn’t change. But a way to add difficulty would be to use this solo flawless as a baseline then scale up from there depending on player count. That way solo flawless still has prestige, and team play is made somewhat more difficult.
Fair enough, my point was simply that increasing boss health doesn't actually linearly increase difficulty - doubling the health of a boss doesn't make it twice as hard, it makes it harder for sure since you have to be more consistent to reach more damage phases consecutively, but it's not a direct linear correlation. Playing solo should be difficult because surviving whilst doing mechanics is hard without a team, not because you have to just spend 3 times as long on an encounter. If Simmumah had 100 million health I'm sure you'd agree with me that it is simply too much health, similarly if she had 1 million health then it wouldn't be enough. There is a goldilocks zone when it comes to number of phases you should have to do a boss in to make it challenging and engaging without being a drag, with examples of bosses with not enough health being pretty much anything before spire, and bosses with too much being simmumah and raneiks. The thing with raneiks is that nothing in the entire encounter is hard, other than the buggy integration mechanic and exploder shanks - it's just 5 minutes of ad clear to get a 20 second damage phase, that's why even a 3 phase feels tedious. If the actual encounter was more interesting (like the final boss) then 4 phasing wouldn't feel so bad, but it isn't, so it does. I guess my point is that if they are going to design a 3 player activity that is also intended to be soloable, my personal opinion is that fireteam scaling would increase the enjoyment of the solo experience more than it would lower the difficulty, but I'm just a guy on the internet so if you disagree that's totally valid.
I have been trying to solo this on Warlock and I completely suck at the damage phase at the 2. encounter; I currently need 6-7 damage phases to kill this boss. Can I get a quick explanation/ DIM link to your build please?
Sure! I've got a DIM link in the description but essentially I'm running all of the scorch/ignition boosting fragments with song of flame so that I apply a lot of scorch and when one of the servitors ignites, it spreads scorch to the others allowing them to chain ignitions off of eachother. On top of this I use sanguine alchemy for 4x surges and a 10% bonus damage buff on my parasite to add a LOT of extra damage.
i have a question not for the dungeon but for youtube itself, how can you do timestamps on timeline? i tried diferent ways in tutorials and troubleshoot but didnt work in my last 2 videos, maybe advanced features in channel settings?
If you never pull out the weapon after it has overflowed past the full mag size, envious stacks will remain. This means you can no longer triple the mag since that required you to pull out the weapon at 2x mag, but 2x mag on edge transit leaves literally 1 reload, which I will take over bitter sweet any day since edge transit surge matches with the best energy weapon in the game.
You could substitute choir of one with risk runner here, but you'd be losing a lot of damage. There aren't really many kinetic+heavy legendary combos that have enough total damage to do better than a 5-6 phase if you are limiting your energy weapon to riskrunner, at least not for this fight.
my thought is pve should be balanced around having 30 resilience, recovery, and mobility because those are the "base" values but it feels like bungie is like "let's make things challenging for 100 resilience"
I personally think endgame content like raids and dungeons should be balanced around having endgame gear, and given that in a challenge I did recently I was able to get 100 resilience within 8 hours of playtime on a new account, I think making dungeon content balanced for 30 resilience would trivialise it for 99.9% of the playerbase, which would be pretty silly for 'endgame' content
@@ZomgLolPants Yeah Destiny is not that sort of game, it is definitely weird how there are correct stats to spec into for each build and only one of them is an overarching must, I definitely think the way DR is tied to resilience is bad game design as well but hey that's how it is I guess
I'm sorry about that, it's super sad that DIM has this limitation - if you want to know what perks I have on a specific weapon feel free to ask here, but the main ones are envious assassin + bait and switch, and my rocket sidearm is heal clip + demolitionist.
IMO It's a little easier albeit longer on warlock, but also wanted to have something for all the people who only really play warlock to see what I used :)
@BogOnMyDog some1 with the name "spookiiiiii" came into chat and i call October spooky month so I said "good name for spooky month" and laurens just started doing it as well so it's smth we say now xdd
11:15 Average england alley
hitless when
Yeah mads?
That would be such an excruciating run
chara you need to get real with that 😭
You need to cook the strats first
Just ran this dungeon last night as a duo and got absolutely walled by the final boss. In the end it was a 6 phase affair, and I was completely numb by number 3 and just wanted it to be over. Huge respect for doing this solo, as well as doing it an HOUR faster than us.
Final boss took me a lot of practice, respect to yall for pushing through and getting it done!
Damn, it takes a full business day to get to DPS when you're solo, at the final boss anyway
Yeah it's pretty bad
So this sounds weird but Rime-Coat is actually a method for pushing a three phase on the first boss, along with speeding up the pace of everything else in the process.
Use the Neomuna wave frame GL, Lost Signal, on Prismatic with FTV and Bleak Watcher. Use the massive Shatter AoE fragment. Before picking up Suppressor to pop into DPs, throw a bleak watcher up on the back behind the boss (past the stairs), then cast arcane needle to pop an orb for surge mods from the shank and one more to proc unravel on the boss. Pop song of flame, suppress, lost signal for weaken and then lay into the boss with the GL. The servitors chain freeze rapidly during the damage phase which drastically boosts your output, makes it a smooth three phase with something like Riskrunner for the in-between sections. Use triple surge, heavy handed, and one mod on your class item to extend the surge timer.
You can also trivialize the Machine Priests by stacking bleak watchers in mid. The crystals will stack up and shatter when the priest is in mid, which will do crazy damage to him and kill him almost immediately.
Funny, I use the exact same setup on raneiks, except I use nova bomb. Rime fortresses destroy the machine priests and also slow the exploding shanks upstairs.
Would you say song of Flame is better in this encounter?
@@habrosguitar I valued the 25% damage boost to my weapons via Radiant since I was using a wave frame GL. My experience with Nova was middling, even with Star-Eaters.
Unwavering Nimble Relentless Ambitious Vanquisher Emerges Legendarily
You're lucky I can't spell
thanks for this i was worried that it wouldn't be good on warlock
IMO it's easiest on warlock, unless you are a prismatic titan warlord (I am not)
grape work bog, berry nice run !
Thank you :)
Ending at the left room on first encounter is actually brain. Shorter distance meaning more time to kill the big brig
People kept telling me to finish on the right room for this reason, but I always found the left one to be faster since you can just avoid all the enemies
its mickey for the bog on my dog solo destiny 2 player
"chat you guys have to get so real" bogYap
Chat you guys have to get so real
My solo flawless run took 2 and a half hours. Y’all making me feel like absolute ass at this game😭 Good shit🧡
GGs on getting it done, honestly the longer the run the more mistakes you can make so cudos for the consistency 🙏
My absolute goat thank you for the funny tech 🙏
finally got my solo flaw on titan today, but final boss decided to make me do an extra phase at like 2% hp left, bro took "I can do this all day" too seriously lmao
GG! Glad you got it done, and props on keeping you nerve with such little health left, the thought of having to do it all again when you are so close would have been insane!
just wanted to comment the guy talking ab weapon-class-aligned element surges at 41:27 in twitch chat is an absolute brick who should never speak to a game dev
"i wonder why bungie hasn't..." proceeds to describe the most roundabout solution to a problem that STILL fails to address the core issue AND confuses everyone in the chat
clearly an uber poggers idea
holy shit he stunlocked me man i cantttttttttt 🤣🤣🤣
its taken like 14minutes of reading this chat to figure out he just wants to remove every elemental mod and restrict buildcrafting further, even tho surges and loaders/dex are the literal bottom of the barrel and most uninspired part this game has to offer in the way of "buildcrafting"
if u actually want expressive and more rewarding buildcrafting, you need to go the opposite direction, lean into elemental stuff more. why they gutted and removed/nerfed most of the elemental mods from witch queen THE SAME TIME they removed elements from armor is BEYOND me.
90% of my armor modding is the same uninspired slop pattern ive been forced to use since the great mod vaulting of lightfall.
siphon, ability orb gen / reloader, resists, surge
this has been pretty much the expected loadout since lightfall and favors loadout swapping mid encounter (which is another one of the worst parts about this game). surges are absolutely terrible but necessary at the same time its an illusion of choice, especially on contest difficulties where damage matters most. lmk when you've seen someone on contest or a soloflaw use anything besides the mods i listed above. id do a backflip if ONE video of these was using shit like grenade kickstart. im not saying you cant clear content with kickstarts, but really why would you, especially when they just immediately turn off your surges and gut you of +10% weapon dmg output minimum
@@FlightCommand13 congrats on the achievement/sorry for your loss
well that guy commented on this video so go flame him all you want lmao
but from 41:27 I agree saying "I wonder why" is poor phrasing, but the idea from that is awesome. It doesn't change the game or fix anything, but it great QoL for having to change your legs surges all the time when 99% of the time you match it to your heavy
Choir my beloved, the best weapon of all time
How good :D
Bog on my GOAT
Appreciate you 🙏
Who up boggin they dog
Wait i thought Raneiks supposed to be ignition resistant is he not?
It's so beautiful isn't it 🤩
Sadly the ignition stealth nerf cooks this strat.
this dungeon is my nuts bro
It really is
Goat behaviour
Sorry for the question but, what giving him Restoriation X2 on the second encounter?
The answer was the Touch of Flame aspect, just if anyone is wondering.
Hell yeah man. So real.
Hell yeah :)
Why the swap from Khvostov to Imminence in Puppeteer on the way from 2nd nuke to DPS?
EDIT: Also, the Sanguine Alchemy swap with 0 Solar weapons is confusing me
When you are in a rift/well with sanguine, you mark targets you shoot and deal 10% more to them. The element match is only for x4 surges on the matching element to your subclass
@@ludachrispthanks I was wondering the same thing
As chris said, the sanguine is not for the surges, it's for the mark - if this damage phase wasnt so chaotic I would run nova bomb, but song of flame damage reduction is too good to pass up.
@@BogOnMyDog I see thanks, I mustve missed that new functionality in the Revenant patch. Great run!
@@Sabre5106 No worries, and thank you!
What are your equipped artifact sets? Do they change based on your builds?
To be completely honest I'm not really sure, the only mod that matters at all (and it is pretty important) is concussive reload, which applies a 15% weaken debuff for 25 seconds when you hit a boss with a grenade launcher. It's also apparently bugged right now because destiny, so yeah there's that.
holy shit that servitor damage is sick!! is that just from the fragment that spreads ignition scorch? 👀
Pretty much yeah, it's so cool hey :D
I’ve solo’d this dungeon (solo flawless is driving me mad) but I’m taking 5 phases for the first boss. What exactly is your damage approach? Spam melee, incandescent sidearm, and auto-loading holster for parasite?
The best way to do the first boss on warlock is simply use the rain of fire exotic boots with song of flame and icarus dash to spam wardcliff coil. If you search you should be able to find solo 2 phases on warlock - the reason I didn't use wardcliff is because it was on the disable list for contest I assumed it was doing bugged damage and didn't want to be accused of cheesing, also the chain ignitions were funny :)
have people come up with a better strat for raneiks knowing the stacking ignition nerf that Bungie finally acknowledged today?
I haven't even started to try solo flawless yet, the boss is walking me as i've been trying to just roll with prismatic and even when i survive DPS i'm just tripping up on being chased by radiation clones.
Wardcliff coil with rain of fire + icarus dash reloads should be a pretty breezy 2-3 phase :)
At the start there was talk about solo 2 phase. Was it about the last boss and if so any links or info on what build was used?
It's on prismatic titan, here's the video: ruclips.net/video/GLAIs3QXG0E/видео.htmlsi=dfLGsovBr3nR7dPo
@@BogOnMyDog Thank you my good sir!
Cette SANGUINE ALCHEMY est-elle bonne pour augmenter les dégâts même sans utiliser de super compatible avec l'élément de l'arme utilisé pour le dps ?
Sanguine Alchemy now applies a 10% stacking damage buff regardless of your super, so I believe the answer to your question is yes!
@@BogOnMyDog Thanks brother, I didn't want to translate a comment into French lol, I'll test this exotic on the final Boss of the dungeon 💪🏼
absolute gamer
the Mickey Mouse clubhouse thumbnail was so much better
It was a banger...
Quick question: during the first boss, how are you getting the heavy to reload itself?
I'm using a perk called envious assassin which reloads the heavy when I get kills with my other weapons :)
@@BogOnMyDog I was wondering about this. How are you keeping the envious stacks after you swap to your surge loadout? From what I know, swapping any loaout, even if its just armour mods that are changing, will reset it back to the base mag size.
@@rigmaroll if you never pull the weapon out then the stacks don't reset - you can try this yourself! Make two different loadouts and try stacking up envious, swapping to the gun and then swapping loadouts - the mag should reset to base. Now do the same thing but after stacking envious, don't actually pull out the weapon until after you swap the loadouts - you should see the stacks remain!
@@BogOnMyDog that's great to know. Really appreciate the reply. ggs on the run
Conpletely agree on thoughts on solo damage/timing. Solo dungeons are more of a chore than a challenge. Committing two hours to a successful attempt, let alone the failures is a massive time sink and is less about "this requires intensive skill checks and creativity" and more about "can i keep concentrating for x amount of time." Unfortunately destiny for solo players is a very underdeveloped and ignored part of the game
They definitely can get a little tedious, especially the later dungeons - It's what got me into soloing raid encounters, wanting more of a challenge rather than an endurance test!
I politely disagree with scaling for solos.
1.5x harder is 50% harder than doing it normally. Having to carve through that extra health is part of the prestige of a SF, and you’re only pushing to do it once. It’s a voluntary challenge you personally take on to get a cosmetic item, I think adding solo lessens the prestige of earning it with no real actual value-as the only people who’re gonna solo the dungeon are going to do it for prestige anyway.
My run was an hour and 22 minutes in total, with a few breaks. Three phases the first boss, and six phased the final boss. I could’ve chosen a better damage rotation for the final boss, but I was intent on generally learning what was good on my own and eventually defaulted to Anarchy
I think there is a world where we can have scaling and maintain difficulty. Imo, this is the absolute perfect solo flawless difficulty and I agree that it shouldn’t change. But a way to add difficulty would be to use this solo flawless as a baseline then scale up from there depending on player count. That way solo flawless still has prestige, and team play is made somewhat more difficult.
Fair enough, my point was simply that increasing boss health doesn't actually linearly increase difficulty - doubling the health of a boss doesn't make it twice as hard, it makes it harder for sure since you have to be more consistent to reach more damage phases consecutively, but it's not a direct linear correlation. Playing solo should be difficult because surviving whilst doing mechanics is hard without a team, not because you have to just spend 3 times as long on an encounter.
If Simmumah had 100 million health I'm sure you'd agree with me that it is simply too much health, similarly if she had 1 million health then it wouldn't be enough. There is a goldilocks zone when it comes to number of phases you should have to do a boss in to make it challenging and engaging without being a drag, with examples of bosses with not enough health being pretty much anything before spire, and bosses with too much being simmumah and raneiks. The thing with raneiks is that nothing in the entire encounter is hard, other than the buggy integration mechanic and exploder shanks - it's just 5 minutes of ad clear to get a 20 second damage phase, that's why even a 3 phase feels tedious. If the actual encounter was more interesting (like the final boss) then 4 phasing wouldn't feel so bad, but it isn't, so it does.
I guess my point is that if they are going to design a 3 player activity that is also intended to be soloable, my personal opinion is that fireteam scaling would increase the enjoyment of the solo experience more than it would lower the difficulty, but I'm just a guy on the internet so if you disagree that's totally valid.
I have been trying to solo this on Warlock and I completely suck at the damage phase at the 2. encounter; I currently need 6-7 damage phases to kill this boss. Can I get a quick explanation/ DIM link to your build please?
Sure! I've got a DIM link in the description but essentially I'm running all of the scorch/ignition boosting fragments with song of flame so that I apply a lot of scorch and when one of the servitors ignites, it spreads scorch to the others allowing them to chain ignitions off of eachother. On top of this I use sanguine alchemy for 4x surges and a 10% bonus damage buff on my parasite to add a LOT of extra damage.
i have a question not for the dungeon but for youtube itself, how can you do timestamps on timeline? i tried diferent ways in tutorials and troubleshoot but didnt work in my last 2 videos, maybe advanced features in channel settings?
I would just say to try and emulate what I do at the bottom of my description :)
Died to an arc soul deciding to play operator today, could I get a failtage/ wipe compilation for copium 🙏
I had a similar thing happen to me: x.com/BogOnMyDog/status/1845475343421051261
grats dude
Thanks brad :)
How did you keep envious stacks on edge transit through loadout swaps?
If you never pull out the weapon after it has overflowed past the full mag size, envious stacks will remain. This means you can no longer triple the mag since that required you to pull out the weapon at 2x mag, but 2x mag on edge transit leaves literally 1 reload, which I will take over bitter sweet any day since edge transit surge matches with the best energy weapon in the game.
Vesper’s Mickey
It's doable
How you did so much dmg on the servitor boss.
Chaining ignitions, but to be honest over half the damage is from the x4 surges (with sanguine alchemy) on a 20x worms hunger parasite shot
Any damage loadouts for solo clears with riskrunner ?
You could substitute choir of one with risk runner here, but you'd be losing a lot of damage. There aren't really many kinetic+heavy legendary combos that have enough total damage to do better than a 5-6 phase if you are limiting your energy weapon to riskrunner, at least not for this fight.
my thought is pve should be balanced around having 30 resilience, recovery, and mobility because those are the "base" values but it feels like bungie is like "let's make things challenging for 100 resilience"
I personally think endgame content like raids and dungeons should be balanced around having endgame gear, and given that in a challenge I did recently I was able to get 100 resilience within 8 hours of playtime on a new account, I think making dungeon content balanced for 30 resilience would trivialise it for 99.9% of the playerbase, which would be pretty silly for 'endgame' content
@@BogOnMyDog it just feels weird to me that they gave us the option to build into tankiness and then decided to make it mandatory.
@@ZomgLolPants Yeah Destiny is not that sort of game, it is definitely weird how there are correct stats to spec into for each build and only one of them is an overarching must, I definitely think the way DR is tied to resilience is bad game design as well but hey that's how it is I guess
@@ZomgLolPantsthe issue is really with the entire resilience stat. Over time, I’ve come to hate the DR change that they implemented
Builds? Also DIM don’t show gun perks.
I'm sorry about that, it's super sad that DIM has this limitation - if you want to know what perks I have on a specific weapon feel free to ask here, but the main ones are envious assassin + bait and switch, and my rocket sidearm is heal clip + demolitionist.
surprised you did it on warlock instead of titan
IMO It's a little easier albeit longer on warlock, but also wanted to have something for all the people who only really play warlock to see what I used :)
@@BogOnMyDog valid
What is that meatball damage?!?
We love ignitions :)
Mickeys Host
Vesper's clubhouse
Hes just the fucking goat
Thank you 🙏
ding ding
dinner bell 🧑🍳
algorithm juicing comment has arrived
good name for spooky month
@@sirlaurens good name for spooky month
good name for spooky month (what does this mean)
@BogOnMyDog some1 with the name "spookiiiiii" came into chat and i call October spooky month so I said "good name for spooky month" and laurens just started doing it as well so it's smth we say now xdd
@@AranDomGuy1st good name for a spooky month
How already
I didn't touch grass basically
now do it on hunter :P
I'll leave that to the hunter mains haha
@@BogOnMyDogdw I got this see you in 5 years 😂😂 your goated at this game most people now days are so washed
hello i love you
Dude opens the video crying for 5 minutes
Someone asked what I thought of the dungeon, sorry for speaking my mind :(
thank you