Its crazy to think how the graphics have changed since then. I almost cant even remember playing that summoners rift. I had forgotten azir and zac were even champions back on old rift! hahaa and its weird because its only been a year or so? I guess when your playing over 1000 games a season, you dont realize how quickly things change on you.
FromGumi Thanks for the correction, was semi drunk. Sadly, that's something that Scarra would actually point out. And as much as I love watching scarra, i fucking hate him. lmao
leonatardo TV He played Varus and Ashe, very nontraditional picks, really well and he had a great impact with their strong initiation tools. I thing he played amazingly considering he was new to the team and it was Worlds. One of my favourite ADs for sure.
Wow looking back at how the game used to be makes me really nostalgic. Yes I would never go back to the old map, but there is just this rough-unpolishedness (not that that is a real word) that I miss about lol. Not everything was shiny and polished, but clunky and more "real" if that makes any sense. (dang I feel old)
Jorduck Well, Fnatic isn't going to continue doing this same thing now that they crawled back to Mrs. Diva Reckless for their ADC. That team environment has to be almost as bad as the effect from having DoubleLift on the team.
"I do not belive!"....... I miss deman.
Plurvy I love how he tries to cast the whole fight in one breath and his voice slowly goes higher and higher. I love deman!
Plurvy Joe miller and Deman had some great i do not believe its... sad that theyre both gone
salty PJSalt from LCS that is
+Plurvy Me too! I love the way he starts screaming everytime something big happens.
mid lane gragas, jungle aatrox, top lane ZAC. what a blast from the past
What a mess this game was.
that tiny dragon tho
oOIceTOo Yeah! hahahah SR has improved so much
You know this video is old cause Gragas oneshots the caster wave at 0:14
Sam Brown i thought exactly the same thing lolp
Sam Brown and there is a varus
and Aatrox
Sam Brown You know this video is old because you look date...
This is the greatest play i have ever seen.
Is Deman still speaking english at 1:45 ?
Its crazy to think how the graphics have changed since then. I almost cant even remember playing that summoners rift. I had forgotten azir and zac were even champions back on old rift! hahaa
and its weird because its only been a year or so? I guess when your playing over 1000 games a season, you dont realize how quickly things change on you.
Bryan Jordan didnt realize dragon was so small like damn
***** Means Aatrox
FromGumi Thanks for the correction, was semi drunk. Sadly, that's something that Scarra would actually point out. And as much as I love watching scarra, i fucking hate him. lmao
best play of the worldchampionship right there, made my day when i saw that one live
imo puszu as a player unknow well in league of legends scene performed really well on words with fnatic
leonatardo TV He played Varus and Ashe, very nontraditional picks, really well and he had a great impact with their strong initiation tools. I thing he played amazingly considering he was new to the team and it was Worlds. One of my favourite ADs for sure.
xNintendan95x no, back in S3 Worlds, Ashe and Varus were meta picks. Both of them were strong picks
Brian Liutama True
Old jungle items/jungle, old fanatic, old sunfire cape icon = all better.
Wow looking back at how the game used to be makes me really nostalgic. Yes I would never go back to the old map, but there is just this rough-unpolishedness (not that that is a real word) that I miss about lol. Not everything was shiny and polished, but clunky and more "real" if that makes any sense. (dang I feel old)
back when EU had 200 IQ :(
whats that spider champ never seen it before ;p
is there anything he does believe?
AKVisuals He's not even commentating that match,.
***** He probably meant that but yeah his voide broke like WTF
yeah fk it is deman but the voice man
voice* not voide and yeah xD
Sick b8 m8
What a great bait. I would watch LCS if the newer casters didnt suck
ch40440 EU* you mean. Phreak, Kobe, and Riv are awesome as NA casters
Moon Leah ... just Kobe is awesome in NA LCS. Riv and Phreak are annoying
just a bad dive/bad play... they could've just take the turret and walk away, but they were too greedy.
bosco lai You would have done exactly the same thing.. That's why it's called......... a bait.
Jorduck Not every fish takes the bait ;) But Chinese teams completely disregard that turrets are in the game so they'll take that bait any day.
Jorduck Well, Fnatic isn't going to continue doing this same thing now that they crawled back to Mrs. Diva Reckless for their ADC. That team environment has to be almost as bad as the effect from having DoubleLift on the team.
MegaDook56 It's nothing to do with the team being Chinese lol
AMERICA IS WHIIITE soaz and peke too heavy, now they're gone tho and fnatic shall be no.1
too bad trash eu team lost the series hahaha
agrowal too bad north america got knocked out in group stage
agrowal they should NA LCS rename to NaCL
ticonderoga122 like I care about trash na even Taiwan is better than eu again lel