Thank you for sharing your translation of this Tang Dynasty Poem. A song I first heard in the dim light of a Taipei Karaoke room. This is the best translation I have come across so far. These are memories with strong emotions as I recall my good Taiwanese friend and colleague, among them are 2 individuals who unfortunately have since passed. To these days I still miss them when song like this one starts to play. They are very hard working and talented individual who helped turned business plan and strategy into reality. As the song lyric implies the most painful hour are when close acquaintances have to part.
Hi Wangfei thanks for your nice song GBU
Wow, this song is so beautiful and meaningful! Thanks for the English lyrics, which make it easier to understand!
好歌不厭百回聽! 看看這留言還會不會飛走。。祝 mbf 禮拜三愉快!
I realize it is kind of off topic but does anybody know a good site to stream new series online?
當時身陷囹圄 正流放他地的途中......
錯有錯著 蘇先生不會介意的
瓊樓玉宇 天上宮闕
是指 意氣風發
是對世事的輕嘆 揶揄抱怨
意氣風發 龍飛鳳舞
身陷囹圄 蟄伏屈膝
蘇東坡的 書法人生
王菲的歌百聽不厭,第 一次看到英譯歌詞,令人拍案叫絕,圖片意境更沒話說,總之~~ 太棒了!
musicboxforever I have read the story behide this peom the song lyrics. quite interesting. :)
祝音乐盒元宵节快乐! ^_^
26th February 2021
祝福音乐盒2021年健康平安~万事如意~心想事成! ^_^ 新年快乐! 😊👍🏼🍎🍊🍍
1st January 2021
@@musicboxforeverable 👍🏼😊👍🏼
A beautiful timeless poem. An inward reflection of our own journeys....
Thank you for sharing your translation of this Tang Dynasty Poem. A song I first heard in the dim light of a Taipei Karaoke room. This is the best translation I have come across so far. These are memories with strong emotions as I recall my good Taiwanese friend and colleague, among them are 2 individuals who unfortunately have since passed. To these days I still miss them when song like this one starts to play. They are very hard working and talented individual who helped turned business plan and strategy into reality. As the song lyric implies the most painful hour are when close acquaintances have to part.
Correction: Its not a poem but lyrics from Song Dynasty by Su Shi.
私愛 歌❤️
也想與外國友人分享此曲,可是英文一個字 “Forever”是不能涵蓋蘇軾那深情的五個字: 但願人長久。
Listen to the lyrics, it blows you away, especially the chorus, if one is old enough to appreciate its meanings.
+josemour100 ¸.•´¸.•* ♫ Thanks for coming by and listening to this old song....
祝音乐盒圣诞快乐! ^_^
Little Blue Lemon 哈哈,遲來的聖誕祝福。小檸檬,新年祝福妳。這幾天看到很圓的月亮。有夠棒的。
@@musicboxforeverable 时间过得真快啊! 一年又要过去了!再次感谢音乐盒的分享! ~但愿人长久~ 。。。也预祝音乐盒圣诞快乐! Merry Christmas! ^_^
¸.•´¸.•* ♫ 哇,一年匆匆,真的很快又是要過年了。感謝小檸檬常常來祝福祈禱。希望這個禮拜有美好的慶祝。哈哈,祝福我的朋友佳節快樂。
@@musicboxforeverable 祝福音乐盒鼠年行大运~好事数不尽~幸福美满~健康平安~好运连连~心想事成~万事如意! ^_^
恭喜发财! Huat Ah! 😀👍🏼🍀
😆哇。哈哈,感謝小檸檬來聽王菲。好久沒來自己頻道聽歌了。感謝小檸檬的祝福。也恭祝小檸檬新年行大運。鼠年再加油。😄。huat ah。
一首好好聽的歌 , 圖片漂亮 ! 謝謝分享 !
祝朋友天天愉快 !
+Ypw Young ¸.•´¸.•* ♫ 這首歌百聽不厭,剛好拿來應節用。感謝朋友來聆聽祝福。幸福每一天。
王菲晿的只是好聽,可能那時还年輕,毕意鄧丽君唱了那么多年的歌 。
The translation makes a bit more sense than the plain literal translation.
This is not a translation, the lyrics was written by the famous Chinese writer Su Shi (January 8, 1037-August 24, 1101)
@@brighthorse6981 -- Is Su Shi another name for Su Dongbo? ( 苏东波)
王菲把“綺”說錯了。 no offence -_-