Couple things: the 8mm allows for a higher current and not just allowing distance. For example it will charge the Sherpa 100 at around 17 w whereas if you use the USB port it will max out at 5. Second: it's a USB A port. Wish it was C. Maybe the next generation will have that. Otherwise great review
In the meantime, I bought this panel and sure enough, the USB port puts out 10 watts under direct sunlight. I measured 1.95 A on the USB port. Under the same sunlight, the Solar port generated 16 watts.
Couple things: the 8mm allows for a higher current and not just allowing distance. For example it will charge the Sherpa 100 at around 17 w whereas if you use the USB port it will max out at 5.
Second: it's a USB A port. Wish it was C. Maybe the next generation will have that.
Otherwise great review
The manual says, that the USB-A port is rated 5V, up to 2.1 amps (10.5 Watt max).
In the meantime, I bought this panel and sure enough, the USB port puts out 10 watts under direct sunlight. I measured 1.95 A on the USB port. Under the same sunlight, the Solar port generated 16 watts.
Good to know, thanks!
Thank you Clinton, I am getting a refurbished one on Ebay for $95.
Both ports are outputs, so you can’t hook up a nomad 10 using the USB port I think..