The Universe Within - Neil Shubin

  • Опубликовано: 18 сен 2024
  • Pioneering palaeontologist Neil Shubin reveals the deep connections between the cosmos and the human body -- from today right back to the Big Bang.
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Комментарии • 76

  • @MrIanHulstein
    @MrIanHulstein 11 лет назад +2

    Also, this guy is a fantastic and engaging speaker. He just bursts with enthusiasm about his topic. This is a man who is truly following his bliss! Cheers!

  • @nicolel.2398
    @nicolel.2398 9 лет назад +1

    Neil Shubin has got it all together. Cool, cool guy.

  • @joebazooks
    @joebazooks 11 лет назад +1

    I think the 5th dimension is scale, as this is the only idea I've been able to think of that actually makes sense, that is, in relation to the other dimensions of space. So, think of the universe as a set of Russian dolls, each smaller doll nested inside the larger. Another idea that resonates with me, that I agree with, is that the universe, as we know it to be, could be both a part and a whole simultaneously, or what's called a 'Holon'; en.wikipedia[[[DOT]]]org/wiki/Holon_%28philosophy%29

  • @MrIanHulstein
    @MrIanHulstein 11 лет назад

    Very nice to see a scientist outside the field of astronomy who actually takes note of larger earth motions such as Precession of the Equinoxes(~26,000yrs) and eccentricity of our orbit, and lets these larger motions actually have an impact on our evolution and human history. Is it not likely that these have 'seasonal' impacts?? Now only to get them to accept that human civilization is much more of a cyclical affair, not simply a once only linear advance with us today at it's pinnacle...

  • @Abellt1d
    @Abellt1d 11 лет назад

    Interesting presentation and discussion. Thank you

  • @SuperClavera
    @SuperClavera 11 лет назад

    i could come up with one, "laws of nature", these laws pretty much decides why and what we should and will do. We don't choose to like certain colors, foods, etc, they are all imprinted into us through nature, in a natural way. The will of survival for example, to pass on our genes and thus protect ourself before other people. The will to eat, breath and drink are also forced upon us, just like everything else. Then of course, not everyone is exactly alike everyone else in all aspects.

  • @nesaprotu
    @nesaprotu 11 лет назад

    Thank you very much.

  • @TxFw
    @TxFw 11 лет назад

    For me this video strangely sparked 2 thoughts:
    1) There is a "clock" w/ interlocking cycles inside us & all other forms of life as there is a "clock" with our universe made up of the motion & revolutions of stars & planets. This is the law of witnesses.
    2) As above, So below. What allows for this? The golden ratio or its integer approximations expressed in the fibonacci sequence where nothing in space or energy is prodigal/wasteful. Infinite scalability.

  • @MyQwerqwerqwerqwerqw
    @MyQwerqwerqwerqwerqw 11 лет назад

    (1) : the ability to learn or understand or to deal with new or trying situations : reason; also : the skilled use of reason (2) : the ability to apply knowledge to manipulate one's environment or to think abstractly as measured by objective criteria (as tests)A universe such as ours requires a very specific set of laws in order to come to fruition..anything other than the basics would offset the balance of creation and render our existence as a giant block of chaos.This is why i believe in G-d

  • @mdgqTube
    @mdgqTube 11 лет назад

    As an overview... ok, but some details are still in the skeptic's portfolio... like the Big Bang that most take for granted, but is still a theory... which the Electric Universe contradicts with valid arguments...
    I also think it's fantastic to see the pace of discoveries we are seeing these years!

  • @godeketime
    @godeketime 11 лет назад

    Having done some genetic algorithm AI systems, what is actually surprising is when a competitive environment *doesn't* cause self improvement, despite introducing lots of chaos into the system. The ingredients for self improvement are startlingly short: #1 - Generational similarity to prior generation. #2 - Random and/or crossing alteration of (some) code. #3 - Competition for resources. That's it, over time generations improve. No pre-cog required.

  • @xijnnijx
    @xijnnijx 11 лет назад

    This is an amazing story.

  • @sharonmary
    @sharonmary 11 лет назад

    This is awesome. Totally love it.

  • @walkertongdee
    @walkertongdee 11 лет назад

    This video shows how science can help connect us to nature and ideally the cosmos and that is the principal function of mythology. Don’t feel alone, few understand mythology do to religion misrepresenting it. Personally I would rather have mythology in the hands of scientists than religion… Have a good life…

  • @TheRoyalInstitution
    @TheRoyalInstitution 11 лет назад

    We've just posted a great interview with Neil Shubin

  • @joebazooks
    @joebazooks 11 лет назад

    That's exactly what I said; by applying the human trait of intelligence to the universe, I'm anthropomorphizing it--that's to say I'm applying a human attribute to the universe. Additionally, I believe the only way to 'understand' anything outside of ourselves, aside from other human-beings, is by the means of anthropomorphization. Frankly, I don't believe it's possible to fully know or understand anything outside of ourselves. But then again, these are only beliefs.

  • @TadaGanIarracht
    @TadaGanIarracht 11 лет назад

    After looking into the Holon idea I find it hard to swallow... It does sound cool and a little plausible but it has some flaws... Taking away specific atoms from a system will definitely make a molecule cease to exist but that also holds true for any non-Holon system, also the idea of the universe being a mere illusion is difficult to swallow as we have experiences everyday and if it is an illusion then someone or something is having the illusion. Both those ideas are subject to infinite regress

  • @jeaniebaby001
    @jeaniebaby001 11 лет назад

    there are so many species that we can't possibly find them all, and NEW species are coming into being so fast that they validate the 'crumbling' question.. x) i suppose we shouldn't just stop simply because the task humbles us.

  • @kingnicholson1
    @kingnicholson1 11 лет назад

    Loved the video, BUT at the front there was one guy on his iphone the whole time, literally every time that it went to a shot from the camera at the back of the room he was on his iphone. Still that guy aside it was a interesting and engaging talk.

  • @666alberto
    @666alberto 11 лет назад

    Transcription please at 12:29:
    All the creatures that interact with the planet a TYPE(?as character?) to the spinning to the earth and its connection to the moon.

  • @TadaGanIarracht
    @TadaGanIarracht 11 лет назад

    "Frankly, I don't believe it's possible to fully know or understand anything outside of ourselves." Again I don't personally think this is a good way to look at the universe because of all the observable things that we can measure and because of all the things we can understand about ourselves and about others using psychology. Some things are too big/small or too simple/complex for us to understand but I have no doubts that we'll understand these someday and our kids will understand even more.

  • @MyQwerqwerqwerqwerqw
    @MyQwerqwerqwerqwerqw 11 лет назад

    Actually, i never said anything about the old testament nor do i support a 6 thousand year old theory, I simply stated that one cannot have structured and self improving process like evolution in a Universe where the underlying mechanism for all existence is (*supposedly) Chaos; The process could only exist through a pre-cognitive intelligence..

  • @TadaGanIarracht
    @TadaGanIarracht 11 лет назад

    Even though I don't like the holographic universe idea I still find it a little more plausible (as plausible as holon and illusion ideas) and then the idea that the universe is nothing but a simulation is also even more plausible as all that would require is for actual beings to have a good enough computer. I admit to a certain feeling of terror with those last two hypotheses. But I think all the data points to a solid and real, knowable universe and being here is fun no matter which is true

  • @joebazooks
    @joebazooks 11 лет назад

    'Holon' means "something that is simultaneously a whole and a part." So, when I said that "the universe, as we know it to be, could be both a part and a whole simultaneously," the idea I meant to express and communicate to you was that the universe, since we already know the universe as a whole, also might be a part of something bigger than itself., which is just as plausible as it is unlikely.
    Additionally, I think you misunderstand the concept of illusion. (continued)

  • @missRbeckett
    @missRbeckett 11 лет назад

    I think I have a genetic shift that makes me want to sleep all the time! Great stuff. I love his book "Your Inner Fish".

  • @cennisc
    @cennisc 11 лет назад

    What will we evolve into next, or, have we stopped evolving?

    • @patldennis
      @patldennis 3 года назад

      The law of monophyly describes how and why descendanrs of mammals will always be mammals, etc so descendants of homo sspien will always be homo sapiens

  • @whispergirl77
    @whispergirl77 10 лет назад +2

    Science and spirituality comes together. We are all connected. :)

  • @joebazooks
    @joebazooks 11 лет назад

    We are part of the universe; would you agree? If so, and if the universe was an illusion, then subsequently 'our experience' would be an illusion, not to mention this idea of 'me' or 'I' or 'ourselves'.
    The idea of the holographic universe IS virtually the same idea of the universe being a holon.
    We can measure the world, of course, but can we really know the physical world? And if so, perhaps 'we' are or 'I' am larger than 'the universe' and therefore contain 'the universe' within 'myself' or

  • @firehot006
    @firehot006 11 лет назад

    I don't know at all if it randomly came into existence, but I don't believe in god and don't believe the universe has a well defined purpose so by that definition I would describe its formation as random. Quantum mechanics is currently the best description we have of how the universe works at the smallest scale we can currently measure so I think the latest evidence we have points to inherent randomness in the universe.

  • @MarkoKraguljac
    @MarkoKraguljac 11 лет назад

    Procedurally generated fractals pushed around by environment and code flaws. Culture is latest, informational layer of this evolutionary game. More complex but principally no different than layers below. There is no free will. Why is everything growing and getting more complex tho is fascinating question. Is it all merely a symptom of sun's energy output? Entropy is one thing.. but structured complexity.. wow :D

  • @joebazooks
    @joebazooks 11 лет назад

    By that same logic, one could say, "If apes did not create the universe, then apes cannot exist." I have no doubt, however, that the universe or even reality is intelligent, as vague as that statement is.

  • @joebazooks
    @joebazooks 11 лет назад

    In spite of all emotional convictions about the universe, its characteristics or what it might indeed be, I think the Buddhist mythology is at least somewhat accurate. That reality or this world is Maya, or an illusion. It could be "all in our 'head' " or a construct of imagination.

  • @walkertongdee
    @walkertongdee 11 лет назад

    This video is a scientific modern myth like example about how science can link us to our environment the principal function of mythology, interesting real mainstream scientific knowledge.

  • @MyQwerqwerqwerqwerqw
    @MyQwerqwerqwerqwerqw 11 лет назад

    Apes are in fact, intelligent; They just aren't as intelligent as us. *our politicians nowadays can disprove that claim..But in regards to intelligent existence in general..How does anyone know what intelligence is?.We can only know through consciousness because it was in consciousness that we "discovered" it .But consciousness is another entity all-together.So, we can say, i am conscious, therefore; intelligent; and still end up right back to the same asked question. What is intelligence.?

  • @TadaGanIarracht
    @TadaGanIarracht 11 лет назад

    our human attributes to it in an effort to make it easier to understand... But calling the universe intelligent is the same as calling it creative. It makes no sense even though you could argue for the creativity of the universe. Alas, it is part of the human condition. As creative intelligent beings it is natural for us to apply that attribute, just the same as we are builders and creators we naturally want to apply those concepts to the universe too. In an effort to make it less... Alien.

  • @joebazooks
    @joebazooks 11 лет назад

    Well, I'm anthropomorphizing the universe or reality when I said it's intelligent. I mean, the word itself is a linguistic construct to begin with, even though it refers to an idea. I think what I was getting at is that there seems to be a natural order to the universe, and in that sense it's 'intelligent'; it doesn't seem, at least to me, like the universe or reality is a random mess of shit. I don't know; what do you think?

  • @SuperClavera
    @SuperClavera 11 лет назад

    It's always an guess/speculation until something "better" comes along, science is not religion. You can google it pretty easily, see this link: . You can probably google something even better if you try.

  • @firehot006
    @firehot006 11 лет назад

    The randomness that seems to be inherent to quantum mechanics suggests that on one level the universe is as you put it a 'random mess of shit'. But order seems to appear from this randomness. I wonder if the universe needs to have this elements of randomness, otherwise how would it have randomly come into existence in the first place?

  • @sulack
    @sulack 11 лет назад

    ... go watch sixtysymbols... they may explain a few things to you.

  • @TadaGanIarracht
    @TadaGanIarracht 11 лет назад

    That's a strange line of thought... Reality and the universe are one and the same. I'd like to know why you think the universe itself is intelligent.

  • @joebazooks
    @joebazooks 11 лет назад

    But how do you know the universe RANDOMLY came into existence? ALSO, what appears, to us, to be randomness on a quantum or micro level of reality could be merely appearing that way and may indeed not be random at all.

  • @MyQwerqwerqwerqwerqw
    @MyQwerqwerqwerqwerqw 11 лет назад

    fine then.. Show me a species that's in genus-transitional phase like a bird-man, or fish-bird or something to that nature.. Show me a species whos mutation pointsto a *retro proto-Cambrian direction.I want to see evolution in reverse.. Explain to me why entropy has not taken effect in non of the planets existing species.. i want to see the bones of a vertebrate and compare them to any other vertebrate that ever existed and i want you to tell me which one transitioned from invertebrate phase..

  • @MyQwerqwerqwerqwerqw
    @MyQwerqwerqwerqwerqw 11 лет назад

    I want an example.. a theory, html link, anything that will support your opposing view and it can be anything from an excerpt of Dawkins book to Dan Brown to Bill Nye or Steven Hawking ect ect.. *Basically, anyone of the scientific community that you've chosen to represent the above statement and a shred of proof that will convince me above all else, that you, have the answer to life's most profound mysteries..

  • @Marcellovesyou
    @Marcellovesyou 11 лет назад

    Your argument bases itself entirely on the assumption that intelligence is a binary entity that either does or does not exist. Intelligence is a matter of perception and therefore perfectly viable to be perceived without a creator. Also, is that you in that picture?

  • @joebazooks
    @joebazooks 11 лет назад

    ...[or] 'ourselves'.
    If you want to continue this conversation, because this character limit is a bitch, we should use private message!

  • @TadaGanIarracht
    @TadaGanIarracht 11 лет назад

    I agree but I don't think that anthropomorphizing the universe is the right line of thought... Sure it is somewhat ordered even though the vast majority of the universe is incredibly deadly for the living things on our planet. I would say that it is ordered but at the same time there is randomness to the order... in the same way that you can make a random number generator but it still follows rules. Hmmm which still suggests intelligence I guess. The only reason for this is us humans applying

  • @kellihenderson7794
    @kellihenderson7794 8 лет назад

    I wonder if Neil Shubin has considered what our human descendants might look like 10+ million years from now.

  • @1x93cm
    @1x93cm 11 лет назад

    we are the borg....
    resistence is futile...

  • @superexy
    @superexy 11 лет назад

    it may be silly to one who cant think for himself and has to follow a book :l

  • @vladsch1
    @vladsch1 11 лет назад

    @Marko Kraguljac glad to see someone recognize the obvious imposiibility of free will in a fractal universe-fractals are deterministic. To put it in George Bush Jr's terms: we are not the decider, just the experiencer of reality. ΞΙ:D

  • @resal13
    @resal13 11 лет назад

    when we crumbles ? really ?

  • @godeketime
    @godeketime 11 лет назад

    You are the one who has staked out the extremist view with an extraordinary claim; that an Intelligence must have made the universe because otherwise intelligence can't exist. In science, those with an extraordinary claim have the burden of proof. Current scientific understanding is the opposite of your claim, so you have the opportunity to be an outstanding figure in science by expanding knowledge. Rhetoric on RUclips isn't going to get you there though.

  • @MyQwerqwerqwerqwerqw
    @MyQwerqwerqwerqwerqw 11 лет назад

    You can't disprove my point by not providing an alternative point of your own..
    I tend to view intelligence as a ubiquitous and all pervasive entity because everything that exists and every law in the universe requires it. Your logic dictates that the scientific community doesn't require an intelligent designer because they find no evidence for it ( even though science itself will try and mimic advanced design in nature).You have just contradicted your statement by re-enforcing mine..

  • @MyQwerqwerqwerqwerqw
    @MyQwerqwerqwerqwerqw 11 лет назад

    Guys, if you're going to analyze my comments,at least have the decency to present an alternative argument to mine.. Have me corrected;Thusly

  • @vladsch1
    @vladsch1 11 лет назад

    @skaterfreak4life What proof do you have that we do? What you consider making decisions and choices is nothing more than becoming consciously aware of these being subconsciously formed. We simply accept these as ours without questioning their origin because they arose in us, as far as we can perceive. It is a misconception born out of the illusion of the a self separated from the rest of the universe. ΞΙ:D

  • @godeketime
    @godeketime 11 лет назад

    It doesn't work that way. You hold a position opposed to current scientific understanding. Schooling, not RUclips blather, is how you rectify that disconnect. Science does *not* have to disprove every crackpot theory, crackpot theories have to prove themselves to become science. And the scientific community it rightly skeptical of claims back by nothing but hot air, but the seemingly bizarre (such as Quantum Mechanics, Relativity, etc) become science when the make verifiable claims.

  • @missRbeckett
    @missRbeckett 11 лет назад

    What again???

  • @humbleevidenceaccepter7712
    @humbleevidenceaccepter7712 4 года назад

    ...he's French, his libido...

  • @jeaniebaby001
    @jeaniebaby001 11 лет назад

    can professors stop calling these drawings 'cartoons'? it's not the best word for them. x(

    • @patldennis
      @patldennis 3 года назад

      It's a fine way to refer to them.

  • @MyQwerqwerqwerqwerqw
    @MyQwerqwerqwerqwerqw 11 лет назад

    Says the guy that responds with no logic...

  • @TadaGanIarracht
    @TadaGanIarracht 11 лет назад

    Bad logic.

  • @CarlitosMayo
    @CarlitosMayo 11 лет назад

    Mainstream propaganda!

  • @kvj1989
    @kvj1989 11 лет назад

    Silly atheist and their silly believes.