If I was a restaurant owner or manager, if any of my servers refused to serve a customer based on their political affiliations or on how they voted, that employee of mine would be FIRED instantly.
Not only was it a customer, but the mfing president, yea your getting fired, plus I’m calling every other restaurant near me to let them know not to hire you
Yup and she should have been disciplined for this. Someone in her position telling citizens to harass other citizens because they support someone she hates. Her problem.
Yep. Right after the Red Hen incident and Sarah Huckabee. It was such a mess that Red Hen had to shut down for a bit. I'm not sure they are still open. Sounds like Beucherts Saloon learned from 2018. The attitude towards Trump today is very different from what it was during his first tenure.
I grew up as a Democrat. In my 20’s, I wondered at the apparent hypocrisy of my friends and neighbors. 😮 became a Republican. Now days - I’d be embarrassed to be a dimocrat.
@@frankedgar6694 When I worked in the restaurant business I was not allowed to have biases , I was paid to serve no matter who they are! She’s obviously in the wrong business!! 🤷🏻♂️
@@SirManfly I agree. Im a retired teacher. My students never knew for sure what I was. As far as politics, I’d ask them questions designed to help them figure out what THEY believed. Knowing who you are and what you’d die for was important to my generation. I tried to pass that feeling along. Getting along with everyone regardless of their beliefs and values was added where ever possible. If she’d pulled the same thing on a staunch democrat, I’d have also endorsed her firing. Well maybe not for Nancy Paloozer or camela. lol
I actually started as a Democrat myself and I was basically told that I could not be a pro-life Democrat. I was literally shamed and my belief at the time had nothing to do with religion because I was very agnostic but rather biology. I was treated so poorly that I just decided to leave that party and then vote for who I wanted to. I switched to the Republican Party for a short time but George W. Bush kind of cured me of that and then I switched to the libertarian party and for years, I voted for Libertarians or the person I thought was the best person for the job but now, I vote against Democrats so I might as well be a Republican because I always vote for them 😂😂
@ I hear ya. Admittedly when I voted for Trump in 2016, I voted against Hillary. In 2020 and 2024 though, I voted FOR Trump. He surprised me. I don't like everything he says and I don't like how he says it but I sure do appreciate the job he did as president.
A gay baker has the right to refuse to bake a cake for a gay couple, similarly even this server has the right to not. As long as they’re not essential or government, they can refuse service to anyone.
@MitchMitch77-77 , agree. It's not for entertainment purposes to read through the defamatory comments against DT by so-called psychics, spirit guides, or tarot readers on Utube. They are praying that he is unalive by Jan 20, 2025. That us evil of them. How does Utube let them get away with that from "linda" and "violetta"?
I wouldn’t say so. Everyone discriminates. It’s the sign of an intelligent being able to notice trends and patterns. Whatever happened to being a discriminating shopper or just person. It meant you could properly discern the wheat from the chaff. Discrimination against people based off of their actions and choices is fine to me. Based off of immutable characteristics is where it goes too far. As far as political ideology, I don’t know. I feel like people are too radicalized towards hatred and even when someone claims themselves to be part of a political group you shouldn’t treat them like that group. They are still an individual with their own thought and opinions. I don’t like the idea of people caring about political ideology enough to discriminate based off of it. I hate that political affiliation has become one of the most important things in America now, but logically it’s not that wrong to treat someone differently dependinf on their views. Not with hatred or hostility, always with love, but you’re always gonna have some discrimination towards people of differing views.
It's not always wrong. For example, a restaurant may have a dress code and discriminate against people not in compliance. They may also discriminate based on age when the law mandates, such as bars and other adult establishments.
I was going to write, nearly always wrong, because I do know there are reasons to discriminate. However, I felt it important to say, definitively, that it wasn’t right in this situation. That this was evil discrimination, not anything healthy or discerning. Just hatred of someone different.
@@christianboi7690 You're missing the point here. The person in question is an employee. She gets paid to do a job, not to have her personal feelings or views determine who to serve and who not to serve.
@ I understand the point and I agree with you, I just feel like this statement was an overstep and it missed the point somewhat. I feel like accuracy is important when making criticism or else we risk adopting foolish ideas that don’t hold value. I can disagree with the statement without disagreeing with the sentiment. The lady was in the wrong because her discrimination was blind and used inappropriately. She was more prejudiced than discriminating and wasn’t in a position to make the decisions she made and even if she was I would condemn her for spurring on division. Prejudice is wrong. At least when you take it to heard. I’d even grant that a little bit of prejudice isn’t really necessarily wrong when you understand that it doesn’t reflect someone. We all make assumptions about people. That’s inevitable. We just need to be able to parse the assumptions and not treat others in accordance with them. You’ll always measure someone to the groups they belong to instead of to a blank slate on some level. So, yeah. Prejudice taken to heart is wrong. That’s my stance and that’s why I agree with the heart of this discussion. I just want to be careful with the ideas I come to as a result.
They're not refusing service because they're ethical. They're refusing service because they're pissy and throwing a tantrum. There's a difference between being a principled adult and a raging child.
@pamchandler1867 Exactly. That's what @ThisBahamianGyal was saying. However, presidents send their detail into the restaurant beforehand (plain clothes) and into kitchen of restaurant. Heck, hos own chef might even be on scene to check food safety 🤣
I was an oilfield service worker and our Supervisors told even if we aren't working , we represent our company in the community. If we do something wrong we will be terminated.
And those supervisors should have been sued out of existence and fired themselves! What a person does on their own time is THEIR OWN BUSINESS and none of the companies! Know who got that whole creepy agenda going? SOCIALISTS It STARTED in Europe and then made it's way to the US! If people are to STUPID to not be able to understand THAT A WORKER HAS NO SAY IN A BUSINESSES OPERATIONS then they too need a better education! To say that Dick the fry master at McDonalds running his mouths about Dennys AFTER WORK is somehow going to reflect badly on McDonalds is absurd! It's simply a way the LEFT used the conservatives politics to FIRE them from their jobs! And THAT was where it originally was introduced here in the US!
That serves to say, your religion is their religion, is that truth? No? Then your views are not their views around the clock. That’s hive/cult thinking. You represent your job ONLY on the clock when being paid.
And you should be able to take them to court and sue the crap out of them for wrongful termination but sadly most places are still "At will" employers and as such have a right to fire you for ANY reason or no reason at all! And then the claim its "fair" because that also "allows" you to quit for any reason at all and at any time at all!... But if you think about it it's not really true! If they fire you for no reason it still looks horrible on your work history and to future employers! and if you quit suddenly for no reason that also looks horrible on your employment record! And worst of all either way can and usually will end up with you getting a horribly negative job reference! So no! it's not fair what so ever!
@@oldogre5999 I love to see people cry. If you are competent at ANYTHING none of that matters much. The big problem is that YOU need to be competent at anything for this to work.
It doesn’t make me happy, because it underscores just how many people in this country are unable to engage in reasonable dialogue with those who hold different views. America feels like a dumpster fire right now, and something drastic will have to happen to reset our distorted mindset.
@@coreys.5479 Conservatives tried to engage. They were banned, called misinformation, and attacked anytime they did. Suddenly we gotta forget that though?
Regarding the restaurants where Republicans were not welcomed, maybe a call or two to the Health Department asking about their last inspection might be in order.
exactly, honestly though the media was in lockstep until the Dems went full Not Z and protesting for HAMAS jihadis. it was cool and edgy in Dem circles being racist towards whites and bigoted towards Christians but once they starting attacking jews the media started to wake up to see the level of hate lib progressive Democrats have embraced. it's still bad on the left but things might be starting to get better, im hopeful at least.
My wife and I have an online business with over 2000 positive reviews. We have shipped to many celebrities and well known individuals whom we disagree with. Business is business, and refusing to serve those you disagree with is clearly discrimination as well as a clear recipe for unhappiness.
Good response but the business now has a terrible reputation. I still would not eat there or in any DC restaurants in fear of being served tainted food. The world is a scary place. People like her are part of the reason for businesses closing across America. One bad apple…
@@Catlady4Trump Sadly, the Left is the party of hate and hurting people. It didn't use to be that way but somewhere along the way they became what they said they hated.
I have never been to D.C. nor do I have any interest in going there,so I wouldn't even entertain the idea of eating at the restaurants there, if God forbid I ever had to travel to D.C.
Consequences to speech means speech is not free. The ussr allowed you to speak but there were consequences . In this case it was not a case of free speech at all. She chose to break into her employer's business account and post her own feelings like she was talking on behalf of the employer. That is misrepresentation and a host of other stuff, including fraud. Consequences!! She can say what she wants with no consequences, but she cannot contravene her employment contract without consequences. If she didn't want to serve Republicans she needed to tender her resignation if her employer chooses to serve everyone. Anyway virtue signalling morons like van rooy have the minds of pond scum - amoeba. They are irrelevant. Meanwhile she will serve Billy Clinton who actually graped several women, and his evil wife destroyed those women, yet put herself forward as the female saviour of the universe. Lunatic leftys hate the truth.
Freedom of speech MEANS the government cannot stop you from addressing people in the public square. It has nothing to do with private employers, or private individuals limiting your speech on their property.
@@odysseus2656 actually it does. Since a lot of business work on behalf of the government or they represent the public square you also cannot take away a citizens right to express themselves. Otherwise what you are saying is a private business can demand that you cannot say men and woman are different and cannot be of the opposite sex, and they can fire you if you do, and make it hard for you to gain employment elsewhere. Just because you are not going to jail for it does not mean it cannot affect you. That leads to Anarchy, if every business decides to not abide by the spirit of the 1st and demand you only speak what they say you can.
12.19.24. ☝🏼The next time I go out and a server has a nose ring in their nose or a don’t hire me tattoo all over their face, I will object and ask for someone other than them to serve me👩🏻🎤
@@stevensapyak7971 I can't tell you how many times I faced that and almost gave into the temptation. The other side of the coin is sometimes you don't see those tattoos until it is too late or the person with the tattoo tried to be discreet. A couple of times I knew the person before the tattoo was administered. Though I never really understood why anyone would get themselves tattooed, I always try to remember their outside had little to do with their inside. Lately, it seems 90 percent of the Starbucks installations have tattooed employees. Oh, well.
@@j-lew The restaurant owners should consult with their lawyers about her "hacking" into the restaurants social media account. Her doing this late at night also proves that she is what she'll always be, a nasty coward. Men, stay as far away from this one as possible.
I absolutely agree. I hate that America only seems to come together when attacked by outside forces. Everyone should love one another and look out for one another. Anyway, thanks for watching!
@@GuillaumeRouleau The problem is that people who work there, but do not discriminate will suffer financially if a boycott was put into place. Not only that, mud sticks and so the innocent workers may struggle to get employed elsewhere as a result of potential employers believing in guilt by association.
I used to work as a restaurant server. You can’t act this way. You serve who you’re paid to serve, period! I realize that most people have crazy in them, but people used to try to hide their crazy, so the neighbors didn’t see it. This age of social media has given people permission to put their crazy on full display. Time to put that crazy back in the box again, folks!
I agree. I used to work as a server as well and I can tell you, I didn't care who walked through the door. My job was to serve and to do so with a smile. Nothing more. Nothing less. Thanks for weighing in. 🥰
"people used to try to hide their crazy, so the neighbors didn’t see it." Ha! People also didn't used to wear pajamas and shower caps in public. Or halter tops on obese bodies, lookin' like a popped can of biscuits!
Too bad if they don't like and we must show some respect! I I'm so happy that we have good leadership and get him back to DC to fix the mess. God bless and strength in peace.
I’m glad she got fired. No discrimination or racism is tolerated in our nation, no matter what side of politics they stand on! Trump is WELCOME back home 2024!🇵🇷🇺🇸💪
@ronalddobbins6431 I've seen him do it. He tipped 100 to a golf caddy. And then he talked to him about getting taxed for tips. So, I've seen it. 😳 Also, the people who work at his clubs say he tips well, so yes. 🤷 How would he know to stop taxing tips if he hadn't talked to people when tipping them? You think he's got buddies who are servers? 😆 🤣 😂
Employees now believe THEY run the company. The owners RUN the company and the employees give it character. If you're out to sabotage your own job so be it.
That's because they dream of a socialist/Marxist country where the workers own the companies... Absolutely delusional and dangerous groups that want to destroy our country and all our freedoms
We have never seen such disrespect for a president elect. Respect the position even if you don’t respect the person. Then we wonder why a lot of young people are so disrespectful to their elders and those in authority. I didn’t vote for Biden but, I would have never disrespected him in such a manner.
You make an excellent point and it's one I often make....that you can respect *the position* even if you don't respect the person. That is a mature mindset to have. Thank you so much for watching.
@@ThisBahamianGyal I think it might be difficult for them to be mature when they've been brainwashed to believe he is new Hi*ler. I remember back in 2016 when I saw violence in the streets and so many panic comments about how there will be death squads roaming around. It's hard to respect someone you're fearful/disgusted with. A lot of them have been trained so well that they'll even ignore blatant hypocrisy while screaming for violence. Not saying that the server was like that but you it could be similar.
@BroWright They do, anytime a President goes to a location like say, a restaurant, that place and every single soul who might possibly be on-site the day of is meticulously checked out, in this case there absolutely would be Secret Service member/s in that kitchen at all times.
Hello! Am Canadian and first time viewer. New to the channel and your videos. Would like to commend you for a very professional presentation and presenting the facts. It is so great to see I am now subscribed and look. Forward to viewing more content.
I already heard about this . This was about the individual server and not the restaurant . The restaurant profusely apologized and disavowed her actions . So the restaurant in and of itself is in the clear but not the server .
@@louisbabycos106 It might be controversial... but maybe politics should be part of the hiring process. People of a certain ideology have shown time and time again that they are a huge liability to any company, whether it be because of woke extortion and potential lawsuits, unhinged public behavior and social media posts, violent outbursts towards dissenters etc. If I were a republican who owned a business, there's no way in hell I would hire a liberal. It's too much of a risk.
@@Tom-b9n I'll say this too. If a server that supports republican refused to serve a democrat, i believe that restaurant can fire that server too. It should work both ways.
Well said!! Loved the Saloon's response to what their employee did without their permission. And you are so right about the nice message the Brooklyn pizzeria had to the election. People need to check themselves. Like these babies who are upset at the Mississippi Valley State band being invited to March in the inauguration parade, and they, as a school and a top notch marching band are so proud to be honored to go, but some people just can't be happy for them. As a former member of FSUs Marching Seminoles, I know what an honor it would be to March in a parade like that. On the biggest stage in the world. I don't recall conservatives acting like this in 2020.
If she owned that business she'd have every right to bankrupt her business but she has no right to make bias hateful decisions that affect someone's livelihood... I'm glad she was fired and if she wasn't she'd walk away no problem after she'd ruined others lives.
It's time that the people and politicians that call us racist, nails and etc. face the consequences for slandering. I'm getting tired of being called that because of how I voted. I'm a proud veteran and hate seeing how my fellow Americans are acting towards each other because of how we voted.
liberals are the useless idiots of the progressives. But, they are all demon cRATS, Lucifer's soldiers. This is not about Republicans and demon cRATS. It's about good and evil.
Good thing she got fired for not doing her job well. She may still get legally sued for discrimination and for damages to the restaurant. As only a part -time server, it was not up to her to make such decisions, on behalf of her now former employer.
Yup the restaurant should sue her, they have a small amount of goodwill back by firing her. But the damages still need to be seen in the coming weeks. I hope she gets papers!
A job is a job . Don't take your personal feelings to work. Come on. There are so many people who would just love to have a job . Whomever this server was' should be ashamed of herself. Her behavior says alot of who she really is..
What is wrong with these folks , better get some tough skin. I went through hell these past 4 yrs I had to suck it up and hopefully things will turn around . Love you commentary ❤
I was in DC and had a shirt on that had a flag on it, no words. Several with me did as well. You could tell that it was bothering others waiting to be seated. I wondered if we would be seated, but to their credit we were seated. While waiting for our food, I noticed a woman staring angrily at me. I met her eyes and smiled. You would've thought I yelled obscene words at her! She grabbed her purse and the person with her & flew out of the restaurant! 🤷 It boggled my mind.
Staring angrily at you for wearing stars and bars on an article of clothing....in America. Crazy times, but totally predictable as our society has openly produced and/or conditioned people toward subversion for decades now. Good on you for adding a smile into the non-verbal exchange. That tells all that needs to know about what's NOT in the other's heart and mind.
Only the manager has the right to refuse service. As a server, she overstepped her boundaries, and I would've let her go on the spot. That said, I wouldn't want her anywhere near my food.
The issue with all these staff members stating that they refuse to serve Republicans is that they don't own the business. That means they are supposed to serve everyone the owner wants to serve or they are subject to termination. Unless someone is acting crazy, I wouldn't deny service to any customer, and if they were acting crazy, I would call the police.
Awesome video! You're totally right. Discrimination is discrimination-colour, politics, age, sex, it doesn't matter. You can't pick and choose the one you agree with, or don't; it's not a buffet. Thanks for sharing 👍
Ridiculous, Rogan. I remember YEARS back when I was still voting Democrat a friend sent me a link about some protest about greg abbot here in Texas eating at a restaurant and even then I said this is WACK! It’s only gotten more divisive since 🤦🏿♂️
I would never ever support excluding a politician from a restaurant because I don't rock with their politics. These folks need to go back inside the womb and be reborn. Thanks for watching! 🥰
@@WilliamMillerJr-pk5ojwhat a knuckle head. I bet servers at that restaurant make really good tips. Probably much more than the average restaurant in the area.
I'm thinking it should be illegal to use someone's social media account without their knowledge and permission. This person should probably be arrested in addition to getting fired. Since she lied about her real job title, it's not surprising though. People who don't respect one boundary are often apt to violate other boundaries as well. So much for her ethics.
@@mom-says-not-today My bet? Good old-fashioned snooping around. I used to work at a resort where our Lodge Manager thought that keeping her company account's username and password written on a Stick-It Note stuck to the underside of her keyboard in her locked office was airtight security; never mind that we at the Front Desk had a key to her office. And she was fake as hell, all smiles and pleasant platitudes and "Hi, love you, glad you're here," the kind of person who would grin from ear to ear while badmouthing you to the General Manager, lying about you or otherwise stabbing you in the back. So I and a few others working evenings and nights would sneak into her office when she was gone, log into her account and read her Employee Evals to see what she *_really_* thought about us. "April? I have some bad news: Laura's going to fire you if you're late for work one more time. Yes, even if you're only five minutes late. You didn't know? Yeah, _of course_ she didn't warn you! Here. Here's a print-out of your Personnel file. *_Don't_* tell Laura that you know; just be advised." So yeah, cracking into the boss' computer happens.
As I told my kids, you can make your choices that’s fine, but others can also make their choice. they might choose to not go to another restaurant, and. Lot more people voted for him. I’ve never seen such tantrums and foolishness from people in my life, just because their candidate lost.
If you read between the lines on the statement that the owner put out, you can see where the fired server got the idea she could say what she did, it's only because there was blowback that she was fired.
what does serving food have to do with politics? that's not doing your job and losing service and money for your company. which means you do not need to be there.
They tried this mess during the coof. Those of us that chose not to get the jab were told we shouldn't be allowed in public or recieve medical care ect. People just need to mind thier own business.
I'd be careful if I was that server. All it would take is a couple weeks worth of videos documenting her cash tips and she could be up on tax evasion and tax fraud charges.
I believe she has the right to feel the way that she wants and express it personally but not in representation of where she works. I also feel that even if she has certain feelings about a group-of people, given that she works in the hospitality industry (server) that she must still do her job and serve every customer regardless or she should lose her job. They rightfully fired her.
They also had a right to fire her because she was refusing to do her job.
We all know that!!
@myseville1976 most of us know this. She apparently didn't, or she didn't think anything would come back at her.
@@myseville1976Im sure you didn’t know that until you watched the video. Who is we? You?🤣🤡🤣🤡🤣🤡🤣🤡
@@The-You-DooberWe knew this when she refused to serve Trump
I refuse to let politics or any other nonsense come between me and my money.
I'm not allowed to leave America without a Passport, why are others allowed to enter America without a Passport?
Wow that is so true!!
100% FACTS!!!
@@LocomotiveThought Spot on! Try going to another country without one!
Speach is free, defamation is expensive.
If I was a restaurant owner or manager, if any of my servers refused to serve a customer based on their political affiliations or on how they voted, that employee of mine would be FIRED instantly.
Exactly,the money is the same whether it's blue team or red team money.
I would probably withold last pay for lost of revenue because of the backlash from said employee lol
@@TorontoJon absolutely 💯
Not only was it a customer, but the mfing president, yea your getting fired, plus I’m calling every other restaurant near me to let them know not to hire you
I am behind Trump 100%, but for me that was an acceptable and heartfelt apology by the management.
It all started with Maxine Waters didn’t it?
Which the server would have happily served.
@@Archangels1 yes she had that very hateful speech to her minions.
I basically posted the same thing. “If you see anyone from this cabinet…you push back on them and say they aren’t welcome…”.
Yup and she should have been disciplined for this. Someone in her position telling citizens to harass other citizens because they support someone she hates. Her problem.
Yep. Right after the Red Hen incident and Sarah Huckabee. It was such a mess that Red Hen had to shut down for a bit. I'm not sure they are still open.
Sounds like Beucherts Saloon learned from 2018. The attitude towards Trump today is very different from what it was during his first tenure.
I grew up as a Democrat. In my 20’s, I wondered at the apparent hypocrisy of my friends and neighbors. 😮 became a Republican. Now days - I’d be embarrassed to be a dimocrat.
@@frankedgar6694 When I worked in the restaurant business I was not allowed to have biases , I was paid to serve no matter who they are! She’s obviously in the wrong business!! 🤷🏻♂️
@@SirManfly I agree. Im a retired teacher. My students never knew for sure what I was. As far as politics, I’d ask them questions designed to help them figure out what THEY believed. Knowing who you are and what you’d die for was important to my generation. I tried to pass that feeling along. Getting along with everyone regardless of their beliefs and values was added where ever possible. If she’d pulled the same thing on a staunch democrat, I’d have also endorsed her firing. Well maybe not for Nancy Paloozer or camela. lol
I actually started as a Democrat myself and I was basically told that I could not be a pro-life Democrat. I was literally shamed and my belief at the time had nothing to do with religion because I was very agnostic but rather biology. I was treated so poorly that I just decided to leave that party and then vote for who I wanted to. I switched to the Republican Party for a short time but George W. Bush kind of cured me of that and then I switched to the libertarian party and for years, I voted for Libertarians or the person I thought was the best person for the job but now, I vote against Democrats so I might as well be a Republican because I always vote for them 😂😂
@ I get it. When John McCain ran for president, I didn’t vote FOR him, I was voting against Obama.
@ I hear ya. Admittedly when I voted for Trump in 2016, I voted against Hillary. In 2020 and 2024 though, I voted FOR Trump. He surprised me. I don't like everything he says and I don't like how he says it but I sure do appreciate the job he did as president.
I’m an oncology nurse and political affiliation has absolutely nothing to do with how I care for my patients. That young lady really messed up
And that's the way it should be. I would never deny someone service because they think or vote differently. Thanks for watching!
@@nancymccormick7567 it feels like it’s a one way street and the party of love and acceptance is not really
Hippocratic oath! ❤
Thank you for the work you do.
A gay baker has the right to refuse to bake a cake for a gay couple, similarly even this server has the right to not. As long as they’re not essential or government, they can refuse service to anyone.
In the last 4 years people became too comfortable saying anything on line
and expect nothing to happen .
That’s why those same people want to control the media because that’s what’s in their minds yet lacking in their hearts
ESPECIALLY on RUclips, which is in dire need of new ownership!
Unless it ran counter narrative.
@MitchMitch77-77 , agree. It's not for entertainment purposes to read through the defamatory comments against DT by so-called psychics, spirit guides, or tarot readers on Utube. They are praying that he is unalive by Jan 20, 2025. That us evil of them. How does Utube let them get away with that from "linda" and "violetta"?
Thank you!!! The hatred and discrimination need to stop. I was once a liberal and I changed parties because of the intolerance.
Discrimination is discrimination, and it’s wrong.
I wouldn’t say so. Everyone discriminates. It’s the sign of an intelligent being able to notice trends and patterns. Whatever happened to being a discriminating shopper or just person. It meant you could properly discern the wheat from the chaff.
Discrimination against people based off of their actions and choices is fine to me. Based off of immutable characteristics is where it goes too far.
As far as political ideology, I don’t know. I feel like people are too radicalized towards hatred and even when someone claims themselves to be part of a political group you shouldn’t treat them like that group. They are still an individual with their own thought and opinions. I don’t like the idea of people caring about political ideology enough to discriminate based off of it. I hate that political affiliation has become one of the most important things in America now, but logically it’s not that wrong to treat someone differently dependinf on their views. Not with hatred or hostility, always with love, but you’re always gonna have some discrimination towards people of differing views.
It's not always wrong. For example, a restaurant may have a dress code and discriminate against people not in compliance. They may also discriminate based on age when the law mandates, such as bars and other adult establishments.
I was going to write, nearly always wrong, because I do know there are reasons to discriminate. However, I felt it important to say, definitively, that it wasn’t right in this situation. That this was evil discrimination, not anything healthy or discerning. Just hatred of someone different.
@@christianboi7690 You're missing the point here. The person in question is an employee. She gets paid to do a job, not to have her personal feelings or views determine who to serve and who not to serve.
@ I understand the point and I agree with you, I just feel like this statement was an overstep and it missed the point somewhat. I feel like accuracy is important when making criticism or else we risk adopting foolish ideas that don’t hold value.
I can disagree with the statement without disagreeing with the sentiment.
The lady was in the wrong because her discrimination was blind and used inappropriately. She was more prejudiced than discriminating and wasn’t in a position to make the decisions she made and even if she was I would condemn her for spurring on division.
Prejudice is wrong. At least when you take it to heard. I’d even grant that a little bit of prejudice isn’t really necessarily wrong when you understand that it doesn’t reflect someone. We all make assumptions about people. That’s inevitable. We just need to be able to parse the assumptions and not treat others in accordance with them. You’ll always measure someone to the groups they belong to instead of to a blank slate on some level.
So, yeah. Prejudice taken to heart is wrong. That’s my stance and that’s why I agree with the heart of this discussion. I just want to be careful with the ideas I come to as a result.
They're not refusing service because they're ethical. They're refusing service because they're pissy and throwing a tantrum. There's a difference between being a principled adult and a raging child.
Very sore losers
That’s the left. They think everything they think is logical bc ‘they went to college’ 😂😂😂soo pretentious
Sore losers.
They’re refusing service Because of the lies they believe from lamestream media. Brainwashed.
Modern day academia is a perfect example as to why being educated doesn't make you intelligent.
For once, a proper apology. Well done to this restaurant.
This 👌🏽
Ohhhhhhhhhhhh me, too!
@pamchandler1867 Exactly. That's what @ThisBahamianGyal was saying. However, presidents send their detail into the restaurant beforehand (plain clothes) and into kitchen of restaurant. Heck, hos own chef might even be on scene to check food safety 🤣
That's why I don't wear MAGA Hats.
I love your show ma'am you are absolutely awesome ❤@@ThisBahamianGyal
She should be sued for accusing him as a sex trafficker.
While it's Biden who has form.
The lies of mainstream media .
All sueing her would do is cause a "streisand effect". There is no reason to give this nobody any more publicity.
Pres Trump is the exact opposite, he has and will continue to arrest pedos.
I was an oilfield service worker and our Supervisors told even if we aren't working , we represent our company in the community. If we do something wrong we will be terminated.
And those supervisors should have been sued out of existence and fired themselves! What a person does on their own time is THEIR OWN BUSINESS and none of the companies! Know who got that whole creepy agenda going? SOCIALISTS It STARTED in Europe and then made it's way to the US! If people are to STUPID to not be able to understand THAT A WORKER HAS NO SAY IN A BUSINESSES OPERATIONS then they too need a better education! To say that Dick the fry master at McDonalds running his mouths about Dennys AFTER WORK is somehow going to reflect badly on McDonalds is absurd! It's simply a way the LEFT used the conservatives politics to FIRE them from their jobs! And THAT was where it originally was introduced here in the US!
No, out of uniform, off duty. You are no one’s s/ave or billboard for advertisement. They don’t pay you off the clock do they?
That serves to say, your religion is their religion, is that truth? No? Then your views are not their views around the clock. That’s hive/cult thinking. You represent your job ONLY on the clock when being paid.
And you should be able to take them to court and sue the crap out of them for wrongful termination but sadly most places are still "At will" employers and as such have a right to fire you for ANY reason or no reason at all! And then the claim its "fair" because that also "allows" you to quit for any reason at all and at any time at all!... But if you think about it it's not really true! If they fire you for no reason it still looks horrible on your work history and to future employers! and if you quit suddenly for no reason that also looks horrible on your employment record! And worst of all either way can and usually will end up with you getting a horribly negative job reference! So no! it's not fair what so ever!
@@oldogre5999 I love to see people cry. If you are competent at ANYTHING none of that matters much. The big problem is that YOU need to be competent at anything for this to work.
That’s okay, 90% of voters in DC are disappointed, that makes me SO HAPPY! 😂
@@t.wil.9646 That 90% of sad asses makes me 100% happy
Me too.
yeah am happy he won for sure
It doesn’t make me happy, because it underscores just how many people in this country are unable to engage in reasonable dialogue with those who hold different views. America feels like a dumpster fire right now, and something drastic will have to happen to reset our distorted mindset.
Conservatives tried to engage. They were banned, called misinformation, and attacked anytime they did. Suddenly we gotta forget that though?
The Dems got so comfortable, being able to behave like that worker, and not only get away with it, were applauded for it.
Regarding the restaurants where Republicans were not welcomed, maybe a call or two to the Health Department asking about their last inspection might be in order.
All the while pretending to be the ”good guys”
@@AnnacolleenEtters Get arrogant, get stupid, get DESTROYED. Some people won’t learn anything unless they’re taught the hard way.
exactly, honestly though the media was in lockstep until the Dems went full Not Z and protesting for HAMAS jihadis. it was cool and edgy in Dem circles being racist towards whites and bigoted towards Christians but once they starting attacking jews the media started to wake up to see the level of hate lib progressive Democrats have embraced. it's still bad on the left but things might be starting to get better, im hopeful at least.
Thank God those days are gone for good
My wife and I have an online business with over 2000 positive reviews. We have shipped to many celebrities and well known individuals whom we disagree with. Business is business, and refusing to serve those you disagree with is clearly discrimination as well as a clear recipe for unhappiness.
The restaurants response was perfect. They understand business and the separation on business and personal feelings.
Good response but the business now has a terrible reputation. I still would not eat there or in any DC restaurants in fear of being served tainted food. The world is a scary place. People like her are part of the reason for businesses closing across America. One bad apple…
@@Catlady4Trump Sadly, the Left is the party of hate and hurting people. It didn't use to be that way but somewhere along the way they became what they said they hated.
Yup she deserved to get fired.
...and is she crying about it?
I care why?@@myseville1976
@@myseville1976 Probably not
Hope no one else hires her - she is unsafe to have around food for the public
@@myseville1976 ..,.Yes she is because the internet is forever and she will have trouble getting another job!!
Polical discrimination needs to be illegal and punished. This is a fundamental right for all Americans.
I wouldnt want to eat in the DC area for fear of tainted food.
served by tainted people
I wouldn't visit DC for fear of being mugged.
I have never been to D.C. nor do I have any interest in going there,so I wouldn't even entertain the idea of eating at the restaurants there, if God forbid I ever had to travel to D.C.
Exactly what I was thinking
An excess of Blue Die ?!
It never ceases to amaze me with the crew that preaches love , tolerance and be kind but seem to be unable practice what they preach 😅
The holy bible said in Mathew 7 : 15-20 You will know them by their fruits .
@@surinamel5708Yes indeed! And the fruit is rotten and decayed!
Because they are hypocrites through and through
I love how the people who speak of love and tolerance, mean only if you agree with me .
We have freedom of speech but we don’t have freedom from the consequences of that speech. People really need to learn this.
Consequences to speech means speech is not free. The ussr allowed you to speak but there were consequences . In this case it was not a case of free speech at all. She chose to break into her employer's business account and post her own feelings like she was talking on behalf of the employer. That is misrepresentation and a host of other stuff, including fraud. Consequences!!
She can say what she wants with no consequences, but she cannot contravene her employment contract without consequences. If she didn't want to serve Republicans she needed to tender her resignation if her employer chooses to serve everyone.
Anyway virtue signalling morons like van rooy have the minds of pond scum - amoeba. They are irrelevant. Meanwhile she will serve Billy Clinton who actually graped several women, and his evil wife destroyed those women, yet put herself forward as the female saviour of the universe. Lunatic leftys hate the truth.
Freedom of speech MEANS the government cannot stop you from addressing people in the public square. It has nothing to do with private employers, or private individuals limiting your speech on their property.
we know that
@@odysseus2656 actually it does. Since a lot of business work on behalf of the government or they represent the public square you also cannot take away a citizens right to express themselves. Otherwise what you are saying is a private business can demand that you cannot say men and woman are different and cannot be of the opposite sex, and they can fire you if you do, and make it hard for you to gain employment elsewhere. Just because you are not going to jail for it does not mean it cannot affect you. That leads to Anarchy, if every business decides to not abide by the spirit of the 1st and demand you only speak what they say you can.
Free Speech has a price.
My first job ever the boss said “leave your opinions & attitudes at the door. You’re here to do a job.” I understood exactly what he meant.
A leftist trying to talk about morality is hilarious to me😂😂😂
So true, every time I see their posts about how bad everyone else is I can’t help but laugh at them for thinking they don’t sin😂🤣
Well called.
They don't understand what hypocrisy is.
Both of you US "leftists" and "rightists" are a bunch of projecting clowns...and both of you need to get your shit together.
DC has a law against discrimination based on political affiliation.
That server is breaking the law.
Most probably enforced selectively.
Having a thousand laws but selectively enforcing them is a hallmark of communism
12.19.24. ☝🏼The next time I go out and a server has a nose ring in their nose or a don’t hire me tattoo all over their face, I will object and ask for someone other than them to serve me👩🏻🎤
@@stevensapyak7971 I can't tell you how many times I faced that and almost gave into the temptation. The other side of the coin is sometimes you don't see those tattoos until it is too late or the person with the tattoo tried to be discreet. A couple of times I knew the person before the tattoo was administered. Though I never really understood why anyone would get themselves tattooed, I always try to remember their outside had little to do with their inside. Lately, it seems 90 percent of the Starbucks installations have tattooed employees. Oh, well.
Her behavior would have been accepted the past four years but it's over now.
The crap floating to the top..... They should be fired and sued. I can't wait for him to dismantle this clown show known as DC!
Craaaazzzzy that she got on her employer's social media account without permission. So many reasons she deserved to be fired.
@@j-lew The restaurant owners should consult with their lawyers about her "hacking" into the restaurants social media account. Her doing this late at night also proves that she is what she'll always be, a nasty coward. Men, stay as far away from this one as possible.
Thank you for your honest and truthful response to this topic, red or blue we all have to make it work for all of us....
I absolutely agree. I hate that America only seems to come together when attacked by outside forces. Everyone should love one another and look out for one another. Anyway, thanks for watching!
I wouldn't want to eat from anyone with such hatred in their hearts.
@@booster1469 but it's nice to see them boycotted until they go out of business.
@@GuillaumeRouleau The problem is that people who work there, but do not discriminate will suffer financially if a boycott was put into place. Not only that, mud sticks and so the innocent workers may struggle to get employed elsewhere as a result of potential employers believing in guilt by association.
I used to work as a restaurant server. You can’t act this way. You serve who you’re paid to serve, period!
I realize that most people have crazy in them, but people used to try to hide their crazy, so the neighbors didn’t see it. This age of social media has given people permission to put their crazy on full display. Time to put that crazy back in the box again, folks!
I agree. I used to work as a server as well and I can tell you, I didn't care who walked through the door. My job was to serve and to do so with a smile. Nothing more. Nothing less. Thanks for weighing in. 🥰
"people used to try to hide their crazy, so the neighbors didn’t see it."
People also didn't used to wear pajamas and shower caps in public. Or halter tops on obese bodies, lookin' like a popped can of biscuits!
… and this is why I appreciate social media.
I'm glade to see who people truly are so I know to not be around them.... Or Hire them....
Go Woke ... Go Broke.....
Too bad if they don't like and we must show some respect! I I'm so happy that we have good leadership and get him back to DC to fix the mess. God bless and strength in peace.
Donald Trump won’t be starving. He’s welcome here for a home cooked meal any time! And I know I’m not the only one to offer. 😂
He will grab you, but you may love that!!
Nope! He would appreciate it too!
@@myseville1976 funny that. His quote was taken out of context. Shocking.
He doesn't need your home cooked meal and could care less about your allegiance to him.
@ you smell that? Smells like the Ocean… or are you always this salty?
I’m glad she got fired. No discrimination or racism is tolerated in our nation, no matter what side of politics they stand on! Trump is WELCOME back home 2024!🇵🇷🇺🇸💪
No, he is most definitely NOT welcome. Enjoy your tariffs and no health care. He's an idiot and always has been.
A liberal trying to take the moral high ground is a hoot!
These are the same people who whine about tips lmfaoooooo 🤦🏾♀️
Rught!! I bet he tips 110%🎉
@@moonshineblues204Do you actually believe that Donald Trump tips anyone?
@ronalddobbins6431 I've seen him do it. He tipped 100 to a golf caddy. And then he talked to him about getting taxed for tips. So, I've seen it. 😳
Also, the people who work at his clubs say he tips well, so yes. 🤷
How would he know to stop taxing tips if he hadn't talked to people when tipping them? You think he's got buddies who are servers? 😆 🤣 😂
@@moonshineblues204 So your answer is yes. Okay.
@@ronalddobbins6431 Do you actually believe that he doesn't?
Employees now believe THEY run the company. The owners RUN the company and the employees give it character. If you're out to sabotage your own job so be it.
I don`t think I will go into any more restaurants in the Washington DC area. Never can tell what the servers will do to the food.
That's because they dream of a socialist/Marxist country where the workers own the companies... Absolutely delusional and dangerous groups that want to destroy our country and all our freedoms
So beautifully put. "What are you confused about".
President or not. He's a customer. As long as he's amiable he gets served with respect.
We have never seen such disrespect for a president elect. Respect the position even if you don’t respect the person. Then we wonder why a lot of young people are so disrespectful to their elders and those in authority. I didn’t vote for Biden but, I would have never disrespected him in such a manner.
You make an excellent point and it's one I often make....that you can respect *the position* even if you don't respect the person. That is a mature mindset to have. Thank you so much for watching.
@@ThisBahamianGyal I think it might be difficult for them to be mature when they've been brainwashed to believe he is new Hi*ler. I remember back in 2016 when I saw violence in the streets and so many panic comments about how there will be death squads roaming around. It's hard to respect someone you're fearful/disgusted with.
A lot of them have been trained so well that they'll even ignore blatant hypocrisy while screaming for violence. Not saying that the server was like that but you it could be similar.
This nation is DOOMED
Biden deserves ZERO respect and he will NEVER get any from me !
@ThisBahamianGyal Reminds me of a line from Band if Brothers "We salute the rank, not the man."
Yet these people think they're the good people and inclusive, but don't want nobody else that thinks differently from them.
DC is a festering sore...
Trump will need to have personal security in the kitchen to make sure people like this don't do something crazy to his food.
All his food is tasted etc before it ever reaches him. They don't take any chances w sick people
So true. Their hatred for DJT can lead people to do dangerous things in food
@BroWright They do, anytime a President goes to a location like say, a restaurant, that place and every single soul who might possibly be on-site the day of is meticulously checked out, in this case there absolutely would be Secret Service member/s in that kitchen at all times.
In Biblical times, that would be the responsibility of the cupbearer to the king.
Believe me, in DC he's better off having his staff do an anonymous mickyD run than most of the over-priced haughty establishments here.
Hello! Am Canadian and first time viewer. New to the channel and your videos. Would like to commend you for a very professional presentation and presenting the facts. It is so great to see I am now subscribed and look. Forward to viewing more content.
Thank you very much. Very kind of you. 😄
Boycott any restaurant that allows this behavior.
I already heard about this . This was about the individual server and not the restaurant . The restaurant profusely apologized and disavowed her actions . So the restaurant in and of itself is in the clear but not the server .
@@louisbabycos106 It might be controversial... but maybe politics should be part of the hiring process. People of a certain ideology have shown time and time again that they are a huge liability to any company, whether it be because of woke extortion and potential lawsuits, unhinged public behavior and social media posts, violent outbursts towards dissenters etc. If I were a republican who owned a business, there's no way in hell I would hire a liberal. It's too much of a risk.
@@Tom-b9n I'll say this too. If a server that supports republican refused to serve a democrat, i believe that restaurant can fire that server too. It should work both ways.
Sounds like some "we don't serve your kind" type of crap. It's not right done by anybody.
sounds like when they said mexicans and dogs not allowed!
Well said!! Loved the Saloon's response to what their employee did without their permission. And you are so right about the nice message the Brooklyn pizzeria had to the election. People need to check themselves. Like these babies who are upset at the Mississippi Valley State band being invited to March in the inauguration parade, and they, as a school and a top notch marching band are so proud to be honored to go, but some people just can't be happy for them. As a former member of FSUs Marching Seminoles, I know what an honor it would be to March in a parade like that. On the biggest stage in the world. I don't recall conservatives acting like this in 2020.
Thank you! I don't know what they're mad for. People really need to grow up!
Thank you for the apology and explanation, you did the right thing to dismiss that young lady. 🇺🇸
How disrespectful this female to decide who she personally feels who she serves who she doesn't. Glad she was fired.
The server says she "won't serve sex trafficker"??? Ummmm......she mixed up political parties!!😂😂😂
Joe Biden is the largest human trafficker in the world. 😂😂😂
Exactly but my guess is, she only listens to CNN and never bothers to fact check them so here we are, another gaslit fool making bad decisions 🤷🏼♀️
If she owned that business she'd have every right to bankrupt her business but she has no right to make bias hateful decisions that affect someone's livelihood... I'm glad she was fired and if she wasn't she'd walk away no problem after she'd ruined others lives.
The reason why it’s 90% blue is because 90% of the people don’t really work.
Almost every government employee in Washington D.C . is a registered Democrat.
True that
It's time that the people and politicians that call us racist, nails and etc. face the consequences for slandering. I'm getting tired of being called that because of how I voted. I'm a proud veteran and hate seeing how my fellow Americans are acting towards each other because of how we voted.
liberals are the useless idiots of the progressives. But, they are all demon cRATS, Lucifer's soldiers. This is not about Republicans and demon cRATS. It's about good and evil.
I wouldn't trust any restaurant in DC to not spit in or poison the food.
The same way ppl protesting against discrimination are discriminating against people Wow
Freaking petty hypocrites.
Good thing she got fired for not doing her job well. She may still get legally sued for discrimination and for damages to the restaurant. As only a part -time server, it was not up to her to make such decisions, on behalf of her now former employer.
Yup the restaurant should sue her, they have a small amount of goodwill back by firing her. But the damages still need to be seen in the coming weeks. I hope she gets papers!
A job is a job .
Don't take your personal feelings to work.
Come on.
There are so many people who would just love to have a job .
Whomever this server was' should be ashamed of herself.
Her behavior says alot of who she really is..
Good for the restaurant! I'd support them as long as they were welcoming me no matter who I voted for.
What is wrong with these folks , better get some tough skin. I went through hell these past 4 yrs I had to suck it up and hopefully things will turn around . Love you commentary ❤
Thanks soooo much for watching!
I work in customer service i hear people trash talk all the time i super duper nice and help everyone.
She was! 😆😆😆
I was in DC and had a shirt on that had a flag on it, no words. Several with me did as well. You could tell that it was bothering others waiting to be seated. I wondered if we would be seated, but to their credit we were seated. While waiting for our food, I noticed a woman staring angrily at me. I met her eyes and smiled. You would've thought I yelled obscene words at her! She grabbed her purse and the person with her & flew out of the restaurant! 🤷
It boggled my mind.
Staring angrily at you for wearing stars and bars on an article of clothing....in America. Crazy times, but totally predictable as our society has openly produced and/or conditioned people toward subversion for decades now.
Good on you for adding a smile into the non-verbal exchange. That tells all that needs to know about what's NOT in the other's heart and mind.
they're deranged
You're right on the money regarding food safety!
I don't wear my Trump hat in any sort of place that will be handling my food....
"...You'll always be held hostage by these people..." was a perfect description. Well said!
These people are so quick for a viral moment that they forget and/or don't care how it will impact their coworkers!
It is her right to serve who ever she wants but it is also a privilege to work at that establishment. Her employer made the right decision.
Only the manager has the right to refuse service. As a server, she overstepped her boundaries, and I would've let her go on the spot. That said, I wouldn't want her anywhere near my food.
Spot on analysis!This is not a trivial a matter as reputation is the life blood of a business.
It’s illegal to discriminate in DC based on political affiliation.
The Manager can’t do it either unless they have legitimate reason. Not based on political affiliation, race, color, etc.
The issue with all these staff members stating that they refuse to serve Republicans is that they don't own the business. That means they are supposed to serve everyone the owner wants to serve or they are subject to termination. Unless someone is acting crazy, I wouldn't deny service to any customer, and if they were acting crazy, I would call the police.
AGREE! It's NOT a smart idea to deny service to 50% of the county. Like M. Jordan said: Republicans buy shoes too!!!😁
Awesome video! You're totally right. Discrimination is discrimination-colour, politics, age, sex, it doesn't matter. You can't pick and choose the one you agree with, or don't; it's not a buffet. Thanks for sharing 👍
Ridiculous, Rogan. I remember YEARS back when I was still voting Democrat a friend sent me a link about some protest about greg abbot here in Texas eating at a restaurant and even then I said this is WACK! It’s only gotten more divisive since 🤦🏿♂️
I would never ever support excluding a politician from a restaurant because I don't rock with their politics. These folks need to go back inside the womb and be reborn. Thanks for watching! 🥰
She screwed herself out of 100tip, and a job😊😅😊
@@WilliamMillerJr-pk5ojwhat a knuckle head. I bet servers at that restaurant make really good tips. Probably much more than the average restaurant in the area.
I'm thinking it should be illegal to use someone's social media account without their knowledge and permission. This person should probably be arrested in addition to getting fired. Since she lied about her real job title, it's not surprising though. People who don't respect one boundary are often apt to violate other boundaries as well. So much for her ethics.
Yes!!!!! That's an EXCELLENT point. If they lose business, they should sue her for what she did. You nailed it!
@ThisBahamianGyal , thanks! Really enjoying your channel!
How did she get the login information if she was just a server?
Yes, it is fraud, breaking into their account. And likely contravening her employment contract. Besides putting her employer's live,hood in jeopardy.
@@mom-says-not-today My bet? Good old-fashioned snooping around. I used to work at a resort where our Lodge Manager thought that keeping her company account's username and password written on a Stick-It Note stuck to the underside of her keyboard in her locked office was airtight security; never mind that we at the Front Desk had a key to her office. And she was fake as hell, all smiles and pleasant platitudes and "Hi, love you, glad you're here," the kind of person who would grin from ear to ear while badmouthing you to the General Manager, lying about you or otherwise stabbing you in the back. So I and a few others working evenings and nights would sneak into her office when she was gone, log into her account and read her Employee Evals to see what she *_really_* thought about us. "April? I have some bad news: Laura's going to fire you if you're late for work one more time. Yes, even if you're only five minutes late. You didn't know? Yeah, _of course_ she didn't warn you! Here. Here's a print-out of your Personnel file. *_Don't_* tell Laura that you know; just be advised."
So yeah, cracking into the boss' computer happens.
I agree with you ❤
As I told my kids, you can make your choices that’s fine, but others can also make their choice. they might choose to not go to another restaurant, and. Lot more people voted for him. I’ve never seen such tantrums and foolishness from people in my life, just because their candidate lost.
What's so strange is that in 2020-21 her behavior probably would not have only been tolerated but probably celebrated by her company.
If you read between the lines on the statement that the owner put out, you can see where the fired server got the idea she could say what she did, it's only because there was blowback that she was fired.
@@offdacorner o
If you refuse service to anyone you dont deserve to work in the service industry.
Boycott these restaurants they don’t deserve too be open.
She was immediately fired.
This has to be one of the dumbest things anybody would do. Its your job to serve the public no matter their political beliefs.
People like that belong working in a basement mailroom not serving the public.
The tolerant, accepting and loving left at its finest.
I swear we’re currently in a civil Cold War.
@@beck8490 are we sure it's cold?
About time.
I’m glad this was addressed.. 🙂👍
The only 'discrimination' a business should be concerned with, is paying vs non paying customers 😂
what does serving food have to do with politics? that's not doing your job and losing service and money for your company. which means you do not need to be there.
They tried this mess during the coof. Those of us that chose not to get the jab were told we shouldn't be allowed in public or recieve medical care ect. People just need to mind thier own business.
I'd be careful if I was that server.
All it would take is a couple weeks worth of videos documenting her cash tips and she could be up on tax evasion and tax fraud charges.
🇺🇸🇺🇸 TRUMP 🇺🇸🇺🇸
I can't imagine not serving a customer over politics.
If crooked Biden was a customer I would be professional, ignore my pride and serve him.
You are 100% right!
Enough is enough! Thank you Beuchert's Saloon. Beautifully written. Subscribed
So the party that is anti hate and discrimination, hates and discriminates? Make it make sense
This situation tells us that D.C. needs smarter voters.
my best friend is a democrat & I still support his families business wtf! grow up Children!
As you should. Friendship should be much bigger than politics. Thanks for watching.
I've never been a server, but a lot of my family has......but if I were I would LOVE to take the money of people I don't like......
I believe she has the right to feel the way that she wants and express it personally but not in representation of where she works. I also feel that even if she has certain feelings about a group-of people, given that she works in the hospitality industry (server) that she must still do her job and serve every customer regardless or she should lose her job. They rightfully fired her.
I find it very odd that a part-time employee was somehow given access to her employer's social media account... Very strange.
They all probably had access to it to address customer questions and post deals and events.
She abused the little authority they had only to be fired.
disgusting, pitiful and pathetic... deal with it he won for a reason
Fire those who dont do thier jobs.. plenty waiting to work...