Absolutely! So I had the wrong setting on the Canon. I was turning the manual focusing ring and it was turned off in the menu after I was done shooting. Now it is turned on and from the lens I can choose AF or MF. I did not set one of my Buttons for this because I have those buttons for other functions. I redid the focusing and now I have the right settings. Unfortunately I have to wake up early to capture the birds before it gets hot. Still reaching the 90 degree fahrenheit / 32 degrees Celsius. I had it on All Area but changed it to Expanded Area. Too many choices. I just want to turn it on and walk away. If I am around the area the birds wait for me to leave. Less Birds today than yesterday. But when they are in focus the picture is sharp. I also did more improvements on the faster process of focussing. The camera is much closer and the subjects are bigger on the screen. Also the Subject is on Animal instead of Automobiles. LOL! Cheers!
Good Day Randall, this is one time where manual focus is a better option.
Absolutely! So I had the wrong setting on the Canon. I was turning the manual focusing ring and it was turned off in the menu after I was done shooting. Now it is turned on and from the lens I can choose AF or MF. I did not set one of my Buttons for this because I have those buttons for other functions. I redid the focusing and now I have the right settings. Unfortunately I have to wake up early to capture the birds before it gets hot. Still reaching the 90 degree fahrenheit / 32 degrees Celsius. I had it on All Area but changed it to Expanded Area. Too many choices. I just want to turn it on and walk away. If I am around the area the birds wait for me to leave. Less Birds today than yesterday. But when they are in focus the picture is sharp. I also did more improvements on the faster process of focussing. The camera is much closer and the subjects are bigger on the screen. Also the Subject is on Animal instead of Automobiles. LOL! Cheers!