I understood that there are proposals to create the East African Federation out of Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, South Sudan and perhaps the DRC. A constitution is supposed to be drafted by 2023 but will likely come later. Ideas for this existed since the 1960s but it has been revived in the 2010s.
As a Romanian, I'm surprised to see how much support a Romanian-Bulgarian Union gets from the Bulgarians in the comment section. Love to you my southern broders and sisters! :X
@Riccardo Small countries generally had (and still have) the option of banding together in all sorts of unions, or let themselves be eaten by the big players of the world.
@@mihaicristian yes, the EU should be a federation in my eyes and a Union state can be great to make us both more powerful in the parliament. But yeah, the shengen will be very helpful. I can’t wait to travel to Romania border free 😄
"Three Seas Initiative" is current successor idea to Intermarium, but it ties more countries than Intermarium was supposed to cover. It's mostly economic and in lesser part political union
@@Quartzyyy It won't, because it's essentially a subdivision of EU. It's a forum that was made between eastern memebers of the EU so that they can cooperate on infrastructure and focus on regional problems in the east without "bothering" uninvolved countries. One way you could imagine it would be as a way looser V4
@@sticlavoda5632 The Bucharest 9 is the true successor to the Intermarum concept, at least in terms of goals. As a NATO lobby group that advocates for stronger European defences against Russia, it really is the modern diplomacy-based version of the same idea.
@@yourfriendlyneighbourhoodb7585 i got no sarcasm for the message either you dont know what a joke is which is likely for a kid or you are not the most funniest of your friends
The Latin African union looks like the Gigachad meme without legs or arms. Chad is obviously the head, since the head of the meme character was traced over the country's borders.
@@Vercur There is no dislike between our peoples. Any type of union like this in present day Europe is non-sense. It could have worked after our independence, with a German king. Why not? But the language barrier would have been huge... not impossible, Belgium made it work. But at least they have Latin alphabet... Honestly, Cyrillic script should be retired everywhere, Latin can work just fine with a couple extra characters like each language has... But again, it's probably impossible because it's also part of Bulgarian heritage, it was invented there. It's a pity because geographically it makes so SO much sense.
One of the craziest proposals I know of is the Hungary-Romanian one in which both countries would unite under one. It would've been fun to see two rivaling countries just get together.
@@dccarajay well depends taking it on economy at the time then Budapest, tho the Romanians most likely wouldn't be fond of that idea and Ferdinand really wanted to be on his people good side so I think Bucharest would've been the winner
Romania should screw over the EU big time. Should take back their oil from Austria and sell them at a 60% profit, should eff up german companies over taxing them, also should charge 500% interest on exported lumber to Austria and so forth, when the EU would be outraged to just say "it should have not happened if we were in shengen lol
It's easy to say as a outsider but trust me theres alot of problems like the amount of crazy Romanians who think there's allready to many Bulgarians in Dobruja. and Romania currently being alot more prioritized on preventing moldova and budjak from becoming Russian territory.
You know, i see it as a very good ideea because we could have total control over the black sea, a perfect dirty tool to blackmail the western europe when next time they call us ''the wild west of Europe'' or dont want to let us into the schenghen zone. If only both of our countries had good politicians...
You forgot Maphilindo (Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia). The movement to unify all 3 countries kind of died out when ASEAN was formed because although ASEAN was not really a true union of the 3 countries, it was as far as the 3 countries were willing to go in regards to giving up their individual sovereignty.
iirc the people and the leader was supportive of the idea, but because of disputes in north borneo between all 3 countries, things didn't go as smoothly, it also didn't help when north borneo joins malaya and form the new Malaysia, and both the philippines and indonesia refused to acknowledge the new Malaysia as a successor to the old malaya, attempt to smooth out relations such as the Manila accord did little, and things went so sour that an undeclared war happens between malaysia and indonesia, the idea was long dead by then
The Intermarium was definitely an interesting idea, we mentioned it as well in our Poland-Lithuania video part II. Also there is another proposed union worth mentioning: Germany and Austria. When Germany was about to create there was also the option for a "Großdeutsche Lösung"(big german solution) which would have included Austria. But because of various reasons that was never realised...Well, at least if you ignore Hitler :D
The main reason was due to political squabbles between the catholic and protestant churches. If Grossdeutschland had been realized, it would have been a catholic majority state, which the Prussians would not tolerate. It has nothing to do with everyone's favorite socialist WW2 dictator.
A crazy one actually was between Romania and Hungary. In 1920, after the communist movement in Hungary was destroyed, the Hungarian politicians sent a delegation to Bucharest which would propose a dual-monarchy between Romania and Hungary, just like Austria-Hungary. Overall King Ferdinand of Romania and the parliament itself refused the propose. After that one there were actually sent more proposes of union between Hungary and Romania which of course were rejected. As a Romanian I would have loved a union between Bulgaria and Romania. Love our Bulgarian fellas
B.G.D.4THEWIN, "In 1920, after the communist movement in Hungary was destroyed, the Hungarian politicians sent a delegation to Bucharest which would propose a dual-monarchy between Romania and Hungary, just like Austria-Hungary." 🤣😅🤣😂🤣😅🤣😂 I did not sop laughing for 5 minutes. What a crappy propaganda. So When the I WW was over Romania have invaded Hungary occupied Budapest and the Hungarians were asking the invaders the Romanians please, please please, rule us, be our bosses, is that correct? An the Romanians graciously refused????? 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂😅🤣😂🤣😅🤣 Where the hell did you learn that crap? Let me guess, that is what you learning in Romanian schools? ROMANIANS HAD TO LEAVE HUNGARY BECAUSE WESTERN POWERS GIVEN ROMANIA AN ULTIMATUM TO EVACUATE HUNGARY OR ELSE. But of course you did not know that. 😁
Prior to Bulgaria's liberation in 1878, during the 1860s Bulgarian intellectuals settled in Romania proposed an alliance with Serbia against the Ottomans in a war, if won, the Bulgarians agreed to form a Serbo-Bulgarian Union under the Serbian crown but was rejected due to the dubiousness of the proposal and geopolitical circumstances
@@boombah8664 Bulgaria wouldn't dominate, rather it's so equal to Serbia in size and population that it would be able to provide the necessary counter-balance to keep such a Yugoslav union in check. Given that one of the primary failings of Yugoslavia in the end was keeping Serbian dominion in check. What's more interesting is how close Serbian and Bulgarian were back then, had such a Union occured Serbs and Bulgarians would be speaking Serbo-Bulgarian and that would be the primary language of the Yugoslavs, not Serbo-Croatian.
During WWII the governments of Poland and Czechoslovakia agreed to form a union but once Germany was defeated both nations fell under the Soviets and Stalin, not wanting to see a powerful country as their neighbour, denied it.
During world war II. Czechoslovak and Polish governments in London exile were discusing postwar confederation as a counterweight to Germany. However it was not approved by Soviet union because it wanted smaller and weaker buffer states on its border.
I've read that German chancellor Konrad Adenaur proposed a union between France and Germany in the early 1950s and that Charles de Gaulle supported this.
Yes, at that time we (Romania) refused because we wanted a buffer state between us and Greece that had considerable influence in our internal affairs. We are historically against the idea of federation and in favor of the unitary state. I don't know exactly how Bulgarians currently feel about Serbia, but a unitary, decentralized state of Romania-Bulgaria-Serbia sounds good to me. Possibly Moldova,Montenegro and North Macedonia. The major problem would be the population. Romanians would be around 55 percent.
@@FlorinDaniel Honestly, most Bulgarians love the Serbs and even look up to them, they like Romania tho not to the same extent, and Macedonia is just a BAD topic to bring up if you want to have fun
Serbia now is an enemy of Europe, because is supporting Russia and China. Even is future membership application of EU is close to getting deleted permanently.
around the 1950s there was a proposed union between philippines, malaysia, indonesia called maphilindo im not sure what it would have done but if i remember i think it was proposed to solve the northern borneo dispute between malaysia, philippines, and indonesia
During late 1940's, there was strong agenda for Yugoslavia and Bulgaria to unite. Interestingly, it was Stalin who pushed this idea the most, more than any Yugoslav or Bulgarian politician, because he wanted to decrease Tito's influence and put him under his control. After Yugo-Soviet split, that idea died forever, which was probably for the best.
A Franco-British union is an interesting idea, though I'm unsure if it would go well. Lots of love to French brothers and sisters from across the channel.
Our rivalry is simply too deeply rooted for both countries to go well together but the resulting country could be such a colossal military economic and cultural behemoth that I can't help but love the idea. Let's hope we eventually unite with our European brothers and sisters ! Cheers from l'hexagone !
Would be possible as soon as all the old people are gone and an opportunity arises (which currently brexit doesn't allow). Definitely will not happen now
Maphilindo Project (Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Brunei, and Indonesia) join together as 1 nation as confederation proposed in 1960's The Maphilindo state itself was fail but the idea evolved into ASEAN (Association of Asian Nation), join economic corporation for Southeast Asian countries.
Always a good video as an American. It really is a goddam miracle 13 colonies that had operated independent of each other under the crown, with vastly different histories, economies and power in size, were able to reach an agreement and not fall to bits within a decade of being a Union.
United Kingdom of Serbs and Bulgarians or Serbo-Bulgarian Kingdom - On January 14, 1867, an agreement was signed on a joint state but it did not happened due to foreign interference; Serbian-Greek Union; Union of Yugoslavia - Romania - Czechoslovakia (they first formed in 1920. a small Entente - military alliance. In 1939, a decision was made that in the future the Little Entente would act as a single political community/union but WW2 came and everything fell apart.)
I'm in shock so many of you guys want or wanted a union with us (Romania). Never knew bulgarian loved us so much. Much respect. And through so.e miracle we unit we last longer and be better than Yugoslavia. 🇷🇴♥️🇧🇬
I live in Dominican Republic, I find it odd the history classes never mention the Antillean Confederation, considering it could had been an interesting result, and a big change to the area in general
MAPHILINDO - is also a notable proposed country union in Southeast Asia where it is comprised of the union of Malaysia 🇲🇾, the Philippines 🇵🇭, and Indonesia 🇮🇩.
The country union of Finland and Estonia is one of the proposed unions whose idea arose in the late 19th century, but was buried in the early 20th century after Finland decided to leave freshly independent Estonia alone after the Finnish-Estonian defence cooperation didn't go very well. Addition: By the way, the Baltoscandia union would be called as Uusi Kalmarin Unioni in Finnish (in Eng. The Nova Kalmar Union) and time-to-time this old proposal for the Nordic Federation is sometimes re-proposed in Finland, but Sweden disagrees and others mostly ignore it.
@@shonenjumpmagnetoNordic union is not a good idea if you include all countries without look at their cultural diferences only a union between skandinavian germanics but finns and estonians have significant cultural diferences from germanic skandinavians, aslo a baltic union between Latvia and Lithuania is a good idea because these countries are extremely similar and are same developed
Peru and Bolivia eventually did manage to form a federation (without Gran Colombia) in the mid 1800. But it only lasted for three years, and then separated again, although several treaties were signed between both countries to ensure their mutual cooperation.
I have never heard of or read about a possibility of a Bulgarian-Romanian union. Maybe I missed it during my education in Bulgaria. However, we're now at Union with the wonderful European idea for EU and I'm glad and happy we and most of Europe share common values, interests and life together. ✌
I think the most impactful future union between several countries that might actually happen would be the EAF (East African Federation). If this proposal becomes reality, consequences would be *huge*. Just look at how many countries would be merged into one overnight: Burundi, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda! The federation would instantly become the 4th most populated country in the world and contain a huge amount of natural resources. The topic makes for an interesting General Knowledge video btw. :)
Prior to Australian federation in 1901 there was a proposal for a merger with New Zealand and making it a state of the Commonwealth of Australia. New Zealand was originally part of the NSW colony until 1841 so technically it would’ve been a homecoming for our Kiwi cousins. It got as far as when the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 (ratified 6 months prior to federation) was enacted that the law provided for New Zealand to become a state of Australia. It would’ve made for one hell of a national rugby league team.
Which sounds great from a distance, but for New Zealanders it would mean being run from Australia. Simply because on populations. And IMHO, New Zealanders shouldn't have to deal with Australian bullshot. And Australians don't need to deal with New Zealander issues. We are sort of culturally similar, but in many ways we aren't. We're better off just dealing with our own crap, and being close neighbours.
@@gregmcpherson5671 I don’t have a strong opinion either way, I was merely pointing it out given the video’s topic. I think things are fine the way it is. NZ are running their affairs fine without Australian interference and we will always have a strong relationship between our two nations. Along with NZ there was a provision for Fiji to become an Australian state. If they went ahead and amalgamated those three nations it would’ve failed eventually and I doubt it would’ve lasted long.
A Portugal-Brazilian union was projected - or rather openly fantasized - in 1910. Portuguese republicans were long in love with the idea of a reunion with Brazil, particularly as a counterweight to the monarchy's crippling dependence on the Anglo alliance (hence republican organizations and hangouts in Portugal in the early 1900s are all Brazil-themed, e.g. "Centro Democratico Federal 15 de Novembro", "A Brasileira", etc.). Portuguese republicans believed the separation of 1822 was a Braganza royal family quarrel, that had nothing to do with national sentiment. With Brazil going republican in 1889, and Portugal finally going republican in 1910, it was believed the main obstacles were finally lifted and the two countries would be naturally reunited. Like Italian reunification, or German reunification, why not Portuguese reunification? However, the project never went beyond the enthusiastic aspirations of romantic republican imagination. They jumped immediately into linguistic conferences, etc. as preliminaries for harmonization, but no further. Portuguese politics got very messy quickly, and Brazilians (save for a few intellectuals) were never quite as keen on the idea. Nonetheless, the reunion project is curiously reflected in the Portuguese flag adopted in 1910, which combines the crownless shield of Portugal with the armillary sphere of Brazil, with the common republican colors (red-green). It was originally designed to serve as a reunion flag. This went nowhere, of course, and became merely the national flag of Portugal alone. The "discoveries" excuse was invented later and retroactively fitted to explain away the continued awkward presence of the Brazilian sphere on the flag.
When I was about 14, I would draw sometimes my personally perfect Europe, and most of the times, I drew Bulgaria and Romania as one country, just like in this Union scenario
Fun fact "trój morze" or "3 seas" is an alliance between most of the countries that were meant to join the huge Central European country, mentioned in the vidro between three seas.
Bolivar pretty much just wanted a personal kingdom, funny that he would try to unite Peru and bolivia since he had just created bolivia to name it after himself out of the alto peru. These two had just gotten independence while Colombia had like a decade of head-start, cause during colonial times Peru had been an economic and administrative centre in the Americas. The project didnt work in the end, but that didn't keep Bolivar from installing a bunch of gran colombians in the others parliament and presidencies for many years, taking a god chunck of riches, desarticulating the army/navy and reassigning a good chunk of peruvian land to gran colombia
a fact for wich bolivar is greatly depised, or contentious topic at best , in peru. The taking of alto peru was absoltuely devastating adn crippling for both bolivia and peru, they were a single country separated because it would just be an unstopabble superstate that would devour his grand colombia. Mind you that they both basically carried the entirety of the spanish south american war of independance royalist side vs the rest of the continent.
Bolivar did not decided the independence of Bolivia, it was the Bolivians who wanted independence, also Bolivar didn't name Bolivia, it was the Bolivians again
@@cseijifja superstate ? lmao bro, no South America would have been a superstate; hell Boliva barely had population also Peru's economy depended higly of Spain, if Peru's economy were that great, it would've been great after independence
@@DoubleAAce And french people aren't especially hairy, and wash every day. And most don't even eat snails. Stereotypes are rarely accurate. It's just a way to have fun.
Im a greek historian. the concept of uniting all balkan countries like ALL Yugoslav, albania, greece, bulgaria and romania was such an out of the question proposal. it never left the stage of a fantasy proposal. its like saying for the U.S.A. to unite with Great Britain (U.K.) post 1812 war. that far fetched. and all agree to that monsterous extremity. you know how would that union would have ended. sooner or... there is no or. just sooner.
You forget some like the iberian union which was quite popular among intellectuals in the early 20th century and currently is seen as an easy way for spain to solve its internal problems. Or Moldava-Romania that continue to be very popular in that countries.
@@pilum3705 he in the video says that Bulgaria and Romania were also united. And in the reality Portugal and Spain never were a single country the emperor never united the two kingdoms they have the same ruler but they are two independent countries and empires, they have diferent courts and laws. For example Filipe the second of Spain is Filipe the first of Portugal.
@@matraquilhochumbo352 No, he said they first lived together. It was never a union. It was just a part of the Bulgarian Empire. It's like saying Syria and Switzerland once formed a Union because both were conquered by the Roman Empire. Apart from that: This video also counted Personal Unions as Unions.
True! I left out the Iberian Union because it did end up happening at one point, then failing and coming apart. For this video I wanted to keep it to potential ones that never happened
The intermarium to be honest is not that crazy. Today EU have a project called the 3 seas project. That is kinda a Union of most that countries to produce a better Economy, Technology and Natural Gaz increase.
As a Puerto Rican the Antillean Confederation sounds nice but we obviously need to be independent and Cuba would need to be a democracy. I believe this union is more realistic than trying to unite all of Hispanic America into a union. We tend to get along well and we are very similar people in comparison to other Hispanic people.
Other proposed unions were: -Alpine union ( Swiss Austria Italy) pre ww2 - Italo-German Union Post ww1 - Italo-French Union medieval era - Franco-Spanish Union medieval and post ww1 - Latin Federation ( Latam + France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Romania and Belgium) from 1950 to 1980 replaced by the Latin Union ( association of defense of Latin languages and Cultures terminated in 1994) - Italo-Spanish Union Medieval Era / 1932 - Asian empire ( China Korea Japan) 1880-1932 - Roman union Italy-Greece 1920-1939 - Mexican federation ( Mexico+ Central America) lacking data - North American Union ( Usa+ Canada and Mexico being invaded and annexed) 1840-1900 - Golden Circle ( CSA + Mexico+ Carabean Nations+ Central America) scrapped after the defeat of the Csa - Imperial Federation ( Uk+ Colonies) 1860-1990 replaced by Canzuk - Corso-Sardinian Union 1770-1945 scraped due to Corsican and Sardinian integration in their state ( France and Italy) - Caucasian Federation 1400-1856 Georgia+ Chechenya+ Azerbaijan+ Armenia+ other regional kindoms terminated due to Russian conquest and Stalin deportation Ps: the Latin federation came very close to happen but the Usa issued ab ultimatum to France and Italy to disband the thing after almost all referendums had more than 60% approval
France and England had a union in the 15th century. Bedford, the regent of France, had Henry crowned in France on 2nd December 1431. Titled Henry VI of England and II of France,
I prefer some unions but not all of them. Like I prefer some in South America (Greater Columbia, Peru-Bolivia, Chile, and Argentina), Europe (West Europe, East Europe, Scandinavia) and Pasific (United States of Pasifica, something for British and French territories current and former, a United Samoa, a United New Guinea, Australia and NZ with the South Pole, etc). My list goes on but to be fair, it's just my dreams and unlikely to work (like Europe is mostly going to be one union, not 3). One union I'm pretty much against is Canada and USA. That can get stuffed. Economics is worth a talk but not politics, military, sports-ish, culture, and so on.
I would like to see a Latin-European union , but for us (romania) i don't think is possible due to log distance borders and a lot of cultural difference.
As a Canadian tired of the winter weather...the one I wish would happen is the Turks and Caicos joining Canada as a province......I like the idea of a warm place to go in the winter that doesn't require a passport.
On the bulgaro-romanian bit, actually one of the times it was proposed it was done so by Russia, who wanted to give the crown of Bulgaria to prince Carol I of Romania under the condition he was to remain loyal to the Russian Empire. This was mostly done so out of desperation, as Russia had aided Bulgarian independence on the gounds of gaining an ally but while they were searching for a monarch for the nrew country, they were desperate it didn’t fall on other great powers’ hands
No, the bulgarian delegation proposed the crown to Carol the 1'st of Romania but Russia threatened both countries with invasion if such a union takes place. Russia wanted two weak buffer states and not one stronger state that can project influence in the balkans and defend itself
@@welcometotheinternet574 Yup, he's right, Carol was really tempted to accept but Russia stopped that. The "protector of the Christians in the Balkans" such a joke... they were just imperialists hoping to in the end conquer all the way to the Mediterranean.
Franco-British union looks different when viewed from a Scottish, as opposed to English, perspective. With a previous ‘Auld Alliance’ against England. (although a while back). It would also be interesting in the sens that, as the name suggests, the UK is already a union.
Lol we Brits don't care about this rivalry. That said, we don't care about france either. They coerced us into their entente so we have to fight our brother, Germany. Nah there's no rivalry
@@ShireTommy_1916_Somme-Mametz Lmao i don't know on wich planet you are but try opening an history book because its clear you never did, Britain and especially England was the first French colony that's why the modern English have 75% French DNA and why half of all english words are French, then you have the hundred years war that was between 2 French royal families one ruling what is now Uk the Plantagenet and the other was ruling France, and the Plantagenet lost the war after the english army was literally pulverized at the battle of Castillion they suffered their first Brexit out of Europe and that when the 1000 years rivalry started. And Germans are obviously not your brothers since they are part of the Franco/German haplogroup that goes from southern France to the Oder River. England was populated by Celts from Gaul and then by French after 1066, the anglo saxons left little to no trace in Britain population even the vikings left more traces even if mostly in the north of the isles.
@@ommsterlitz1805 nice try lad. If we English have "75% french dna" that would mean almost every one of our ancestors are french. If that were the case, England (Germanic word: Angle / French: Angleterre) wouldn't be called England. We would speak entirely French, be eating baguettes/wine, and the island would be called some French word. But no, nice try trolling mate, it didn't work, and not in your fantasy, there is a reason we're called English (Germanic word: Anglo-Saxon). Yes, we English share dna with the french, we both have Celtic blood, from the ice age, as both of our lands were under Roman rule. And perhaps you should look into nostalgia/bond. Ask any random Englishman, he'll say he feels a bond to the Germans/Norwegians, as we're tied through blood, tongue and history. Don't get personal, I just don't care about France
About the Franco-British union, it almost really happened in 1940, as France was on the brink of defeat, both Churchill and Reynaud (the french PM) agreed on it as a last stand in order to keep the French on the fight and there was even a declaration prepared, but it was not approved by the French cabinet which preferred to sell out France to the nazis rather than the UK. Reynaud then resigned and Petain (who led the opposition to the union proposal) formed a collaboration government
The war union was different than the union both countries were looking at when the project emerged in the 30's. There were way too much issues and it was doomed from the beginning. Sell out France to the Nazis.. or simply not willing to sacrifice their country like they had to do 30 years before while both french and english armies were already down. Looking back now those were some bad choices but it must have appeared the only way at the time.
if you would make a second part, here are some you (and the viewers) might find interesting Austria-Hungary like dualism of Romania and Hungary after WW1 Carphatian connationalism, uniting the carphatians in a federation of Hungary, Slovakia, Transilvanya, and Vojvodina it was mostly supporter by the Hungarian arrowcross party, and Szálasi Ferenc Canada-USA manifest desteny but with canadas consent😂 The Imperial Federation, uniting all of the British Empire and its dominions, idea suggested in the late 19th and early 20th century (basically when thr Britsh Empire was strong) Panslav unity of Poland, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia and the USSR (i cannot be bothered to write down all the substates of it xdd) Trialism in the Austro-Hungarian empire, basically not Austro-Hungarian, but Austro-Hungarian plus either Czech, or southslav component like Austro-Hungarian-Bohemian or Austro-Hungaro-Yugoslav/Illryan Empire, and the Wilson proposal Germanic Union of all Germanic nations European State(EU but more federalised)
The Franco-British Union actually came closer to happening then some might realise. In June of 1940 with the situation on the western front collapsing for the Allies, the French government had decided to make overtures towards Germany asking for an armistice. The British knew that to keep those in France willing to keep up the fight motivated, to carry it on in the colonies, they needed a bold statement. The proposal for a union of the two countries was submitted, and approved by the British, stating: "France and Great Britain shall no longer be two nations, but one Franco-British Union. The constitution of the Union will provide for joint organs of defence, foreign, financial and economic policies. Every citizen of France will enjoy immediately citizenship of Great Britain, every British subject will become a citizen of France." However, events overtook them, and many in the French government saw it as a means of Britain stealing French colonies as the Metropol collapsed. With the chaos of the situation and without a consensus in the French government the proposal was ignored and a new French government led by Petain sought an armistice.
I think the British People genuinely cannot conceive of how much a Modern Democratic Republic loathes the very idea of a Royal Elite, of the threat of a Monarchy. And the British will deny the role of such individuals & assure of the limits of their power, & that they too are a Democracy for the People with a Monarchy only insofar is it celebrates their Culture. No; that's not the case - the Monarchy holds the Right of Ascension; & is entitled to live off of the People's wealth. A much more ideal union would be a union of the United States & France. The World's 1st Grand Republic! Add Portugal, Morocco, West Africa, Japan, & South Korea, then the Grand Republic would have some brief internal dealings with monarchical thoughts, but, thereafter, would be too strong to allow the idea of 'Monarchy' to persist in this World. A Militaristic, Diplomatic, Cultural, & Economic Juggernaut built on Modern Liberal Political Philosophic Ideals - such a Union would mark a turning point for humanity.
@@j.macjordan9779 However, a lot of the inhabitants of those "modern" republic are rejecting monarchy pretty much only on principle, not from the actual impact of what it means to allow powerful individuals to be "entitled to live off of the People's wealth". As long as we haven’t sorted out the inheritence of the means of production, we’re just trading one lord for an other, i. e. the very people who got rid of royalty for them not to meddle in their businesses.
I am neither Romanian nor Bulgarian But I have ancestry from the latter and I hope that in the near future Romania and Bulgaria will unite under a new flag.Greetings from La Austral Buenos aires Aires
A non romanian o bulgarian who dream of the future of my country 😂😂😂, as a romanian i never want a union between Bulgaria and Romania so Spain need unite with France in that situation?o all latino America ?
Please make the video you proposed, I'm especially interested in the Eastern African Union! I love the idea of unions of many kinds, one day a united planet would be a great goal, making it easier to colonise other worlds and avoid war and famine :)
Small detail at 3:15 the map should include Panama, because a) it was only an independent country in the 20th century and b) you mentioned the congress of Panama yourself😄😅😂🤣
You forgot Maphilindo, also called in Indonesia as Indonesia Raya (Greater Indonesia). It is a union between Malaysia, Philippines and Indonesia. The purpose was to have a united state for the Malay race, though it was abandoned during the Confrontation
The Balkan Socialist Federation could not happen because Yugoslavia did not exist yet in 1910. There was, however, a Serbian proposal to unite the Balkan states into one nation (which did happen later with the creation of Yugoslavia) but this was not possible at that time because Austria-Hungary controlled Bosnia and Croatia. Also interesting to note that this is all directly connected to the assassination of Prince Franz Ferdinand and the events triggering WWI.
sweden denmark moment. there's no two existing nations that have fought more wars with each other than sweden and denmark, and that is excluding all legendary and semi-mythological wars as well. up until scandinavism movement we basically either were in a state of war, or in a state of preparing for a war with each other.
It was a ridiculous proposal. On one hand you have the uk which is an exemplar in political stability, and on the other you had you french who had a revolution every other tuesday... Additionally the french would never agree that english is whe international language of the world and would have insisted on plastering french everywhere.
*Are there any other proposed country unions I didn't include in the video?*
Romania and Hungary after ww1
Moldova romania
Germany and France in the 1950s.
I understood that there are proposals to create the East African Federation out of Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, South Sudan and perhaps the DRC. A constitution is supposed to be drafted by 2023 but will likely come later. Ideas for this existed since the 1960s but it has been revived in the 2010s.
As a Romanian, I'm surprised to see how much support a Romanian-Bulgarian Union gets from the Bulgarians in the comment section. Love to you my southern broders and sisters! :X
@Riccardo idk
Mayb all gypsies wannabe together
@@SaadBinAlamgir3345 said the turk haha
@Riccardo Small countries generally had (and still have) the option of banding together in all sorts of unions, or let themselves be eaten by the big players of the world.
@Riccardo Idk, control trade over the black sea and blackmail western europe with it xD
@@riccardo6820no never
As a Bulgarian, lots of love to my Romanian brothers. I would love and fully support such Union. I hope Romanians can agree
@@mihaicristian yes, the EU should be a federation in my eyes and a Union state can be great to make us both more powerful in the parliament. But yeah, the shengen will be very helpful. I can’t wait to travel to Romania border free 😄
@@apoolplayer278 why not? I see us only benefiting, also we don’t have any serious problems theses days. I see the issue of Dobruja/Dobrogea as solved
As a romanian i support the union too.
"Three Seas Initiative" is current successor idea to Intermarium, but it ties more countries than Intermarium was supposed to cover. It's mostly economic and in lesser part political union
yeah this, and Via Carpatia road :)
Idk. Maybe in future will be an counterweight for EU
@@Quartzyyy It won't, because it's essentially a subdivision of EU. It's a forum that was made between eastern memebers of the EU so that they can cooperate on infrastructure and focus on regional problems in the east without "bothering" uninvolved countries. One way you could imagine it would be as a way looser V4
The Bucharest 9 too
@@sticlavoda5632 The Bucharest 9 is the true successor to the Intermarum concept, at least in terms of goals. As a NATO lobby group that advocates for stronger European defences against Russia, it really is the modern diplomacy-based version of the same idea.
The Franco-British union already exist, it's called Canada
neither french nor british, and when canada was created the nations hate for each other didnt disappear
It wasn't on purpose
@@shadykid5939 I don’t think you get that this is a joke
@@yourfriendlyneighbourhoodb7585 i got no sarcasm for the message either you dont know what a joke is which is likely for a kid or you are not the most funniest of your friends
Great video! I feel like a video with “proposed alliances that would have changed the world” would be great
Three Emporors.
like British German alliance, which was proposed before the franco-british alliance (entente)
Giga Chad!
@@johngerygooz3251 yes GIGA CHAD
@@johngerygooz3251 Mega Based!!
The Latin African union looks like the Gigachad meme without legs or arms. Chad is obviously the head, since the head of the meme character was traced over the country's borders.
Gigachad looks like he gotten fat
Saw Bulgaria and Romania in a union, and instantly clicked. Love to Romania from a Bulgarian ❤
Bulgaria and Romania best country in the world💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼
@@albanezu5103 Best shitholes
so did i, but i am romanian. lots of love to bulgarian bros
Lmao, as a Romanian, that's exactly the reason why I clicked on this video. ❤ Bulgaria!
@@Vercur There is no dislike between our peoples. Any type of union like this in present day Europe is non-sense. It could have worked after our independence, with a German king. Why not? But the language barrier would have been huge... not impossible, Belgium made it work. But at least they have Latin alphabet... Honestly, Cyrillic script should be retired everywhere, Latin can work just fine with a couple extra characters like each language has... But again, it's probably impossible because it's also part of Bulgarian heritage, it was invented there. It's a pity because geographically it makes so SO much sense.
One of the craziest proposals I know of is the Hungary-Romanian one in which both countries would unite under one. It would've been fun to see two rivaling countries just get together.
Would've settled some border issues
I don`t think it`s crazy, would have made a lot of sense between the two world wars. Perhaps things could have turned out better for both countries
Which one will be capital, Bucharest or Budapest? 😅
@@dccarajay well depends taking it on economy at the time then Budapest, tho the Romanians most likely wouldn't be fond of that idea and Ferdinand really wanted to be on his people good side so I think Bucharest would've been the winner
@@dccarajay buchadaresht
Bulgaria and Romania should make their own common travel area while they wait for schengen.
Romania should screw over the EU big time. Should take back their oil from Austria and sell them at a 60% profit, should eff up german companies over taxing them, also should charge 500% interest on exported lumber to Austria and so forth, when the EU would be outraged to just say "it should have not happened if we were in shengen lol
Maybe with the other west balkan states while they all wait for eu membership as well.
@Just a white nigga i wonder what can go wrong with a balkan union :))))
@Just a white nigga Because historically uniting the Balkan region always resulted in sustainable peace
It's easy to say as a outsider but trust me theres alot of problems like the amount of crazy Romanians who think there's allready to many Bulgarians in Dobruja.
and Romania currently being alot more prioritized on preventing moldova and budjak from becoming Russian territory.
As a bulgarian i would love to have a union with our romanian brothers ❤
as a romanian, i strongly agree
@Riccardo No real Bulgarian would support such a union. Only traitors.
You know, i see it as a very good ideea because we could have total control over the black sea, a perfect dirty tool to blackmail the western europe when next time they call us ''the wild west of Europe'' or dont want to let us into the schenghen zone.
If only both of our countries had good politicians...
@Riccardo Absolutely correct, these morons are just out there. I'm thoroughly against uniting with anything except Macedonia, which is ours anyways.
You forgot Maphilindo (Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia). The movement to unify all 3 countries kind of died out when ASEAN was formed because although ASEAN was not really a true union of the 3 countries, it was as far as the 3 countries were willing to go in regards to giving up their individual sovereignty.
iirc the people and the leader was supportive of the idea, but because of disputes in north borneo between all 3 countries, things didn't go as smoothly, it also didn't help when north borneo joins malaya and form the new Malaysia, and both the philippines and indonesia refused to acknowledge the new Malaysia as a successor to the old malaya, attempt to smooth out relations such as the Manila accord did little, and things went so sour that an undeclared war happens between malaysia and indonesia, the idea was long dead by then
I feel like out of all of these, a Romania-Bulgaria seems like the most realistic. good video
They are both in EU at least.
The cultural differences are way too big
@@danvaly2256yes I don't want Romania to unuite with bulgaria
@@danvaly2256bulgaria and Romania are different countries Romania is latin and bulgaria is Slavic and many culture different
@@rockyhd5gangxd784 name 10 differences
This is great! Some of these unions would be really interesting
I agree!
The Intermarium was definitely an interesting idea, we mentioned it as well in our Poland-Lithuania video part II. Also there is another proposed union worth mentioning: Germany and Austria. When Germany was about to create there was also the option for a "Großdeutsche Lösung"(big german solution) which would have included Austria. But because of various reasons that was never realised...Well, at least if you ignore Hitler :D
The main reason was due to political squabbles between the catholic and protestant churches. If Grossdeutschland had been realized, it would have been a catholic majority state, which the Prussians would not tolerate. It has nothing to do with everyone's favorite socialist WW2 dictator.
A crazy one actually was between Romania and Hungary. In 1920, after the communist movement in Hungary was destroyed, the Hungarian politicians sent a delegation to Bucharest which would propose a dual-monarchy between Romania and Hungary, just like Austria-Hungary. Overall King Ferdinand of Romania and the parliament itself refused the propose. After that one there were actually sent more proposes of union between Hungary and Romania which of course were rejected. As a Romanian I would have loved a union between Bulgaria and Romania. Love our Bulgarian fellas
B.G.D.4THEWIN, "In 1920, after the communist movement in Hungary was destroyed, the Hungarian politicians sent a delegation to Bucharest which would propose a dual-monarchy between Romania and Hungary, just like Austria-Hungary."
🤣😅🤣😂🤣😅🤣😂 I did not sop laughing for 5 minutes. What a crappy propaganda.
So When the I WW was over Romania have invaded Hungary occupied Budapest and the Hungarians were asking the invaders the Romanians please, please please, rule us, be our bosses, is that correct? An the Romanians graciously refused?????
Where the hell did you learn that crap? Let me guess, that is what you learning in Romanian schools?
Prior to Bulgaria's liberation in 1878, during the 1860s Bulgarian intellectuals settled in Romania proposed an alliance with Serbia against the Ottomans in a war, if won, the Bulgarians agreed to form a Serbo-Bulgarian Union under the Serbian crown but was rejected due to the dubiousness of the proposal and geopolitical circumstances
Bulgarian dominated Yugoslavia sounds wack ngl
@@boombah8664 Bulgaria wouldn't dominate, rather it's so equal to Serbia in size and population that it would be able to provide the necessary counter-balance to keep such a Yugoslav union in check. Given that one of the primary failings of Yugoslavia in the end was keeping Serbian dominion in check.
What's more interesting is how close Serbian and Bulgarian were back then, had such a Union occured Serbs and Bulgarians would be speaking Serbo-Bulgarian and that would be the primary language of the Yugoslavs, not Serbo-Croatian.
There were also proposals of uniting Bulgaria with Greece and ottoman empire. Also personal union with montenegro
Who lied to you that ? 1885 Bulgaria and Serbia were at war !😅
@@9_9876 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
During WWII the governments of Poland and Czechoslovakia agreed to form a union but once Germany was defeated both nations fell under the Soviets and Stalin, not wanting to see a powerful country as their neighbour, denied it.
During world war II. Czechoslovak and Polish governments in London exile were discusing postwar confederation as a counterweight to Germany. However it was not approved by Soviet union because it wanted smaller and weaker buffer states on its border.
I've read that German chancellor Konrad Adenaur proposed a union between France and Germany in the early 1950s and that Charles de Gaulle supported this.
Frankish empirr
@@matthiuskoenig3378 🤣
If it was anything like the Franco-British Union proposal, it would have been covered by the European Union.
Honestly, a Bulgarian - Romanian union sounds sick
Yes, at that time we (Romania) refused because we wanted a buffer state between us and Greece that had considerable influence in our internal affairs. We are historically against the idea of federation and in favor of the unitary state. I don't know exactly how Bulgarians currently feel about Serbia, but a unitary, decentralized state of Romania-Bulgaria-Serbia sounds good to me. Possibly Moldova,Montenegro and North Macedonia. The major problem would be the population. Romanians would be around 55 percent.
@@FlorinDaniel Honestly, most Bulgarians love the Serbs and even look up to them, they like Romania tho not to the same extent, and Macedonia is just a BAD topic to bring up if you want to have fun
@@vladislavdm4840 Is Macedonia viewed in the same way that Romania views Moldova? or it is a divisive topic in Bulgaria.
Serbia now is an enemy of Europe, because is supporting Russia and China.
Even is future membership application of EU is close to getting deleted permanently.
yes, let's do it
around the 1950s there was a proposed union between philippines, malaysia, indonesia called maphilindo im not sure what it would have done but if i remember i think it was proposed to solve the northern borneo dispute between malaysia, philippines, and indonesia
Great video man!! Cheers to all bulgarians🇷🇴🤝🏻🇧🇬
Does Romanians and Bulgarians have anything in common?
@@brokkrep Yes they do, for example: food, traditions and culture
@@brokkrep they both hate their neighbors with passion
@@brokkrep Culture somewhat, Food yes, Language barely
@@anecdota3 we have the same problem with roma people too
During late 1940's, there was strong agenda for Yugoslavia and Bulgaria to unite. Interestingly, it was Stalin who pushed this idea the most, more than any Yugoslav or Bulgarian politician, because he wanted to decrease Tito's influence and put him under his control. After Yugo-Soviet split, that idea died forever, which was probably for the best.
But that also left the Macedonian question being debated to this day though
There were many Bulgarians strongly opposed to this, since Serbia held onto Macedonia, so that was a doomed idea to begin with.
@@Ne0LiT True.
I'd rather be skinned alive than be ruled from Belgrade.
"...a union between the French and the British..."
*spits out coffee
I mean uhhh Canada
Yeah, I'm a Brit and glad it never happened
@@ShireTommy_1916_Somme-Mametz Moi aussi je suis contente que ce soit pas arrivé
A Franco-British union is an interesting idea, though I'm unsure if it would go well. Lots of love to French brothers and sisters from across the channel.
Our rivalry is simply too deeply rooted for both countries to go well together but the resulting country could be such a colossal military economic and cultural behemoth that I can't help but love the idea.
Let's hope we eventually unite with our European brothers and sisters !
Cheers from l'hexagone !
I thought such ''union'' was almost about to happen during Henry V, but yeah even if that did happen, i doubt such unification would ever last long.
Can't think of a more unlikely union. The unending rivalry would make it impossible.
A Franco British union would probably look like Canada
Would be possible as soon as all the old people are gone and an opportunity arises (which currently brexit doesn't allow). Definitely will not happen now
Maphilindo Project (Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Brunei, and Indonesia) join together as 1 nation as confederation proposed in 1960's
The Maphilindo state itself was fail but the idea evolved into ASEAN (Association of Asian Nation), join economic corporation for Southeast Asian countries.
Always a good video as an American. It really is a goddam miracle 13 colonies that had operated independent of each other under the crown, with vastly different histories, economies and power in size, were able to reach an agreement and not fall to bits within a decade of being a Union.
@4:29 *Spanish-speaking countries,* not "South American" countries. Mexico is in North America. And Brazil, in South America, wasn't highlighted.
United Kingdom of Serbs and Bulgarians or Serbo-Bulgarian Kingdom - On January 14, 1867, an agreement was signed on a joint state but it did not happened due to foreign interference;
Serbian-Greek Union;
Union of Yugoslavia - Romania - Czechoslovakia (they first formed in 1920. a small Entente - military alliance. In 1939, a decision was made that in the future the Little Entente would act as a single political community/union but WW2 came and everything fell apart.)
Love Bulgaria from Romania!
Thracian brothers💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼
Romania-Bulgaria Union is one of my dreams 🇷🇴❤️🇧🇬
I'm in shock so many of you guys want or wanted a union with us (Romania).
Never knew bulgarian loved us so much.
Much respect. And through so.e miracle we unit we last longer and be better than Yugoslavia.
I live in Dominican Republic, I find it odd the history classes never mention the Antillean Confederation, considering it could had been an interesting result, and a big change to the area in general
i think it would’ve survived to this day. you know how similar culturally we are to each other
MAPHILINDO - is also a notable proposed country union in Southeast Asia where it is comprised of the union of Malaysia 🇲🇾, the Philippines 🇵🇭, and Indonesia 🇮🇩.
Let me share my knowledge, maphilindo is confederation just like ASEAN & EU, not union like in this video
The country union of Finland and Estonia is one of the proposed unions whose idea arose in the late 19th century, but was buried in the early 20th century after Finland decided to leave freshly independent Estonia alone after the Finnish-Estonian defence cooperation didn't go very well.
Addition: By the way, the Baltoscandia union would be called as Uusi Kalmarin Unioni in Finnish (in Eng. The Nova Kalmar Union) and time-to-time this old proposal for the Nordic Federation is sometimes re-proposed in Finland, but Sweden disagrees and others mostly ignore it.
The Nordic Union should federate for sure man.
(It's why Denmark won't adopt The Euro & keeps The Krone!)
@@shonenjumpmagnetoNordic union is not a good idea if you include all countries without look at their cultural diferences only a union between skandinavian germanics but finns and estonians have significant cultural diferences from germanic skandinavians, aslo a baltic union between Latvia and Lithuania is a good idea because these countries are extremely similar and are same developed
Peru and Bolivia eventually did manage to form a federation (without Gran Colombia) in the mid 1800. But it only lasted for three years, and then separated again, although several treaties were signed between both countries to ensure their mutual cooperation.
more broken appart than separated, it was part of the causes of the peru/bolivia/chile war
I have never heard of or read about a possibility of a Bulgarian-Romanian union. Maybe I missed it during my education in Bulgaria.
However, we're now at Union with the wonderful European idea for EU and I'm glad and happy we and most of Europe share common values, interests and life together. ✌
No keep dreaming 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Because are different people 😂😂😂😂😂
@@rockyhd5gangxd784name 5 differences that aren't about language
I think the most impactful future union between several countries that might actually happen would be the EAF (East African Federation). If this proposal becomes reality, consequences would be *huge*. Just look at how many countries would be merged into one overnight:
Burundi, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda! The federation would instantly become the 4th most populated country in the world and contain a huge amount of natural resources.
The topic makes for an interesting General Knowledge video btw. :)
Prior to Australian federation in 1901 there was a proposal for a merger with New Zealand and making it a state of the Commonwealth of Australia. New Zealand was originally part of the NSW colony until 1841 so technically it would’ve been a homecoming for our Kiwi cousins. It got as far as when the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 (ratified 6 months prior to federation) was enacted that the law provided for New Zealand to become a state of Australia. It would’ve made for one hell of a national rugby league team.
Which sounds great from a distance, but for New Zealanders it would mean being run from Australia. Simply because on populations.
And IMHO, New Zealanders shouldn't have to deal with Australian bullshot. And Australians don't need to deal with New Zealander issues.
We are sort of culturally similar, but in many ways we aren't. We're better off just dealing with our own crap, and being close neighbours.
@@gregmcpherson5671 I don’t have a strong opinion either way, I was merely pointing it out given the video’s topic. I think things are fine the way it is. NZ are running their affairs fine without Australian interference and we will always have a strong relationship between our two nations. Along with NZ there was a provision for Fiji to become an Australian state. If they went ahead and amalgamated those three nations it would’ve failed eventually and I doubt it would’ve lasted long.
A Portugal-Brazilian union was projected - or rather openly fantasized - in 1910. Portuguese republicans were long in love with the idea of a reunion with Brazil, particularly as a counterweight to the monarchy's crippling dependence on the Anglo alliance (hence republican organizations and hangouts in Portugal in the early 1900s are all Brazil-themed, e.g. "Centro Democratico Federal 15 de Novembro", "A Brasileira", etc.). Portuguese republicans believed the separation of 1822 was a Braganza royal family quarrel, that had nothing to do with national sentiment. With Brazil going republican in 1889, and Portugal finally going republican in 1910, it was believed the main obstacles were finally lifted and the two countries would be naturally reunited. Like Italian reunification, or German reunification, why not Portuguese reunification? However, the project never went beyond the enthusiastic aspirations of romantic republican imagination. They jumped immediately into linguistic conferences, etc. as preliminaries for harmonization, but no further. Portuguese politics got very messy quickly, and Brazilians (save for a few intellectuals) were never quite as keen on the idea. Nonetheless, the reunion project is curiously reflected in the Portuguese flag adopted in 1910, which combines the crownless shield of Portugal with the armillary sphere of Brazil, with the common republican colors (red-green). It was originally designed to serve as a reunion flag. This went nowhere, of course, and became merely the national flag of Portugal alone. The "discoveries" excuse was invented later and retroactively fitted to explain away the continued awkward presence of the Brazilian sphere on the flag.
Never would happen. Brazil would never agree to be ruled by Lisbon and Portugal would not agree to be ruled by Rio de janeiro at the time.
I love when foreigners try to pronounce polish words
Lol, Bulgario-Romania was so strong that two superpowers had to stop us from uniting
They we scared of our powers.
When I was about 14, I would draw sometimes my personally perfect Europe, and most of the times, I drew Bulgaria and Romania as one country, just like in this Union scenario
Were you payed by that time for the phropaganda ? 😅
another cool animated Eurocentric content!
Fun fact "trój morze" or "3 seas" is an alliance between most of the countries that were meant to join the huge Central European country, mentioned in the vidro between three seas.
Im pretty sure that "może" means "maybe" in Polish.
"Polski język, trudna język."
@@Kretek oh sorry spelt it wrong. I fixed it. Thank you 😂
@@kasnickijakub Hehe. No worries , happens to best of us xD
@@Kretek to you correct you. Język Polski, jest trudny. 😂
@@kasnickijakub Lol. Ja wiem. Ale jest takie powiedzenie: "Polski język, trudna język". Błąd jest tam specjalnie :)
Bolivar pretty much just wanted a personal kingdom, funny that he would try to unite Peru and bolivia since he had just created bolivia to name it after himself out of the alto peru. These two had just gotten independence while Colombia had like a decade of head-start, cause during colonial times Peru had been an economic and administrative centre in the Americas. The project didnt work in the end, but that didn't keep Bolivar from installing a bunch of gran colombians in the others parliament and presidencies for many years, taking a god chunck of riches, desarticulating the army/navy and reassigning a good chunk of peruvian land to gran colombia
a fact for wich bolivar is greatly depised, or contentious topic at best , in peru. The taking of alto peru was absoltuely devastating adn crippling for both bolivia and peru, they were a single country separated because it would just be an unstopabble superstate that would devour his grand colombia. Mind you that they both basically carried the entirety of the spanish south american war of independance royalist side vs the rest of the continent.
Bolivar did not decided the independence of Bolivia, it was the Bolivians who wanted independence, also Bolivar didn't name Bolivia, it was the Bolivians again
@@cseijifja superstate ? lmao bro, no South America would have been a superstate; hell Boliva barely had population
also Peru's economy depended higly of Spain, if Peru's economy were that great, it would've been great after independence
France and Uk form a union:
+200 % colonisation
-50% teeth
-20% snail population
And food will simultaneously be awful and délicieuse : a schrodinger food
fried snails 'n chips
i still dont get the teeth things we have better teeth than most countries
@@DoubleAAce And french people aren't especially hairy, and wash every day. And most don't even eat snails. Stereotypes are rarely accurate. It's just a way to have fun.
@@xenotypos fair enough
please do a video on current union proposals.
You mean the eu?
I would like to see a video about the currently proposed unions. I can only think of the East African Confederation currently.
Creation of East African Confederation would be huge for world at large
Im a greek historian. the concept of uniting all balkan countries like ALL Yugoslav, albania, greece, bulgaria and romania was such an out of the question proposal. it never left the stage of a fantasy proposal. its like saying for the U.S.A. to unite with Great Britain (U.K.) post 1812 war. that far fetched. and all agree to that monsterous extremity. you know how would that union would have ended. sooner or... there is no or. just sooner.
You forgot colonies of Australia and New Zealand. NZ said no so we became the Commonwealth of Australia.
And the Australian constitution still list New Zealand to this day🤓😅😂
NZ said no because no one invited them to the signing of The Articles of Federation...
Good vid as always!
You forget some like the iberian union which was quite popular among intellectuals in the early 20th century and currently is seen as an easy way for spain to solve its internal problems. Or Moldava-Romania that continue to be very popular in that countries.
Ah yes, the Bessarabia dispute.
But both are Unions that HAVE happened. So they don't fit the list.
@@pilum3705 he in the video says that Bulgaria and Romania were also united.
And in the reality Portugal and Spain never were a single country the emperor never united the two kingdoms they have the same ruler but they are two independent countries and empires, they have diferent courts and laws. For example Filipe the second of Spain is Filipe the first of Portugal.
@@matraquilhochumbo352 No, he said they first lived together. It was never a union. It was just a part of the Bulgarian Empire. It's like saying Syria and Switzerland once formed a Union because both were conquered by the Roman Empire.
Apart from that: This video also counted Personal Unions as Unions.
True! I left out the Iberian Union because it did end up happening at one point, then failing and coming apart. For this video I wanted to keep it to potential ones that never happened
The intermarium to be honest is not that crazy. Today EU have a project called the 3 seas project. That is kinda a Union of most that countries to produce a better Economy, Technology and Natural Gaz increase.
As a Puerto Rican the Antillean Confederation sounds nice but we obviously need to be independent and Cuba would need to be a democracy.
I believe this union is more realistic than trying to unite all of Hispanic America into a union. We tend to get along well and we are very similar people in comparison to other Hispanic people.
Maybe become the 51st state
do most Puerto Ricans dislike being a territory of the Us?
@@juwebles4352 some do some dont
@@ErickReyesRomeroBanks Is it an even split or is there a majority faction
Cuba is a democracy a participatory one.
As a British person I love are French brothers
Love from britain
Other proposed unions were:
-Alpine union ( Swiss Austria Italy)
pre ww2
- Italo-German Union Post ww1
- Italo-French Union medieval era
- Franco-Spanish Union medieval and post ww1
- Latin Federation ( Latam + France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Romania and Belgium) from 1950 to 1980 replaced by the Latin Union ( association of defense of Latin languages and Cultures terminated in 1994)
- Italo-Spanish Union Medieval Era / 1932
- Asian empire ( China Korea Japan) 1880-1932
- Roman union Italy-Greece 1920-1939
- Mexican federation ( Mexico+ Central America) lacking data
- North American Union ( Usa+ Canada and Mexico being invaded and annexed) 1840-1900
- Golden Circle ( CSA + Mexico+ Carabean Nations+ Central America) scrapped after the defeat of the Csa
- Imperial Federation ( Uk+ Colonies)
1860-1990 replaced by Canzuk
- Corso-Sardinian Union 1770-1945 scraped due to Corsican and Sardinian integration in their state ( France and Italy)
- Caucasian Federation 1400-1856 Georgia+ Chechenya+ Azerbaijan+ Armenia+ other regional kindoms terminated due to Russian conquest and Stalin deportation
Ps: the Latin federation came very close to happen but the Usa issued ab ultimatum to France and Italy to disband the thing after almost all referendums had more than 60% approval
USA with the Latin American Federation probably thought it would challenge their domination. Has potential to upset the balance of powers.
France and England had a union in the 15th century. Bedford, the regent of France, had Henry crowned in France on 2nd December 1431. Titled Henry VI of England and II of France,
I prefer some unions but not all of them. Like I prefer some in South America (Greater Columbia, Peru-Bolivia, Chile, and Argentina), Europe (West Europe, East Europe, Scandinavia) and Pasific (United States of Pasifica, something for British and French territories current and former, a United Samoa, a United New Guinea, Australia and NZ with the South Pole, etc). My list goes on but to be fair, it's just my dreams and unlikely to work (like Europe is mostly going to be one union, not 3).
One union I'm pretty much against is Canada and USA. That can get stuffed. Economics is worth a talk but not politics, military, sports-ish, culture, and so on.
Can you imagine how OP the Franco British Union would be. Most successful army in history with the most successful navy in history.
I would like to see a Latin-European union , but for us (romania) i don't think is possible due to log distance borders and a lot of cultural difference.
There's latin american (Spanish, Portuguese and French)
There's lain african
There's latin european would be cool
There's Latin Union
As an italian I approve
We did it once. It was called tge Roman Empire.
Hi. Great video. I'm from Poland. When polish-lithuanian commonwelth was great (indeed), 'miedzymorze' was a damn utopia. Crazy, crazy...
Stay put .
In South East Asia there is a proposed Maphilindo, a union between Malaysia, Philippines, and Indonesia.
As a Canadian tired of the winter weather...the one I wish would happen is the Turks and Caicos joining Canada as a province......I like the idea of a warm place to go in the winter that doesn't require a passport.
On the bulgaro-romanian bit, actually one of the times it was proposed it was done so by Russia, who wanted to give the crown of Bulgaria to prince Carol I of Romania under the condition he was to remain loyal to the Russian Empire. This was mostly done so out of desperation, as Russia had aided Bulgarian independence on the gounds of gaining an ally but while they were searching for a monarch for the nrew country, they were desperate it didn’t fall on other great powers’ hands
No, the bulgarian delegation proposed the crown to Carol the 1'st of Romania but Russia threatened both countries with invasion if such a union takes place. Russia wanted two weak buffer states and not one stronger state that can project influence in the balkans and defend itself
@@Arelorium Oh, really?
@@welcometotheinternet574 Yup, he's right, Carol was really tempted to accept but Russia stopped that. The "protector of the Christians in the Balkans" such a joke... they were just imperialists hoping to in the end conquer all the way to the Mediterranean.
Very interesting video.
country's that want to unite today! that would be great video to see!
I'm a simple man.I see Romania and Bulgaria i click.
Franco-British union looks different when viewed from a Scottish, as opposed to English, perspective. With a previous ‘Auld Alliance’ against England. (although a while back).
It would also be interesting in the sens that, as the name suggests, the UK is already a union.
joe biden
@@manleyaccmanley617 Joe mamma
Please, make the video about the current proposals
Great content!
The Franco-British one would've been fun. British and French rivalry is like ancient lmao...
It would have been the third superpower and the strongest one.
@@ommsterlitz1805 It's never too late, y'know... lol
Lol we Brits don't care about this rivalry. That said, we don't care about france either. They coerced us into their entente so we have to fight our brother, Germany. Nah there's no rivalry
@@ShireTommy_1916_Somme-Mametz Lmao i don't know on wich planet you are but try opening an history book because its clear you never did, Britain and especially England was the first French colony that's why the modern English have 75% French DNA and why half of all english words are French, then you have the hundred years war that was between 2 French royal families one ruling what is now Uk the Plantagenet and the other was ruling France, and the Plantagenet lost the war after the english army was literally pulverized at the battle of Castillion they suffered their first Brexit out of Europe and that when the 1000 years rivalry started. And Germans are obviously not your brothers since they are part of the Franco/German haplogroup that goes from southern France to the Oder River. England was populated by Celts from Gaul and then by French after 1066, the anglo saxons left little to no trace in Britain population even the vikings left more traces even if mostly in the north of the isles.
@@ommsterlitz1805 nice try lad. If we English have "75% french dna" that would mean almost every one of our ancestors are french. If that were the case, England (Germanic word: Angle / French: Angleterre) wouldn't be called England. We would speak entirely French, be eating baguettes/wine, and the island would be called some French word. But no, nice try trolling mate, it didn't work, and not in your fantasy, there is a reason we're called English (Germanic word: Anglo-Saxon). Yes, we English share dna with the french, we both have Celtic blood, from the ice age, as both of our lands were under Roman rule. And perhaps you should look into nostalgia/bond. Ask any random Englishman, he'll say he feels a bond to the Germans/Norwegians, as we're tied through blood, tongue and history. Don't get personal, I just don't care about France
A guy named Xi-Jinping also proposed a union between China and Taiwan but Taiwan refused.
obviously. One is democracy, the other isn't at all.
About the Franco-British union, it almost really happened in 1940, as France was on the brink of defeat, both Churchill and Reynaud (the french PM) agreed on it as a last stand in order to keep the French on the fight and there was even a declaration prepared, but it was not approved by the French cabinet which preferred to sell out France to the nazis rather than the UK. Reynaud then resigned and Petain (who led the opposition to the union proposal) formed a collaboration government
The war union was different than the union both countries were looking at when the project emerged in the 30's. There were way too much issues and it was doomed from the beginning. Sell out France to the Nazis.. or simply not willing to sacrifice their country like they had to do 30 years before while both french and english armies were already down. Looking back now those were some bad choices but it must have appeared the only way at the time.
if you would make a second part, here are some you (and the viewers) might find interesting
Austria-Hungary like dualism of Romania and Hungary after WW1
Carphatian connationalism, uniting the carphatians in a federation of Hungary, Slovakia, Transilvanya, and Vojvodina
it was mostly supporter by the Hungarian arrowcross party, and Szálasi Ferenc
manifest desteny but with canadas consent😂
The Imperial Federation, uniting all of the British Empire and its dominions, idea suggested in the late 19th and early 20th century (basically when thr Britsh Empire was strong)
Panslav unity of Poland, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia and the USSR
(i cannot be bothered to write down all the substates of it xdd)
Trialism in the Austro-Hungarian empire, basically not Austro-Hungarian, but Austro-Hungarian plus either Czech, or southslav component like Austro-Hungarian-Bohemian or Austro-Hungaro-Yugoslav/Illryan Empire, and the Wilson proposal
Germanic Union of all Germanic nations
European State(EU but more federalised)
4:47 pentru România-Bulgaria
The Franco-British Union actually came closer to happening then some might realise. In June of 1940 with the situation on the western front collapsing for the Allies, the French government had decided to make overtures towards Germany asking for an armistice. The British knew that to keep those in France willing to keep up the fight motivated, to carry it on in the colonies, they needed a bold statement. The proposal for a union of the two countries was submitted, and approved by the British, stating: "France and Great Britain shall no longer be two nations, but one Franco-British Union. The constitution of the Union will provide for joint organs of defence, foreign, financial and economic policies. Every citizen of France will enjoy immediately citizenship of Great Britain, every British subject will become a citizen of France." However, events overtook them, and many in the French government saw it as a means of Britain stealing French colonies as the Metropol collapsed. With the chaos of the situation and without a consensus in the French government the proposal was ignored and a new French government led by Petain sought an armistice.
Yeh I was surprised he focused on 1904, which was essentially a military alliance, as opposed to Churchills 1940 proposal of union with France
Knowing France’s history with monarchy, the king must’ve been sweating.
Tell him he needs to fix the name of the union in the thumbnail.
I think the British People genuinely cannot conceive of how much a Modern Democratic Republic loathes the very idea of a Royal Elite, of the threat of a Monarchy.
And the British will deny the role of such individuals & assure of the limits of their power, & that they too are a Democracy for the People with a Monarchy only insofar is it celebrates their Culture.
No; that's not the case - the Monarchy holds the Right of Ascension; & is entitled to live off of the People's wealth.
A much more ideal union would be a union of the United States & France. The World's 1st Grand Republic!
Add Portugal, Morocco, West Africa, Japan, & South Korea, then the Grand Republic would have some brief internal dealings with monarchical thoughts, but, thereafter, would be too strong to allow the idea of 'Monarchy' to persist in this World.
A Militaristic, Diplomatic, Cultural, & Economic Juggernaut built on Modern Liberal Political Philosophic Ideals - such a Union would mark a turning point for humanity.
@@j.macjordan9779 However, a lot of the inhabitants of those "modern" republic are rejecting monarchy pretty much only on principle, not from the actual impact of what it means to allow powerful individuals to be "entitled to live off of the People's wealth".
As long as we haven’t sorted out the inheritence of the means of production, we’re just trading one lord for an other, i. e. the very people who got rid of royalty for them not to meddle in their businesses.
Another union is Maphilindo, thought by Jose Rizal
the Antillean confederation lives on in our hearts 😔 🇨🇺🇩🇴🇵🇷
The instant I saw Franco-British I had stop my lungs from seizing up from excessive laughter.
Scotland and France where on good terms though
I like the fact that more Bulgarians would rather unite with Romania rather than Yugoslavia
I one never knew bulgarians loved romanians so much.
The three seas initiative is a great ideea and also a backup in case UE will continue to this path and eventually will collapse.
I am neither Romanian nor Bulgarian But I have ancestry from the latter and I hope that in the near future Romania and Bulgaria will unite under a new flag.Greetings from La Austral Buenos aires Aires
A non romanian o bulgarian who dream of the future of my country 😂😂😂, as a romanian i never want a union between Bulgaria and Romania so Spain need unite with France in that situation?o all latino America ?
Please make the video you proposed, I'm especially interested in the Eastern African Union!
I love the idea of unions of many kinds, one day a united planet would be a great goal, making it easier to colonise other worlds and avoid war and famine :)
Small detail at 3:15 the map should include Panama, because a) it was only an independent country in the 20th century and b) you mentioned the congress of Panama yourself😄😅😂🤣
Also the map in the thumbnail is wrong, because Panama and for some reason Ecuador.
Yugoslavia ending not so well is the understatement of the year. 😂
Next: can we explore country breakups that did not happen?
Yes would love a video covering current proposed country unions. The East African Federation is particularly interesting to me.
As an Englishman I'm glad the Anglo-French idea fell apart. I'd rather unify with Germany or any other Germanic country.
France slander 💀
Why the bad blood with the french? For 200-300 years you guys accually spoke french.
@@dollarweeb4573 The nobility spoke French, not the average person.
I was working on a Union of Countries myself.
Hi my friend!
We love bulgarians and I'm sure they love us back💕
"franco-british union" I had a heart attack just by imagine how atrocious and unnatural it would be
They have common enemy
@@agailham8476 indeed. French people are GB's ennemy.
French people are France ennemy.
What? We absolutely LOVE the British people (with only a small exception: the English people. Go and boil your bottoms, you sons of silly persons!)
@@MrAlsachti lmao, nice reference 🤣
@@agailham8476 yet, England and Germany are the same: Germanic brothers. We're not enemies
You tell about Intermarium, which includes Finland and use (again) cropped map of Europe not showing Finland?
You forgot Maphilindo, also called in Indonesia as Indonesia Raya (Greater Indonesia). It is a union between Malaysia, Philippines and Indonesia. The purpose was to have a united state for the Malay race, though it was abandoned during the Confrontation
A Franco-British union at the time of them wanting to unite would've been OP icl
The Balkan Socialist Federation could not happen because Yugoslavia did not exist yet in 1910. There was, however, a Serbian proposal to unite the Balkan states into one nation (which did happen later with the creation of Yugoslavia) but this was not possible at that time because Austria-Hungary controlled Bosnia and Croatia. Also interesting to note that this is all directly connected to the assassination of Prince Franz Ferdinand and the events triggering WWI.
The Central African (or alternatively the
Rhodesia/Nyasaland) Federation was
another proposal which was actually
implemented for a few short years
Imagine being worst enemies for 1000 and then almost becoming the same country
sweden denmark moment. there's no two existing nations that have fought more wars with each other than sweden and denmark, and that is excluding all legendary and semi-mythological wars as well. up until scandinavism movement we basically either were in a state of war, or in a state of preparing for a war with each other.
I'd like to see you make a video on current proposed unions
I’m french and I had never heard of the Franco British union o.O
I did & it gives me shivers >_
Im british and i hadnt, it also gives me shivers.
It was a ridiculous proposal. On one hand you have the uk which is an exemplar in political stability, and on the other you had you french who had a revolution every other tuesday... Additionally the french would never agree that english is whe international language of the world and would have insisted on plastering french everywhere.
Pour moi je pense toujour. Allemand est france....
Ca mache bien. Beaucoup de plaisire....vrairement.... c est domage. C est pas comme ca
The best way for England to finally get a decent sport team in football 😅