@@billadmond9450 Gorbachev tried to save USSR. It was Yeltsin who brought in American Economic Experts, who recommended the "Shock & Awe" policy that destroyed the USSR's economy. Yeltsin also ceded enormous power & influence to the Mafia & Oligarchy. Gorbachev cut down on the expensive Arms Race, Introduced more Liberal-minded and younger Party Members, Tried to change the core of the functioning of the Soviet Economy & Politics. Gorbachev's Glasnost & Perestroika actually hastened the inevitable. Had it not been for Gorbachev then even Russia would've disintegrated.
@@billadmond9450 Gorbachev is not a traitor you ìdìõt. What he wants for the USSR was for it to look like today's China, state-regulated capitalism with government intervention to advance country's interest, still haves the socialist policies such as free college and healthcare and as well as the Communist iron fist rule to maintain political stability and good environment for foreign investors. Its just that he commit mistakes such as applying sociopolitical reforms a.k.a. "democracy" even though what the USSR only needed was economic reforms. He haves good intentions for the union (USSR), its just he don't know what to do and how to get things done. But honestly, if he successfully transformed the USSR into an authoritarian/state capitalist country like today's China and Vietnam, he will be hailed as the 2nd best Soviet leader behind Stalin.
He's not drunk. By the end of his presidential term, Yeltsin had progressed cervical osteochondrosis with damage to the vessels that feed the brain, and this also affected his spoke: pronunciation defects, swallowing endings, and its confusion.
@@brianrallen I can’t agree. Korsakov's syndrome is a loss of memory, but Yeltsin was well aware of what was happening, and he perfectly remembered the past.
i remember this speech when I was 10. it was new year's eve and he appeared on TV during new years eve party and everyone, including the new years party host thought he was just saying some usual "happy new year" (we are not a russian speaking country, nor a slavic country, so nobody knows what he was saying). it was some years later I realized I witness a historical event.
Yeltsin believed American ideals could be transplanted into Russia. It is difficult to change centuries of ideology and culture with Western promises of opportunity and prosperity. You can open McDonalds in Moscow but that won't bring a Western Democratic Republic to life. I wonder how differently he would have done things if he understood what it would really take to accomplish such ambitions. There were a lot of Russians who shared his optimism for a time.
Go f*** yourself s****y commie! I'm Russian! Yeltsin never tried to destroy Russian democracy and speech right. He opposed commies like you in the parliament, but never used his power to make himself a new "general secretary". He managed to stop the crisis, to start new economic growth in 1996, to oppose red populists in Duma. He was scorched for 8 years, but all these 8 years there was democracy in Russia.
@@eisenigel6065 He didn't even care about Serbia being bombed. My lived in a socialist country, he had a a great live and job in it. When the country turned capitalist. Milion all over the easter block got fired just like my dad. You are supporting a drunk and pathetic idiot who turned post-soviet Russia in to a hell hole of hell holes with his fuçking democracy. Almost EVERYONE HATED HIM AND A SITUATION IN THE COUNTRY.
@@andreyz2436 Actually, no. The exit poll of the 1996 election proves that the election wasn't falsified. More than 50% of Russian society were against communists so people voted for the only democratic candidate they had, for Yeltsin. Of course, oligarchy and criminal clans isn't nice thing, but Putin's monarchy is just the pinnacle of what was happening in the 90s, when one of those gray cardinals completely seized power in the country. Anyway, that's much better than turning back to totalitarianism.
Former Romanian President Emil Constantinescu also apologized for failing people's hopes and for the suffering of people during his term, 6 months before the end of his term, in July 2000.
Acknowledging doesn't change the fact he broke a superpower for his own power. Reinforced by the October coup. He should have left in 1993, maybe one would have even considered his apology He backstabbed Gorbachev and thought it would be good.
Yeltsin thought that liberal western model will bring prosperity ... But he also created oligarchy which looted Russia. Russian s don t like him. But this speech is from the bottom of hearth.
@@andreyz2436 he did not set up the system. The system set up him so the people with real power could do whatever they wanted. But in the end, here, he admitted the colossal failure. It kinda vindicates him as no one else had ever guts to do that. I wonder, if he drank so much because he understood what was happening. We will never know.
If it was as you, then Yeltsin should have never gotten involved, or tried to push back. His admission is not good enough. And he was known as a drunkard long before he moved to Moscow.
Well, oligarchy is not liberalism (in the classical meaning, not the american one). Oligarchism is antiliberal, because there is not free exchange of goods and services!
You know, Yeltsin is a decent person, not unfeeling as some might suggest. But, as he said, many mistakes and miscalculations were made, critical mistakes and miscalculations, the kind that a leader cannot afford to make. In the end, he recognised that the task of leading Russia through the transition was just beyond his ability and apologised for his failings. Deep respect to the big man with the courage to do that in front of his fellow countrymen.
And he stopped the red army communist coup. I guess having a pm that instead of keeping the oligarchs away obviously collaborated with them in order to get stinking rich didn't help Yeltsin. I have been hoping and actually praying for things to be good for the Russians since they have suffered a lot and maybe also as a bit older and cynical that Russian leaders have a tendency to attack Sweden and Finland when they want reforms or a need a diversion.
@@matsnordal4802 Yeltsin didn't stop the oligarchs, and that was a huge mistake. Take Lukashenko, for example. He prevented profiteers from bleeding Belarus white. That is one reason why he has been in power so long.
@@glebperch7585 I'm not taking questions on this at the moment. With recent events, emotions are running far too high. Yeltsin apologised to Russia for his mistakes, Gorbachev didn't. That's the difference. Yeltsin recognised his failings.
Yeltsin tried to overthrow the parliament, when they tried to impeach him for being the constitution, he declared they were fired and that the parliament no longer existed. He then had the army fire upon protestors of this decision, and brought tanks to the Russian white house which opened fire on the parliament while the elected officials were still inside. The parliament was dissolved and the government and constitution were replaced with new versions that gave the president all the power, weakening the balance of power needed for a working democracy, allowing for putin to take near absolute control and undo progress towards peace and freedom of speech. He did not do this because he was drunk, he was power hungry. (and drunk)
Ηis choice for succesor was his redemption and his revenge for the destruction wrought on Russia in the pos-Soviet period by her enemies - for this reason alone he deserves a place amongst Russia's greatest patriots.
What enemies? You know that western powers actually wanted Russia to be doing good and be stable? I think that you fell victim to the enemy within. Looking at this I get a sense that oligarchs forced him and Putin was holding the gun. Now they have been stealing Russian resources becoming very rich. The only reason this, at least for a start, not being acceptable to many is that it prevented a instable Russia, maybe even a civil war and no-one wanted that.
West wasn't the enemy until 2014. 1986-2014 was a calm period with the West. Yeltsin may have repented but he cannot be forgiven for killing a superpower and destroying 12 countries. Baltics don't count.
@@matsnordal4802that is just not true, the country was short for an civilwar and the west still supportet him. When putin came to power the west especially amarica was instantly mad about it , till today the mainstream Media talks good about him what shows you the intention of the west
Ельцин это единственный глава государства, который перед уходом искренне просил прощения за свои поступки( хотя возможно проблема в том что большинство из них просто умерли до отставки)
его народ настолько не любил, что когда он выступал на публике, никто на него набросился и не кричал что бы он ушел. а Путина народ насколько любит(по опросу кремлёвских СМИ), что Путин сам боится народной любви
He was a honest politician who was dare to addressed challenges seriously, may Russian to develop new space projects as galactic civilization, never fall and never joins the conflicts to waste time.
If only he had realized his mistakes as early as 1991, Russians would not have suffered in the 90s. Besides, Tens of millions of people in countries that depended on a strong Russia would not have suffered at the hands of the west.
@@joosttijsen3559sorry but this is the most stupid comment ever. They both suffer the same as much, and somehow Iraq and Afghanistan suffer until today but Georgia and Chechnya had a war for couple of years and recovered already. And the west (USA) is still controlling countries, Germany, South Korea, Taiwan,…. Russia has around 21 military bases abroad while USA has 270. In Germany (where I live) they storage their nuclear bombs also from here (Ramstein) they controlled their drone war in Afghanistan. You know why you think that way? Because America is also controlling your country in some ways lol like almost the whole west. Switzerland is the perfect example how a country acts when it’s not controlled - neutrality.
@@joosttijsen3559and also look at Africa and ask them “who suffered from the west” and they will gladly show you that in their own way. Why you think Africa is so pro-Russian, pro-Chinese? Of course they are also manipulating them becuase the west was stealing everything what Africa had and gave them a kick down on the floor so Russia/China after gave them help to stand up by making several deals which are for both sides advantages. Only the west supports the west, kinda strange, no?
He's apologizing not for selling the soviet economic power to the West for bargain prices and dropping the life expectancy by nearly a decade, he's apologizing for it not working when it would have never worked, but Im sure he's looking up and us and also regretting having done it now.
Wouldn't it be wonderful if our leaders here in Britain had the honesty to make a speech like that? Instead we have the usual pathetic self-serving, self-justifying cant that goes for political discourse.
Thats because, as bad as British leaders might have been, Yeltsin was 10 times worse. So in their cases they could try and hide their crimes -- or at least pretend they hid them (king has no clothes type of thing) -- but in Yeltsins case there was no room for pretending: it was way too obvious to all, so he was basically cornered into apologizing. Note how he didn't apologize for anything during his actual reign, so he was trying real hard not to, until he finally was forced to. And by the way I am not saying that he, as a person, is worse than English leaders. I am just saying that in the west there is a "system" that simply won't allow people to cross certain lines, but in Russia that system isn't fully developed. That has good and bad sides. The way in which western system is bad is that it brainwashes people into cookie cutter way of thinking, leads to globalism and eventually to antichrist. But the way in which Western system is good is that it protects people from guys like Yeltsin. Well I would rather have Yeltsin than Antichrist so I would love to go back in time to Yeltsins Russia and all that. But that doesn't change the fact that Yeltsin had a lot to apologize for -- to the point that he no longer had a choice not to
For me this kind of helps illustraites the genius, patriotism and work ethic of Putin. There must have come a point where Yelstin realized that Putin could run the country better and out of recognition of his own limitations, resigned. From what I understand Russia is doing much better than it was at the time of this speech.
Maybe because Putin played beneath the sheets with the oligarchs, communists and fascists? That would make it difficult to carry out Yeltsins policies and if you look how much of Russian resources that goes directly to Putin and his friends... I wouldn't be surprised if Putin is a well payed puppet of the oligarchs.
Beautiful portrayal of the moral complexity and ambiguity of life...as much as I respect Yeltsin for owning up and apologizing for his mistakes in front of his countrymen, he was one of the main people responsible for the Russian people becoming disabused with democracy. He and his cronies pillaged the country on an unprecedented scale, sold out the country's strategic interest to the West and wrecked the economy and society...I can understand if people, despite his apologies, didn't forgive him and told him to go to hell...However, we should always try and forgive the dead, and pray for them. Even if it is much easier aid than done.
@@d3th2m3rikkka Yeltsin did not want a full corrupted situation. He wanted a Social Market, a release of controls. He was inspired by Deng reform, but in PRC, Deng removed conservatives from CPC and commited his moves without any opposition. But Yeltsin faced a huge resistance from all sides that even turned to war in Chechenia.
For all his faults, we have him to thank for the appointment of Vladimir Putin who went on to transform the country and is know spearheading the move to a multi polar world!
Там, где он находился, на самой вершине власти, не было права на ошибку. Там нельзя просто позволить себе наделать глупостей и извиняться за это. Ошибки - дела, извинения - слова. Помнить его будут только по делам, и он должен был понимать, что более чем цинично со слезами на глазах извиняться перед народом, когда к власти ты относился так легко, что позволял окружающим тебя грабить твою страну, себе - позорить свою страну, а соседям - смеяться и над тобой, и над страной. После тысяч случаев, трагедий, когда глядя на него, тебе становилось стыдно за то, что ты русский, когда ты видел, как твоя страна летит вертикально в пропасть, а этому человеку нет до этого дела - до того легкомысленно относился он к своей власти - ты начинал ненавидеть его. Если он позволил бесам в человеческом облике окружить себя так, чтобы не видеть страданий людей, и лишь их крики и скрип зубов доносились до тебя - то да, совесть могла взять своё, и он чистосердено покаялся перед всеми. Если бы же он видел, что сделала с Россией его тупость, беспечность и стремление к власти ради власти, то совесть не позволила бы ему извиниться. Ведь чтобы извиниться, нужно смотреть людям в глаза. Или монастырь и великая схима в надежде на мизерную вероятность прощения, или самоубийство.
Im not sure what the lenght of the term for president was back then, but his first term was 5 years from 1991 to 1996...if it would have been another 5 years, then his term would have ended in summer of 2001.
Imagine he was drunk the while announcing that he was resigning only to find out that yes he actually resigned when he comes to office the next day 😂😂😂😂😂
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He was a terrible leader and he was drunk all the time. He meant well and he tried his best. He didn't know how to govern he didn't know how to lead and he didn't know what he was doing.
If only he knew what his legacy (Putin) turned out to be..:(. If only he had the courage to put Nemtov instead what Russia could actually have been today!
And how Putin turned out to be? Real president how recover economy and order. When NATO come on 500km from Moscow it is not America aggressor, no it is Putin how is protecting his country and Donbas. Fucking westerns, read somehting other than propaganda of BBCNN
Yes, he’s sincere and brave to ask for apology… The damage has been done to the core… Only a fool can do such a thing… What was he thinking…or dreaming… Obviously he doesn’t understand what he’s doing… The load and burdens that the Russians people and current and future leaders have carry and rectify is enormous… I wish he live to see the repercussions of his actions…
It's Tragic really he is apologising for not getting Russia into a normal prosperous democratic country in a very short time ( the odd bevy may have slowed the old focus ) But he handed over to Putin and nearly 20 years later Russia is going backwards
west brit , How did you get to that conclusion that Russia is going backwards, by watching BBC and CNN, can’t believe how some of westerners are brainwashed (read stupid).
west brit Putin fixed Russia's economy and put it on the path to some semblance of recovery from the disaster that was the dissolving of the USSR. Im not a fan of him but to say he's put the country backwards is simply false, indeed the opposite is true.
He sounds very drunk during this very speech. How can his apology be sincere if during the exact time of the apology he is doing one of the things he is apologizing for? Also in his tone of voice I don't hear any emotions at all other than utter drunkedness. Kind of like "here is a word salad for you before I go drink some more"
I think it just the way some Russian express their emotions. I watched many Russian movies and I found that some Russian especially male, they have like this expression; not expressive but it is the way they are.
I think he said it from the bottom of his heart, at that moment.
Say what you want about Yeltsin, this was sincere. And for his honest and true apology, he deserves respect for acknowledging his mistakes.
he dont deserve anything
Crappy leader that Yeltsin. Had he not backstabbed Gorbachev, the USSR would've still existed.
@@ruturajshiralkar5566 Gorbachev is a traitor, he opened the doors to the war criminal and mafia America.
@@billadmond9450 Gorbachev tried to save USSR. It was Yeltsin who brought in American Economic Experts, who recommended the "Shock & Awe" policy that destroyed the USSR's economy. Yeltsin also ceded enormous power & influence to the Mafia & Oligarchy. Gorbachev cut down on the expensive Arms Race, Introduced more Liberal-minded and younger Party Members, Tried to change the core of the functioning of the Soviet Economy & Politics. Gorbachev's Glasnost & Perestroika actually hastened the inevitable. Had it not been for Gorbachev then even Russia would've disintegrated.
@@billadmond9450 Gorbachev is not a traitor you ìdìõt. What he wants for the USSR was for it to look like today's China, state-regulated capitalism with government intervention to advance country's interest, still haves the socialist policies such as free college and healthcare and as well as the Communist iron fist rule to maintain political stability and good environment for foreign investors. Its just that he commit mistakes such as applying sociopolitical reforms a.k.a. "democracy" even though what the USSR only needed was economic reforms. He haves good intentions for the union (USSR), its just he don't know what to do and how to get things done. But honestly, if he successfully transformed the USSR into an authoritarian/state capitalist country like today's China and Vietnam, he will be hailed as the 2nd best Soviet leader behind Stalin.
He's not drunk. By the end of his presidential term, Yeltsin had progressed cervical osteochondrosis with damage to the vessels that feed the brain, and this also affected his spoke: pronunciation defects, swallowing endings, and its confusion.
Yeltsin suffered Alcoholism-induced Korsokoff's Syndrome.
What ever was the syndrome, a new Era opened for Russia, a new powerful and sovereign country which will rule the world.
@@brianrallen I can’t agree. Korsakov's syndrome is a loss of memory, but Yeltsin was well aware of what was happening, and he perfectly remembered the past.
Чувак он пил.(He does drink and he was old) his conditions were worse than Brezhnev
@@levlev4048 Gorbachev did much worse than him.
Спасибо! Я надеюсь, что мы это заслужили.
And what is now?
i remember this speech when I was 10. it was new year's eve and he appeared on TV during new years eve party and everyone, including the new years party host thought he was just saying some usual "happy new year" (we are not a russian speaking country, nor a slavic country, so nobody knows what he was saying).
it was some years later I realized I witness a historical event.
What country are you from?
@@johnm84probably somewhere in Central Asia.
And that's how Putin became ruler of Russia December 31, 1999.
Echoeing a Russian renewal and resurgence.
And now it falls again. Circle of putin.@@victorsamsung2921
Do your research, he did that on 20th April 2000
@@The_Awesome_Guy he did his research, acting president since 31st Dec, 1999 until he became president by the 2000 elections' conclusion
i almost fell in tears at the end
Sounds like wholehearted repentance.
Sounds like wholehearted repentance.
When the CCCP falls apart: Top ten anime plot twists
CCCP no longer existed at this time.
@@Maverick.D. I know im just saying life doesnt look so good for him when its gone
I feel sorry for the Russians
Although I'm from Russia((((
Yeltsin believed American ideals could be transplanted into Russia. It is difficult to change centuries of ideology and culture with Western promises of opportunity and prosperity. You can open McDonalds in Moscow but that won't bring a Western Democratic Republic to life. I wonder how differently he would have done things if he understood what it would really take to accomplish such ambitions. There were a lot of Russians who shared his optimism for a time.
I remember this in Russia. It was such a relief that day that finally his regime came to end peacefully.
Why don't you ask Eldery Russians how they lived in a "dictatorship" you fu*king moron.
Go f*** yourself s****y commie! I'm Russian! Yeltsin never tried to destroy Russian democracy and speech right. He opposed commies like you in the parliament, but never used his power to make himself a new "general secretary". He managed to stop the crisis, to start new economic growth in 1996, to oppose red populists in Duma. He was scorched for 8 years, but all these 8 years there was democracy in Russia.
@@eisenigel6065 He didn't even care about Serbia being bombed. My lived in a socialist country, he had a a great live and job in it. When the country turned capitalist. Milion all over the easter block got fired just like my dad. You are supporting a drunk and pathetic idiot who turned post-soviet Russia in to a hell hole of hell holes with his fuçking democracy. Almost EVERYONE HATED HIM AND A SITUATION IN THE COUNTRY.
@@eisenigel6065 There was no democracy in Russia then, 1996 election proved it when he had only 5% support.
@@andreyz2436 Actually, no. The exit poll of the 1996 election proves that the election wasn't falsified. More than 50% of Russian society were against communists so people voted for the only democratic candidate they had, for Yeltsin. Of course, oligarchy and criminal clans isn't nice thing, but Putin's monarchy is just the pinnacle of what was happening in the 90s, when one of those gray cardinals completely seized power in the country. Anyway, that's much better than turning back to totalitarianism.
Never have I ever seen a politician regardless of nationality take responsibility and ask for forgiveness. God rest his soul.
in hell you will say🤣
he sold his own country to oligarchs and gangsters...
Former Romanian President Emil Constantinescu also apologized for failing people's hopes and for the suffering of people during his term, 6 months before the end of his term, in July 2000.
@@reggiekrager5411 respect to Emil too.
Acknowledging doesn't change the fact he broke a superpower for his own power. Reinforced by the October coup. He should have left in 1993, maybe one would have even considered his apology
He backstabbed Gorbachev and thought it would be good.
Yeltsin thought that liberal western model will bring prosperity ... But he also created oligarchy which looted Russia. Russian s don t like him. But this speech is from the bottom of hearth.
Liberal western model is an oligarchy. He actually succeeded in that.
He did not think that, he just did not care. He simply set up a system that would keep him in power and benefit his inner circle.
@@andreyz2436 he did not set up the system. The system set up him so the people with real power could do whatever they wanted. But in the end, here, he admitted the colossal failure. It kinda vindicates him as no one else had ever guts to do that. I wonder, if he drank so much because he understood what was happening. We will never know.
If it was as you, then Yeltsin should have never gotten involved, or tried to push back. His admission is not good enough. And he was known as a drunkard long before he moved to Moscow.
Well, oligarchy is not liberalism (in the classical meaning, not the american one). Oligarchism is antiliberal, because there is not free exchange of goods and services!
You know, Yeltsin is a decent person, not unfeeling as some might suggest. But, as he said, many mistakes and miscalculations were made, critical mistakes and miscalculations, the kind that a leader cannot afford to make. In the end, he recognised that the task of leading Russia through the transition was just beyond his ability and apologised for his failings. Deep respect to the big man with the courage to do that in front of his fellow countrymen.
And he stopped the red army communist coup. I guess having a pm that instead of keeping the oligarchs away obviously collaborated with them in order to get stinking rich didn't help Yeltsin.
I have been hoping and actually praying for things to be good for the Russians since they have suffered a lot and maybe also as a bit older and cynical that Russian leaders have a tendency to attack Sweden and Finland when they want reforms or a need a diversion.
@@matsnordal4802 Yeltsin didn't stop the oligarchs, and that was a huge mistake. Take Lukashenko, for example. He prevented profiteers from bleeding Belarus white. That is one reason why he has been in power so long.
Was he a decent person when he shelled his own parliament and killed thousands of people?
@@glebperch7585 I'm not taking questions on this at the moment. With recent events, emotions are running far too high.
Yeltsin apologised to Russia for his mistakes, Gorbachev didn't. That's the difference. Yeltsin recognised his failings.
Yeltsin tried to overthrow the parliament, when they tried to impeach him for being the constitution, he declared they were fired and that the parliament no longer existed.
He then had the army fire upon protestors of this decision, and brought tanks to the Russian white house which opened fire on the parliament while the elected officials were still inside.
The parliament was dissolved and the government and constitution were replaced with new versions that gave the president all the power, weakening the balance of power needed for a working democracy, allowing for putin to take near absolute control and undo progress towards peace and freedom of speech.
He did not do this because he was drunk, he was power hungry. (and drunk)
He sounds exactly like Leonid Brezhnev.
because he's a drunktard
Ηis choice for succesor was his redemption and his revenge for the destruction wrought on Russia in the pos-Soviet period by her enemies - for this reason alone he deserves a place amongst Russia's greatest patriots.
What enemies? You know that western powers actually wanted Russia to be doing good and be stable? I think that you fell victim to the enemy within. Looking at this I get a sense that oligarchs forced him and Putin was holding the gun. Now they have been stealing Russian resources becoming very rich. The only reason this, at least for a start, not being acceptable to many is that it prevented a instable Russia, maybe even a civil war and no-one wanted that.
@@matsnordal4802 "western powers actually wanted Russia to be doing good and be stable"
two words: FUCK OFF
West wasn't the enemy until 2014. 1986-2014 was a calm period with the West.
Yeltsin may have repented but he cannot be forgiven for killing a superpower and destroying 12 countries. Baltics don't count.
@@matsnordal4802that is just not true, the country was short for an civilwar and the west still supportet him. When putin came to power the west especially amarica was instantly mad about it , till today the mainstream Media talks good about him what shows you the intention of the west
É até emocionante ouvir a despedida de um velho bêbado que sabe que, estando onde está, mais atrapalha que ajuda...
Ele não era bêbado, ele tinha problemas de saúde.
@@gteixeira também
@@senhordoutorprofessormestr8629 Eu não.
@@gteixeira nem eu
@@gteixeira у него были проблемы со здоровьем, потому, что он слишком много пил)
Ельцин это единственный глава государства, который перед уходом искренне просил прощения за свои поступки( хотя возможно проблема в том что большинство из них просто умерли до отставки)
его народ настолько не любил, что когда он выступал на публике, никто на него набросился и не кричал что бы он ушел.
а Путина народ насколько любит(по опросу кремлёвских СМИ), что Путин сам боится народной любви
Я ухожу. Я сделал всё что мог.
I almost cried while watching this...
R.I.P. Gospodin Yeltsin
do you cry for betrayers?? 🤣
I remember seeing this during the world millennial party.
честно говоря, я всегда смеялся над ним, а теперь люблю его .. привет из грузии
Jeltsin going full Breshnev mode
Great guy, may he rest in peace
This man is very sad
A sincere apology from a politician? Impossible
He was a honest politician who was dare to addressed challenges seriously, may Russian to develop new space projects as galactic civilization, never fall and never joins the conflicts to waste time.
It sounds like Yeltsin marinated his throat and arteries with hamburger grease and washed it down with Vodka before talking.
I mean, he passed away around a decade later. He clearly was in poor health
He died in 2000 due to problems with his sewing jars.
True leaders words. Be happy, you have right and you deserve to be happy. He said it from heart, otherwise it would be much more plain.
If only he had realized his mistakes as early as 1991, Russians would not have suffered in the 90s. Besides, Tens of millions of people in countries that depended on a strong Russia would not have suffered at the hands of the west.
sorry what countries suffered by the west? I know Iraq and Afghanistan but a strong Russia was 10x worse as weve seen in grozny, syria, chechnya...
@@joosttijsen3559sorry but this is the most stupid comment ever. They both suffer the same as much, and somehow Iraq and Afghanistan suffer until today but Georgia and Chechnya had a war for couple of years and recovered already. And the west (USA) is still controlling countries, Germany, South Korea, Taiwan,…. Russia has around 21 military bases abroad while USA has 270. In Germany (where I live) they storage their nuclear bombs also from here (Ramstein) they controlled their drone war in Afghanistan. You know why you think that way? Because America is also controlling your country in some ways lol like almost the whole west. Switzerland is the perfect example how a country acts when it’s not controlled - neutrality.
@@joosttijsen3559and also look at Africa and ask them “who suffered from the west” and they will gladly show you that in their own way. Why you think Africa is so pro-Russian, pro-Chinese? Of course they are also manipulating them becuase the west was stealing everything what Africa had and gave them a kick down on the floor so Russia/China after gave them help to stand up by making several deals which are for both sides advantages.
Only the west supports the west, kinda strange, no?
@@nataschka_tscherepaschka lol yeah, ur russian name tells me everything
I don’t think this dude was ever sober his entire time in office. 🤣🤣
Humble , A man with Principles.! He made the right decision to choose Mr. PRIME Minister Putin!
He's apologizing not for selling the soviet economic power to the West for bargain prices and dropping the life expectancy by nearly a decade, he's apologizing for it not working when it would have never worked, but Im sure he's looking up and us and also regretting having done it now.
That wasn't the end of century. It ended year later!
Exactly. I don't see why most people don't get it
Yeah, that was probably his mistake.
Most people consider "00" years as the start of a century
Screw that.
It's the year 2000 all the way, plain and simple, they're just numbers.
80 year old Yeltsin resignation speech
Wouldn't it be wonderful if our leaders here in Britain had the honesty to make a speech like that? Instead we have the usual pathetic self-serving, self-justifying cant that goes for political discourse.
Thats because, as bad as British leaders might have been, Yeltsin was 10 times worse. So in their cases they could try and hide their crimes -- or at least pretend they hid them (king has no clothes type of thing) -- but in Yeltsins case there was no room for pretending: it was way too obvious to all, so he was basically cornered into apologizing. Note how he didn't apologize for anything during his actual reign, so he was trying real hard not to, until he finally was forced to. And by the way I am not saying that he, as a person, is worse than English leaders. I am just saying that in the west there is a "system" that simply won't allow people to cross certain lines, but in Russia that system isn't fully developed. That has good and bad sides. The way in which western system is bad is that it brainwashes people into cookie cutter way of thinking, leads to globalism and eventually to antichrist. But the way in which Western system is good is that it protects people from guys like Yeltsin. Well I would rather have Yeltsin than Antichrist so I would love to go back in time to Yeltsins Russia and all that. But that doesn't change the fact that Yeltsin had a lot to apologize for -- to the point that he no longer had a choice not to
Al Gray- Nick Clegg apologised to the students.
Honesty doesn't change what was done. He help destroyed Soviet Union from the inside and introduced his oligarchs on 90s Russia.
For me this kind of helps illustraites the genius, patriotism and work ethic of Putin. There must have come a point where Yelstin realized that Putin could run the country better and out of recognition of his own limitations, resigned. From what I understand Russia is doing much better than it was at the time of this speech.
Nope. Putin want only money...
krivorki animator... for some reason I don't believe you.
Thomas THE Zaugg it’s because western propaganda labels pytin as evil
Maybe because Putin played beneath the sheets with the oligarchs, communists and fascists?
That would make it difficult to carry out Yeltsins policies and if you look how much of Russian resources that goes directly to Putin and his friends... I wouldn't be surprised if Putin is a well payed puppet of the oligarchs.
@@matsnordal4802 putin still hates commies
How hammered was he for this speech?
3,05 ‰
Yes 🤣🤣🤣
It's as though you can feel it from the second word of his speech.
Anarcho capitalism should never be mistaken for democracy
Beautiful portrayal of the moral complexity and ambiguity of life...as much as I respect Yeltsin for owning up and apologizing for his mistakes in front of his countrymen, he was one of the main people responsible for the Russian people becoming disabused with democracy. He and his cronies pillaged the country on an unprecedented scale, sold out the country's strategic interest to the West and wrecked the economy and society...I can understand if people, despite his apologies, didn't forgive him and told him to go to hell...However, we should always try and forgive the dead, and pray for them. Even if it is much easier aid than done.
But which one was in worse health, Brezhnev or Yeltsin?
Yeltsin, just sad and true facts
He wasn’t given a choice
How tanked up was he for this speech?
When i hear this i want to drink my vodka
Say what you want to say, but he dissolved a great nation. The USSR and the US kept eachother in balance. Heil the USSR.
@Robert Ortiz-Wilson Most Russians, especially the old ones that lived in the USSR, regret it collapse. Capitalism destroyed the Russian economy
@@d3th2m3rikkka Yeltsin did not want a full corrupted situation. He wanted a Social Market, a release of controls. He was inspired by Deng reform, but in PRC, Deng removed conservatives from CPC and commited his moves without any opposition. But Yeltsin faced a huge resistance from all sides that even turned to war in Chechenia.
I bet Vladimir is standing behind the camera and nods appreciatively after each sentence :D
I kinda wanted it to start with him removing his from the camera and sigh
3,05 ‰
When joe Biden have retriment speech 😀😀😀 wait for 3 year is to long
For all his faults, we have him to thank for the appointment of Vladimir Putin who went on to transform the country and is know spearheading the move to a multi polar world!
He looked like 80 or so then.
Там, где он находился, на самой вершине власти, не было права на ошибку. Там нельзя просто позволить себе наделать глупостей и извиняться за это. Ошибки - дела, извинения - слова. Помнить его будут только по делам, и он должен был понимать, что более чем цинично со слезами на глазах извиняться перед народом, когда к власти ты относился так легко, что позволял окружающим тебя грабить твою страну, себе - позорить свою страну, а соседям - смеяться и над тобой, и над страной. После тысяч случаев, трагедий, когда глядя на него, тебе становилось стыдно за то, что ты русский, когда ты видел, как твоя страна летит вертикально в пропасть, а этому человеку нет до этого дела - до того легкомысленно относился он к своей власти - ты начинал ненавидеть его. Если он позволил бесам в человеческом облике окружить себя так, чтобы не видеть страданий людей, и лишь их крики и скрип зубов доносились до тебя - то да, совесть могла взять своё, и он чистосердено покаялся перед всеми. Если бы же он видел, что сделала с Россией его тупость, беспечность и стремление к власти ради власти, то совесть не позволила бы ему извиниться. Ведь чтобы извиниться, нужно смотреть людям в глаза. Или монастырь и великая схима в надежде на мизерную вероятность прощения, или самоубийство.
This is Elon Musk in less than 10 years.
7 years remain now. Musk won't fail.
How it all started
Yeltsin should have been president until December ,31 of 2000 if he hadn'r resign?
Can somebody answer me?
Im not sure what the lenght of the term for president was back then, but his first term was 5 years from 1991 to 1996...if it would have been another 5 years, then his term would have ended in summer of 2001.
In 1991 there was turmoil, in 1993 the RSFSR fell, in 1996 the next elections, and now 1999 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
He destroyed everything. Traitor
Rafi Mohammad you aren't Russian so fuck off
"Everything", heh?
Anarchy it doesnt mean anything any person can see how yeltsin destroyed russia
@@Svarog88 I am Russian and he is right. Yeltsin was a traitor.
@@usertankist45 я тоже русский, и я его не считаю предателем.
I am russian too and i dont think he is a traitor
vladimir putin strolled into town
Unlike Medvedev, Putin confronted the factory owners.
@@vlad_47"why didn't you fixed this before now?"
"You ran around like cockroaches when I said I was coming"
Try x2 speed lol
And the traitor yeltsin was not wrong!, because he was succeeded by a brilliant mind like Vladimir Putin who once again made Russia great😃
Yeltsin may have been a drunk, but at least he wasn't a dictator, unlike the current incumbent.
Go back to CNN
October 1993
BigganD ye
Yeltsin was also a dictator, many journalists & protestors were killed brutally in his regime.
Centrist Philosopher Yeltsin was a bastard who sold his country out.
"russia will come back!" and it did!
Imagine he was drunk the while announcing that he was resigning only to find out that yes he actually resigned when he comes to office the next day 😂😂😂😂😂
That would have been hilarious. Too bad the "next day" part didn't happen -- or at least didn't make it to the news.
@@romansverdlov1964 because he was not much more sober the next day, obviously.
Only God can forgive him. At least thanks for Putin.
good riddance, he sounded like Brezhnev at this moment
Plot twist : Yeltsin was Brezhnev since all the time, and Putin is actually Khrushchev undercover
how can i know its right translated
It is. Pretty accurate translation.
Hi there, who can I talk to about gaining permission (via a Material License agreement) to use this video in a commercial podcast? Is there someone I can email with the relevant forms? Many thanks.
Email the youtber who posted it
У Путина духу не хватит на такое
He was a terrible leader and he was drunk all the time. He meant well and he tried his best. He didn't know how to govern he didn't know how to lead and he didn't know what he was doing.
He was so bad this day
If only he knew what his legacy (Putin) turned out to be..:(. If only he had the courage to put Nemtov instead what Russia could actually have been today!
And how Putin turned out to be? Real president how recover economy and order. When NATO come on 500km from Moscow it is not America aggressor, no it is Putin how is protecting his country and Donbas. Fucking westerns, read somehting other than propaganda of BBCNN
Yes, he’s sincere and brave to ask for apology… The damage has been done to the core… Only a fool can do such a thing… What was he thinking…or dreaming… Obviously he doesn’t understand what he’s doing… The load and burdens that the Russians people and current and future leaders have carry and rectify is enormous… I wish he live to see the repercussions of his actions…
his biggest mistake was bringing Putin to power
We miss you Boris
Hes drunk
Ty mi dziecka nie zabrałeś
It's Tragic really he is apologising for not getting Russia into a normal prosperous democratic country in a very short time ( the odd bevy may have slowed the old focus ) But he handed over to Putin and nearly 20 years later Russia is going backwards
west brit ,
How did you get to that conclusion that Russia is going backwards, by watching BBC and CNN, can’t believe how some of westerners are brainwashed (read stupid).
west brit Putin fixed Russia's economy and put it on the path to some semblance of recovery from the disaster that was the dissolving of the USSR. Im not a fan of him but to say he's put the country backwards is simply false, indeed the opposite is true.
Boy oh boy do u need a history lesson
@@olliesloane151 oh... you nothing know about russia at the moment...
NN I’m Russian, and I prefer Yeltsin to Putin, because he was a politician, not a kgb officer
He sounds very drunk during this very speech. How can his apology be sincere if during the exact time of the apology he is doing one of the things he is apologizing for? Also in his tone of voice I don't hear any emotions at all other than utter drunkedness. Kind of like "here is a word salad for you before I go drink some more"
I think his apology was truly sincere. The cameraman recalled that Yeltsin was crying when he finished his speech.
What sober politician would admit his massive failure and ask for forgiveness?
The reason why he is having difficulty talking is because he was almost dead at the time of making this speech from health issues.
I think it just the way some Russian express their emotions. I watched many Russian movies and I found that some Russian especially male, they have like this expression; not expressive but it is the way they are.
@@soyuznesia yeah I think it’s just a Russian thing. Russian also talk like their angry supposedly too.
He is so drunk 🥴)))
In this vid no. He was a sick man at the end of his presidency. He even had multiple operations at this point
He was very drunk
Best Russia president ever
idk if starving your own citizen makes you a good president
It is sad that russian nation became a dumb nation of Putler's Z-ombies
@@pitioapolo there's Joe Biden
Rise Putin
Was he drunk?
he wasn't
Around the clock. Suffered the deadly, progressive, irreversible and incurable disease that is killing Russia.
He sounds drunk
He was drunk. For decades. Died of Alcoholism.
@@brianrallen I know
@@brianrallen he took the country with him
Prost 🍻
Was a great leader in the history of the world
An acute alcoholic ? Suffering from acute alcoholism. Typical Russian leader..
Katastrofa president
I think he said it from the bottom of his heart, at that moment.