@2:45 "Now I do use quite a few macros for this build, you don't have to use as many if you don't like. >>However they're there for ease of use if you choose to use them
Thanks! I try to make content that will help people in some form or another and I enjoy doing it, so for now, I'll keep making videos =) thanks for your support, its the reason I do this.
Thanks so much for this video! this put it into better perspective for me on how it works.. i was just mashing buttons before and not really getting any decent results and not many people in my guild use defiler.. it just seemed like an interesting soul and i wanted to give it a shot..very confusing soul though.
+warmfreeze Defiler is pretty unique, and I think that's what makes it confusing. It has identity issues lol. It can be a great healing soul, it can pull some very respectable DPS in certain situations, and it can do these things while providing damage reduction links to your raid. Defilers are most of the time mandatory for a lot of progression raid content, so i'ts definitely worth saving a role slot for it. Also, I shot and recorded this today because of your comment. I'm sorry it took so long to get it uploaded, but I've been a pretty busy dude lately, and haven't had much time to spend churning out content for the Rift community. =) I really hope you enjoyed it, and if you have more requests, let me know, I promise I will eventually get to them all! haha. Happy Rifting!
+ChamberDown I must be doing something wrong ..im lucky to hit 13k dps.. and im fully NTE geared with 1k hit O_o.. the emergency heals hit hard though.. :/
warmfreeze Keep in mind, you need to have all 4 of your links up, and those people need to be standing near your target for "Pain Transmission" to be able to hit them. If everyone in you party is playing a ranged spec, and no one is standing near your target, your DPS will be substantially lower. That's why Defiler DPS is hit or miss. In order for it to be decent, all your link targets have to be standing near your mob target. It also scales higher with more mob targets as well. Defiler is a tough spec to play in dungeons, because the typical random dungeoneer uses the default ranged spec for their calling 9 times out of 10, which will really gimp defiler DPS because they won't be standing close enough for your Pain Transmission to do the work it's meant to and Pain Transmission makes up the majority of your DPS.
Great guide :) remember the times when defiler was a pure heal soul :P not a support one haha good stuff I got a question, would it be possible for you to make a stormcaller guide? I'm really struggling with stormcaller and all the guides from yt where old. Thx for your guides they are always great and help. Enjoy the day
+Cookie b I have 61 Stormcaller built, I just haven't had a chance to record/edit it just yet. I will work on getting it released though. Thanks for the request!
Yes, I find it extremely useful, especially since it doesn't just reduces the target's healing they receive but also heals you. Jino is a fight where I take a lot of damage from my link and its always good to get those extra heals.
awesome vid again man. More than anything, I like checking out your videos to see a slightly different take on the same build. You're a lot more creative with your macros than I am haha. Personally I prefer the cabalist version of defiler, but like you mentioned, there's a few solid variants out there. I'm not on atm to check, but I wonder if using this build the Faiths Freedom mastery I think it's called (the one that reduces cast time after using instant abilities) would be more beneficial since I see you're using Somatic Desecration a fair bit. the Cabalist version has more to worry about, but it removes the use of Somatic Desecration as well since Dark Water *cringe* is a bigger DPS gain. By this I mean the actual Dark Water damage is more than Somatic, plus applies the Darkness DoT. Or so my testing quite a while ago said. Honestly though, I've never run any spec other than the one I currently have other than some basic testing quite some time ago, so I could be wrong. I like that you emphasize that the Defilers main job is to stay alive. I view the Defiler as basically a link-bot and any damage they do is "bonus" in my opinion. Staying alive is key!! Again, awesome video! Thanks for making the rift community better!!!!!!!
+tyler murphy Had to spend some time testing this because I'd heard of the cabalist variant, but I thought it was pretty far behind the Inquisitor version because of the Faith's Freedom Mastery. Here's what I found. 1.) Pain Transmission is the main source of your DPS as defiler so I used it as a sort of baseline. Using 8 Cabalist instead of 8 Inquisitor is roughly a 3.5-4% damage tooltip loss on Pain Transmission (and other skills as well). This is huge, because of the scaling nature of this skill. If Pain Transmission does 20k to 3 targets per link target + you, that's 15 hits, 300k base. subtract 4 % from that, and you take about a 12000 damage loss every 15 seconds, or roughly 48k a minute, or 288k over a 6 minute fight, factor in crits and support, and you could be looking at well over half a million damage lost just from one skill, well over a million damage during a 12 minute fight with adds, not to mention the losses from your other skills as well. 2.) As you no doubt know, Sanction Heretic/Vex is so strong that it's almost required because it does 60k+ for one GCD. I did testing with this spamming only Somatic Desecration and Sanction Heretic when it was up, and swapped to the cabalist variant and tested spamming Dark Water with Curse of Solitude, when it needed refreshed, since you pick that up when you go 8 cab. The results were that the Inquisitor version did about 18% more DPS on a dummy, which you could then assume would scale higher in a raid setting. 3.) Spamming Dark Water is a DPS gain against Somatic Desecration if you're only using those 2 abilities against each other, however you don't run 8 Inquisitor because you wan't to use Somatic Desecration, you run it for SH/Vex. Also, Somatic Desecration is a 1.5s cast, which means it fits perfectly in the Defiler GCD, so when you're standing still and spamming it after your other abilities are up, having it be instant cast with the mastery you suggest won't matter much. So I did a 3rd test to see if Cabalist could be higher with Somatic. Spamming Dark Water to 3 stacks of Darkness, then Curse of Solitude, then Somatic Desecration was a bit better, but SH/Vex does around 4500 DPS by itself in one GCD. Curse of Solitude/Darkness are doing around 3800-4000 in my testing and hopefully you don't forget to refresh Dark Water because there goes 3 more GCD's to that. (Yuck, hate managing Dark Water) All that said, even using Dark Water/Curse of Solitude/Somatic Desecration spam, it STILL didn't do more DPS than just Sanction Heretic/Vex and Somatic Desecration and you also now have to give up an extra GCD every 15 seconds to refresh the extra DoT with the cabalist configuration. This of course is in addition to the 3.5-4% loss to your main damage abilitiy Pain Transmission, among other skills. In conclusion, the Cabalist variant is definitely viable, but you're likely making more work for yourself with the darkness maintenance (if using Somatic) and reducing your DPS if you just spam Dark Water, as well as limiting yourself on target swaps. The DPS potential (in my testing at least) is lower with 8 Cabalist than it is in 8 Inquisitor simply due to the ridiculously strong Faith's Freedom mastery, and the much higher tooltip values from Inquisitor passives. Let me know what you think man, your input is always appreciated! =) *EDIT* Also, you lose the +5% critical hit chance buff from Inquisitor, which I didn't even use during my testing with 8 Inq..
You don't lose the crit buff from inq since it is 10cab/5inq. You gain extra damage with 1 point in the unbound oblivion from cabalist talent tree which should benefit your PT. The 64 mastery you take is Faith's Reward. The key to this is maximizing your PT output per engagement. By taking FR mastery you will be forcing PT and Somatic to instant cast. The rotation can get a little complicated if you want to maximize it but it is easy otherwise.
SkytheNinja I'll definitely have to take a look at Unbound Obliteration when I get home from work and see how that changes PT. That could help close the gap on it, however I'm still not convinced SH/Vex is worth giving up, since it does 4500dps by itself, much more on Sicaron. Also, you have a 1.5 GCD anyway, so you only really gain .5s of benefit from using Faith's Reward, (that and mobility, I suppose) while you lose the 8% to your DoTs (more important for SH/Vex variant admittedly) but also 3% to non-instant, non-chaneled abilities from Sinister Resolve which I suspect may negate the gains, assuming it applies. Again I would need to test. I tried a lot of combinations for this video and although the Dark Water variant is much more mobile, I don't think it's the top spec. That being said, I can't say with certainty that it isn't, but at the very least both specs are viable and competitive with each-other, so a player could absolutely choose either one with great results. Thanks for taking the time to offer alternative builds and stimulate some theory-crafting Sky. =)
Well for sicaron we almost don't need a defiler at all at this point. However, if you want to fool around you can also just use the same spec I listed with Dark Water and still get all the links and SH/VEX. I never attempted the 58 defiler build but I assume it should pull 90k+ no problem on Sicaron depending on gear and contracts. This will be the best I think without losing any links. 58defiler/8cab/8inq(2 left over I just use in inq but you can still go deeper in defiler). If you want you can just use BoD from inq instead of Somatics and free up some points from talent arrogance in the defiler tree but you will run out of mana fast.
+SkytheNinja For this particular guide, I'm focused more on people having access to UT, since a lot of times when using Defiler, having access to that ability can be very beneficial, but as I mention in the beginning of the video, there are probably about 6 popular Defiler variants that I've played/known of. If you went 58 Defiler, you could definitely get the best of both worlds however, if you didn't need UT. Thanks for the input!
At this point it would be a waste of time to come out with any guides since SFP is coming out on wednesday. Also, I haven't decided if I will even continue to make guides for Rift just yet. We will see.
Thanks for another great guide! Quick question.. If I'm going for the healing variant should I go with planar variation or Divine Favor? With my experience using defiler I kind of struggle with healing multiple people unless I'm hitting my auto 4 stack on everyone lol but at the same time I lose mana pretty quickly
+SIinka - Most of the time, in a healing configuration, people use something like 54 Defiler 22 Purifier or 54 Defiler 22 Sentinel. Because 61 Defiler can heal really well, but it's just not very effecient from a sustained healing perspective. As for your question though, Divine Favor is going to be hands down your best bet, especially if you're healing experts. Make sure you use your "Feedback" ability when everyone has stacks of Foul Growth and need some aoe healing. Typically the tank will gather stacks of Foul Growth so quickly that you can trigger them every few seconds. Using the Explosive Growth ability should only be when you need some burst, because like you said, it will drain your mana SUPER quick. Hope that helps!
Hey man thanks for the awesome guide. One question though - With the change to Pain transmission in 3.5, would it be a good idea to add that to the DPS spam macro or leave it in its own macro to manage separately?
+28amorgan The dev's have acknowledged that it was nerfed too hard, but the changes basically removed the dependancy on links and decreased the damage. They also made it a potent single target skill, so yes you could technically macro it jsut fine. However being that it is dual purpose, and can hit multiple targets, its probably worth managing it separately in case you need to be able to choose between ST damage (no adds up) or cleave damage (adds up). Although according to the tooltip, the damage output is the same either way (damage is split evenly up to 5 mobs), so ultimately it would be about assisting in cleaving key adds down. TLDR; You can absolutely macro it if you want to. I'd recommend a 2nd button though.
+ChamberDown thats what I was thinking. It's definitely worth using for STDPS - mine does 60k in barely NTE worthy gear, but the AoE component makes me want to be able to manage it seperately. Cheers again for the rad guide :D
I don't remember honestly, but I believe its because Vengeance of the Winter Storm only procs off melee attacks. Since Defiler has none, I belive its contribution is null, however its been a long time since I did this guide, so I don't recall 100%.
i hate shift modifiers, imo putting the ability on a hotbar slot bound to shift + whatever number is a much better way, since it generates a bit less macro lag and just works a lot smoother in a low framerate or high latency situation, and for most people, a raid is either one of those or even both. otherwise good guide!
+tripleclick Shift modifiers can be rough to get used to, but I like using them to streamline builds. I personally hate changing the hotbars with Shift, but thats just a preference. I hope you enjoyed the guide aside from the Shift modifiers though! Thanks for the comment. =)
+carlos alberto If you go to your display options, you can toggle on "icons" and also "ability names" if you like. I typically just use icons, because I'm fairly familiar with most of my skills, so I can usually tell what ability it is just from the icon. Hope that helps!
+L Baker Used to be, I recently just swapped back to my Rogue as the main. I always mained rogue before, but swapped because their were so many at NT launch. Now I'm back to my roots =)
+Robert Bevington Yea, thats why I dindn't verify it for 3.5. The developers hinted that Defiler would change significantly at some point to be focused into more of a DPS soul, so I'm kind of waiting for that until I update the guide. Most of the guide is still relevant except Pain Transmissions interaction with links though =)
+Cadmium Crows Yup, sure is, the basic premise is you take Divine Favor for massive healing to 3 targets, and you use a lot of your Feedback ability to proc the foul growth stacks on your link targets. Defiler can be a super strong dungeon healer, it's just a touch mana hungry is all.
Do you got any tips on how to lvl up? i just started playing rift and i'm only lvl 10 and i'm not really in to "farming" i don't have much patience, i really want to lvl up fast! Plz give some tips! love your vids keep up the good work! i r8 8/8 m8
+leon soderlind Instant Adventures are probably the fastest way to do it now. You could also do dungeon grinding. I took my Primalist from 61 to 65 in a few hours grinding old dungeons with some guildies. If you have a high level friend you could also grind old dungeons and have them power level you as well. Hope that helps!
how much dps should I be pulling in a ST raid fight as defiler? I have no idea what I am doing wrong. I can only pull like 45k to 50k dps max atm. I currently have 20k sp and 3k cp. And I should be able to pull more dps with that kinda stats?
+GundamNT1997 I don't Defiler very much anymore, but i did Defiler Inquisitor Garau 2 days ago, and ended on I think 64k, but thats with some cleave. Defiler is likely to change as per the Trion Developers so in the near future it might pull much better numbers.
@2:45 "Now I do use quite a few macros for this build, you don't have to use as many if you don't like. >>However they're there for ease of use if you choose to use them
+DarkZoa2004 Hehe no problem, glad you enjoyed my shakespeare skil.. I mean the video. =D
Hey man I really like your channel. Don't let anything stop you from making the content that you want to make, either way I'll watch it
Thanks! I try to make content that will help people in some form or another and I enjoy doing it, so for now, I'll keep making videos =) thanks for your support, its the reason I do this.
Thanks so much for this video! this put it into better perspective for me on how it works.. i was just mashing buttons before and not really getting any decent results and not many people in my guild use defiler.. it just seemed like an interesting soul and i wanted to give it a shot..very confusing soul though.
+warmfreeze Defiler is pretty unique, and I think that's what makes it confusing. It has identity issues lol. It can be a great healing soul, it can pull some very respectable DPS in certain situations, and it can do these things while providing damage reduction links to your raid. Defilers are most of the time mandatory for a lot of progression raid content, so i'ts definitely worth saving a role slot for it.
Also, I shot and recorded this today because of your comment. I'm sorry it took so long to get it uploaded, but I've been a pretty busy dude lately, and haven't had much time to spend churning out content for the Rift community. =)
I really hope you enjoyed it, and if you have more requests, let me know, I promise I will eventually get to them all! haha. Happy Rifting!
+ChamberDown I must be doing something wrong ..im lucky to hit 13k dps.. and im fully NTE geared with 1k hit O_o.. the emergency heals hit hard though.. :/
warmfreeze Keep in mind, you need to have all 4 of your links up, and those people need to be standing near your target for "Pain Transmission" to be able to hit them. If everyone in you party is playing a ranged spec, and no one is standing near your target, your DPS will be substantially lower.
That's why Defiler DPS is hit or miss. In order for it to be decent, all your link targets have to be standing near your mob target. It also scales higher with more mob targets as well.
Defiler is a tough spec to play in dungeons, because the typical random dungeoneer uses the default ranged spec for their calling 9 times out of 10, which will really gimp defiler DPS because they won't be standing close enough for your Pain Transmission to do the work it's meant to and Pain Transmission makes up the majority of your DPS.
ChamberDown ah ha..
ChamberDown do you have a harbinger tutorial?
Cool man, nice video as always, great guide!
+`l`l` `l`l` Thanks! I'm glad you liked it. Thanks for the support as always. It's much appreciated.
Great guide :) remember the times when defiler was a pure heal soul :P not a support one haha good stuff
I got a question, would it be possible for you to make a stormcaller guide? I'm really struggling with stormcaller and all the guides from yt where old.
Thx for your guides they are always great and help. Enjoy the day
+Cookie b I have 61 Stormcaller built, I just haven't had a chance to record/edit it just yet. I will work on getting it released though. Thanks for the request!
+ChamberDown thank you very much :) it is pretty nice that you can help me out. I really appreciate it. Have fun
I use Bond of Corruption in Jino MS fight!
Its really good!
+RandomGirlguess You could certainly do that for some extra healing on a fight like that where the boss has the potential to heal for quite a bit.
Yes, I find it extremely useful, especially since it doesn't just reduces the target's healing they receive but also heals you. Jino is a fight where I take a lot of damage from my link and its always good to get those extra heals.
awesome vid again man. More than anything, I like checking out your videos to see a slightly different take on the same build. You're a lot more creative with your macros than I am haha. Personally I prefer the cabalist version of defiler, but like you mentioned, there's a few solid variants out there. I'm not on atm to check, but I wonder if using this build the Faiths Freedom mastery I think it's called (the one that reduces cast time after using instant abilities) would be more beneficial since I see you're using Somatic Desecration a fair bit. the Cabalist version has more to worry about, but it removes the use of Somatic Desecration as well since Dark Water *cringe* is a bigger DPS gain. By this I mean the actual Dark Water damage is more than Somatic, plus applies the Darkness DoT. Or so my testing quite a while ago said. Honestly though, I've never run any spec other than the one I currently have other than some basic testing quite some time ago, so I could be wrong. I like that you emphasize that the Defilers main job is to stay alive. I view the Defiler as basically a link-bot and any damage they do is "bonus" in my opinion. Staying alive is key!! Again, awesome video! Thanks for making the rift community better!!!!!!!
+tyler murphy Had to spend some time testing this because I'd heard of the cabalist variant, but I thought it was pretty far behind the Inquisitor version because of the Faith's Freedom Mastery. Here's what I found.
1.) Pain Transmission is the main source of your DPS as defiler so I used it as a sort of baseline. Using 8 Cabalist instead of 8 Inquisitor is roughly a 3.5-4% damage tooltip loss on Pain Transmission (and other skills as well). This is huge, because of the scaling nature of this skill. If Pain Transmission does 20k to 3 targets per link target + you, that's 15 hits, 300k base. subtract 4 % from that, and you take about a 12000 damage loss every 15 seconds, or roughly 48k a minute, or 288k over a 6 minute fight, factor in crits and support, and you could be looking at well over half a million damage lost just from one skill, well over a million damage during a 12 minute fight with adds, not to mention the losses from your other skills as well.
2.) As you no doubt know, Sanction Heretic/Vex is so strong that it's almost required because it does 60k+ for one GCD. I did testing with this spamming only Somatic Desecration and Sanction Heretic when it was up, and swapped to the cabalist variant and tested spamming Dark Water with Curse of Solitude, when it needed refreshed, since you pick that up when you go 8 cab. The results were that the Inquisitor version did about 18% more DPS on a dummy, which you could then assume would scale higher in a raid setting.
3.) Spamming Dark Water is a DPS gain against Somatic Desecration if you're only using those 2 abilities against each other, however you don't run 8 Inquisitor because you wan't to use Somatic Desecration, you run it for SH/Vex. Also, Somatic Desecration is a 1.5s cast, which means it fits perfectly in the Defiler GCD, so when you're standing still and spamming it after your other abilities are up, having it be instant cast with the mastery you suggest won't matter much. So I did a 3rd test to see if Cabalist could be higher with Somatic. Spamming Dark Water to 3 stacks of Darkness, then Curse of Solitude, then Somatic Desecration was a bit better, but SH/Vex does around 4500 DPS by itself in one GCD. Curse of Solitude/Darkness are doing around 3800-4000 in my testing and hopefully you don't forget to refresh Dark Water because there goes 3 more GCD's to that. (Yuck, hate managing Dark Water)
All that said, even using Dark Water/Curse of Solitude/Somatic Desecration spam, it STILL didn't do more DPS than just Sanction Heretic/Vex and Somatic Desecration and you also now have to give up an extra GCD every 15 seconds to refresh the extra DoT with the cabalist configuration. This of course is in addition to the 3.5-4% loss to your main damage abilitiy Pain Transmission, among other skills.
In conclusion, the Cabalist variant is definitely viable, but you're likely making more work for yourself with the darkness maintenance (if using Somatic) and reducing your DPS if you just spam Dark Water, as well as limiting yourself on target swaps. The DPS potential (in my testing at least) is lower with 8 Cabalist than it is in 8 Inquisitor simply due to the ridiculously strong Faith's Freedom mastery, and the much higher tooltip values from Inquisitor passives.
Let me know what you think man, your input is always appreciated! =)
*EDIT* Also, you lose the +5% critical hit chance buff from Inquisitor, which I didn't even use during my testing with 8 Inq..
You don't lose the crit buff from inq since it is 10cab/5inq. You gain extra damage with 1 point in the unbound oblivion from cabalist talent tree which should benefit your PT. The 64 mastery you take is Faith's Reward. The key to this is maximizing your PT output per engagement. By taking FR mastery you will be forcing PT and Somatic to instant cast. The rotation can get a little complicated if you want to maximize it but it is easy otherwise.
SkytheNinja I'll definitely have to take a look at Unbound Obliteration when I get home from work and see how that changes PT. That could help close the gap on it, however I'm still not convinced SH/Vex is worth giving up, since it does 4500dps by itself, much more on Sicaron. Also, you have a 1.5 GCD anyway, so you only really gain .5s of benefit from using Faith's Reward, (that and mobility, I suppose) while you lose the 8% to your DoTs (more important for SH/Vex variant admittedly) but also 3% to non-instant, non-chaneled abilities from Sinister Resolve which I suspect may negate the gains, assuming it applies. Again I would need to test.
I tried a lot of combinations for this video and although the Dark Water variant is much more mobile, I don't think it's the top spec. That being said, I can't say with certainty that it isn't, but at the very least both specs are viable and competitive with each-other, so a player could absolutely choose either one with great results.
Thanks for taking the time to offer alternative builds and stimulate some theory-crafting Sky. =)
Well for sicaron we almost don't need a defiler at all at this point. However, if you want to fool around you can also just use the same spec I listed with Dark Water and still get all the links and SH/VEX. I never attempted the 58 defiler build but I assume it should pull 90k+ no problem on Sicaron depending on gear and contracts. This will be the best I think without losing any links. 58defiler/8cab/8inq(2 left over I just use in inq but you can still go deeper in defiler). If you want you can just use BoD from inq instead of Somatics and free up some points from talent arrogance in the defiler tree but you will run out of mana fast.
+SkytheNinja For this particular guide, I'm focused more on people having access to UT, since a lot of times when using Defiler, having access to that ability can be very beneficial, but as I mention in the beginning of the video, there are probably about 6 popular Defiler variants that I've played/known of. If you went 58 Defiler, you could definitely get the best of both worlds however, if you didn't need UT. Thanks for the input!
Please update this video, alot of abilities no longer exsist/have changed since new expansions.
It won't get updated probably until Starfall Prophecy launches here soon.
At this point it would be a waste of time to come out with any guides since SFP is coming out on wednesday. Also, I haven't decided if I will even continue to make guides for Rift just yet. We will see.
Thanks for another great guide! Quick question.. If I'm going for the healing variant should I go with planar variation or Divine Favor? With my experience using defiler I kind of struggle with healing multiple people unless I'm hitting my auto 4 stack on everyone lol but at the same time I lose mana pretty quickly
+SIinka - Most of the time, in a healing configuration, people use something like 54 Defiler 22 Purifier or 54 Defiler 22 Sentinel. Because 61 Defiler can heal really well, but it's just not very effecient from a sustained healing perspective.
As for your question though, Divine Favor is going to be hands down your best bet, especially if you're healing experts. Make sure you use your "Feedback" ability when everyone has stacks of Foul Growth and need some aoe healing. Typically the tank will gather stacks of Foul Growth so quickly that you can trigger them every few seconds. Using the Explosive Growth ability should only be when you need some burst, because like you said, it will drain your mana SUPER quick.
Hope that helps!
Hey man thanks for the awesome guide. One question though - With the change to Pain transmission in 3.5, would it be a good idea to add that to the DPS spam macro or leave it in its own macro to manage separately?
+28amorgan The dev's have acknowledged that it was nerfed too hard, but the changes basically removed the dependancy on links and decreased the damage. They also made it a potent single target skill, so yes you could technically macro it jsut fine. However being that it is dual purpose, and can hit multiple targets, its probably worth managing it separately in case you need to be able to choose between ST damage (no adds up) or cleave damage (adds up). Although according to the tooltip, the damage output is the same either way (damage is split evenly up to 5 mobs), so ultimately it would be about assisting in cleaving key adds down.
TLDR; You can absolutely macro it if you want to. I'd recommend a 2nd button though.
+ChamberDown thats what I was thinking. It's definitely worth using for STDPS - mine does 60k in barely NTE worthy gear, but the AoE component makes me want to be able to manage it seperately. Cheers again for the rad guide :D
I'm glad it was helpful!
why was you missing an applied buff from shaman "vengeance of the winter storm" ??
I don't remember honestly, but I believe its because Vengeance of the Winter Storm only procs off melee attacks. Since Defiler has none, I belive its contribution is null, however its been a long time since I did this guide, so I don't recall 100%.
tbh the only time this buff does sthg if you have aggro and the mob comes into melee range before it's dead
i hate shift modifiers, imo putting the ability on a hotbar slot bound to shift + whatever number is a much better way, since it generates a bit less macro lag and just works a lot smoother in a low framerate or high latency situation, and for most people, a raid is either one of those or even both. otherwise good guide!
+tripleclick Shift modifiers can be rough to get used to, but I like using them to streamline builds. I personally hate changing the hotbars with Shift, but thats just a preference. I hope you enjoyed the guide aside from the Shift modifiers though! Thanks for the comment. =)
hi I am Brazilian and watch his videos was wondering how you fans show the design of skill -side damage ? I'm using google translator
+carlos alberto If you go to your display options, you can toggle on "icons" and also "ability names" if you like. I typically just use icons, because I'm fairly familiar with most of my skills, so I can usually tell what ability it is just from the icon. Hope that helps!
+ChamberDown tnks Very much
carlos alberto No problem. Glad I could help!
good vid bruh xD :D
is cleric your main ?
+L Baker Used to be, I recently just swapped back to my Rogue as the main. I always mained rogue before, but swapped because their were so many at NT launch. Now I'm back to my roots =)
did good job but you'll have to update it now
+Robert Bevington Yea, thats why I dindn't verify it for 3.5. The developers hinted that Defiler would change significantly at some point to be focused into more of a DPS soul, so I'm kind of waiting for that until I update the guide. Most of the guide is still relevant except Pain Transmissions interaction with links though =)
Is it still possible to heal dungeons as Defiler? It's healing toolkit still seems intact and I'm interested in trying
+Cadmium Crows Yup, sure is, the basic premise is you take Divine Favor for massive healing to 3 targets, and you use a lot of your Feedback ability to proc the foul growth stacks on your link targets. Defiler can be a super strong dungeon healer, it's just a touch mana hungry is all.
+ChamberDown thanks, i'll be sure to try it once i get up in level on my cleric.
Do you got any tips on how to lvl up? i just started playing rift and i'm only lvl 10 and i'm not really in to "farming" i don't have much patience, i really want to lvl up fast!
Plz give some tips! love your vids keep up the good work! i r8 8/8 m8
+leon soderlind Instant Adventures are probably the fastest way to do it now. You could also do dungeon grinding. I took my Primalist from 61 to 65 in a few hours grinding old dungeons with some guildies. If you have a high level friend you could also grind old dungeons and have them power level you as well. Hope that helps!
Thanks m8!
+leon soderlind Not a problem!
how much dps should I be pulling in a ST raid fight as defiler? I have no idea what I am doing wrong. I can only pull like 45k to 50k dps max atm. I currently have 20k sp and 3k cp. And I should be able to pull more dps with that kinda stats?
+GundamNT1997 I don't Defiler very much anymore, but i did Defiler Inquisitor Garau 2 days ago, and ended on I think 64k, but thats with some cleave. Defiler is likely to change as per the Trion Developers so in the near future it might pull much better numbers.