I don't understand why people rave about the Arduino IDE so much. After all, it's a worse version of Notepad++ with a ready compiler pack and a library manager. in VS Code there are no problems to edit anything. As you will know - it makes the job very easy. BTW: did you know PlatformIO can be used without VS Code?
Good point! PlatformIO uses C/C++ extensions and MS wants to have full authority over these extensions, just like anything C# and .NET related. For this reason, they "hide" certain extensions from other builds of VSCode. To fix this go to the VS marketplace, search for platformio and click it. On the left under "resources" there's a link called "download extensions". It will download a ".vsix" file. Back in VSCodium, click the little three dots at the top of the extensions window and add it from file.
@@jse-shack825 i got pio but vscodium says: Cannot activate the 'PlatformIO IDE' extension because it depends on an unknown 'ms-vscode.cpptools' extension.
Looking at some comments/questions, I can just say..... Keep up the great work!!!
I don't understand why people rave about the Arduino IDE so much. After all, it's a worse version of Notepad++ with a ready compiler pack and a library manager. in VS Code there are no problems to edit anything. As you will know - it makes the job very easy.
BTW: did you know PlatformIO can be used without VS Code?
I think you did a great job in thre previously video I learn so much thank you
Such a great video, give us more!
Pio doesn t load on Vs codium do you know maybe why
Good point! PlatformIO uses C/C++ extensions and MS wants to have full authority over these extensions, just like anything C# and .NET related. For this reason, they "hide" certain extensions from other builds of VSCode. To fix this go to the VS marketplace, search for platformio and click it. On the left under "resources" there's a link called "download extensions". It will download a ".vsix" file. Back in VSCodium, click the little three dots at the top of the extensions window and add it from file.
@@jse-shack825 i got pio but vscodium says: Cannot activate the 'PlatformIO IDE' extension because it depends on an unknown 'ms-vscode.cpptools' extension.
@@unodragon2294 That's the catch: you need to install these manually as well. Look for C/C++ tools extensions.
@@jse-shack825 thanks it works thank you very much