I like to play mages, but instead of keeping my range I charge in with carian slicer, piercer and greatsword lol, with gavel of haima for stance breaks, so jokes on you strength builds, my hammer is BIGGER >:D
@@raidersrevenge5427 I started on pure faith while I stayed at 160 for the first 2 playthroughs, only now in the 200 range I did str, still love bringin out the ol' reliable catch flame esp against gaius whos a cakewalk with fire builds
My friend restarted multiple times because he was new, but after enough tutorials, he finally made one final character and then he played that single character, so it was all trial and error before he finally understood what he needed to do, what he should do, and then he stuck with that.
You forgot the eternal rivals.The zweihander and claymore mains, invader vs sun bro, Giant Dad vs John Kingssoulssekiroborncore. They will regardless of build regardless of game always be rivals and continue to struggle unto eternity.
Giant Dad invaders... TBH I was a half-naked Great Scythe user, so I wrecked everything in PvP. I used the oldschool "gheyforgames" GS build, it was totally broken (still is) a combination of the GS with select, pyro spells. it was honestly unfair... I see why they nerfed the Scythe moveset in every game, after DKS. as far as I can remember you used dark wraith gauntlets (for the roll damage) the undead soldier chest (the one with the insane poise to weight ratio) and mask of the child (also the grass crest shield on back for extra stam, too) I think we wore no pants/boots with this build... I'm sure their build is still up. Not sure what happened to these guys. They were very prevalent in the DKS/PS3 community, but seemed to fall into obscurity with future releases (likely due to the games becoming more popular) They were the premier channel for DKS content, though. The 2-handed roll attack/jump attack/backstep, was so busted. The hit box was almost 360 degrees. Was so good at dealing with gank-parties. Really though I thought it was a fine trade off. Most of the weapons moves were ass, but it had like 2 broken moves that you had to get good at learning to bait people into. It was considered the strongest weapon in the game though, simply because of the sheer size of the hit box, on these 2 x 2-handed moves, and the speed they came out. I remember fighting gank parties in the forest with that thing, and most of the time it was just footsies, until I managed to get off a jumping attack, and then 1 shot the whole team at once :D
@@thedoomslayer5863 it was good on PS3. probably bad on PC, however. DKS2 probably had the best PvP. I have not really played PvP in Elden Ring though, so can't compare.
@@thedoomslayer5863 I still enjoyed PvP in DKS. You have to remember that it was quite a long time ago now. The genre was still brand new, so there wasn't really anything to compare it to.
Forget getting hit, what's the point of winning if you're not looking good while doing so? Getting fashion gud means not getting an ugly mug. It's about looking dripped, not caring about getting clipped.
STR/FAITH is the most fun build ever, Just do damage and if you need distance then you got that. I rock the Blasphemous Blade and the cold iron greatsword, fire+cold.
I didn't get my holy whetstone, so can't make a lot of the faith/lightning stuff :'( I swear I thought I was going into a dragon fight, and it was Malekith. I beat him first try, as had my mimic tear out. Then when looking through my inventory, realised I didn't have the holy whetstone, and could no longer obtain it. I guess that's what happens when you pause the game for a couple of years. I legit thought I'd collected all the items from the capital, already. No idea how I managed to miss it.
That was my 1st char so definitely, but I'd also add the sorcery version - the spellswords/Carian knight cosplayers - as I'm finding out rn with my 2nd char. Not being mentioned at all feels so left out man :( We'd be those dudes that shout "UNLIMITED BLADE WORKS" and put on our Vergil motivation game on as we try to... not break our floating magic blades in walls....
I just respected to play that build again, before I was full arcane bleed build but now I'm not going to go back because It's safer to play. Blasphemous Blade with cold iron greatsword.
Idk If I'm considered an str/faith build based on my stats which I have very close to all equal but I do use a strength faith build in terms of gear/items
As a player who's primary builds are faith oriented, I'd like to present the "Grey side" of faith builds. It's basically just anything that's godskin, frenzy flame or dragon communion related or adjacent.
@@SoulKingsss Yep, and I'm not hating on em or nothing like get that bag, but they post like every 3 hours and I can't even look normal elden ring because only their videos show up
In defense of bleed builds... there's something about a blood proc that gets your dopamine flowing... am I wrong? Can you honestly say that seeing a boss health bar get chunked with a splash of red doesn't get you a little turned on at least?
4:55 Hey, lore lover here. I'm really impressed with the accuracy of that part of the video and thought it'd be a good idea to share my mind and expand a little on what you said, since although it's pretty on point already, but it never hurts to add some more clarification and info on thge topic, especially considering I have real life experience with it that could be valuable to anyone reading. Anyways, point it: If you ask a lore lover about a simple question, they'll naturally be very excited to share their knowledge, but it's actually a little more complicated than that, as the outcome varies WILDLY depending on what that question is specifically. The main reason for that is that with Elden Ring's abstract style of storytelling, many lore questions can have a large variety in how much clarity the answers provided by the game are, and so each question varies a lot when it comes to how much of said answer is direct information found in the game itself, and how much of it is concluded indirectly through theories based on direct in-game information. Let us take the question you used in the video as an example to display what exactly I mean: "Who did the Crucible Knights serve?" That question is one example that fortunately has a direct response in the game, that being the First Elden Lord Godfrey. However, any further clarification regarding the answer starts to actually get pretty unclear. For example: "when did they serve Godfrey?" While it's possible they did so during the start of his reign as Elden Lord, there is actually some evidence that might indicate their loyalty predates the Erdtree itself. The Crucible Knights' combat style has some natable similarities with that of the Hornsent's Horned Warriors, as well as with Messmer's Soldiers, an army whose style seems to be formed and established primarily during the duration of their campaign, meaning they likely stole some of said techniques from their enemies. This might signify that the origins of the techniques employed by Godfrey, or at the time Horah Loux, and by extension his Crucible Knights, can be traced all the way back to the times before Marika's ascencion to godhood in the Land of Shadows. Now, let us take an example of a question that does NOT have direct answers in the game so you can see the contrast between it and the previous one: "Whose weapons are those in the Roundtable?" That answer doesn't actually have any answer provided to us, meaning any possible answer we can give would be based on theories and speculations. The first problem this brings is that each of those answers could be based on different theories, further branching out the answers. With this question for example, the most common answer would connect it to Godfrey and the Crucible Knights, as the main weapon displayed is an axe, and their large size combined with the location being set in the royal capital (As the Roundtable Hold itself is a spectral reproduction of the Fortified Manor, which is the original location those weapons are from) makes them a likely option, not to mention the lack of an axe in the Fortified Manor's version, implying it was remove after the reaction of the Roundtable Hold (An event that itself has several possible explanations). However, said answer would then open up the question of when and why those weapons were sent there, the most likely response being that they were the old weapons of Horah Loux and his Warrior, abandoned once he accepted his new name as Lord Godfrey and they were granted Knighthood, which connects this back to the previous question regarding their servitude possibly predating his lordship. As you can clearly see, while these answers all connect to one another providing validity to them, each one of them is still based on several other pieces of fragmented information taht need clarifying to explain properly, and this is with me presenting you with ONE option of an answer, so this could likely double if I tried presenting you an alternative theory. All of that makes these more unclear questions have FAR lenghier answers, something clear simply by comparing this paragraph to the other one and noticing how much bigger it is in spite of me trying to summerize it more. Anyhow, I hope this comment provided you and everyone else with some valuable insight! PS: Is this long enough for the joke to work? If you don't think it is, I'd be glad to write more, so just say the word!
Bro this video had me rollin 😂 I love how you weren’t afraid to offend anybody lol! Thankfully my main is strength/faith though so I can rest easy tonight 😅
9:35 Jokes on you, i am a pure strength build main and i not get offended, i don't even know what this words means but it sounds bad. -Ultra mega Chad super Sayajin uga bunga 2
As a bonk main, I can confirm, UNGA BUNGA is a LIFESTYLE. I call it "Maximum Overdrive" where I put ALL POSSIBLE effort into EVERY action. It's really fun.
@@SoulKingsss It doesn't matter the stat; find a weapon that scales best for its stat, then start as the class best for that stat, and ONLY LEVEL THAT STAT. Get to 100 on that stat, and THEN you can start getting Quality of life stats. Maybe a pause at 50 main stat for Q.O.L. if that's too much. If you're going strength, then Giant crusher is the way to go, two-hand it with the two-handed boost talisman, ONLY use charged R2, and build it with all the talismans; charged attack boost, weapon art boost if you use one on it, and for armor, go basic knight armor of some kind, then get Solitude armor as your finishing armor. Always upgrade your armor and weapons to the maximum available as soon as you can, always grind out a few levels between bosses, and just FULL FORCE SLAM. Do this for fourteen hours a day, only pausing to eat, hydrate, or use the restroom, and sleep for 10-14 hours between. When AC6 came out, I played 14 and slept 14 for three cycles in a row. Stream it if you want, but you HAVE to go FULL FORCE. Name the girl Slamantha for me, Samantha but with more SLAM
@@SoulKingsss Alternatively, Two fingerprint shields, full bull goat, blare Mark Henry's walkout theme, THE WALL, all the way. ONLY attack with THE WALL. NEVER have the stamina to roll at all, NEVER use torrent, just walk menacingly to every enemy, and overwhelm them with the sheer strength of THE WALL. I kid you not, you can tank MALENIA with that shit.
i just use a bunch of shit to remake the Sith, then add in Dragon Communion gear... makes invasions a lot funnier to go in as a seeming melee player, when whip out Greyoll's roar, then go for lightning spear and then double bleed scimitars/bandit curved swords/bloody slash katana's, then when they back up toss out Lanseax Glaive followed by Frenzied Flame spews...
My brother, I know how tempting it is to turn into a badass dragon, believe me. My first RPG was Breath of Fire 3 for crying out loud, transforming into a motherfucking dragon will _always_ be one of the coolest things it's possible to do in a video game... But you have to accept the truth man... Dragon Communion will never let your dreams come true. Those dragon hearts are a drug, man. You've gotta quit while you still can. Please, think of your family and friends..!
I beat the DLC as Strength/Arcane. Used the GUTS Greatsword (bleed affinity) with the Ash of War from Commander Gaius' weapon. Flying spinning bleed bonk. For range I used maternal staff for arcane scaling, and Impenatrable Thorns.
I’m a mixture of Fashion/Dexterity build since DS1 my motto has been “stats are temporary but the drip … the drip is eternal “ then I get one shot and start from the bf/grace 💀
My first souls like game and chose int/faith build. Never leveled str/vigor and no armor for rolls. Love feeling like I was myself who could die with a normal sword swipe but had magical tools for any situation. Absolutely loved the challenged and made me a souls fan.
You forgot the stubborn head mashers who are also new, they repeatedly bash their heads against the tree sentinel or margit until they uninstall cause they don’t know that you can level up
As a Caster main, blame FromSoft for absolutely refusing to improve Seal/Staff gameplay outside of Spells. At least DS2 offered Casters the ability to Infuse Catalysts in place of stacking Spell Damage Rings/Talismans. In DS3/Elden Ring, Catalysts are glorified hotbar items that happen to take up a hand slot. FromSofts current idea of improving Caster gameplay basically stops at "increases X spell damage"...
As a lvl 331 in my first run still: I can confirm. Aside from Consort Radahn? I’m invincible. If this last fight wasn’t a Holy laser disco (I’ve only tried it x3 so far granted) with such a deep hp pool? I’d do what I did with every other DLC boss: 3 tries or less. Aka I’d still suggest it. You can have 80MND and then two stats fully at 80/80: Str Fth? Both 80. Int Fth? Switch, both 80. Str, Dex? Switch, both 80. Etc. A “smart” person: Buuut buut I bet in PVP you have to… Me: whoa whoa whoa kid… do you actually think I’m ####ing STUPID enough to pay SONY 15$ a month just for multiplayer access??? Now that’s a joke funnier then any build stereotype.
@@Tremere_Antitribu Since the PS3s launch I told myself, “No one’s stupid enough to pay Sony (later Microsoft) a fixed rate for online access.” And have quickly realized from 06 or whatever it was later: “God damn…gamers are stupid.” And have never admitted video games are a hobby of mine in public since knowing the mass stupidity it’s associated with.
Elden Ring was my first Souls-like. I spent my first 8 hours on the game fighting the erdtree sentinel. Victory achieved, I quit the game with a satisfied grin, and only came back a year later. What doesn't kill you makes your cranium stronger
Stubborn head smasher here. Got into leyndell through a shortcut on the mountains, (unintentionally xD) skipped entirely Caelid and Nokron and ended up having the hardest bosfight I’ve ever had in a souls game against morgot (I was lvl 50 ish). After intense 3 days of suffering I finally beat the sucker just to get tell by a friend I should have explored 2 fucking entire regions before that bossfight.
As a representative of the int/faith community, I feel we have not been properly insulted, sir. Please deliver a video featuring your nastiest insults at your earliest convenience. Thank you, and have a very nice day.
You never addressed tanks. I beat my first playthrough with greatshields, greatspears, and the most protective of armor. Never rolled once. My dark souls obsessed girlfriend told me that tanks are not viable in souls games. I proved her wrong.
I was pleasantly surprised to see Tengen vs Gyutaro as a representation of two dex mains fighting, those two characters are dope asf and its easily my favorite fight in DS.
Me who is a Hybrid Build but is more focused in Faith/Arcane Build : 👁️👄👁️ I used to be a Samurai Mage Hybrid on my first playthrough, but now that I'm in my 5th Playthrough, I am now a Swordsman Saint. Faith is for all the incantations I can cast and for any weapon that scales with Faith, and Arcane for any weapons with a passive affinity (From what I heard from other players, not only Arcane help with bleed, but also help raise up points for the other affinities like Frostbite, Sleep, Poison, Scarlet Rot)
Stubborn head smashers, never felt more identified in my life. I just CAN'T run from an encounter once i find one, even if i lose 1000 times, I'll keep going
I’m a die hard mage because I enjoy all the builds except bleed. I respect faith but I have trouble with the lack of speed as an ex constant ds3 pvp player if I feel like if I’m sitting still I’ll be back stabbed so hard my Ancient lightning strike will drop on my toes and everything explodes. But then through my Int/faith build I have learned true synergy I have been enlightened that lightning strikes are just as fun and viable as the disrespect of Haima. I could do a normal faith build after being allowed my nerd options and my humble strikes. I no longer feel stuck now that timing is on my side when I Kobe My pimp slap fireball at maliketh 2nd phase. Faith for ego and fodder clearing int for locking in on the boss I cannot have one without the other
Epic video. I think one worth mentioning is the 'committed to a build for the NG+__' players. I'm on NG+5, and sometimes I have to switch up my build when I get to Leyndell. I think the Big Bonk and Str/Faith are the only builds I can play through the whole main game with, if I try a pure caster or dex/arcane bleed build I'll probably have to switch to a Str or Str/Faith build for Leyndell.
i was a natural big bonker when i started playing this game, i somehow found all by myself the perfect big bonker weapons, first the Greataxe, then the Greatsword, then the Giant-Crusher, it was like they really call for you.
haha ngl this parody really made me miss the time when I was like a hardcore Dark Souls 1 PVP connoisseur, but idk getting so into Elden Ring at the same level seems like a lot of effort and time. Maybe I'll try it anyway. Fun video, bro, I enjoyed it
What type of player are YOU?? 🙏
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I'm the player who constantly switches builds but eventually ends up with the same unga bunga weapon
A man with a big ass sword, but str/faith (or str/arcane since now I have my new favorite weapon - meteoric ore rail).
A Faith/Strength user, I'm currently using my Fire Knight's Greatsword build to become a portable BBQ.
I like to play mages, but instead of keeping my range I charge in with carian slicer, piercer and greatsword lol, with gavel of haima for stance breaks, so jokes on you strength builds, my hammer is BIGGER >:D
Me waiting for Str/Fai to get roasted and then hearing them gluck glucked... chef's kiss
Amen bro I beat the whole DLC with Strength and Faith 🙏🙏
80 faith/45 str is perfection (esp if you play your 1st dlc run in NG+3)
@@polarblade1159 that’s funny cause I used the exact opposite for the DLC lol 80 strength and 45 Faith
@@raidersrevenge5427 I started on pure faith while I stayed at 160 for the first 2 playthroughs, only now in the 200 range I did str, still love bringin out the ol' reliable catch flame esp against gaius whos a cakewalk with fire builds
The type of player that changes builds over and over, until all Larval Tears are used up, then they restart, so they can do it all again.
I'm definitely not on ng+15 for that exact reason 😂
My friend restarted multiple times because he was new, but after enough tutorials, he finally made one final character and then he played that single character, so it was all trial and error before he finally understood what he needed to do, what he should do, and then he stuck with that.
that might be me 💀
You missed me in the perpetual cycle of switching build can never find and always trying to max the dmg out of them but can never find satisfaction.
Hit the lvl 55 in all stats build. That way u never have to choose lol
@@SoulKingsss Better, go lvl 500+ like me, put everything at 80 and use everything you want, but stronger.
Min maxing is for the birds, go Unga bunga or atleast golden vow Unga bunga
@@GLVSCOW unga bunga is a form of min max though lol
@@artemisvoncourt7578 Not when you use trash weapons and fashion souls xD
You forgot the Role-Players who play specialized character builds based on themes such as; Beast Clergyman, Dragon-man, Dancer, Funguy, Pest ect.
You forgot the eternal rivals.The zweihander and claymore mains, invader vs sun bro, Giant Dad vs John Kingssoulssekiroborncore. They will regardless of build regardless of game always be rivals and continue to struggle unto eternity.
Giant Dad invaders... TBH I was a half-naked Great Scythe user, so I wrecked everything in PvP. I used the oldschool "gheyforgames" GS build, it was totally broken (still is) a combination of the GS with select, pyro spells. it was honestly unfair... I see why they nerfed the Scythe moveset in every game, after DKS.
as far as I can remember you used dark wraith gauntlets (for the roll damage) the undead soldier chest (the one with the insane poise to weight ratio) and mask of the child (also the grass crest shield on back for extra stam, too) I think we wore no pants/boots with this build... I'm sure their build is still up.
Not sure what happened to these guys. They were very prevalent in the DKS/PS3 community, but seemed to fall into obscurity with future releases (likely due to the games becoming more popular) They were the premier channel for DKS content, though.
The 2-handed roll attack/jump attack/backstep, was so busted. The hit box was almost 360 degrees. Was so good at dealing with gank-parties. Really though I thought it was a fine trade off. Most of the weapons moves were ass, but it had like 2 broken moves that you had to get good at learning to bait people into.
It was considered the strongest weapon in the game though, simply because of the sheer size of the hit box, on these 2 x 2-handed moves, and the speed they came out. I remember fighting gank parties in the forest with that thing, and most of the time it was just footsies, until I managed to get off a jumping attack, and then 1 shot the whole team at once :D
@@D00M3R-SK8 dark souls pvp sucks
@@thedoomslayer5863 it was good on PS3. probably bad on PC, however.
DKS2 probably had the best PvP. I have not really played PvP in Elden Ring though, so can't compare.
@@D00M3R-SK8 these games just werent made for it, it would be like trying to force pvp in games like skyrim or something
@@thedoomslayer5863 I still enjoyed PvP in DKS. You have to remember that it was quite a long time ago now.
The genre was still brand new, so there wasn't really anything to compare it to.
You forgot str/int how could you forget the god of Chads radahn
dayum thats facts...
Str/int for me is also a big bonk type... But with extra cold sauce and two damage types
i unga, therefore i am bunga
Str / int knows they are the top chads, so they let quietly the other chads shine bright.
@@gerardlacroix6015Strength/Faith better
me waiting for my dex/faith build:
Surely he'll made a second part, maybe
@alessandromaccaroni8481 I could if ppl wanted too
same lol
@@SoulKingsssdoo iiiit 🎉
As a bonker i can confirm its unga bunga til we die(and get back up to do it all over again)😂
These characters are needed aswell. Unga Bunga can chase away bad people so its a character are needed in real life aswell😁
Bunga bunga bahunga unga? Uuuuunga!
Bonkers are the glue of the community. Unga bunga forever!
It’s just really hard to go back with you know it will stun lock 75% of the game and one shot 40% of it lol
You missed int/fai builds, the ultimate all-knowing mage build...
These builds were blessed by the dlc. Fingy staff go brrr
I'm doing that as one of my characters. 😁
as a fashion souls player u nailed it on the head💀 who needs poise if i don’t get hit 🙂↕️
Facts 💯
you mean die when hit
Forget getting hit, what's the point of winning if you're not looking good while doing so?
Getting fashion gud means not getting an ugly mug. It's about looking dripped, not caring about getting clipped.
omg that’s me in Mohg’s robes 😂
8:40 That Super Saiyan 3 animation during the buffs was absolutely hilarious
Where my Mid-life crisis build where I keep regretting everything I did once I found a new fav weapon?
Fortitude players: heavy armor, shields...
"fish on land" player flipfloping between builds so much. NG+(and up) is just larval tear farming.
Oh 100% lol. That, and max leveling.
STR/FAITH is the most fun build ever, Just do damage and if you need distance then you got that. I rock the Blasphemous Blade and the cold iron greatsword, fire+cold.
Yup its got everything , power and sauce
I didn't get my holy whetstone, so can't make a lot of the faith/lightning stuff :'(
I swear I thought I was going into a dragon fight, and it was Malekith. I beat him first try, as had my mimic tear out. Then when looking through my inventory, realised I didn't have the holy whetstone, and could no longer obtain it. I guess that's what happens when you pause the game for a couple of years. I legit thought I'd collected all the items from the capital, already. No idea how I managed to miss it.
@@D00M3R-SK8 Time for NG+ then
@@syafiqrahmat5426 will have to, yeah. not just yet though.
That was my 1st char so definitely, but I'd also add the sorcery version - the spellswords/Carian knight cosplayers - as I'm finding out rn with my 2nd char.
Not being mentioned at all feels so left out man :( We'd be those dudes that shout "UNLIMITED BLADE WORKS" and put on our Vergil motivation game on as we try to... not break our floating magic blades in walls....
Strength/Faith users unite!
I just respected to play that build again, before I was full arcane bleed build but now I'm not going to go back because It's safer to play. Blasphemous Blade with cold iron greatsword.
I am more of a strenght intelligence... I unga before I bunga
I am more of a strenght intelligence... I unga before I bunga
@@JoeMartinez18 In the praise of Unga, we Fai/Str/dex players embrace the bunga
Idk If I'm considered an str/faith build based on my stats which I have very close to all equal but I do use a strength faith build in terms of gear/items
honestly, there is nothing more euphoric than FINALLY beating a boss after weeks of trying.. and yes, im a head smasher.
yup its worth it lol
The satisfaction is why I play games on the hardest difficulty
As a fai/int I just sit there screaming like the good doctor "I aM A dRagOn" "I aM A dRagOn"
Same tbh.
As a player who's primary builds are faith oriented, I'd like to present the "Grey side" of faith builds. It's basically just anything that's godskin, frenzy flame or dragon communion related or adjacent.
Well, my friend.. it wont do more for you, unless you REALLY have faith.
This is the best and most accurate video in existence that was extremely funny bro good job
Thanks man lol i appreciate that
1:51 average light skumnut challange
Friendly neighborhood tarnished? that's me. Only 18 h trying to help ppl with dlc bosses
well good work soldier keep it up lol
15:52 this feels very specific to one channel that pops up every time you look up "shadow of the erdtree dlc builds"
Ragegamingvideos? They put 20 keywords in every title lol its crazy
gets views tho....ppl be clickin on it
@@SoulKingsss Yep, and I'm not hating on em or nothing like get that bag, but they post like every 3 hours and I can't even look normal elden ring because only their videos show up
Strength+Faith builds are so much fun it's my favorite way to play any of the souls games.
In defense of bleed builds... there's something about a blood proc that gets your dopamine flowing... am I wrong? Can you honestly say that seeing a boss health bar get chunked with a splash of red doesn't get you a little turned on at least?
I love being a Str/Madness build. Don't care. Only MADNESS SHALL BE MADE AND REMAIN
Where are my 99 Str, Lions Claw spam people at?
I don't appreciate being calling out like that
I am more sophisticated than that. I use SAVAGE lion claw.
@@JusticeforLiberty filthy savage. Where the love for the classic flip and bonk.
Here lol
@@justindomer2966 why bonk once, when you can bonk a bunch of times.
4:55 Hey, lore lover here.
I'm really impressed with the accuracy of that part of the video and thought it'd be a good idea to share my mind and expand a little on what you said, since although it's pretty on point already, but it never hurts to add some more clarification and info on thge topic, especially considering I have real life experience with it that could be valuable to anyone reading.
Anyways, point it: If you ask a lore lover about a simple question, they'll naturally be very excited to share their knowledge, but it's actually a little more complicated than that, as the outcome varies WILDLY depending on what that question is specifically. The main reason for that is that with Elden Ring's abstract style of storytelling, many lore questions can have a large variety in how much clarity the answers provided by the game are, and so each question varies a lot when it comes to how much of said answer is direct information found in the game itself, and how much of it is concluded indirectly through theories based on direct in-game information. Let us take the question you used in the video as an example to display what exactly I mean:
"Who did the Crucible Knights serve?"
That question is one example that fortunately has a direct response in the game, that being the First Elden Lord Godfrey. However, any further clarification regarding the answer starts to actually get pretty unclear. For example: "when did they serve Godfrey?" While it's possible they did so during the start of his reign as Elden Lord, there is actually some evidence that might indicate their loyalty predates the Erdtree itself. The Crucible Knights' combat style has some natable similarities with that of the Hornsent's Horned Warriors, as well as with Messmer's Soldiers, an army whose style seems to be formed and established primarily during the duration of their campaign, meaning they likely stole some of said techniques from their enemies. This might signify that the origins of the techniques employed by Godfrey, or at the time Horah Loux, and by extension his Crucible Knights, can be traced all the way back to the times before Marika's ascencion to godhood in the Land of Shadows.
Now, let us take an example of a question that does NOT have direct answers in the game so you can see the contrast between it and the previous one:
"Whose weapons are those in the Roundtable?"
That answer doesn't actually have any answer provided to us, meaning any possible answer we can give would be based on theories and speculations. The first problem this brings is that each of those answers could be based on different theories, further branching out the answers. With this question for example, the most common answer would connect it to Godfrey and the Crucible Knights, as the main weapon displayed is an axe, and their large size combined with the location being set in the royal capital (As the Roundtable Hold itself is a spectral reproduction of the Fortified Manor, which is the original location those weapons are from) makes them a likely option, not to mention the lack of an axe in the Fortified Manor's version, implying it was remove after the reaction of the Roundtable Hold (An event that itself has several possible explanations). However, said answer would then open up the question of when and why those weapons were sent there, the most likely response being that they were the old weapons of Horah Loux and his Warrior, abandoned once he accepted his new name as Lord Godfrey and they were granted Knighthood, which connects this back to the previous question regarding their servitude possibly predating his lordship. As you can clearly see, while these answers all connect to one another providing validity to them, each one of them is still based on several other pieces of fragmented information taht need clarifying to explain properly, and this is with me presenting you with ONE option of an answer, so this could likely double if I tried presenting you an alternative theory. All of that makes these more unclear questions have FAR lenghier answers, something clear simply by comparing this paragraph to the other one and noticing how much bigger it is in spite of me trying to summerize it more.
Anyhow, I hope this comment provided you and everyone else with some valuable insight!
PS: Is this long enough for the joke to work? If you don't think it is, I'd be glad to write more, so just say the word!
Bro this video had me rollin 😂 I love how you weren’t afraid to offend anybody lol! Thankfully my main is strength/faith though so I can rest easy tonight 😅
You the ONLY one who got blessed then lol 😭
I appreciate this 🙏
Str/Fai was spot on. Kendrick, the clothes and holding doors. I feel very seen lol
Don't disrespect my boys, Tengen and Gyutaro
nah that was the best episode ever
@@SoulKingsss they're not Dex builds, they're arc dex, and dex str respectively. And they will always have the best fight in the entire series
thats facts yeah...
What happens when i am litterally ALL of these? Guess i am the Dragon Warrior 😂
STR/Faith bias is clear, but can't blame you it's my favorite build so hard I had to force myself to play DEX/Faith instead for once.
3:15 as dex build main i confirm there is a lot of explosion and shiny effects but we mostly never hit
You forgot the “ Cheesy Players”. Using the Mohg Spear or the Bow n Arrow on the cliffs.
The best part of that ssj3 reference with the buffs is that just like ssj3 that dont last long and once is gone your cooked 😂
you missed the edge lords
everyone misses them cause they fell off the edge of the wall and down the hallway to their "death" because someone called their build stupid...
9:35 Jokes on you, i am a pure strength build main and i not get offended, i don't even know what this words means but it sounds bad. -Ultra mega Chad super Sayajin uga bunga 2
As a mage, it is quite accurate.
"friendly nayborhood tarnished" makes me sound like a wallmart spiderman :( lol
This video was amazing. Great job buddy. I laughed my ass off.😅
As a bonk main, I can confirm, UNGA BUNGA is a LIFESTYLE. I call it "Maximum Overdrive" where I put ALL POSSIBLE effort into EVERY action. It's really fun.
Broooo Maximum Dedication, deadpool style 🤣
Yo i have to make a Maximum Overdrive build. Any suggestions???
@@SoulKingsss It doesn't matter the stat; find a weapon that scales best for its stat, then start as the class best for that stat, and ONLY LEVEL THAT STAT. Get to 100 on that stat, and THEN you can start getting Quality of life stats. Maybe a pause at 50 main stat for Q.O.L. if that's too much. If you're going strength, then Giant crusher is the way to go, two-hand it with the two-handed boost talisman, ONLY use charged R2, and build it with all the talismans; charged attack boost, weapon art boost if you use one on it, and for armor, go basic knight armor of some kind, then get Solitude armor as your finishing armor. Always upgrade your armor and weapons to the maximum available as soon as you can, always grind out a few levels between bosses, and just FULL FORCE SLAM. Do this for fourteen hours a day, only pausing to eat, hydrate, or use the restroom, and sleep for 10-14 hours between. When AC6 came out, I played 14 and slept 14 for three cycles in a row. Stream it if you want, but you HAVE to go FULL FORCE. Name the girl Slamantha for me, Samantha but with more SLAM
@@SoulKingsss Alternatively, Two fingerprint shields, full bull goat, blare Mark Henry's walkout theme, THE WALL, all the way. ONLY attack with THE WALL. NEVER have the stamina to roll at all, NEVER use torrent, just walk menacingly to every enemy, and overwhelm them with the sheer strength of THE WALL. I kid you not, you can tank MALENIA with that shit.
No black flame build? (I love black flame tornado when online, big number active neurons)
The banker is the most accurate description lol. Don’t think I’ve ever not used a great sword if I had the choice😂
What about the Finger Fanatic? You know, both giant finger weapons now in the game, the finger staff to cast ONLY Finger sorceries?
if i hear "Finger Fanatic" .... i dont think of the Finger spells 💀 lol
As a Mage IRL , don't touch me.
Because you'll die from one touch?
Fashion souler… 100% Fashion souler 😊
Radahns Armor + Godfrey’s Crown = (to quote Malenia)”the mark of a true lord”
You didnt cover yhose who run a STR/DEX/FAITH builds who always change the affinity to quality on every weapon
Doesnt sound like a real build unless ur in like lvl 200 range
I do str/dex because of cool katana
Kind of what I got going on, I main bloodhounds fang and I specced a bit to use bloodflame blade on it
@@Nikolai572 that's actually one of the builds I was talking about
@@Nikolai572I use bloodflame blade too
5:05 "the stage is set... Now the true show can begin."
-simon minus
When you said dark side faith users I smiled because I will dragon breath a MF into the ground all day every day if it means I win lol. Thanks bro 👍
So you admit to being a scoundrel!! 🤣 I use swarm of flies so thats even worse lol,
thanks for watching mate
i just use a bunch of shit to remake the Sith, then add in Dragon Communion gear... makes invasions a lot funnier to go in as a seeming melee player, when whip out Greyoll's roar, then go for lightning spear and then double bleed scimitars/bandit curved swords/bloody slash katana's, then when they back up toss out Lanseax Glaive followed by Frenzied Flame spews...
Trust me, play the game long enough and you'll become all of these players.
Yup thats why I know them lol
I enjoy my dragon communion build, because cool dragon head go burt
My brother, I know how tempting it is to turn into a badass dragon, believe me. My first RPG was Breath of Fire 3 for crying out loud, transforming into a motherfucking dragon will _always_ be one of the coolest things it's possible to do in a video game...
But you have to accept the truth man... Dragon Communion will never let your dreams come true. Those dragon hearts are a drug, man. You've gotta quit while you still can. Please, think of your family and friends..!
I beat the DLC as Strength/Arcane. Used the GUTS Greatsword (bleed affinity) with the Ash of War from Commander Gaius' weapon. Flying spinning bleed bonk. For range I used maternal staff for arcane scaling, and Impenatrable Thorns.
My character is a bleed build but I can use faith and sorc spells lol
I’m a mixture of Fashion/Dexterity build since DS1 my motto has been “stats are temporary but the drip … the drip is eternal “ then I get one shot and start from the bf/grace 💀
Strength/Faith for life!!!!
You forgot the all rounder, The guy who plays all the different builds cause why not
My first souls like game and chose int/faith build. Never leveled str/vigor and no armor for rolls. Love feeling like I was myself who could die with a normal sword swipe but had magical tools for any situation. Absolutely loved the challenged and made me a souls fan.
Dex was spot on 💀
if i ever play as an mage, i would be the type who uses close combat magics
You forgot the stubborn head mashers who are also new, they repeatedly bash their heads against the tree sentinel or margit until they uninstall cause they don’t know that you can level up
As a Caster main, blame FromSoft for absolutely refusing to improve Seal/Staff gameplay outside of Spells.
At least DS2 offered Casters the ability to Infuse Catalysts in place of stacking Spell Damage Rings/Talismans.
In DS3/Elden Ring, Catalysts are glorified hotbar items that happen to take up a hand slot.
FromSofts current idea of improving Caster gameplay basically stops at "increases X spell damage"...
Man, i gotta say, i really enjoy your video's. The combination of information and entertainment. dat shit ish shick boy
lmfao that accent at the end is great
thanks dude, more coming 🙏💯
What about the duel enthusiats? Either wholesome gigachads or insufferable twats, no in-between
Your first 3 meme clips had me dying 😂
i was waiting to see what will u say about str and faith. good vid man made me happy
As a lvl 331 in my first run still: I can confirm. Aside from Consort Radahn? I’m invincible. If this last fight wasn’t a Holy laser disco (I’ve only tried it x3 so far granted) with such a deep hp pool?
I’d do what I did with every other DLC boss: 3 tries or less.
Aka I’d still suggest it. You can have 80MND and then two stats fully at 80/80:
Str Fth? Both 80.
Int Fth? Switch, both 80.
Str, Dex? Switch, both 80.
A “smart” person: Buuut buut I bet in PVP you have to…
Me: whoa whoa whoa kid… do you actually think I’m ####ing STUPID enough to pay SONY 15$ a month just for multiplayer access???
Now that’s a joke funnier then any build stereotype.
Honestly deadass, I'm not paying for that.
@@Tremere_Antitribu Since the PS3s launch I told myself, “No one’s stupid enough to pay Sony (later Microsoft) a fixed rate for online access.”
And have quickly realized from 06 or whatever it was later:
“God damn…gamers are stupid.” And have never admitted video games are a hobby of mine in public since knowing the mass stupidity it’s associated with.
You missed the Tank and their cousin, the shield poker (I'm the tank)
Elden Ring was my first Souls-like. I spent my first 8 hours on the game fighting the erdtree sentinel. Victory achieved, I quit the game with a satisfied grin, and only came back a year later.
What doesn't kill you makes your cranium stronger
Stubborn head smasher here. Got into leyndell through a shortcut on the mountains, (unintentionally xD) skipped entirely Caelid and Nokron and ended up having the hardest bosfight I’ve ever had in a souls game against morgot (I was lvl 50 ish). After intense 3 days of suffering I finally beat the sucker just to get tell by a friend I should have explored 2 fucking entire regions before that bossfight.
All that strength/faith building glazing gon make me fall in love bruh
As a representative of the int/faith community, I feel we have not been properly insulted, sir. Please deliver a video featuring your nastiest insults at your earliest convenience. Thank you, and have a very nice day.
Fun video! It was a lot more varied than i was expecting and the one made me feel personally attacked...
You never addressed tanks. I beat my first playthrough with greatshields, greatspears, and the most protective of armor. Never rolled once. My dark souls obsessed girlfriend told me that tanks are not viable in souls games. I proved her wrong.
I was pleasantly surprised to see Tengen vs Gyutaro as a representation of two dex mains fighting, those two characters are dope asf and its easily my favorite fight in DS.
You missed the invaders and the gankers! Great video man!
Me who is a Hybrid Build but is more focused in Faith/Arcane Build : 👁️👄👁️
I used to be a Samurai Mage Hybrid on my first playthrough, but now that I'm in my 5th Playthrough, I am now a Swordsman Saint.
Faith is for all the incantations I can cast and for any weapon that scales with Faith, and Arcane for any weapons with a passive affinity (From what I heard from other players, not only Arcane help with bleed, but also help raise up points for the other affinities like Frostbite, Sleep, Poison, Scarlet Rot)
Must embrace the Unga Bunga and invite every boss to the Bonkatorium
Stubborn head smashers, never felt more identified in my life. I just CAN'T run from an encounter once i find one, even if i lose 1000 times, I'll keep going
I’m a die hard mage because I enjoy all the builds except bleed. I respect faith but I have trouble with the lack of speed as an ex constant ds3 pvp player if I feel like if I’m sitting still I’ll be back stabbed so hard my Ancient lightning strike will drop on my toes and everything explodes. But then through my Int/faith build I have learned true synergy I have been enlightened that lightning strikes are just as fun and viable as the disrespect of Haima. I could do a normal faith build after being allowed my nerd options and my humble strikes. I no longer feel stuck now that timing is on my side when I Kobe My pimp slap fireball at maliketh 2nd phase. Faith for ego and fodder clearing int for locking in on the boss I cannot have one without the other
Epic video. I think one worth mentioning is the 'committed to a build for the NG+__' players. I'm on NG+5, and sometimes I have to switch up my build when I get to Leyndell. I think the Big Bonk and Str/Faith are the only builds I can play through the whole main game with, if I try a pure caster or dex/arcane bleed build I'll probably have to switch to a Str or Str/Faith build for Leyndell.
i was a natural big bonker when i started playing this game, i somehow found all by myself the perfect big bonker weapons, first the Greataxe, then the Greatsword, then the Giant-Crusher, it was like they really call for you.
POV your a dex and faith build waiting for your turn as you hear the st/dex
'strength + faith builds are the best' 'the chadness!'
-Maliketh's Black Blade has entered the chat-
Bro was def tired of hearing I am malenia Blade of Miquella so he took his anger out on dex
You really cant deny that blaidd would be the perfect husband tho
SoaD pfp spotted🔥🔥
I laughed hard at the head smashers but ya. That’s me.
7:50 .......Don't call me out like that man 🤣
haha ngl this parody really made me miss the time when I was like a hardcore Dark Souls 1 PVP connoisseur, but idk getting so into Elden Ring at the same level seems like a lot of effort and time. Maybe I'll try it anyway. Fun video, bro, I enjoyed it
Bro the spot on description of strength faith builds 😂😂😂 I have my AF1s on right now
I gotta be the one that casually enjoys dex/int builds with heavy armor and sometimes shields
The 500 tries is literally me with consort😂😂😂😂
I hope all goes well for ya Nick and also love the spartan 1337 mention, and a halo legend 2 or odst show would go absolutely crazy hard.
Dude, I’m exhausted from laughing so hard - this video is a gem!
You missed me, the person who makes a very unoptimized build just so I can use every spell,weapon, spirt in the game so I can test everything out.
borderline non-meta lol
thats me tho too, i am 50 lvl in all stats so i can test everything
embrace starscourge greatsword, fling enemyes and one handed valkyre into the stratosphere
The secret of the Elden Bling? We never needed the armor.
Goated for the repeated use of one of the best hxh tracks, absolute banger
You missed the explorer/completionist. The guy who makes it their mission to collect everything in the game
YES thats a fact dude. Thats deff one i missed