A thousand thanks to everybody replying to my comment. I just found the Soundcloud page and it is AMAZING. Thank you all (Johann Gremm,Rare pepe, Jazzling and Broham Nation) for replying and have a Great raid.
I can't believe that Reshala is already three years in the game. Since the beginning, I thought he was there in Customs and not only in the Factory gameplay trailer from 2015.
How about WORKING content and optimizations? How about netcode? How about fixing Nvidia Inspector? How about good servers and hit reg? How about fixed Scavs? How about BattlEye or at least decent anti-cheat? How about fixing framerate dependent rate of fire? How about fixing insane lag, stutters and freezes for the last god damn 3 years of development? And the list goes on. So NOONE gives 2 fucks about new content and hats.
The gameplay in the video is under a controlled scenario, limited players, and isolated server. Nearly all of the performance issues in this game are the result of server-client communication being super fucking shitty
Вот бы круто еще было, если все "Дикие" более живо себя вели! Т.е. как в "Сталкере" присаживались отдохнуть, а лучше сволы опускали вниз или за спину убирали, а то мне аж глаза режет когда они постоянно с вытянутыми руками вперед ходят!!!)))
It’s not a new sks it’s literally just a different body frame but with the actual internal components the same. Basically like the wooden sks and the grey sks stock
It looks like SKS from Battlefield 3. Although I'm also waiting for SKS with 10-round internal mag like in Rising Storm 2 Vietnam. Also, I'd love to see wooden body frame for M14.
Don't expect any big optimalization they will come but maybe before release of game some small optimalization's may going to happen tho... I expect more work at NetCode and some ingame stuff like weapons and maps etc... but optimalization will be a thing when they will be doing final state of game. Why ? Simple answer is unity and never ending concept of that if u are going to add something new to game it will break and cause another problem... I have i5 6600k and 1060GTX 6GB with 16GB RAM and i'm fine without any FPS problems yet holding at 80+ all the time if we not going to count Shoreline in it... Things that i'm waiting for are ... 1. Anti-cheat This is biggest issue of Tarkov, i don't care if u are going to say there are no cheater's or anything. Personally i know there are peoples who are hacking from release of this game, buy EOD edition and using ESP/AimBot if u don't believe try to do your own research or find people's who are creating cheat's for this game and you will see. Personally i think if BSG would not be able to give us some good Anti-Cheat i hope they have some plans for buying one and implementing it in game. It would be sad if game would be good and die because of something like this. 2. Netcode This is second biggest problem of EFT that we all know about it, countless times i died to desync or somebody kill's me even i was already behind the wall. I know they are already working on it so this should be thing that at least i hope for we are going to have before release. 3.Balance Really this is annoying but i have to say it, even it's realistic it's probably one of the most unbalanced game's in the world, and thank god that we have at least that face hitbox because you will stand no chance, against everybody running Fort because it's available as butter in shop. Leg meta must die and i hope for some balance, game should give you at least that you can aim at head right, but im also worrying that in next few patches with new helmets leg meta will be even stronger.
I have i5 6400, GTX960 and 16GB RAM. And it's about 50FPS on big open maps. Although frames are dropping like crazy during intense combat. Next week I'm changing graphics card to GTX1060 6GB. Hope it's gonna help.
Im most hyped for the full face ballistic helmet, as well as the new grenades, does anyone know when we will be able to mount flashlights to our helmets in the tactical slot? The 6b has a picatanny on the side already and the slot just wont hold anything, im hoping we can use headlights instead of gunlights eventually
Просто некоторые персонажи с припиской долг на заводе бывает крысят, на бесплатном выходе из личного опыта говорю, т.к. сталкивался с таким давненько было но неприятно знаешь ли.
Гиви Зурабович Дружище ну не рассказывай сказки)) Со всеми выкручеными на максимум настройками плюс настройки самой системы и видюхи не дают такой картинки как в трейлере.
Главная проблема этой игры не верно выбранный движок юнити это как хромая кобыла которая не в состояние вытянуть такой проект и в этом главная проблема разработчиков, тот же Буянов можно сказать признал это.
Lucas Henrique love you men ;) i dont more waste time on this crap waiting for changes becouse if i will recording all this fucking games bugs lags and other shit you dont belive how this game work i from poland and this desync is take every fun from this game for me ;/ better play quake ther is fun ;) try send recording and message to the devs with hacker player them say we have new antychacker program and no hackers on the game beacouse program ban them ;) and nothing more ;) i waste so many money on this crap im really stupid ;) this game looks crap i play on the best options and this isnt good graphic only part on models weapons attachments and clothes look good and this is all ... when them add better graphic if i remember this game need be have more options on graphic last options dont work and wher are the fucking language ??? i want polish language and what ? is on 100 % translation ;) them dont add them on this patch ;) and the next you will see ;)
So, a trailer for like three new things? I was expecting something more when you release a trailer to show off the new patch. Could have just released a note. (cries)
It's still bad. Yesterday I was playing on Factory, I shot in the chest unarmored player Scav from 5 meters with about 15 AK-74M bullets (5,45mm) and he just one-tapped me in the face... This is ridiculous. Ragequitted and got back to Rising Storm Vietnam.
Did you fix the game so that new players can actually play the game??? Before anyone hates on this comment, I want you to know that I played this game. I played $100 to play this game because I was waiting for it for two years. After buying it in the Beta, I still had faith in the game even during the massive server problems. I dumped hours into this game so that I could earn those M4s and endless loot. But the problem with this game is that it's impossible for people who have no clue what to do. After constantly dying (because I'm bad) and wasting loot (by bringing and losing it because I died), and attempting to do hatchet runs and dying (because people with loot because they paid an insane amount of money to one, pay2win essentially, killed me instantly), it's become apparent to me that the difficulty of the game can be appreciated from developer perspective (I'd know) but not from a player's standpoint. I realize that the difficulty is nice and that the learning curve for this game is massive and that you'd have to devote effort to get better, but after trying to hard, and failing, I realize that these devs have a lot to learn when making a game. Include a learning curve, but if you want to do that, you need to give a good chance to the players for it. So far, this game is meant only for the people who have nothing else to do with their time so they play the shit out of this game and they happen to be good (or they have little time so they pay for the most expensive version so they get all the good loot) and the game is made the way it is because Battlestate is only listening to those people, when they don't realize that they're not listening to the quiet people, or the endless amount of people who've complained that the scavs were too powerful (especially if you spawn in with only a pistol because you don't want to lose your loot). I realize that this game is WIP, but with this game being out for 4 years for people to play and these issues not being fixed, the game is not meant for the people who just want to have fun (the casual player). Being someone who adores the idea of this game but continuously fails to succeed at anything in this game (that being surviving, or winning a firefight), I gotta say that I wasted my money. Fix your game. I know I'm not the only one who feels like this. P.S. Don't reply with "Git Gud". No one cares about your statements so don't even bother. I have nothing to say to you.
The game is not out yet. You paid for the game, not the test build. Remember, that it is a team based game, and not meant for solo play. The solo play works much easier now than it will in the release. (not impossible, but way more difficult than you would expect. This game is going to remain hardcore and become even harder. "Expensive Version" does not influence real-world mechanics and bullet physics. In other games, no one chooses pistols much because they do no damage in comparison. But that is not realistic, and that is not EFT. A pistol irl is a personal defense weapon and is not an assault rifle, but you would not just stand there and get shot by one...they can kill you. The Tokarev pistol (TT) uses a 7.62x25mm cartridge and can even penetrate some soft armor. So, a level 0 vs level 50 can become even ground if the level 0 plays smart and tactical. This is not a run and gun just so you know. The level 0 can hit the legs, slow the armored opponent down and then with a well-placed face shot--goes home with a bag of loot. "I realize that the difficulty is nice and that the learning curve for this game is massive and that you'd have to devote effort to get better, but after trying to hard, and failing, I realize that these devs have a lot to learn when making a game." This is, simply not true. That is the intention. Their idea of fun is exactly what EFT is and will be. It was not meant for a wide audience and was made to be a niche game. All of this is spread out through the forums, social media, multiple interviews, and videos. We do not wish to run anyone away, but the Devs can only disseminate the info and it is up to the consumer to look and ask questions prior to preorder.
You bring up some good points, which reminds me of something else. I have another friend who also bought the game, he and I played it together. Neither of us run and gun. In fact this game being a tactical game is one of the reasons why we bought it. Which brings me back again to this: I try so hard in trying to win the game and I just can't (even when playing playing with my friend). We play tactically, we traverse through carefully and if we take risks we make sure we're aware of the consequences if we do take said risks. But in the end we never succeed. In regards to your comments about pistols, you're absolutely 100% right. I'm not dumb enough to just stand still if I'm using a pistol against someone who has an assault rifle but the fact is that the rifles are simply much much more powerful. If you lose all the rifles you yourself own because you're not good enough to win in a firefight, so you're forced to use handguns, you WILL lose (unless you play very tactically of course) but in my experience, I have absolutely no luck. Which AGAIN brings me back to my point, I can't win even if I try, even if I'm not alone. "The game is going to remain hardcore and become even Harder." That is the worst possible thing they could do with this game. There's no reason to make the game harder as it's difficult enough. When developing a game you need balance to both the new players and the experienced players. One thing that's already flawed is that the more expensive editions happen to give the players a better advantage in EFT. There are so many people in the world who will pay an insane amount of money to get better gear in order to be the king of the hill, but there are also a lot of other people who also will NOT pay that amount of money because it's just simply a terrible idea. If the editions only offered cosmetic items, then the game would be much better balanced, but it's not. It's Pay To Win. And it's nothing but that. But that's not even all. Something well that Hunt Showdown does is it give players free starter basic characters to play with and they have good chances of winning against players who have better gear because the gear they start out with is consistent and decent, you get them for free. Now you can play as a Scav but the fact that there's a timer after using a scav character clearly demonstrates that Battlestate would rather you play as a PMC, especially since it wasn't one of the first things they implemented. Realistically there shouldn't be a timer at all, but then that'd lead to abusing the feature for getting free loot and then getting good gear within a few hours (by selling the gear etc.). To prevent that there could be a system put in place where the more times you play as a scav in one playing session, the less gear the scavs will have so that it'd be pointless to be a scav in the first place, which creates a balance between earning gear by playing a scav and using that gear to play as a PMC (or selling the gear to earn money to buy better gear). But technically people could still abuse this mechanic of infinite scavs. So there's more work to be done clearly. Which is why it's a good thing that Battlestate made it so that you can only escape through certain extraction points now. The only problem is I don't know where they are and I get confused so I run around the map trying to look for one that works and I end up dying (from thirst or another player) because I don't know where to go. Giving the player a free map everytime they play a game would be a good decision. Because even after I look at maps on the internet, I still get confused. I press a key to display with escapes there are but I don't know which one is which (I don't even know what pressing that key does specifically I just know it displays locations I think)., which leads me to just leave the game because I don't know what to do. If I try exploring something I just don't succeed. This is actually the thing that made me stop playing the game. I came back a while ago because I thought I'd give the game a try again but when I discovered I'm prevented from extracting at certain points and NOT given information as to where I SHOULD be going, I get turned off from even trying. When I try, I get shot by someone or I die from thirst. Or the time runs out something like that. Pistols aren't very powerful in this game against armored players, which happens to be the majority of people you'll meet in the game. So if you're new and you want to learn the game mechanics so you get better, but you die because you didn't get a chance to learn that shooting them in the legs is a good strategy, then that's broken. Tips in loading screens would be nice I guess but it's not enough. Something that would help is some work with the matchmaking. I've simply been put in too many games where I had a VERY clear disadvantage. And scav balancing would be nice as well. They need to be given less powerful gear if the players in the match happen to not have very good gear. If you're a veteran, you need to be paired with other veteran players. It's crystal clear that a lot of players kill off new-spawns, there are tons of videos on it. You also neglect one thing, the newer players can't initially start with the TT-33 handgun. Now I don't have the most expensive version so maybe you do in that edition however with the edition I got, I didn't get one. I know for sure you don't get one for the standard edition either. So you're argument isn't valid as players don't have TT-33s in their stash so they can't bring them out in the first place. And regardless of that, the entire method of getting better is to learn, how are you supposed to learn tactics like shooting your opponents in the legs if you're not even given a chance? Many times I tried using the AKS-74U point blank automatic (or tap-firing quickly) and somehow I lost each time. I watch other people on RUclips use that weapon and they have no problem. Now I don't know if you're supposed to modify the muzzle or something but again, how are you supposed to do that if you aren't given a chance? And now for your last argument: The fact that the game is supposed to be catered to a certain audience. And you're right. But I got this game because I am a part of that audience. Why do you think I wanted to get the game after two years of waiting? Because I saw the game, I watched videos, interviews, and again I adored the idea of it. So again, you're argument is invalid. I tried so hard to play this game, to share the idea of fun that Battlestate games envisioned for this game. My friend and I both tried. But again, I must mention the one thing you seem to ignore, I tried. It doesn't work. The game needs balance for the people who want to play the game if they're new.
I'm moist! the new content looks really exciting, glad you're adding more objectives. EFT is one of the best FPS's I've played, keep up the good work Battlestate Games!
Good to see new content being rolled in, and as I saw in another video, the netcoding is being well looked upon. HOWEVER, there is still lots of room for improvement both server-wise, and client performance-wise. I have to honestly say though: I will not even play 0.9, because I don't want to stress a single bit more with desync issues with this game. I will wait for open beta. Hope it comes soon. Best of luck.
It will come faster with more bug reports and feedback on the posts we have been making. That is the purpose of an invite to testing. It gives live insight to the issues. Please, read up on the upcoming .10 technical only patch.
Where were the armbands? Huge issue in this game is friendly fire, maybe add chem lights on top of the armbands that can go on the backs of backpacks and etc. that are of different colors.
I dont know everything about it. I'm asking why they havent fix stuff that is really important to the game to make people want to play this game and tell there friends hay grab this game its fucking awesome as shit. Like they really need an anti cheat in the game. Like I stop playing this game I was all about this game. Like it's good but they need to fix stuff before adding new content to the game.
Does the game still run worse than Crysis 3 or have you actually bothered with improving the framerate? It truly is ridiculous that I can run BF1 at 90fps while your game struggles to keep itself above 45 on low settings.
I love this game, but this is not at ALL what happens. If you're buying this for an action experience, you're in for a surprise. One of the early alpha gameplay trailers is a better representation of what you're going to get in EFT. It is an epic trailer, but all I can think about watching this is, "Man, those guys are basically throwing away a ton of rubles/dollars on all that fancy gear! How much did that thermal scope cost...8 Bitcoins?"
Bans take up to a week and bans happen daily. over 1000 cheaters were banned very recently. Please, do not say half, because you do not have the data to back that up. Thanks!
@@DarkGloComics I just now saw this post 2 years later, and just for clarification, I was obviously exaggerating and not even games like CSGO have 50% of their games population being cheaters. Also, the games anti-cheat was complete dogshit, so don't even pretend like a huge portion of their game wasn't cheaters. Saber was the worst malware ever created. Also, today, Battl-Eye isn't even considered the best anti-cheat what so ever (although it's mature and has experience) by the reverse engineering or game hacking community and there are several undetected cheats for the game. From an observation perspective, the EFT game hacking scene is in the multi-million dollar range by itself, which is pretty insane. The motto is, stay hidden and don't show yourself on a public level, and you will be fine.
fkin idiot. let me tell you something. iam currently in college for networking. yet i have little to no experience making any models, guns, or any other asset in a game. could you think for 2 seconds?
You're "in college for networking" and yet you can't come even remotely close to using any form of spelling or grammar when you type. Sure thing bud. Semantics aside, this game is being worked on by multiple people, not just artists. We have programmers, artists, animators, network engineers etc all contributing to the final product. I'm confident when the game reaches store shelves the desync and other issues will be mostly resolved.
Cicerogaming7 Gaming Videos The thing is that the original comment is just dumb there are some stutters and lags but tbh they aren't that big that you can't play the game it's really enjoyable so I don't see a problem (but these stutters are kinda annoying) and also how can an artist designer fix netcode or anything like that some of them literally can't program
Ayyy Blyat! That scav Boss TT reload Was Blyatifull. Bring it on.
This is why I did not reply to your message on the forum. :)
4iki briki 4kiki btiki i v damki
Yo Blyat, stream more please.
Thank you!
it looks more like an old school military 1911 i think
Excellent music to and excellent trailer.
Looking forward to the Soundtrack release if they ever do it.
You can find the music used in trailers and ingame at Geneburn's Soundcloud page, he makes the music for EFT.
not all hero's wear capes
Geneburn (aka Nikita) on soundcloud has all the music, even the one released in this trailer.
Yes, at some point. You can find all the songs so far, here: soundcloud.com/geneburn
A thousand thanks to everybody replying to my comment. I just found the Soundcloud page and it is AMAZING.
Thank you all (Johann Gremm,Rare pepe, Jazzling and Broham Nation) for replying and have a Great raid.
I can't believe that Reshala is already three years in the game. Since the beginning, I thought he was there in Customs and not only in the Factory gameplay trailer from 2015.
max payne face on that guy
He has seen it all!
It's his ugly sun from russian wife.
Sooner than I expected. Keep it going BSG!
Netcode and fps optimisation please!
yet another thing to take you from 110 FPS to 26 FPS no matter how far away you are.
It's the dude from the loading screens!
Cool Moo5e seems like it but mabe I just need more ram perhaps and not a AMD chipset
He has a 1911, new pistol boys
KosaN stefan The TT(1911) is already in the game lol they’re probably just adding customization to it
Yes, it is.
Почему в середине ролика нет надписи: "Потеря связи с атнтичитом"!?
Выглядит потрясающе! Дикий Решала это что-то!
1:00 Get out of here Stalker
Yayo' Ariowibowo :C
Yayo' Ariowibowo GP-5 GASMASK YEEES
its harder to operate a rifle with a gp5 on tho...
performance patch included??? I hope so, Battlestate!!!!!
Should help a bit with performance.
the last 2 intermediate patches have been performance? can you stop bitching and buy a real Pc you fucking dork?
im working it with ultra at 48 to60 so im not complaining. but netcode makes me rage sometimes.
Yes, it's in the notes!!!!!!
Great track,Nikita!
You bet
**Insert meme**
u finna no scope dat boi
BR0 I WANT A CHILD FROM YOU! To carry all the dank memes i looted.
Some facial animations would be good 😂😂😂
In the future, yes!
Like when a scav sees u fully geared i want "i just shit in my pants face" 😂
How about WORKING content and optimizations? How about netcode? How about fixing Nvidia Inspector? How about good servers and hit reg? How about fixed Scavs? How about BattlEye or at least decent anti-cheat? How about fixing framerate dependent rate of fire? How about fixing insane lag, stutters and freezes for the last god damn 3 years of development? And the list goes on. So NOONE gives 2 fucks about new content and hats.
Not the same people that fixes bugs as the people making the content bud. New content does NOT slow down development in any ways lol
By the state of the game there's NONE who fixed the damn game, so stfu. You don't know exatly, they can say whatever they want.
You can't just press a button and the game fixes itself lol
Maybe you happy to eat shit and wait for another russian DayZ, but I'm not.
how is your framerate so high and smooth with no frame drops at alllll!?
The game is constantly improving and also make sure to have 16+ GB of RAM.
i got 32gb of ddr4 and it still lags no fucking game made on unity should ever use that much ram... sort your life out.
The gameplay in the video is under a controlled scenario, limited players, and isolated server.
Nearly all of the performance issues in this game are the result of server-client communication being super fucking shitty
I'm running 16gb of ddr3 with no issues.
0:26 Dealy boi got the flips
For all the babies who can't keep track of 4 other people on comms
Dan Gheesling это когда ты хочешь сказать что-то плохое но ты не знаешь что такое происходит в голове 300 отсосать и что ты делаешь то что ты хочешь
stuffanthings Sorry not everyone is a wannabe marine like you.
Вот бы круто еще было, если все "Дикие" более живо себя вели! Т.е. как в "Сталкере" присаживались отдохнуть, а лучше сволы опускали вниз или за спину убирали, а то мне аж глаза режет когда они постоянно с вытянутыми руками вперед ходят!!!)))
Да, этого не хватает. Сейчас дикари просто болванчики.
@@Сынсвоегопапца ဒ
the new sks looks so good
It’s not a new sks it’s literally just a different body frame but with the actual internal components the same. Basically like the wooden sks and the grey sks stock
It looks like SKS from Battlefield 3. Although I'm also waiting for SKS with 10-round internal mag like in Rising Storm 2 Vietnam. Also, I'd love to see wooden body frame for M14.
Bubbafied sks
Same I cant wait to use it.
man, i never woulda thought I would be nostalgic for 0.9.... this patch was a mess but the hype surrounding it was unprecedented.
Patch is sooner than we think,please dont delay it...
the graphics of the landscape and physics of the weather are much better at the alpha 0.1.0 version than now
Don't expect any big optimalization they will come but maybe before release of game some small optimalization's may going to happen tho...
I expect more work at NetCode and some ingame stuff like weapons and maps etc... but optimalization will be a thing when they will be doing final state of game. Why ? Simple answer is unity and never ending concept of that if u are going to add something new to game it will break and cause another problem...
I have i5 6600k and 1060GTX 6GB with 16GB RAM and i'm fine without any FPS problems yet holding at 80+ all the time if we not going to count Shoreline in it...
Things that i'm waiting for are ...
1. Anti-cheat
This is biggest issue of Tarkov, i don't care if u are going to say there are no cheater's or anything. Personally i know there are peoples who are hacking from release of this game, buy EOD edition and using ESP/AimBot if u don't believe try to do your own research or find people's who are creating cheat's for this game and you will see.
Personally i think if BSG would not be able to give us some good Anti-Cheat i hope they have some plans for buying one and implementing it in game. It would be sad if game would be good and die because of something like this.
2. Netcode
This is second biggest problem of EFT that we all know about it, countless times i died to desync or somebody kill's me even i was already behind the wall. I know they are already working on it so this should be thing that at least i hope for we are going to have before release.
Really this is annoying but i have to say it, even it's realistic it's probably one of the most unbalanced game's in the world, and thank god that we have at least that face hitbox because you will stand no chance, against everybody running Fort because it's available as butter in shop. Leg meta must die and i hope for some balance, game should give you at least that you can aim at head right, but im also worrying that in next few patches with new helmets leg meta will be even stronger.
Peter Quad zzzz
I agree. The game is utterly unbalanced. Desync makes the game harder to play as well.
What to choose, hanging out with friends or playing only EFT for 5 months or longer? I think everyone knows the answer :D
Do it still run bad?
I have i5 6400, GTX960 and 16GB RAM. And it's about 50FPS on big open maps. Although frames are dropping like crazy during intense combat. Next week I'm changing graphics card to GTX1060 6GB. Hope it's gonna help.
r7 1700 and 1080ti at 1440p. Frames jump from 35- 110 fps. This game NEEDS optimisation more than anything.
change the cpu first i think
Yes it runs like shit.
Smoke grenade with the thermal sight looked very cool
Make customs great again! ;D
I seee youuu! ;)
i see u2)
p.s waiting for your new videos ;)
I see you both )
Make shorelines fps great (not really again )
StrikerMP it did play decently for a while back in .7, feel like didn’t stutter as much in gunfights as it does now in .8
some of the comments are priceless ... i'm glad everyone is allowed to have an opinion these days
@@capslockfrank7838 just amused about some comments, yours included.
Aye IR scopes gonna be even more valuable with that smoke!
0:26 my face is tired
I love the fact that their is 2 communities in this chat it blows my mind this is really Awsome
Вуху! Повязки! Мб наконец то тиммейтов перестану стрелять... Хотя кого я обманываю. С средней дистанции, да бочком встанет - и все))
my personal favorite out of all the trailers so far
Im most hyped for the full face ballistic helmet, as well as the new grenades, does anyone know when we will be able to mount flashlights to our helmets in the tactical slot? The 6b has a picatanny on the side already and the slot just wont hold anything, im hoping we can use headlights instead of gunlights eventually
Dynamic facial animation will make it smoother and better
Я понял зачем «топ-кланы» пятерками на Завод ходили. К Решале готовились! Вазелин искали...
Mr Holodilnick так и есть, они просто уже морально готовы к этому)))
Типичный представитель "Долга"
я из долга.... я не понимаю что за срач и из за чего такой негатив и причём тут долг?
Просто некоторые персонажи с припиской долг на заводе бывает крысят, на бесплатном выходе из личного опыта говорю, т.к. сталкивался с таким давненько было но неприятно знаешь ли.
I hope the game will finally run as smooth as you made it look.
Вы лучше расскажите как графику в игре сделать такую как трейлере. Топовый комп не выдает такую картину даже на ультра настройках. 4к?
Алексей Мельников подозреваю они сами не знают, в трейлере картинка явно обработана))
мозги включай, патч еще не вышел
весьма посредственная графика, у меня в игре лучше, и это даже близко не максималки
Гиви Зурабович Дружище ну не рассказывай сказки)) Со всеми выкручеными на максимум настройками плюс настройки самой системы и видюхи не дают такой картинки как в трейлере.
Главная проблема этой игры не верно выбранный движок юнити это как хромая кобыла которая не в состояние вытянуть такой проект и в этом главная проблема разработчиков, тот же Буянов можно сказать признал это.
Can’t wait to have the terminator scavs back for the first two weeks
0:26 это брат Макса Пейна?
В очередной раз убедился что отечественные умельцы могут создать бомбическую игру. Это шикарно.
The guns need to kick backwards by the Z axis when shot; one of the things that take away from the visual presentation in gunfights in the game.
it wud be y axis budd..
left to right wud be z axis =]
DaDorn666 It really depends on the tool you are using. I think in most game engines the vertical axis is Z.
this game is on Unity and most engines DO use Y for vertical axis.
Escape from Cheaters Beta - Dsync10 Patch
Lucas Henrique kkk
Hahahaha yeah
Escape from Beta scam
Escape from bullet sponge Beta - OP Fort armour patch.
Lucas Henrique love you men ;) i dont more waste time on this crap waiting for changes becouse if i will recording all this fucking games bugs lags and other shit you dont belive how this game work i from poland and this desync is take every fun from this game for me ;/ better play quake ther is fun ;) try send recording and message to the devs with hacker player them say we have new antychacker program and no hackers on the game beacouse program ban them ;) and nothing more ;) i waste so many money on this crap im really stupid ;) this game looks crap i play on the best options and this isnt good graphic only part on models weapons attachments and clothes look good and this is all ... when them add better graphic if i remember this game need be have more options on graphic last options dont work and wher are the fucking language ??? i want polish language and what ? is on 100 % translation ;) them dont add them on this patch ;) and the next you will see ;)
This game keeps getting better cant wait to see how the game will be by end of the year
Cmoon when we will see this game in steam?
Good progress so far, lets keep it going!
добавьте какую нить idle анимацию на персов хотя бы
mapckou они имеющиеся анимации не могут поправить, а ты говоришь добавьте)0)
Новые анимации будут после оптимизации анимации которые сейчас
Keep up the great work guys! Cant wait until next wipe!
Shoothout in trailers: Awesome
Real game:cheaters with instakill and teleport
Please devs... add singleplayer mode
На 1:15 там где на локации лес зажимает персонаж
Порадовало то куда он смотрит
Потому что глаза смотрят в разные стороны
Орнул :D
Решала будет убивать просто взглядом, не как обычные боты, по ногам, а сразу, ваншотом в любую часть тела
А если его прижать огнем просто упадет вниз сквозь текстуры
и убьет из под текстуры
So, a trailer for like three new things? I was expecting something more when you release a trailer to show off the new patch. Could have just released a note. (cries)
0:26 he's gonna touch me
У нового ствола отдача конская ) сложно будет с ним управляться.
0:23 is this shockwaves from gunshots? Neat, but why no anti aliasing?
Yea but what about the shite netcode?
meh, it's already better than PunkG
It's still bad. Yesterday I was playing on Factory, I shot in the chest unarmored player Scav from 5 meters with about 15 AK-74M bullets (5,45mm) and he just one-tapped me in the face... This is ridiculous. Ragequitted and got back to Rising Storm Vietnam.
Nicholas lol
They working
Sometimes if you keep up with the game you would know.
Did you fix the game so that new players can actually play the game???
Before anyone hates on this comment, I want you to know that I played this game. I played $100 to play this game because I was waiting for it for two years. After buying it in the Beta, I still had faith in the game even during the massive server problems. I dumped hours into this game so that I could earn those M4s and endless loot.
But the problem with this game is that it's impossible for people who have no clue what to do. After constantly dying (because I'm bad) and wasting loot (by bringing and losing it because I died), and attempting to do hatchet runs and dying (because people with loot because they paid an insane amount of money to one, pay2win essentially, killed me instantly), it's become apparent to me that the difficulty of the game can be appreciated from developer perspective (I'd know) but not from a player's standpoint. I realize that the difficulty is nice and that the learning curve for this game is massive and that you'd have to devote effort to get better, but after trying to hard, and failing, I realize that these devs have a lot to learn when making a game.
Include a learning curve, but if you want to do that, you need to give a good chance to the players for it. So far, this game is meant only for the people who have nothing else to do with their time so they play the shit out of this game and they happen to be good (or they have little time so they pay for the most expensive version so they get all the good loot) and the game is made the way it is because Battlestate is only listening to those people, when they don't realize that they're not listening to the quiet people, or the endless amount of people who've complained that the scavs were too powerful (especially if you spawn in with only a pistol because you don't want to lose your loot).
I realize that this game is WIP, but with this game being out for 4 years for people to play and these issues not being fixed, the game is not meant for the people who just want to have fun (the casual player).
Being someone who adores the idea of this game but continuously fails to succeed at anything in this game (that being surviving, or winning a firefight), I gotta say that I wasted my money.
Fix your game.
I know I'm not the only one who feels like this.
P.S. Don't reply with "Git Gud". No one cares about your statements so don't even bother. I have nothing to say to you.
The game is not out yet. You paid for the game, not the test build. Remember, that it is a team based game, and not meant for solo play. The solo play works much easier now than it will in the release. (not impossible, but way more difficult than you would expect.
This game is going to remain hardcore and become even harder. "Expensive Version" does not influence real-world mechanics and bullet physics. In other games, no one chooses pistols much because they do no damage in comparison. But that is not realistic, and that is not EFT. A pistol irl is a personal defense weapon and is not an assault rifle, but you would not just stand there and get shot by one...they can kill you.
The Tokarev pistol (TT) uses a 7.62x25mm cartridge and can even penetrate some soft armor. So, a level 0 vs level 50 can become even ground if the level 0 plays smart and tactical. This is not a run and gun just so you know. The level 0 can hit the legs, slow the armored opponent down and then with a well-placed face shot--goes home with a bag of loot.
"I realize that the difficulty is nice and that the learning curve for this game is massive and that you'd have to devote effort to get better, but after trying to hard, and failing, I realize that these devs have a lot to learn when making a game."
This is, simply not true. That is the intention. Their idea of fun is exactly what EFT is and will be. It was not meant for a wide audience and was made to be a niche game. All of this is spread out through the forums, social media, multiple interviews, and videos.
We do not wish to run anyone away, but the Devs can only disseminate the info and it is up to the consumer to look and ask questions prior to preorder.
You bring up some good points, which reminds me of something else.
I have another friend who also bought the game, he and I played it together. Neither of us run and gun. In fact this game being a tactical game is one of the reasons why we bought it.
Which brings me back again to this: I try so hard in trying to win the game and I just can't (even when playing playing with my friend). We play tactically, we traverse through carefully and if we take risks we make sure we're aware of the consequences if we do take said risks. But in the end we never succeed.
In regards to your comments about pistols, you're absolutely 100% right.
I'm not dumb enough to just stand still if I'm using a pistol against someone who has an assault rifle but the fact is that the rifles are simply much much more powerful. If you lose all the rifles you yourself own because you're not good enough to win in a firefight, so you're forced to use handguns, you WILL lose (unless you play very tactically of course) but in my experience, I have absolutely no luck. Which AGAIN brings me back to my point, I can't win even if I try, even if I'm not alone.
"The game is going to remain hardcore and become even Harder."
That is the worst possible thing they could do with this game. There's no reason to make the game harder as it's difficult enough. When developing a game you need balance to both the new players and the experienced players. One thing that's already flawed is that the more expensive editions happen to give the players a better advantage in EFT. There are so many people in the world who will pay an insane amount of money to get better gear in order to be the king of the hill, but there are also a lot of other people who also will NOT pay that amount of money because it's just simply a terrible idea. If the editions only offered cosmetic items, then the game would be much better balanced, but it's not. It's Pay To Win. And it's nothing but that. But that's not even all.
Something well that Hunt Showdown does is it give players free starter basic characters to play with and they have good chances of winning against players who have better gear because the gear they start out with is consistent and decent, you get them for free.
Now you can play as a Scav but the fact that there's a timer after using a scav character clearly demonstrates that Battlestate would rather you play as a PMC, especially since it wasn't one of the first things they implemented. Realistically there shouldn't be a timer at all, but then that'd lead to abusing the feature for getting free loot and then getting good gear within a few hours (by selling the gear etc.). To prevent that there could be a system put in place where the more times you play as a scav in one playing session, the less gear the scavs will have so that it'd be pointless to be a scav in the first place, which creates a balance between earning gear by playing a scav and using that gear to play as a PMC (or selling the gear to earn money to buy better gear).
But technically people could still abuse this mechanic of infinite scavs. So there's more work to be done clearly. Which is why it's a good thing that Battlestate made it so that you can only escape through certain extraction points now. The only problem is I don't know where they are and I get confused so I run around the map trying to look for one that works and I end up dying (from thirst or another player) because I don't know where to go. Giving the player a free map everytime they play a game would be a good decision. Because even after I look at maps on the internet, I still get confused. I press a key to display with escapes there are but I don't know which one is which (I don't even know what pressing that key does specifically I just know it displays locations I think)., which leads me to just leave the game because I don't know what to do. If I try exploring something I just don't succeed. This is actually the thing that made me stop playing the game. I came back a while ago because I thought I'd give the game a try again but when I discovered I'm prevented from extracting at certain points and NOT given information as to where I SHOULD be going, I get turned off from even trying. When I try, I get shot by someone or I die from thirst. Or the time runs out something like that.
Pistols aren't very powerful in this game against armored players, which happens to be the majority of people you'll meet in the game. So if you're new and you want to learn the game mechanics so you get better, but you die because you didn't get a chance to learn that shooting them in the legs is a good strategy, then that's broken.
Tips in loading screens would be nice I guess but it's not enough.
Something that would help is some work with the matchmaking. I've simply been put in too many games where I had a VERY clear disadvantage. And scav balancing would be nice as well. They need to be given less powerful gear if the players in the match happen to not have very good gear.
If you're a veteran, you need to be paired with other veteran players. It's crystal clear that a lot of players kill off new-spawns, there are tons of videos on it.
You also neglect one thing, the newer players can't initially start with the TT-33 handgun. Now I don't have the most expensive version so maybe you do in that edition however with the edition I got, I didn't get one. I know for sure you don't get one for the standard edition either. So you're argument isn't valid as players don't have TT-33s in their stash so they can't bring them out in the first place.
And regardless of that, the entire method of getting better is to learn, how are you supposed to learn tactics like shooting your opponents in the legs if you're not even given a chance? Many times I tried using the AKS-74U point blank automatic (or tap-firing quickly) and somehow I lost each time. I watch other people on RUclips use that weapon and they have no problem. Now I don't know if you're supposed to modify the muzzle or something but again, how are you supposed to do that if you aren't given a chance?
And now for your last argument: The fact that the game is supposed to be catered to a certain audience. And you're right. But I got this game because I am a part of that audience. Why do you think I wanted to get the game after two years of waiting? Because I saw the game, I watched videos, interviews, and again I adored the idea of it. So again, you're argument is invalid.
I tried so hard to play this game, to share the idea of fun that Battlestate games envisioned for this game. My friend and I both tried. But again, I must mention the one thing you seem to ignore, I tried. It doesn't work. The game needs balance for the people who want to play the game if they're new.
дайте вы приблизительный день выхода патча, чёрт возьми!!! Меня распирает интрига
Вряд ли в 2019, может в 2020-2021. Игра ещё очень сырая.
Андрей Матвеев причем тут игра? он про патч(апдейт, обновление) называй как хочешь)
А, тогда понятно :) Я думал, он про релиз самой игры хотел узнать.
Алексей Неважно завтра в 15:30! Говорили же
1:13, is that the new DEVTAC Ronin kevlar mask?
I'm moist! the new content looks really exciting, glad you're adding more objectives. EFT is one of the best FPS's I've played, keep up the good work Battlestate Games!
The sa58 sound is the same as in contractwars whit luttle to no change
Trailer isnt as epic but i like the new content coming
Yes, because we are busy getting it ready. ;) Just wanted to give some kind of sneak peek.
Off work 2 weeks at the end of July. Let em know that please :)
Abraham Lincoln they are just showing whats coming why does it have to be epic lol
0:26 when someone gets along too well with your pet
This smoke awesome - _-
Yeah, I can already see my fps drop into oblivion with this
perhaps, or because the smoke obscures so much of what you have to render that the frames may go up instead, we shall see
Yes, a definite game changer.
0:25 Niko Bellic has really let himself go!
Thanks, glad someone got the joke! ;)
Hello random person who keeps scrolling down
Hi there.
Hello 5 month old comment amongst the 1 day attack comments.
don't mind me. just liking all the people ripping this pathetic game and devs a new asshole. you get a like too. :)
its like you knew people would come flooding this video haha, this company just did a very bad no no in the gaming community
Good work! When is the planned release date?
Looks Great
Good to see new content being rolled in, and as I saw in another video, the netcoding is being well looked upon. HOWEVER, there is still lots of room for improvement both server-wise, and client performance-wise. I have to honestly say though: I will not even play 0.9, because I don't want to stress a single bit more with desync issues with this game. I will wait for open beta. Hope it comes soon. Best of luck.
It will come faster with more bug reports and feedback on the posts we have been making. That is the purpose of an invite to testing. It gives live insight to the issues. Please, read up on the upcoming .10 technical only patch.
i think about 1 Week, maximum 2 weeks, but it looks ready to go live :)
Well previously when a trailer released, the patch was the day after so hopefully tomorrow?? (speculation)
Pathologic-Gaming maybe :D
Pathologic-Gaming best be
Where were the armbands? Huge issue in this game is friendly fire, maybe add chem lights on top of the armbands that can go on the backs of backpacks and etc. that are of different colors.
It's a minor thing (although important for playing in teams), so they didn't show it. But I'm pretty sure it's coming in this patch.
they showed it at 0:58 actually
Angelo Oh yeah, now I noticed it.
Ah, there they are.
Супер 👍💪
0:18 is it a new scav outfit or maybe skin customization or clan patch? :D
So why are they adding more stuff when other stuff is not even fix yet?
Ben Kaylee Krol u dont know how game development works right?
I dont know everything about it. I'm asking why they havent fix stuff that is really important to the game to make people want to play this game and tell there friends hay grab this game its fucking awesome as shit. Like they really need an anti cheat in the game. Like I stop playing this game I was all about this game. Like it's good but they need to fix stuff before adding new content to the game.
Ben Kaylee Krol Maybe the engineers needed to fix that aren't the same artists that made the new content they're showing here. Just a guess tho.
Got it thanks maybe ur right
CGPacifica even though that is true, the resource management is bullshit, because additional content should be low priority in a mess like that
1:02 Zarya-3 flashbang! Can be seen with speed x0.5 slow motion
Where is the desync feature, why this is not shown xD
N1tr01991 exactly XD
Only OG's remember
I remember and still what an amazing trailer! Got me super excited when it released! 0.9 has been an incredible update! Good old times
PLS performence patch!!!!!!!!!!
Its been happening non-stop.
This is a performance patch.
Монтаж классный, прям под музон
I got epilepsy due to those flash...
imagine if they had the fps counter in the top right, shit would be below 60 fps the whole time, maybe 30 fps XD
I get 120 on factory 1080p ultra and 45 on shoreline but only when in or outside the dorms
How very interesting. I'll be sure to take note of your very significant findings.
I play most of the maps at 90 fps on 1440p with my 1070
My name is Juan I'm still running a 780. But noted. I need to upgrade
My name is Juan
what settings
Does the game still run worse than Crysis 3 or have you actually bothered with improving the framerate? It truly is ridiculous that I can run BF1 at 90fps while your game struggles to keep itself above 45 on low settings.
John Highway lmao, that seems like a clientside issue, I get perfect fps on every map -interchange, and I have a i5 and a GTX 1070
You're an exception among exceptions. The game runs like garbage for the absolute majority. It is completely inconsistent
I hope the patch comes this week. I have holidays next week!
not cool, man
Looks exciting. Can’t wait. Can y’all drop it on a Friday so I have all weekend to play please...?
Whoever disliked the video must like the battlefield V trailer
Вы обещали, что скорострельность оружия больше не будет связана с FPS! Где это???
pashtet895 там же где античит🤣
pashtet895 в группе вк написали,после 9 патча будет промежуточный,там то они и исправят
это обычная накрутка в настройках мыши и все, а не ФПС
Сам понял то, что написал?
я то да , а ты походу нет. Ну удачи тогда тебе в игре. Пригодится)
I love this game, but this is not at ALL what happens. If you're buying this for an action experience, you're in for a surprise. One of the early alpha gameplay trailers is a better representation of what you're going to get in EFT. It is an epic trailer, but all I can think about watching this is, "Man, those guys are basically throwing away a ton of rubles/dollars on all that fancy gear! How much did that thermal scope cost...8 Bitcoins?"
This was just our effort to show off some of the innovations and additions for 0.9. Lot's of work to do, but we wanted you guys to have something.
Nothing wrong with that, but knowing how expensive that gear makes this a lot funnier.
Yeah. In the release, not everything will be available as easy. Just for testing. Thanks for the support!
All these new toys for cheaters to play with.
spot on
Basically for everyone to play with.
Looks awesome! happy to see some new content
How about you fix the hackers first. Half of the people playing the game cheat
Bans take up to a week and bans happen daily. over 1000 cheaters were banned very recently. Please, do not say half, because you do not have the data to back that up. Thanks!
@@DarkGloComics I just now saw this post 2 years later, and just for clarification, I was obviously exaggerating and not even games like CSGO have 50% of their games population being cheaters.
Also, the games anti-cheat was complete dogshit, so don't even pretend like a huge portion of their game wasn't cheaters. Saber was the worst malware ever created.
Also, today, Battl-Eye isn't even considered the best anti-cheat what so ever (although it's mature and has experience) by the reverse engineering or game hacking community and there are several undetected cheats for the game. From an observation perspective, the EFT game hacking scene is in the multi-million dollar range by itself, which is pretty insane. The motto is, stay hidden and don't show yourself on a public level, and you will be fine.
Looking forward to try it out !
Good stuff, but I would rather have fixed desync. I would rather see an entire development team working on just that for such a good game.
fkin idiot. let me tell you something. iam currently in college for networking. yet i have little to no experience making any models, guns, or any other asset in a game. could you think for 2 seconds?
CitizenZ Im speechless...
You're "in college for networking" and yet you can't come even remotely close to using any form of spelling or grammar when you type. Sure thing bud. Semantics aside, this game is being worked on by multiple people, not just artists. We have programmers, artists, animators, network engineers etc all contributing to the final product. I'm confident when the game reaches store shelves the desync and other issues will be mostly resolved.
Oh noes, you are going to upset ze fanboiz alot with critic here. You see, i was too late. They are already invading you :(
Cicerogaming7 Gaming Videos The thing is that the original comment is just dumb there are some stutters and lags but tbh they aren't that big that you can't play the game it's really enjoyable so I don't see a problem (but these stutters are kinda annoying) and also how can an artist designer fix netcode or anything like that some of them literally can't program