how to convert a CRT TV into an oscilloscope

  • Опубликовано: 1 янв 2025

Комментарии •

  • @louiesBloggingPH
    @louiesBloggingPH Год назад +56

    it makes me cry music background while learning😢😭😭😭

  • @Sctronic209
    @Sctronic209 Год назад +14

    I done this 40 years ago.

  • @Slay3rOne
    @Slay3rOne Год назад +54

    While your video is nicely made, when explaining to people how to put their hands on CRT circuits, please never forget to warn them about the dangers of really high voltages present on these circuits! You obviously know where not to put your fingers, like for example the solder points near the flyback transformer, high voltage capacitors, or the neck board where some high anodes voltages (at least a few hundred volts) are present... Also a warning about the voltage present under the anode cap (probably over 10kV) would be welcome. Someone who might not be aware of the high voltages present would get a nasty surprise if getting too close to dangerous points of the circuit or trying to take things apart without proprely discharging (even if well designed circuits have resistors to self discharge).
    Also... keeping a bright static focussed dot on the screen like that will pretty quickly burn the phosphor in that spot, something like a few seconds would be enough to have some damage. Never ever keep a bright spot (or even a bright small line or something) in a static position on a CRT tube, at least lower the brightness. It will irreversibly burn in! I managed to burn a few spots on a good tube once, working on CRT clock circuits, and I was careful...

    • @inventorkr1
      @inventorkr1  Год назад +13

      Thank you for your thoughtful comment. Safety is always a priority and I will make sure to include more safety details in my future videos.

  • @mattharvey8712
    @mattharvey8712 6 месяцев назад +2

    Bravo.....I could have used this about 30 yrs oscilloscope are cheap.....great stuff.........cheers

  • @daefvoice
    @daefvoice 8 дней назад

    Akhirnya kutemukan video penjelasan yang sangat kuinginkan, membuat osilocope dari pesawat tv crt 😊, terimakasih videonya. ❤

  • @kimbal1958
    @kimbal1958 Год назад +15

    Turn off the Oscilloscope time-base and insert a sawtooth ramp generator and with that make a large screen Curve Tracer for vacuum tube and transistor testing/matching.
    Tv sets are ideal for this function, because of their large screen.
    Curve tracers for tubes are worth a fortune nowadays - if you can find one.

  • @ВасилийТёркин-г3м
    @ВасилийТёркин-г3м Год назад +7

    I wonder if it’s possible to assemble a device on some Cortex M4 that will control the ADC, create a frame buffer in its RAM, then output this frame through the built-in DAC to an RF modulator and thus generate a ready-made signal to feed it to the antenna input of the TV? I think this is a much more interesting and versatile idea than destroying a working CRT TV. After all, in this way it will be possible to immediately draw a grid on the screen and display the values ​​of vertical sensitivity and sweep time in text form. Plus some additional information such as signal amplitude values, frequency, etc.😉

  • @klepalilental416
    @klepalilental416 Год назад +13

    Спасибо что вы показываете такой позновательный и обучающий видео для юных умов

    • @Galova
      @Galova Год назад +2

      юные умы должны знать что если кинескоп хватать лапами когда там сохраняется заряд в несколько киловольт уже много раз кончалось летальным исходом. причем такое бывало даже с опытными ремонтиками

    • @GarryGri
      @GarryGri 4 месяца назад

      @@Galova Please stop scaremongering people like this. Why do so many people act like this now?
      At least tens of thousands of people have worked with CRTs for years and are not dead because of it.
      Deaths from shocks are infinitesimal. It isn't designed as a killing machine!
      There are three points that could give you a nasty shock; Transformer, end of the tube, anode; but it IS NOT likely to kill the average healthy person and is easy to avoid. Also yes, always discharge the tube even if it has a bleeder.
      I'm sure pou don't go around telling people that sticking their fingers in a wall socket could kill them!

    • @GarryGri
      @GarryGri 4 месяца назад +1

      @@Galova Also 'kinescope ' instead of Cathode-Ray-Tube... that's going back a bit 😉

    • @Galova
      @Galova 4 месяца назад +1

      @@GarryGri traditional 'nick name' for this electronic component.

  • @vobinhthu5299
    @vobinhthu5299 Год назад +2

    This project is very good!

  • @katalyst4stem
    @katalyst4stem 7 месяцев назад +1

    Simply Brilliant !!!

  • @anthonynew9424
    @anthonynew9424 2 месяца назад +2

    I built one in the 1970s, using an old 17" TV. Needed a few power transistors to drive the coils, though. Interesting video - pity about the commentary errors.

  • @TheEddieification
    @TheEddieification Год назад +8

    I'd like to see the Amp connected, it would be interesting.

    • @inventorkr1
      @inventorkr1  Год назад

      I didn't understand what you mean exactly

    • @mochbasrowi5330
      @mochbasrowi5330 Год назад +1

      ​@@inventorkr1 😊¶∆\😅
      We ❤

    • @dirceub.r5907
      @dirceub.r5907 Год назад

      Eu acho que ele quis dizer que era para conectar a saída de um amplificador com uma senóide, para ver como se comportava.

  • @rock-steadi-cam5058
    @rock-steadi-cam5058 2 месяца назад +1

    I always figured the magnetic deflection yoke would not be frequency-agile enough to make a real 'scope, but you could certainly make a "squiggle generator"!

  • @pauldery7875
    @pauldery7875 Год назад +1

    Super cool! When I think of all th TV's I've stripped down, just for parts, now I'm all out. I'll have to get one just to try it.

  • @Brassmonger
    @Brassmonger Год назад +16

    The impedance of these coils isn't very big so you can't measure every type of signal source. There are probably some more frequency limitations than the normal scope.

    • @imnotbeluga007
      @imnotbeluga007 Год назад +2

      Of course. Horizontal deflection happens at 15 625 Hz and vertical at 50 Hz (PAL).
      You can go a bit higher, but horizontal 25 kHz and vertical 200 Hz is max.

  • @JustinMarucci-ib9on
    @JustinMarucci-ib9on 6 месяцев назад +3

    I love oscilloscopes, I love this video I love you. I almost cried. Thank you

  • @GarryGri
    @GarryGri 6 месяцев назад +1

    I now this was the 'how to make an oscilloscope on a TV' thing but with a little more work you can make it display an XY vector as well.
    And before someone asks, no moving the coil whilst the tube is powered won't kill you.
    I wouldn't advise touching the anode though!

  • @habtamusium8646
    @habtamusium8646 Год назад +1

    glad to see this interesting lesson . thanks much.

  • @Tangye7
    @Tangye7 10 месяцев назад

    So cool 👍😎

  • @juanfwidlar86
    @juanfwidlar86 Год назад +1

    awesome for science demonstrations.. greetings

  • @siiv7973
    @siiv7973 Год назад +14

    Аз съм правил няколко подобни осцилоскопи до 20 kHz. Но измерваният сигнал трябва да бъде над 3 V! Под 3 V сигнал няма да бъде показан коректно! За това трябва да се направят входен усилвател и делител на напрежението и времеделение, за да стане реален ниско честотен осцилископ!
    Освен от този тио телевизори, аз съм правил осцилоскопи от crt from viwer of VHS camcoder! Стават много малки аналогови ниско честотни осцилоскопи и ако му прибавиме елементарна приставка от две съпротивленуя ще може да се наблюдават характеристиките на полупроводниците - диоди, транзистори, високо честотни бобини и много други!
    Поздрави от България!

    • @mustneverdie
      @mustneverdie Год назад

      В детстве познал как устроен телевизор благодаря соответствующей литературе по их ремонту.
      И я делал такой осциллограф из телевизора времен СССР.
      Было очень увлекательно.

    • @siiv7973
      @siiv7973 Год назад

      Аз в детстве съм имал само един български чернобял телевизор, който бащами всяка седмица ремонтираше, защото при нас напрежението беше различно и лампуте изгаряха! Но аз съм виждал истински осцилограф на баща ми ло70, който беше много интересен! Проблемът в тези осцилоскопи от телевизор, че без усилвател на напрежението и волт делител може да се използват само за проверка на полупроводници и индикатор на високоговорител! Аз съм си правил от немски мини телевизорпета и от crt от vhs виамери визиорът, който е 1 см диагонал и позволява да си направиш минитюрен аналогов осцилоскоп за тестване на полупроводници.. Здравейте, благодаря за мнението и поздрави от гореща и дъждовна в момента България.. Аз имам около 10 направени осцилоскопа и 6 аналогови и 3 дигитални осцилоскопи , но вече рядко се занимавам а това хоби!

    • @killer1100101
      @killer1100101 Год назад

      @@mustneverdie из ч\б однолучевого?

    • @mustneverdie
      @mustneverdie Год назад

      @@siiv7973 Привет жаркая и дождливая Болгария! Отличное у вас хобби!

    • @mustneverdie
      @mustneverdie Год назад

      @@killer1100101 ​ Да а именно на кинескопе ЛК61. Не маленький такой осциллограф) Мне нравилось подавать на вход музыку и смотреть что происходит на экране, особенно в темноте. Использовался и для развлечений и для того что бы оценить сигнал. Например что бы при отладке УНЧ избежать искажения типа ступенька.

  • @GR4MPI
    @GR4MPI 7 месяцев назад

    what is the tv you used ? im looking for such a small and pretty one as well

  • @eletroprojetoseinvencoes7031
    @eletroprojetoseinvencoes7031 Год назад +5

    Bacana bom para aprendizado.

  • @Drxxx
    @Drxxx Год назад +2

    You are amazing ❤❤❤ super channel

    • @inventorkr1
      @inventorkr1  Год назад

      I appreciate your comment, your support is important to me

  • @jonathangauci2495
    @jonathangauci2495 9 месяцев назад

    I has similiar tv but doesnt work. My question is does crt flyback need to be high frequenzy to drive crt or can be just high voltage transformer?

  • @user-rs8zg8ey2b
    @user-rs8zg8ey2b Год назад +2

    @ 6:30, you mean 90 degrees

  • @hassenboussaada3001
    @hassenboussaada3001 7 месяцев назад

    I Hope to get a schematic diagram for this crt TV 5.5. Thanks for your good job.

  • @ammarhedar347
    @ammarhedar347 Год назад

    I have 2 questions
    How can I change the frequency of bem to see different range of hz
    And can I stop the waves by change the frequency to see the waves easily?

  • @masoudmontazery907
    @masoudmontazery907 Год назад

    Good luck sir 🎉

  • @yaqoobansary2967
    @yaqoobansary2967 Год назад

    great information

  • @Octoberpus4456
    @Octoberpus4456 Год назад +1

    Where did you buy that tv

  • @harrymartin1661
    @harrymartin1661 8 месяцев назад

    Hej, interesting! I have a small CRT from a viewfinder. Is it possible to use this CRT like for a "scopewatch"? I mean instead of the oscilloscope I use this CRT??
    Thanks for helping.

  • @jonathangauci2495
    @jonathangauci2495 8 месяцев назад +1

    I had 5.5 inch portable but when i remove deflection coil wires didnt turn on

    • @inventorkr1
      @inventorkr1  8 месяцев назад +1

      The system is different from this TV

  • @MohHagag
    @MohHagag Год назад +2

    Nice hack 👍👍👍

    • @inventorkr1
      @inventorkr1  Год назад

      thank you my friend

    • @karimabdelallah1247
      @karimabdelallah1247 Год назад +1

      ​@@inventorkr1 thanks I learn a lot from this video about CRT tv screens
      I can do this modification in CRT computer screen

  • @bobdole27
    @bobdole27 Год назад +1

    Nice been thinking about doing this to have a compact battery powered crt scope with me

  • @israelmaizomaizo3715
    @israelmaizomaizo3715 Год назад +1

    Yo lo hice hace años, cuidado con la alta tensión en la pantalla

  • @stickyfox
    @stickyfox Год назад

    Really wanted to see how you get a dark trace on a light screen.

  • @carloscarlosi-wp7ms
    @carloscarlosi-wp7ms 11 месяцев назад +1

    I have a small television to open the door and the sound comes out faint, why?

  • @phillipdeville6315
    @phillipdeville6315 7 месяцев назад

    That is a good piece of equipment to pull that from. This exact circuit for Monochrome CRT is in countless products, flyback transformer and those two very interesting ICs. The equipment I pulled mine from was a radio hybrid with speakers, so the board was very wide and would have been inconvenient to mount. I was making a VCO from ICL8038 if anyone has heard of it and wanted to use it as a signal display just for kicks -- the board is too inconvenient :(

  • @frantavychopen8281
    @frantavychopen8281 Год назад

    Paráda to jsem měl vědět dřív.

  • @Teknolojikbilgilerdeneyler
    @Teknolojikbilgilerdeneyler Год назад +1

    😄😄😄 Very good electronic project.

  • @mohammadmoezi3813
    @mohammadmoezi3813 Год назад

    bravo..your video was very beautiful

  • @vita7128.
    @vita7128. Год назад

    Когда-то была схема практически собрана, но до конца так и дошло, такие были там, где были специалисты. Была даже одна попытка использовать отклоняющие катушки, пока что-то не запахло.

  • @maks_koshmar
    @maks_koshmar Год назад +3

    А как определить частоту и амплитуду по такому осциллографу?

    • @ФАНТОМАС-60
      @ФАНТОМАС-60 Год назад

      ну надо как-то калибровать , потом наклеить прозрачную сетку

    • @sirozhasergeeff155
      @sirozhasergeeff155 11 месяцев назад +1

      Нужно подключить ещё вольтметр и частотомер! :))))

  • @ВадимАлиев-ю4ъ
    @ВадимАлиев-ю4ъ Год назад

    привет Вам из России! Большое спасибо!

  • @salamirecorder6827
    @salamirecorder6827 Год назад

    What about discharging the tube?

  • @bobmchenry7993
    @bobmchenry7993 4 месяца назад +2

    Oh dear you just burnt a spot on the crt screen not ideal 😢

  • @JustinRoth-g5f
    @JustinRoth-g5f Год назад

    A video of making usable memory with two or more CRTs would be really cool.

  • @amberweidenhamer5056
    @amberweidenhamer5056 3 месяца назад

    What is the backround music?

  • @INDIANchhanel-ii7zz
    @INDIANchhanel-ii7zz 9 месяцев назад

    Sir can you make oscillator using only the crt tv components and second one also in that we using crytal oscillator and some npn transistors to oscillation and also provide all calculations please please please please please please

  • @Afkarwataalimbenali
    @Afkarwataalimbenali Год назад

    Good idea

  • @ВалерийБеликов-щ1н

    My friend... The Cool...

  • @AgentCichy
    @AgentCichy 8 месяцев назад +2

    7 watts of current...

  • @motasimfaiyaz2974
    @motasimfaiyaz2974 Год назад +1

    so, you can only see the shape of signals but not measure their frequencies, amplitude etc

  • @combycat
    @combycat 10 месяцев назад

    Hey, I just want to say thank you for making this video. I love cathode ray tubes but I had no use for one, aside from the parts, and I also wanted to make a crt oscillascope so yeah, thanks!
    Edit: can you make a part 2? Also I don’t have most of the parts I need :(
    I have barely any soldering skills, no power supply, no signal generator, nothing😢

  • @romanelectronica86
    @romanelectronica86 Год назад

    Nice proyec . 👍. I have one with an old phosphor computer screen. 😃👍.

  • @ruvalcabagonzalezgerardo6316
    @ruvalcabagonzalezgerardo6316 7 месяцев назад

    Super cool!
    Maybe we can obtain Lissajous waveforms if we connect two channels of the FG to horizontal and vertical deplexion coils 😧

  • @Wireless433
    @Wireless433 Год назад +1

    What frequency would be max?

  • @nogatco1
    @nogatco1 Год назад

    Do you know how to fix tv with blue screen ?

  • @recuperacaorecuperacao7329
    @recuperacaorecuperacao7329 Год назад

    🌟 Qual a qualidade e características de 1 osciloscopio desse?

  • @elliotspencer2648
    @elliotspencer2648 Год назад +3

    Very interesting idea, but finding small crt tv's like the one shown are getting hard to find.

  • @sergeyreklats3205
    @sergeyreklats3205 Год назад +2

    90 degrees

  • @Γεώργιος.Παπαδόπουλος

    Τί τάσι δινουμε στα πηνεἶα ἐκτροπῆς;
    Μποροῦμε να τα τροφοδοτήσουμε ἀπὸ ἐνισχυτές ἥχου (ὅπως LM386);

  • @fahrudinjws1905
    @fahrudinjws1905 Год назад


  • @fmbroadcast
    @fmbroadcast Год назад

    It is a blue monochrome CRT ?

  • @Meteoritesanalyses-qq5hx
    @Meteoritesanalyses-qq5hx 2 месяца назад

    CRT дайте информация за цокъла и кой pin каква функция има.

  • @bernhardammer5106
    @bernhardammer5106 Год назад +1

    Wrong idea, because oscilloscopes work with electrostatic deflection! TV picture tubes are far too short for this, apart from the fact that the deflection plates are missing. They can only work with magnetic deflection.
    And what for? There should be enough discarded analog oscilloscopes on the market.

  • @youtubetv7000
    @youtubetv7000 Год назад

    SUPER 😮

  • @muammerdamar
    @muammerdamar Год назад +1


  • @Chems7308
    @Chems7308 Год назад

    I only have the crt tube ,no boards nothing it has , anyone could help me to power the tube and making some beams and wave on the tube?

  • @giovannamina8005
    @giovannamina8005 Год назад

    Good evening, would It be possibile ti have this video translate into Italian? My old father is very interested in It, but unfortunately he can't read in Enghish! Thanks !

    • @justme-n-gracie
      @justme-n-gracie Год назад +1

      use the subtext function and set it to "autotranslate" and select your language

  • @sashag7155
    @sashag7155 Год назад +2

    А для чого перетворювати телевізор в дуже низькочастотний і неякісний осцилограф? Якщо можна комп'ютер перетворити в якісний цифровий осцилограф, купивши до нього USB-приставку.

    • @vita7128.
      @vita7128. Год назад +1

      Очевидно это уже история, но когда не было больших экранов, это был выход. Если поискать то можно найти занятия с его использованием

    • @ahmedelmasry1243
      @ahmedelmasry1243 Год назад

      Can you please tell me it name?

  • @JuvenalLeal-c5o
    @JuvenalLeal-c5o Год назад

    Tem um cara chamado rodrigo que fez um com dois traços

  • @Slavik_b
    @Slavik_b Год назад

    Чтобы превратить телевизор в осциллограф , потребуется :
    1. Осциллограф
    2. ...

  • @Wolfstanus
    @Wolfstanus Год назад +1

    Fun fact, this damages the unit over time and causes screen burn because you're focusing all the energy into one spot. This is also a good way to get yourself killed if you have no idea what you're doing

    • @inventorkr1
      @inventorkr1  Год назад

      Of course this is an educational video
      Disclaimer: WARNING!
      The shown videos are for educational & entertainment purposes only. Use the given information at your own risk. Do not work beyond your capability and always hire a professional if you are not sure what you are doing. Remember: Safety first!

  • @Dididu82
    @Dididu82 Год назад

    Ce que tu as fait là, je l'ai fabriqué il y a 30 ans pour un night-club.

  • @patty1991
    @patty1991 Год назад

    No geeks in historiy NO wheels NO Electronic

  • @andrebartels1690
    @andrebartels1690 Год назад

    Tried this once on an old TV. Turned out, in Europe the high frequency high voltage transformer is connected to the horizontal deflection coil. When you cut this connection, there is no high voltage produced, no cathode ray hits the screen, everything is dead. 🙁

  • @EzeePosseTV
    @EzeePosseTV Год назад +1

    Two words... *Oscilloscope Music*

  • @Bulgarian_guy7
    @Bulgarian_guy7 12 дней назад

    1:02 why is there high voltage leaking and shocking me? from mom.

  • @olegdavidenko9678
    @olegdavidenko9678 Год назад +1

    Самая плохая идея, в кинескопе управление катушками которые имеют огромную индуктивность, к тому же там очень не линейно все, следовательно это подойдет только для демонстрации и не более

  • @paulstubbs7678
    @paulstubbs7678 6 месяцев назад +2

    Your lucky, a lot of TV's line output/EHT tend to not work when the horizontal coil is disconnected, sometimes a substitute inductor will do the trick though.
    Also be VERY sparing with the brightness, especially with only a dot shown, as you can easily burn a hole in the phosphor. (been there, done that)

  • @OscarGarcia-xy4xv
    @OscarGarcia-xy4xv Год назад

    Ancho de banda????

  • @dkoxperiakoziukov3808
    @dkoxperiakoziukov3808 Год назад

    32 inches oscilloscope is handy

  • @dewanh40
    @dewanh40 Месяц назад +1

    I did that in 1985

  • @Yuriy-mo1ky
    @Yuriy-mo1ky Год назад

    В семидесятых искал причину телевизора и его же использовал в качестве осцилографа

  • @honeybee7160
    @honeybee7160 Год назад

    이거 나도 오래전에 해봤어요.

  • @Dedicatedtolivinginthepast
    @Dedicatedtolivinginthepast Год назад +2

    Although at this point, You can buy a real Oscilloscope for less than a CRT TV lol

    • @mateuszbugaj799
      @mateuszbugaj799 Год назад +4

      It's more about learning how to hack a CRT display

    • @inventorkr1
      @inventorkr1  Год назад +3

      Your comment has already been answered

  • @rico5870
    @rico5870 Год назад

    Thanks mate to sharing! I really liked!
    Just couple questions, first one, what about the high voltage around the screen? I am bit worried.
    Second one, how can I input some immagine or analog camera and use it like a screen when the CRT tv have not an Input like Scart or RCA Video?
    Thanks mate

    • @user-rs8zg8ey2b
      @user-rs8zg8ey2b Год назад +1

      @@egg99 Mostly the tube holds the high voltage.

  • @HarisAbdulHameed-nk6uf
    @HarisAbdulHameed-nk6uf 11 месяцев назад +1

    No use for an electronic technicion if it convert this crt ,without Timebase circuitry e tc,etc ...
    It is impossible ,but can be experience and study the function of the deflection coil and the crt beem function inside a TV picture tube ....

  • @GeertJan-m7m
    @GeertJan-m7m Год назад

    Yesterday i found an roodkill crt and i made this whit it(:

  • @СашаЗорин-ц1и
    @СашаЗорин-ц1и Год назад

    Всё понятно... Сразу стало...?

  • @amyneko
    @amyneko Год назад +1

    at 5:20 i would just turn it sideways

  • @gameplayxz2357
    @gameplayxz2357 Год назад +1

    According to me its reading cant be 100% correct. I think🤔🤔

  • @YouStEeLz
    @YouStEeLz Год назад +1

    And yet another CRT to Scope video that totally misses the point of modding the Grid signal, ending up in having the RF Snow Video Signal still fed to the Grid, instead of a controlled Screen voltage to control brightness... Not asking for an Edge detection and Trigger, but the bare minimum for pete's sake!

  • @FoxOnFilm2209
    @FoxOnFilm2209 Месяц назад

    *Discharge CRT before you even consider touching it!*

  • @ТоляСоловьёв-у4ъ
    @ТоляСоловьёв-у4ъ Год назад +1

    Ответ прост - никак.

  • @dirceub.r5907
    @dirceub.r5907 Год назад

    But, is this a color tv?

  • @Warp2090
    @Warp2090 Год назад +1

    Make sure to only do this with a cheap portable B/W Tv, not a good CRT

  • @electroniquepassion
    @electroniquepassion Год назад
