Interesting movie, but can you explain what you do? Is it a bug you found? or can you solve an issue with this if you can't drive away with the Kia EV6?
Conclusively, it's not a bug. Sometimes in korea, there are not enough parking lot when try to park a car. For example, if i parked my car in front of other's car, car owner can push my car and pull out their car. That's why need ["N" shift mode] while parking.
덕분에 중립 성공 했음 설명서에서는 확 재계서 r이나 d로 1초 이상 잡고 있으라고 하는데 그게 아니고 그 사이에 걸리게 해야 하네요 탁 걸리는 느낌이 없는데 감으로 그 사이에 두면 중립됨
Interesting movie, but can you explain what you do? Is it a bug you found? or can you solve an issue with this if you can't drive away with the Kia EV6?
Conclusively, it's not a bug. Sometimes in korea, there are not enough parking lot when try to park a car. For example, if i parked my car in front of other's car, car owner can push my car and pull out their car. That's why need ["N" shift mode] while parking.
덕분에 사용했어요 감사합니다
N모드 되었는데 이중주차 하려고 내려서 밀어보려고 했는데 밀리지 않습니다 ㅠ
차가 2톤이니ㅋㅋㅋ
회생제동 다끄시고해야되요
저기 선생님 죄송하지만 전기차는 별도로 변속기가 없는걸로 알고있는데 제 ev6는 D에서 R로 전환할때 울컥 거리는데 이거 수리 맡겨야 되는걸까요, 내연기관이나 다른차들도 약간의 떨림이 있긴한데 유독 심하더라고요.
파킹브레이크 걸리는건 어케 해제하나요?🤣
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