Making True Lumber, WITHOUT a Measuring Tape

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 84

  • @falllineridge
    @falllineridge  2 года назад +5

    Check out Henry Jackson at Old Orange Canoe Design Studio!, on Instagram.

  • @singleshot2218
    @singleshot2218 2 года назад +4

    Little man is growing so big! You did a great job sawing those thought. God bless my friend!🎚🇲🇾🙏🇲🇾🇲🇾

  • @johnfahey7215
    @johnfahey7215 2 года назад +1

    camera work is great! Appreciate the different views. Good job 👍 Thanks

  • @teddie_schaefer1963
    @teddie_schaefer1963 2 года назад +14

    Going to the piggies. He is just too cute.
    The stress we have been under since my husband was diagnosed with cancer then fell and broke his hip has been unreal. These videos give me a moment to just relax and be.
    Thank you.

    • @genestatler2514
      @genestatler2514 2 года назад +2

      I hope with all my heart Teddie, that things go really well for your husband. And all my best to you. You are so right, his boy is so cute.

    • @teddie_schaefer1963
      @teddie_schaefer1963 2 года назад +1

      @@genestatler2514 thank you. I just got back from taking him to the E.R. severe stomach pain. He was resting comfortably waiting on a ctscan. The hospital wouldn't let me stay with him and he didn't want me sitting in the car at night

  • @jimmowers7675
    @jimmowers7675 2 года назад +1

    Great looking lumber. Thanks for sharing. God Bless.

  • @wileycoyotesr8623
    @wileycoyotesr8623 2 года назад +1

    I hope your friend picks up some business via this channel. Love the word-of-mouth advertising concept. It's tried and true. Nice cuts and video.

  • @catgynt9148
    @catgynt9148 2 года назад +2

    Thanks for sharing this insightful video and the cameo of your minion. Nice that you are including him in your videos. Wishing you and your family a blessed week. Peace brother.

  • @thebradleysoncatbirdhill6849
    @thebradleysoncatbirdhill6849 2 года назад +2

    Great work, Wes! I never tire of watching that Saw Mill work 💪👍

  • @Kkuts37
    @Kkuts37 2 года назад +2

    Hi, I really never thought I would be interested in videos of Milling Lumber! Now, I'm hooked! Your explanations are in point, and informative. Now I look forward to these videos as well as the others. Continued blessings to you and your beautiful family, Wes. Big fan from N.Y.

  • @DDL2728
    @DDL2728 2 года назад +1

    You have got the patience of Job with how many times you move your camera - great views!! The new logo looks good. Congrats to your designer!! You're so sweet to share your precious little boy with us - adorable 💙 God bless you and your family!!

    • @johnking8679
      @johnking8679 2 года назад

      Good instructional video today !! Can I suggest you keep a spare tape measure available on the saw somewhere. This will hopefully, prevent you from having to go back home to get one !! Great to see your son, who's definitely growing !! Lord Bless you and your entire family !!

  • @lindaisenegger163
    @lindaisenegger163 2 года назад +1

    Great methodology in overcoming that measure hurdle! added bonus of a mine me cameo in the end!!!

  • @pwengert1
    @pwengert1 2 года назад +2

    I noticed your logo had changed. Looks really nice. Henry did a fine job! Great wood today, Wes.

  • @HomesteadJay
    @HomesteadJay 2 года назад +1

    Great video! Thank you for sharing! TD lumber is nice stuff!

  • @charlessessions7293
    @charlessessions7293 2 года назад +1

    Ur grapple work has gotten better , pretty lumber , also I bet U wish Lil Man was big enuff to help ya ....excellent video 📹 !! Take care and God Bless Yall 🙌 🙏

  • @markharris5525
    @markharris5525 2 года назад +4

    We put the green lumber up Tuesday, and put the metal roofing on it today. I am building a cabin on my property, and Wes has sawn 95 percent of the lumber in it. He did a couple of videos about a year ago where he felled and milled the siding for a barn and the cabin from pines on my property. I have procured framing lumber for the walls and roof from Wes. I would like for him to do a video on the finished product of the barns and the cabin. The cabin is about 85 percent complete now. Our families go back a long time. Wes’s grandmother taught me in 8th grade in 1962. His dad is my barber. Salt of the Earth.

  • @SUROBLEDEKchannel
    @SUROBLEDEKchannel 2 года назад +1

    Keep the spirit alive, my friend

  • @tonyn3123
    @tonyn3123 2 года назад +9

    I appreciate you showing the blade adjustment wheel. I always wondered how the thickness adjustment is done on the WM saws. In a future video could you go into more detail your thought process to know where to return the blade, or is it built into the saw? Due to my technical background, I was wondering how this is done. No one I have seen online explains it very well. Thanks.

    • @tonyn3123
      @tonyn3123 2 года назад +1

      Also, for the saw travel, can you show how far the saw will go and is it possible to run the saw off the track if a person's mind wandered? Are there travel limit switches to prevent a crash?

    • @bernhardtschweizer9479
      @bernhardtschweizer9479 2 года назад

      @@tonyn3123 His LT15 has powered feed. If you look on the outside operator rail(right side of screen) you'll see a drive rope. The power feed uses this rope to pull itself along through the cut and also for the return. I'm not sure where the switch to a chain is in the WM line, but can tell you that my LT35 has the chain as do lt40+. The sawhead can't be run off the rails in either direction unless something breaks/is removed. The mill has no idea where it is in the forward/reverse direction on any WM that has less than the simple set 2 setworks, and I'm not sure the simple set 2 setworks knows.

  • @diogon.g5806
    @diogon.g5806 2 года назад +2

    Parabéns! Ótimo vídeo! Sucesso à todos!

  • @jimwilloughby
    @jimwilloughby 2 года назад +1

    I always wondered how that depth gauge worked. Thanks, Wes.

  • @stanfromalabama443
    @stanfromalabama443 2 года назад +1

    That’s one cute kid you have there. That’s the way us great grandfathers think!

  • @richardthornhill4630
    @richardthornhill4630 2 года назад +1

    Nice pine lumber to work with.

  • @HilderbrandOutdoors
    @HilderbrandOutdoors 2 года назад +1

    Nice logo and lumber.

  • @murphymmc
    @murphymmc 2 года назад +1

    You might through a back up tape measure in the tractor tool box, better yet, keep one in a dry tool box on the saw, then throw a couple in the truck. ;-)

  • @harrycockfield5114
    @harrycockfield5114 2 года назад +1

    Nice boards

  • @368fan4
    @368fan4 2 года назад +1

    True 2x6 love it.

  • @hap2bee
    @hap2bee 2 года назад

    I have the same mill, but thought I only needed one notch for the kerf. Guess I need to measure closer. Thanks for the info.

  • @justintime2277
    @justintime2277 2 года назад

    👍 From Cadillac Michigan

  • @1herbert100
    @1herbert100 2 года назад

    The boards will be fine, they are probably
    bigger in size than store-bought boards anyway. Green lumber always shrinks somewhat anyway. The boy is sure growing up fast. God Bless.

  • @TheOldManAndTheSaw
    @TheOldManAndTheSaw 2 года назад +1

    Great video, Wes. You should consider getting a quarter scale from Wood-Mizer. They make one for the LT15 and it will make your milling life so much easier. Guaranteed!

  • @brianterrill9587
    @brianterrill9587 2 года назад

    If you get a really conical trunk, do you raise the narrow end to get a better cut through the heartwood?

  • @dennismahonchak3228
    @dennismahonchak3228 2 года назад +1

    I like the new logo but enjoy your videos more.

  • @tinydancer7426
    @tinydancer7426 2 года назад +1

    Do you think you would/will ever upgrade to a saw mill that will turn the log for you?

  • @bobdown6235
    @bobdown6235 2 года назад

    haha... I saw that log jump sideways and I yelled out CLAMP, scared my dog.

  • @williamlewis9350
    @williamlewis9350 2 года назад

    Enjoyed the video. Was wondering how often you have to service the WM engine?

  • @mikeprichard7933
    @mikeprichard7933 2 года назад +1

    Your son is toooo cute

  • @brianterrill9587
    @brianterrill9587 2 года назад

    What do you do with the first cuts? Burn barrel for winter heat?

  • @billmorris2613
    @billmorris2613 2 года назад

    Good morning to all from SE Louisiana 11 Sep 22.

  • @njkay0033
    @njkay0033 2 года назад

    The tear out or shredding you see on some of the passes....Just grain of the wood or blade not sharp?

  • @hobsondrake
    @hobsondrake 2 года назад

    Why do you cut the last set (at the 19 min mark) from the top down and not from the bed up? You had to do that last cut to make the bottom board the correct size giving you a ~1/4" or so waste. If going from the bottom up that would have eliminated some of your wain(?) from the top board. Thanks for the content. Cheers.

  • @tomp538
    @tomp538 2 года назад

    Video looks really crisp, did you get a 4k camera?

  • @northwoodsinthebackwoodssa6752
    @northwoodsinthebackwoodssa6752 2 года назад

    Hey bud, wanted to know what kind of pine you’re milling? Those look identical to Norway pine, or red pine as we call them here in Minnesota. I saw lots and lots of them on my LT15 also.

  • @MrFHLH
    @MrFHLH 2 года назад

    I'm sure your customer won't mind the small amount of difference in some of the boards, when he sees the love,y .u be you have got for him.

  • @carpdude73
    @carpdude73 2 года назад

    What do you do in order to eliminate the pith? I noticed that you included it in the other slabs.

    • @falllineridge
      @falllineridge  2 года назад

      I don’t worry about it. With a hydraulic mill it’s probably a lot easier to do…if the lumber bows I just don’t use it.

  • @hectormontoya111
    @hectormontoya111 2 года назад

    hello, I would like to know how much does the lt 15 cost?

  • @JocularJack
    @JocularJack 2 года назад

    How many bdft/hr are you able to output working by yourself? - I just purchased an LT15Wide and was wondering what I should expect after a few months of good practice with it. Love the channel, been following you for around a year now!

    • @falllineridge
      @falllineridge  2 года назад

      Honestly don't know about the board feet. I can do probably 3 logs (14-16") per hour. More if they're smaller. 20" or more it's more like 2 an hour.

    • @JocularJack
      @JocularJack 2 года назад

      @@falllineridge thank you very much :) love the content, watching your shed build now!

  • @garyzinkgraf8060
    @garyzinkgraf8060 2 года назад

    I know your deck on your sawmill is level, but how do you level the log, if its not?

  • @williamsmith2804
    @williamsmith2804 2 года назад

    You used the term BUNKS, what are referring to? I enjoy your videos...

  • @michaelcaamano1202
    @michaelcaamano1202 2 года назад

    What happens to all the scraps?

  • @johnwood7372
    @johnwood7372 2 года назад

    You need a wedge for the small end to level the log for your first cut.

  • @karlbogrand1239
    @karlbogrand1239 2 года назад

    Whatever happened to the log deck?

  • @09FLTRMM77
    @09FLTRMM77 2 года назад

    MM77 Approved 👍🏼👍🏼

  • @garrysgarage1958
    @garrysgarage1958 2 года назад

    Good job , this doesn’t look your property , did you move your mill to another location?

  • @petehitch5456
    @petehitch5456 2 года назад

    Probably a dumb question. Do they make a double edged blade saw blades so you could cut in both directions?

    • @falllineridge
      @falllineridge  2 года назад

      They do, but for other mills. This mill is not designed for that.

  • @richardsabean5781
    @richardsabean5781 2 года назад

    store bought 2x6 are 1-1/2x 5-1/2,,, soooo for every 3 boards if you make em 1-1/2 you gain a board,, the six boards you made could have been 8 boards outta the same tree!! if your doing a remodel that full 6 inch board becomes a problem fitting in with 5-1/2 ..Aloha my friend..

  • @lesabre1972
    @lesabre1972 2 года назад

    Why do you cut so much pine??

  • @ronwood7040
    @ronwood7040 2 года назад

    Sometimes you get the bear and sometimes the bear gets you.. Seems like when you really want a perfect exact cut thats when its off a bit. Ron

  • @frankcherry3810
    @frankcherry3810 2 года назад

    Are these ‘Ponderosa Pines’?

  • @gregm312
    @gregm312 2 года назад

    surprised you don't have a tape dedicated for the mill , ( one thats left at the mill )

  • @nomadmarine0331
    @nomadmarine0331 2 года назад

    Looks like the old 77

  • @peteroliver3408
    @peteroliver3408 2 года назад

    It called rough sawen nominal dimension no stamp lumber for a reason...

  • @assamite9614
    @assamite9614 Год назад

    Why u get spaghetti strings when You cutting?

  • @maximojaliscoreyez2009
    @maximojaliscoreyez2009 2 года назад

    Cómo cuánto cuesta la máquina la sierra

  • @claudequeen6614
    @claudequeen6614 2 года назад

    People like us can't afford a woodmill like that so I'm just going to undescribe I can't afford something like that appreciate watching it have a blessed day and be safe 🙏

  • @368fan4
    @368fan4 2 года назад +1


  • @lenwoodlloyd292
    @lenwoodlloyd292 2 года назад

    Those piggies might become more pet than food for the little boy😬😬

  • @frankcherry3810
    @frankcherry3810 2 года назад

    Designed logos are not why I watch. Your living a life many of us wish we could, but did not exist when we were young

  • @chasegarrett3384
    @chasegarrett3384 Год назад

    Lower your engine rpm’s of tractor to an idle and the controls won’t be so jumpy

  • @janlkr9424
    @janlkr9424 2 года назад

    Hei.. nice video.. :) How much bf is possible to make per hour? :D

  • @robertporch8895
    @robertporch8895 5 месяцев назад

    Kubota Tractor

  • @daleadkins2448
    @daleadkins2448 2 года назад

    Noticed you’re running diesel now. I made the switch after watching the other fella that milled the 20 ‘ers for you. Thinking about ordering a Cooks Mill drip system. Or I might add a second valve after the shutoff to control the rate of flow.

    • @falllineridge
      @falllineridge  2 года назад

      Yep, total game changer.

    • @Islandwaterjet
      @Islandwaterjet 2 года назад

      @@falllineridge Video idea to speak some on this for example showing the flow rate, mixing the diesel with water, showing blade temperature with lube and dry no lube at the end of the cut.

  • @leroyv8372
    @leroyv8372 2 года назад

    first comment