well I love robert kiyosaki, i am eternally grateful for the wake up call his books were for me. I hope that someday I can meet my hero before they go :(
I'm A firm believer stand up and voice your opinion when you see a problem when nobody else will say it but your voice doesn't really count not unless your in their click. 🤔
Robert Kiyosaki does not know how to do business. His only business is this: talking about business and selling books. He is not a successful owner of a business and he grossly exagerates his net worth. Good reading books, that’s all.
well I love robert kiyosaki, i am eternally grateful for the wake up call his books were for me. I hope that someday I can meet my hero before they go :(
I'm A firm believer stand up and voice your opinion when you see a problem when nobody else will say it but your voice doesn't really count not unless your in their click. 🤔
Robert Kiyosaki does not know how to do business. His only business is this: talking about business and selling books. He is not a successful owner of a business and he grossly exagerates his net worth. Good reading books, that’s all.