Purchase the book: A Detailed Commentary on the Work of an Insightful Luminary by Najeeb al-Anjelesi. Link: www.amazon.com/Detailed-Commentary-Work-Insightful-Luminary/dp/B0CVW4MSJ4/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2PN9ZCFCK527N&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.OJ_x8Um8pdYbOCTdQQlIUw.XTODzQS8RfOXcH2D9NB7EPuBfP8Sit6GDqaKCRWYMF0&dib_tag=se&keywords=najeeb+al+anjelesi&qid=1718228433&sprefix=najeeb+al+anjelesi%2Caps%2C133&sr=8-1
[EXAMPLE OF THE POPES] Can also be explained as to WHY when the God appears on earth through different times in history He manifests under different names, for example: Ptah, Ain Soph, Vishnu, Anu, Zeus, Indra, Ra, Amun, Atum, Elohim, Yahweh, Adonai, Jehovah, El-Elyan, Abba, etc.
QUESTION: If the NOI believe the black man is god how come the black man still lives in hell? How come they (NOI) haven’t built a nation in 100 years comparable to the 1st 100 yrs of Al-Islaam 1400 years ago?
@@shawncooper2913 The Black Sunni/orthodox Muslims don’t claim to be “gods” nor do they claim Heaven will be on Earth or will happen after a mental resurrection that has yet to happen. Almost 100 years of the NOI and they only becoming weaker and they gonna split again when Farrakhan die like they split when Elijah died. Farrakhan just became the most popular one from those who tried to keep the NOI going after WD Muhammad disband it. All others accepted Islam under WD Muhammad. Meanwhile the Black Sunni Muslims keep calling to the authentic Sunnah/Islam. They have communities all across this country.
@@shawncooper2913 the black sunni muslims don’t claim to be divine, the NOI does. If the NOI is divine & it’s members are divine, how come they still don’t have a competitive & sovereign nation? Within 100 years of the final message of Islaam 1400 ago, muslims had conquered the known world (arabs, blacks, asians). But within 100 years of the “divine” NOI, they can’t even sell out Cobo Hall for Savior’s Day.
Allah does NOT refer to Himself as "person of thy Lord", you clearly lie against Allah as I already corrected you on this claim in the comments section to another one of my videos, yet you persist on stating this regardless of the correction based on your weakness of the Arabic language and false interpretation of "وجه". Second, yes there is nothing like Him; why?! Because He said so in more than one verse. This qualities i.e. face, hand, shin, etc; the similarity is in the word "face" or "hand" and what it generally entails; however, there is no similarity as it relates to Allah's specific reality concerning these qualities. This is simple to comprehend. A fly has a face just like a human has a face. The similarity is in the general meaning of what a face is; however, is the fly's face like the human's face? This is a comparison between one aspect of creation with another and one sees the staunch difference, yet for some reason you can't fathom the difference between Allah and human beings, which shows that Allah has deprived you of success in that regard. A gorilla has a face, a crab has a face, a fish has a face, a mosquito has a face, a bird has face, etc. All are different in terms of look.
@@PureIslaam Did you forget that Adam was created based on Allah's form? And as far as the 'person' of thy Lord...that's why included the Quranic verse and translator of the script, so please don't call me liar, I included the sources. It's funny, you say Allah is not a man, but you can't tell us who or what Allah is...all you can do is tell us what Allah is not or what His attributes are...your version of Allah is the real spook-god.
@@abdullas100 You are a liar as "وجه" doesn't mean person. Likewise Adam wasn't created in Allah's "form" as you're mistranslating "صورة" as form when in the context as i pertains to Allah the correct translation is image, and image and form have differing meanings. As for who Allah is, I've said it over and over again Allah is the supreme being God. The sole possessor of divinity unlike anyone or thing within the creation. It's not my fault you can't seem to understand and acknowledge that.
@@abdullas100 Silly one, you are no where in accordance with what the Quran is saying. You resemble those who Allah referred to as having a disease in their heart by interpreting the statements in accordance with your desires, and leaving off the other aspects of the Book that make clear your misunderstanding. You're not a translator, you rely on someone else's translation. You're not a historian, and you misrepresent the Quran and Hadith.
Originally, I was going to wait to make a response (or reply) to this video. However, I will do it now. I was born in the Nation of Islam (NOI) prior to 1975. I had the opportunity to witness Imam W Deen Muhammad come into leadership (in the NOI) after the passing of his father, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. One of the first things that the Imam WD Muhammad did after assuming leadership was to clear up a lot what his father taught. Particularly, between 1975 and 1977. Those lectures can be found here on RUclips. In my humble opinion, in order to understand the purpose of "the Lost-Found Nation of Islam" in the West, we first have to understand the mental effects of white (Supremacy) Christianity on the minds of us as a people. I believe, that's the real elephant in the room. Nonetheless, most of us (as Black people) grew up as generational Christians. Sadly, the only god that we ever knew was a physical god of a white man on the cross. In other words, how do you rationalize people out of something that they were never rationalized into? Secondly, how do you reach people (adults) who don't even know how to read or write their own name's? In conclusion, I'm not a card carrying member of the Nation of Islam. However, I do believe that Master Fard and The Honorable Elijah Muhammad made the impossible possible. Considering the extreme hostile environment we were in between 1930s and 60s. Remember, we are a people with a slave legacy. Thus, we are a new people. In 2025, we have to come out of the darkness of symbolism and come into the light of the religion of Islam proper.
[ALLAH IS A MAN] The Holy Quran DOES NOT explicitly say that Allah is a man, nor does the Holy Quran explicitly say that Allah is NOT a man...but let's see if we can make case for Allah being a man from Quran and Hadiths and Islamic Historians. “Muhammad b. Ishaq < ‘Abd al-Rahman b. al-Harith < ‘AbdAllah b. Abi Salama: [‘Abd Allah b. Abi Salama] narrates: [One day], ‘Abd Allah b. ‘Umar (the son of second Caliph) sent [a messenger] to ask ‘Abd Allah b. Abbas if Muhammad had seen his Lord. Abd Allah b. Abbas made him answer yes. ‘Abd Allah b. ‘Umar sent him his messenger again, to ask him how he had seen Him. [Ibn ‘Abbas] had him answer that he had seen Him in a verdant garden, [in the form of a young man (shabb) having under him a carpet of gold, [and also] on a footstool of gold that carried that four angels, an angel in the form of a man, an angel in the form of a bull, an angel in the form of an eagle, an angel in the form of a lion.” Quoted Source: Tajalli wa-Ruya: A Study of Anthropomorphic Theophany and Vision Dei in the Hebrew Bible, the Quran and Early Sunni Islam, by Dr. Wesley Muhammad Ph.D. Allah has a Face, Eyes, Hands, Fingers, Leg, Foot, Shin and Sees and Hears and Allah referred as “person of thy Lord” BUT nothing is like him? “Then the Almighty will come to them in a shape other than the one which they saw the first time, and He will say, 'I am your Lord,' and they will say, 'You are not our Lord.' And none will speak: to Him then but the Prophets, and then it will be said to them, 'Do you know any sign by which you can recognize Him?' They will say. 'The Shin,' and so Allah will then uncover His Shin whereupon every believer will prostrate before Him…” Reference Source: Sahih al-Bukhari 7439 [Seeing Allah's Form] al-Bukhari (4919) and Muslim (183): "This hadīth tells us that Allāh’s leg will be a sign for the believers. When they see it, they will know that they are in the presence of their Lord, and they will rush to prostrate to Him. As for the hypocrites who pretended to believe in the first life, they will not be able to pretend anymore." [Allah Reveals His Shin] Al-Bukhari 4919: “I heard the Prophet saying, “Our Lord Allah will lay bare His Shin, and then all the believers, men and women, will prostrate themselves before Him…” “We were sitting with the Prophet and he looked at the moon on the night of the full-moon and said, "You people will see your Lord as you see this full moon, and you will have no trouble in seeing Him, so if you can avoid missing (through sleep or business, etc.) a prayer before sunrise (Fajr) and a prayer before sunset (`Asr) you must do so." (See Hadith No. 529, Vol. 1) Reference : Sahih al-Bukhari 7434 [Adam made in Allah's Image] Al-Bukhari (6227) and Muslim (2841) narrated from Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Allah created Adam in His image, and he was sixty cubits tall." [Allah has Two Hands] Holy Quran 38:75 - “O Iblis, what prevented thee from submitting to him whom I created with both My hands?...” [Allah Has Eyes] Holy Quran 20:39 - “Put him into a chest, then cast it into the river, the river will cast it upon the shore - there an enemy to Me and an enemy to him shall take him up. And I shed on thee love from Me; and that thou mayest be brought up before My eyes.” [Allah Has a Form] Abu Muhammad b. Qutayba (d.889) declared: “That Allah should have a form is no stranger than His having two hands, fingers, and eyes…” Source: Abu Muhammad b. Qutayba, Kitab ta’wil mukhtalif al-hadith. Ibn Hanbal Aqida I V: “God possesses an actual form, though it is not like other forms, and He fashioned Adam after it.” Source: Ibn al-Jawzi, Kitab Akhbar al-Sifat, 175 (Eng) “And my father (Ibn Hanbal) reported to us, Abd al-Razzaq from Ma’mar from Qatada [from the prophet], Allah created Adam according to His form…” Source: Ibn Hanbal, Kitab al-Sunna, 159 [Allah as a Person] Holy Quran 55:27 - “And there endures forever the person of thy Lord, the Lord of glory and honour.” - Quran: Maulana Muhammad Ali, 1995 translation. [Angels as Men] Holy Quran 6:8-9 “And they say: Why has not an angel been sent down to him? And if We send down an angel, the matter would be decided and then they would not be respited. And if We had made him an angel, We would certainly have made him a man…”
Actually, you just bear witness to what I said originally. God coming in the person of a human being is Christianity teachings, not the religion of Islam. If a man creates a car, do he have to turn into a car to know and understand what he created? I'll wait? 🤔
[Adam made in Allah's Image] Al-Bukhari (6227) and Muslim (2841) narrated from Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Allah created Adam in His image, and he was sixty cubits tall." Cmon Pure Islaam: Only YOU have the correct understanding?
[Angels as Men] Holy Quran 6:8-9 “And they say: Why has not an angel been sent down to him? And if We send down an angel, the matter would be decided and then they would not be respited. And if We had made him an angel, We would certainly have made him a man…” “Umar ibn al-Khattab reported: We were sitting with the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, one day, a man appeared with very white clothes and very black hair….The man said, “O Muhammad, tell me about Islam.”… The Prophet said to me, “O Umar, do you know who he was?” I said, “Allah and His Messenger know best.” The Prophet said, “Verily, he was Gabriel who came to teach you your religion.” Source: Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 8. See also Sahih al-Bukhari 50
@@abdullas100 You obviously have no knowledge nor understanding . That man was Gibreel in human form not Allah ! What are you talking about ? Do you know better than Prophet Muhammad ? Did Prophet Muhammad believe Allah is a Man ? No! and No!
@@saburrashid5566 The POINT I was trying to prove is that ANGELS ARE MEN, whereas Mr. Pure Islaam stated that Angels ARE NOT men. Get it? Next point: You said, "Did Prophet Muhammad believe Allah is a Man ? No! and No!" FROM Prophet Muhammad’s cousin (Umar) and uncle (Abbas): “Muhammad b. Ishaq < ‘Abd al-Rahman b. al-Harith < ‘AbdAllah b. Abi Salama: [‘Abd Allah b. Abi Salama] narrates: [One day], ‘Abd Allah b. ‘Umar (the son of second Caliph) sent [a messenger] to ask ‘Abd Allah b. Abbas if Muhammad had seen his Lord. Abd Allah b. Abbas made him answer yes. ‘Abd Allah b. ‘Umar sent him his messenger again, to ask him how he had seen Him. [Ibn ‘Abbas] had him answer that he had seen Him in a verdant garden, [in the form of a young man (shabb) having under him a carpet of gold…” Referenced Source: Tajalli wa-Ruya: A Study of Anthropomorphic Theophany and Vision Dei in the Hebrew Bible, the Quran and Early Sunni Islam, by Dr. Wesley Muhammad Ph.D.
[NO NEED TO PICK UP BIBLE? THE MESSIAH DOES HAVE NEED] Allah teaches the Messiah the BIBLE!!! Holy Quran 3:47-48 “He [Allah] shall teach him [Messiah] the Book and the Wisdom, and the Torah and the Injīl,. (48) And [make him] a messenger to the Children of Israel,…” This cannot be referring to the historical Jesus, Moses, nor Muhammad. 1. The Quran was not revealed during the historical Moses or Jesus time. 2. Muhammad never taught the Quran to the Children of Israel or anyone else.
Any person that puts so much effort into the dividing of the Muslim ummah, as diverse as it is, in times like this, should be himself scrutinized and suspected of being a plant for the oppressor.
Any person that blindly follows and questions nothing (especially erroneous faith), should be sheared and fleeced as the true sheep they are. You have MBS. How much love does he or his entirely British implanted family have for darker Muslims? Until Islam cleans house, you may kindly... 🤫🤐😶
@@kennethanderson9467 This is why the NOI should be heavily scrutinized, because they divert from the rope of Allah that Allah commands us to be unified upon. This stuff has gone on for too long now, if Farakhan was truthful when he spoke with Imam WD Muhammad, these teachings concerning Allah, the wheel, Elijah, etc would be non existent at this point, yet two to three decades later these beliefs are still alive and kicking. Literally diverting from Allah's path and attempting to distort and belittle Allah's guidance in the process. Thus the dividers and suspected agent provocateurs are those that know the truth but intentionally distort, malign, refute, and belittle it like NOI members have been doing for the last decade and all claims have largely gone unanswered.
@@PureIslaam so you saying if a brother comes from the world with no understanding of Islam starts his journey from where he is at, in the noi, then Allah will not guide him further? Many Muslims today had their start in the noi so this rationale you are so concerned about is proven false. A person truly seeking Allah will find Allah wherever he is only Allah guides a man through the chaos and it is no business of yours especially when we have clear open enemies actively engaged in eradicating all of us, if someone is attacking a house and the individuals decide to fight inside the house against each other they will surely be defeated. So again I ask, "what side of the street are you on"? Sometimes we need to hold our tongue especially in the face of a clear enemy.
@@PureIslaam noi serves a purpose to bring folks off the streets, so does your rhetoric however your sect only divides and that benefits those who whole intention is to divide and conquer all believers.
your only understanding of "image and likeness" is physical attributes? what does the original text say? The "likeness" of God is in his 99 attributes. He is the "Most Merciful" but we as humans can "show mercy", He is the "Most Compassionate", but we as humans can "show compassion". It's not that difficult my guy.
Bro so you telling me a Human being created the Sun ,planets ,human beings and the universe ? If you believe that then you should admit yourself tomorrow to the psyche ward . You cannot be serious .
@Black-k3o4s You are a liar ! Islam is fundamentally based on Tawheed meaning absolute oneness of the creator . Allah is the creator and everything else is creation . See Surah Ikhlas
[Why Emphasize "TWO-HANDS] Holy Quran 38:75 - “O Iblis, what prevented thee from submitting to him whom I created with both My hands?...” Allah could have easily said: Holy Quran 35:1 "[All] praise is [due] to Allāh, Creator of the heavens and the earth, [who] made the angels messengers having wings, two or three or four. He increases in creation what He wills. Indeed, Allāh is over all things competent." NO REFERENCE TO TWO HANDS
Listening audience: Pure Islaam says, "Angels cannot be men," the Quran and Hadith say: Holy Quran 6:8-9 “And they say: Why has not an angel been sent down to him? And if We send down an angel, the matter would be decided and then they would not be respited. And if We had made him an angel, We would certainly have made him a man…” “Umar ibn al-Khattab reported: We were sitting with the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, one day, a man appeared with very white clothes and very black hair….The man said, “O Muhammad, tell me about Islam.”… The Prophet said to me, “O Umar, do you know who he was?” I said, “Allah and His Messenger know best.” The Prophet said, “Verily, he was Gabriel who came to teach you your religion.” Source: Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 8 What do you say, listening audience?
The only time that the NOI ever correctly embraced the Quran or the Prophets' Sunnah was during the leadership of Warith Deen Mohammed who held leadership from 1976 to his passing in 2003. In 1976 he completely rejected the original kafir philosophy of the NOI and brought them into the fold of traditional Sunni Islam, as directed by the Quran and exemplified by Prophet Muhammad ﷺ The group held onto traditional orthodox Islam as until his passing in 2003. After his death the NOI under their new leader dropped the Sunni Islam course of WD Muhammad and returned for the most part to their prior original core principles. Farrakhan is now in his 90s so only Allah knows what is their next direction will be when he passes on. May Allah return them to straight path.
Imam Warrith Deen Muhammad (pbuh) was the leader of the N.O.I. From 1975-1976 after which he founded the “American Society For Muslims” and headed that organization from 1976-2003.
[ALLAH IS A MAN] The Holy Quran DOES NOT explicitly say that Allah is a man, nor does the Holy Quran explicitly say that Allah is NOT a man...but let's see if we can make case for Allah being a man from Quran and Hadiths and Islamic Historians. “Muhammad b. Ishaq < ‘Abd al-Rahman b. al-Harith < ‘AbdAllah b. Abi Salama: [‘Abd Allah b. Abi Salama] narrates: [One day], ‘Abd Allah b. ‘Umar (the son of second Caliph) sent [a messenger] to ask ‘Abd Allah b. Abbas if Muhammad had seen his Lord. Abd Allah b. Abbas made him answer yes. ‘Abd Allah b. ‘Umar sent him his messenger again, to ask him how he had seen Him. [Ibn ‘Abbas] had him answer that he had seen Him in a verdant garden, [in the form of a young man (shabb) having under him a carpet of gold, [and also] on a footstool of gold that carried that four angels, an angel in the form of a man, an angel in the form of a bull, an angel in the form of an eagle, an angel in the form of a lion.” Quoted Source: Tajalli wa-Ruya: A Study of Anthropomorphic Theophany and Vision Dei in the Hebrew Bible, the Quran and Early Sunni Islam, by Dr. Wesley Muhammad Ph.D. Allah has a Face, Eyes, Hands, Fingers, Leg, Foot, Shin and Sees and Hears and Allah referred as “person of thy Lord” BUT nothing is like him? “Then the Almighty will come to them in a shape other than the one which they saw the first time, and He will say, 'I am your Lord,' and they will say, 'You are not our Lord.' And none will speak: to Him then but the Prophets, and then it will be said to them, 'Do you know any sign by which you can recognize Him?' They will say. 'The Shin,' and so Allah will then uncover His Shin whereupon every believer will prostrate before Him…” Reference Source: Sahih al-Bukhari 7439 [Seeing Allah's Form] al-Bukhari (4919) and Muslim (183): "This hadīth tells us that Allāh’s leg will be a sign for the believers. When they see it, they will know that they are in the presence of their Lord, and they will rush to prostrate to Him. As for the hypocrites who pretended to believe in the first life, they will not be able to pretend anymore." [Allah Reveals His Shin] Al-Bukhari 4919: “I heard the Prophet saying, “Our Lord Allah will lay bare His Shin, and then all the believers, men and women, will prostrate themselves before Him…” “We were sitting with the Prophet and he looked at the moon on the night of the full-moon and said, "You people will see your Lord as you see this full moon, and you will have no trouble in seeing Him, so if you can avoid missing (through sleep or business, etc.) a prayer before sunrise (Fajr) and a prayer before sunset (`Asr) you must do so." (See Hadith No. 529, Vol. 1) Reference : Sahih al-Bukhari 7434 [Adam made in Allah's Image] Al-Bukhari (6227) and Muslim (2841) narrated from Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Allah created Adam in His image, and he was sixty cubits tall." [Allah has Two Hands] Holy Quran 38:75 - “O Iblis, what prevented thee from submitting to him whom I created with both My hands?...” [Allah Has Eyes] Holy Quran 20:39 - “Put him into a chest, then cast it into the river, the river will cast it upon the shore - there an enemy to Me and an enemy to him shall take him up. And I shed on thee love from Me; and that thou mayest be brought up before My eyes.” [Allah Has a Form] Abu Muhammad b. Qutayba (d.889) declared: “That Allah should have a form is no stranger than His having two hands, fingers, and eyes…” Source: Abu Muhammad b. Qutayba, Kitab ta’wil mukhtalif al-hadith. Ibn Hanbal Aqida I V: “God possesses an actual form, though it is not like other forms, and He fashioned Adam after it.” Source: Ibn al-Jawzi, Kitab Akhbar al-Sifat, 175 (Eng) “And my father (Ibn Hanbal) reported to us, Abd al-Razzaq from Ma’mar from Qatada [from the prophet], Allah created Adam according to His form…” Source: Ibn Hanbal, Kitab al-Sunna, 159 [Allah as a Person] Holy Quran 55:27 - “And there endures forever the person of thy Lord, the Lord of glory and honour.” - Quran: Maulana Muhammad Ali, 1995 translation. [Angels as Men] Holy Quran 6:8-9 “And they say: Why has not an angel been sent down to him? And if We send down an angel, the matter would be decided and then they would not be respited. And if We had made him an angel, We would certainly have made him a man…”
[ALLAH HAS A FORM] Abu Muhammad b. Qutayba (d.889) declared: “That Allah should have a form is no stranger than His having two hands, fingers, and eyes…” Source: Abu Muhammad b. Qutayba, Kitab ta’wil mukhtalif al-hadith." Ibn Hanbal Aqida I V: “God possesses an actual form, though it is not like other forms, and He fashioned Adam after it.” Source: Ibn al-Jawzi, Kitab Akhbar al-Sifat, 175 (Eng) “And my father (Ibn Hanbal) reported to us, Abd al-Razzaq from Ma’mar from Qatada [from the prophet], Allah created Adam according to His form…” Source: Ibn Hanbal, Kitab al-Sunna, 159
A brief demonstration of your disingenuous approach to this issue. You selectively quoted Abu Muhammad ibn Qutayba without fully quoting his speech due to it going against your narrative. Plus you falsely refer to "صورة" as form, when the correct translation is image. Here's the full statement of the Imam: "That which is with me, and Allah the Exalted knows best, is that the image isn't any more amazing than the two hands, the fingers, and the eyes; as concordance with these occur due to their reference in the Quran. Whereas fear occurs from this (i.e. the image) on account that it did not come in the Quran; however, we believe in all of it. Likewise, we do not say about anything from it (i.e. these qualities) neither a mode/manner nor a limit." The last portion is very important; these attributes of Allah (i.e. His image, hands, eyes, etc) are affirmed without giving a mode/manner to them nor a limit, why? Because there is no one or thing in the creation like Him; thus there is no mode or manner as to how this is with Allah. There is no limiting Allah to an aspect of His creation. This is affirmed for all Attributes of Allah including His image. They are affirmed without giving a resemblance, without giving a mode or manner to His attributes etc. Thus His image is not affirmed to be the image of man or any other image as that would oppose what this imam just stated, on the contrary they are affirmed for Him in a manner befitting His majesty making them be affirmed without any resemblance to the creation whatsoever. Thus Allah is not a man, nor does he have the image of man, simple.
@@PureIslaam Sounds like Al-Ghazzalli's SPOOK GOD! And you can have it! “He [God Most High] is not a body with a form, or a limited, quantitative substance…He does not resemble anything that exists, nor does anything that exists resemble him. There is nothing whatsoever like unto Him, nor is He like unto anything. He is not delimited by magnitude, contained by places, encompassed by directions, or bound by heavens or earth.” “He sees without pupil or eyelid. He hears without ear canals or ears. Like wise, He knows without a heart. He seizes without an extremity, and He creates without an implement-because His attributes do not resemble the attributes of the creation. Likewise, His essence does not resemble the essences of the creation.” --- If this is YOUR god, you can have him.
@@MrARhodes Islam entered the black community through noi now y'all 💩on them? Most black Americans owe their whole introduction to Islam to noi. Sick of y'all trying to vulture the Arab culture and call it Islam
@@MrARhodes 17.53. And say to My servants that they should always speak (even when disputing with others) that which is the best. Satan is ever ready to sow discord among them. For Satan indeed is a manifest enemy for humankind
@@MrARhodes this man's father that raised him did so under the teachings of the noi, that is his roots, alhamdulila he has grown beyond that, but put some respect on it and it's legacy of being the entry point for many of us lost souls in the west.
As Salaam Alaikum Brother and sisters. If you're listening to this " Brother ". Ask yourself 1 question. Why doesn't he as for a representative Of The Nation Of Islam to dialog with him. If you truly believe.
Debate them for what? What would be the common source that they both could refer to as proof for their arguments? The Muslims refer to Qur’an & Sunnah with the understanding Muhammad taught his companions. The NOI refers to Elijah Muhammad and mostly Bible verses for religious text. They even claim the Qur’an was tampered with or changed. So debate them for what? Refuting them is sufficient. Their numbers are steady declining.
As salaam upon those that follow guidance. For what reason should I, referred to by yourself as this "Brother", reach out to anyone from the nation? To dialog about what exactly? Imam WD Muhammad conversed directly with its leader decades ago, yet the NOI has not come any closer to the teachings of Islam, on the contrary they have doubled down on their disbelief in the text. Furthermore, members of the NOI have openly attacked Islam with claims like practicing spookism, or not following true Islam, and other such falsities that insinuate that the pure teachings of Islam are falsehood, yet no one among them reached out to imams for dialog. Thus, clarification about their falsehood will be made clear, in accordance with the protocols of the text, after all that's the action of one who believes. Simple.
Wow !!! Your approach to learning and understanding is why my statement makes more sense after reading your response. In the 3rd Surah, The Family Of Ameran, The Birth Of Jesus and His Ministry. Allah Said, He Will Teach him The Book and The Wisedom and The Torah and The Gospel. So, if you're wondering why The Nation Of Islam always mentions Bible and Quran . That's because The Messiah is among Us. Peace
WATCH Pure Islaam try to explain this away, as if, HE is Allah's gatekeeper. [ALLAH HAS A SHIN] Sahih al-Bukhari 7439: Then the Almighty will come to them in a shape other than the one which they saw the first time, and He will say, 'I am your Lord,' and they will say, 'You are not our Lord.' And none will speak: to Him then but the Prophets, and then it will be said to them, 'Do you know any sign by which you can recognize Him?' They will say. 'The Shin,' and so Allah will then uncover His Shin whereupon every believer will prostrate before Him and there will remain those who used to prostrate before Him just for showing off and for gaining good reputation." Brotha Pure Islaam you DO realize that you're on the public airways being refuted with Quran, Hadith, and Islamic Historians and if any of the refutations conflict with what you already believe, you reject it regardless, if its Quran, Hadith, or verified history...you suffer from tunnel vision, you ONLY see YOUR way.
Peace Brother! You do not understand Islam. You are Quoting like ABC'S and we know what's in the Holy Quran. Then you find where in the Quran when it says Allah is not Man.
@@Black-k3o4s I think it's time you stop attributing stupidity to us with ignorant comments like this that expose your poor understanding. We follow the text of the Quran and Sunnah, that's what we follow, despite your disapproval.
@@PureIslaam you speak of the "us" as if you speak for a particular sect. You don't speak for the arabs and they as you know won't accept you. You had an audio of someone you said was a member of the noi, where did you get this audio so everyone can check themselves if this is true. They you scared to let the audience listen to it completely, this is deception . Does turn unto an Arab
Purchase the book: A Detailed Commentary on the Work of an Insightful Luminary by Najeeb al-Anjelesi. Link:
So where's the NOI's god tier accomplishments?!
[EXAMPLE OF THE POPES] Can also be explained as to WHY when the God appears on earth through different times in history He manifests under different names, for example: Ptah, Ain Soph, Vishnu, Anu, Zeus, Indra, Ra, Amun, Atum, Elohim, Yahweh, Adonai, Jehovah, El-Elyan, Abba, etc.
Asalamua lakum i been liking your content so far from what ive been saying
Wa alaykummus salaam wa rahmatullah
QUESTION: If the NOI believe the black man is god how come the black man still lives in hell? How come they (NOI) haven’t built a nation in 100 years comparable to the 1st 100 yrs of Al-Islaam 1400 years ago?
Neither did the black Sunni/orthodox Muslims.
@@shawncooper2913I don’t think the point is reversible because the NOI claims the black man is GOD. Sunnis don’t. just my 2 cents
The Black Sunni/orthodox Muslims don’t claim to be “gods” nor do they claim Heaven will be on Earth or will happen after a mental resurrection that has yet to happen. Almost 100 years of the NOI and they only becoming weaker and they gonna split again when Farrakhan die like they split when Elijah died. Farrakhan just became the most popular one from those who tried to keep the NOI going after WD Muhammad disband it. All others accepted Islam under WD Muhammad. Meanwhile the Black Sunni Muslims keep calling to the authentic Sunnah/Islam. They have communities all across this country.
@@shawncooper2913 the black sunni muslims don’t claim to be divine, the NOI does. If the NOI is divine & it’s members are divine, how come they still don’t have a competitive & sovereign nation?
Within 100 years of the final message of Islaam 1400 ago, muslims had conquered the known world (arabs, blacks, asians). But within 100 years of the “divine” NOI, they can’t even sell out Cobo Hall for Savior’s Day.
@@anthonybey1324 bingo!
Allah has a Face, Eyes, Hands, Fingers, Leg, Foot, Shin and Sees and Hears and Allah referred as “person of thy Lord” BUT nothing is like him?
Allah does NOT refer to Himself as "person of thy Lord", you clearly lie against Allah as I already corrected you on this claim in the comments section to another one of my videos, yet you persist on stating this regardless of the correction based on your weakness of the Arabic language and false interpretation of "وجه". Second, yes there is nothing like Him; why?! Because He said so in more than one verse. This qualities i.e. face, hand, shin, etc; the similarity is in the word "face" or "hand" and what it generally entails; however, there is no similarity as it relates to Allah's specific reality concerning these qualities. This is simple to comprehend. A fly has a face just like a human has a face. The similarity is in the general meaning of what a face is; however, is the fly's face like the human's face? This is a comparison between one aspect of creation with another and one sees the staunch difference, yet for some reason you can't fathom the difference between Allah and human beings, which shows that Allah has deprived you of success in that regard. A gorilla has a face, a crab has a face, a fish has a face, a mosquito has a face, a bird has face, etc. All are different in terms of look.
@@PureIslaam Did you forget that Adam was created based on Allah's form?
And as far as the 'person' of thy Lord...that's why included the Quranic verse and translator of the script, so please don't call me liar, I included the sources.
It's funny, you say Allah is not a man, but you can't tell us who or what Allah is...all you can do is tell us what Allah is not or what His attributes are...your version of Allah is the real spook-god.
@@abdullas100 You are a liar as "وجه" doesn't mean person. Likewise Adam wasn't created in Allah's "form" as you're mistranslating "صورة" as form when in the context as i pertains to Allah the correct translation is image, and image and form have differing meanings.
As for who Allah is, I've said it over and over again Allah is the supreme being God. The sole possessor of divinity unlike anyone or thing within the creation. It's not my fault you can't seem to understand and acknowledge that.
@@PureIslaam Ok bro, we (translators, historians, hadiths, and Quran) are wrong, and you are right!
@@abdullas100 Silly one, you are no where in accordance with what the Quran is saying. You resemble those who Allah referred to as having a disease in their heart by interpreting the statements in accordance with your desires, and leaving off the other aspects of the Book that make clear your misunderstanding. You're not a translator, you rely on someone else's translation. You're not a historian, and you misrepresent the Quran and Hadith.
I Was With The NOI April 2014-June 3-2016 And March -2023 Through September 30-2023
Jazakumullah khair for this nasiha, Shaykh Najeeb
@@bamu8328 Alhamdulillah, may Allah cause it to be a source of benefit.
The Bible & The Quran we read today is Messianic European Science. Shalom! Shalom! 😇
Originally, I was going to wait to make a response (or reply) to this video. However, I will do it now. I was born in the Nation of Islam (NOI) prior to 1975. I had the opportunity to witness Imam W Deen Muhammad come into leadership (in the NOI) after the passing of his father, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. One of the first things that the Imam WD Muhammad did after assuming leadership was to clear up a lot what his father taught. Particularly, between 1975 and 1977. Those lectures can be found here on RUclips. In my humble opinion, in order to understand the purpose of "the Lost-Found Nation of Islam" in the West, we first have to understand the mental effects of white (Supremacy) Christianity on the minds of us as a people. I believe, that's the real elephant in the room. Nonetheless, most of us (as Black people) grew up as generational Christians. Sadly, the only god that we ever knew was a physical god of a white man on the cross. In other words, how do you rationalize people out of something that they were never rationalized into? Secondly, how do you reach people (adults) who don't even know how to read or write their own name's? In conclusion, I'm not a card carrying member of the Nation of Islam. However, I do believe that Master Fard and The Honorable Elijah Muhammad made the impossible possible. Considering the extreme hostile environment we were in between 1930s and 60s. Remember, we are a people with a slave legacy. Thus, we are a new people. In 2025, we have to come out of the darkness of symbolism and come into the light of the religion of Islam proper.
[ALLAH IS A MAN] The Holy Quran DOES NOT explicitly say that Allah is a man, nor does the Holy Quran explicitly say that Allah is NOT a man...but let's see if we can make case for Allah being a man from Quran and Hadiths and Islamic Historians.
“Muhammad b. Ishaq < ‘Abd al-Rahman b. al-Harith < ‘AbdAllah b. Abi Salama: [‘Abd Allah b. Abi Salama] narrates: [One day], ‘Abd Allah b. ‘Umar (the son of second Caliph) sent [a messenger] to ask ‘Abd Allah b. Abbas if Muhammad had seen his Lord. Abd Allah b. Abbas made him answer yes. ‘Abd Allah b. ‘Umar sent him his messenger again, to ask him how he had seen Him. [Ibn ‘Abbas] had him answer that he had seen Him in a verdant garden, [in the form of a young man (shabb) having under him a carpet of gold, [and also] on a footstool of gold that carried that four angels, an angel in the form of a man, an angel in the form of a bull, an angel in the form of an eagle, an angel in the form of a lion.” Quoted Source: Tajalli wa-Ruya: A Study of Anthropomorphic Theophany and Vision Dei in the Hebrew Bible, the Quran and Early Sunni Islam, by Dr. Wesley Muhammad Ph.D.
Allah has a Face, Eyes, Hands, Fingers, Leg, Foot, Shin and Sees and Hears and Allah referred as “person of thy Lord” BUT nothing is like him?
“Then the Almighty will come to them in a shape other than the one which they saw the first time, and He will say, 'I am your Lord,' and they will say, 'You are not our Lord.' And none will speak: to Him then but the Prophets, and then it will be said to them, 'Do you know any sign by which you can recognize Him?' They will say. 'The Shin,' and so Allah will then uncover His Shin whereupon every believer will prostrate before Him…” Reference Source: Sahih al-Bukhari 7439
[Seeing Allah's Form] al-Bukhari (4919) and Muslim (183): "This hadīth tells us that Allāh’s leg will be a sign for the believers. When they see it, they will know that they are in the presence of their Lord, and they will rush to prostrate to Him. As for the hypocrites who pretended to believe in the first life, they will not be able to pretend anymore."
[Allah Reveals His Shin] Al-Bukhari 4919: “I heard the Prophet saying, “Our Lord Allah will lay bare His Shin, and then all the believers, men and women, will prostrate themselves before Him…”
“We were sitting with the Prophet and he looked at the moon on the night of the full-moon and said, "You people will see your Lord as you see this full moon, and you will have no trouble in seeing Him, so if you can avoid missing (through sleep or business, etc.) a prayer before sunrise (Fajr) and a prayer before sunset (`Asr) you must do so." (See Hadith No. 529, Vol. 1) Reference : Sahih al-Bukhari 7434
[Adam made in Allah's Image] Al-Bukhari (6227) and Muslim (2841) narrated from Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Allah created Adam in His image, and he was sixty cubits tall."
[Allah has Two Hands] Holy Quran 38:75 - “O Iblis, what prevented thee from submitting to him whom I created with both My hands?...”
[Allah Has Eyes] Holy Quran 20:39 - “Put him into a chest, then cast it into the river, the river will cast it upon the shore - there an enemy to Me and an enemy to him shall take him up. And I shed on thee love from Me; and that thou mayest be brought up before My eyes.”
[Allah Has a Form] Abu Muhammad b. Qutayba (d.889) declared: “That Allah should have a form is no stranger than His having two hands, fingers, and eyes…” Source: Abu Muhammad b. Qutayba, Kitab ta’wil mukhtalif al-hadith.
Ibn Hanbal Aqida I V: “God possesses an actual form, though it is not like other forms, and He fashioned Adam after it.” Source: Ibn al-Jawzi, Kitab Akhbar al-Sifat, 175 (Eng)
“And my father (Ibn Hanbal) reported to us, Abd al-Razzaq from Ma’mar from Qatada [from the prophet], Allah created Adam according to His form…” Source: Ibn Hanbal, Kitab al-Sunna, 159
[Allah as a Person] Holy Quran 55:27 - “And there endures forever the person of thy Lord, the Lord of glory and honour.” - Quran: Maulana Muhammad Ali, 1995 translation.
[Angels as Men] Holy Quran 6:8-9 “And they say: Why has not an angel been sent down to him? And if We send down an angel, the matter would be decided and then they would not be respited. And if We had made him an angel, We would certainly have made him a man…”
Actually, you just bear witness to what I said originally. God coming in the person of a human being is Christianity teachings, not the religion of Islam. If a man creates a car, do he have to turn into a car to know and understand what he created? I'll wait? 🤔
Salaam alaikum listening to you from South Jersey
Wa alaykummus salaam wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuhu.
[Adam made in Allah's Image] Al-Bukhari (6227) and Muslim (2841) narrated from Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Allah created Adam in His image, and he was sixty cubits tall."
Cmon Pure Islaam: Only YOU have the correct understanding?
[Angels as Men]
Holy Quran 6:8-9 “And they say: Why has not an angel been sent down to him? And if We send down an angel, the matter would be decided and then they would not be respited. And if We had made him an angel, We would certainly have made him a man…”
“Umar ibn al-Khattab reported: We were sitting with the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, one day, a man appeared with very white clothes and very black hair….The man said, “O Muhammad, tell me about Islam.”… The Prophet said to me, “O Umar, do you know who he was?” I said, “Allah and His Messenger know best.” The Prophet said, “Verily, he was Gabriel who came to teach you your religion.” Source: Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 8. See also Sahih al-Bukhari 50
@@abdullas100 You obviously have no knowledge nor understanding . That man was Gibreel in human form not Allah ! What are you talking about ? Do you know better than Prophet Muhammad ? Did Prophet Muhammad believe Allah is a Man ? No! and No!
@@saburrashid5566 The POINT I was trying to prove is that ANGELS ARE MEN, whereas Mr. Pure Islaam stated that Angels ARE NOT men. Get it?
Next point: You said, "Did Prophet Muhammad believe Allah is a Man ? No! and No!"
FROM Prophet Muhammad’s cousin (Umar) and uncle (Abbas): “Muhammad b. Ishaq < ‘Abd al-Rahman b. al-Harith < ‘AbdAllah b. Abi Salama: [‘Abd Allah b. Abi Salama] narrates: [One day], ‘Abd Allah b. ‘Umar (the son of second Caliph) sent [a messenger] to ask ‘Abd Allah b. Abbas if Muhammad had seen his Lord. Abd Allah b. Abbas made him answer yes. ‘Abd Allah b. ‘Umar sent him his messenger again, to ask him how he had seen Him. [Ibn ‘Abbas] had him answer that he had seen Him in a verdant garden, [in the form of a young man (shabb) having under him a carpet of gold…” Referenced Source: Tajalli wa-Ruya: A Study of Anthropomorphic Theophany and Vision Dei in the Hebrew Bible, the Quran and Early Sunni Islam, by Dr. Wesley Muhammad Ph.D.
Holy Quran 3:47-48 “He [Allah] shall teach him [Messiah] the Book and the Wisdom, and the Torah and the Injīl,. (48) And [make him] a messenger to the Children of Israel,…”
This cannot be referring to the historical Jesus, Moses, nor Muhammad.
1. The Quran was not revealed during the historical Moses or Jesus time.
2. Muhammad never taught the Quran to the Children of Israel or anyone else.
Any person that puts so much effort into the dividing of the Muslim ummah, as diverse as it is, in times like this, should be himself scrutinized and suspected of being a plant for the oppressor.
Any person that blindly follows and questions nothing (especially erroneous faith), should be sheared and fleeced as the true sheep they are. You have MBS. How much love does he or his entirely British implanted family have for darker Muslims? Until Islam cleans house, you may kindly... 🤫🤐😶
@@kennethanderson9467 This is why the NOI should be heavily scrutinized, because they divert from the rope of Allah that Allah commands us to be unified upon. This stuff has gone on for too long now, if Farakhan was truthful when he spoke with Imam WD Muhammad, these teachings concerning Allah, the wheel, Elijah, etc would be non existent at this point, yet two to three decades later these beliefs are still alive and kicking. Literally diverting from Allah's path and attempting to distort and belittle Allah's guidance in the process. Thus the dividers and suspected agent provocateurs are those that know the truth but intentionally distort, malign, refute, and belittle it like NOI members have been doing for the last decade and all claims have largely gone unanswered.
@@kennethanderson9467 Not anymore.
@@PureIslaam so you saying if a brother comes from the world with no understanding of Islam starts his journey from where he is at, in the noi, then Allah will not guide him further? Many Muslims today had their start in the noi so this rationale you are so concerned about is proven false. A person truly seeking Allah will find Allah wherever he is only Allah guides a man through the chaos and it is no business of yours especially when we have clear open enemies actively engaged in eradicating all of us, if someone is attacking a house and the individuals decide to fight inside the house against each other they will surely be defeated. So again I ask, "what side of the street are you on"? Sometimes we need to hold our tongue especially in the face of a clear enemy.
@@PureIslaam noi serves a purpose to bring folks off the streets, so does your rhetoric however your sect only divides and that benefits those who whole intention is to divide and conquer all believers.
First human being was Adam, but he was made in the image and likeness of Allah. Ya'll saying he's not a man is ridiculous. This is from your Hadith.
your only understanding of "image and likeness" is physical attributes? what does the original text say? The "likeness" of God is in his 99 attributes. He is the "Most Merciful" but we as humans can "show mercy", He is the "Most Compassionate", but we as humans can "show compassion". It's not that difficult my guy.
Bro so you telling me a Human being created the Sun ,planets ,human beings and the universe ? If you believe that then you should admit yourself tomorrow to the psyche ward . You cannot be serious .
@@wiseknowin777doesn't the hadith say don't hit in the face because adam was created in Allah's image?
@@saburrashid5566quran said its other creators
@Black-k3o4s You are a liar ! Islam is fundamentally based on Tawheed meaning absolute oneness of the creator . Allah is the creator and everything else is creation . See Surah Ikhlas
May Allah preserve you
[Why Emphasize "TWO-HANDS]
Holy Quran 38:75 - “O Iblis, what prevented thee from submitting to him whom I created with both My hands?...”
Allah could have easily said:
Holy Quran 35:1 "[All] praise is [due] to Allāh, Creator of the heavens and the earth, [who] made the angels messengers having wings, two or three or four. He increases in creation what He wills. Indeed, Allāh is over all things competent." NO REFERENCE TO TWO HANDS
Listening audience: Pure Islaam says, "Angels cannot be men," the Quran and Hadith say:
Holy Quran 6:8-9 “And they say: Why has not an angel been sent down to him? And if We send down an angel, the matter would be decided and then they would not be respited. And if We had made him an angel, We would certainly have made him a man…”
“Umar ibn al-Khattab reported: We were sitting with the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, one day, a man appeared with very white clothes and very black hair….The man said, “O Muhammad, tell me about Islam.”… The Prophet said to me, “O Umar, do you know who he was?” I said, “Allah and His Messenger know best.” The Prophet said, “Verily, he was Gabriel who came to teach you your religion.” Source: Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 8
What do you say, listening audience?
The only time that the NOI ever correctly embraced the Quran or the Prophets' Sunnah was during the leadership of Warith Deen Mohammed who held leadership from 1976 to his passing in 2003. In 1976 he completely rejected the original kafir philosophy of the NOI and brought them into the fold of traditional Sunni Islam, as directed by the Quran and exemplified by Prophet Muhammad ﷺ The group held onto traditional orthodox Islam as until his passing in 2003. After his death the NOI under their new leader dropped the Sunni Islam course of WD Muhammad and returned for the most part to their prior original core principles. Farrakhan is now in his 90s so only Allah knows what is their next direction will be when he passes on. May Allah return them to straight path.
Imam Warrith Deen Muhammad (pbuh) was the leader of the N.O.I. From 1975-1976 after which he founded the “American Society For Muslims” and headed that organization from 1976-2003.
The black Americans have never been right since they left Elijah Muhammad
[ALLAH IS A MAN] The Holy Quran DOES NOT explicitly say that Allah is a man, nor does the Holy Quran explicitly say that Allah is NOT a man...but let's see if we can make case for Allah being a man from Quran and Hadiths and Islamic Historians.
“Muhammad b. Ishaq < ‘Abd al-Rahman b. al-Harith < ‘AbdAllah b. Abi Salama: [‘Abd Allah b. Abi Salama] narrates: [One day], ‘Abd Allah b. ‘Umar (the son of second Caliph) sent [a messenger] to ask ‘Abd Allah b. Abbas if Muhammad had seen his Lord. Abd Allah b. Abbas made him answer yes. ‘Abd Allah b. ‘Umar sent him his messenger again, to ask him how he had seen Him. [Ibn ‘Abbas] had him answer that he had seen Him in a verdant garden, [in the form of a young man (shabb) having under him a carpet of gold, [and also] on a footstool of gold that carried that four angels, an angel in the form of a man, an angel in the form of a bull, an angel in the form of an eagle, an angel in the form of a lion.” Quoted Source: Tajalli wa-Ruya: A Study of Anthropomorphic Theophany and Vision Dei in the Hebrew Bible, the Quran and Early Sunni Islam, by Dr. Wesley Muhammad Ph.D.
Allah has a Face, Eyes, Hands, Fingers, Leg, Foot, Shin and Sees and Hears and Allah referred as “person of thy Lord” BUT nothing is like him?
“Then the Almighty will come to them in a shape other than the one which they saw the first time, and He will say, 'I am your Lord,' and they will say, 'You are not our Lord.' And none will speak: to Him then but the Prophets, and then it will be said to them, 'Do you know any sign by which you can recognize Him?' They will say. 'The Shin,' and so Allah will then uncover His Shin whereupon every believer will prostrate before Him…” Reference Source: Sahih al-Bukhari 7439
[Seeing Allah's Form] al-Bukhari (4919) and Muslim (183): "This hadīth tells us that Allāh’s leg will be a sign for the believers. When they see it, they will know that they are in the presence of their Lord, and they will rush to prostrate to Him. As for the hypocrites who pretended to believe in the first life, they will not be able to pretend anymore."
[Allah Reveals His Shin] Al-Bukhari 4919: “I heard the Prophet saying, “Our Lord Allah will lay bare His Shin, and then all the believers, men and women, will prostrate themselves before Him…”
“We were sitting with the Prophet and he looked at the moon on the night of the full-moon and said, "You people will see your Lord as you see this full moon, and you will have no trouble in seeing Him, so if you can avoid missing (through sleep or business, etc.) a prayer before sunrise (Fajr) and a prayer before sunset (`Asr) you must do so." (See Hadith No. 529, Vol. 1) Reference : Sahih al-Bukhari 7434
[Adam made in Allah's Image] Al-Bukhari (6227) and Muslim (2841) narrated from Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Allah created Adam in His image, and he was sixty cubits tall."
[Allah has Two Hands] Holy Quran 38:75 - “O Iblis, what prevented thee from submitting to him whom I created with both My hands?...”
[Allah Has Eyes] Holy Quran 20:39 - “Put him into a chest, then cast it into the river, the river will cast it upon the shore - there an enemy to Me and an enemy to him shall take him up. And I shed on thee love from Me; and that thou mayest be brought up before My eyes.”
[Allah Has a Form] Abu Muhammad b. Qutayba (d.889) declared: “That Allah should have a form is no stranger than His having two hands, fingers, and eyes…” Source: Abu Muhammad b. Qutayba, Kitab ta’wil mukhtalif al-hadith.
Ibn Hanbal Aqida I V: “God possesses an actual form, though it is not like other forms, and He fashioned Adam after it.” Source: Ibn al-Jawzi, Kitab Akhbar al-Sifat, 175 (Eng)
“And my father (Ibn Hanbal) reported to us, Abd al-Razzaq from Ma’mar from Qatada [from the prophet], Allah created Adam according to His form…” Source: Ibn Hanbal, Kitab al-Sunna, 159
[Allah as a Person] Holy Quran 55:27 - “And there endures forever the person of thy Lord, the Lord of glory and honour.” - Quran: Maulana Muhammad Ali, 1995 translation.
[Angels as Men] Holy Quran 6:8-9 “And they say: Why has not an angel been sent down to him? And if We send down an angel, the matter would be decided and then they would not be respited. And if We had made him an angel, We would certainly have made him a man…”
Abu Muhammad b. Qutayba (d.889) declared: “That Allah should have a form is no stranger than His having two hands, fingers, and eyes…” Source: Abu Muhammad b. Qutayba, Kitab ta’wil mukhtalif al-hadith."
Ibn Hanbal Aqida I V: “God possesses an actual form, though it is not like other forms, and He fashioned Adam after it.” Source: Ibn al-Jawzi, Kitab Akhbar al-Sifat, 175 (Eng)
“And my father (Ibn Hanbal) reported to us, Abd al-Razzaq from Ma’mar from Qatada [from the prophet], Allah created Adam according to His form…” Source: Ibn Hanbal, Kitab al-Sunna, 159
A brief demonstration of your disingenuous approach to this issue. You selectively quoted Abu Muhammad ibn Qutayba without fully quoting his speech due to it going against your narrative. Plus you falsely refer to "صورة" as form, when the correct translation is image. Here's the full statement of the Imam:
"That which is with me, and Allah the Exalted knows best, is that the image isn't any more amazing than the two hands, the fingers, and the eyes; as concordance with these occur due to their reference in the Quran. Whereas fear occurs from this (i.e. the image) on account that it did not come in the Quran; however, we believe in all of it. Likewise, we do not say about anything from it (i.e. these qualities) neither a mode/manner nor a limit."
The last portion is very important; these attributes of Allah (i.e. His image, hands, eyes, etc) are affirmed without giving a mode/manner to them nor a limit, why? Because there is no one or thing in the creation like Him; thus there is no mode or manner as to how this is with Allah. There is no limiting Allah to an aspect of His creation. This is affirmed for all Attributes of Allah including His image. They are affirmed without giving a resemblance, without giving a mode or manner to His attributes etc. Thus His image is not affirmed to be the image of man or any other image as that would oppose what this imam just stated, on the contrary they are affirmed for Him in a manner befitting His majesty making them be affirmed without any resemblance to the creation whatsoever. Thus Allah is not a man, nor does he have the image of man, simple.
@@PureIslaam Sounds like Al-Ghazzalli's SPOOK GOD! And you can have it!
“He [God Most High] is not a body with a form, or a limited, quantitative substance…He does not resemble anything that exists, nor does anything that exists resemble him. There is nothing whatsoever like unto Him, nor is He like unto anything. He is not delimited by magnitude, contained by places, encompassed by directions, or bound by heavens or earth.” “He sees without pupil or eyelid. He hears without ear canals or ears. Like wise, He knows without a heart. He seizes without an extremity, and He creates without an implement-because His attributes do not resemble the attributes of the creation. Likewise, His essence does not resemble the essences of the creation.” --- If this is YOUR god, you can have him.
What side of the street you on ?
The side that does HOMEWORK. Try it sometime. 🫡
@MrARhodes what homework?
@@MrARhodes Islam entered the black community through noi now y'all 💩on them?
Most black Americans owe their whole introduction to Islam to noi. Sick of y'all trying to vulture the Arab culture and call it Islam
@@MrARhodes 17.53. And say to My servants that they should always speak (even when disputing with others) that which is the best. Satan is ever ready to sow discord among them. For Satan indeed is a manifest enemy for humankind
@@MrARhodes this man's father that raised him did so under the teachings of the noi, that is his roots, alhamdulila he has grown beyond that, but put some respect on it and it's legacy of being the entry point for many of us lost souls in the west.
As Salaam Alaikum Brother and sisters. If you're listening to this " Brother ". Ask yourself 1 question. Why doesn't he as for a representative Of The Nation Of Islam to dialog with him. If you truly believe.
Debate them for what? What would be the common source that they both could refer to as proof for their arguments? The Muslims refer to Qur’an & Sunnah with the understanding Muhammad taught his companions. The NOI refers to Elijah Muhammad and mostly Bible verses for religious text. They even claim the Qur’an was tampered with or changed. So debate them for what? Refuting them is sufficient. Their numbers are steady declining.
As salaam upon those that follow guidance. For what reason should I, referred to by yourself as this "Brother", reach out to anyone from the nation? To dialog about what exactly? Imam WD Muhammad conversed directly with its leader decades ago, yet the NOI has not come any closer to the teachings of Islam, on the contrary they have doubled down on their disbelief in the text. Furthermore, members of the NOI have openly attacked Islam with claims like practicing spookism, or not following true Islam, and other such falsities that insinuate that the pure teachings of Islam are falsehood, yet no one among them reached out to imams for dialog. Thus, clarification about their falsehood will be made clear, in accordance with the protocols of the text, after all that's the action of one who believes. Simple.
Wow !!! Your approach to learning and understanding is why my statement makes more sense after reading your response. In the 3rd Surah, The Family Of Ameran, The Birth Of Jesus and His Ministry. Allah Said, He Will Teach him The Book and The Wisedom and The Torah and The Gospel. So, if you're wondering why The Nation Of Islam always mentions Bible and Quran . That's because The Messiah is among Us.
Oh, I never used the word " Debate ". I said dialog.
Good question Brother
WATCH Pure Islaam try to explain this away, as if, HE is Allah's gatekeeper.
[ALLAH HAS A SHIN] Sahih al-Bukhari 7439: Then the Almighty will come to them in a shape other than the one which they saw the first time, and He will say, 'I am your Lord,' and they will say, 'You are not our Lord.' And none will speak: to Him then but the Prophets, and then it will be said to them, 'Do you know any sign by which you can recognize Him?' They will say. 'The Shin,' and so Allah will then uncover His Shin whereupon every believer will prostrate before Him and there will remain those who used to prostrate before Him just for showing off and for gaining good reputation."
Brotha Pure Islaam you DO realize that you're on the public airways being refuted with Quran, Hadith, and Islamic Historians and if any of the refutations conflict with what you already believe, you reject it regardless, if its Quran, Hadith, or verified history...you suffer from tunnel vision, you ONLY see YOUR way.
Peace Brother! You do not understand Islam. You are Quoting like ABC'S and we know what's in the Holy Quran. Then you find where in the Quran when it says Allah is not Man.
Peace black man, I think it's time you sunni stop following the arabs.
All they give you is bilal, when all the prophets were black
@@Black-k3o4s I think it's time you stop attributing stupidity to us with ignorant comments like this that expose your poor understanding. We follow the text of the Quran and Sunnah, that's what we follow, despite your disapproval.
@@PureIslaam you speak of the "us" as if you speak for a particular sect.
You don't speak for the arabs and they as you know won't accept you.
You had an audio of someone you said was a member of the noi, where did you get this audio so everyone can check themselves if this is true.
They you scared to let the audience listen to it completely, this is deception . Does turn unto an Arab