Got very lucky to interviewed with them a few years ago, although I didn't get the position :( I did make some friends from there. I really appreciate such engineering-oriented team which can create true innovation and efficient progress. Gonna add a new printer on my dashboard!
Got very lucky to interviewed with them a few years ago, although I didn't get the position :( I did make some friends from there. I really appreciate such engineering-oriented team which can create true innovation and efficient progress. Gonna add a new printer on my dashboard!
既然OWEN提起formlab就太好了, 有些關於form4 的問題想問一下
首先是它LCD的光源強度對比現在anycubic/elegoo/phrozen/creality 新出的家用機差別有多大?
第二就是, formlab 的確有很多不同種類的材料, 我比較關注的是rigid系列的, 但老實說siryatech的blu系列的數據好像也不差, 所以論材料(eg: 室外用電子產品的外殼)的性能, 他們有哪種是獨有而其他家用機用不了的? (假設只買他們resin換瓶)
和其他品牌的对比,我还没有测试过。没办法下结论。 关于室外电子产品外壳的问题。其实光固化放久了,都肯变脆。最好的处理方法是,喷一层不透光的漆