Why not fund pensions through a sovereign wealth fund (swf) that's invested in stocks, bonds, etc across the globe? Have a countercyclical backfill so that when a recession occurs and stocks fall in price, the swf buys more of it and when the economy recovers, the price goes up so they're worth more. Can also buy bonds when the interest rate (payout) is high.
I think people are exaggerating Japan's population problem. Japan's land area is about the same as Norway or Finland, but the population is 20 times larger. It is natural that it will decrease to less than half of its current level. As the population decreases, consumer spending also decreases, so the labor shortage is a temporary problem. Business owners who want cheap labor are calling for the introduction of immigrants, but public opinion is not yet positive.
except there is no one to pay the collapsing pension fund and the LDP is increasing taxes on pensioners again. Tax keeps increasing across the board and salaries for young people are the same or decreasing after tax/pension/health insurance deductions. Prices are increasing slowly because of inflation. Labor shortage is very severe in almost all industries. See 2024 problem. immigration is a non-starter because the locals are extremely against it even with it at only 2% currently. They won't allow it to rise beyond 3%.
@kagaya Why not fund pensions through a sovereign wealth fund (swf) that's invested in stocks, bonds, etc across the globe? Have a countercyclical backfill so that when a recession occurs and stocks fall in price, the swf buys more of it and when the economy recovers, the price goes up so they're worth more. Can also buy bonds when the interest rate (payout) is high.
Japan has lowest birth rate in asia since 70s and japanese average age is the highest in the world. Korea has low birth since just 2005 Japan is over already
who mentioned south korea? why is south korea always mentioned in every japan video and vice versa its getting annoying. theyre two different countries with very different cultures and people that hate each other and also hate getting compared
I don't think you should be looking at the median age but rather the mean age. An increasing median age just implies that people are living longer. Whereas an increasing mean age is what actually defines an aging population. This is why they say its easy to lie with statistics.
Japan are so developed economy with GDP of 4.1 trillion dollars they have many of ways to cover up the ageing crisis they can do some reforms like the women's give a birth of three childs than government provides to her thousands of yen in every month and other facilities like to families to increase population appreciate family culture and control the expensive of daily needs in this way Japan came out from ageing crisis 🇯🇵🗼 Great Japan
@footballsoccerlove1748 no bro i want to say ageing problem probably are serious concerns for Japan this is due to low birth rate and due to this population not increase toady Japan population since 2000 as today still remain 120 million where just 40% are more than 60 this is very very dangerous for their economy today where Japanese economy only 4.1 trillion dollars where in 2000 5 trillion dollars with same population but in this years there more Percentage of young peoples not today that's why there are not more peoples for earn and increase GDP per Capita or economy because of there are schools with no peoples and industry or companies with no workers or you want that they run by old peoples.... 😒
hello my friend, greetings from support from Indonesia, I hope the channel and fans continue to grow and increase, sharing very interesting information
South Korea,Japan,China,Taiwan,Hong Kong ,Singapore & Malaysia also become Greater Aging Countries due Low Birthrate,uncertaineconomics,High Living Cost & cost of Goods increased,Social Problems & high education for women
Retirement age in Japan is normally 60 years old. Here in Australia it’s 67 years old as a comparison. Australia has a high migration rate, Japan has never championed migration. Something has to give
Australia is part of the English world. English world has Pakistan India and Bangladesh to get immigrants from. Although that is also going to be limited
Japan’s aging population is a significant issue that demands urgent attention. The country faces a shrinking workforce, and it’s clear that the government needs to embrace foreign talent to sustain economic growth. However, there seems to be a stubborn reluctance-or perhaps even shortsightedness-on the part of policymakers to open the doors to more foreigners. If not due to a lack of foresight, it may be driven by self-serving interests. The younger working population is already shouldering a heavy tax burden, with significant deductions from their income. For middle- and lower-income earners, this strain is unsustainable and highlights deeper systemic issues. Japan risks economic collapse if substantial reforms aren’t made. Lowering taxes would provide much-needed relief and help create a more attractive environment for both domestic workers and potential foreign contributors. It’s time for the government to prioritize long-term sustainability over short-term preservation of the status quo. The National Pension (NP) system in Japan seems fundamentally flawed. In the event of death, the benefit is available only for surviving family if there are dependent children under the age of 18 (or 20 if the child has a disability). In Singapore, if someone passes away, the remaining funds in their CPF account are passed on to their family as cash. Moreover, the CPF system offers a significantly higher interest rate, ensuring better returns on contributions. In contrast, Japan’s pension system provides no benefits to family members in many cases, making it seem incredibly unfair and inefficient. It’s a poorly designed system that needs urgent reform. If a contributor of Japan’s Employees’ Pension Insurance (EPI) passes away, the spouse is eligible for partial survivor payments for life, provided she qualifies as a dependent and does not remarry. Working adult children do not qualify as dependents, so if both parents pass away, they receive nothing, regardless of the parents’ significant contributions. Unlike Singapore’s CPF, which is based on contributions and fully inheritable, Japan’s EPI operates as a non-inheritable insurance system focused on risk pooling and redistribution. The Japanese government should take a serious look at Singapore’s CPF system, which is far superior in comparison. If a country must deduct significant amounts from the salaries of so many people, including those in the middle- and low-income groups, just to sustain risk pooling, it indicates the system is deeply flawed and heading in the wrong direction.
USA spends next to nothing on public healthcare... What are you talking about. American citizens pay their own healthcare or go without... US government certainly does not spend "astronomical" amounts for anyone's health lol...
Why not fund pensions through a sovereign wealth fund (swf) that's invested in stocks, bonds, etc across the globe? Have a countercyclical backfill so that when a recession occurs and stocks fall in price, the swf buys more of it and when the economy recovers, the price goes up so they're worth more. Can also buy bonds when the interest rate (payout) is high.
Very well done except for two burning issues, that are the weakening of the Yen currency and the rising rate of inflation particularly since April 2022 until now! In any case, this video is highly recommended and for which I am grateful. A former World Bank economist.
There are three things that will eventually come ahead, one is low birthrate, two is going to be mass elderly death rate and lastly is migration. This is when working population is so low that retention will become the countries policy.
Maybe I watch too much news? But the more I look at Japan, the more I realize it's becoming hopeless. In multifolds, apart from aging population. Japanese workers work hard INEFFCIENTLY, while German workers don't want to work hard at all. Both will end up the same fate: inevitable decline.
and another case i see in internet that japan man married with they robot waifu ,she is not human okk she is robotic ,can you imagine humana married the non human?? japan is sometime weird i can say because i like japan i know everthing about japan my country also not far form them so we can fell they impact at world
11:40 as i say if japan dont change they work life then they will make foreigner worker same like japan ,i dont want it ,more willing work in middle east or singapore that produce more money
Cut social security, allow it to end with the boomer generation, pay younger generations who will be without it more money and provide financial education country wide. Let them build their own retirement accounts in turn stimulating the markets and taking pressure off of gov to ideally (almost impossible for any government) slow the printing press down and stop debasing their currency away… same thing should take place in all of these bankrupt western countries as well… using social service ponzy scheme logic from a century ago to continue to try and sustain a society the same way today.. dead end…
Many don't understand investments and it would probably turn into a 💩show fast with the investment savvy making out while the vast majority try to continue working at age 90 because their lifetime savings (if anyone has enough left over from expenses) of $11,000 won't cover groceries with inflation in a few years. Why not fund pensions through a sovereign wealth fund (swf) that's invested in stocks, bonds, etc across the globe? Have a countercyclical backfill so that when a recession occurs and stocks fall in price, the swf buys more of it and when the economy recovers, the price goes up so they're worth more. Can also buy bonds when the interest rate (payout) is high. The govt has the time and money to hire professional investors and hold them accountable.
@ The problem is that it’s a shit show now & government proves time and time again that they are not capable or responsible enough to handle it. In every country that tries it’s the same.... And unfortunetly the fact that they have the printing press allowed them to stay fiscally irresponsible. The more educated and financially knowledgeable the population is, the better off the population will be. Like EVERYTHING else, if you put it into the hands of the government over the private sector, it will never be as efficient as it could be. and to put something that important into the hands of the government is just sheer ignorance. To be physically complacent is never a path that any individual should take forward.
lagi satu penduduk jepun juga cenderung berkurangan kerana ada 4 faktor utama ,pertama undang undang perkahwinan yang ketat menyebabkan mereka mampu kahwin satu wanita dan bukan 2 atau 3 macam negara saya malaysia kami ikut undang undang agama yang membenarkan lelaki yang kaya dan mampu mengahwini sehingga 4 isteri dengan harapan mampu melahirkan ramai generasi dari satu lelaki ,kedua undang undang jepun sangat pelik dan terus terang saya kata jepun hanya mampu beri duit tapi tak terima cadangan terutama orang luar negara yang mana penduduk negaranya lebih ramai melahirkan anak ,ketiga jepun terlalu berfikir soal duit sedangkan zaman dulu orang kahwin tidak mengharapkan duit ,mereka bahagia itu sudah cukup dan masalah nilah yang m=pengaruhi orang muda tanpa persediaan bertanggungjawab dan menjaga anak orang ,kurangnya keyakinan dan ilmu pengetahuan menyebabkan mereka ingin bebas sebagai alasan dan jika ramai yang amalkan ia akan menyebabkan keruntuhan atau penurunan populasi ,dan terakhir adalah masalah kos sara hidup ,yaa benar bagi jepun mungkin tak wajib atau penting kalau kahwin sebab mereka bebas buat seks dimana saja dan dengan sesiapa pun jadi tiada undang undang mencegah jenayah seksual disana bahkan wanita sering dilayan dengan teruk ,awak nak cerita tentang kahwin dan rumah tangga hah?? tak masuk akal ,dalam kes ni perlu dapat persetujuan dua pasangan dua pihak bukannya buat keputusan seorang diri ,bahkan institusi keluarga dijepun sangat teruk saya boleh kata ,jepun adalah negara asia pertama yang ajar anaknya pergi sekolah sendiri sejak tadika ,sejak kecil orang jepun diajar untuk berdikari tidak menyusahkan sesiapa termasuk ibu bapa dan ia menyebabkan orang jepun lama kelamaan hilang kasih sayang dan menyebabkan mereka tiada keinginan nak kahwin ,dan percayalah ramai lagi yang ada masalah rumah tangga
japan atau jepun juga tak kisah penduduknya kurang sebab negara jepun memang sunyi sejak zaman dahulu lagi penduduknya mula ramai menjelang 1980 sebab kerancakkan ekonomi dan kestabilan yang berpanjangan menyokong aktiviti kemanusiaan dan undang ii menjadi longgar tidak ketat macam sekarang ,jika jepun nak penduduknya naik dia kena buat 3 undang ii baguss ,pertama kurangkan sekatan dan bubarkan undang ii pelik yang menganggu orang dijepun ,kedua mereka kena galakkan orang muda dari negara asia misalnya menetap dijepun melalui 2 pembiayaan ,sama ada bayar sendiri atau kerajaan tawarkan bantuan melihat kepada kelayakan macam saya belajar bahasa jepun jadi saya harus layak menetap disana dengan bantuan dengan harapan ramai anak muda akan ikut jejak saya ,dan terakhir ,jepun harus mula sebarkan pengaruhnya secukupnya diluar negara ,sesiapa yang mahu duduk dijepun perlu ikuti kelas dia dan sebagainya ,syarat yang mudah bagi yang minati ia
Same, I met Elizabeth stark last year for the first time at a conference in Wilshire, after then my Life has changed for good.God bless Elizabeth stark
Please understand . We old age people here in Japan started paying welfare pension 20 years old starting from a long time ago. Not our tax.So their are not any problem about it. Japan.🧑🦳
Do you think Japan's aging population is the country's biggest problem?
USA is the biggest problem, as always. Maybe the second is this aging population.
Not only japan but the wholeworld are facing the aging populations include malaysia also become aging countries then become Super Aging Countried
On average, what percentage of household income does the average Japanese household spend on housing?
Not at all.
Why not fund pensions through a sovereign wealth fund (swf) that's invested in stocks, bonds, etc across the globe? Have a countercyclical backfill so that when a recession occurs and stocks fall in price, the swf buys more of it and when the economy recovers, the price goes up so they're worth more. Can also buy bonds when the interest rate (payout) is high.
I think people are exaggerating Japan's population problem. Japan's land area is about the same as Norway or Finland, but the population is 20 times larger. It is natural that it will decrease to less than half of its current level. As the population decreases, consumer spending also decreases, so the labor shortage is a temporary problem. Business owners who want cheap labor are calling for the introduction of immigrants, but public opinion is not yet positive.
except there is no one to pay the collapsing pension fund and the LDP is increasing taxes on pensioners again. Tax keeps increasing across the board and salaries for young people are the same or decreasing after tax/pension/health insurance deductions. Prices are increasing slowly because of inflation. Labor shortage is very severe in almost all industries. See 2024 problem. immigration is a non-starter because the locals are extremely against it even with it at only 2% currently. They won't allow it to rise beyond 3%.
Maybe Norway underpopulated?
Why not fund pensions through a sovereign wealth fund (swf) that's invested in stocks, bonds, etc across the globe? Have a countercyclical backfill so that when a recession occurs and stocks fall in price, the swf buys more of it and when the economy recovers, the price goes up so they're worth more. Can also buy bonds when the interest rate (payout) is high.
Personally I think South Korea is in a far worse condition
who mentioned korea? this is a japan video
The problem here is on Population crisis with birthrate as basis. Korea is worse compare to Japan.
nahhhhhhhh no komen at that most rasis asia country like that that not friendly ,just priority they region
1:06 South Korea's the green line there... Both countries have a terrible birth rate, but Japan's median age is much higher as shown by the graph
Japan has lowest birth rate in asia since 70s and japanese average age is the highest in the world. Korea has low birth since just 2005
Japan is over already
This is like the 12th video on Japan in like 3 weeks, there are other interesting countries in Asia y'know...
It got clicks
Seen a few on malaysia and others...
Would like to see more Singapore
Japan is the best Asian country!
South Korea feeling that same pressure from across the sea.
who mentioned south korea? why is south korea always mentioned in every japan video and vice versa its getting annoying. theyre two different countries with very different cultures and people that hate each other and also hate getting compared
@@jerrysun0667 It would be far stranger for South Korea not to be mentioned when discussing declining birth rates on a RUclips channel on Asia.
However, there are similarities.
I don't think you should be looking at the median age but rather the mean age.
An increasing median age just implies that people are living longer.
Whereas an increasing mean age is what actually defines an aging population.
This is why they say its easy to lie with statistics.
Japan are so developed economy with GDP of 4.1 trillion dollars they have many of ways to cover up the ageing crisis they can do some reforms like the women's give a birth of three childs than government provides to her thousands of yen in every month and other facilities like to families to increase population appreciate family culture and control the expensive of daily needs in this way Japan came out from ageing crisis 🇯🇵🗼 Great Japan
no u know nothing about it.
Japan is suffering as they are aging, and they have a hugh debt. this is very serious.
@footballsoccerlove1748 no bro i want to say ageing problem probably are serious concerns for Japan this is due to low birth rate and due to this population not increase toady Japan population since 2000 as today still remain 120 million where just 40% are more than 60 this is very very dangerous for their economy today where Japanese economy only 4.1 trillion dollars where in 2000 5 trillion dollars with same population but in this years there more Percentage of young peoples not today that's why there are not more peoples for earn and increase GDP per Capita or economy because of there are schools with no peoples and industry or companies with no workers or you want that they run by old peoples.... 😒
hello my friend, greetings from support from Indonesia, I hope the channel and fans continue to grow and increase, sharing very interesting information
South Korea,Japan,China,Taiwan,Hong Kong ,Singapore & Malaysia also become Greater Aging Countries due Low Birthrate,uncertaineconomics,High Living Cost & cost of Goods increased,Social Problems & high education for women
yaaa betul bang ,selagi tak ubah selagi tu kita akan dijajah indonesia yang ramai penduduknya ,silap ii 1 per 3 penduduk malaysia adalah org indonesia
@@afizi1213 salah teori tu😅😅
Retirement age in Japan is normally 60 years old. Here in Australia it’s 67 years old as a comparison. Australia has a high migration rate, Japan has never championed migration. Something has to give
Australia is part of the English world.
English world has Pakistan India and Bangladesh to get immigrants from. Although that is also going to be limited
Japan’s aging population is a significant issue that demands urgent attention. The country faces a shrinking workforce, and it’s clear that the government needs to embrace foreign talent to sustain economic growth. However, there seems to be a stubborn reluctance-or perhaps even shortsightedness-on the part of policymakers to open the doors to more foreigners. If not due to a lack of foresight, it may be driven by self-serving interests.
The younger working population is already shouldering a heavy tax burden, with significant deductions from their income. For middle- and lower-income earners, this strain is unsustainable and highlights deeper systemic issues. Japan risks economic collapse if substantial reforms aren’t made. Lowering taxes would provide much-needed relief and help create a more attractive environment for both domestic workers and potential foreign contributors. It’s time for the government to prioritize long-term sustainability over short-term preservation of the status quo.
The National Pension (NP) system in Japan seems fundamentally flawed. In the event of death, the benefit is available only for surviving family if there are dependent children under the age of 18 (or 20 if the child has a disability).
In Singapore, if someone passes away, the remaining funds in their CPF account are passed on to their family as cash. Moreover, the CPF system offers a significantly higher interest rate, ensuring better returns on contributions. In contrast, Japan’s pension system provides no benefits to family members in many cases, making it seem incredibly unfair and inefficient. It’s a poorly designed system that needs urgent reform.
If a contributor of Japan’s Employees’ Pension Insurance (EPI) passes away, the spouse is eligible for partial survivor payments for life, provided she qualifies as a dependent and does not remarry. Working adult children do not qualify as dependents, so if both parents pass away, they receive nothing, regardless of the parents’ significant contributions. Unlike Singapore’s CPF, which is based on contributions and fully inheritable, Japan’s EPI operates as a non-inheritable insurance system focused on risk pooling and redistribution. The Japanese government should take a serious look at Singapore’s CPF system, which is far superior in comparison.
If a country must deduct significant amounts from the salaries of so many people, including those in the middle- and low-income groups, just to sustain risk pooling, it indicates the system is deeply flawed and heading in the wrong direction.
they do not spend the ASTRONOMIC health care spending of USA on healthcare
USA spends next to nothing on public healthcare... What are you talking about. American citizens pay their own healthcare or go without... US government certainly does not spend "astronomical" amounts for anyone's health lol...
Imagine the demographics when the population is halved and the assets remain the same, results are that there is more to distribute to less
Why not fund pensions through a sovereign wealth fund (swf) that's invested in stocks, bonds, etc across the globe? Have a countercyclical backfill so that when a recession occurs and stocks fall in price, the swf buys more of it and when the economy recovers, the price goes up so they're worth more. Can also buy bonds when the interest rate (payout) is high.
I think it is time to eliminate the exemption for tourists paying the consumption tax. That is just my opinion...
Very well done except for two burning issues, that are the weakening of the Yen currency and the rising rate of inflation particularly since April 2022 until now! In any case, this video is highly recommended and for which I am grateful. A former World Bank economist.
You can tell who truly lives in Japan from the wannabes because those who don't live here are the ones in the greatest denial of the truth.
@ and you seem poor and ignorant
@@missplainjane3905 ignorant
@ you seem clueless
@ and so you think Japan is some utopia and by coming here from Philippines all of that will go away.
@@missplainjane3905 too bad you will never be able to live here so your arguments carry no weight. Bye.
There are three things that will eventually come ahead, one is low birthrate, two is going to be mass elderly death rate and lastly is migration. This is when working population is so low that retention will become the countries policy.
Maybe I watch too much news? But the more I look at Japan, the more I realize it's becoming hopeless. In multifolds, apart from aging population. Japanese workers work hard INEFFCIENTLY, while German workers don't want to work hard at all. Both will end up the same fate: inevitable decline.
You visited
and another case i see in internet that japan man married with they robot waifu ,she is not human okk she is robotic ,can you imagine humana married the non human?? japan is sometime weird i can say because i like japan i know everthing about japan my country also not far form them so we can fell they impact at world
No you don't
This is a BULL CRAP channel - blatantly misleading...
I would recommend proof-reading before posting : " Back in the 1990"? @8.08 spelling of government...
Until people start valuing each other, I don’t care about the reduced population.
We need protection of all humans life from moment of conception.
A country of old men
Make it 0.10 🙏💯...
11:40 as i say if japan dont change they work life then they will make foreigner worker same like japan ,i dont want it ,more willing work in middle east or singapore that produce more money
Cut social security, allow it to end with the boomer generation, pay younger generations who will be without it more money and provide financial education country wide. Let them build their own retirement accounts in turn stimulating the markets and taking pressure off of gov to ideally (almost impossible for any government) slow the printing press down and stop debasing their currency away… same thing should take place in all of these bankrupt western countries as well… using social service ponzy scheme logic from a century ago to continue to try and sustain a society the same way today.. dead end…
Many don't understand investments and it would probably turn into a 💩show fast with the investment savvy making out while the vast majority try to continue working at age 90 because their lifetime savings (if anyone has enough left over from expenses) of $11,000 won't cover groceries with inflation in a few years.
Why not fund pensions through a sovereign wealth fund (swf) that's invested in stocks, bonds, etc across the globe? Have a countercyclical backfill so that when a recession occurs and stocks fall in price, the swf buys more of it and when the economy recovers, the price goes up so they're worth more. Can also buy bonds when the interest rate (payout) is high. The govt has the time and money to hire professional investors and hold them accountable.
@ The problem is that it’s a shit show now & government proves time and time again that they are not capable or responsible enough to handle it. In every country that tries it’s the same.... And unfortunetly the fact that they have the printing press allowed them to stay fiscally irresponsible. The more educated and financially knowledgeable the population is, the better off the population will be. Like EVERYTHING else, if you put it into the hands of the government over the private sector, it will never be as efficient as it could be. and to put something that important into the hands of the government is just sheer ignorance. To be physically complacent is never a path that any individual should take forward.
Lotta weird Asian propaganda/lies going on in the comments here...
lagi satu penduduk jepun juga cenderung berkurangan kerana ada 4 faktor utama ,pertama undang undang perkahwinan yang ketat menyebabkan mereka mampu kahwin satu wanita dan bukan 2 atau 3 macam negara saya malaysia kami ikut undang undang agama yang membenarkan lelaki yang kaya dan mampu mengahwini sehingga 4 isteri dengan harapan mampu melahirkan ramai generasi dari satu lelaki ,kedua undang undang jepun sangat pelik dan terus terang saya kata jepun hanya mampu beri duit tapi tak terima cadangan terutama orang luar negara yang mana penduduk negaranya lebih ramai melahirkan anak ,ketiga jepun terlalu berfikir soal duit sedangkan zaman dulu orang kahwin tidak mengharapkan duit ,mereka bahagia itu sudah cukup dan masalah nilah yang m=pengaruhi orang muda tanpa persediaan bertanggungjawab dan menjaga anak orang ,kurangnya keyakinan dan ilmu pengetahuan menyebabkan mereka ingin bebas sebagai alasan dan jika ramai yang amalkan ia akan menyebabkan keruntuhan atau penurunan populasi ,dan terakhir adalah masalah kos sara hidup ,yaa benar bagi jepun mungkin tak wajib atau penting kalau kahwin sebab mereka bebas buat seks dimana saja dan dengan sesiapa pun jadi tiada undang undang mencegah jenayah seksual disana bahkan wanita sering dilayan dengan teruk ,awak nak cerita tentang kahwin dan rumah tangga hah?? tak masuk akal ,dalam kes ni perlu dapat persetujuan dua pasangan dua pihak bukannya buat keputusan seorang diri ,bahkan institusi keluarga dijepun sangat teruk saya boleh kata ,jepun adalah negara asia pertama yang ajar anaknya pergi sekolah sendiri sejak tadika ,sejak kecil orang jepun diajar untuk berdikari tidak menyusahkan sesiapa termasuk ibu bapa dan ia menyebabkan orang jepun lama kelamaan hilang kasih sayang dan menyebabkan mereka tiada keinginan nak kahwin ,dan percayalah ramai lagi yang ada masalah rumah tangga
Of course, you are trying to tell the world you are not affected. Wahahahaha
1992 : Japan is over.
2000 : Japan is over.
2011 : Japan is over.
2024 : 「 」
You dont make sense Japan.
@1027HANA-lc5ke これ「昔から日本は終わりって言われてるのに終わってない」って典型的な皮肉なのに勘違いして否定コメントしてるの笑う。あんたこのチャンネルに粘着して擁護コメント書きまくってるんなら意図を汲み取ってくれよ、あと自分のコメにいいねしてるのイタすぎ
japan atau jepun juga tak kisah penduduknya kurang sebab negara jepun memang sunyi sejak zaman dahulu lagi penduduknya mula ramai menjelang 1980 sebab kerancakkan ekonomi dan kestabilan yang berpanjangan menyokong aktiviti kemanusiaan dan undang ii menjadi longgar tidak ketat macam sekarang ,jika jepun nak penduduknya naik dia kena buat 3 undang ii baguss ,pertama kurangkan sekatan dan bubarkan undang ii pelik yang menganggu orang dijepun ,kedua mereka kena galakkan orang muda dari negara asia misalnya menetap dijepun melalui 2 pembiayaan ,sama ada bayar sendiri atau kerajaan tawarkan bantuan melihat kepada kelayakan macam saya belajar bahasa jepun jadi saya harus layak menetap disana dengan bantuan dengan harapan ramai anak muda akan ikut jejak saya ,dan terakhir ,jepun harus mula sebarkan pengaruhnya secukupnya diluar negara ,sesiapa yang mahu duduk dijepun perlu ikuti kelas dia dan sebagainya ,syarat yang mudah bagi yang minati ia
is this AI?
Thank you Lord Jesus for the gift of life and blessings to me and my family $14,120.47 weekly profit Our lord Jesus have lifted up my Life!!!🙏❤️❤️
I'm 37 and have been looking for ways to be successful, please how??
Sure, the investment-advisor that guides me is..
Elizabeth stark
Same, I met Elizabeth stark last year for the first time at a conference in Wilshire, after then my Life has changed for good.God bless Elizabeth stark
Her services is the best, I got a brand new Lambo last week and paid off my mortgage loan thanks to her wonderful services!
Please understand . We old age people here in Japan started paying welfare pension 20 years old starting from a long time ago. Not our tax.So their are not any problem about it. Japan.🧑🦳
many of japan people choose my country malaysia to pension after thailand