Miracle Giants

  • Опубликовано: 14 янв 2017
  • This is a fun deck. Goal is to get a giant Edwin + 5 Arcane
    Giants and then conceal them. GG
    Decklist: i.imgur.com/BbTs5Dm.png
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    Outro Song: Biggie by Albis
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Комментарии • 94

  • @FinlandjinM
    @FinlandjinM 7 лет назад +66

    That druid was a real trooper for letting you finish the combo

    • @LongX49
      @LongX49 7 лет назад +8

      FinlandjinM hats off to that guy

    • @tehjargonz0r
      @tehjargonz0r 7 лет назад +7

      I was gonna say the same thing. Shoutout to Harelori.

      @ILIKESTORIES 7 лет назад +9

      After roping the entire game, least he could do, honestly

    • @smokinggun8418
      @smokinggun8418 7 лет назад

      rare show

  • @Ryan-mr3zf
    @Ryan-mr3zf 7 лет назад +29

    Props to opponent guy for letting bat do the endgame BM

    • @janp6622
      @janp6622 7 лет назад +1

      He probably just felt bad for being playing so damn slow.

  • @magerehenk7579
    @magerehenk7579 7 лет назад +60

    that opponent is nice, I would just have conceded out of salt because I get matched up against a fun and interactive rogue deck

  • @konradboehm9407
    @konradboehm9407 7 лет назад +233

    Everyone who thinks he should bring back Deckdoctor leaves a like to show him!

    • @LargeBanana
      @LargeBanana 7 лет назад +4

      nice like bait

    • @Jaricko
      @Jaricko 7 лет назад

      not like they matter

  • @nritsch
    @nritsch 7 лет назад +60

    Doomsayer conceal? Never thought of that...

    • @Kharaaj
      @Kharaaj 7 лет назад +10

      It was a fun tool to run in mill after the nerf to flurry.

    • @dodde216
      @dodde216 7 лет назад +1

      Well yeah I've tried it in mill/control lists.. Turns out, either it doesn't get any value for a 2 card combo or they just deal 10-15+ dmg to you lol.

  • @fanushkah
    @fanushkah 7 лет назад +67

    This isn't my daily dose of bat wisdom :(
    Never a series RIP

  • @FlagpiesTwenty3
    @FlagpiesTwenty3 7 лет назад +42

    No Finja?

  • @excelsiusprime
    @excelsiusprime 7 лет назад +3

    how could I forget the 0 mana 8-8. it's time to rebuild my miracle rogue.

  • @T4NKgaming133
    @T4NKgaming133 7 лет назад +3

    Im glad to see new fun decks like this still being created and found, even with this discrace of a meta

    @IAMNEKOMIMI 7 лет назад +9

    fu***n interactive

  • @murtagh1143
    @murtagh1143 7 лет назад +1

    Do not question the Batcave-team-thing

  • @cobblegames
    @cobblegames 7 лет назад +39

    Is there any reason to play this over normal miracle or do you just make people shit themselves?

    • @hypetrained
      @hypetrained 7 лет назад

      cobble It's better against reno mage, control warrior and renolock

    • @Mwuesse
      @Mwuesse 7 лет назад +1

      Hype Train eh? how is this better vs reno decks? miracle rogue is faster and has more burn from hand which is great vs reno decks

    • @BohonChina
      @BohonChina 7 лет назад +12

      This is definitely not better one. The deck is just a trier. Firebat is a very professional player, so he can try a lot of different combo, but for the other people, the deck may not be good to specialize.
      what is more, miracle rogue always good at against druid and renowarlock (more thatn 50%). This one does not mean it is a better deck.
      The only bad match maybe reno mage since reno mage may run the blizzard and frost nova or cone of cold.

    • @pbjohnny2201
      @pbjohnny2201 7 лет назад +3

      I'm pretty sure renolock shits on this because of that 8 mama kill everything

    • @nritsch
      @nritsch 7 лет назад +1

      You have doomsayer + conceal, so it probably has a slightly better opener vs aggro.

  • @MasterOfInfinity
    @MasterOfInfinity 7 лет назад +7

    That extended BM though.

    • @ks4471
      @ks4471 7 лет назад +2

      yea.. this video should be called 'Giant' Bm instead.. cos u know, puns..

  • @typoded
    @typoded 7 лет назад

    2:32 ooooooooooooo he's stealin

  • @rafaellerescapone
    @rafaellerescapone 7 лет назад +2

    hey, fireboot, how you doing?
    i opened white eyes a few days ago, and decided to build a deck around it, been having a lot of sucess in the lesser teens(10-13, been 8/2 so far, dont have a lot of time to play right now), thought you might like looking into it, really feeling like it might be a "non-aggro unicorn shaman". it's what i'd call the "true aggro shaman". heres the explanation:
    the basic plan is: "have so much high value high damage minions that your opponent focuses them insteead of you, runs out of removal and then you hit them in the face and win".
    Since everyine is gonna thing you're a cancer shaman, your tunnel trog and totem golem seem like they're worth spending that removal they have. that shadow word pain that goes in the tunnel trog doesn't go to the thunderbluff. thats kinda what your mana tide and flametongue do to, but theyserve another porpuse. by running those 6 totems (golem, mana tide and flame) you make totem sinergy worth running, and add 2 things from bellow and 1 thunderbluff, wich makes for more tempo with the things, and 3 more things to spend removal on (so the CW is already runnig out of removal, and we're not even closo to done with our dudes).
    In order to gain control of the board and make value trades in the mid game to extend the lead and make them use removal, we play the basic tunnel trog + early overload combo, including 7/7, because fuck their shadow word deaths and executes, they're not going into our other, later, more important minions.
    then we run a bunch of high value and high tempo mid/late drops, with a little burst to finish off the opponent, and ta-dah, that's it
    2x tunnel trog (duh)
    1x devolve (a third removal, nice against control match-up and somewhat usefull against pirates, . and makes your win-rate versus anyfin paly go to around 85%)
    2x flametongue (absorves a lot of aggro, good with our early and mid-game drops, and maelstrom portal . and helps with the al'akir finisher)
    2x maelstrom portal (basicly just an anti-pirate mesure, feels nice with the azure drakes too)
    1x rockbiter (good for trades, burst for closing the game, or with al'akir)
    2x totem golem (duh)
    1x Elemental destruction (we usually fight for the board with miniom trades, but sometimes a big board . . reset button is needed when RNGesus doesnt help with early draws)
    1x Feral Spirit (just to help tunnel trog and to have a little more fuel for fighting for the board)
    1x Healing wave (a nice stabilisung tool, and i feel that the way we play it in the game and the deck is built we win a . . lot of jousts, expecially against the deck we need the most)
    2x Hex (duh)
    2x lightning storm (duh)
    2x mana tide (if you're ahead on board, its another threat that baits removal, if you're behind, it stalls. you can . usually defend it with taunt and aggro magnets (like having a much more scary 7/7 on the ; . board looking at the opponents face), but sometimes just getting a draw with it and having it . . killed by a spell is aready good enough. it helps with the totem sinergy, protects your other . . guys by being focused down instead, and just helps with consistency)
    2x Flamewreath Faceless (we honestly want theese more for baiting removal than anything, but when they stick or . . buff tunnel trog they help a ton in turning the tides or sementing the game)
    2x Azure drake (spell power, draw, a mid-game threat, removal bait, what more do you want?)
    1x Tunderbluff valiant (helps closing out games, one of the win conditions of the deck, but situational enough not to . . deserve a second spot. also nice removal bait)
    1x white eyes (a.k.a. the reason the deck exists. im kinda sad to say that the deck works so well even when you . dont draw it that it may be worth cutting it, maybe after the tunderbluff or the al'akir combo if . . . something is to be added. still a really good threat, and it has the perk of requiring two hard . . . removals, if you pull it off (and you usually do, now that priests dont run entomb as often as they . . used to. And even when they do entomb it, the loss in tempo usually means you win the game . . before the 10/10 comes into play))
    1x fire elemental (helps with removal, burst and another really nice threat to kill your opponent with. works nicely, but . . not enough to deserve a second spot i feel)
    1x Sylvanas (late-game threat, removal bait, board swinging tool)
    2x thing from below (we play totem golem, flame tongue, mana tide, thunderbluff, use hero power a lot, are a mid-range
    . deck and want removal baited out before white eyes comes into play. do i need to say more?)
    1x Al'akir (pseudo finisher with rockbiter or flametongue, wich sometimes can be set'up the turn before for . . 16 damage combo, taunt for desperate attriction battle with the rare hunters that sometimes . . . apear, and overall just another thing to hit the opponent with late'game)
    PS: I dont run the 1/3 weapon because i dont have thanos, and i think without it its just not worth running(but still almost worth). if you have it, i highly recomend removing 3 cards for a thalnos and 2 copies of the weapon. cut the elemental destruction and two other cards, probably the al'akir combo, or maybe the fire elemental, the white eyes or something like that.
    you're not on 9gag, so no potato for the long comment

  • @Lessgrossmann
    @Lessgrossmann 7 лет назад

    What a combo really good. 👍🏼

  • @Hargrovius
    @Hargrovius 7 лет назад +2

    Didn't clear maximum amount of minions at the end, 5/10 BM.

  • @D2ezbmu
    @D2ezbmu 7 лет назад

    Ooooh this is even cooler than red worm!

  • @ivaninkret
    @ivaninkret 7 лет назад +44

    Never decklist :/

    • @thomasbruinsma
      @thomasbruinsma 7 лет назад +54

      He played his entire deck you dingle

    • @ivaninkret
      @ivaninkret 7 лет назад +6

      I know, but now I have to gi through the video again to build the deck. Having the decklist is just easier.

    • @Damian-ng5en
      @Damian-ng5en 7 лет назад

      i wanna try this deck too lol ah man now i have to re-watch to see all the cards

    • @TheVictor2
      @TheVictor2 7 лет назад +11

      (0) Backstab x2
      (0) Counterfeit Coin x2
      (0) Preparation x2
      (0) Shadowstep x2
      (1) Conceal x2
      (2) Doomsayer x2
      (2) Eviserate x2
      (2) Gang Up x1
      (2) Novice Engineer x2
      (2) Shiv x2
      (3) Fan of Knives x1
      (3) Earthen Ring Farseer x2
      (3) Edwin VanCleef x1
      (3) SI:7 Agent x2
      (5) Azure Drake x2
      (6) Gadgetzan Auctioneer x2
      (12) Arcane Giant x1
      I'm pretty sure this is right, feel free to correct me if I messed it up and I'll change it.

    • @claramalmstrom2865
      @claramalmstrom2865 7 лет назад +4

      TheVictor2 one less giant and one extra shadowstep

  • @tdbarashi
    @tdbarashi 7 лет назад

    cool deck man
    love IT

  • @robertalexstorm
    @robertalexstorm 7 лет назад

    Next level BM.

  • @ChocoIatx2
    @ChocoIatx2 7 лет назад

    10/10 bm at the end

  • @londynlewis283
    @londynlewis283 7 лет назад


  • @maddiegelagin3328
    @maddiegelagin3328 7 лет назад

    Nice editing

  • @maplepuff2358
    @maplepuff2358 7 лет назад

    The during his second last turn I was humming epic sax guy.

  • @riverolson2989
    @riverolson2989 7 лет назад

    4:50 why on earth would you kill the 3/3 jade Golem instead of Arya to proc her death rattle so doomsayer could kill it next turn. it also has 5 damage instead of 3 so even if you weren't thinking about death rattle it'd still be better right?

  • @joelneves9824
    @joelneves9824 7 лет назад

    i literally just came from a game as miracle rogue versus jade driud xD

  • @reisei1
    @reisei1 7 лет назад

    I tried this deck today and got my ass server to me... note to self: only pro players can make fun decks work

  • @KaoruLiu01219
    @KaoruLiu01219 7 лет назад

    Thinking of making a similar deck, coldlights better than novice or just too weak against aggro?

    • @bos7522
      @bos7522 7 лет назад

      Too weak against everything really. I guess they could punish Warlocks if they start tapping with a big hand and they get milled, but usually you don't want to give aggro cards, ever. You don't want to give other proper Miracle rogues cards either. And giving Mages cards just gets them their huge value plays and stall mechanics with ice block and blizzard and kabal courier, followed up by Reno and they could just turn the tables on you. Dragon priests don't care, they're the kings of value right now and milling them for half their deck still means you'd probably lose anyways with the few cards they even have.
      Since you have shadowsteps, it could be a really good opportunity to mill some of the control decks pretty aggressively. But I think the Novice engineer is just too good here for a multitude of reasons. The shadowstep draws you a card with auctioneer down, novice goes down to 0 mana which allows you to keep drawing if you're out of spells, since your deck might have a few giants in it that won't trigger the auctioneer's effect. Plus you run a lower risk of milling yourself than if you run coldlights, which would cost 1 after the shadowstep rather than 0.
      Edit: Also a note, I've been playing a slightly different version of this deck since Karazhan release and have changed it a lot over that time. I started off with 2 coldlights, then went to 1, and finally I removed them entirely from my deck. They never really won me the game and I found I drew my deck fairly quickly without them anyways.

  • @afk4dyz
    @afk4dyz 7 лет назад

    Where do I find his deck lists? They look like fun

    • @tomasvn09
      @tomasvn09 7 лет назад

      man he just drew entire deck :D

  • @MrMorbo13
    @MrMorbo13 7 лет назад

    hey firebat, mind sharing the decklist? thanks, great content as usual :)

    • @SalmiakSter
      @SalmiakSter 7 лет назад +7

      MrMorbo13 dude, he drew every card in his deck, take 8 more minutes, a piece of paper and a pen and tadaa. There's your decklist.

    • @MrMorbo13
      @MrMorbo13 7 лет назад

      Sorry about that, i commented before watching the whole thing, sounds good man :)

  • @askmiller
    @askmiller 7 лет назад

    Are there any viable rogue decks for players who don't have any auctioneers? Everything I've tried has failed miserably. Without that 1 card I can get like maybe a 15% winrate. The only deck I can think of that might have a chance is ethereal conjurer, but I took a break from grinding for the adventure so I could get some decent msg cards.

    • @bos7522
      @bos7522 7 лет назад +1

      ethereal peddler you mean? Why don't you craft auctioneers? 2 of them for 200 dust is a very fair price for cards that'll go in most of the rogue decks you'll ever make. It's also a 1-of in Druid.

    • @dodde216
      @dodde216 7 лет назад

      jade rogue

    • @garrisonrussell646
      @garrisonrussell646 7 лет назад +1

      askmiller Nzoth Rogue is pretty good

  • @tywinlannister8015
    @tywinlannister8015 7 лет назад

    Oh shit ... now that firebat plays miracle giant rogue everybody who watched is gonna try on ladder and I won't have the element of surprise anymore.
    Gotta build myself a new deck :(

    • @taliesine.8343
      @taliesine.8343 7 лет назад +1

      try pirate warrior :P its fu***n and interactive

    • @tywinlannister8015
      @tywinlannister8015 7 лет назад

      Stefan Huber Nay. I don't do in aggro decks.
      I prefer combo/control/midrange. And custom built.

    • @taliesine.8343
      @taliesine.8343 7 лет назад

      Tywin Lannister was just a joke, its not fun to play or to play against

    • @tywinlannister8015
      @tywinlannister8015 7 лет назад

      Yeah I know. I do hate running into those. that's why I don't play them.
      I knew you were joking - but I wanted to explain my point of view ^^

  • @wolfq8665
    @wolfq8665 7 лет назад

    shame on us ? more like shamen us Kappa

  • @tomzhang3803
    @tomzhang3803 7 лет назад


  • @NKhan320
    @NKhan320 7 лет назад

    That BM lul

    • @leonid1995
      @leonid1995 7 лет назад +1

      Not really, I don't think.
      Showing your opponent wtf your deck is actually supposed to do is kind of cool.

  • @alexmanyx
    @alexmanyx 7 лет назад

    good bm better person xD

  • @legendpewds4960
    @legendpewds4960 7 лет назад

    deck list pls?

  • @yewwengkean
    @yewwengkean 7 лет назад

    i think swapping drake for pillager can be considered

  • @karal9ka
    @karal9ka 7 лет назад

    Медведь, водка, Путин. P.S. Bear, vodka, Putin.

  • @nickmagrick7702
    @nickmagrick7702 7 лет назад

    hmmm..... what to do.....

  • @typoded
    @typoded 7 лет назад +1

    isnt that only 4 giants what did i miss

    • @danielnunez1587
      @danielnunez1587 7 лет назад

      typoded gang up

    • @ScyllaAndCharybdis1
      @ScyllaAndCharybdis1 7 лет назад

      Gang Up only adds 3 more giants to the deck and there's only 1 giant in the deck. I'm confused to where the fifth giant is coming from as well. I was reading the comments to see if there was anyone else who noticed that as well.

    • @danielnunez1587
      @danielnunez1587 7 лет назад

      ScyllaAndCharybdis1 the pirate guy, forgot his name, could be considered a giant

    • @slevinhyde3212
      @slevinhyde3212 7 лет назад

      the fifth one is vancleef

  • @loganmcintyre3650
    @loganmcintyre3650 7 лет назад

    Could have overkilled more bm 4/10

  • @callofdutymace
    @callofdutymace 7 лет назад

    nice netdeck nerd

  • @SchubertAloysius
    @SchubertAloysius 7 лет назад

    Not first comment!

  • @yangkang9262
    @yangkang9262 7 лет назад +2

    no anyfin, downvoted.