Most helpful. An in-depth video dedicated to lead roof maintenance would be appreciated. We have a lead roof that is exposed to very high winds (Cape Peninsula, South Africa) and extreme temperature variations. It is old (possibly original 1814) and periodically comes adrift and folds over on itself. Does lead sheeting have a definite service life? It appears that arrangements for expansion and contraction and also the fixing methodology are crucial to having a trouble-free roof. Lead specialists are a rarity here (we have plenty of robbers though!).
Most helpful. An in-depth video dedicated to lead roof maintenance would be appreciated. We have a lead roof that is exposed to very high winds (Cape Peninsula, South Africa) and extreme temperature variations. It is old (possibly original 1814) and periodically comes adrift and folds over on itself. Does lead sheeting have a definite service life? It appears that arrangements for expansion and contraction and also the fixing methodology are crucial to having a trouble-free roof. Lead specialists are a rarity here (we have plenty of robbers though!).