6:20 Very low mileage Rover 214 scrapped there. About 55k miles. They are so unloved, yet highly rustproofed and practical. Those darned head gaskets...
that is an enormous waste of resources, that have to be recycled, copper wiring etc. Car bales are full of non ferrous waste, the steel made out of it is not any good either. car baling is obsolete technology
quote: " ...Diese Quader sind in der Weiterverarbeitung oft problematisch, da dann Nichteisenmetalle (z. B. Kupfer) schwer vom Eisenschrott zu trennen sind, was zu erheblichen Qualitätseinbußen des Stahls beim erneuten Einschmelzen führt." (de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schrottpresse)
6:20 Very low mileage Rover 214 scrapped there. About 55k miles. They are so unloved, yet highly rustproofed and practical. Those darned head gaskets...
Nice, you don't have to get a leasing car on holiday, because that thing fits your suitcase!
cicciogiovi you don't have a clue. we strip all all non ferrous out only the shell gets baled, 60% of steel produced is from car shells. MVDA info.
Haha license plate is not damaged!
shut up you fucking bitch
that is an enormous waste of resources, that have to be recycled, copper wiring etc. Car bales are full of non ferrous waste, the steel made out of it is not any good either. car baling is obsolete technology
cicciogiovi ummmmm wtf are you talking about....... it all goes to a shredder.........which separates all the materials....
in that case you have to put the car into a shredder and not into a bailer
your not bright.... how many crushed cars can you fit on a trailer versus uncrushed....
you are for sure, I have never seen crushed cars schreded. automobile shredders proces uncrushed cars
quote: " ...Diese Quader sind in der Weiterverarbeitung oft problematisch, da dann Nichteisenmetalle (z. B. Kupfer) schwer vom Eisenschrott zu trennen sind, was zu erheblichen Qualitätseinbußen des Stahls beim erneuten Einschmelzen führt." (de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schrottpresse)
1 Million DC Like
As if I’ve just watched a 9 minute video on the exact machine I run every day
I can just imagine being put in there it be terrifying as that crusher plate comes down