@@RaphaelAmbrosiusCosteau51 Doesn't matter. Maybe I just want to show a snippet to someone, or rewatch a part that wasn't clear. Also there are never timestamps on the half hour long videos either.
@@spurzo-thespiralspacewolf8916 2 sets per muscle split into 1 set and 2 sessions will build muscle just will be small, 2-4 sets 2x a week will build alot of muscle
Would ge great to get a video going in depth on fractional sets. Explaining how to calculate them, what counts as a fractional set, how to tell whether it counts as a fractional set and for what muscle groups, etc. A break down of exercises and their fractional sets would be amazing.
@@jason2014 Measuring muscle activation may give clues, and for most people, it doesn't have to be very precise. Anatomy, experience from many studies that look at different exercises ... I would like to know, for example, roughly, how a set of bench press contributes to hypertrophy/strength for pects vs. front delts vs. triceps. Roughly, for an average person ... Sure it depends on which the limiting muscles are, but still some ideas would help people make better guesses.
only watching one of your old videos, I noticed a link in the description for your website, where I could sign up to the newsletter and get a free program I started the 5-day muscle growth program today, after choosing the exercise options. I think I might the best workout I've ever done. I was doing more research than going to the gym, and I could never find the right answers to my questions. every time I went to the gym I came back with more questions than answers. Today I said "f*** all that", I just took your prebuilt program and followed. I've always liked full body programs, I just missed the courage to stop messing around with splits and accept I like full body. I'll do it for the 8 weeks, then follow it with the Powerbuilding one. Thank you very much!
Not really. I don't see Milo as the optimal elitist many other influencers claim he is. He knows for many people chasing the minimal can provide just as good if not better growth over the long term. I mean his best friend Pak did his PhD research on minimalist training, so why would Milo be against it?
Mentzer wasn't wrong when he said taking one perfect set to true absolute concentric (not volitional) failure was effective. He went wrong when he continued to say that doing additional sets would be worse. They just didn't have the infastructure to know better.
@ optimal growth. Each set has far less MUR. And you build up equal fatigue with each set. So unless you enjoy doing multiple sets, 1-2 intense sets is all you need
This is legit what I have been doing for 10 months because I have a hard time getting outside of my house cause hard mental health shit. And lots of friends have been impressed with the changes I have without knowing its only a twice a week affair. I think that for this to work you really gotta push yourself and do things hard/correctly wich is a thing really not many people care about. Thankfully I spend more time looking into things than actually lifting so I think I am good at that compared to another beginner like me. Thanks for all the infos you share ❤
Regarding the study mentioned after 4:00 : 10% in trained lifters? With that rate of increase their muscle mass would double in a bit over a year. I don´t want to be mean but that seems questionable, at least if they are natural (or not freshly on roids, and enhanced people would make me question the result of the study for natural lifters in the first place to be honest)
@@AE_CC_-Tutorials You might be right but in that case they would still be in the newbie gains phase for me in terms of how easy they can advance and not really trained.
I've been doing a full body routine that I threw together based on my favorite lifts and like a genius I do squat, bench and deadlifts every session 5x5. It is reaching the point where I don't even want to do my isolation work after those three. I think I'll try the squat/bench day and leave deads for the another day.
I've been training Dr paks minimum effective dose workout for about 4 weeks now... I've got to say as a busy self-employed worker with a physical job and 3 little ones it suits me perfectly... I've been making slow and steady progress so far and I'm going to stick to this program for quite some time... Consistency trump's everything in my opinion even if it isn't "optimal" training is highly individual.
That was a great video!! Protocols, guidelines, analysis, all the goodies.. The condensed information and the basic structure is what we are looking for. Thank you guys, I will buy the book and the app when available. Χαιρετισμούς από την πατρίδα Πάτροκλε.
This was great! I really enjoy a lot recent emphasis on the minimum effective dose - I think this has a strong potential to impact weightlifting, and make it more psychologically accessible for the average person.
Fbw , 2x a week 2x series per muscle with some dropset, myoreps sprinkled in 1h15min each session. With work, 2 kids and other passion it got close to best shape of my life, fk optimal, whats optimal is what you can do
Hello. I have a question for you, but is off topic: If you are like me, and play tennis 3 or 4 days per week, but still want to look jacked, it's ok to hit legs twice a week, or it is better to train them only once? I mention that I play mostly doubles, but my legs are still hited pretty hard during those matches. Thanks!
When I am really short on time?I do 1 set to death.I will try and hit the large muscle groups and pick quality exercises.Done properly I can get a full body pump in 45 minutes.
I get how switching to this high intensity low volume program could work in the short term but does the evidence suggest that you could keep making gains without the need to ever start pushing the volume up?
Over 60 percent off the lifters in that meta regression were well trained lifters. So it seems that all other things outside volume are equal then the answer is yes.
This is interesting but I keep having the same doubts. (Novice lifter here) You speak of sets but: * Are all the sets in the studies taken close to failure or is there some freedom on that? * For example, if you have 3 x 15 sets and you only get within 2 RIR in the last set. Does the first two sets count as regular set or a fractional? * If you see a great drop of number of reps between the first set and the next sets do the next sets count as set or fractional? Example: 15 reps in the first on 2RIR and the 10 on the second and then 5 on the third. Because that is what happens to me if I get close to failure from the first set, even with +2 min rest. * Does the number of repetitions of those minimal sets matter for the minimum effective dose?
It's not based on how hard you go, but on what muscles are involved. For example, one set of DB press would count for 1 chest set and 0.5 of a set for triceps. So, when the paper says that 4 fractional sets are the minimum effective dose, 3 sets of skull crushers and 2 sets of DB press would meet the MED for the triceps (3 x 1.0 + 2 x 0.5 = 4.0). "All RT sets were classified as direct or indirect, allowing for three classifications of RT variables (‘total’/‘fractional’/‘direct’). ‘Total’ was the sum of direct and indirect sets, ‘Fractional’ counted indirect sets as half a set (indirect × 0.5 + direct), and ‘direct’ did not account for indirect sets. For hypertrophy, direct sets were those in which the measured muscle(s) was likely to be the primary force generator in the exercise. Indirect sets were those in which the measured muscle(s) was likely to be meaningfully trained but not the primary force generator of the exercise (i.e., synergist). For example, a study measuring biceps brachii hypertrophy consisting of 5 sets of biceps curls in one session and 5 sets of rows in another session would result in a weekly volume quantified as ‘total,’ ’fractional,’ and ‘direct’ of 10, 7.5, and 5, respectively. This example would result in frequency quantified as ‘total,’ ‘fractional,’ and ‘direct’ of 2, 1.5, and 1, respectively. For strength, direct sets were those that trained the exact exercise used for the strength assessment. Indirect sets were any that were likely to meaningfully train the muscle(s) involved in the strength assessment. This includes the primary force generator and synergists for the strength assessment. For example, a study measuring back squat 1RM strength consisting of 5 sets of back squats in one session, 5 sets of back squats in a second session, and 5 sets of leg presses in a third session would result in a weekly volume quantified as ‘total,’ ‘fractional,’ and ‘direct’ of 15, 12.5, and 10, respectively. This example would result in frequency quantified as ‘total,’ ‘fractional,’ and ‘direct’ of 3, 2.5, and 2, respectively."
I want to power build but my question is doing a heavy single very best way to maximize strength before workout or doing a set of 3 just as good for strength as It is really hard to be doing singles everyday
It depends what rep range you want to get stronger at. You'll be best adapted to the rep range you practice. If you practice singles, you'll be good at singles, if you practice triples or fives, you'll become stronger at those rep ranges, though there is obvious strength carryover to other rep ranges. When in doubt, I work up to a heavy set of fives
Knowing the minimum effective dose for hypertrophy is interesting, but I want to know the minimum effective dose for maintenance of attained muscle. I have 16 years of lifting experience and just want to do the minimum needed to maintain what I have. Presumably this would be even less than 4 fractional weekly sets.
I've heard something like 20% of your usual volume is enough to maintain gains, using the same weights as usual, to failure. I believe for most people, that would mean 2-4 sets per week (per muscle group).
@ is that based on any research or anecdotal findings? I’ve reduced volume to 1 or 2 full body sessions a week for the last few months and haven’t noticed any difference
I’m in the same boat as you, I kept lowering it over time and now I’m at 1-2 sets per muscle per week and haven’t lost anything. I have so much energy for all other things in my life now, I love it.
Way to much fitness content is being focussed on optimising for maximum results in my opinion. 99% of the audience of fitness content have no ambition to become a competitive body builder tho. For most it is a hobby and not our main priority in life. A lot of educational content focussing on those people would be more helpful.
Did you know low energy and focus could be tied to testosterone? The book You Are Stronger Than You Think from Cryptic Lore explains how to naturally boost it
If in the research 3 singles a week weren't enough to increase bench, how many sets of triples or doubles, for example 2-3RIR, should we do as minimal effective dose for strength?
Milo, any tips to deal with tendonitis flare ups every ~5 weeks after deload? I do RP-style mesocycles. PPLR split working up over the weeks from ~4 to 8 fractional sets per muscle per week, 3 to 0 RIR for all muscles Does this indicate lower volume may be best for me and I shouldn't even try to get to 8-10 sets per muscle per week? I often have to deload due to joint issues rather than performance stalls. I have the time and would like to maximize growth so I'm eating in surplus & tried swapping exercises but can't seem to work up to handling the typical 10-20 sets/week on most muscles. I train @ home w/free weights, rack, smith, & a cable functional trainer.
I’ve found that better mmc in my lats took away bicep tendinitis for me. Also, keeping my curls in the 15-20 range. You may also have to play with your volume tho
1. Dont do exercises that bother your elbows, get a pair of adjustable dumbbells, those go pretty heavy these days, i always found i get tendonitis when limiting my bodys natural movement like barbell curls and shit like that. 2. Get stronger forearms, if i had to guess its your weaker arm that gets it.
Yeah if you ask Milo in certain videos. He contradicts this at times. I think TUT is what matters. If you rest 10 minutes between sets, then the first reps of your sets will be easy, unchallenging, and not hypertrophic. There’s a reason myoreps are so effective and efficient, it cuts out junk volume
@@jttj742everyone will have their own cost/benefit and it will itself change over time. Good luck trying to nail that down. Best you can do is work hard during the time you can spare and be consistent
Most of these youtube sports scientists have the same backstory 1. Have above average genetics for bodybuilding 2. Get a degree in sports science thinking they'll learn some bodybuilding secret. 3. Realize sports science is a serious professional field of study about real medical issues and not how get jacked 101 4. Pour over studies all concluding that genetics is the deciding factor. 5. Stay same size for years. 6. Sell out with a fitness app
3:17 maybe im dumb or so: but doesnt that graph simply just cut off at 40 sets per week? gains dont just magically stop there and the way its trending it looks like it will take a long time before it stops inclining (tho yes - diminishing returns have always been there from the start, gradually increasing)
how long does it take for strength gains to max out (since its heavily bottlenecked at 5 sets per muscle group per week)? its sorta an indirect indicator for "how long one has been lifting" (whereas total muscle mass can be screwed time-wise, if someone just trained a lot very quickly)
What does the science show for the hypertrophy diminishing returns sweet spot zone? How many weekly sets do you need to do to see 75% of potential growth if you need to do 40 sets to see 100% ?
Can I ask something? I'm very inclined to inform myself and immediatly take action on those optimal numbers, but there's is so much nuance that is out of my grasp. For instance: on the video, you used three muscle groups as example: biceps, triceps and quadriceps. Does that mean that I should consider all biceps and back exercises on the same count for the fractional weekly set? Because if that's the case, 40 fractional weekly sets being the optimal number is great news for me, because I'm at 48/week on biceps/back and 54 on triceps/chest and I really want to spend less time on the gym - right now those consume about 60-70 min a day, using supersets. Only 30 on legs and 24 ond shoulders though - I don't mind about being below 40 fractional weekly sets on leg training because I already have ridiculously strong legs - or rather proportionaly big legs, for a regular joe. I have others simple questions, but I'd rather wait to see if anyone will lend me a hand Thanks anyway!
Just so I won't forget: and what about drop sets? If I replace my 48/week on biceps/back day to 16 DS, would it still count as 48 for the optimal count purposes?
Fractional sets just means counting the set as 1 full set for the prime mover in an exercise and counting as 0.5 sets for any synergist muscles. For example, a barbell bench press would count as 1 set for chest, 0.5 sets for triceps and front deltoids (shoulder). Similarly, an underhand grip chin up would count as 1 set for back/lats, and 0.5 sets for elbow flexors (biceps, brachialis, brachioradialis).
What should someone do with calories when swapping from moderately high volume to low volume? I am eating 2900 calories to more or less maintain but do 16-20 sets per muscle per week over 2 weekly sessions, and want to try doing 10-12 sets per week per muscle over 2 sessions.
Question for you. I’m a bit confused It sounds like minimum effective dose means that it’s almost 0 growth - just enough to be noticeable. Wouldn’t this rate be too slow? Is it good bang for buck to be barely growing or is there a middle ground between MED and optimal where we can get ‘quite good’ growth for much less time than fully optimal. Or does MED result in ‘quite good’ growth?
why doesnt ur end-list contain myosets? xD 2 full myosets (until u cant hit 3 reps anymore) divided onto 2 days should be able to hit the 5 sets threshold
I miss the time when people with good amount of muscles were giving tips. Today every clown with a chess player body thinks he knows what he is talking about. Ridiculous 😂
Timestamps, bro! It's mandatory to include them above 100k subs, don't forget!
The video is 12 minutes long, watch it
@@RaphaelAmbrosiusCosteau51 Doesn't matter. Maybe I just want to show a snippet to someone, or rewatch a part that wasn't clear.
Also there are never timestamps on the half hour long videos either.
"Mandatory" by the law of laziness.
@jonathanpratte1988 I already said the potential reasons for it, neither of them is laziness.
@@RaphaelAmbrosiusCosteau51 he's just looking for the minimum effective dose in the realm of youtube watching, busy guy
As a shift worker who is getting wrecked from job everyday, its relieving i can make gains with low volume
Would 2 sets per muscle 0 RIR 1 x 4-5 days work?
@@spurzo-thespiralspacewolf8916 2 sets per muscle split into 1 set and 2 sessions will build muscle just will be small, 2-4 sets 2x a week will build alot of muscle
he only did 4 sets for chest @@spurzo-thespiralspacewolf8916basically what Dorian did
Wolfing my Milo to this
Miking my Israetel as well
Scott Hermaning my fitness
Jeffing my Nippard
Patrokled my Androulakis to the max, too.
Jeffed my Nippard too
Naaaah. Im gonna go Greggin! 🎉
I've noticed massively reducing volume broke my plateau. I think I may have not been recovering properly.
Congrats, you invented "periodisation" 😊
@@oo.8330 No, I think it was because of my sleep issue. My volume wasn't high to begin with.
@@oo.8330 reducing volume in itself isn’t periodization
@@overtonpendulum2071yes it's recovery you were over training
@@oo.8330 Renaissance Periodisation
Would ge great to get a video going in depth on fractional sets. Explaining how to calculate them, what counts as a fractional set, how to tell whether it counts as a fractional set and for what muscle groups, etc. A break down of exercises and their fractional sets would be amazing.
damn, yeah!
But how would someone accurately figure this out?
@@jason2014 Measuring muscle activation may give clues, and for most people, it doesn't have to be very precise. Anatomy, experience from many studies that look at different exercises ...
I would like to know, for example, roughly, how a set of bench press contributes to hypertrophy/strength for pects vs. front delts vs. triceps. Roughly, for an average person ... Sure it depends on which the limiting muscles are, but still some ideas would help people make better guesses.
This is so valuable for so many people
Not for me tho
only watching one of your old videos, I noticed a link in the description for your website, where I could sign up to the newsletter and get a free program
I started the 5-day muscle growth program today, after choosing the exercise options. I think I might the best workout I've ever done. I was doing more research than going to the gym, and I could never find the right answers to my questions. every time I went to the gym I came back with more questions than answers. Today I said "f*** all that", I just took your prebuilt program and followed. I've always liked full body programs, I just missed the courage to stop messing around with splits and accept I like full body. I'll do it for the 8 weeks, then follow it with the Powerbuilding one. Thank you very much!
Milo telling us not to chase optimal is wild.
He's telling you to chase optimal _for you_. Time is one of those considerations.
I think it's pretty good advice.
Not really. I don't see Milo as the optimal elitist many other influencers claim he is. He knows for many people chasing the minimal can provide just as good if not better growth over the long term. I mean his best friend Pak did his PhD research on minimalist training, so why would Milo be against it?
Dr. Mike is screaming in anger about the minimal warmup model 😂😂
Mentzer wasn't wrong when he said taking one perfect set to true absolute concentric (not volitional) failure was effective. He went wrong when he continued to say that doing additional sets would be worse. They just didn't have the infastructure to know better.
I think he was pretty damn right if you take out all hyperbolic statements and hurried conclusions
2 sets to 0-1RIR is prob the most optimal
@@diasluah it’s hyperbolic to say that extra sets result in more growth?
@@hz1634 2 sets per…? Optimal growth or optimal for time?
@ optimal growth. Each set has far less MUR. And you build up equal fatigue with each set. So unless you enjoy doing multiple sets, 1-2 intense sets is all you need
Mike Mentzer, Dorian yates, John Heart, and the H.I.T.' 😎 lifters know the deal.
This is legit what I have been doing for 10 months because I have a hard time getting outside of my house cause hard mental health shit.
And lots of friends have been impressed with the changes I have without knowing its only a twice a week affair.
I think that for this to work you really gotta push yourself and do things hard/correctly wich is a thing really not many people care about. Thankfully I spend more time looking into things than actually lifting so I think I am good at that compared to another beginner like me.
Thanks for all the infos you share ❤
Regarding the study mentioned after 4:00 : 10% in trained lifters? With that rate of increase their muscle mass would double in a bit over a year. I don´t want to be mean but that seems questionable, at least if they are natural (or not freshly on roids, and enhanced people would make me question the result of the study for natural lifters in the first place to be honest)
I think it is the effect of higher motivation and so you have higher motorunit activation when this ,,trained people'' participating in a study.
@@AE_CC_-Tutorials You might be right but in that case they would still be in the newbie gains phase for me in terms of how easy they can advance and not really trained.
@@murmor6890 yes otherwise it could not be possible that's the reason i wrote ,,trained people''..
I've been doing a full body routine that I threw together based on my favorite lifts and like a genius I do squat, bench and deadlifts every session 5x5. It is reaching the point where I don't even want to do my isolation work after those three. I think I'll try the squat/bench day and leave deads for the another day.
I've been training Dr paks minimum effective dose workout for about 4 weeks now... I've got to say as a busy self-employed worker with a physical job and 3 little ones it suits me perfectly... I've been making slow and steady progress so far and I'm going to stick to this program for quite some time... Consistency trump's everything in my opinion even if it isn't "optimal" training is highly individual.
❤ Wolf Pak content don't let the recent haters stop your shine.
Make your side hustle personal training and socialize with friends and family in the gym, easy 6h for training a day
Thank you Milo!
New gym and lighting looking great. Awesome job.
I've been preaching that for YEARS! Minimalism is the way to go (even in general in life)!
1 set every 5 days or 4 sets a week will get you gains
That was a great video!! Protocols, guidelines, analysis, all the goodies.. The condensed information and the basic structure is what we are looking for. Thank you guys, I will buy the book and the app when available. Χαιρετισμούς από την πατρίδα Πάτροκλε.
This was great! I really enjoy a lot recent emphasis on the minimum effective dose - I think this has a strong potential to impact weightlifting, and make it more psychologically accessible for the average person.
The problem is that most people don't come to the gym for results, but just to spend time there 😉
Mr. Mike Mentzer knew all along, science is only catching up to the legend.
As a female I want to know what is best for fat loss and get defined
Mentzer had it figured out 40 years ago without the need to run any RCT's.
Ancient 20-rep squat program was infact good
New gym looks great!
Running Dr. Wolf’s 8 week hypertrophy program for 4 days, starting a new job soon, time becoming an issue…Would totally pay for an MED program.
Fbw , 2x a week 2x series per muscle with some dropset, myoreps sprinkled in 1h15min each session. With work, 2 kids and other passion it got close to best shape of my life, fk optimal, whats optimal is what you can do
Great Video! Give us a minimalist workout with only dumbbells, please
Daaaamn the lightning really do add that magic touch :)
The gym is a huge part of my social life..not spending 2 hours per day there would destroy me!😂
I have a question for you, but is off topic:
If you are like me, and play tennis 3 or 4 days per week, but still want to look jacked, it's ok to hit legs twice a week, or it is better to train them only once?
I mention that I play mostly doubles, but my legs are still hited pretty hard during those matches.
When I am really short on time?I do 1 set to death.I will try and hit the large muscle groups and pick quality exercises.Done properly I can get a full body pump in 45 minutes.
I get how switching to this high intensity low volume program could work in the short term but does the evidence suggest that you could keep making gains without the need to ever start pushing the volume up?
Over 60 percent off the lifters in that meta regression were well trained lifters. So it seems that all other things outside volume are equal then the answer is yes.
This is interesting but I keep having the same doubts. (Novice lifter here) You speak of sets but:
* Are all the sets in the studies taken close to failure or is there some freedom on that?
* For example, if you have 3 x 15 sets and you only get within 2 RIR in the last set. Does the first two sets count as regular set or a fractional?
* If you see a great drop of number of reps between the first set and the next sets do the next sets count as set or fractional? Example: 15 reps in the first on 2RIR and the 10 on the second and then 5 on the third. Because that is what happens to me if I get close to failure from the first set, even with +2 min rest.
* Does the number of repetitions of those minimal sets matter for the minimum effective dose?
It's not based on how hard you go, but on what muscles are involved. For example, one set of DB press would count for 1 chest set and 0.5 of a set for triceps. So, when the paper says that 4 fractional sets are the minimum effective dose, 3 sets of skull crushers and 2 sets of DB press would meet the MED for the triceps (3 x 1.0 + 2 x 0.5 = 4.0).
"All RT sets were classified as direct or indirect, allowing for three classifications of RT variables (‘total’/‘fractional’/‘direct’). ‘Total’ was the sum of direct and indirect sets, ‘Fractional’ counted indirect sets as half a set (indirect × 0.5 + direct), and ‘direct’ did not account for indirect sets.
For hypertrophy, direct sets were those in which the measured muscle(s) was likely to be the primary force generator in the exercise. Indirect sets were those in which the measured muscle(s) was likely to be meaningfully trained but not the primary force generator of the exercise (i.e., synergist). For example, a study measuring biceps brachii hypertrophy consisting of 5 sets of biceps curls in one session and 5 sets of rows in another session would result in a weekly volume quantified as ‘total,’ ’fractional,’ and ‘direct’ of 10, 7.5, and 5, respectively. This example would result in frequency quantified as ‘total,’ ‘fractional,’ and ‘direct’ of 2, 1.5, and 1, respectively.
For strength, direct sets were those that trained the exact exercise used for the strength assessment. Indirect sets were any that were likely to meaningfully train the muscle(s) involved in the strength assessment. This includes the primary force generator and synergists for the strength assessment. For example, a study measuring back squat 1RM strength consisting of 5 sets of back squats in one session, 5 sets of back squats in a second session, and 5 sets of leg presses in a third session would result in a weekly volume quantified as ‘total,’ ‘fractional,’ and ‘direct’ of 15, 12.5, and 10, respectively. This example would result in frequency quantified as ‘total,’ ‘fractional,’ and ‘direct’ of 3, 2.5, and 2, respectively."
How to train with the best grow/fatigue ratio?) Maximising area under this curve
What’s your definition of a fractional set?
great vid, nice setup
Very cool stuff, but seriously, where can I buy the orange greek t-shirt?
I want to power build but my question is doing a heavy single very best way to maximize strength before workout or doing a set of 3 just as good for strength as It is really hard to be doing singles everyday
It depends what rep range you want to get stronger at. You'll be best adapted to the rep range you practice. If you practice singles, you'll be good at singles, if you practice triples or fives, you'll become stronger at those rep ranges, though there is obvious strength carryover to other rep ranges. When in doubt, I work up to a heavy set of fives
Knowing the minimum effective dose for hypertrophy is interesting, but I want to know the minimum effective dose for maintenance of attained muscle. I have 16 years of lifting experience and just want to do the minimum needed to maintain what I have. Presumably this would be even less than 4 fractional weekly sets.
I've heard something like 20% of your usual volume is enough to maintain gains, using the same weights as usual, to failure. I believe for most people, that would mean 2-4 sets per week (per muscle group).
Data Driven Strength channel has interesting stuff about this. But its still unknown. It could be that maintenance volume can change overtime.
3 sets once a week maintains muscle.
@ is that based on any research or anecdotal findings? I’ve reduced volume to 1 or 2 full body sessions a week for the last few months and haven’t noticed any difference
I’m in the same boat as you, I kept lowering it over time and now I’m at 1-2 sets per muscle per week and haven’t lost anything. I have so much energy for all other things in my life now, I love it.
The new gym. Impressive
Bruv are you actually trying to kill my gains bcos im fully expecting "I was wrong about minimalist training" video in like 6 months time!
Way to much fitness content is being focussed on optimising for maximum results in my opinion. 99% of the audience of fitness content have no ambition to become a competitive body builder tho. For most it is a hobby and not our main priority in life. A lot of educational content focussing on those people would be more helpful.
Oh boy, here we go again…
Did you know low energy and focus could be tied to testosterone? The book You Are Stronger Than You Think from Cryptic Lore explains how to naturally boost it
If in the research 3 singles a week weren't enough to increase bench, how many sets of triples or doubles, for example 2-3RIR, should we do as minimal effective dose for strength?
How long has Milo trained for?
as a beginner (6 months of training) do you think 2 or 3 sets could be enough for hyperthrophy ?
I love supersets.
Milo, any tips to deal with tendonitis flare ups every ~5 weeks after deload?
I do RP-style mesocycles. PPLR split working up over the weeks from ~4 to 8 fractional sets per muscle per week, 3 to 0 RIR for all muscles
Does this indicate lower volume may be best for me and I shouldn't even try to get to 8-10 sets per muscle per week? I often have to deload due to joint issues rather than performance stalls.
I have the time and would like to maximize growth so I'm eating in surplus & tried swapping exercises but can't seem to work up to handling the typical 10-20 sets/week on most muscles. I train @ home w/free weights, rack, smith, & a cable functional trainer.
I’ve found that better mmc in my lats took away bicep tendinitis for me. Also, keeping my curls in the 15-20 range. You may also have to play with your volume tho
1. Dont do exercises that bother your elbows, get a pair of adjustable dumbbells, those go pretty heavy these days, i always found i get tendonitis when limiting my bodys natural movement like barbell curls and shit like that. 2. Get stronger forearms, if i had to guess its your weaker arm that gets it.
Are we supposed to know what a fractional set is?
If you cut down rest time doesnt that mean you'll be able to do less reps per set? Wouldn't that reduce gains?
Yeah if you ask Milo in certain videos. He contradicts this at times. I think TUT is what matters. If you rest 10 minutes between sets, then the first reps of your sets will be easy, unchallenging, and not hypertrophic. There’s a reason myoreps are so effective and efficient, it cuts out junk volume
If you're dividing the body into ~20 muscle groups I really doubt many people can do 800 productive sets in one week
I don’t want the minimum effective dose, I want to maximize the cost/benefit curve.
How would you start the cost to benefit analysis without knowing the minimum dose?
@ you look at the entire curve and see where it starts decelerating.
@@jttj742everyone will have their own cost/benefit and it will itself change over time. Good luck trying to nail that down. Best you can do is work hard during the time you can spare and be consistent
@@jttj742 Good luck with that
Most of these youtube sports scientists have the same backstory
1. Have above average genetics for bodybuilding
2. Get a degree in sports science thinking they'll learn some bodybuilding secret.
3. Realize sports science is a serious professional field of study about real medical issues and not how get jacked 101
4. Pour over studies all concluding that genetics is the deciding factor.
5. Stay same size for years.
6. Sell out with a fitness app
Being dead last in local masters shows while on stage at 15% BF is the exact opposite of good genetics. It's literally the worst genetics.
scince i skyrocketed my Volume to 30-35 Sets per day but in 1 Hour , thanks to Supersets, my muscles Explode.
Thank you for this, my friend!
What is the meTd?
maybe im dumb or so: but doesnt that graph simply just cut off at 40 sets per week? gains dont just magically stop there
and the way its trending it looks like it will take a long time before it stops inclining (tho yes - diminishing returns have always been there from the start, gradually increasing)
How about using rest times to warmup for your next exercise?
how about super Sets ^^
5 Minutes for a Full body workout :D
how long does it take for strength gains to max out (since its heavily bottlenecked at 5 sets per muscle group per week)?
its sorta an indirect indicator for "how long one has been lifting" (whereas total muscle mass can be screwed time-wise, if someone just trained a lot very quickly)
Thank god Dr. Pak hasn't had is coffee yet.
What does the science show for the hypertrophy diminishing returns sweet spot zone? How many weekly sets do you need to do to see 75% of potential growth if you need to do 40 sets to see 100% ?
What about the minimal effective dose for men over the age of 35 or 50+ ?
Can I ask something? I'm very inclined to inform myself and immediatly take action on those optimal numbers, but there's is so much nuance that is out of my grasp.
For instance: on the video, you used three muscle groups as example: biceps, triceps and quadriceps. Does that mean that I should consider all biceps and back exercises on the same count for the fractional weekly set? Because if that's the case, 40 fractional weekly sets being the optimal number is great news for me, because I'm at 48/week on biceps/back and 54 on triceps/chest and I really want to spend less time on the gym - right now those consume about 60-70 min a day, using supersets. Only 30 on legs and 24 ond shoulders though - I don't mind about being below 40 fractional weekly sets on leg training because I already have ridiculously strong legs - or rather proportionaly big legs, for a regular joe.
I have others simple questions, but I'd rather wait to see if anyone will lend me a hand
Thanks anyway!
Just so I won't forget: and what about drop sets? If I replace my 48/week on biceps/back day to 16 DS, would it still count as 48 for the optimal count purposes?
Just do 1 Set 2-3 time a week
What happened to 52 sets and lengthened partials. Is that fad dead now?
heh, 40 sets, kid? TRY ONE - Mike Mentzer
What's fractional sets?
Fractional sets just means counting the set as 1 full set for the prime mover in an exercise and counting as 0.5 sets for any synergist muscles.
For example, a barbell bench press would count as 1 set for chest, 0.5 sets for triceps and front deltoids (shoulder).
Similarly, an underhand grip chin up would count as 1 set for back/lats, and 0.5 sets for elbow flexors (biceps, brachialis, brachioradialis).
Competing with the RP hypertrophy app….
How to train like when will Myoadapt launch
How to destroy your reputation and s*** on everyone you've interviewed in one video 😂🤡
This is great for when I'm not feeling 100%, and I'm not quite ready for deloading yet. I'll do 1 set of each of my exercises for that peace of mind.
What should someone do with calories when swapping from moderately high volume to low volume? I am eating 2900 calories to more or less maintain but do 16-20 sets per muscle per week over 2 weekly sessions, and want to try doing 10-12 sets per week per muscle over 2 sessions.
Question for you. I’m a bit confused
It sounds like minimum effective dose means that it’s almost 0 growth - just enough to be noticeable.
Wouldn’t this rate be too slow?
Is it good bang for buck to be barely growing or is there a middle ground between MED and optimal where we can get ‘quite good’ growth for much less time than fully optimal.
Or does MED result in ‘quite good’ growth?
why doesnt ur end-list contain myosets? xD
2 full myosets (until u cant hit 3 reps anymore) divided onto 2 days should be able to hit the 5 sets threshold
Minimum dose book, let’s go! 💪
Hmm 1:48 lifting 80% of 1RM with 4 reps in reserve means lifting zero reps for me 🤣 maybe less
What? Working out a lot is worse for your health than doing nothing? That makes no sense
What if I have a lot of time? I'm retired. 🙂
Training is getting very complicated everyday because of new studies best training method is high volume each body part once per week simple as that
Gregin your Doucette minier than last time?❤
Too much smelling salts 😂
What happened to 52 sets oer week little Milo? What a fing ioke. And where are all the lengthened partials? Hahahahahahahaha
We’re the subjects of the hypertrophy study already intermediate athletes?
For a person o trains 4 data is it better a abc + fullbody a upper lower or a fullbody 4 days?
Greg it!
Almost 100K
i liked this video
He didn't buy the domain 😭
what a sell out
Hold on, is 9:37 showing an increase in all cause mortality after 140 minutes of lifting per week? Are you not going to address this?
He did in another video a few weeks back.
@@asprinklingofclouds Which one?
@@highfructosedreams Is LIFTING Weights KILLING You? (Science Explained)
Yeah which one @@asprinklingofclouds
Im here because of greg... Watch one video and will never follow😂
So myoadapt huh?
I miss the time when people with good amount of muscles were giving tips. Today every clown with a chess player body thinks he knows what he is talking about. Ridiculous 😂
For the algorithm