I have played a few of these synergies in other decks before and they are so much fun to pull off. It makes up for all the time instant speed removal spoils your fun.
YOU LEFT OUT THE CRATERHOOF! THATS THE BEST NEWS I HAVE HEARD IN WEEKS! Thank you for not having just another crafterhoof win in here. Mega thumbs up. You really put a lot of time into loading this deck full of sweet combo's and synergies not often seen in typical commander games. Best deck tech you have done yet. Thanks again.
+jonathan foster Thanks, I do have decks that win with craterhoof but he gets so boring it'd be a shame to have such a unique deck with such a lame win. It's always a struggle because the hoof is SOOOOO good. Thanks for the compliments; I'm so glad you liked it.
Yes! Someone else who thought of and loves the idea of playing Blasphemous Act with a Hornet Nest in play! I know this video has been around for half a year, but dude you just made my day! This deck looks very fun! I love the synergy!
I'm glad you liked it. Commander has so many different styles. I'm sure some people will HATE this jank. But I love it! I might not always post this regularly but the commander product has me excited :)
This jank?!?! This is what commander is about! Commander is made for wacky combos, crazy X spells, and obscure old card that no one knows about, not a finely tuned deck that has 5 mana on turn -2.
Another very quality video. Thanks so much. This was very fun to watch. WOW I love this deck! The combo with vigor and Blast act is fantastic. PLUS hornets nest hahaha. This is what edh is all about. Man, so many cool combos in this deck. I really like seeing these unsung hero type combos in EDH. Putting in the infect is a little ez mode, however you did combo it to make it into an original combo kill switch. IDK how you come up with these super awesome combos but keep up the good work.
Thanks man. I recently played the deck and it is a little hard to put all the pieces together while being disrupted but I hope you can tune the deck so it really run smoothly. Glad you liked the build.
I'm building my Saskia deck with a token heavy focus and a lot of small creatures, I have Alesha, Who Smiles at Death to bring them back. I also put Ankle Shanker in there as a potential reanimation target for Alesha. Hornet Nest is a great idea that I might add to my deck, and another gross pairing with Alesha. Slimefoot is also a great new way to abuse the saproling tokens.
Omnivore hydra with her is downright hilarious because it doubles up on damage to whoever you point out. So you pump it big and swing at the weakest player and you've got a nice meaty slap of damage on the biggest threat to you.
Unfortunately a big weakness I see in this deck is it dies to actual boardwipes (ones that don't do damage but just destroy) So cards like your phantom creatures or hydras are nice but they mean nothing to the most prevalent white and black board wipe out there. You know what I mean. Thus I think keeping cards like dauntless escort or boros charm from the original decklist to deal with these cards would be good. Or, idk, soul of new phyrexia. A lot of the synergies are nice though, if not a bit "Christmas land scenario" to me. Idk about you but I doubt you will often assemble all the pieces of those combos you mention in the video without tutors in a 100 card singleton deck. I am excited by the sunforger package though, almost makes me sad that I sold my foil one I pulled out of EMA. And If any deck will get me to make another deck that's more casual, this would be it because I really enjoy the idea behind this commander
"Sigarda is clearly Gisela's best friend" Yup. And Medomai is definitely Aurelia's best friend ;) Since she is so combat focused, I'm curious what you think of the creatures with myriad? They seem really good for her. They can potentially get damage through to everyone and if one isn't blocked, your Saskia'd player gets extra damage, or they can be really political if the rest of the board choses not to block their myriad creatures and effectively killing the player Saskia has named. Even if not the 4 myriad creatures you can run, Blade of Selves could be pretty nasty in general for some of the creatures you mentioned.
so if you are playing against 3 opponents, you attack and connect with that Hydra, it will assign damage to all opponents, but with saskia it will copy two of those again to the target opponent. thus you will deal 40 damage total, with 24 of that at Target player. the beauty of that is you don't even need to direct it at that player to do all of that.
Fun fact, with curse of bloodletting, and Saskia on the same player multiplies the damage by 6, not 4. Swing with an unblocked 1/1 deals 2 damage due to the curse, then saskia's trigger deals 4 damage because it's being doubled by the curse as well. With this, dealing 7 combat damage, that is the equivalent to 42 damage. Lethal from the starting life total
I think it is more than quadruple damage on curse of bloodletting if I am not mistaken. Saskia is a trigger that triggers of combat damage. Assuming you attack the chosen player with her and she isnt blocked with curse on, it would be 3 damage which is doubled to 6. Then the trigger happens dealing 12, which is 18 damage total. Someone tell me i am stupid if I am wrong
Like the infect subtheme and its synergy! On other hand, are this complete decks? No ramp? Great tech but is the deck playable? Or is just ideas and adwise how can we build it? Otherwise great work today.
Check out the decklist in the description for a playable deck. In order to fit in a lot of interesting ideas, I sometimes skimp on the ramp. For example, this deck only has 8 pieces of ramp and only 2 are less than 3 cmc. If you wanted to make this deck run smoother I would upgrade the ramp and card draw and cut your least favorite combat synergy. Hopefully, these videos can just spark peoples' imagination. Thanks!
William Henry an equipment with wither already exist, it's called "blight sickle". Unfortunately, that's the only one with wither. I do agree with you though. I'd like to see more cards with the wither mechanic.
do you happen to have a stigma lasher in this deck? Because if you combo Stigma lasher with Chandra's Ignition, you can just shut off all life gain between opponents...Stigma lasher reads, it has wither and if it deals any damage to a player that player can no longer gain life for the rest of the game
I've got a Gisela deck that's mainly Angel/Human tribal, but I've put in all of my damage based "boardwipes" as well because they work wonders with her. Shout out to Coalhauler Swine, the best card to ever come out of Ravnica.
I've also found that otherwise less noteworthy burn spells can come in handy as long as they let you target several creatures, since she often mitigates the damage drop-off that comes with dividing their focus. Something as simple as Dual Shot now hitting for 2 instead of 1 can actually be quite helpful (Though if I prioritized efficiency over flavour then I arguably wouldn't be running it in the first place).
Haha, I agree some of these strategies will lose more often than win. I think that building an awesome deck that wins SPECTACULARLY only 20% of the time is totally worth it. I'm going to make a very competitive video soon so we can have some balance. Glad you like the videos, cheers
love the deck idea! a pseudo board wipe card which would do exceptionally well in thia deck in my opinion would be inferno. the combos in thia deck leads to at least 1 person dying whwn you pull it off.
You gave me an idea, get big creatures with power 3 or less but get big with etb effects like that phantom you mentioned, then add Alesha who smiles at death and sun titan and keep recurring them for free then add panharmonicon and their etb counters double and saskia picks 2 players instead of 1
I like the way you explain the cards and everything(how the video goes etc.) but i don't like most of the cards that you are suggesting. I mean i like playing her very aggresively and i am doing pretty good with it. Putting glacial chasm is the worst idea ever for Saskia to me. Saskia herself is to attack why would i make myself not be able to attack?
im torn. saskias deck looks more fun but atraxa is the more practical option. i can do so much more evil brewing with saskia, but i lioke atraxa's color scheme better
im running this with tana as the main commander and going thallid tribal to amass as many saprolings as possible and feeding them to thromok and either attacking in with him or throwing him at someone with brion stoutarm
I had a thallid deck with Ghave as the commander. Everyone overreacted when they saw such a powerful general and when I did win Ghave was often the reason. I think you have the right idea going with this combination. I think it will make for very compelling gameplay. Watch out for boardwipes!
i had a ghave deck but i found it was too easy to go infinite with it which wasn't very fun for me so without him as the commander and changing focus from +1/+1 counters to mass tokens im hoping it will be more fun and then i can play my favorite tribe again
www.mtgcommander.net/rules.php it mentions infect nowhere. It also mentions infect nowhere magic.wizards.com/en/game-info/gameplay/formats/commander here. It mentions "normal loss conditions" which is ten infect. Can you find me a source where the rules have changed?
+Gabriel Wehby Everyone in my playgroup was excited over the supposed rules change and I assume they all can't be misinformed, to answer your question I don't have a source online. That being said everyone I know share a general consensus that it should take 20 poison counters in edh to win because the the number staying at 10 when your life total has doubled is complete bullshit.
The official rule is 10 infect (as of this post) but I know many players make a house rule of 20. Maybe your friends heard a rumor of a change?!?! I have a lot to say on the subject of infect in commander (maybe I'll make a video on it). But the most important opinion is not mine but that of your playgroup.
Saskia is a great creature, but absolute poop for her precon deck. I used Tana and Tymna as partners and found it a way more resilient combo. Drop Tymna early to get card advantage, and drop Tana after a wipe to create a sizeable army. I am playing an EDH league, each guy has a precon, and Saskia is on the chopping block to get replaced.
Sneak Attack is a great card and it's so cheap right now because of the reprint. I used to have a Feldon of the Third Path deck that just abused sneak attack. I think I might feature Sneak Attack in a Rakdos Lord of Riots deck. My current rakdos deck -- Grenzo Dungeon Warden Infect deck is not seeing much play.
I had mage slayer in but it got cut. It doesn't help get combat damage through but it goes so well with all of the really BIG creatures. I don't really play it in any decks, Am I wrong? Should I be running it?
for me I'm gonna make this deck be largely legendary creatures with a lot of support spells for them, namely enchantments. Fervent Charge, and Anthem of Rakdos will be great for buffing your attackers, and will stack if you have multiple attacks in one turn.
thelordelric I assume you already built the deck but I would run both. redundancy is always good in commander. also you could look into the legendaries in kamigawa. Lots of cards like reki and time of need have synergy with legendary creatures. I made a bant sisay-esque deck and it's a blast
remove him with one of the several burn spells. also you don't have to focus all your damage on that one player asap in hopes of running him out of fogs or use all your spot removal and board wipes on just angus.
If unchecked this deck can provide a lot of pressure BUT it is short on answers. No matter what list I post everyone will need to put their personal spin on it and tune it to their metagame. Thanks for the comment!
sekki+warstorm surge is an infinite combo by the way. especially hilarious because it's in 2 of the least infinite colors in the game sekki enters, triggering warstorm, deals 8 to himself remove 8 counters, get 8 spirits spirits trigger warstorm, deal 1 damage 8 times to whatever you want sac the 8 spirits to get sekki back rinse and repeat
"We're gonna have perfect mana. And get through tremendous amounts of damage." (add in "It will be a beautiful thing to watch.") This rhetoric reminds me of someone... 😉 So, where's that perfect 1000$ manabase? 😂 Can we make our opponents pay for it? No, seriously, was waiting for that the entire video. I love this "stop hitting yourself" idea, I tried to make it work in Mardu first, but the addition of green giving access to Vigor, Phytohydra and the Phantoms definitely brings much to the table. Unfortunately, you just stuff in triple red, triple green AND triple white and assume everything is going to work out just fine (why no triple black cards, too, while we're already at it? 😜) Most multicolour decks have one or two "main colours". If Vigor is that essential to our plan, I would pick green, especially since it allows us to play all the ramp spells we need to find our other colours. White would be secondary, for Phytohydra, Reckoner / Spitemare etc. Most of the time we should only need a single red for Arcbond / Blasphemous Act, and never more than double red for Chandra's Ignition. Gratuitous Violence etc. would be just pure win-more imho. Finally, black would mainly be a support colour for tutors and stuff.
Jumbo Commander my thoughts are exactly because the objective is to basically not be a Target and the other people are going to be fighting other people meanwhile I'm giving them lands or manner or double Mana or maybe small tokens and then when it's down to one v one I just beat him in the face
"Comes into play" is the same mechanic but just an outdated way of saying "enters the battlefield". I probably should just use the current language to avoid confusion. Thanks.
don't worry about the mana. don't worry about the mana. no... seriously we'll have enough mana. doesn't really explain how to get the mana -_-' I mean I know it's green and has castle ramp-a-lot. But I was expecting something else or a big explanation of cheating out stuff. Other than that, great deck tech
Omari Hodge Saskia is an actual female name, so... where was the difficulty? 😉 Perhaps it's not that common in the US, here in Germany you find it quite regularly... That said, it also took me a while to realise that many Planeswalkers have actual real-world names. Liliana and Sorin are just not that common, Gideon has grown in popularity (first time I noticed was in "Scott Pilgrim against the world" 😂), Elsbeth is just not that much of a usual abbreviation for Elisabeth, just like I have not heard "Jason" being shortened to "Jace" that often. But all in all, WotC make up less new names than we may think sometimes 😉.
Strato Incendus Yeah I'm in the states so I was completely oblivious to her gender. I felt like Saskia could have been a guy name which confused me but now it makes more sense
I remember being similarly confused about Teysa, Orzhov Scion, because there's also a guy in the artwork right next to her and the German translation "Orzhov-Weiser" implied a male gender. But then somebody reminded me that most names ending on an -a are female 😉.
It can also be used when one opponent attacks another. "I'll give all his big defenders Shadow so he can't block" or "I'll give your attacker with a trigger on combat damage Shadow" and all I ask for in return is.... Works well with Infect creatures. I'm surprised this card doesn't see more play.
The mana curve way too high and the game plan is janky. Also it dosen't fit really with saskia's plan, that is dealing combat damage. Thpught I must admit that Vigor is very good option for the deck.
She is a she, although I have screwed that up enough times. magic.wizards.com/en/articles/archive/magic-story/its-time-talk-commander-2016-edition-2016-10-26
Commander Ben I would disagree with you. I love his ramblings. I come her for his personality and character for more than just info. If I just wanted that I would just look at deck lists.
Wow is a very unique view on this commander I'm impressed on how fun it looks too. Lol nice sir nice
I have played a few of these synergies in other decks before and they are so much fun to pull off. It makes up for all the time instant speed removal spoils your fun.
YOU LEFT OUT THE CRATERHOOF! THATS THE BEST NEWS I HAVE HEARD IN WEEKS! Thank you for not having just another crafterhoof win in here. Mega thumbs up. You really put a lot of time into loading this deck full of sweet combo's and synergies not often seen in typical commander games. Best deck tech you have done yet. Thanks again.
+jonathan foster Thanks, I do have decks that win with craterhoof but he gets so boring it'd be a shame to have such a unique deck with such a lame win. It's always a struggle because the hoof is SOOOOO good. Thanks for the compliments; I'm so glad you liked it.
Great take on Saskia.I love how you often take the most unusual and therefore most interesting way to build a commander's deck.
Yes! Someone else who thought of and loves the idea of playing Blasphemous Act with a Hornet Nest in play! I know this video has been around for half a year, but dude you just made my day! This deck looks very fun! I love the synergy!
It's such a fun play to make. People laugh like I did something cute ... then they realize they really can't deal with 13 hornets :D
Saskia doesn't redirect damage, she duplicates it to the chosen player :)
This the most genius deck build I've seen I a while. Much respect to you sir.
Hahah thank you. This is what commander is all about.
I get so excited for your videos. My favorite commander content creator for sure
I'm so glad you like my content. I have a blast making it. Cheers
after tha fall of topandgo, its really noce to see a good channel for commander. i love this channel.
Wow this was one of the best decks you have made! I like that you post videos regularly too!
I'm glad you liked it. Commander has so many different styles. I'm sure some people will HATE this jank. But I love it! I might not always post this regularly but the commander product has me excited :)
This jank?!?! This is what commander is about! Commander is made for wacky combos, crazy X spells, and obscure old card that no one knows about, not a finely tuned deck that has 5 mana on turn -2.
And even at your normal pace of uploads, the quality is worth the wait.
I found your channel a couple of days ago and i've gone back and watched all your video's. I love your content man keep up the good work.
Ludvig Strannabjer Melin lol I know right I'm new too but I'd say some of the best content I've seen on mtg
I'm so happy we found each other! Thanks for the kind words.
Wow William! High praise! Thanks
Jumbo Commander you deserve it you put out some of the finest mtg content on RUclips your hard is very much appreciated thank you
Have you thought about putting in Odric, Lunarch Marshal to give all your creature all of the really good keywords?
Another very quality video. Thanks so much. This was very fun to watch.
WOW I love this deck! The combo with vigor and Blast act is fantastic. PLUS hornets nest hahaha. This is what edh is all about. Man, so many cool combos in this deck. I really like seeing these unsung hero type combos in EDH. Putting in the infect is a little ez mode, however you did combo it to make it into an original combo kill switch. IDK how you come up with these super awesome combos but keep up the good work.
This was honestly a fantastic video, keep it up!
Really nice deck! I was thinking of building something similar to that, but your version is so much more refined! Good job! :)
Thanks man. I recently played the deck and it is a little hard to put all the pieces together while being disrupted but I hope you can tune the deck so it really run smoothly. Glad you liked the build.
Was it the list you have in the description? There is a disturbing lack of ramp and mana fixing in it. How did this work out for you?
When you said we would have perfect mana I actually expected a section on Mana Fixing
I love your insight on deck building man. You should make a video on the partners and which combinations you find good to build around.
I have one idea in mind. But honestly, the partners are stumping me a little bit. They don't really lead me in a solid direction.
Combo idea: Yargle + tainted strike + Chandra's ignition.
I'm building my Saskia deck with a token heavy focus and a lot of small creatures, I have Alesha, Who Smiles at Death to bring them back. I also put Ankle Shanker in there as a potential reanimation target for Alesha. Hornet Nest is a great idea that I might add to my deck, and another gross pairing with Alesha. Slimefoot is also a great new way to abuse the saproling tokens.
Omnivore hydra with her is downright hilarious because it doubles up on damage to whoever you point out. So you pump it big and swing at the weakest player and you've got a nice meaty slap of damage on the biggest threat to you.
Unfortunately a big weakness I see in this deck is it dies to actual boardwipes (ones that don't do damage but just destroy) So cards like your phantom creatures or hydras are nice but they mean nothing to the most prevalent white and black board wipe out there. You know what I mean. Thus I think keeping cards like dauntless escort or boros charm from the original decklist to deal with these cards would be good. Or, idk, soul of new phyrexia.
A lot of the synergies are nice though, if not a bit "Christmas land scenario" to me. Idk about you but I doubt you will often assemble all the pieces of those combos you mention in the video without tutors in a 100 card singleton deck.
I am excited by the sunforger package though, almost makes me sad that I sold my foil one I pulled out of EMA. And If any deck will get me to make another deck that's more casual, this would be it because I really enjoy the idea behind this commander
Jumbo, i thought Bruna was Gisela's best friend.
Thank you for making this. I want to make Saskia work, but her playstyle was not as obvious to me as Ydris or Atraxa was.
What about Angelic Skirmisher? At the start of EACH combat choose between: Lifelink Vigilance and First Strike. It seems to fit perfectly.
"Sigarda is clearly Gisela's best friend" Yup. And Medomai is definitely Aurelia's best friend ;)
Since she is so combat focused, I'm curious what you think of the creatures with myriad? They seem really good for her. They can potentially get damage through to everyone and if one isn't blocked, your Saskia'd player gets extra damage, or they can be really political if the rest of the board choses not to block their myriad creatures and effectively killing the player Saskia has named. Even if not the 4 myriad creatures you can run, Blade of Selves could be pretty nasty in general for some of the creatures you mentioned.
I just subscribed to your channel and 🤗🤩👏👍👍💥
How about adding an Armadillo Cloak to the Basilisk's-Collared Hidetsugu? Btw, I haven't seen any build like this at all- I love it!
We could find a spot for the cloak. And I'm glad you love the build!
Nice decklist. One nice synergy is Saskia+Hydra Omnivore+Bruse Tarl on hydra. And then just attack the names player :D
so if you are playing against 3 opponents, you attack and connect with that Hydra, it will assign damage to all opponents, but with saskia it will copy two of those again to the target opponent. thus you will deal 40 damage total, with 24 of that at Target player. the beauty of that is you don't even need to direct it at that player to do all of that.
Fun fact, with curse of bloodletting, and Saskia on the same player multiplies the damage by 6, not 4. Swing with an unblocked 1/1 deals 2 damage due to the curse, then saskia's trigger deals 4 damage because it's being doubled by the curse as well. With this, dealing 7 combat damage, that is the equivalent to 42 damage. Lethal from the starting life total
I think it is more than quadruple damage on curse of bloodletting if I am not mistaken.
Saskia is a trigger that triggers of combat damage. Assuming you attack the chosen player with her and she isnt blocked with curse on, it would be 3 damage which is doubled to 6. Then the trigger happens dealing 12, which is 18 damage total.
Someone tell me i am stupid if I am wrong
You are correct. Wow that escalates quickly ... I can't wait to pull this off.
Like the infect subtheme and its synergy! On other hand, are this complete decks? No ramp? Great tech but is the deck playable? Or is just ideas and adwise how can we build it?
Otherwise great work today.
Check out the decklist in the description for a playable deck. In order to fit in a lot of interesting ideas, I sometimes skimp on the ramp. For example, this deck only has 8 pieces of ramp and only 2 are less than 3 cmc. If you wanted to make this deck run smoother I would upgrade the ramp and card draw and cut your least favorite combat synergy. Hopefully, these videos can just spark peoples' imagination. Thanks!
Will you be making a Yidris deck tech?
Also I wish wither would come back I'd love have more wither cards especially an equipment with it
William Henry an equipment with wither already exist, it's called "blight sickle". Unfortunately, that's the only one with wither. I do agree with you though. I'd like to see more cards with the wither mechanic.
do you happen to have a stigma lasher in this deck? Because if you combo Stigma lasher with Chandra's Ignition, you can just shut off all life gain between opponents...Stigma lasher reads, it has wither and if it deals any damage to a player that player can no longer gain life for the rest of the game
That's a great call for your metagame! I personally run stigma lasher in my Monored Grenzo deck and he is great.
I just find interesting interactions and try to find ways to pull it off
I've got a Gisela deck that's mainly Angel/Human tribal, but I've put in all of my damage based "boardwipes" as well because they work wonders with her. Shout out to Coalhauler Swine, the best card to ever come out of Ravnica.
mattismen do you have that elemental makes you humans ping?
Titan of Eternal Fire, you bet I've got one.
mattismen nice I've always wanted to use it but can never fit it in properly lol
I've been trying to work on a human tribal deck. I think you have the answer because my builds have suffered from board wipes. Good call.
I've also found that otherwise less noteworthy burn spells can come in handy as long as they let you target several creatures, since she often mitigates the damage drop-off that comes with dividing their focus. Something as simple as Dual Shot now hitting for 2 instead of 1 can actually be quite helpful (Though if I prioritized efficiency over flavour then I arguably wouldn't be running it in the first place).
You sound a lot like my friend who has awesome strategies but looses a lot lol This is a great video man, great insights :)
Haha, I agree some of these strategies will lose more often than win. I think that building an awesome deck that wins SPECTACULARLY only 20% of the time is totally worth it. I'm going to make a very competitive video soon so we can have some balance. Glad you like the videos, cheers
wow, i love the creatures you picked xD.
love the deck idea! a pseudo board wipe card which would do exceptionally well in thia deck in my opinion would be inferno. the combos in thia deck leads to at least 1 person dying whwn you pull it off.
You gave me an idea, get big creatures with power 3 or less but get big with etb effects like that phantom you mentioned, then add Alesha who smiles at death and sun titan and keep recurring them for free then add panharmonicon and their etb counters double and saskia picks 2 players instead of 1
Saskia's "choose a player" effect is a replacement effect and not a triggered ability. It will not get doubled by Panharmonicon.
you are correct
erebos would be good for keeping your opponents' life totals down while giving the deck some card draw which this deck is sorely lacking
Could you do a Nekusar edh deck tech, i'm willing to hear you thoughts on him :) Keep going, everything's great !
Would Hydra Omnivore really deal damage to the selected player from Saskia's first effect? That's not combat damage right? It's damage from a effect.
No, I got a little over excited. It is still a lot of damage but I was thinking it was bust out the calculator on your phone amounts of damage.
Did I miss something or is phyrexian obliterater not in this list?
I subscribed to your channel 🤗🤗🤩🤩😘
I like the way you explain the cards and everything(how the video goes etc.) but i don't like most of the cards that you are suggesting. I mean i like playing her very aggresively and i am doing pretty good with it. Putting glacial chasm is the worst idea ever for Saskia to me. Saskia herself is to attack why would i make myself not be able to attack?
Gisela's best friend is Bruna. They're practically inseparable.
im torn. saskias deck looks more fun but atraxa is the more practical option. i can do so much more evil brewing with saskia, but i lioke atraxa's color scheme better
VGFTW What did you choose? I got Atraxa awhile ago. gonna get Saskia now lol
well, in the end, bought both. then just inserted the line of upgrades that i had for each deck simultaneously.
also, if you play a life gain effect in the deck, you could make a creature unblocked and cast good ol HATRED. legit say gg to 2 players
Can Odric Lunarch marchell mirror infect to other creatures?
No, he only gives other creatures "evergreen" abilities (although people hated skulk so I don't know if that will always be around).
If you are using Pariah shield, why not use Pariah the enchantment?
Good call.
im running this with tana as the main commander and going thallid tribal to amass as many saprolings as possible and feeding them to thromok and either attacking in with him or throwing him at someone with brion stoutarm
I had a thallid deck with Ghave as the commander. Everyone overreacted when they saw such a powerful general and when I did win Ghave was often the reason. I think you have the right idea going with this combination. I think it will make for very compelling gameplay. Watch out for boardwipes!
i had a ghave deck but i found it was too easy to go infinite with it which wasn't very fun for me so without him as the commander and changing focus from +1/+1 counters to mass tokens im hoping it will be more fun and then i can play my favorite tribe again
Great call
The rules of EDH have changed recently, you have to deal 20 infect damage to win with poison in edh now according to the official rules.
www.mtgcommander.net/rules.php it mentions infect nowhere. It also mentions infect nowhere magic.wizards.com/en/game-info/gameplay/formats/commander here. It mentions "normal loss conditions" which is ten infect. Can you find me a source where the rules have changed?
+Gabriel Wehby
Everyone in my playgroup was excited over the supposed rules change and I assume they all can't be misinformed, to answer your question I don't have a source online.
That being said everyone I know share a general consensus that it should take 20 poison counters in edh to win because the the number staying at 10 when your life total has doubled is complete bullshit.
The official rule is 10 infect (as of this post) but I know many players make a house rule of 20. Maybe your friends heard a rumor of a change?!?! I have a lot to say on the subject of infect in commander (maybe I'll make a video on it). But the most important opinion is not mine but that of your playgroup.
People love to think that if many people agree on something it must be fact, but that's nonsense.
I would throw Kisaru-gama in. a fatty gets blocked, there goes their army
lol funniest combo would be chandra's ignition and blightsteel XD
lol doesn't panharmonicon create two triggers for saskia ? XD
how does double strike would work for this card
Both "strikes" in doublestrike are combat damage so they would both be directed to the chosen player. :)
This would be a great Voltron commander since you can effectively get commander damage against 2 players at once.
it doesn't work like that, i'm afraid. saskia's effect doesn't deal combat damage, and commander damage only applies in combat.
also hydra omnivore and sword of selves
Gross! love it
No Gavony Township?
It's hard to find a reason not to play this land ... so good!
Delina, Wild Mage gets nasty if you nail the rolls and make 3+ copies of Saskia.
I decided to keep her a beat face deck but I'm going to keep making her stronger
Saskia is a great creature, but absolute poop for her precon deck. I used Tana and Tymna as partners and found it a way more resilient combo. Drop Tymna early to get card advantage, and drop Tana after a wipe to create a sizeable army. I am playing an EDH league, each guy has a precon, and Saskia is on the chopping block to get replaced.
i would said Z.hedron grinder, avenger of zendikar or even malkir cullblade would be great in the deck. maybe zendikar expedition
Hell yeah! These 4-color commanders have so much flexibility.
if saskia's ability does combat damage you could use Grenzo Havoc Raiser.
i dont know how you did it, but you actually made me want to have a saskia deck
The joy of Heartless Hidetsugu with lifelink cannot be denied!
how do you feel bout Saskia being a commander for a samurai/warrior deck? been debating on doin a Samurai tribal deck with Saskia.
Awesome but difficult. Several of the best Samurai are blue. There are tons of awesome warriors in those colors though. Let me know how it goes.
would sneak attack be a card to put in this deck
King James lol almost any deck with big creatures and red mana would love that card
watching this video i now know what to turn my alesha deck into.
Sneak Attack is a great card and it's so cheap right now because of the reprint. I used to have a Feldon of the Third Path deck that just abused sneak attack. I think I might feature Sneak Attack in a Rakdos Lord of Riots deck. My current rakdos deck -- Grenzo Dungeon Warden Infect deck is not seeing much play.
what do you think about mage slayer in saskia
I had mage slayer in but it got cut. It doesn't help get combat damage through but it goes so well with all of the really BIG creatures. I don't really play it in any decks, Am I wrong? Should I be running it?
for me I'm gonna make this deck be largely legendary creatures with a lot of support spells for them, namely enchantments. Fervent Charge, and Anthem of Rakdos will be great for buffing your attackers, and will stack if you have multiple attacks in one turn.
+thelordelric this looks, legen... wait for it ...dary! Awesome job
Jumbo Commander thanks, this is gonna be a blast to play
Don't forget your Heroes Podium, Tutor your legendary creatures and a most legendary anthem effect.
Dustin Weeks I have Captain Sisay for that, she's far better, well she's not an anthem effect, but meh
thelordelric I assume you already built the deck but I would run both. redundancy is always good in commander. also you could look into the legendaries in kamigawa. Lots of cards like reki and time of need have synergy with legendary creatures. I made a bant sisay-esque deck and it's a blast
Im waiting for yidris deck tech!
great commander for killing turbo fog decks like angus. I could see this being decent in 1v1 games also.
BuddyJesusSmokes I'm pretty sure Angus still stops it
remove him with one of the several burn spells. also you don't have to focus all your damage on that one player asap in hopes of running him out of fogs or use all your spot removal and board wipes on just angus.
BuddyJesusSmokes ohhhhh ok fair enough then :)
If unchecked this deck can provide a lot of pressure BUT it is short on answers. No matter what list I post everyone will need to put their personal spin on it and tune it to their metagame. Thanks for the comment!
sekki+warstorm surge is an infinite combo by the way. especially hilarious because it's in 2 of the least infinite colors in the game
sekki enters, triggering warstorm, deals 8 to himself
remove 8 counters, get 8 spirits
spirits trigger warstorm, deal 1 damage 8 times to whatever you want
sac the 8 spirits to get sekki back
rinse and repeat
Also I thought bruna was gisela's best friend, I mean look how close they are! Too soon?
I like warstorm surge in this deck anyways so that's another fun inclusion with a lot of synergy. Great suggestion.
14:04 Thats a lot of Daaaaamage
ogre battledriver pls, that's insane!
isnt Bruna the best Friend of Gisela? ...
They are ... inseparable.
Hydra Omnivore + Blade of Selves
I subscribed to your channel🤗🤗🤩🤩🤩👏👍
You could also chose the player you’re attacking for double the damage it’s great lol
stuffy doll + guilty conscious ;)
Saskia melee deck please, i mean GRENZOS RUFFIANS, sheesh!
Great call
Jumbo Commander Adriana seems nice as well. Myriad looks bonkers.
I myself am building an infect deck with her!
"We're gonna have perfect mana. And get through tremendous amounts of damage." (add in "It will be a beautiful thing to watch.") This rhetoric reminds me of someone... 😉
So, where's that perfect 1000$ manabase? 😂 Can we make our opponents pay for it?
No, seriously, was waiting for that the entire video. I love this "stop hitting yourself" idea, I tried to make it work in Mardu first, but the addition of green giving access to Vigor, Phytohydra and the Phantoms definitely brings much to the table.
Unfortunately, you just stuff in triple red, triple green AND triple white and assume everything is going to work out just fine (why no triple black cards, too, while we're already at it? 😜)
Most multicolour decks have one or two "main colours". If Vigor is that essential to our plan, I would pick green, especially since it allows us to play all the ramp spells we need to find our other colours. White would be secondary, for Phytohydra, Reckoner / Spitemare etc. Most of the time we should only need a single red for Arcbond / Blasphemous Act, and never more than double red for Chandra's Ignition. Gratuitous Violence etc. would be just pure win-more imho. Finally, black would mainly be a support colour for tutors and stuff.
great creature but no unity n cards draw ... against prossh n other control deck will be a problem ...
I'm trying a saskia group hug deck
Sounds fun!
Jumbo Commander my thoughts are exactly because the objective is to basically not be a Target and the other people are going to be fighting other people meanwhile I'm giving them lands or manner or double Mana or maybe small tokens and then when it's down to one v one I just beat him in the face
Comes into play not enters the battlefield. Very different things.
"Comes into play" is the same mechanic but just an outdated way of saying "enters the battlefield". I probably should just use the current language to avoid confusion. Thanks.
your want to blasphemous act an infect Boros reckoner is totally sound.
heartless hidsgugu with infect = kills the table xD
Some people just love to watch the world burn. I'm all in.
Dude, I watched this whole thing waiting for you to describe the mana base, but you never did!!! 😖
my name is Saskia 😏
Are you dutch? ... follow up question ... are you unyielding? :)
don't worry about the mana. don't worry about the mana. no... seriously we'll have enough mana.
doesn't really explain how to get the mana -_-'
I mean I know it's green and has castle ramp-a-lot. But I was expecting something else or a big explanation of cheating out stuff.
Other than that, great deck tech
Omari Hodge Saskia is an actual female name, so... where was the difficulty? 😉 Perhaps it's not that common in the US, here in Germany you find it quite regularly...
That said, it also took me a while to realise that many Planeswalkers have actual real-world names. Liliana and Sorin are just not that common, Gideon has grown in popularity (first time I noticed was in "Scott Pilgrim against the world" 😂), Elsbeth is just not that much of a usual abbreviation for Elisabeth, just like I have not heard "Jason" being shortened to "Jace" that often. But all in all, WotC make up less new names than we may think sometimes 😉.
Strato Incendus Yeah I'm in the states so I was completely oblivious to her gender. I felt like Saskia could have been a guy name which confused me but now it makes more sense
I remember being similarly confused about Teysa, Orzhov Scion, because there's also a guy in the artwork right next to her and the German translation "Orzhov-Weiser" implied a male gender. But then somebody reminded me that most names ending on an -a are female 😉.
Dauthi Embrace. Good political card too.
Oh yeah, I like that card! Great suggestion. Also it's great to just be aware of because it's so unique and interesting.
It can also be used when one opponent attacks another. "I'll give all his big defenders Shadow so he can't block" or "I'll give your attacker with a trigger on combat damage Shadow" and all I ask for in return is....
Works well with Infect creatures. I'm surprised this card doesn't see more play.
The mana curve way too high and the game plan is janky. Also it dosen't fit really with saskia's plan, that is dealing combat damage. Thpught I must admit that Vigor is very good option for the deck.
Saskia is a he. However while you have expensive creatures to play, i'd already overrun with goblins.
She is a she, although I have screwed that up enough times.
Your videos are great man, but they tend to just drag on...
The cards flash by too fast on the screen to read them. And his voice. Ugh.
He tends to drone on about shit no one cares about, rather than talking about actual interactions.
Commander Ben I would disagree with you. I love his ramblings. I come her for his personality and character for more than just info. If I just wanted that I would just look at deck lists.
Cool story bro.
What a mature adult you are, lol.
also, if you play a life gain effect in the deck, you could make a creature unblocked and cast good ol HATRED. legit say gg to 2 players