That Vegan Teacher Needs To Be Locked Up

  • Опубликовано: 7 сен 2024

Комментарии • 41

  • @user-ku2kn9je3i
    @user-ku2kn9je3i 2 месяца назад +2

    She needs to be locked up in solitary confinement

  • @dcdares
    @dcdares 2 месяца назад +1

    I don't have veganphobia, I have That Vegan Teacher phobia.

  • @LogersAndMogers
    @LogersAndMogers 2 месяца назад +10

    how does this have just ten views-

  • @guvuqvsws
    @guvuqvsws 2 месяца назад +3

    -Plants don't feel pain- "This girl is on coke cane "

  • @FBI-ju5no
    @FBI-ju5no 2 месяца назад +3

    Crazy lady, I hope my sister would introduce my child to eating meat.
    Because family that truly loves you, will always try to do what's best for you, even if you don't like it.

    @AR-UNKNOWN 2 месяца назад +1

    respect this man hearting every comment

  • @EdibleTreesOSC
    @EdibleTreesOSC 2 месяца назад +2

    She gonna end up saying;
    Baby eating McDonald's
    Baby smoking

  • @bevanborges4047
    @bevanborges4047 Месяц назад

    She isn't the first person to make this comparison. The British singer Morrissey made a comparison of meat eating to paedophilia as well.

  • @johanedenhoffner7720
    @johanedenhoffner7720 Месяц назад

    That woman bat shit insane

  • @ashebennett7726
    @ashebennett7726 Месяц назад +1

    First of all, sugar isn’t vegan. It’s mixed with bone char. So no, the bbq sauce isn’t vegan. And second of all, you don’t use words like that with “baby” in the same sentence. She has been getting away with this for far too long. I mean, she has sexualized minors in the past, but this is a freaking baby!!!! That’s low even for her. WTAF does this woman do in private if she’s so comfortable saying something like this to the world? FFS. 🤦🏻‍♀️

  • @LinaElias-cp2vr
    @LinaElias-cp2vr 2 месяца назад +1

    Reminds me of the “replace everything you said with *bad thing*. Not so good now huh?” Thing siblings do

  • @Kerry-dw3ox
    @Kerry-dw3ox 2 месяца назад +2

    Overreacting is an understatement

  • @valiant87
    @valiant87 2 месяца назад

    I never get upset or care what this women says because I know she is doing this crap to get attention which works.

  • @thomasharner9624
    @thomasharner9624 Месяц назад

    I really dont want to feel it in my guts

  • @charlielouis4837
    @charlielouis4837 2 месяца назад +1

    mother: *smoking won't hurt my child*
    the child:

  • @didohaveaname244
    @didohaveaname244 2 месяца назад +3


  • @Hellyn_124
    @Hellyn_124 2 месяца назад +3

    I just don't understand her goal💀

    • @mattjadencapina8062
      @mattjadencapina8062 2 месяца назад +2

      Her goal is too make as much drama so that she gets as much money from views

    • @FBI-ju5no
      @FBI-ju5no 2 месяца назад +1

      In truth, she seeks affirmation for her choice of lifestyle, and can't accept others not doing so.

    • @valiant87
      @valiant87 2 месяца назад

      @@mattjadencapina8062 attention and drama brings the views.

    • @mattjadencapina8062
      @mattjadencapina8062 2 месяца назад

      @@valiant87 fr

  • @FrogFrogFrogFrogFroggy
    @FrogFrogFrogFrogFroggy 2 месяца назад +2

    Nice video but what a sick person
    Also new sub

  • @heliophobian
    @heliophobian 2 месяца назад +3


  • @KindaHere
    @KindaHere 2 месяца назад +2


  • @Miss.BubbleCream
    @Miss.BubbleCream 2 месяца назад +4

    "its the same picture it" the baby eating IS A NORMAL THING what she said is an explenation of how people focx..... im may blind but those things, kid eating and people fokang, are not even simular things. and picturing it. how the heII she isnt locked up? this IS a form of a hate crime and abuse. her " eating meat is same as rp" points clearly that she has never been even close to being Rped..... i almost got and its scary..... she saying the words she doesnt know the meaning of! the fact shes supposed to be an adult , let alone act like it is even worse! i dont get it why she isnt locked up. not in prison, in a mental institution. i get it, ur vegan. my bff IS vegan too. it feals wrong to some and choice is ok but the way ur going bout it..... the way she is going , trying to go bout it is NOT ok..... i get the message but no need to be psyhotic bout it..... just cuz someone is eating meat is THEIR buisnies if u dont like it, ok but suck it up. and if someone doesnt like that it veagn? if someone would start attacking u for eating "fake food" what would u do? and still she has her platform. my bff, thats a vegan, loves animals and has the same/simullar belives like her but the was my bff is going bout it is not thro hate and all the s0lt she said! and if its stil not working she lets it go. and deals with it like everyone else. how hard is that? u dont have to like it but maam. that teacher has NO respect for others whatsoever! she thinks of herself and her alone. selfish and respectless. stupid as well as entiteled. she has the right, every rightto devide for herself and her kids TILL they wont come of age but she has NO right to judge , hate and corrupt other people just cuz theyr doing something she doesnt like! that wouldnt be normal nor ok nor accepteable even for a kid let alone a grown ašs woman like shes supposed to be! cuz of her and people like her, i almost went to judge my bff before knowing her cuz shes a vegan, i told myself "not every vegan is evil" and i was right. i gaved her a chance and didnt regret it. was suspisious at first cuz im myself a meateater in the family of vegetarians ( theyr eating all animal products but meat ) and my family gasslighted me and lot of them andour family friends were toxic towards me ( like , my friend , a meateater and i, were on a holiday with my parents and family friends and those "friends" ,also vegetarians , said "moras to jesti, crkotinu? znam da ona jede jer je rodjena u talvoj obitelji al ti? " from croatian to english it translates " u have to eat that? that dead thing,i know she has shes grown in such a family but u?" i was hurt but i didnt change my mind) one thing is to sticking to ur belives of right and wrong and other thing it to be entirely toxic and abusive to others for the sake of it. weather is it religion, or diet or relationship or anything at all. someone should scare her , just SCARE her ( NOTHING NOTHING MORE!) woth rpe.... surely she wont think that eating meat and r@epe are the same... not agter that. someone has to show her that her words have deeper meaning and cant be compared to a stupid thing such as diet , especialy to the ones that WERE actually 3@pd and abušerd and ect. i ALMOST got 3@pd but my dog saved my honey.... just to be told that it would be the same as eating meat? lady, with all due respect ( that u dont deserve) u should try it once. try to be in danger once..... when there is almost nothing u can do. my friend was a#ušed and it aint nice. maybe u should swirch with her. see how ul like it! u dont like it? NOT our problem! noone forced u to see that video, noone forced u to see any video containing meat , noone is forcing ya to eat it or to like it. heII noone is forcing u to anything! beacsh and u should be forced. someone SHOULD force u to RESPECT the choices of other regarding THEIR lifes! do what ya want with yours but leave the others alone! u belive eating meat is wrong? i belive being toxic to everyone and hatefull to the point of being it hate crime is wrong. i belive that comparing an ACTUALL happenings of 3@ps and Sa with eating a simple meat dish while u have no danm experience in being assulted on anyway IS wrong! u belive we should stop eating meat? i belive u shpuld face the reality, i belive u should face a part of the life of the victim thats assulted! really see thro their eyes and their suffering! u wouldnt last 30 secound like the victims.... like my friend or someone in far worse situation and yet theyr NOT beachaing bout it like u! and they HAVE something to bachach bout! i belive u should have a taste of ur own medicine! i belive u should be assulted ( NOT actually like really actually , just like a scare) maybe if ud actually feel and know how is it like , being in the shoes of the ones that are suffering, maybe then ud finnaly keep ur domb ašš belives for urself! challenge for u, u have ur belives, ok, KEEP them for YOURSELF! can ya? i can, everyone else can , almost every human out of 7 billion people on earth can ( said almost cuz u never know, there are a lot of shot heaads outthere) why the heII and how the heII u cant? one day someone will actually hurt you, of cuz they will or cuz of all the stupiditys and meaningless points ur trying to prove! while comparing it to the most horrible things a one can experience and go thro. thanks to ur dearest behaviour toward almost the entire planet, noone will and will be willing to help you! ul end up alone one day, in a situation simullar u DARE to compare in ur videos, only people will help u and care for u as much as u care for the meateaters! what was it? "if ud eat meat i wouldntgive u anything of mine, u dont deserve my help even if ur suffering and, dying" was it? how about u being in a bad situation and us NOT helping u. ur platform viewers and subscribers and all the people u hate, that ud never help cuz of the choice that is theirs and THEIRS alone and NONE of ur buisnies. someday someone will hurt u, or cuz or cuz of the things u said , meaningles points ur trying to prove, thanks to ur dearest behaviour, ul be greated with no help. after all uv done, all u said and all the things u dared to compare as eaqual to meateaters , the police , if ul ask them for help, will find it and charge YOU for a hate crime, discrimination, hate violation, fake reports of ab_she.... and a lot of other things. thanks to ur mindset as it is, u probably wont go to jail. thanks to the history of ur mindset and all uv done and tryed to do ul see for life how does the mental assylum looks from inside! camt say id be sorry for u! u wanna be eaqual? u wanna be fair? want everyone to get what they deserve? u dont feel bad bout anything? ur a narcissist and YOU deserve to be locked up in a mental hospital. a bit, a BIT like little LITTLE bit even beaten up by the police! ur not right and ur points are stupid! u wanna chnage things for the better start from ur self! when ul be hurt and in a need of help, the same meateaters will ignore u! when ul finnally get hurt by someone , and i belive u will be, and in pain, everyone will and would help u like u intended to help the meateaters! THATS fair! THATS karma! u want it? u think its right? ul get it, sooner or later. my dad says karma allways happens. it will allways find a way!

    • @SenatePalpatinetroller
      @SenatePalpatinetroller 2 месяца назад +1

      Slažem se s tobom Nevena, ali tvoj engleski je užasno loš, jedva da sam išta mogao razumeti.

    • @Miss.BubbleCream
      @Miss.BubbleCream 2 месяца назад

      Neke rijeci su izmjenjene namerno. radi smjernica i pravila youtuba