If youre casual, get whoever you want (but ure getting hohe for free anyways), if you want to be competitive/play for meta for as cheap as possible get thelema for ice dps and do not get any part 1 valk, if you want both id suggest getting just their weapons and using willows stigmata set for both to enjoy them (in this case neither will perform at their best but if u want to collect/play for fun this is what id do)
Hohe, use Shigure Kira/Pardofelis and Li Sushang with her. Thelema is better and is best paired with Sena, Vita, Sonque and Lantern. Can also be used with Shigure Kira and Pardo.
Cool runs!
not sure why u use Kira ultimate before Sushang but normally sushang then Kira then dps.
which is better heho or nyx
If youre casual, get whoever you want (but ure getting hohe for free anyways), if you want to be competitive/play for meta for as cheap as possible get thelema for ice dps and do not get any part 1 valk, if you want both id suggest getting just their weapons and using willows stigmata set for both to enjoy them (in this case neither will perform at their best but if u want to collect/play for fun this is what id do)
Hohe, use Shigure Kira/Pardofelis and Li Sushang with her.
Thelema is better and is best paired with Sena, Vita, Sonque and Lantern. Can also be used with Shigure Kira and Pardo.