Huge Kael'Thas Replay Review & Combo guide.

  • Опубликовано: 12 сен 2024
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    #NotParadox #HeroesOfTheStorm #HotSGuides

Комментарии • 28

  • @martir851
    @martir851 Год назад +2

    You are so good at understanding+explaining Macro.
    Thx for still posting HotS stuff.
    Edit: Why KTs never "D+W"? They always "D+Q"... Facepalm.

  • @lessiedevelop7718
    @lessiedevelop7718 2 года назад +5

    Thank you! For years now I've seen people both underestimate the value of KT and also grossly misuse him.
    His PvE capacity is one of the most underestimated in the game (along with Lunara), particularly when it comes to soaking quickly, sustainably and safely. You wouldn't believe how many matches I tend to win mostly because laning both gives a level (and therefore numerical) advantage, but also pushes structures when unanswered, resulting in the infamous "winions" end to a match.
    And his pivot in playstyle when he hits his 16 (and 20), from a combo mage to an overwhelming artillery, goes over the head of everyone who doesn't really play him a lot. Like you demonstrated:a lvl 20 KT can chunk off half of a backliner's health pool from out of vision every 6 seconds, while also exerting a very large Danger Zone aroung both himself and his victim. No healer in the game can keep up with KT's single-target damage at lvl 20, and if KT hits multiple people with his D->Q... well, by then the fight is over!

  • @simplyjake0
    @simplyjake0 2 года назад +4

    Oh!! so nice to see one of your videos here NotParadox! Love the tutorials, love the builds - keep it up man!

  • @KVPMD
    @KVPMD 2 года назад +4

    Looking forward to it. Love to play KT sometimes so I hope the best.
    The waveclear is perfect for me and the ability to flip games endgame also. Lvl 13 + 16 are so strong and also change the way he is played from mostly D-Bombs to D-Strikes. Love this diversity.

  • @undignified2843
    @undignified2843 2 года назад +7

    This is very illustrative on why convection at 1 is bad. There's a few reasons, but primarily It's the playstyle that talent promotes. Primarily D into Q. This is a huge waste and the worse most ineffective way to play kt. Even if it's complete the dmg isn't really worth it, and the play style is highly ineffective vs good players. Trait into E for follow up kills or trait into W for fights. I hardly ever D into Q if at all.

    • @MrEtanate
      @MrEtanate 2 года назад +6

      D Q is for level 16 and especially 20 if you get the massive range increase.

    • @anthonyju6392
      @anthonyju6392 2 года назад +3

      I think it depends on your comp vs their comp. If for instance they are playing against alot of bruisers with no escapes and you have say a johanna on your side sucking them all in then I can see convection being viable. Generally speaking if you are going to run into a lot of situations when you can potentially hit multiple enemies without needing to use the D on your Q's that could be a situation where convection could be good.
      I can agree this isn't going to happen often but I think if you want to master a hero one should be able to know in what situations a particular talent is good for.

    • @andy02q
      @andy02q 2 года назад +3

      If you're really killing it with KT, then Mana Addict is still more damage as you'll run out of mana.

  • @Onkruid
    @Onkruid 2 года назад +1

    Damn this is some lovely content! You have a great voice for this kind of stuff. Take my sub good sir :)

  • @Dorkster81
    @Dorkster81 2 года назад +1

    he has to trait E not trait w
    Cause he wont hit his Q level 7 (hitting 2 targets or more does 8% more damage)
    so he is correct
    Trait E. > combo

    • @KVPMD
      @KVPMD 2 года назад

      The alternative is not doing D-Q (big flamestrike). The alternative is doing D-W, normal E, normal Q, normal W. That's a lot of damage due to the double E.
      Alternative without the second W to max DPS instead if burst so the W is available as soon as D is up again (6 seconds?).
      Both are better then D-E +Q (+W).

    • @ruffenuff2841
      @ruffenuff2841 10 месяцев назад

      But a normal E => normal Q is not a guaranteed hit. normal E is 1s stun, and normal Q needs 1s cast time + your reaction time, unless you're following up on someone else's CC.

  • @metodonaturalcr
    @metodonaturalcr 2 года назад +1

    I would love for you to address the bad team decision logic guidelines. I feel like that’s one of the things I’m very susceptible to. How selfish/helpful should I be?

    • @onkelpappkov2666
      @onkelpappkov2666 Год назад

      Think of it like this:
      - Assume you are the only player you can rely on. Not the only good player but the one player you can ask to do a thing and who will do it.
      - This means you want to stay alive as priority. Trading 1 for 1 is bad because you are more important. Who is gonna soak if not you.
      - Your team also won't get shit done without you in bad fights. Not because they are bad but because the fight is bad and they chose it.
      - Before a given game, assume people WILL want to run it down. You play Garden, this means they WILL 3v5 for seeds. So bad fights WILL happen.
      - Figure out if you can either gain an advantage by joining or if you can safely contribute something without compromising your mission of staying alive.
      - The selfishness is about staying alive as top priority, then getting the most damage in as second priority. Setting up or doing anything that relies on another player playing like you would is not recommended.
      Like you land a stun and ooobviously this guy would root but he doesn't, and now you're mad at the guy. Don't assume they'll follow. Don't go "if the Yrel had [xyz] then we'd have gotten 3 kills; instead we all died".
      - Stay safe by default but commit to a decision. Go with your team to do stupid stuff and maybe win, or realize 2v5 is really bad and don't hover. Decisively run away and get soak or siege or just stay behind walls.
      - Also ping your suggestions and type them out if you have them early enough. Like you know your tank is dead, so seed will be theirs. Ping bruisers, say "give the seed, get bruisers instead". If you only realize you're fighting 4v5 when you're there and you're staying back indecisively because of this, that's on you.
      Edit: It's not about saving your team. Never save your team. It's about getting free value in the time they're dying.

  • @trainer1kali
    @trainer1kali 6 месяцев назад

  • @d3adagain385
    @d3adagain385 2 года назад +2

    24:10 coin flipping is never a good advice. Just ping as much as you can and don't die. Classic 'pls stop dying' after ping wave sometimes works and people reform

  • @jagosa8834
    @jagosa8834 2 года назад

    love them trait+Qs

  • @caracal82
    @caracal82 2 года назад

    Paradox do you ever take or suggest taking Master of Flames at lvl 20? Kael is my second main after sylvie. Sitting on lvl 134 but I would love to get better with him cause I'm still stuck in bronze/silver after 6 years.

    • @onkelpappkov2666
      @onkelpappkov2666 Год назад

      Bronze/Silver: Yes. ARAM: Absolutely.
      But you get diminishing returns if you want to climb and you need to be aware of it.
      Generally, your goal is to take control and avoid letting the enemy decide your game. Infinite Living Bomb takes it to the extreme by saying: "You guys decide if you all die or I have no 20 talent."

    • @ruffenuff2841
      @ruffenuff2841 10 месяцев назад

      That's true... KT himself with the bombs is less about how good you are with him, but how bad your opponents are. And he counters more like several comps that either need to dive on the same target with bruisers/meelee assassins, or stick together for heals with healers like Brightwing who have a heal radius so they need to spread (same for Khara except for Pyroblast counter ult), or Alexstraza W build where people have to come together and you need to deny a certain spot, and so on. Other example is Anduin / if he pulls someone out he will just spread the bomb. Master of Flames is only viable if your bomb spreads so much after 16 already that it's worth taking, which is almost never the case. Even if it works in the early game, people usually learn during the match and it wont work in late game anymore unless your whole team has tons of CC.
      By the way: Did you every try to combine a KT with a Nova triple shot ult? To block the ult they have to stick together, but to counter the bombs they need to spread...

  • @user-yk9kh3xu5s
    @user-yk9kh3xu5s 2 года назад

    No one's pinging AFK at the start, amusing.

  • @elcolun
    @elcolun 2 года назад

    they guy has good reaction...trait + wqer...but...he plays extremely safe and dont poke...IMO

  • @maciejasz78
    @maciejasz78 2 года назад +1

    I'm barely silver, but in my QMs I used to get matched against Li Mings who could reliably escape pyroblasts. Just my luck.

    • @frogfrogsonjr
      @frogfrogsonjr 2 года назад

      How? Did they blink at the exact moment with E? It's that even possible?

    • @maciejasz78
      @maciejasz78 2 года назад

      @@frogfrogsonjr Yes a blink at the right moment. It was possible years ago. I have no clue if it was somehow patched in the meantime.

  • @onkelpappkov2666
    @onkelpappkov2666 2 года назад

    2:58 - You need to stop with the exaggerations. You are undermining your own points by presenting false data.
    Globes give 7% of max mana over 5s.
    Quest gives +15 max mana per globe.
    Kael gets +10 max mana per level, starts at 500 (lvl 1), up to 790 at lvl 30.
    Ability costs are Q=70, W=50, E=90, R=60|100.
    4 abilities could be 4*50=200 if you only mean W (minimum). This assumes a mana pool of 2857. At level 30, this means you need 2067 bonus mana, or 138 globes.
    I am being pedantic here but this stuff hits my brain, sounds intuitively false, then I check, it is false, and then I continue listening to what you say trying to believe it.
    I do think you have a lot of good stuff to say and most of it is in line with what I experienced, but you're kneecapping yourself with silly numbers that you don't need to convince anyone. Your point is valid, correct, complete, and then you say a wrong number and it all falls apart.
    Just say more mana, more spells, I believe you. Don't say 4 spells per globe. Unless you count D and W as 2 abilities, which would technically give you mana for infinite abilities per globe. :D

    • @onkelpappkov2666
      @onkelpappkov2666 Год назад

      38:36 is another instance where you are close to the truth but muddying it with numbers.
      - You say you do a DEQW (803 dmg) but you add 3 attacks. Why not 5 or 10?
      - You say mages have a little less than 2000 health, then you conclude that's around 60%, which isn't that far off, but it assumes the 1030 damage and the lower health heroes.
      - Your combo without attacks deals 803 damage, 54% on Ming, 42% on Tass.
      - With 3 attacks, you get 69% on Ming, 53% on Tass, which means you are technically kind of correct in fringe cases but why be specific? Why not say half?
      Like the fundamental thing you say is right, combo is big boi dmg. And yes, you can and should attack whenever possible. And I know it's nitpicky but you're then taking the numbers for a ride. My problem is that this is taking away from the most important aspect of the combo: 1.5s of stun time.
      The difference between "half" and "60%" can be 25%. Percentages do be like that. In instances where a takedown is a close call, you just can't throw numbers around. Stay grounded, use the lower end for calculations. You're not trying to sell snake oil. I already believe you. 40% is really big. 50% is great. Don't round up health percentages. Say it how it is.

    • @ruffenuff2841
      @ruffenuff2841 10 месяцев назад

      But also with that lvl 1 mana talent, more max mana per globe means you shield is getting bigger over time, which is another advantage that people often forget about