Que bien nos gusta así van dejar tranquila a Elcin y pueda vivir sin que estos programas comenten cosas que no son ciertas ahora señora Guhse qué les parece su nueva compañera quédese tranquila para llegar a Elcin le falta mucho en todo belleza en físico privilegiado y perfecto 💯 por 💯 como el de Elcin rostro y perfil más bello estamos muy contentos por qué va a volver a vivir como quiere con quién quiere y eligió éxitos y bendiciones reina de tus millones de seguidores del mundo 🌎🌍 Elcin única incomparable reina
Nu vă preocupați că au primit palma pe care o meritau! El a fost întrebat de iconicul Kiralik Ask iar ea nu a fost băgată în seamă! Cu Tuba alături s-a văzut diferența! Tuba are clasă,a fost regina serii! Se vede diferența de educație! Pare mai bătrână decât Tuba! Vom vedea ce face Gupsey... Este clar că Hande este prinsă de Barăș! Nu îi mai dă drumul!😂😂😂😂😂
Pero en ningún lado le preguntan por su película con la CÓMICA 😂🤣😂, o es que DELIHA no tuvo ningún éxito como dicen las fanáticas de esta pareja montajista
Tampoco se ha visto a la CÓMICA recibir ningún premio de importancia, cuando se hacen estos eventos de premios importantes, a Gupse Ozay ni la nombran, ella se conoce fuera de Turquía por Baris
Em Berlim o Baris disse que ja tinha la estado e o publico disse sim com a Elcin nao se esquecem de Kiralik Ask e ver quando o Baris e a Elcin andavam apresentar o filme Tempo de Felecidade e so ver como eles tinham tanta quimica um com o outro e sempre tao felizes.
I’m sure the film and series will do very well. They are spending a lot of money and time to promote 2 of their Turkish stars.Baris’s wife has tried very hard for the last 8 years + so that Elcin’s name will no longer be mentioned with Baris’s. Unfortunately for her, there will never be another co star who can compete with what Elcin and Baris brought to the screen. Their chemistry and aura is special only to them. In my opinion there were 2 love stories happening simultaneously. Defne and Omer and Elcin and Baris. Natilaya Trifonova wrote 2 wonderful stories about Elcin and Baris’s relationship during the filming of KA and MZ. Do a web search for Truths and rumors, behind the scenes of Kiralik Ask and “ Did you Know”. They are definitely worth reading, and in my opinion are very credible stories. Best Regards.
Congratulazioni Hande Ercel e Baris Arduch siete migliori acttori talentuosiiiiiiiii e bellissima coppia.prefecte.con.gran classe mondiale 👍💯Buona fortuna novi progetti . Beautifulllllllll Beautifulllllllll 👍💯💯👑👑🏆🏆👭💖💖💖🌟🌟🌟💎💎💎🇹🇷🌍🌍🌍👌
They’re trying to get into the world class category with such artists as a Sir Anthony Hopkins ( UK)and Morgan Freeman( USA)Turkey still as a way to go to be in the same league with the elite actors mentioned.
Tuba a fost regina! Hande nu s-au văzut...el a fost amintit pentru Kiralik Ask,Arabii au făcut un film după el! Hande da face bună pereche cu Barăș,fizic...cum să nu arate bine după operațiile estetice? La Berlin au avut puțini fani! Cred că știți cum se face îi plătește să îi aducă! Jurnaliști la Berlin nu au fost! Acum merg in Rusia...da faima mondială! Mă bucur pentru Elcin Sangu, nimeni nu îi poate lua fanii,faima și talentul... să îmi spuneți de câte ori vedeți filmul! Kiralik Ask a fost vândut în 180 de țări, Italia nu l-a vrut pentru că Turcii au cerut mulți bani! Elcin Sangu și Barăș Arduc au fost fenomen mondial! Faima este chimia celor doi! Poți vedea filmul! Sincer Baraș a fost cunoscut după Kiralik Ask și Mutluluk Zamani și Hande cu Kerem Bursin! Ea este mediocră ca actrița de aici și scandalul din turcia...trebuie să vă informați!
@@VictoriaDobre-j2hDupă o periodă de vacanță,cînd a fost ,, extenuat"cu filmul istoric și preocupările ,,paternale"după o lugă perioadă,cînd nici măcar modeling nu mai făcea,cine putea să joce un rol de debutant cu ,,carieră"și ,,faimă"?Scopul scuză mijloacele,sau fă-te frate cu divolul,pînă treci puntea.Cu alegerea făcută de a juca un scenariu banal,comercial avea nevoie de o prezență de 31,6...nu de o actriță.Trist! Timpul,și doar timpul are răspuns la tot.
Es lo mismo que se viene denunciando , tantos elogios al señor Arduc y ahora a su compañera Hande Ercel 🤑🤑🤑, y tantas mentiras como siempre para confundir a los fans, Arduc no fue a recoger ningún premio, estuvo allí para entregar un premio y luego desapareció
Și...a fost întrebat de iconicul Kiralik Ask! El a făcut foto a dat interviuri ea nu! 8:19 Tuba a fost,incontestabil,regina serii, clasă, inteligentă, vorbește cursiv engleză, franceză... elegantă... După ce a dat premiul s-a așezat lângă Arduc să fie fotografiată! Sincer cred că a avut ce merita!
Hend n'est pas son goùt, il aime les filles aux cheveux blonds et à la peau blanche, comme Elcin evidemment, mais une belle rousse aux cheveux de feu et une peau de " blanche neige"
Están desesperados en subir a las nubes a esta pareja ( piensan que van a superar a Elcin Sangu y la serie de Kiralik Ask ) 😂😂, pero intento fallido, Arduc y Hande ni siquiera pasaron cerca, uno del otro 😅
@@josefinafermin9432 Remember in 2015-2017, censorship was prevalent, not much skin was shown, except his torso because he was shirtless. Elcin was never seen in an undressed or scantily dressed state. The kisses were mainly on the cheek and forehead, with an occasional full mouth kiss. I think they are trying to compete with the film Mutluluk Zanami which was their 2 nd project together. The new 8 episode series will go up against Kiralik Ask which is now in the history books as a masterpiece. What’s against them is their lack of chemistry. Why was his wife jealous of Elcin and Baris working together, because like many fans when you see them together with their amazing chemistry that gives you goosebumps you can’t deny they are a couple. There are 2 great stories written about Elcin and Baris by Natilaya Trifonova. Truths and rumors, behind the scenes of Kiralik Ask and “ Did you Know”. If you haven’t read them, I would highly recommend. I asked my husband to watch KA and MZ for a man’s perspective and opinion and then we also read the stories. We both believe that there were 2 love stories that happened simultaneously between Defne and Omer, and Elcin and Baris Best Regards.
@ They don’t have the # Elbar chemistry and aura. My husband and I believe that there were true feelings between them over that 2 year period working together. You can’t fake chemistry, body language and mannerisms. The saying that “eyes don’t lie” rings true here.
@@geraldineseale488Sabemos que fueron una pareja increíble en la serie de Kiralik Ask, también en la película Tiempos de Felicidad, pero cuando el amor y el dinero 💰 están en juego, gana el dinero, Arduc tenía otros intereses antes que el amor 🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑
Pero donde está el éxito porque andaban como dos desconocido y la serie que que se escuchó fue Amor en Alquiler que de hecho subió solo Hander a miles de kilómetro cuadrado lejo de el donde cacharro está la química entre esos dos que ni la maños se dan.
Eager to enjoy #RüzgaraBırak,x all team's talent&hardwork,&the🔥💞chemistry of #HandeErçel & #BarışArduç. Hande Erçel is a wonderful actress shows her hardwork,develop,talent&beauty versatilely,conveys all,&gives life&authenticity to who she plays,eager to accompany her as Aslı. PROUD OF THE TURKISH QUEEN SUPERSTAR #HANDEERÇEL, PRECIOUS, AVANT-GARDE, EXTRAORDINARY, ICONIC, POWERFUL, light, inspiration & pride, shines & flies high by herself depite all, is +&+ ♾💖& respect all around the🌍 x herself, & her projects, being the representation of 🇹🇷 x the 🌍 & who has + recognition, support & following nationally & internationally. #HandeErcel,most beautiful inside&out,extraord🦋warrior,flies&shines on her own&despite all,being real&herself,resilient,free,independent,enjoyng life&lovedones,developing herself,workinhard,going ahead,giving her all,helping,thanking&valuing all. Hande Erçel is+&+🌍'♾💖&respect
😂🤣😂🤣, muchos elogios para Hande Ercel, pero resulta que en Turquía la critican por ser tan liberal, viste siempre casi desnuda, se metió en una relación amorosa con Kerem Bursin para que su serie subiera la audiencia 😂, y ahora está con un millonario y la familia del millonario no la quiere para él
@ Is it true that she got her start as a presenter ? I would consider her a model not an actress. When you compare her to Elcin,Tuba, and Neslihan she’s not in the same league as the true icons of Turkish TV. Why is she not popular in her own country ? That’s very strange. Usually you get the biggest support in your own country. Baris’s wife’s plans to stop the media from talking about her husband and Elcin in the same sentence falls flat. I think the chatter has increased exponentially since they found a new co star for him. First of all, you can’t compete with the chemistry and aura of # Elbar Secondly there’s no comparison with Elcin in talent, charisma and onscreen presence. Thirdly working with someone for 6 months can’t compare to a working with someone for 2 years. To think Elcin didn’t have to be scantily dressed for attention, ratings and viewership either. Elcin was fully clothed. Censorship rules were very different 8-10 years ago.
Pero de que exito mundial habláis , si la película no se estrena en Netflix hasta el día catorce de febrero , 😂😂😂, estáis vendiendo la piel del oso antes de cazarlo . Lo que me extraña es que en Arabia puedan ver esta película , donde los dos protagonistas salen con poca ropa , entonces no entiendo por qué los invitan .
Queda demostrado lo que se viene denunciando en Turquía, 🤑🤑🤑, quieren subir a las nubes al señor Arduc, y su compañera Hande Ercel, pero las mentiras tienen patas cortas 😜, Arduc no fue a recibir ningún premio 😂, fue invitado para hacer entrega de un premio
No cabe dudas de que estos canales son financiados por la CÓMICA y su familia, TIENEN QUE MANTENER AL GRAN SULTÁN EN VIGENCIA, porque eso lo prometió papá Ozay 😂😂, para que siga con su hija desquiciada 🤑🤑🤑
@@josefinafermin9432 There’s always been talk about divorce and separation with this pair. He has the fame he wanted now, being seen on the world stage. I wonder if he has the guts to pull the plug ?
@@geraldineseale488Cuando hablan de divorcio y separación es para promocionarse, no quieren caer en olvido, necesitan que se hable de ellos aunque sean cosas malas 🤑🤑🤑🤑
Que bien nos gusta así van dejar tranquila a Elcin y pueda vivir sin que estos programas comenten cosas que no son ciertas ahora señora Guhse qué les parece su nueva compañera quédese tranquila para llegar a Elcin le falta mucho en todo belleza en físico privilegiado y perfecto 💯 por 💯 como el de Elcin rostro y perfil más bello estamos muy contentos por qué va a volver a vivir como quiere con quién quiere y eligió éxitos y bendiciones reina de tus millones de seguidores del mundo 🌎🌍 Elcin única incomparable reina
Nu vă preocupați că au primit palma pe care o meritau! El a fost întrebat de iconicul Kiralik Ask iar ea nu a fost băgată în seamă!
Cu Tuba alături s-a văzut diferența!
Tuba are clasă,a fost regina serii!
Se vede diferența de educație! Pare mai bătrână decât Tuba!
Vom vedea ce face Gupsey... Este clar că Hande este prinsă de Barăș!
Nu îi mai dă drumul!😂😂😂😂😂
@@VictoriaDobre-j2hLa două gale și la ambele KIRALK AȘK ,MUTLULUT ZAMANI,a fost prezent,ca și cum a fost ieri.
El unico esito que este actor a tenido a sido con te alquilko mi amor ❤️❤️ gracias ala maravillosa Elcin 💞🇪🇦🇪🇦
Very true. We only know him because of Kiralik Ask. Maybe he should work with his wife again 😊
Pero en ningún lado le preguntan por su película con la CÓMICA 😂🤣😂, o es que DELIHA no tuvo ningún éxito como dicen las fanáticas de esta pareja montajista
@ Her work will be probably be produced by her families business. What other company would waste their money ?
@@geraldineseale488Y es así, las películas horrorosas de Gupse Ozay son producidas por ella misma, nadie se ha interesado en sus guiones 👎👎👎👎
Tampoco se ha visto a la CÓMICA recibir ningún premio de importancia, cuando se hacen estos eventos de premios importantes, a Gupse Ozay ni la nombran, ella se conoce fuera de Turquía por Baris
Elcin t0 naturalna piękność obiałej cerze naturalnych rudych włosach samo piękno uroda anioł,Hande jej nie dorównuje klasą urokiem osobistym,italentem!!!
Em Berlim o Baris disse que ja tinha la estado e o publico disse sim com a Elcin nao se esquecem de Kiralik Ask e ver quando o Baris e a Elcin andavam apresentar o filme Tempo de Felecidade e so ver como eles tinham tanta quimica um com o outro e sempre tao felizes.
Continua lindooo!!!😍🥰
Quimica no veo ( pero parece interesante la película)
La serie amor en alquiler fue y sera junto a Elcin Sangu , inolvidable y maravillosa .
I’m sure the film and series will do very well. They are spending a lot of money and time to promote 2 of their Turkish stars.Baris’s wife has tried very hard for the last 8 years + so that Elcin’s name will no longer be mentioned with Baris’s. Unfortunately for her, there will never be another co star who can compete with what Elcin and Baris brought to the screen. Their chemistry and aura is special only to them. In my opinion there were 2 love stories happening simultaneously. Defne and Omer and Elcin and Baris. Natilaya Trifonova wrote 2 wonderful stories about Elcin and Baris’s relationship during the filming of KA and MZ. Do a web search for Truths and rumors, behind the scenes of Kiralik Ask and “ Did you Know”. They are definitely worth reading, and in my opinion are very credible stories. Best Regards.
Congratulazioni Hande Ercel e Baris Arduch siete migliori acttori talentuosiiiiiiiii e bellissima coppia.prefecte.con.gran classe mondiale 👍💯Buona fortuna novi progetti . Beautifulllllllll Beautifulllllllll 👍💯💯👑👑🏆🏆👭💖💖💖🌟🌟🌟💎💎💎🇹🇷🌍🌍🌍👌
They’re trying to get into the world class category with such artists as a Sir Anthony Hopkins ( UK)and Morgan Freeman( USA)Turkey still as a way to go to be in the same league with the elite actors mentioned.
Tuba a fost regina! Hande nu s-au văzut...el a fost amintit pentru Kiralik Ask,Arabii au făcut un film după el!
Hande da face bună pereche cu Barăș,fizic...cum să nu arate bine după operațiile estetice?
La Berlin au avut puțini fani!
Cred că știți cum se face îi plătește să îi aducă! Jurnaliști la Berlin nu au fost! Acum merg in Rusia...da faima mondială!
Mă bucur pentru Elcin Sangu, nimeni nu îi poate lua fanii,faima și talentul... să îmi spuneți de câte ori vedeți filmul!
Kiralik Ask a fost vândut în 180 de țări, Italia nu l-a vrut pentru că Turcii au cerut mulți bani!
Elcin Sangu și Barăș Arduc au fost fenomen mondial! Faima este chimia celor doi! Poți vedea filmul!
Sincer Baraș a fost cunoscut după Kiralik Ask și Mutluluk Zamani și Hande cu Kerem Bursin!
Ea este mediocră ca actrița de aici și scandalul din turcia...trebuie să vă informați!
@@VictoriaDobre-j2hDupă o periodă de vacanță,cînd a fost ,, extenuat"cu filmul istoric și preocupările ,,paternale"după o lugă perioadă,cînd nici măcar modeling nu mai făcea,cine putea să joce un rol de debutant cu ,,carieră"și ,,faimă"?Scopul scuză mijloacele,sau fă-te frate cu divolul,pînă treci puntea.Cu alegerea făcută de a juca un scenariu banal,comercial avea nevoie de o prezență de 31,6...nu de o actriță.Trist!
Timpul,și doar timpul are răspuns la tot.
Es lo mismo que se viene denunciando , tantos elogios al señor Arduc y ahora a su compañera Hande Ercel 🤑🤑🤑, y tantas mentiras como siempre para confundir a los fans, Arduc no fue a recoger ningún premio, estuvo allí para entregar un premio y luego desapareció
Éxito mundial!!! Era lo previsto .según lo que se denunció en Turquía...y fueron como "invitados" y a entregar premios...en Arabia.
Así es, para que vean hasta donde llega el poder de los mafiosos 🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑
Și...a fost întrebat de iconicul Kiralik Ask! El a făcut foto a dat interviuri ea nu! 8:19
Tuba a fost,incontestabil,regina serii, clasă, inteligentă, vorbește cursiv engleză, franceză... elegantă...
După ce a dat premiul s-a așezat lângă Arduc să fie fotografiată!
Sincer cred că a avut ce merita!
Como que éxito mundial si ka pelicula nadie la ha visto aún, solo se vio en Berlín por la presentación
Que bueno por Baris. No é visto la pelicula pero en las entrevistas, no se ve ninguna quimica entre ellos. Ahora pueden dejar a Elcin tranquila.
No recibió ningún premio, él fue invitado hacer entrega de un premio
There’s only one women he has chemistry with and that his Elcin. He has NO chemistry with his wife .
Baris acts like he misable.
Como un mal agradecido 😂😂😂
I noticed at the promotional tour in Berlin and also at the Man of the year awards there were several times when his smile seemed fake and forced.
Hend n'est pas son goùt, il aime les filles aux cheveux blonds et à la peau blanche, comme Elcin evidemment, mais une belle rousse aux cheveux de feu et une peau de " blanche neige"
Вы откуда знаете о его вкусе он женат и любит свою жену. А Ханде, красавица она тоже в отношениях с Хаканом.
Nadie sabe el verdadero gusto de Arduc 😂😂, cuando se beso con Engin Ozturk, las fanáticas se hicieron las locas 🤪😝🤭🤭🤭
La abuela Gupse es solamente una pantalla 😂😂, por eso Arduc está sometido a su esposa ficticia 🤑🤑🤑🤭🤭🤭
On a vu cet homme changer des numèros de telephone avec des jeunes filles qui ètaient blanches et blondes, il aime le type d'Elcin.
@@ruthkanner3327Pero la abuela Gupse lo castigó por eso 😂🤣😂🤣😅
Бърш направи проект с еличен тази нито потхожа вобште
Gospa skače, kot nora, ha ha😂🦆sedaj bo Elcin, imela malo miru od te🦆😂😂
Sii, para que ya la dejen en paz😅😅
Están desesperados en subir a las nubes a esta pareja ( piensan que van a superar a Elcin Sangu y la serie de Kiralik Ask ) 😂😂, pero intento fallido, Arduc y Hande ni siquiera pasaron cerca, uno del otro 😅
@@josefinafermin9432 Remember in 2015-2017, censorship was prevalent, not much skin was shown, except his torso because he was shirtless. Elcin was never seen in an undressed or scantily dressed state. The kisses were mainly on the cheek and forehead, with an occasional full mouth kiss. I think they are trying to compete with the film Mutluluk Zanami which was their 2 nd project together. The new 8 episode series will go up against Kiralik Ask which is now in the history books as a masterpiece. What’s against them is their lack of chemistry. Why was his wife jealous of Elcin and Baris working together, because like many fans when you see them together with their amazing chemistry that gives you goosebumps you can’t deny they are a couple. There are 2 great stories written about Elcin and Baris by Natilaya Trifonova. Truths and rumors, behind the scenes of Kiralik Ask and “ Did you Know”. If you haven’t read them, I would highly recommend. I asked my husband to watch KA and MZ for a man’s perspective and opinion and then we also read the stories. We both believe that there were 2 love stories that happened simultaneously between Defne and Omer, and Elcin and Baris Best Regards.
@ They don’t have the # Elbar chemistry and aura. My husband and I believe that there were true feelings between them over that 2 year period working together. You can’t fake chemistry, body language and mannerisms. The saying that “eyes don’t lie” rings true here.
@@geraldineseale488Sabemos que fueron una pareja increíble en la serie de Kiralik Ask, también en la película Tiempos de Felicidad, pero cuando el amor y el dinero 💰 están en juego, gana el dinero, Arduc tenía otros intereses antes que el amor 🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑
Watch out gupse.
Pero donde está el éxito porque andaban como dos desconocido y la serie que que se escuchó fue Amor en Alquiler que de hecho subió solo Hander a miles de kilómetro cuadrado lejo de el donde cacharro está la química entre esos dos que ni la maños se dan.
No fueron a recibir ningún premio, es otra mentira de estos canales vendidos, 👇 a Baris lo invitaron para hacer entrega de uno de los premios
Creo que Hande ni siquiera estuvo allí 😂😂😂, además ella y Arduc ni se vieron la cara
@@josefinafermin9432 Jajaja Jajaja ponte gafas y así lo verás mejor 🕶😅😅
@DosGanchosPonte las gafas tú, ustedes no saben distinguir lo que es real de lo que es montaje 😂🤣😎😎😎
Arduc y Hande ni siquiera estuvieron cerca uno del otro 😂😂, pero las cámaras hacen maravillas
Dejen criticar porque todavia no la hemos visto la película!!!Qué negativas que son hay que darles oportunidad a otros actores!!!
Eager to enjoy #RüzgaraBırak,x all team's talent&hardwork,&the🔥💞chemistry of #HandeErçel & #BarışArduç.
Hande Erçel is a wonderful actress shows her hardwork,develop,talent&beauty versatilely,conveys all,&gives life&authenticity to who she plays,eager to accompany her as Aslı.
PROUD OF THE TURKISH QUEEN SUPERSTAR #HANDEERÇEL, PRECIOUS, AVANT-GARDE, EXTRAORDINARY, ICONIC, POWERFUL, light, inspiration & pride, shines & flies high by herself depite all, is +&+ ♾💖& respect all around the🌍 x herself, & her projects, being the representation of 🇹🇷 x the 🌍 & who has + recognition, support & following nationally & internationally.
#HandeErcel,most beautiful inside&out,extraord🦋warrior,flies&shines on her own&despite all,being real&herself,resilient,free,independent,enjoyng life&lovedones,developing herself,workinhard,going ahead,giving her all,helping,thanking&valuing all.
Hande Erçel is+&+🌍'♾💖&respect
It was good that an icon like Tuba was at the award ceremony. Now that is royalty in the Turkish film industry.
😂🤣😂🤣, muchos elogios para Hande Ercel, pero resulta que en Turquía la critican por ser tan liberal, viste siempre casi desnuda, se metió en una relación amorosa con Kerem Bursin para que su serie subiera la audiencia 😂, y ahora está con un millonario y la familia del millonario no la quiere para él
@ Is it true that she got her start as a presenter ? I would consider her a model not an actress. When you compare her to Elcin,Tuba, and Neslihan she’s not in the same league as the true icons of Turkish TV. Why is she not popular in her own country ? That’s very strange. Usually you get the biggest support in your own country. Baris’s wife’s plans to stop the media from talking about her husband and Elcin in the same sentence falls flat. I think the chatter has increased exponentially since they found a new co star for him.
First of all, you can’t compete with the chemistry and aura of # Elbar
Secondly there’s no comparison with Elcin in talent, charisma and onscreen presence.
Thirdly working with someone for 6 months can’t compare to a working with someone for
2 years. To think Elcin didn’t have to be scantily dressed for attention, ratings and viewership either. Elcin was fully clothed. Censorship rules were very different 8-10 years ago.
Proszę o tłumaczenie na języka polskiego ❤❤❤❤❤
Pero de que exito mundial habláis , si la película no se estrena en Netflix hasta el día catorce de febrero , 😂😂😂, estáis vendiendo la piel del oso antes de cazarlo .
Lo que me extraña es que en Arabia puedan ver esta película , donde los dos protagonistas salen con poca ropa , entonces no entiendo por qué los invitan .
Queda demostrado lo que se viene denunciando en Turquía, 🤑🤑🤑, quieren subir a las nubes al señor Arduc, y su compañera Hande Ercel, pero las mentiras tienen patas cortas 😜, Arduc no fue a recibir ningún premio 😂, fue invitado para hacer entrega de un premio
No cabe dudas de que estos canales son financiados por la CÓMICA y su familia, TIENEN QUE MANTENER AL GRAN SULTÁN EN VIGENCIA, porque eso lo prometió papá Ozay 😂😂, para que siga con su hija desquiciada 🤑🤑🤑
That’s a good question. The film is not premiering in Turkey either, probably because of censorship.
@@josefinafermin9432 There’s always been talk about divorce and separation with this pair. He has the fame he wanted now, being seen on the world stage. I wonder if he has the guts to pull the plug ?
@@geraldineseale488Cuando hablan de divorcio y separación es para promocionarse, no quieren caer en olvido, necesitan que se hable de ellos aunque sean cosas malas 🤑🤑🤑🤑