I have a small chinese PC board with an SMC chip that looks exactly like that Panasonic HDMI encoder. Even mounted/soldered the same way. One day that chip blew up and died. No damage on board. Got myself another one of those chips. Removed the old one with hot air. But no matter what I do, I can't solder the new one in place. I have used wick, and Loctite flux to clean the board. That went well. I applied leaded solder to the pads. And a tiny amount of solder on the middle pad. Then used flux under all around the chip like you do in your videos. The chip is in place now, I used my hot air station to solder it onto the board. But no matter what I do, I see huge gaps between the chip legs and the pads on the board. What am I doing wrong?
can you fix harddrives.ive got a 4tb internal toshiba p300 that i hotswapped and i think a resistor is blown .i have files i really dont want to loose .the harddrive is under warrenty but im happy to loose that just to safe the files
How are u putting 5 volts into the fuse to check for a short. I understand everything but can’t figure out how u are putting volts into the fuse. Pls help me. I have a mutlymeter checking everything
Hey man, love watching your videos for help on repairs. Very informative and man do I love your attitude dawg. I have question on my own repair and I have basically the same issue with my ps5. same model and everything, mine turns on for a few seconds and then shuts off. I get the blue light and everything. Would it be possible I am experiencing the same fault or should I wait for power supplies to become more available and try swapping that first? Appreciate any reply, keep up the hard work man!
Hi mate. You sound like a local lad to me. I need somebody who is experienced to have a look at a series X mother board for me. I can see the nexus clip needs repairing. Hope you could help me out with this please
Hi Phil. I have a 4 switches all take a good charge but won’t power on. All bq, p13 and mt chips have no shorts but won’t boot up. Tried a known good screen still won’t boot up. Any ideas what to look for?
He says the PS5 is less reliable then the Series S/X, but more PS5’s are sold. He doesn’t like the quality of components used by Sony, says they are poor quality that leads to so many breaking. And then you have the Liquid Metal.
Awesome repair Nice fine I talk about it all the time crappy capacitors That cost a 15 cents usa Causing the device not to boot crazy ... Quality control It's finest
Hey all, anyone know why 4 of my switch won’t boot up? No sorts around the bq, my an p13 chips, take good charge and also tried a known good screen even replaced all three chips on one console but still won’t boot up
Hi there, The console was in the rest mode, during the day there was a circuit overload, the main circuit breaker has tripped, in the evening after turning on the console, it reported that it was not shut down properly, after it finished booting it remained in a limp mode: All USB ports are non-functional, and do not have 5V voltage (verified by measurement). After starting the console, the message "too many USB devices connected" appears several times in a row, despite the fact that there are no USB devices or cables connected. The console is slow, takes a long time to boot up and shut down. Main menu navigation is slow as well, it takes a second to respond to inputs. If I try to start a game, the PS5 shuts down after 1-2 minutes. On the next bootup it says it wasn't shut down properly. When I managed to launch Astro's Playroom it ran like a slideshow. I'm unable to enter system recovery menu due to non-functional USB ports. Beside the dead USB ports, the system seems to be running in a heavily underclocked state, as if the processor was not getting enough power, I couldn't google anything similar happening to anyone else, does it sound like a faulty power supply or something more than that? Thank you for your assistance.
I have this exact same issue!! I have replaced all the USB controller chips and even replaced the southbridge but I am still getting "too many usb". I can't use a controller/keyboard to factory reset it either. I have tried all I can think of. Someone please help!!
0:00 Going in, you are not afraid to post a failure video, thumbs up for that by the way, I think on this one you will fix it… I’ll comment again in 20+ minutes…
Lightning just got my ps5. No beep. No nothing. So I bought a used power supply. Changed it. It beep and stars. Blue light comes. Fan start. But in 1-2 sec in shuts off. So I bet I need a guy like you to fix it. Any tip on someone in Sweden :/
Hello sir, what problem did you have with BwE, I ask because I have a problem with a license that I bought from you, and now I update the syscon writer and you want to charge me again
Got an issue where the console beeps every now and then but won’t turn on. Thought the accent sounds familiar and you’re only in wolves got it booked in!
@@kenhernandez8928 He never went to school, as he states, He left school or More than likely was throw out , at the age of 12 , So his English literature speaking is not very good.
I like how these systems can be fixed!
Lucky they are easy to fix, because they go wrong a lot, shite equipment.
12:10 not just 5A current but a puff of smoke as well but could be flux burning?
I like the adverts just as much as the fixes!
Winner Winner, PS5 dinner! Another Cod3r success story. Great video! 😁
Great job Phil.
great work phil
nice one Phil you are the best.
I have a small chinese PC board with an SMC chip that looks exactly like that Panasonic HDMI encoder. Even mounted/soldered the same way. One day that chip blew up and died. No damage on board. Got myself another one of those chips. Removed the old one with hot air. But no matter what I do, I can't solder the new one in place. I have used wick, and Loctite flux to clean the board. That went well. I applied leaded solder to the pads. And a tiny amount of solder on the middle pad. Then used flux under all around the chip like you do in your videos. The chip is in place now, I used my hot air station to solder it onto the board. But no matter what I do, I see huge gaps between the chip legs and the pads on the board. What am I doing wrong?
Another win 🏆
can you fix harddrives.ive got a 4tb internal toshiba p300 that i hotswapped and i think a resistor is blown .i have files i really dont want to loose .the harddrive is under warrenty but im happy to loose that just to safe the files
Good stuff Phil.
Is there any way you can get fuses from other than from donor boards?
I wish I knew you 5 years ago, I reckon you would'have given my Marshall guitar amp a good go before I had to bin it!
How are u putting 5 volts into the fuse to check for a short. I understand everything but can’t figure out how u are putting volts into the fuse. Pls help me. I have a mutlymeter checking everything
Hey man, love watching your videos for help on repairs. Very informative and man do I love your attitude dawg. I have question on my own repair and I have basically the same issue with my ps5. same model and everything, mine turns on for a few seconds and then shuts off. I get the blue light and everything. Would it be possible I am experiencing the same fault or should I wait for power supplies to become more available and try swapping that first? Appreciate any reply, keep up the hard work man!
Hi mate. You sound like a local lad to me. I need somebody who is experienced to have a look at a series X mother board for me. I can see the nexus clip needs repairing.
Hope you could help me out with this please
Where does someone order these components?
CAn you make an option on your website to show te prices in Euro?
Hi Phil. I have a 4 switches all take a good charge but won’t power on. All bq, p13 and mt chips have no shorts but won’t boot up. Tried a known good screen still won’t boot up. Any ideas what to look for?
still try swapping the MT chip, I have a few videos with that fault, M92 chip does not always show a short.
This is my exact issue with my ps5 just suddenly turned off and now beeps every 10 seconds and won’t turn on
Did you fix
@@Optimalmasculinity havnt gotten round to sending it off yet
@@Deadtriimdid u fix it
I have the same problem how much for you to fix it ?
im curious if you ended up specialising in fixing the PS5 over the Xbox series S/X or if the PS5 is just failing at a much higher rate.
Probably has to do with ps5 selling way more consoles
He says the PS5 is less reliable then the Series S/X, but more PS5’s are sold. He doesn’t like the quality of components used by Sony, says they are poor quality that leads to so many breaking. And then you have the Liquid Metal.
Great job :)
Awesome repair Nice fine I talk about it all the time crappy capacitors That cost a 15 cents usa Causing the device not to boot crazy ... Quality control It's finest
Hey all, anyone know why 4 of my switch won’t boot up? No sorts around the bq, my an p13 chips, take good charge and also tried a known good screen even replaced all three chips on one console but still won’t boot up
Mate you’re literally a genius man
16:51 Jedi mind trick? lol
Hi there,
The console was in the rest mode, during the day there was a circuit overload, the main circuit breaker has tripped, in the evening after turning on the console, it reported that it was not shut down properly, after it finished booting it remained in a limp mode:
All USB ports are non-functional, and do not have 5V voltage (verified by measurement). After starting the console, the message "too many USB devices connected" appears several times in a row, despite the fact that there are no USB devices or cables connected. The console is slow, takes a long time to boot up and shut down. Main menu navigation is slow as well, it takes a second to respond to inputs. If I try to start a game, the PS5 shuts down after 1-2 minutes. On the next bootup it says it wasn't shut down properly. When I managed to launch Astro's Playroom it ran like a slideshow. I'm unable to enter system recovery menu due to non-functional USB ports.
Beside the dead USB ports, the system seems to be running in a heavily underclocked state, as if the processor was not getting enough power, I couldn't google anything similar happening to anyone else, does it sound like a faulty power supply or something more than that? Thank you for your assistance.
I have this exact same issue!! I have replaced all the USB controller chips and even replaced the southbridge but I am still getting "too many usb". I can't use a controller/keyboard to factory reset it either. I have tried all I can think of. Someone please help!!
0:00 Going in, you are not afraid to post a failure video, thumbs up for that by the way, I think on this one you will fix it… I’ll comment again in 20+ minutes…
Lightning just got my ps5. No beep. No nothing. So I bought a used power supply. Changed it. It beep and stars. Blue light comes. Fan start. But in 1-2 sec in shuts off.
So I bet I need a guy like you to fix it.
Any tip on someone in Sweden :/
Hello sir, what problem did you have with BwE, I ask because I have a problem with a license that I bought from you, and now I update the syscon writer and you want to charge me again
I'm not BwE dude
A very good evening and have a very successful repair night and hope all's well with you and your family just settled down to watch have fun
I will never fix a console. But i still watch every video you make.... keep them coming.
Got an issue where the console beeps every now and then but won’t turn on. Thought the accent sounds familiar and you’re only in wolves got it booked in!
Hey what’s up man
ur accent is the best
Hi phil
Awesome repair an that damn cap wouldn’t stick lol 😂
80% chance it's a filter cap every time. Just to save money on a cleaner PSU. Disgusting IMO.
Gimme your MONEY 💰
this is awful i wanna play my fav game without it crashing or heating up
What a strange way of speaking.
Is this guy from Mississippi, or Alabama??
How is it a strange way of speaking mate?
@@TheCod3r yeah, like a southern accent and the use of very strange words I've never heard before
@@kenhernandez8928 He never went to school, as he states, He left school or More than likely was throw out , at the age of 12 , So his English literature speaking is not very good.
No it’s called the Queens English, proper English as it should be spoken.
@shieldtv4182 my English literature is fine lol. I have a localised accent as everyone does. I actually taught English to adults in prison in 2014 😆
'We are still the masters'.........eventually 😂. Need some soldering lessons Phil? 😂