Dr. David Bentley Hart on That All Shall Be Saved - Session 2: Meditation 2

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024
  • This week, we are releasing audio from a book study of That All Shall Be Saved featuring its author, Dr. David Bentley Hart. The book study took place at St. Benedict's Anglican Catholic Church in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. This is the second session.
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Комментарии • 26

  • @EremiasRanwolf-d6z
    @EremiasRanwolf-d6z 21 день назад

    Thanks so much Father and Dr. Hart.💙

  • @BiffaTW
    @BiffaTW Год назад +6

    only brothers could argue like this. brilliant.

  • @Borzoi86
    @Borzoi86 Год назад +4

    As a confirmed and believing lay Christian of several decades, here are two main points that form our family's bottom line about "last things": (1) Jesus Loves Me, This I Know, for The Bible Tells Me So . . . and (2) Only Pan-millennialism makes sense to us. As in, "at the end, everything will pan out exactly according to God's sovereign intentions" . . . and that's fine with us.

    • @user-fc2zb9po8t
      @user-fc2zb9po8t 5 месяцев назад +2

      So you would be ‘fine’ with most of humanity (including people you love) being tortured forever? That sounds psychopathic!

    • @Borzoi86
      @Borzoi86 5 месяцев назад

      Not up to me to decide . . . fortunately.

  • @hjbhfvf
    @hjbhfvf Год назад +5

    Prof. Hart I've read you for years and you have had an incredible amount of impact on my thought. That said...your answer to that young man about entering orthodoxy could in my opinion be described as only one of two things. Tongue in cheek politicization where it was both inaccurate and unmerited or outright exaggeration borne of an intellectual bubble or hypertrophied political fixation. The american Orthodox Church "situation" is far larger than any number of recent western, deplorables you have some theological disagreements with. It was an earnest question more easily answered with the simple realism of encouraging social and physical exploration of the Church's situation than making some clumsy joke implying the diversity of orthodox are something near a majority of hardcore evangelicals (let alone racist neo confederates). He was asking the best way to enter the church and participate in its sacramental life, not how to keep up the good work reading theologians you enjoy most.
    To the young man if you may read this section, know David is an excellent theologian but as all men is sometimes blinded by errors and bigotry even in his no doubt general goodwill and I think (hope) he knows that answer he gave was unworthy of your earnest and important question.

  • @AnHebrewChild
    @AnHebrewChild 11 дней назад

    "It's a claim that the eschatological language has to be able to synthesize all of the theological claims of the New Testament including a very large number of universalist statements into a single theological picture without evasion or contradiction."

  • @danielmark4869
    @danielmark4869 Год назад +4

    6:28 "[the NIV] is the bible in the same way that West Side Story is Romeo and Juliet"
    I think David Bentley Hart is being unnecessarily harsh here. West Side Story is actually quite a good show and it never claims to be Romeo and Juliet.

    • @gfujigo
      @gfujigo Год назад

      😂😂😂. Good one.
      Which version of the Bible does he recommend though?

    • @danielmark4869
      @danielmark4869 Год назад

      @@gfujigo I don't think he officially endorses any particular version but he'd probably recommend learning Koine Greek so you can read the Septuagint and New Testament in the original languages. If you insist on reading translations then he'd probably recommend you buy his own English translation of the New Testament published by Yale University Press. DBH is never bashful when it comes to self-promotion, but his New Testament translation is worth having. It contains a large appendix with explanations of his reasons for translating disputed passages the way he does.
      I know a lot of Christian Universalists recommend Young's Literal Translation and the Concordant Literal Translation also. They can be a bit clunky and strange to read but that's because they are attempting to literally translate word for word what's in the original and some passages in the original languages are ambiguous because that's the way they were written.

    • @gfujigo
      @gfujigo Год назад +1

      @@danielmark4869 Thanks. Very informative answer.

  • @Mrm1985100
    @Mrm1985100 Год назад

    Interesting how so much of what DBH is saying around 16:00-17:00 is compatible with annihilationism: he further elaborates at 27:00

  • @echoofdionysus4388
    @echoofdionysus4388 Год назад +1

    There's also Micah 7 that points to apokatastasis:
    “As in the days when you came out of the land of Egypt,
    I will show them wonders.”
    The nations shall see and be ashamed of all their might;
    They shall put their hand over their mouth;
    Their ears shall be deaf.
    They shall lick the dust like a serpent;
    They shall crawl from their holes like snakes of the earth.
    They shall be afraid of the Lord our God,
    And shall fear because of You.
    Who is a God like You,
    Pardoning iniquity
    And passing over the transgression of the remnant of His heritage?
    He does not retain His anger forever,
    Because He delights in mercy.
    He will again have compassion on us,
    And will subdue our iniquities.
    You will cast all our sins
    Into the depths of the sea."
    'the sea' is obviously the purifying lake of fire where all sin is destroyed.

    • @AnHebrewChild
      @AnHebrewChild 11 дней назад

      It seems like the use of the word "obviously" is a stretch. Is it exegetically obvious? (Actually?)

  • @glenclary3231
    @glenclary3231 4 месяца назад

    To the young man who asked about becoming Orthodox, my advice is find a Greek or Antiochian parish which is not primarily made up of converts

    • @countryboyred
      @countryboyred 3 месяца назад +1

      I disagree. As a recent convert to Orthodoxy, I’m very glad my local Antiochian parish is made up largely of converts. It’s nice not being the only convert among the laity as we all have a bunch of shared experiences.

  • @Mrm1985100
    @Mrm1985100 Год назад +1

    21:21 It's baffling for a universalist but it perfectly fits annihilationism

    • @__-vb3ht
      @__-vb3ht 10 месяцев назад

      David explains it just seconds later...Universalists believe in destruction in hell, our sinful nature is destroyed, the old Adam dies, Paul is dead and there is only Jesus living in Christ.

    • @bman5257
      @bman5257 7 месяцев назад +2

      Ironically it seems like universalism better fits tradition than annihlationism due to the immortality of the soul. Universalism moves everyone in one bucket into another bucket. Annihlationism creates a new bucket.

    • @AnHebrewChild
      @AnHebrewChild 11 дней назад

      ⁠@@bman5257"...due to the immortality of the soul."
      Seems like quite a big thing to just assume that "well we all know the soul is immortal."
      Can you show that the soul is immortal?
      The soul that sinneth, it shall die. Ezk18
      Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever...
      There are souls that live and souls that perish, just as the warning given. "And dying you shall die."
      Is the immortality of the soul merely theological tradition? One that we just assume? What scriptures do you point to on the soul's immortality? (prior to any word given on their final positional state)
      Thanks. Genuinely curious.

    • @bman5257
      @bman5257 11 дней назад

      @@AnHebrewChild “better fits tradition”. The tradition of the Catholic and Orthodox church’s is very emphatically immortality of the soul.