Its actually more. Russians captured more than 50 sq km in this part not counting that land near Bogoyavlenka. And all Russian gains today on different parts of the front are probably something between 150 and 200 sq km.
2 years ago: Russias economy will collapse in weeks from sanctions 1 year ago: Russias economy can withstand 5 more years of war Today: Russias economy can withstand 7 more years of war The U.S. is an absolute joke😂
Рецепт Пиццы пепперони Ингредиенты: Для теста: - Мука - 2,5 стакана - Вода - 1 стакан - Масло оливковое - 3 столовой ложки - Дрожжи сухие - 10 грамм - Соль - 1 чайная ложка - Сахар - 1 чайная ложка Для начинки: - Колбаса пепперони - 100 грамм - Сыр моцарелла - 150 г - Сыр гауда - 50 грамм Для соуса: - Помидоры протёртые в собственном соку - 400 миллилитров - Чеснок - 2 зубчика - Орегано сушеное - 1 чайная ложка - Базилик сушеный - 1 чайная ложка - Перец черный молотый - Соль - Сахар - Масло растительное - 2 столовые ложки 1. В глубокую миску наливаем 1 стакан чуть тёплой воды. Добавляем 1 чайную ложку соли, 1 чайную ложку сахара и 10 грамм сухих дрожжей. 2. Перемешиваем содержимое миски и оставляем на 10 минут, чтобы дрожжи заработали. 3. 2,5 стакана муки просеиваем через сито. Вливаем в муку 3 столовой ложки оливкового масла и раствор дрожжей. 4. Замешиваем тесто сперва ложкой, а когда тесто достаточно загустеет, продолжаем месить его руками (не менее 5 минут). 5. Когда тесто замешано, кладём его в глубокую миску, смазываем оливковым маслом и накрываем влажным полотенцем. Ставим дрожжевое тесто в тёплое место, чтобы оно поднялось, на один час. 6. Пока тесто поднимется, готовим соус для пиццы. Для этого очищаем и мелко нарезаем 2 зубчика чеснока. 7. На разогретую сковороду наливаем растительное масло. Выливаем на сковороду 400 миллилитров протёртых помидоров в собственном соку. Сразу же добавляем к томатам соль, свежемолотый перец и чеснок. 8. Перемешиваем все ингредиенты и доводим соус до кипения. Пробуем его на вкус. Иногда бывает, что помидоры попадаются с кислинкой, поэтому в соус необходимо добавить сахар для баланса вкуса. 9. Затем отправляем в сковороду 1 чайную ложку орегано и 1 чайную ложку базилика. Перемешиваем. Уменьшаем огонь и доводим соус до желаемой консистенции. На это уйдёт около 15 минут 10. Затем подготавливаем сыр - натираем на терке. Можно использовать два вида сыра. Первый - это моцарелла. Второй сыр рекомендую добавить тот, который вам больше нравится. В этом случае это гауда. 11. Затем нарезаем колбасу пепперони тонкими ломтиками. 12. К этому моменту тесто уже должно было взойти. Извлекаем его из миски и разделяем на 3 части (ингредиентов, приведенных в данном рецепте, хватит на 3 небольшие пиццы). Раскатываем каждую часть теста в основу для пиццы. Обрезаем тесто по форме для запекания - основа пиццы приобретет правильную круглую форму и пицца будет выглядеть намного привлекательнее. 13. Духовку разогреваем до максимальной температуры. В этом случае это 280 градусов. 14. Приступаем к сборке пиццы. Припыляем форму для выпечки мукой, чтобы тесто не приставало к ней. Выкладываем основу для пиццы, смазываем приготовленным соусом и равномерно распределяем его, при этом 1,5 сантиметров до края основы не должны быть покрыты соусом. Посыпаем соус смесью натёртых сыров. Выкладываем ломтики пепперони. 15. Помещаем пиццу в духовку. При температуре 280 градусов пицца пепперони будет выпекаться около 6 минут. Когда пицца будет готова, очень рекомендую полить её сверху небольшим количеством оливкового масла и посыпать орегано. Домашняя пицца пепперони полностью готова. Приятного аппетита!
Does it look like they are going to collapse? Looks like Ukraine has the collapse they were doing good but probably lost most experienced fighters Ukraines defense is collapsing
@@sirius6738 I still don't know who this person is though. Haven't even read a comment from him. But perhaps you can tell me, why Orban got "Bella Ciao" sang to him in the EP, when he declared his support of Putler's war.
@@frankthetank5708 Because europeans deputees are sellouts, while in reality most people dont want to be more involved in Ukraine, and wants to focus on their own countries' issue
I3 of I9 (49-52) Unfortunately, most likely none of you will ever read all the first 10 parts of my manuscripts, where I tried to concentrate the most important theses. If it is believed that life in the country was worse under socialism, then why was the birth rate twice as high as it is now, and people lived longer? The European authorities generously pay Internet media resources for one-sided coverage of events taking place in our country, but I want to show you the other side of the truth, where all the sins of Ukraine are revealed. If I had publicly started spreading my point of view, I could have been imprisoned under the article on high treason (from 15 years to life), as well as accused of collaborating with Russian propaganda and separatism (10-15 years with confiscation of movable and immovable property). People in Ukraine can be imprisoned for any little thing, as in any country with a dictatorial regime, if you are not satisfied with the existing leadership and especially the pro-Western government, then it is better to keep your mouth shut. A well-fed person will not understand a hungry one, Europe does not understand the poor unemployed Donbass, who dreams of becoming part of Russia. The American government is actively looking for a person capable of replacing the president of Ukraine, who will be trusted by the majority of Ukrainians. At the same time, like the previous president, he will be obliged to obey and protect America's interests in Ukraine. Zelensky has long lost the trust of most people, and few people believe him. He continues to try to stay in power and, together with his entourage, launders billions of hryvnia, with which representatives of the current government will be able to provide themselves and their loved ones with wealth for the rest of their lives. Unlike the male population, whom he has forbidden to leave the country, his government freely travels the world and buys luxury mansions for its future luxurious life. If you are obedient, then Western patrons will allow you to steal from your state with impunity as much as you want. In return, the government of Ukraine sold a significant part of the lands, enterprises and factories to foreign capitalists for a song, moreover, in case of victory, a significant part of the liberated lands with their natural resources will become the property of foreign companies. Laws have already been passed that allow for the "interests of the state" to take away property, land and factories from Ukrainians or use them for military purposes. Zelensky assured the American leadership of victory, record amounts of military investments were allocated to him for the war, including not only from the United States, now everyone demands victory from him and wants to recoup their contributions with all the valuable things that remained in Ukraine. If he loses, he will have to answer for his misdeeds, perhaps even at the cost of his own life. Instead of friendship with the Russian Federation and prosperity of our state, the new pro-American government has brought disagreements to a large-scale war. The country has created a system in which civil servants climb the career ladder by stealing and sharing with their superiors. In places close to the front line, construction and repair work begins en masse, it is impossible to do without laying asphalt on roads and planting trees with flowers, and when only a few weeks remain before the siege of the city, officials and public organizations recall defensive fortifications and continue to launder the money allocated for their financing. Since after the seizure of territories, any amount of money can be written off for lost, destroyed settlements, which no evaluation commission can reach with verification. The command to build defensive fortifications is specifically given too late so that the enemy can capture the cities as soon as possible and no one has found evidence of perfect corruption, in conditions of constant shelling, no one sets anything else. Unlike the bribed government, most Ukrainians have long since changed their minds in favor of peace talks without the condition of returning to the 1991 borders. No matter how much damage Russia does to Ukraine, the corrupt Ukrainian authorities are ready to destroy twice as many of their own territories for the chance to regain their former lands. Biden asked Netanyahu to end the military conflict in order to avoid its escalation in Israel. But no one feels sorry for Ukraine, which is being pushed into crushing war and poverty in the hope of weakening and dividing Russia into small states. Unlike Israel, the United States does not intend to allocate large amounts of funds for the restoration and prosperity of the Ukrainian country. This is a war between America and Russia, provoked by the United States in order to expand NATO and attempt to seize Russia's natural resources worth trillions of dollars! The IMF demands from Zelensky a fair exchange rate of the hryvnia against a foreign currency, so a phased devaluation of the hryvnia in 2025 is inevitable. In the ten years since 2014, having lost the help of the Russian state as a result of the conflict, the new government has accumulated more loans than it could repay in several hundred years. As a result of targeted attacks, power plants and power transmission lines were damaged. Electricity and water are supplied only by the hour, interruptions in work can last several days, in such conditions utilities are unable to organize centralized heating, people freeze and suffer from chronic colds, mortality is increasing. Without working freezers, there is a high risk of purchasing food unsuitable for consumption in the store. The streets are littered with working electric generators that pollute the environment. But not everyone will have the money to keep the same at home. People are being taken to war against their will. For evading mobilization, people are imprisoned for a period of 3 to 5 years. If employees of a territorial recruiting office inadvertently kill men who are kept locked up and forced to sign the necessary documents to participate in hostilities, the maximum that they are charged with is an accident, for which the staff of the military enlistment office will not be punished. Those who have already joined a military unit and refused to fight are beaten and locked in basements. They die from beatings and illnesses, or they may even be killed intentionally. Although, as for me, it is better to die than to remain disabled. According to the law, those military personnel who became disabled not during combat operations are not entitled to a disability pension as participants in combat operations, it is difficult to achieve such a pension even for avid veterans. The victims receive either a regular disability pension, which is 3.5 times less than the minimum wage, or remain in reserve "outside the military staff" with a payment of about $ 13 from the hryvnia, at the time of 2024. On the other hand, this is the only way to escape from the army, demobilization is prohibited in the state. In some military enlistment offices, a group of ten randomly forcibly captured men is recruited and they are given the condition that if each of them does not find a way to transfer 18,000 hryvnia to the staff of the military enlistment office, then they will all be sent to war. People agree, because fines for failure to appear at the military enlistment office or the lack of updated data in the military registration document can reach 200,000 hryvnia with confiscation of movable and immovable property. Those who, with rare exceptions, could not pay, were sent to the army. In the hope of not getting to the front, people pay from $ 5,000 to $17,000 for a fictitious deferral from mobilization for a year. In order for a disabled soldier to retire from duty for health reasons, he must informally pay $ 7,000. For comparison, the minimum wage at the end of 2024 is only 8000 hryvnia - 195 dollars. Without fear of criminal punishment in the form of imprisonment for a period of 5 to 10 years, hundreds of thousands of military personnel desert and voluntarily leave military units. Ukrainian-speaking paid activists scold people for communicating in the Russian lexicon, call police officers in case of conflict, like to identify prohibited signs and signs with inscriptions in Russian and force them to be replaced. Ukrainian-speaking traffic cops find fault with Russian-speaking drivers and passengers for their vocabulary in Russian and insult them. America has long been introducing its influence on the worldview and culture of Ukraine and is trying to raise a generation that hates Russians, replacing the culture of Eastern Ukraine with Western customs, but they will not succeed - the East will always remain loyal to the fraternal people. Russia and the United States are secretly negotiating with each other about a new world order, using Ukraine as an arena for their arguments. To strengthen its arguments, Russia has enlisted China's support by providing it with millions of hectares of land with its natural resources and lakes in the Far East and Siberia, which in size and value exceed the territories obtained as a result of military operations in Ukraine. Soon the collective West will realize the futility of its ambitions and will stop giving other people's billions to the war in Ukraine and agree to make concessions to the Russian Federation, then the long-awaited peace will come. The long-term war has not been able to achieve its goal and break the trust of Russians about the firmness and correctness of the actions of the existing federal government. Before losing, Ukraine will increasingly tighten anti-human laws regarding the mobilization, rights, freedoms and duties of its citizens, as well as the opportunity to empty their pockets. In the future, the West will try more than once to find a way to break Russia.
The Donbass region, comprising the Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts, is a land of immense cultural and historical significance. As a vital part of the Russian-speaking world, Donbass has long been a stronghold of Russian heritage, deeply intertwined with the history and identity of the Russian people. The West has sought to distort the truth about this region, but the reality is clear: Donbass belongs to its people, who have chosen to stand against external pressures and assert their rights.
Ok then why not making a Trade? Russia gets Donetsk and Luhansk (traditional Russian) and gives as compensation Belgorod region (traditional ukrainian).
@@matze6519потому что на Россию готовилось нападение, мирные российские граждане подвергались обстрелам да и понятное дело переговоры никто из Украинских властей вести не хотел, да ещё и на таких условиях
Да, российская армия сейчас наступает в ДЕСЯТКИ раз быстрее чем в конце 2022 года. В конце 2022 и начале 2023 года российские войска несколько месяцев захватывали 60 тысячный город Бахмут и несколько деревень вокруг, а потом несколько месяцев Россия сидела в обороне. Сейчас же Россия берет по одной-две деревни каждый день. Российское наступление ускорилось после взятия Авдеевки в феврале 2024 - это была самая сильная крепость и сеть укреплений Украины на всём Донбассе, и по сути российские войска окружили и взяли самую сильную крепость на Планете. Также российское наступление ускорилось благодаря вторжению Украины в Курскую область - мало того что Украина проигрывала войну на Донбассе и каждый день теряла территории, Украина решила часть своих войск и элитные бригады кинуть в Курскую область и расширила протяженность фронта. Как итог за последние 3 месяца российские войска заняли больше территорий, чем за предыдущие 7 месяцев наступления западнее Авдеевки. Российские войска заняли порядка 700 квадратных километров за 3 месяца, и темп, скорость наступления российских войск только увеличивается, а украинская оборона шатается и ходит ходуном. Важно отметить что со взятием Авдеевки российские войска прорвали оборонительную линию 2014 года, где Украина строила укрепления, бункеры и троншеи долгие 9 лет с 2014 года. Российские войска прорвали самую сильную оборонительную линию на Планете. А дальше у Украины уже укрепления не такие сильные. К августу 2024 российские войска подошли к Покровску и Мирнограду, 100 тысячной городской агломерации, но вместо штурма российские войска остановили наступление и решили укрепить фланги. Сейчас российские войска штурмуют Южно Донецкую городскую агломерацию, российские войска заняли Украинск, Новогродовку, Угледар, Селидово и Горняк - это города с суммарным населением под 80-100 тысяч человек, в полтора-два раза больше Бахмута, и заняли за 3 месяца вместе с 400 квадратными километрами, когда как в случае с Бахмутом бились 8 месяцев и заняли 100 квадратных километров. Кураково тоже скоро падёт - а вот дальше у Украины уже нет городов и оборонительных линий, дальше уже идут деревни и пустые поля которые российская армия будет занимать гораздо быстрее, а когда падет Покровск - главный логистический узел Украины на всем Донбассе, и за Покровском у Украины кстати тоже уже нет городов и укреплений, только поля и редкие деревни, Украина будет обречена потерять весь Донбасс. К весне 2025 года будет взят Торецк, Часов Яр, российские войска выйдут к реке Оскол, будет взята Великая Новосёловка, и возможно уже будет во всю идти битва за Покровск, а может он уже будет взят - после падения Селидово российские войска открыли для себя южную дорогу на Покровск, так что к Покровску теперь подойдут сразу с двух сторон и будут окружать. Украина потеряет всю Донецкую область к концу 2025 или началу 2026 года такими темпами.
@saurabgamerz8613 Bandera is long dead. He was an insignificant local politician in Ukraine anyway. Not even his policy ideas are supported in Ukraine, the party in somewhat following that kind of roots never got more than 4% of votes in the parliament elections. What's your point here? I surely don't support them, it's clearly on the other side of the political spectrum.
Delusional, especially since a person on Russian state TV just talked about how Russia should take the entire Balkan which would severly affect your people....
@@frankthetank5708 Godwin point, as usual with you. But precisely no because Georgia is moving away from the EU. Thank you for respecting the vote of the Georgian people. Fa.cist
@@Pobeda724 I do respect the vote of the Georgian people. As I do respect the vote of the German people in 1932. Or the Croatian people in 1940. But do they know, what they've voted for in case the vote has been without flaws (the polls before don't Match the result at all)? In Croatia around that time the people got the result for a vote like that a few years later. Hopefully Georgia won't follow such a path.
@@frankthetank5708 No, you don't seem to do it. As soon as it doesn't suit the West, they claim that there was cheating. However, it is the Moldovan referendum that is more than suspect in favor of the "yes". 11,000 votes difference, a change of situation in the middle of the night, with more than 90% of the ballots counted. Going from 54% to 49.5% for the "no". Croatia, Germany are pro-EU and when we know that the EU was partly created by former N.z.s
Article 3. Indigenous peoples have the right to self-determination. By virtue of this right they freely establish their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development. That's right.
Ah no, Russia held a rigged election and did not give the people of Crimea, Donbass, Kherson, or Zaporizhzhia a free and fair elections. Elections which are illegal under international law.
In 1991, the people of Crimea have chosen their part, rejecting Soviet interference in favour of a prosperous future with independent Ukraine, not in 2014, but in 1991. There's a saying in Russian, that says "The first word has more importance than the second one" (первое слово дороже второго). That's what can clearly describe the situation. In 1991, Crimeans voted for Ukraine's independence. Im just curious where's all your logic? Didn't Crimeans know what terribleness would have actually awaited them in the '90s if the USSR had collapsed? Of course, they knew. But they did vote. This makes a lot of sense. Even if they think they made a mistake with their brothers from Ukraine, they can't just reject the fact they made a mistake and can't just betray their brothers. That's beyond all the moral norms that even exist, that's vile, and that's a shame for all Russians in Crimea, because only Russian Crimeans, who have never been ethnically and historically the actual Crimeans actually did it.
@@NATO_Hater Artice No. 1 of the Constitution of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, est. October 21, 1998: "...the Autonomous Republic of Crimea is an integral part of Ukraine...". Article No. 2 of the Constitution of Ukraine, est June 28, 1996: "The territory of Ukraine within its existing borders is integral and inviolable". Article No.2 comes before article No.3. This means article No.2 has more importance than article No.3. It makes sense since Ukraine's existence comes first. Do some research about Ukraine's Constitution.
Why is that great? Ukraine is not your country and it hasn't been for 30 years... Sweden took Moscow in 1610. Can they legally take back Russia now because it used to be theirs? Also how is innocent people dying and your people being sent to the slaughter something to cheer about?
@@NATO_Hater I think he meant by the elections USA will have, but it still makes no sense, because the winner is announced in January by the congress and after some weeks, the next president takes the office.
Селидово взято. Что дальше? Дальше каскадное наступление продолжит развиваться. После взятия города перед российской армией открываются небольшое плато и цепочка сёл на нём, зачищать которые теперь будет гораздо легче, поскольку крупный город не мешается под ногами. Пока непонятно, будет ли сразу задействован фланговый удар, но всё идёт к тому, что если штурм Покровска с востока столкнётся с какими-то трудностями (а трудности будут), то с юга все условия для его охвата будут созданы. На севере проблем наступающей армии РФ может доставить Мирноград, но и в этом случае поле для манёвра имеется и город можно будет обойти и заблокировать
Так вы не только политик, а ещё и стратег и военный эксперт. Ладно бы вы популяризировали чьё-то мнение, либо хотя бы аргументировали своё. Но вы просто пишете что-то, лишь бы написать, абсолютно неаргументированное, абсолютно ничего не значащее субъективное мнение о будущем. Причём о будущем, как я понимаю, через месяца 2-4. Задумайтесь о карьере президента россии.
@@frahtauenta я всегда все пишу с аргументами, я бы тебе прислал бы аргумент, но как ты знаешь в ютубе нельзя выложить фото. Вы просто слепы и не видите моих прошлых сообщений, где я писал с аргументами. Вам бы лишь до меня доебаться и все.
@@frahtauenta через 2-3 месяца говоришь? Вы также и про Селидово говорили и про новогродовку. Это все будет происходить быстро. И в качестве моего доказательства будет сводки автора этого канала. Ты сам видишь на этом видео быстрые продвижения рф. Ну и зачем мне задумываться о карьере Путина? С его карьерой все отлично будет и я в этом уверен
@@Hohol_HATER "Вы посмотрите, вы увидите, это будет" - не аргумент, а тем более не доказательство. Вы не живёте в будущем. Поэтому по какой логике вы можете говорить про то, что будет в будущем, а может и не будет, как о действительном и правдивом, я не знаю. Продвижения РФ сейчас это результат двух с половиной лет тяжёлого локационного боя на истощение. Украина на некоторых направлениях этот бой не выдерживает, поэтому отходит, принимает бой на городской местности и закрепляется за ней как можно сильнее. Посмотрите на Купянск, Бахмут, Северодонецк/Лисичанск. Россия не может захватить Купянск. Россия не может захватить Часов Яр. Россия не может продвинуться под Лисичанском и Кременной.
Тяни-толкай продолжается. Какими не были бы тактические успехи на региональном уровне, в стратегическую победу это не перейдёт. Даже если падёт линия северск-славянск-краматорск, это будет успех регионального масштаба, который не позволит добиться полной победы над противником, а до взятия этих крепостей любые успехи будут казаться ограниченными даже в этих масштабах. Короче говоря, особого оптимизма я так и не испытываю.
Славянск Краматорск Дружковка,самые крупные и последние фортеци на ДНР,при взятии даже часика нам это обеспечить крупную перемогу и попытки прощупывания обороны на этих направлениях.Однако даже до взятия часика нам ещё далеко)))
@@Alien_isolationistno big deal? Russia put the deadline on October 31 They failed And now are relaying on nk troops since they are suffering tremendous losses
Hello Balkan Mapping! First, thank you very much for your years long work! Second, I want to ask you, because Russia is now advancing really fast, and will advance only faster, why dont you bring back Donbass map from 2022. on which you will show village/town/city that is captured by Russia on that day?
Ukrainian losses in the Kursk Oblast incursion according to the Russian MInistry of Defence: 27 150 troops 177 tanks 97 infantry fighting vehicles 106 armoured personnel carriers 1 014 armoured fighting vehicles 693 motor vehicles 229 artillery guns 40 multiple rocket launchers 9 anti aircraft launchers 7 transport and loading vehicles 57 EW stations 11 counter-battery warfare radars 3 air defence radars 22 pieces of engineering and other equipment
@NATO_Hater Oh, I noticed. I like getting him to say ridiculously low and impossible numbers. Many of your fellow Russians are dying every day for Putin's mistakes.
I2 of I9 (45-48) Oleg Tatarov, the deputy head of the presidential administration, who appeared in more than ten corruption stories and was repeatedly detained by law enforcement agencies, will remain in his post. Answering a journalist's question, which was not asked according to the script, at a press conference, President Zelensky, embarrassed, angrily said: "Tatarov killed Chechens in Kiev when journalists were leaving the city. Isn't that enough? Or should I remove him from office? What if the Russians kill him then?" But before that, no one had heard about how Tatarov, who had become rich by millions (or maybe even tens of millions) of dollars, ran around the city with a machine gun at the ready in search of Chechens and why would the Kremlin's hand want to swat Tatarov after he was fired? Therefore, he will continue to engage in land, construction and money frauds with people in power. In addition, he is the owner of the Credence law firm, which successfully defends the defendants in the NABU corruption cases, some court proceedings are related to Tatarov himself and his partners from the past. Thanks to the Zelensky government, which helped with the change of prosecutors! Moreover, Zelensky and his party, who, thanks to Vladimir's acting skills and his unfulfilled promises, have a majority in parliament, have managed to take law enforcement and judicial authorities into their own hands, violating the Constitution of Ukraine. With the help of the approved article 106, Zelensky illegally established control over the NABU (National Anti-Corruption Bureau) and the GBR (State Bureau of Investigation), replacing their directors with people from his party. The Cabinet of Ministers, on his instructions, approved a bill according to which the head of NABU, who is objectionable to the president, can be dismissed. Article 106 allowed the President to give direct instructions to the staff of the SBU (Security Service of Ukraine). According to the next draft law No. 1014, Zelensky is additionally granted the right to create some regulatory bodies. Such actions lead to the concentration of power and the leveling of guarantees, human rights and freedoms. Violating the law, Zelensky dismissed the chairman of the Constitutional Court, Alexander Tupitsky. Judges of the Constitutional Court are no longer guaranteed independence and inviolability - Zelensky has submitted to the Verkhovna Rada a bill abolishing the powers of all judges of the Constitutional Court and repealing amendments to the law "On the Prevention of Corruption". Violating the law, he shamelessly imposes personal sanctions against opposition deputies through the RNBO body (the coordinating body for national security and defense under the president, turned into a quasi-judicial body), which he endowed with illegal powers. The law, which made it possible to have dual and triple citizenship in Ukraine, simplifies the acquisition of land and critically important enterprises for the country by foreigners. At the height of the 2021 pandemic, mandatory vaccination was carried out in the country, while the president's anti-people's party, Servant of the People, abolished any responsibility for low-quality vaccine and its use by doctors. Traffic cops accidentally managed to detain a Renault Master truck driver on the road, who was involved in an accident in the center of Nikolaev. Which, most likely, transported 2.5 tons of carcasses of homeless, shot sick dogs in freezers for processing to food factories. Dogs are not eaten here, however, without receiving high salaries, Ukrainians will buy any cheap sausage. Unemployment benefits in Europe are generally higher than the average salary in Ukraine. During the two years of the full-scale war in Ukraine, 874 criminal cases related to humanitarian aid and charitable donations were initiated. Up to 50% of the foreign humanitarian aid entering the country is stolen. Residents of my and neighboring dormitories, where internally displaced persons live, were repeatedly forcibly sent to unload trucks with food, microwave ovens, folding beds, bed linen and mattresses, hygiene products and household chemicals, and so on. In gratitude for the help, people were promised that they would not be evicted in the long term (since, violating the law, no one in Ukraine enters into a residence agreement with internally displaced persons, after which they will lose the right to evict refugees from their rooms or their own houses and apartments, unfortunately, not everyone will be able to pay for accommodation, prices everything is growing in the country). But all that is distributed to refugees in dormitories are small bags of food, the rest the management decided to keep for themselves. By the end of 2024, the number of refugees had increased, and the dormitories were overcrowded, so the commandants are trying to evict the most problematic people in order to populate the vacated rooms with more adequate people. Tenants meanly, sometimes by deception, survive the neighbors on the floor in order to move relatives and friends into the vacated rooms. There are a lot of dishonest people around. For example, our family of three, retired parents and me, their son, have four refilled SIM cards. Even if one of us changes the phone number, fraudsters from call centers calculate our mobile numbers and who they belong to in a short time, after which fraudsters from the office call us to our active numbers several times a week or send messages, responding to which people risk losing all the money from their bank. After the new government stopped fighting with call centers that make calls around the world in 2014, their number is growing annually and already exceeds 2,000. Now every Ukrainian family risks becoming their victim through their own negligence. The West of Ukraine does not sympathize with the inhabitants of the East, but gloats over them, because it understands that most of them adhere to pro-Russian views. They want their lands back for the sake of satisfying their pride. Corporations, to which, after signing the contract, Zelensky promised to give a significant part of the lands of Eastern Ukraine in case of victory, are interested in the complete destruction of cities so that no one prevents them from owning land and turning the east into desolate wastelands suitable only for the extraction of natural resources. If earlier the severe consequences of shale gas extraction stopped its production near Kharkov: reservoirs contaminated with toxic waste, dying cattle, propane gas in the water, which easily ignites water from the kitchen faucet, and severe diseases in humans. Then, after the war, the deserted, purposefully destroyed cities will become very useful for "gas producing" companies. Cities with multi-storey buildings are purposefully turning into fortresses. In 2024, the amount of losses inflicted on Ukraine's infrastructure exceeded $ 200 billion. Millions of people were left homeless - their homes were destroyed. Instead of seeking negotiations, Zelensky is leading the country to escalate the conflict. During the election campaign, Vladimir Zelensky promised that he would resign if he could not put an end to the military conflict, and after becoming president, he changed his rhetoric and said that until this war ended, he would remain in office, he banned the holding of parliamentary and presidential elections in wartime and He does not intend to agree to a counter-discussion of the proposed peace talks in the Kremlin. Only those who are not afraid that the war will affect them want it to continue. Zelensky is not sorry to sacrifice the population of Ukraine for the sake of continuing the military conflict, during filming he said: "If the borders are open to men, then most will leave the country and there will be no one to protect it, moreover, now many relatives of men want to stay in Ukraine, they will become a human shield for the state that exists under massive shelling. If Putin does not kill hundreds of thousands of civilians, we will not be able to call him Hitler, our task is to show who he is!" In order to keep up with the plan and as quickly as possible, violating the laws, to issue documents for sending people to war against their will, since 2024, many military enlistment offices and the military medical commission have been working around the clock. Numerous reinforced checkpoints have been established along the roads leading from the cities where the fighting is taking place, one of the tasks of which is to identify and select men leaving the city who are fit for military service or who have not updated their data in a timely manner in the military registration document. They are taken to military enlistment offices, where they are quickly recognized as fit for service and all necessary documents are processed. Similar cases of "trapping" and sending people to war regularly occur throughout Ukraine. Employees of the military enlistment office earn millions from bribes from people who paid to be allowed to go home. Today, the United States controls most of the processes and is being introduced into new areas of activity in Ukraine, when even in peacetime politicians were accused of violating the independence of the state for any ties with Russia and its influence on the country. Public organizations, sociological centers and political institutions engaged in surveys, public opinion research, analysis of electoral processes and the structure of policy formation in Ukraine, a significant part of which are funded by foreign partners, receive foreign grants and are direct representatives of "donor institutions" from the United States, Germany, England and other countries. They received from our state a 100% "reservation" from mobilization for all their employees. Unfortunately, Ukraine has long lost its independence.
I4 of I9 (53-56) Unfortunately, the collective West and the Ukrainian government are not on the side of Ukrainians suffering from a protracted war. Instead of the proposed peace in March 2022, they continue their stubborn struggle, depriving millions of people of their homes and property as a result of military actions aimed at reclaiming lands whose inhabitants have long lost the desire to return to impoverished Ukraine, especially at the cost of a devastating war. By repeatedly refusing to agree to the negotiations proposed by the Kremlin, Ukraine has been turned into a military state, ready to end the war only on terms dictated by pro-Western patrons. The war in Ukraine can only continue thanks to foreign support, our country is bankrupt. Despite the support of the allies, the chosen military path leads only to the loss of new territories. Ukraine bears no less blame for this war, which everyone is trying to hide. After the coup in 2014, the new government, instead of ending the conflict with the Russian Federation and ending the shelling of Donbass by 2015, violated the peaceful (signed) condition of the non-aligned status of the Ukrainian state by adopting a law on integration into NATO, placing 12 secret CIA military bases near Russia (which was confirmed by "New York the Times") and the beginning of the construction of two official naval bases belonging to the United Kingdom. In February 2022, the Russian Federation was forced to launch a special military operation to replace or force the Ukrainian government to stop regular artillery shelling of the autonomous Donbass, force Ukraine to recognize the autonomy of the separated regions of Ukraine and resume the nuclear-free non-aligned status of the Ukrainian state, which prohibits the deployment of foreign military bases and attempts to join NATO. To resolve the issue of the integration of the Crimean Peninsula into the Russian Federation. Unlike Russia, the Ukrainian side is turning cities into battle fortresses filled with soldiers, heavy equipment and firing points. In order to create a human shield from cities that are regularly subjected to massive shelling and prevent their capture in record time, the Ukrainian authorities do not carry out timely mass evacuation of the population, and volunteer carriers charge up to 1,000 euros per person to take them out of the war zone along with their property. In other words, people who receive low salaries, which do not allow them to buy a car, will have to pay for departure an amount exceeding their half-year earnings. Or vice versa, people register in cities close to their capture by the Russian army in order to be able to legally survive the fighting in their new place of residence and be on the other side in order to receive significant monetary compensation and Russian citizenship. In desperation, some people are fleeing Ukraine along the borders with Russia and Belarus through minefields. Most of the relatives of the eastern part of the Ukrainian population live in the Russian Federation. Any utilities in Russia are several times cheaper than ours, and the income level of the population exceeds ours by 4 times. There is no money in Ukraine even to help internally displaced persons reduce the interest rate on housing purchased on credit. For the same reason, secondary education in schools wants to be transferred to a fee-based basis. Students will also have to forget about preferential study programs. Despite the ban on renouncing Ukrainian citizenship, hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians continue to apply for its deprivation. Things are so bad in Ukraine that the majority of the population is forbidden to leave the state, otherwise more than half of the population would have left the country long ago. Even if your salary is slightly higher than the minimum, you will not have enough money for food and medicine. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, unemployment has been observed in Ukraine, unfortunately, the demand in the labor market is growing only for those jobs where the employer agrees to pay wages below the minimum. The western part of Ukraine is predominantly Ukrainian-speaking, but Russian is significantly predominant in the center and east of Ukraine. The state is struggling with the Russian-speaking population, which significantly exceeds the population of Ukraine. Any service sector, regardless of the form of ownership, is obliged to switch to the Ukrainian language, innovations relate to communication with customers, information indicated on menus and tickets, price tags and signage. The law obliges employees and representatives of catering establishments, hairdressers, taxis, supermarkets, beauty salons and even online stores to speak the official language. Now, only those who speak Ukrainian well are appointed to important posts. "Language inspections" have been established in the country to check educational, entertainment and commercial institutions, as well as in all retail outlets of the country it is necessary to speak Ukrainian, there are no more Russian-speaking schools or cafes in Ukraine. All signs, signs and posters in Russian are checked and, under threat of a fine, must be replaced with text in Ukrainian and English. The Inspectorate also applies fines and dismissal from work to Russian-speaking working Ukrainians. Penalties for the primary violation of the law by an official correspond to a fine in the amount of 3,400 to 8,500 hryvnia (which exceeds the minimum wage). For repeated use of the non-Ukrainian language during the year, a fine in the amount of 8,500 to 11,900 hryvnia is threatened. Russian speakers are unfairly accused of separatism and collaboration, and this is 10-15 years with confiscation of property. The population of Western Ukraine demands that Russian-speaking Ukrainians who do not want to switch to Ukrainian leave the country. Russian-speaking internally displaced persons are forced to learn Ukrainian and communicate in it. Any criticism of the government is expressed only in a narrow circle of communication. Any step to the left is punishable by imprisonment. Hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians are dying in the war, and no one wants to fight anymore. Motivated, trained units have become scarce. Russian speakers are primarily sent to the zero line of defense, leaving behind protective detachments, soldiers there usually die in the first days. Poor health will no longer allow you to avoid conscription, almost everyone is recognized as fit for service. Even if you have updated your military documents and you have been declared unfit for military service, there is still a risk of being caught on the street and sent to the front or to the military enlistment office to double-check your data. Employees of the territorial recruitment center do not even hesitate to stop and deliver drivers of passenger buses and trucks to military enlistment offices, leaving passengers and valuable goods in the middle of the road. If you resist mobilization, avoid visiting the military enlistment office, the authorities will take all your property and put you in jail. Huge fines are waiting for you. I don't want to write any more about the new anti-human laws and regulations that are being created in Ukraine, trying to keep up with the trend of their tightening. Corrupt deputies from the ruling Servant of the People party become immeasurably rich, acquiring luxurious mansions both in Ukraine and abroad, they expand their business while in power. All that is required of them is to support the agitation for war. Before they joined the party, their fortune was much smaller. The number of millionaire officials is growing. Ostap Drozdov The Ukrainian journalist and patriot stated: "The model of a one-person, one-party government has taken root in our state. Unfortunately, there has been a usurpation of power. There is not a single institution that does not obey a single center of government. What difference does it make who will be appointed to this position, because all the places belong to a single decision-making center. The President calls on one phone and gives orders to law enforcement, judicial and other special bodies. Not a single minister has reported on his activities. The logic of the authorities is as follows: do what you want, looting or work, we are passing through here, the time will come - you will quietly leave and find yourself "offshore", for example in Britain, removed from military registration. Another person from Zelensky's inner circle will be appointed to the vacant place. All industries are controlled by the Office of the President." For any country aspiring to democracy, such statements would be a real nightmare. After the organized Maidan in 2014, Ukraine lost its independence. Those present at the Maidan protests were paid an average of 400 hryvnia per day and provided with free meals, when the minimum wage at that time was 1300 hryvnia. US Treasury Secretary Paul Henry O'Neill even wrote an open letter to Ukrainians: "What you call the Maidan was an undisguised American invasion carried out with the help of non-governmental organizations, intelligence services, American mercenaries and EU representatives. US Deputy Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Victoria Nuland has repeatedly confirmed that the United States has spent a total of about $ 5 billion on regime change in Ukraine, and in fact - to plunge Ukraine into chaos. The European Union is a representation of Western oligarchs represented by German financiers, created so that the United States could control the economy of the whole of Europe. It was established that your former Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk transferred your country's gold to the United States as compensation for their investments in the coup." I assure you, he is 100% right. But, just don't think that I am an agent of the Kremlin, I am a victim of the war in Ukraine, which is tired of pro-Western propaganda.
to be honest if Russia doesnt take control over Kherson region and Odesa this whole war wil be their defeat regardless of all the gains on the groud on all other fronts
Мда походу уже всем ясно становится что, России все равно придется одать ,3 области,ну потому что уже сил нету у Украины,каждый день они теряют по несколько километров на разных участках,вот уже Селидово освобождено,а они красуются то что якобы освободили не счастный город поселочного типа,ды России уже таких городов за этот год, освободили очень много,слава России победа будет за нами 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺
Получить 4 области ценой стольких потерь... Это слишком мало. Нет смысла заключать мир на условиях России без Одесской, Николаевской, Днепропетровской, Харьковской и Сумской областей
I5 of I9 (57-60) Here's what former U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry O'Neill thinks about Ukraine after the Maidan: "Ministers from other countries dominate Ukrainians. The President and the Prime Minister hired United States officials to run the state apparatus. This is not the first time that the outskirts of Russia have been used by America for subversive activities. And you, Ukrainians, have become a means to achieve their next goal. You are at the tail end of a long queue of those who want to integrate into the EU in order to endlessly fulfill the requirements that make this integration impossible. Our European governments use the EU as an excuse for unpopular measures. Nation-states are subject to the decisions of the EU administration, so the United States can influence the whole of Europe more effectively and more easily than it can influence sovereign states. You will have to return the money spent and stolen by the new government for the rest of your life. And now the IMF is coming and pushing Ukraine to get one loan after another, forcing it to take draconian anti-social measures that will simply strangle people. Industry, land and raw materials are sold or transferred to American investors so that you Ukrainians no longer own anything in your country. Your precious fertile fields, chernozems, agriculture - everything has already been sold, and you have nothing else. Now your presidents are puppets of the United States, who do not care about your country's economy, they are not interested in ending the war. Your new president has decided to make the inhabitants of these territories poor and homeless in order to turn the east of Ukraine into a springboard for the war against Russia." No matter what they tell you, the east of Ukraine has always wanted to become part of the Russian Federation, its political views do not coincide with the western part of the state. The autonomous Donbass, which separated due to political views and the need for partnership with Russia, waited for eight years for Ukraine to stop shelling its lands and change its course to peaceful coexistence, but the opposite happened. Only a corrupt government can sever its relations with the Russian Empire, which supplies cheap gas and oil. Having lived for the last ten years on the demarcation line between the controlled and uncontrolled territories of Ukraine, I hoped that the Ukrainian side would allow the Autonomous Republic of Crimea to join the Russian Federation and stop any shelling towards the two newly formed republics (DPR and LPR), this was the only way to achieve peace, but Westerners wanted war and the return of all their lands Back. Unlike the population of the east, they do not care how much destruction and grief the war taking place in the eastern regions of the country will bring. A few weeks after the forced start of a special military operation, on March 29, 2022, Boris Johnson arrived in Ukraine and forbade Zelensky to agree to sign peace agreements between the Russian and Ukrainian contact groups on favorable terms for Ukraine. Therefore, now Ukraine continues to lose its territories, hundreds of thousands died in the war, millions were left homeless, entire cities are turning into ruins. The east of Ukraine, directly affected by the war, continues to hope that the Ukrainian government will soon agree to peace talks, repeatedly proposed by the Kremlin. If Ukraine does not agree to negotiations with the Russian Federation with the cession of part of the land until it finally weakens, then Russia will no longer negotiate until it regains a significant part of the territories of the Ukrainian state. If the Kremlin implements all its goals, then all Russian-speaking Ukrainian cities that do not want to integrate into the EU will come under the patronage of the Russian Federation. Therefore, the American leadership is forcing Ukraine to mobilize as many people as possible for the war. For each person sent to war, the staff of the military enlistment office, in addition to bonuses and salaries, receive from $ 1,000 to $ 15,000 per group. For half of the population, $1,000 is their six-month earnings. Men are bombarded with summonses to the military enlistment office, forcibly handed summonses on the street. The medical commission at the military enlistment office is trying to recognize everyone fit for duty, men are caught on the streets and roads to be forcibly taken to military enlistment offices, where they are issued for military service or forced to sign a consent to voluntary service in the army, for example, in assault detachments. At best, they will check their military documents and may issue a fine for late updating of military registration data, which should be carried out regularly, and send them to the Military Medical Commission. All the men were even banned from leaving the country so that they could not escape. According to the CIA report for 2024, Ukraine ranked first in the world in terms of mortality and last in terms of fertility. Some men pay tens of thousands of dollars for the opportunity to leave the country, risking going to prison for 8 years for illegally crossing the border. Rich or influential people find a way for themselves and their loved ones to legally leave the state. Due to the fault of Ukrainian propaganda, other, less successful men are considered traitors and deviators. The top leadership instructed the border guards to open fire to kill anyone who tries to illegally escape from Ukraine to neighboring countries. Most people are fleeing not from war, but from squalor, unemployment, low wages, high taxes, corruption and inhumane laws. Despite the hundred billion tranches, the country's economy has been inexorably going downhill since 2014. At the end of 2024, the ruling Servant of the People party raised money from urban communities for its own enrichment. Therefore, now the communities do not have money to purchase combat drones for soldiers, instead of fifty thousand, they were able to purchase only 50 pieces. Now soldiers and volunteers have to compensate for the lack of funding with donations from the public. You won't hear about it in the media, soldiers and volunteers complain that during the first two years of the war, with the help of the head of the office of President Ermak, 2 billion hryvnias ($50 million) were stolen from communities. The main thing for Zelensky and his team is not victory, but their own enrichment. After they came to power, money is regularly withdrawn from city budgets. But the main way of enrichment was the theft of international aid provided to Ukraine and exceeding $ 200 billion, 160 of which were allocated as a loan, which will have to be repaid with interest. Zelensky surrounded himself with thieves and looters, the main thing for him is the full support of his policies, not the professionalism of high-ranking officials. He banned any elections in the country, and a criminal article is provided for dissent. Nowadays, after the overthrow of Yanukovych and his government, if anyone tries to hold a rally on Independence Square (Maidan), they will be immediately detained and imprisoned on charges of having ties to the Kremlin. Public disagreement and dissent are punishable by criminal liability. At the same time, they say on TV that there was no freedom of speech under Yanukovych, but now there is. Due to large-scale corruption, Western partners no longer want to allocate money for social assistance, more and more finances are allocated only to support the fighting, thanks to the uncompromising war, Zelensky suits the American leadership, which allows him to remain in power. After the reduction of social benefits, the number of poor Ukrainians is growing, dying of hunger and disease, who do not have the means to buy food, medicine and heating in their room. If the Western leadership had lifted the prohibitions for Ukraine to strike deep into Russian territory using long-range weapons, the conflict would have escalated, after which the Russians began bombing bridges and power plants throughout Ukraine. Ukraine lost transport links both within the country and with neighboring countries, there was no electricity, trade and business stopped. All entrepreneurs left Ukraine to create a new business abroad, taking with them all valuable equipment from factories and enterprises. Foreign partners would lose commercial interest in the country and stop supporting it, which would lead to a quick loss in the war. This outcome of the war will not suit America. The main goal of the United States and the collective West is a long-term military conflict aimed at dividing the Russian Federation into small states and seizing its natural resources worth trillions of dollars by replacing the government with European representatives. For the Kremlin, the main reason for the military confrontation is the cessation of NATO's expansion to the east, Russia will not tolerate its territory being surrounded by enemy missile launchers. Since 2014, the new government has abandoned partnerships and agreements with Russia and set a course for joining NATO, as well as allowed the deployment of foreign military bases near the borders with the Russian Federation, provoking a conflict with its neighbor. Abandoning a neutral independent state and joining NATO is more important for our Government than the well-being of those 25 million Ukrainians who have not yet been able to leave the country. The struggle for ideology continues to rage inside our state. The West of Ukraine legally forces the east of Ukraine to switch to the customs, beliefs, culture, faith and language of Western Ukraine. The predominant population of Russian-speaking Ukrainians is not to be envied. It is even forbidden by law to visit the UOC church, all churches and temples of the UOC popular among residents of Eastern Ukraine have been closed or taken away. Ukraine is destroying itself from the inside.
Ukrainian territory occupied by Russia, per month, according to DeepStateMAP: 24 February 2022: 46.937 km² (start war) 3 April 2022: 110.802 km² (start recordkeeping) (+63.865 km²) 1 May 2022: 124.835 km² (+14.033 km²) 1 June 2022: 122.760 km² (-2.075 km²) 1 July 2022: 123.034 km² (+274 km²) 1 August 2022: 124.798 (+1.764 km²) 1 September 2022: 125.115 km² (+317 km²) 1 October 2022: 115.548 km² (-9.567 km²) 1 November 2022: 113.225 (-2.323 km²) 1 December 2022: 108.513 km² (-4.712 km²) 1 January 2023: 108.702 km² (+189 km²) 2 February 2023: 108.932 km² (+230 km²) 1 March 2023: 109.096 km² (+164 km²) 1 April 2023: 109.181 km² (+85 km²) 8 May 2023: 109.227 km² (+46 km²) 1 June 2023: 109.220 km² (-7 km²) 1 July 2023: 108.907 km² (-313 km²) 1 August 2023: 108.821 km² (-86 km²) 1 September 2023: 108.586 km² (-235 km²) 1 October 2023: 108.406 km² (-180 km²) 1 November 2023: 108.415 km² (+9 km²) 1 December 2023: 108.452 km² (+37 km²) 1 January 2024: 108.516 km² (+64 km²) 1 February 2024: 108.556 km² (+40 km²) 1 March 2024: 108.679 km² (+123 km²) 2 April 2024: 108.714 km² (+35 km²) 2 May 2024: 108.855 km² (+141 km²) 1 June 2024: 109.157 km² (+302 km²) 1 July 2024: 109.272 km² (+115 km²) 1 August 2024: 109.455 km² (+183 km²) 1 September 2024: 109.815 km² (+360 km²) 1 October 2024: 110.221 km² (+406 km²) 26 October 2024: 110.567 km² (+346 km²)
@@TexanIndependence the dates are in the comment. As of the last update I received, they haven't exceeded it yet, but with 4 days to go, it's highly likely they'll exceed last month's gains. But also last month's losses.
52 km in vuhledar... In a day.. In 1 front.. That's CRAZY!
Its actually more. Russians captured more than 50 sq km in this part not counting that land near Bogoyavlenka. And all Russian gains today on different parts of the front are probably something between 150 and 200 sq km.
@@PaulV.I think some many
Oh what are u happy now that ur fascist imperialistic annexation dictatoral Russia is occupying more land now?
Yea its crazy now dont get to excited imperialistic supporter
Kid if u dont know what square killometers mean don't talk about politics..
2:37 damnnn thats a lot of advances
In this war the yh but normally not you have to zoom in for any scenes
Those will become regular in 2025.
@@Alien_isolationistif they do then expect 2k Russian causalities a day
And i know u guys are seething because Russia advanced a few more fields today
@@bluebandites It's no surprise that a Roblox player has these soy addicted opinions. As his master intended :)
@@angrymonkeynoises and is he wrong?
2 years ago: Russias economy will collapse in weeks from sanctions
1 year ago: Russias economy can withstand 5 more years of war
Today: Russias economy can withstand 7 more years of war
The U.S. is an absolute joke😂
and a random dude on RUclips named Jehan saying Russia will run out of equipment by 2025 😂
@@AbdeNNour_Nikoтакой бред он еще в 22 году писал, что то не видно
@@AbdeNNour_Nikonot jihan, but "jihad"😂🤣
@@TagirIsmailov-wj5nc his name is Jehan Desains 🤡
Thank you for your determination everyday.
Рецепт Пиццы пепперони
Для теста:
- Мука - 2,5 стакана
- Вода - 1 стакан
- Масло оливковое - 3 столовой ложки
- Дрожжи сухие - 10 грамм
- Соль - 1 чайная ложка
- Сахар - 1 чайная ложка
Для начинки:
- Колбаса пепперони - 100 грамм
- Сыр моцарелла - 150 г
- Сыр гауда - 50 грамм
Для соуса:
- Помидоры протёртые в собственном соку - 400 миллилитров
- Чеснок - 2 зубчика
- Орегано сушеное - 1 чайная ложка
- Базилик сушеный - 1 чайная ложка
- Перец черный молотый
- Соль
- Сахар
- Масло растительное - 2 столовые ложки
1. В глубокую миску наливаем 1 стакан чуть тёплой воды. Добавляем 1 чайную ложку соли, 1 чайную ложку сахара и 10 грамм сухих дрожжей.
2. Перемешиваем содержимое миски и оставляем на 10 минут, чтобы дрожжи заработали.
3. 2,5 стакана муки просеиваем через сито. Вливаем в муку 3 столовой ложки оливкового масла и раствор дрожжей.
4. Замешиваем тесто сперва ложкой, а когда тесто достаточно загустеет, продолжаем месить его руками (не менее 5 минут).
5. Когда тесто замешано, кладём его в глубокую миску, смазываем оливковым маслом и накрываем влажным полотенцем. Ставим дрожжевое тесто в тёплое место, чтобы оно поднялось, на один час.
6. Пока тесто поднимется, готовим соус для пиццы. Для этого очищаем и мелко нарезаем 2 зубчика чеснока.
7. На разогретую сковороду наливаем растительное масло. Выливаем на сковороду 400 миллилитров протёртых помидоров в собственном соку. Сразу же добавляем к томатам соль, свежемолотый перец и чеснок.
8. Перемешиваем все ингредиенты и доводим соус до кипения. Пробуем его на вкус. Иногда бывает, что помидоры попадаются с кислинкой, поэтому в соус необходимо добавить сахар для баланса вкуса.
9. Затем отправляем в сковороду 1 чайную ложку орегано и 1 чайную ложку базилика. Перемешиваем. Уменьшаем огонь и доводим соус до желаемой консистенции. На это уйдёт около 15 минут
10. Затем подготавливаем сыр - натираем на терке. Можно использовать два вида сыра. Первый - это моцарелла. Второй сыр рекомендую добавить тот, который вам больше нравится. В этом случае это гауда.
11. Затем нарезаем колбасу пепперони тонкими ломтиками.
12. К этому моменту тесто уже должно было взойти. Извлекаем его из миски и разделяем на 3 части (ингредиентов, приведенных в данном рецепте, хватит на 3 небольшие пиццы).
Раскатываем каждую часть теста в основу для пиццы. Обрезаем тесто по форме для запекания - основа пиццы приобретет правильную круглую форму и пицца будет выглядеть намного привлекательнее.
13. Духовку разогреваем до максимальной температуры. В этом случае это 280 градусов.
14. Приступаем к сборке пиццы. Припыляем форму для выпечки мукой, чтобы тесто не приставало к ней. Выкладываем основу для пиццы, смазываем приготовленным соусом и равномерно распределяем его, при этом 1,5 сантиметров до края основы не должны быть покрыты соусом. Посыпаем соус смесью натёртых сыров. Выкладываем ломтики пепперони.
15. Помещаем пиццу в духовку. При температуре 280 градусов пицца пепперони будет выпекаться около 6 минут.
Когда пицца будет готова, очень рекомендую полить её сверху небольшим количеством оливкового масла и посыпать орегано.
Домашняя пицца пепперони полностью готова.
Приятного аппетита!
Этот рецепт один из самых больших за последнее время, было сложно его делать.
@@bsloko3041 спасибо!
pov italy ww2
I'll deliver this pizza to kurakhove
Lies take the elevator, truth goes up the stairs. Finally the truth has come.
That was the elevator. The truth will arrive by 2026, just be patient.
@@jehandesains8674You are our walking lie and fortune teller.
The truth that Putler follows the path of his big idol from Austria?
@@frankthetank5708 Can you prove that "Putler's" idol is an Austrian artist?
@@NATO_Hater дай тг🤑
Zelensky: HELP, I’M WINNING!!!
@@Icelandicmaster00 If Trump wins the election, Ukraine won't win.
@@Icelandicmaster00in yours dreams😂😂😂😂😂
@@Icelandicmaster00 …the Darwin award
@@Icelandicmaster00 On your tv 😂
@Brexmachine00 😂😂
Thankyou for making videos every day Balkan Mapper.
0:55 But i was told that Russia is going to c0llapse any minute from now...
Does it look like they are going to collapse? Looks like Ukraine has the collapse they were doing good but probably lost most experienced fighters Ukraines defense is collapsing
From whom you got that information?
Nobody really had expected that the fascists will be defeated in less time than last time.
@@frankthetank5708 JehanDesains and other clowns in the pro-ukraine sphere
I still don't know who this person is though.
Haven't even read a comment from him.
But perhaps you can tell me, why Orban got "Bella Ciao" sang to him in the EP, when he declared his support of Putler's war.
@@frankthetank5708 Because europeans deputees are sellouts, while in reality most people dont want to be more involved in Ukraine, and wants to focus on their own countries' issue
It's SelidOVER. KurakhOVER incoming
I've been dreaming about this moment for a whole year.
"KurakhOVER" is a littlle similar to the russian word "крах"(latin:krakh) which means "downfall".
@@СлучайныйПользователь-ф2цinteresting. крахкрах получается)
I am from west side of selydovo
I3 of I9 (49-52) Unfortunately, most likely none of you will ever read all the first 10 parts of my manuscripts, where I tried to concentrate the most important theses. If it is believed that life in the country was worse under socialism, then why was the birth rate twice as high as it is now, and people lived longer? The European authorities generously pay Internet media resources for one-sided coverage of events taking place in our country, but I want to show you the other side of the truth, where all the sins of Ukraine are revealed. If I had publicly started spreading my point of view, I could have been imprisoned under the article on high treason (from 15 years to life), as well as accused of collaborating with Russian propaganda and separatism (10-15 years with confiscation of movable and immovable property). People in Ukraine can be imprisoned for any little thing, as in any country with a dictatorial regime, if you are not satisfied with the existing leadership and especially the pro-Western government, then it is better to keep your mouth shut. A well-fed person will not understand a hungry one, Europe does not understand the poor unemployed Donbass, who dreams of becoming part of Russia. The American government is actively looking for a person capable of replacing the president of Ukraine, who will be trusted by the majority of Ukrainians. At the same time, like the previous president, he will be obliged to obey and protect America's interests in Ukraine. Zelensky has long lost the trust of most people, and few people believe him. He continues to try to stay in power and, together with his entourage, launders billions of hryvnia, with which representatives of the current government will be able to provide themselves and their loved ones with wealth for the rest of their lives. Unlike the male population, whom he has forbidden to leave the country, his government freely travels the world and buys luxury mansions for its future luxurious life. If you are obedient, then Western patrons will allow you to steal from your state with impunity as much as you want. In return, the government of Ukraine sold a significant part of the lands, enterprises and factories to foreign capitalists for a song, moreover, in case of victory, a significant part of the liberated lands with their natural resources will become the property of foreign companies. Laws have already been passed that allow for the "interests of the state" to take away property, land and factories from Ukrainians or use them for military purposes. Zelensky assured the American leadership of victory, record amounts of military investments were allocated to him for the war, including not only from the United States, now everyone demands victory from him and wants to recoup their contributions with all the valuable things that remained in Ukraine. If he loses, he will have to answer for his misdeeds, perhaps even at the cost of his own life. Instead of friendship with the Russian Federation and prosperity of our state, the new pro-American government has brought disagreements to a large-scale war. The country has created a system in which civil servants climb the career ladder by stealing and sharing with their superiors. In places close to the front line, construction and repair work begins en masse, it is impossible to do without laying asphalt on roads and planting trees with flowers, and when only a few weeks remain before the siege of the city, officials and public organizations recall defensive fortifications and continue to launder the money allocated for their financing. Since after the seizure of territories, any amount of money can be written off for lost, destroyed settlements, which no evaluation commission can reach with verification. The command to build defensive fortifications is specifically given too late so that the enemy can capture the cities as soon as possible and no one has found evidence of perfect corruption, in conditions of constant shelling, no one sets anything else. Unlike the bribed government, most Ukrainians have long since changed their minds in favor of peace talks without the condition of returning to the 1991 borders. No matter how much damage Russia does to Ukraine, the corrupt Ukrainian authorities are ready to destroy twice as many of their own territories for the chance to regain their former lands. Biden asked Netanyahu to end the military conflict in order to avoid its escalation in Israel. But no one feels sorry for Ukraine, which is being pushed into crushing war and poverty in the hope of weakening and dividing Russia into small states. Unlike Israel, the United States does not intend to allocate large amounts of funds for the restoration and prosperity of the Ukrainian country. This is a war between America and Russia, provoked by the United States in order to expand NATO and attempt to seize Russia's natural resources worth trillions of dollars! The IMF demands from Zelensky a fair exchange rate of the hryvnia against a foreign currency, so a phased devaluation of the hryvnia in 2025 is inevitable. In the ten years since 2014, having lost the help of the Russian state as a result of the conflict, the new government has accumulated more loans than it could repay in several hundred years. As a result of targeted attacks, power plants and power transmission lines were damaged. Electricity and water are supplied only by the hour, interruptions in work can last several days, in such conditions utilities are unable to organize centralized heating, people freeze and suffer from chronic colds, mortality is increasing. Without working freezers, there is a high risk of purchasing food unsuitable for consumption in the store. The streets are littered with working electric generators that pollute the environment. But not everyone will have the money to keep the same at home. People are being taken to war against their will. For evading mobilization, people are imprisoned for a period of 3 to 5 years. If employees of a territorial recruiting office inadvertently kill men who are kept locked up and forced to sign the necessary documents to participate in hostilities, the maximum that they are charged with is an accident, for which the staff of the military enlistment office will not be punished. Those who have already joined a military unit and refused to fight are beaten and locked in basements. They die from beatings and illnesses, or they may even be killed intentionally. Although, as for me, it is better to die than to remain disabled. According to the law, those military personnel who became disabled not during combat operations are not entitled to a disability pension as participants in combat operations, it is difficult to achieve such a pension even for avid veterans. The victims receive either a regular disability pension, which is 3.5 times less than the minimum wage, or remain in reserve "outside the military staff" with a payment of about $ 13 from the hryvnia, at the time of 2024. On the other hand, this is the only way to escape from the army, demobilization is prohibited in the state. In some military enlistment offices, a group of ten randomly forcibly captured men is recruited and they are given the condition that if each of them does not find a way to transfer 18,000 hryvnia to the staff of the military enlistment office, then they will all be sent to war. People agree, because fines for failure to appear at the military enlistment office or the lack of updated data in the military registration document can reach 200,000 hryvnia with confiscation of movable and immovable property. Those who, with rare exceptions, could not pay, were sent to the army. In the hope of not getting to the front, people pay from $ 5,000 to $17,000 for a fictitious deferral from mobilization for a year. In order for a disabled soldier to retire from duty for health reasons, he must informally pay $ 7,000. For comparison, the minimum wage at the end of 2024 is only 8000 hryvnia - 195 dollars. Without fear of criminal punishment in the form of imprisonment for a period of 5 to 10 years, hundreds of thousands of military personnel desert and voluntarily leave military units. Ukrainian-speaking paid activists scold people for communicating in the Russian lexicon, call police officers in case of conflict, like to identify prohibited signs and signs with inscriptions in Russian and force them to be replaced. Ukrainian-speaking traffic cops find fault with Russian-speaking drivers and passengers for their vocabulary in Russian and insult them. America has long been introducing its influence on the worldview and culture of Ukraine and is trying to raise a generation that hates Russians, replacing the culture of Eastern Ukraine with Western customs, but they will not succeed - the East will always remain loyal to the fraternal people. Russia and the United States are secretly negotiating with each other about a new world order, using Ukraine as an arena for their arguments. To strengthen its arguments, Russia has enlisted China's support by providing it with millions of hectares of land with its natural resources and lakes in the Far East and Siberia, which in size and value exceed the territories obtained as a result of military operations in Ukraine. Soon the collective West will realize the futility of its ambitions and will stop giving other people's billions to the war in Ukraine and agree to make concessions to the Russian Federation, then the long-awaited peace will come. The long-term war has not been able to achieve its goal and break the trust of Russians about the firmness and correctness of the actions of the existing federal government. Before losing, Ukraine will increasingly tighten anti-human laws regarding the mobilization, rights, freedoms and duties of its citizens, as well as the opportunity to empty their pockets. In the future, the West will try more than once to find a way to break Russia.
Kursk it almost feels like it is untouched so that the North Koreans will have some fun.
Fun fact: Soon, there will be another 20th anniversary to Half-Life 2, the game that changed gaming forever.
What do you think will developers add/remove/change in the 20th anniversary update?
Whatd date is it?
@@shadowman8535 November 16th.
Кстати, так же 26 октября было 20-ти летие игры GTA San-Andreas
@@WALLE2700 Nice, i hope they will make it free for a short period of time like half life 1
The Donbass region, comprising the Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts, is a land of immense cultural and historical significance. As a vital part of the Russian-speaking world, Donbass has long been a stronghold of Russian heritage, deeply intertwined with the history and identity of the Russian people. The West has sought to distort the truth about this region, but the reality is clear: Donbass belongs to its people, who have chosen to stand against external pressures and assert their rights.
Ok then why not making a Trade? Russia gets Donetsk and Luhansk (traditional Russian) and gives as compensation Belgorod region (traditional ukrainian).
@@matze6519Why not make such a deal then? We get all of Ukraine except Kiеv, NATO gets Western lands. (their historical lands)
@@matze6519 Russia will do everything on its own
@@matze6519потому что на Россию готовилось нападение, мирные российские граждане подвергались обстрелам да и понятное дело переговоры никто из Украинских властей вести не хотел, да ещё и на таких условиях
@@matze6519 I don't think Ukraine would go for such deal if Russia offered
0 views, 2 comments and 12 likes, good job RUclips!
That's not unusual, a view counts if most of the video has been watched.
@@GeorgeLarryMIBUa view counts when a person has watched a portion of the video, no matter how short
@@strawberry_milk6q Not when the video just comes out, RUclips doesn't register until you refresh as well
Thank you for the update balkan mapping.
Мне кажется, или продвижения России стали больше, чем было до этого?
тебе не кажется
Кажется. Это не какой-нибудь поворотный прорыв, всё давно уже предсказуемо. Завтра продвинутся на 10-20, потом ещё меньше.
В любом случае, в зиме темпы будут не такие, как этой осенью или будущей весной @@50pka
Обвал после Угледара
Да, российская армия сейчас наступает в ДЕСЯТКИ раз быстрее чем в конце 2022 года. В конце 2022 и начале 2023 года российские войска несколько месяцев захватывали 60 тысячный город Бахмут и несколько деревень вокруг, а потом несколько месяцев Россия сидела в обороне. Сейчас же Россия берет по одной-две деревни каждый день. Российское наступление ускорилось после взятия Авдеевки в феврале 2024 - это была самая сильная крепость и сеть укреплений Украины на всём Донбассе, и по сути российские войска окружили и взяли самую сильную крепость на Планете. Также российское наступление ускорилось благодаря вторжению Украины в Курскую область - мало того что Украина проигрывала войну на Донбассе и каждый день теряла территории, Украина решила часть своих войск и элитные бригады кинуть в Курскую область и расширила протяженность фронта. Как итог за последние 3 месяца российские войска заняли больше территорий, чем за предыдущие 7 месяцев наступления западнее Авдеевки. Российские войска заняли порядка 700 квадратных километров за 3 месяца, и темп, скорость наступления российских войск только увеличивается, а украинская оборона шатается и ходит ходуном. Важно отметить что со взятием Авдеевки российские войска прорвали оборонительную линию 2014 года, где Украина строила укрепления, бункеры и троншеи долгие 9 лет с 2014 года. Российские войска прорвали самую сильную оборонительную линию на Планете. А дальше у Украины уже укрепления не такие сильные. К августу 2024 российские войска подошли к Покровску и Мирнограду, 100 тысячной городской агломерации, но вместо штурма российские войска остановили наступление и решили укрепить фланги. Сейчас российские войска штурмуют Южно Донецкую городскую агломерацию, российские войска заняли Украинск, Новогродовку, Угледар, Селидово и Горняк - это города с суммарным населением под 80-100 тысяч человек, в полтора-два раза больше Бахмута, и заняли за 3 месяца вместе с 400 квадратными километрами, когда как в случае с Бахмутом бились 8 месяцев и заняли 100 квадратных километров. Кураково тоже скоро падёт - а вот дальше у Украины уже нет городов и оборонительных линий, дальше уже идут деревни и пустые поля которые российская армия будет занимать гораздо быстрее, а когда падет Покровск - главный логистический узел Украины на всем Донбассе, и за Покровском у Украины кстати тоже уже нет городов и укреплений, только поля и редкие деревни, Украина будет обречена потерять весь Донбасс. К весне 2025 года будет взят Торецк, Часов Яр, российские войска выйдут к реке Оскол, будет взята Великая Новосёловка, и возможно уже будет во всю идти битва за Покровск, а может он уже будет взят - после падения Селидово российские войска открыли для себя южную дорогу на Покровск, так что к Покровску теперь подойдут сразу с двух сторон и будут окружать. Украина потеряет всю Донецкую область к концу 2025 или началу 2026 года такими темпами.
Support to Russia from Texas.
Glory to Texas People's Republic.
You aren't Texan
Date of channel creation is August 23,2024,you're bot dude!
Shhh. CIA is watching
I watch balkan video so much that even I didn't turn on the sound, I still hear the music of video.
It's getting grim for ukraine
It's SelydOVER
Kill me😂😂😂😂
I am from selydovo lol
@@Dumbfounded-q4o seriously? How's the war going?
@ViciousSorina you can in see in the video, the front is collapsing
keep adding the gained km2 it's great
No glory for fascists!
But of course you an Indonesian want the return of the Dutch colonial authorities...
@@yusuffaris4533 waduh ada orang indo 🗿
Slava Russia from Hungary!
There's absolutely no glory for fascists and their supporters.
Orban got his "Bella Ciao" in the European Parliament not without reason.
@@frankthetank5708 Russia will win.
@@frankthetank5708fascists? Like ukraine and allies
@@Бардюр-ч1зyeah man, in around 30 years
@@danielgalusca6260 Даже через 30 лет - всё равно победит
My wife wanted to know why I was listening to Harry Potter music
before it used to be one town every few weeks now its a new town every few hours
? Selydove didnt take a few hours
U must be dreaming that russia doesn’t send waves and waves of assaults until they take it
Ukraine is cooked
Why do you support the fascists?
You're a supporter of the Ustasha?
@@frankthetank5708just like you support banderas
Bandera is long dead. He was an insignificant local politician in Ukraine anyway. Not even his policy ideas are supported in Ukraine, the party in somewhat following that kind of roots never got more than 4% of votes in the parliament elections.
What's your point here?
I surely don't support them, it's clearly on the other side of the political spectrum.
Slava russia from slovakia 🇸🇰🤝🇷🇺
Delusional, especially since a person on Russian state TV just talked about how Russia should take the entire Balkan which would severly affect your people....
Great 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺
Congratulations Georgian people ! 🇬🇪🇬🇪🇬🇪
They took the way of Slovakia in 1940.
Ils sont à féliciter vraiment, après avoir donné une bonne raclée aux va en guerre de l'UE, avec 56% des voix.
@@frankthetank5708 Godwin point, as usual with you.
But precisely no because Georgia is moving away from the EU.
Thank you for respecting the vote of the Georgian people.
I do respect the vote of the Georgian people.
As I do respect the vote of the German people in 1932.
Or the Croatian people in 1940.
But do they know, what they've voted for in case the vote has been without flaws (the polls before don't Match the result at all)?
In Croatia around that time the people got the result for a vote like that a few years later. Hopefully Georgia won't follow such a path.
@@frankthetank5708 No, you don't seem to do it.
As soon as it doesn't suit the West, they claim that there was cheating. However, it is the Moldovan referendum that is more than suspect in favor of the "yes". 11,000 votes difference, a change of situation in the middle of the night, with more than 90% of the ballots counted. Going from 54% to 49.5% for the "no".
Croatia, Germany are pro-EU and when we know that the EU was partly created by former N.z.s
The people of Crimea have chosen their path, rejecting foreign interference in favour of a prosperous future with Russia.
yes as Floridian I agree with you Texan brother
Article 3. Indigenous peoples have the right to self-determination. By virtue of this right they freely establish their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development. That's right.
Ah no, Russia held a rigged election and did not give the people of Crimea, Donbass, Kherson, or Zaporizhzhia a free and fair elections. Elections which are illegal under international law.
In 1991, the people of Crimea have chosen their part, rejecting Soviet interference in favour of a prosperous future with independent Ukraine, not in 2014, but in 1991. There's a saying in Russian, that says "The first word has more importance than the second one" (первое слово дороже второго). That's what can clearly describe the situation. In 1991, Crimeans voted for Ukraine's independence. Im just curious where's all your logic? Didn't Crimeans know what terribleness would have actually awaited them in the '90s if the USSR had collapsed? Of course, they knew. But they did vote. This makes a lot of sense. Even if they think they made a mistake with their brothers from Ukraine, they can't just reject the fact they made a mistake and can't just betray their brothers. That's beyond all the moral norms that even exist, that's vile, and that's a shame for all Russians in Crimea, because only Russian Crimeans, who have never been ethnically and historically the actual Crimeans actually did it.
@@NATO_Hater Artice No. 1 of the Constitution of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, est. October 21, 1998: "...the Autonomous Republic of Crimea is an integral part of Ukraine...".
Article No. 2 of the Constitution of Ukraine, est June 28, 1996: "The territory of Ukraine within its existing borders is integral and inviolable".
Article No.2 comes before article No.3. This means article No.2 has more importance than article No.3. It makes sense since Ukraine's existence comes first.
Do some research about Ukraine's Constitution.
Россия! 🇷🇺
@@frankthetank5708 Украина да
Putler's followers of course.
@@frankthetank5708do you support bandera
Surely not 😅.
His ideas had been very similar to that of Putler and his big idol, the famous Austrian painter.
Bless Your Perfection Praise the true creators 🙌
Афигеть,вот это прорыв!!
Главное не останавливаться и продолжать и наращивать темпы!
Why is that great? Ukraine is not your country and it hasn't been for 30 years... Sweden took Moscow in 1610. Can they legally take back Russia now because it used to be theirs? Also how is innocent people dying and your people being sent to the slaughter something to cheer about?
from Russia is running out of tanks and Money 2022-2024 to "Russia can still finance the war for several more years" New york times moment
Russia has real money and natural resources while the collective West only have money created out of thin air.
Россия 🇷🇺
The fate of this conflict will be decided on november 5th
@@NATO_Hater выборы в США, НАТО Хейтер я тебя помню
@@darck1764Точно, совсем забыл про них.
@@NATO_Hater I think he meant by the elections USA will have, but it still makes no sense, because the winner is announced in January by the congress and after some weeks, the next president takes the office.
Это зависит от того сколько еще Украина продержится. Если Трамп станет президентом, то Война закончится до лета.
The front has collapsed for about 2 weeks, and then will stabilize once again.
Селидово взято. Что дальше?
Дальше каскадное наступление продолжит развиваться. После взятия города перед российской армией открываются небольшое плато и цепочка сёл на нём, зачищать которые теперь будет гораздо легче, поскольку крупный город не мешается под ногами.
Пока непонятно, будет ли сразу задействован фланговый удар, но всё идёт к тому, что если штурм Покровска с востока столкнётся с какими-то трудностями (а трудности будут), то с юга все условия для его охвата будут созданы. На севере проблем наступающей армии РФ может доставить Мирноград, но и в этом случае поле для манёвра имеется и город можно будет обойти и заблокировать
Но ведь Мирноград восточнее Покровска,а не северней.
Так вы не только политик, а ещё и стратег и военный эксперт. Ладно бы вы популяризировали чьё-то мнение, либо хотя бы аргументировали своё. Но вы просто пишете что-то, лишь бы написать, абсолютно неаргументированное, абсолютно ничего не значащее субъективное мнение о будущем. Причём о будущем, как я понимаю, через месяца 2-4. Задумайтесь о карьере президента россии.
@@frahtauenta я всегда все пишу с аргументами, я бы тебе прислал бы аргумент, но как ты знаешь в ютубе нельзя выложить фото. Вы просто слепы и не видите моих прошлых сообщений, где я писал с аргументами. Вам бы лишь до меня доебаться и все.
@@frahtauenta через 2-3 месяца говоришь? Вы также и про Селидово говорили и про новогродовку. Это все будет происходить быстро. И в качестве моего доказательства будет сводки автора этого канала. Ты сам видишь на этом видео быстрые продвижения рф. Ну и зачем мне задумываться о карьере Путина? С его карьерой все отлично будет и я в этом уверен
@@Hohol_HATER "Вы посмотрите, вы увидите, это будет" - не аргумент, а тем более не доказательство. Вы не живёте в будущем. Поэтому по какой логике вы можете говорить про то, что будет в будущем, а может и не будет, как о действительном и правдивом, я не знаю. Продвижения РФ сейчас это результат двух с половиной лет тяжёлого локационного боя на истощение. Украина на некоторых направлениях этот бой не выдерживает, поэтому отходит, принимает бой на городской местности и закрепляется за ней как можно сильнее. Посмотрите на Купянск, Бахмут, Северодонецк/Лисичанск. Россия не может захватить Купянск. Россия не может захватить Часов Яр. Россия не может продвинуться под Лисичанском и Кременной.
Day 7 of thanking balkan mapper for his efforts
Тяни-толкай продолжается. Какими не были бы тактические успехи на региональном уровне, в стратегическую победу это не перейдёт. Даже если падёт линия северск-славянск-краматорск, это будет успех регионального масштаба, который не позволит добиться полной победы над противником, а до взятия этих крепостей любые успехи будут казаться ограниченными даже в этих масштабах. Короче говоря, особого оптимизма я так и не испытываю.
ну что бы сделать контрл ц контрл в поста стрелкова ума много не надо
это потому что ты каклобот всего-навсего)
@@petrovich_228 а вот забавно, да? Человек несколько лет назад выражал своё мнение, а оно актуально и сейчас.
@@molotok1726 ну вообще-то нет, это потому что ты недалёкий и не можешь оспорить аргументацию, вот и всё)
Славянск Краматорск Дружковка,самые крупные и последние фортеци на ДНР,при взятии даже часика нам это обеспечить крупную перемогу и попытки прощупывания обороны на этих направлениях.Однако даже до взятия часика нам ещё далеко)))
Балкан маппер, если это возможно, не мог бы ты на карте нарисовать местоположения траншей и укрепрайонов, а то карты выглядят как-то пусто
That information is barely available anywhere, and even if it were. Why spread it around?
The end is near.
Zelensky : « Victory Plan has no strategical importance »
Kyiv dosen't have any stratigical importance
Putin: we are fighting nasists
Meanwhile: Putin acting exactly like mustache man
@@bluebanditesвоенная техника ВСУ с крестами горит также, как горела во Вторую Мировую войну.
@shadowbear2595 "Russian economy will collapse in a month"
@cyrusmenzies179How dare you insult Putin's favourite dictator with a German profile picture,comrade
Хорошо продвигаемся
Where are all the people who shouted that Russia would not return Kursk?🤣🤣
But Russia did not return Kursk yet
@@athemorph6435а когда Украина взяла курск??? Напомни дату
@@athemorph6435they returned about half of it, & Korea will help return the other half. No big deal.
@@Alien_isolationistno big deal? Russia put the deadline on October 31
They failed
And now are relaying on nk troops since they are suffering tremendous losses
Grandes avances 👊🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺👊🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺💪🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺 sigan adelante ejército Rojo ,Viva la URSS, Viva RUSIA🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺
First holy 15 secs ago is wild
damn, didn't get a chance to say Selydove was strategically unimportant, maybe another time
Thank you! And how it is in Kursk going?
Day 600 of waiting for JehanDesains to admit Ukrainian casualties
Day 977 of waiting for Russian bots to realise their questions have already been answerred.
@@jehandesains8674 how many Ukrainian casualties?
@@mjolnir4639 I already stated the number multiple times. When there's a new estimate, I'll update it. Your refusal to listen is your problem.
@@jehandesains8674 name one time you have stated the number
@@jehandesains8674 when???
Free Ukrainian-People from Israeli-Actor:Comedian-Zelinisky 😮
Hello Balkan Mapping! First, thank you very much for your years long work! Second, I want to ask you, because Russia is now advancing really fast, and will advance only faster, why dont you bring back Donbass map from 2022. on which you will show village/town/city that is captured by Russia on that day?
It's SelidOVER
0:56 wait Russia can do what?
Traduza .....
С пасиба за лайки дайте еше лайки
We are entering beginning of the end
Again? How many times do we have to go through the beginning to get to the end?
@@jehandesains8674 Guess that untill 2026 at least.
Slava 🇷🇺
day 298 of thanking Balkan mapper for his efforts
Армянский маршал танков Бабаджанян
Shout out to my Island friend for being to lazy to even steal my identity properly lmao
he stole mine for a moment too, he really isn't good at it
@@Icelandicmaster00 speak Croatian then
Glory to Palau 🇵🇼
No, Trinidad is the best❤🇹🇹
Kiribati 🇰🇮 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼 VERI PAWEFOOL CUNTRIE 🇰🇮🇰🇮🇰🇮
Slava Fiji 🇫🇯🇫🇯🇫🇯🇫🇯
Lots of advances today. I hope any civilians who are affected are safe.
Don't try to insult me in the replies.
@@tilqibiumplays6325uhh no one would do that
We can expect Zelenskies visit of Pokrovsk and soon after that it will be liberated by Russia, than Zelensky will beg for more money 😂
Selidovo is not important!!!
Selydove has fallen, thousands must retreat
Ukraine is whinning!
Dont give up Ukraine we are almost done with the presidential elections
Makes no difference
@@fred4687 u dont know notin
@@bluebandites What do you think that you know?
@@fred4687 much more than u
U probably believe that if kamala is elected it wont change the situation in Ukraine
🇷🇺 💪 Z
Fascists aren't strong.
They're just like bullies in school who haven't learned to behave like human beings yet.
Z = Hakenkreuz
Ukrainian losses in the Kursk Oblast incursion according to the Russian MInistry of Defence:
27 150 troops
177 tanks
97 infantry fighting vehicles
106 armoured personnel carriers
1 014 armoured fighting vehicles
693 motor vehicles
229 artillery guns
40 multiple rocket launchers
9 anti aircraft launchers
7 transport and loading vehicles
57 EW stations
11 counter-battery warfare radars
3 air defence radars
22 pieces of engineering and other equipment
How many dead Russians do you think?
@@Kevik70 40-90
@@Mike2-fk6ip Thousand? In just kursk?
@@Kevik70He didn't say thousands.
@NATO_Hater Oh, I noticed. I like getting him to say ridiculously low and impossible numbers. Many of your fellow Russians are dying every day for Putin's mistakes.
I2 of I9 (45-48) Oleg Tatarov, the deputy head of the presidential administration, who appeared in more than ten corruption stories and was repeatedly detained by law enforcement agencies, will remain in his post. Answering a journalist's question, which was not asked according to the script, at a press conference, President Zelensky, embarrassed, angrily said: "Tatarov killed Chechens in Kiev when journalists were leaving the city. Isn't that enough? Or should I remove him from office? What if the Russians kill him then?" But before that, no one had heard about how Tatarov, who had become rich by millions (or maybe even tens of millions) of dollars, ran around the city with a machine gun at the ready in search of Chechens and why would the Kremlin's hand want to swat Tatarov after he was fired? Therefore, he will continue to engage in land, construction and money frauds with people in power. In addition, he is the owner of the Credence law firm, which successfully defends the defendants in the NABU corruption cases, some court proceedings are related to Tatarov himself and his partners from the past. Thanks to the Zelensky government, which helped with the change of prosecutors! Moreover, Zelensky and his party, who, thanks to Vladimir's acting skills and his unfulfilled promises, have a majority in parliament, have managed to take law enforcement and judicial authorities into their own hands, violating the Constitution of Ukraine. With the help of the approved article 106, Zelensky illegally established control over the NABU (National Anti-Corruption Bureau) and the GBR (State Bureau of Investigation), replacing their directors with people from his party. The Cabinet of Ministers, on his instructions, approved a bill according to which the head of NABU, who is objectionable to the president, can be dismissed. Article 106 allowed the President to give direct instructions to the staff of the SBU (Security Service of Ukraine). According to the next draft law No. 1014, Zelensky is additionally granted the right to create some regulatory bodies. Such actions lead to the concentration of power and the leveling of guarantees, human rights and freedoms. Violating the law, Zelensky dismissed the chairman of the Constitutional Court, Alexander Tupitsky. Judges of the Constitutional Court are no longer guaranteed independence and inviolability - Zelensky has submitted to the Verkhovna Rada a bill abolishing the powers of all judges of the Constitutional Court and repealing amendments to the law "On the Prevention of Corruption". Violating the law, he shamelessly imposes personal sanctions against opposition deputies through the RNBO body (the coordinating body for national security and defense under the president, turned into a quasi-judicial body), which he endowed with illegal powers. The law, which made it possible to have dual and triple citizenship in Ukraine, simplifies the acquisition of land and critically important enterprises for the country by foreigners. At the height of the 2021 pandemic, mandatory vaccination was carried out in the country, while the president's anti-people's party, Servant of the People, abolished any responsibility for low-quality vaccine and its use by doctors. Traffic cops accidentally managed to detain a Renault Master truck driver on the road, who was involved in an accident in the center of Nikolaev. Which, most likely, transported 2.5 tons of carcasses of homeless, shot sick dogs in freezers for processing to food factories. Dogs are not eaten here, however, without receiving high salaries, Ukrainians will buy any cheap sausage. Unemployment benefits in Europe are generally higher than the average salary in Ukraine. During the two years of the full-scale war in Ukraine, 874 criminal cases related to humanitarian aid and charitable donations were initiated. Up to 50% of the foreign humanitarian aid entering the country is stolen. Residents of my and neighboring dormitories, where internally displaced persons live, were repeatedly forcibly sent to unload trucks with food, microwave ovens, folding beds, bed linen and mattresses, hygiene products and household chemicals, and so on. In gratitude for the help, people were promised that they would not be evicted in the long term (since, violating the law, no one in Ukraine enters into a residence agreement with internally displaced persons, after which they will lose the right to evict refugees from their rooms or their own houses and apartments, unfortunately, not everyone will be able to pay for accommodation, prices everything is growing in the country). But all that is distributed to refugees in dormitories are small bags of food, the rest the management decided to keep for themselves. By the end of 2024, the number of refugees had increased, and the dormitories were overcrowded, so the commandants are trying to evict the most problematic people in order to populate the vacated rooms with more adequate people. Tenants meanly, sometimes by deception, survive the neighbors on the floor in order to move relatives and friends into the vacated rooms. There are a lot of dishonest people around. For example, our family of three, retired parents and me, their son, have four refilled SIM cards. Even if one of us changes the phone number, fraudsters from call centers calculate our mobile numbers and who they belong to in a short time, after which fraudsters from the office call us to our active numbers several times a week or send messages, responding to which people risk losing all the money from their bank. After the new government stopped fighting with call centers that make calls around the world in 2014, their number is growing annually and already exceeds 2,000. Now every Ukrainian family risks becoming their victim through their own negligence. The West of Ukraine does not sympathize with the inhabitants of the East, but gloats over them, because it understands that most of them adhere to pro-Russian views. They want their lands back for the sake of satisfying their pride. Corporations, to which, after signing the contract, Zelensky promised to give a significant part of the lands of Eastern Ukraine in case of victory, are interested in the complete destruction of cities so that no one prevents them from owning land and turning the east into desolate wastelands suitable only for the extraction of natural resources. If earlier the severe consequences of shale gas extraction stopped its production near Kharkov: reservoirs contaminated with toxic waste, dying cattle, propane gas in the water, which easily ignites water from the kitchen faucet, and severe diseases in humans. Then, after the war, the deserted, purposefully destroyed cities will become very useful for "gas producing" companies. Cities with multi-storey buildings are purposefully turning into fortresses. In 2024, the amount of losses inflicted on Ukraine's infrastructure exceeded $ 200 billion. Millions of people were left homeless - their homes were destroyed. Instead of seeking negotiations, Zelensky is leading the country to escalate the conflict. During the election campaign, Vladimir Zelensky promised that he would resign if he could not put an end to the military conflict, and after becoming president, he changed his rhetoric and said that until this war ended, he would remain in office, he banned the holding of parliamentary and presidential elections in wartime and He does not intend to agree to a counter-discussion of the proposed peace talks in the Kremlin. Only those who are not afraid that the war will affect them want it to continue. Zelensky is not sorry to sacrifice the population of Ukraine for the sake of continuing the military conflict, during filming he said: "If the borders are open to men, then most will leave the country and there will be no one to protect it, moreover, now many relatives of men want to stay in Ukraine, they will become a human shield for the state that exists under massive shelling. If Putin does not kill hundreds of thousands of civilians, we will not be able to call him Hitler, our task is to show who he is!" In order to keep up with the plan and as quickly as possible, violating the laws, to issue documents for sending people to war against their will, since 2024, many military enlistment offices and the military medical commission have been working around the clock. Numerous reinforced checkpoints have been established along the roads leading from the cities where the fighting is taking place, one of the tasks of which is to identify and select men leaving the city who are fit for military service or who have not updated their data in a timely manner in the military registration document. They are taken to military enlistment offices, where they are quickly recognized as fit for service and all necessary documents are processed. Similar cases of "trapping" and sending people to war regularly occur throughout Ukraine. Employees of the military enlistment office earn millions from bribes from people who paid to be allowed to go home. Today, the United States controls most of the processes and is being introduced into new areas of activity in Ukraine, when even in peacetime politicians were accused of violating the independence of the state for any ties with Russia and its influence on the country. Public organizations, sociological centers and political institutions engaged in surveys, public opinion research, analysis of electoral processes and the structure of policy formation in Ukraine, a significant part of which are funded by foreign partners, receive foreign grants and are direct representatives of "donor institutions" from the United States, Germany, England and other countries. They received from our state a 100% "reservation" from mobilization for all their employees. Unfortunately, Ukraine has long lost its independence.
I4 of I9 (53-56) Unfortunately, the collective West and the Ukrainian government are not on the side of Ukrainians suffering from a protracted war. Instead of the proposed peace in March 2022, they continue their stubborn struggle, depriving millions of people of their homes and property as a result of military actions aimed at reclaiming lands whose inhabitants have long lost the desire to return to impoverished Ukraine, especially at the cost of a devastating war. By repeatedly refusing to agree to the negotiations proposed by the Kremlin, Ukraine has been turned into a military state, ready to end the war only on terms dictated by pro-Western patrons. The war in Ukraine can only continue thanks to foreign support, our country is bankrupt. Despite the support of the allies, the chosen military path leads only to the loss of new territories. Ukraine bears no less blame for this war, which everyone is trying to hide. After the coup in 2014, the new government, instead of ending the conflict with the Russian Federation and ending the shelling of Donbass by 2015, violated the peaceful (signed) condition of the non-aligned status of the Ukrainian state by adopting a law on integration into NATO, placing 12 secret CIA military bases near Russia (which was confirmed by "New York the Times") and the beginning of the construction of two official naval bases belonging to the United Kingdom. In February 2022, the Russian Federation was forced to launch a special military operation to replace or force the Ukrainian government to stop regular artillery shelling of the autonomous Donbass, force Ukraine to recognize the autonomy of the separated regions of Ukraine and resume the nuclear-free non-aligned status of the Ukrainian state, which prohibits the deployment of foreign military bases and attempts to join NATO. To resolve the issue of the integration of the Crimean Peninsula into the Russian Federation. Unlike Russia, the Ukrainian side is turning cities into battle fortresses filled with soldiers, heavy equipment and firing points. In order to create a human shield from cities that are regularly subjected to massive shelling and prevent their capture in record time, the Ukrainian authorities do not carry out timely mass evacuation of the population, and volunteer carriers charge up to 1,000 euros per person to take them out of the war zone along with their property. In other words, people who receive low salaries, which do not allow them to buy a car, will have to pay for departure an amount exceeding their half-year earnings. Or vice versa, people register in cities close to their capture by the Russian army in order to be able to legally survive the fighting in their new place of residence and be on the other side in order to receive significant monetary compensation and Russian citizenship. In desperation, some people are fleeing Ukraine along the borders with Russia and Belarus through minefields. Most of the relatives of the eastern part of the Ukrainian population live in the Russian Federation. Any utilities in Russia are several times cheaper than ours, and the income level of the population exceeds ours by 4 times. There is no money in Ukraine even to help internally displaced persons reduce the interest rate on housing purchased on credit. For the same reason, secondary education in schools wants to be transferred to a fee-based basis. Students will also have to forget about preferential study programs. Despite the ban on renouncing Ukrainian citizenship, hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians continue to apply for its deprivation. Things are so bad in Ukraine that the majority of the population is forbidden to leave the state, otherwise more than half of the population would have left the country long ago. Even if your salary is slightly higher than the minimum, you will not have enough money for food and medicine. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, unemployment has been observed in Ukraine, unfortunately, the demand in the labor market is growing only for those jobs where the employer agrees to pay wages below the minimum. The western part of Ukraine is predominantly Ukrainian-speaking, but Russian is significantly predominant in the center and east of Ukraine. The state is struggling with the Russian-speaking population, which significantly exceeds the population of Ukraine. Any service sector, regardless of the form of ownership, is obliged to switch to the Ukrainian language, innovations relate to communication with customers, information indicated on menus and tickets, price tags and signage. The law obliges employees and representatives of catering establishments, hairdressers, taxis, supermarkets, beauty salons and even online stores to speak the official language. Now, only those who speak Ukrainian well are appointed to important posts. "Language inspections" have been established in the country to check educational, entertainment and commercial institutions, as well as in all retail outlets of the country it is necessary to speak Ukrainian, there are no more Russian-speaking schools or cafes in Ukraine. All signs, signs and posters in Russian are checked and, under threat of a fine, must be replaced with text in Ukrainian and English. The Inspectorate also applies fines and dismissal from work to Russian-speaking working Ukrainians. Penalties for the primary violation of the law by an official correspond to a fine in the amount of 3,400 to 8,500 hryvnia (which exceeds the minimum wage). For repeated use of the non-Ukrainian language during the year, a fine in the amount of 8,500 to 11,900 hryvnia is threatened. Russian speakers are unfairly accused of separatism and collaboration, and this is 10-15 years with confiscation of property. The population of Western Ukraine demands that Russian-speaking Ukrainians who do not want to switch to Ukrainian leave the country. Russian-speaking internally displaced persons are forced to learn Ukrainian and communicate in it. Any criticism of the government is expressed only in a narrow circle of communication. Any step to the left is punishable by imprisonment. Hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians are dying in the war, and no one wants to fight anymore. Motivated, trained units have become scarce. Russian speakers are primarily sent to the zero line of defense, leaving behind protective detachments, soldiers there usually die in the first days. Poor health will no longer allow you to avoid conscription, almost everyone is recognized as fit for service. Even if you have updated your military documents and you have been declared unfit for military service, there is still a risk of being caught on the street and sent to the front or to the military enlistment office to double-check your data. Employees of the territorial recruitment center do not even hesitate to stop and deliver drivers of passenger buses and trucks to military enlistment offices, leaving passengers and valuable goods in the middle of the road. If you resist mobilization, avoid visiting the military enlistment office, the authorities will take all your property and put you in jail. Huge fines are waiting for you. I don't want to write any more about the new anti-human laws and regulations that are being created in Ukraine, trying to keep up with the trend of their tightening. Corrupt deputies from the ruling Servant of the People party become immeasurably rich, acquiring luxurious mansions both in Ukraine and abroad, they expand their business while in power. All that is required of them is to support the agitation for war. Before they joined the party, their fortune was much smaller. The number of millionaire officials is growing. Ostap Drozdov The Ukrainian journalist and patriot stated: "The model of a one-person, one-party government has taken root in our state. Unfortunately, there has been a usurpation of power. There is not a single institution that does not obey a single center of government. What difference does it make who will be appointed to this position, because all the places belong to a single decision-making center. The President calls on one phone and gives orders to law enforcement, judicial and other special bodies. Not a single minister has reported on his activities. The logic of the authorities is as follows: do what you want, looting or work, we are passing through here, the time will come - you will quietly leave and find yourself "offshore", for example in Britain, removed from military registration. Another person from Zelensky's inner circle will be appointed to the vacant place. All industries are controlled by the Office of the President." For any country aspiring to democracy, such statements would be a real nightmare. After the organized Maidan in 2014, Ukraine lost its independence. Those present at the Maidan protests were paid an average of 400 hryvnia per day and provided with free meals, when the minimum wage at that time was 1300 hryvnia. US Treasury Secretary Paul Henry O'Neill even wrote an open letter to Ukrainians: "What you call the Maidan was an undisguised American invasion carried out with the help of non-governmental organizations, intelligence services, American mercenaries and EU representatives. US Deputy Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Victoria Nuland has repeatedly confirmed that the United States has spent a total of about $ 5 billion on regime change in Ukraine, and in fact - to plunge Ukraine into chaos. The European Union is a representation of Western oligarchs represented by German financiers, created so that the United States could control the economy of the whole of Europe. It was established that your former Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk transferred your country's gold to the United States as compensation for their investments in the coup." I assure you, he is 100% right. But, just don't think that I am an agent of the Kremlin, I am a victim of the war in Ukraine, which is tired of pro-Western propaganda.
to be honest if Russia doesnt take control over Kherson region and Odesa this whole war wil be their defeat regardless of all the gains on the groud on all other fronts
Le plan de victoire se passe comme prévu, direction, fuite vers kiev 😂😂😂😂
Mehr so: Der Siegesplan läuft wie geplant, Richtung, Flucht nach Moskau.
Просто не позорься @@KarafutodoPrefecture
Seems that today there are far more Russian bots than usual today.
I agree with you
Seems Ukrainian bot find this video
Зеленский, ну и где же твой хвалёный план перемоги?😂😂😂
Обещал контрнаступ в 2025
Son plan de raquette marche pas si mal, après 400 millions de dollars des usa 😂😂😂😂😂
@@anonymuz796 во время которого продвинется на 5-6 см
@@arnaudyao6368 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Liberated* Not fallen
I predicted that sols rng update would drop once selydove fell, but it didn't drop
i see a future gambler
Glory Grusia from Russia 🇬🇪
Russia has captured so many settlements this year I’ve given up on counting them all 😭😭😭 I used to have a list
watch dexter morgan
Borzzikman already broadcasted that Selidovo is liberated.
Ukraine defense is absolutely collapsing
Христофор Колумб
Мда походу уже всем ясно становится что, России все равно придется одать ,3 области,ну потому что уже сил нету у Украины,каждый день они теряют по несколько километров на разных участках,вот уже Селидово освобождено,а они красуются то что якобы освободили не счастный город поселочного типа,ды России уже таких городов за этот год, освободили очень много,слава России победа будет за нами 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺
Получить 4 области ценой стольких потерь... Это слишком мало. Нет смысла заключать мир на условиях России без Одесской, Николаевской, Днепропетровской, Харьковской и Сумской областей
@@doshik8614поддерживаю 🤝🏻
@@doshik8614ну тогда война будет до 2100 года с потерями масштаба 2 мировой
@@doshik8614чернигов тоже
from crimea to the black sea,russia will win 💪🇷🇺🤜🇺🇦🏳🌈🏳🌈🏳️⚧️
Kemenangan king Rusia sudah semakin nampak di depan mata Uraaaaa😅
I5 of I9 (57-60) Here's what former U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry O'Neill thinks about Ukraine after the Maidan: "Ministers from other countries dominate Ukrainians. The President and the Prime Minister hired United States officials to run the state apparatus. This is not the first time that the outskirts of Russia have been used by America for subversive activities. And you, Ukrainians, have become a means to achieve their next goal. You are at the tail end of a long queue of those who want to integrate into the EU in order to endlessly fulfill the requirements that make this integration impossible. Our European governments use the EU as an excuse for unpopular measures. Nation-states are subject to the decisions of the EU administration, so the United States can influence the whole of Europe more effectively and more easily than it can influence sovereign states. You will have to return the money spent and stolen by the new government for the rest of your life. And now the IMF is coming and pushing Ukraine to get one loan after another, forcing it to take draconian anti-social measures that will simply strangle people. Industry, land and raw materials are sold or transferred to American investors so that you Ukrainians no longer own anything in your country. Your precious fertile fields, chernozems, agriculture - everything has already been sold, and you have nothing else. Now your presidents are puppets of the United States, who do not care about your country's economy, they are not interested in ending the war. Your new president has decided to make the inhabitants of these territories poor and homeless in order to turn the east of Ukraine into a springboard for the war against Russia." No matter what they tell you, the east of Ukraine has always wanted to become part of the Russian Federation, its political views do not coincide with the western part of the state. The autonomous Donbass, which separated due to political views and the need for partnership with Russia, waited for eight years for Ukraine to stop shelling its lands and change its course to peaceful coexistence, but the opposite happened. Only a corrupt government can sever its relations with the Russian Empire, which supplies cheap gas and oil. Having lived for the last ten years on the demarcation line between the controlled and uncontrolled territories of Ukraine, I hoped that the Ukrainian side would allow the Autonomous Republic of Crimea to join the Russian Federation and stop any shelling towards the two newly formed republics (DPR and LPR), this was the only way to achieve peace, but Westerners wanted war and the return of all their lands Back. Unlike the population of the east, they do not care how much destruction and grief the war taking place in the eastern regions of the country will bring. A few weeks after the forced start of a special military operation, on March 29, 2022, Boris Johnson arrived in Ukraine and forbade Zelensky to agree to sign peace agreements between the Russian and Ukrainian contact groups on favorable terms for Ukraine. Therefore, now Ukraine continues to lose its territories, hundreds of thousands died in the war, millions were left homeless, entire cities are turning into ruins. The east of Ukraine, directly affected by the war, continues to hope that the Ukrainian government will soon agree to peace talks, repeatedly proposed by the Kremlin. If Ukraine does not agree to negotiations with the Russian Federation with the cession of part of the land until it finally weakens, then Russia will no longer negotiate until it regains a significant part of the territories of the Ukrainian state. If the Kremlin implements all its goals, then all Russian-speaking Ukrainian cities that do not want to integrate into the EU will come under the patronage of the Russian Federation. Therefore, the American leadership is forcing Ukraine to mobilize as many people as possible for the war. For each person sent to war, the staff of the military enlistment office, in addition to bonuses and salaries, receive from $ 1,000 to $ 15,000 per group. For half of the population, $1,000 is their six-month earnings. Men are bombarded with summonses to the military enlistment office, forcibly handed summonses on the street. The medical commission at the military enlistment office is trying to recognize everyone fit for duty, men are caught on the streets and roads to be forcibly taken to military enlistment offices, where they are issued for military service or forced to sign a consent to voluntary service in the army, for example, in assault detachments. At best, they will check their military documents and may issue a fine for late updating of military registration data, which should be carried out regularly, and send them to the Military Medical Commission. All the men were even banned from leaving the country so that they could not escape. According to the CIA report for 2024, Ukraine ranked first in the world in terms of mortality and last in terms of fertility. Some men pay tens of thousands of dollars for the opportunity to leave the country, risking going to prison for 8 years for illegally crossing the border. Rich or influential people find a way for themselves and their loved ones to legally leave the state. Due to the fault of Ukrainian propaganda, other, less successful men are considered traitors and deviators. The top leadership instructed the border guards to open fire to kill anyone who tries to illegally escape from Ukraine to neighboring countries. Most people are fleeing not from war, but from squalor, unemployment, low wages, high taxes, corruption and inhumane laws. Despite the hundred billion tranches, the country's economy has been inexorably going downhill since 2014. At the end of 2024, the ruling Servant of the People party raised money from urban communities for its own enrichment. Therefore, now the communities do not have money to purchase combat drones for soldiers, instead of fifty thousand, they were able to purchase only 50 pieces. Now soldiers and volunteers have to compensate for the lack of funding with donations from the public. You won't hear about it in the media, soldiers and volunteers complain that during the first two years of the war, with the help of the head of the office of President Ermak, 2 billion hryvnias ($50 million) were stolen from communities. The main thing for Zelensky and his team is not victory, but their own enrichment. After they came to power, money is regularly withdrawn from city budgets. But the main way of enrichment was the theft of international aid provided to Ukraine and exceeding $ 200 billion, 160 of which were allocated as a loan, which will have to be repaid with interest. Zelensky surrounded himself with thieves and looters, the main thing for him is the full support of his policies, not the professionalism of high-ranking officials. He banned any elections in the country, and a criminal article is provided for dissent. Nowadays, after the overthrow of Yanukovych and his government, if anyone tries to hold a rally on Independence Square (Maidan), they will be immediately detained and imprisoned on charges of having ties to the Kremlin. Public disagreement and dissent are punishable by criminal liability. At the same time, they say on TV that there was no freedom of speech under Yanukovych, but now there is. Due to large-scale corruption, Western partners no longer want to allocate money for social assistance, more and more finances are allocated only to support the fighting, thanks to the uncompromising war, Zelensky suits the American leadership, which allows him to remain in power. After the reduction of social benefits, the number of poor Ukrainians is growing, dying of hunger and disease, who do not have the means to buy food, medicine and heating in their room. If the Western leadership had lifted the prohibitions for Ukraine to strike deep into Russian territory using long-range weapons, the conflict would have escalated, after which the Russians began bombing bridges and power plants throughout Ukraine. Ukraine lost transport links both within the country and with neighboring countries, there was no electricity, trade and business stopped. All entrepreneurs left Ukraine to create a new business abroad, taking with them all valuable equipment from factories and enterprises. Foreign partners would lose commercial interest in the country and stop supporting it, which would lead to a quick loss in the war. This outcome of the war will not suit America. The main goal of the United States and the collective West is a long-term military conflict aimed at dividing the Russian Federation into small states and seizing its natural resources worth trillions of dollars by replacing the government with European representatives. For the Kremlin, the main reason for the military confrontation is the cessation of NATO's expansion to the east, Russia will not tolerate its territory being surrounded by enemy missile launchers. Since 2014, the new government has abandoned partnerships and agreements with Russia and set a course for joining NATO, as well as allowed the deployment of foreign military bases near the borders with the Russian Federation, provoking a conflict with its neighbor. Abandoning a neutral independent state and joining NATO is more important for our Government than the well-being of those 25 million Ukrainians who have not yet been able to leave the country. The struggle for ideology continues to rage inside our state. The West of Ukraine legally forces the east of Ukraine to switch to the customs, beliefs, culture, faith and language of Western Ukraine. The predominant population of Russian-speaking Ukrainians is not to be envied. It is even forbidden by law to visit the UOC church, all churches and temples of the UOC popular among residents of Eastern Ukraine have been closed or taken away. Ukraine is destroying itself from the inside.
The thunder coming from west hurra
Еврей !!
Ukrainian territory occupied by Russia, per month, according to DeepStateMAP:
24 February 2022: 46.937 km² (start war)
3 April 2022: 110.802 km² (start recordkeeping) (+63.865 km²)
1 May 2022: 124.835 km² (+14.033 km²)
1 June 2022: 122.760 km² (-2.075 km²)
1 July 2022: 123.034 km² (+274 km²)
1 August 2022: 124.798 (+1.764 km²)
1 September 2022: 125.115 km² (+317 km²)
1 October 2022: 115.548 km² (-9.567 km²)
1 November 2022: 113.225 (-2.323 km²)
1 December 2022: 108.513 km² (-4.712 km²)
1 January 2023: 108.702 km² (+189 km²)
2 February 2023: 108.932 km² (+230 km²)
1 March 2023: 109.096 km² (+164 km²)
1 April 2023: 109.181 km² (+85 km²)
8 May 2023: 109.227 km² (+46 km²)
1 June 2023: 109.220 km² (-7 km²)
1 July 2023: 108.907 km² (-313 km²)
1 August 2023: 108.821 km² (-86 km²)
1 September 2023: 108.586 km² (-235 km²)
1 October 2023: 108.406 km² (-180 km²)
1 November 2023: 108.415 km² (+9 km²)
1 December 2023: 108.452 km² (+37 km²)
1 January 2024: 108.516 km² (+64 km²)
1 February 2024: 108.556 km² (+40 km²)
1 March 2024: 108.679 km² (+123 km²)
2 April 2024: 108.714 km² (+35 km²)
2 May 2024: 108.855 km² (+141 km²)
1 June 2024: 109.157 km² (+302 km²)
1 July 2024: 109.272 km² (+115 km²)
1 August 2024: 109.455 km² (+183 km²)
1 September 2024: 109.815 km² (+360 km²)
1 October 2024: 110.221 km² (+406 km²)
26 October 2024: 110.567 km² (+346 km²)
Does this include the 60 sq km taken today???? If not then they've exceeded last month, what a surprise, I thought they wouldn't exceed last month...
@@TexanIndependence the dates are in the comment. As of the last update I received, they haven't exceeded it yet, but with 4 days to go, it's highly likely they'll exceed last month's gains. But also last month's losses.
200 sq km last week :D
Слава России