Tuesday, August 13, 2024

  • Опубликовано: 12 сен 2024

Комментарии • 52

  • @garthflores2041
    @garthflores2041 29 дней назад

    Thanks for discussing this Dr Mohler.

  • @bertbinion7420
    @bertbinion7420 Месяц назад +3

    The Democratic Party is has moved hard left. The Republican Party is drifting left. If the Republican Party loses the presidency in November it well almost certainly drift farther left in 2028. Politicians tend to align their policies with what they perceive will get them elected.

  • @dalepxp8963
    @dalepxp8963 Месяц назад +2

    If harrris wins there will never ever be a Conservative Party Again. Or, democrat or that matter. The world will enter the very final days.

  • @tammyarneson7032
    @tammyarneson7032 Месяц назад +8

    Not voting is voting. You can’t justify it.

    • @Bibletalk-Ministries
      @Bibletalk-Ministries Месяц назад

      Sure I can I’m not voting for a pro death candidate nor can I vote for a antichrist candidate

  • @Mrmarina333
    @Mrmarina333 Месяц назад

    It can be as simple as being a good citizen by voting for and being a good example of what’s most biblically moral and excellent.

  • @tlotlisomphuthi1103
    @tlotlisomphuthi1103 Месяц назад +6

    It's clear for me that America is in trouble... You have Kamala Haris as the worst and Donald Trump as a better worse. This is evident when it comes to pro-life sentiments and morality! We will continue praying for you!
    From South Africa

    • @williamtoney2599
      @williamtoney2599 Месяц назад

      Unfortunately We’re voting for the lesser of two evils. People have to remember that we’re not voting for the person, but the party they represent. Which party comes closest to the biblical idea of government? That’s the question. Which party comes closest to protecting the innocent and punishing evil doers? It’s definitely not the democrats, ESPECIALLY the progressives. God help us….🙏

  • @ErskinMusic
    @ErskinMusic 23 дня назад

    Good job discussing the issues and at least being honest about the moral consistency of voting conscience as a write- in or non-voting Christian. Its not a popular position nor will it be a majority opinion but it does fit within the framework of informed Christian conviction.

  • @JollyHearth
    @JollyHearth Месяц назад

    Its disappointing that "Never Ever" is rationalized into "Twice is Fine" by Dr. Mohler.

  • @dalepxp8963
    @dalepxp8963 Месяц назад +1

    A no vote for either side, well that’s a vote for harrris

  • @TheSethOlson
    @TheSethOlson Месяц назад +4

    Hello Dr. Mohler. How do you defend supporting Trump via pointing out Pro Life and Pro gay marriage sentiments from the left… while Trump has completely folded on these arguments.
    They took out pro life language out of their stance and they do not hold marriage in a similar manner that you do here in this episode.
    It seems as though it’s impossible to use these arguments while defending a man who also does not support and in fact makes these issues worse

  • @tammyarneson7032
    @tammyarneson7032 Месяц назад +3

    When I hear Albert Mohler and my fellow believers talk about how bad Trump is etc - I think self righteous people.

    • @pamwiley8288
      @pamwiley8288 Месяц назад +6

      I didn't hear him say that. But he's not going to lie about Trump. Trump has not led a life above reproach. In a country with over 300 million, we should have better choices in candidates. But no one is good, no, not one. We are all sinners.

    • @tammyarneson7032
      @tammyarneson7032 Месяц назад +1

      @@pamwiley8288 I agree. I know all about Trump and believe he has strived to improve. Like you said no one is good - we are all sinners - and there should be better candidates. To me it isn’t about Trump - it is about what he represents. What he represents is why both parties hate him.

    • @tlotlisomphuthi1103
      @tlotlisomphuthi1103 Месяц назад

      @@tammyarneson7032 I think he balanced things out saying he is a better "bad"

    • @falcon5467
      @falcon5467 Месяц назад

      The current makeup of the Republican Party is a result of the radicalization of the Democratic Party. If there had never been a Barack Obama presidency there, in all likelihood, never have been a Donald Trump presidency. Republicans can no longer be a party of country club cocktail party traditionalists while Marxist extremism is destroying the foundational aspects of our society. This is a war for the soul of America and it requires courageous combative spirit, not hand-wringing pacifism.

    • @TheSethOlson
      @TheSethOlson Месяц назад

      @@tammyarneson7032the Republican Party loves him. He took the party over and it is now his.
      Moderates and Democrats hate him. Republicans like Ted Cruz have fully bent the knee

  • @aaroncox-sg4nj
    @aaroncox-sg4nj 29 дней назад

    I respect Dr. Mohler and think his decision to vote Trump on the basis of policy is defensible. But his mealy-mouthed discussion of Trump's moral failings highlights another danger of a Trump presidency: Christian leaders are diluting and contorting their own discussions of morality to justify Donald Trump.
    The only criticisms of Trump's character Mohler offers are that he is "a lot of mess" and his life is "incomprehensible." If anyone else cheated on multiple wives, bragged about assaulting women, mocked the disabled, constantly lied about things big and small, and did all of this while half-heartedly adopting the veneer of representing Christianity in order to reap political gain, Mohler would have no trouble condemning them in very clear and strong terms. But to protect Trump, Mohler hides behind circuitous language, skirting around the issue, and moral relativism (Biden's plagiarism means he too is just as immoral? Seriously?).
    What's even sadder is that Mohler is one of the Christian leaders who has *least* sold out to Trump. Across the country, pastors and parishioners are reshaping their morality so that Donald Trump can be considered not only acceptable, but virtuous. I fear for what this has done and will continue to do to our churches and our witness. Vote for Trump because of abortion or gender policies if you must. But please do not let that prevent you from being just as direct and clear-eyed about Trump's flaws as you would be with others.

  • @robbower5489
    @robbower5489 28 дней назад

    I’m tired of boomer preachers who think they can psychoanalyze Trump.
    Trump is the perfect candidate, just shut up and admit the truth.

  • @MartinaPaulinodelarosa
    @MartinaPaulinodelarosa 29 дней назад

    Donal tronp derecha 500

  • @FibrenewNWAtlanta
    @FibrenewNWAtlanta Месяц назад

    Well I really like your The Briefing. I have been listening for several months. You typically present clear concise facts that we don’t hear from the mainstream media. So up to today’s briefing I say Bravo! And thank you! Now for today’s 8/13 Briefing you blew it. You have crossed the line. You and I are the same age. I am a born again Christian and recognize your gifts of biblical wisdom and knowledge. You are very persuasive and you should know that. And that’s where you have failed. Regardless of how you couched yourself you have shifted into an Authoritarian position almost demanding that if you don’t vote for Donald Trump you are not a Christian. How dare you assume the position of judge and define conservatives the way you have. You sir have become too big for your britches!

    • @racharooni07
      @racharooni07 29 дней назад

      If a professing Christian chooses to abstain from voting altogether in this upcoming presidential election, I doubt anyone is questioning their salvation...Mr. Mohler included.

  • @aglover12345
    @aglover12345 Месяц назад +4

    These days, I find Christians in general, and Mohler in particular, largely disappointing. All this faux-angsty moral hand wringing is just a way of providing cover for a decision he was already going to make in the first place (i.e., support Donald Trump). Remember when Mohler himself said that support for Trump would "destroy the moral credibility" of evangelical Christians? Well, apparently he doesn't.

    • @racharooni07
      @racharooni07 29 дней назад

      Some evangelical leaders are acknowledging that the "destroy the moral credibility of Christians" talk was a mistake.
      At least Mohler is honest enough to course correct...unlike Russell Moore who imo is a modern day wolf in sheep's clothing.

    @HORSEBITE Месяц назад +1

    He didn't say anything about God's will or being led by the spirit and I wish he would have. When Christians witness, do we want to be associated with Donald Trump. I like Trump's policies but can't accept his behavior. If I vote for him, am I really voting for what I want or what God wants. Not voting is allowing God's will to be done isn't it. Dr D. James Kennedy said that you are either voting for God or yourself. On judgement day I would like to appear before the Lord having tried to do my best as a Christian.

  • @D26996
    @D26996 Месяц назад +4

    What we have heard here is an excellent case for pagan pragmatism NOT principled Biblical Christianity in action on how we vote. (And...God's Word was not referenced once). You are right, Dr. Mohler we are not "voting for a Sunday school teacher" (and the rest that throw out that ridiculous irrational argument). No, we are voting for God's Minister for good (Romans 13).
    As we go bouncing along asking "why are we in this basket and where are we going?", I have to think this situation is intentional by a God whose primary concern is His church. Will that church...the faithful church...make life decisions based upon His Word or the word of men? In voting, for example, will His people vote for the morally insane or the morally corrupt and fiscally insane...OR...will they use the blank paper, called a ballot, to vote as Biblically principled believers? Will His people act as sheepeole and be led and shamed by pagan pragmatism espoused by the RUclips preachers like Webbon, Wilson (who call those who vote on principle "foolish") and now Mohler? It's interesting that people tell me "sometimes we just have to vote for the lessor of two evils." To which as ask..."the operative word is 'evil'..so you think God is ok with deliberately choosing/voting for evil?" Will His people think and act as leaders of their homes using God's Word to help them make decisions in life application? It sure seems like the first option is the flavor of the day. We'll see....and God is watching. Meanwhile, Trump and Biden are two sides of the same coin. Trump and his team mouths support for moral values Christians say they believe in but doesn't live them and has tyrannical ideas in place for our enslavement; Biden's team outwardly encourages the morally insane and also has enslavement in mind for us. Shame on those who vote for either of these people and especially those that encourage that vote and justify that insanity through pragmatism rather than principled Biblical Christianity.

    • @davidcrutchfield138
      @davidcrutchfield138 Месяц назад

      What? You didn’t say one word about keeping our guns! Shame on you! “Come and get them!”

    • @D26996
      @D26996 Месяц назад +1

      @@davidcrutchfield138 Not sure what that has to do with the price of coffee but that's the kind of nonsensical response I usually get. My prayer is the church wakes up, repents, and turns to God's Law/Word...that same Word that led to the bill of rights we/you enjoy including the 2nd one.

    • @aglover12345
      @aglover12345 Месяц назад

      Surprisingly, I agree. You may not be the president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, but your moral and theological clarity put Mohler to shame.

    • @davidcrutchfield138
      @davidcrutchfield138 Месяц назад +1

      @@D26996 thank you for your kind response. I was responding to the frustration that leaps out of your comment. You sound a little like Leonard Ravenhill. The criticism is justified, it’s just not helping as the ship is sinking. The Lord bless you and may He give you a platform where you can bring about reform.

    • @D26996
      @D26996 Месяц назад

      @@davidcrutchfield138 Thank you. Many times people ask (online).."ok..what are you and we to do?" I will not answer that as a blanket response. Most people just want to be told what do so they can get back to their lives and not think about politics (or anything else much outside their immediate lives). There are many reasons for this including how those of us that went to public school were educated..."get in line..follow the rules...study for the test..etc, etc" Very little..if any...logic classes and critical thinking skills in school or church. We seem to be caught in the immediate with no vision for the future. The way out requires a vision. It requires discussion on hard questions with a metaphorical wire brush applied to many aspects of our life as Christians. If we are having this same discussion four years from now (or even two) then we've learned absolutely nothing and deserve what we get as God allows. Take care